.' -5 H ', N 4 r; i 5,, H V ' v ' 1 ? J. S MkV Jeff . Finds JC'I 111... - . ' ' " - fu o oY to rCt, .rlJftv' x HMf ---vvsrasw Our Correspondents 4- J. KANES GREEK ITEMS IIIiiiit lllr.liilHitluun wan n Hub till)' vlNltor 011 Tiicitiliiy. 'I'iiiii NnnlH iiiiiio ilown from Mcdfonl on Tiii'Milay'H train itml lufl tint uninu evitiiliii: for lilit mint) on Kniit'H cnxik, wlilrh Ih provliiK to bu mm of tlto licut i Iiik proiKmltloiiH In IIiIh Hcrtlon. Mr. mill MrH. I,wh unit Mr, unit Mm. Ilyrlii) motored to Mciironl on WVitnrmlii) mill illil uomo trtulliiK with tlio Mi'ilfnnl incrcliantH. Mrii, lllKlnbothitin Hjii'tit u duy n riuitly on (lull crook, fjuost u( rclti liven mill (rlxnilH. PrnfoHsor Hamilton Hpcnt Hundiiy with hiiiuu folk at I.'ukIo I'oliit. "Unnlo" I'oitur. tho wenthnr irouh(it, pivdlctb wnrm wenthur (or Home time. Mr. Hiilhcrttton, who wn hurt Hiimliiy ut "ItoiiKo Ithur" whllo piny Iiik bull, Ih ulinmit fully recovered. Mr itml Mr. Mnrdon nml Mr. and Mm. Tnylor nttomloil "8t. Klino" In (told llllt Sunday nlcht. Mr, Htlrkull In IjiilldlnfT n neat col lar hotiHu nl liln phu'o near town. Mm. Ilinmoholdor xpent Humluy In Illacknell with bur friend Mm. TliompHon. lti'V. Muck Uavlit p rear bed ant Hunday ut thu nrdanolln Nchoolhninio nml wan ably anointed by Ituv. llatlotl or i:iiKhf I'olnt. IIiuIiiokh vlnltont to (old Hill on Monday were Mr, and Mm, (ireon Inaf, Mr, anil Mm. Lmvlti. Mm. Hwln ileu and Mm. lllKlnbotbam, CoorKu Mardon, Mm. Taylor ami daughter, David Amy and mothor, Mr. l)rloy, M Itholen and (leorKu lllnlnbotbaiii. Mr. mid Mm. (leorKu Illnlnbotbaiii upent Hunday at Tolo with Mr. ami .Mm. N'kholn. Mr, UouBoltohler returned homo from Drnntn 1'iihh on .Monday, whoro ho had been al tho bednldo of bin Hon Hckoll, who had tho mlHfortunu to Kul IiIh lei; broken hlo at work for Mr. (Irecnbmf, Mr. Ilounoboldor ro poitii him iih KttliiK nbiii; nicely. Mr. and Mm, llatmohulilur, ac companied by Mr. and Mm, tJreon leaf, left 011 Tiimiluy for (IranlB 1'anH for tho day. JACKSONVILLE MIha Volenti Kittou ban neon visit ItiK Mis. K. I). WohIoii of Medford. Mm. J. llartmau wiib a recent vIh Itor In Motlfotd, Mm. A. H, Klliitiiii AvItOHo luiMiand iu nosy it hhvel oar conductor ut Ptiitlnnil, iiitulo her fonunr homo in Jiioksouvillo it vinit thlH week. Attlnir Kleinhnmuior of Aiplo,ruto, mis it ronont iilor in .luoknoiivillo. Mm, V. H. Kinnoy wmh with lior Moilloi'd 1'iIoiiiIh roeonllv. frri. flrant, who lma lioon om;"K"tl New Today Wo mo oponliiK ii real estate busl iidhh lit ioiiiii 12, JiiekHou County Hunk Ii(uk, iiiul itio UhHiil' city mid country propurty for khIo or unit. In coiiyputlnn with tho luiul btml iiohh wo nro ontubllslilitK oahtorn foiinetil(iiiH mid will hoiii) bo able to consider loans on both city ami lunch property. Watch thin column dully, and you will bo interested In tho thliiKS of fered, Wo hftvo-n party who Is wuiiMuk liiindrod dqll'tr lot Medford, Vho lpni tiueh n lot? Wo huvo for siOo brand now four room hopo u tho oust Hldo, on throo jjooil lots, with Kod woll wn tor. This, plueo Ih i lmtjui ut $00 mid tonus iiuy ht liful on tho m-uator part of It. Huvo Just listed flvo fluo lots In AVost Medford that uro u huiii ut a thousand dollum, They Io In ouo ljody, and aro within n block of Main Htroot lmvliiK. They uvo iiurroundod by flno homos, Will ho glad to list other proper ty, which will huvo ru rot it I attention. That All Is Not wy, do you wftNr to eMtn mo. m AiNO ouit r'ftY Br,isa, Pmjuimq tie.u NOW wf, .WmI t THE SKIN Jll-i rv .u "(W tfW Wr jT fjN PRVYQfJK VQtJ'tLP UMNG CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mm, J. K. llopkiiiK Hiiviit Tiii'tfiltiy in (IniiitH Put.. I. Iihm 'Kline. I !uitittt Ileenon, T. V.. I'otleiier, J. Sullivan mid wile, Iivip (I, Wotltintoii, AiikiihI I). Hiui; fir of Mcill'oril upcnl Tuesday in our city. Kev. Mr. ami Mm. Aldiieh motored to AnIiIiimiI Tuwiliiv. Mm. (leo. It. ICfh. Mm. .J. !'. n'. Mm. .1. II. Kimuiid. Mm. II. T. I'mi koy. Mm. .1. (', Ilorrin wore iiiiuuik the Central Point people that upcnt TuoHilnv in MeiU'onl. Mm. Selmt'er ami ilaujjlilem of JiieUoiiville, vinilcil Mm. Wiltic nml fnuiilv Hie fiml of thu week, J. K. Itosvvell Ihih rolurncil froiu Corniitr fill., nml ih very Inwy pro imriui; the Dowuiiit; propoity former ly oci'iipii'il by Mr. Auvr, for his family who will bo be re kooii. Kev. Ablrieli inmlo n IiuhJiicnh trip to Woodvillo Momlay evening. Tim inaiiv frii'iiilH of Henry Head who luth been tfcrioimly ill ut his limm near hero will bo pleased to hear lio in eonvnloxi'iui:. Cx-.Mayor W. C. l.eovor, PontmaH lor Tox, Jtidgo V, J. Garvin, Mr. Tuttlo, II. J, Gardner, A. J. Dunlap, MeDonnld Hlowart, I. C. Itobnott. J. CJ. IIorrliiR, 0. II, Wllkorson, W. 0. .Mlllor, i:. C. Tabor, I'rank Woaton, OorRo lVrklnti, Vint Hoall Hr., J. J. Ilrowit and AV. II. NorcroHH woro nmoiiK thu many people from thin vicinity that wont to hear La Fol- lotto at Medford Thurnday mornlnp. Mm. A. t. Alkinn returned to her homo In Kiddles ThitrHday morning MIhh Mary A. .Moo. .Mm. W. J. (JroKory, Mm. T. V, KuaekKtodt, Mm Frank Votou, Mm. Sjilnk, MIuh M. Hamrlck, and H. II. Pnxton woro amoni; tho Cuutral Point pnoplo who upout Thumday afternoon In Mod ford. Tho KulKhtH and I.adlo of Secur ity had mio of tho lari;et InlntloiiH ovor hold In Central Point Thursday evening, 12.S boliiK' Inluted thut uvo nine K ill the lostiiuriiut Inihiuosri in Juok- aonvillc for n number of yenm, hnn iTinovod. ' Mm. Oheiir Lewis who Iiiih heon toaohipur hohool !u .Sinkiyou oountv, Calif., roturuoil it few duyn hiiu'o. iMisHos Noil of Mis Hut to nuido Ittoksouville n visit thu fore part tif the week. M. ,M. Welch of Ssipinw Lake dis trict Iiiih removed to Jtioktiouville for thu Kiitmuur. EARL GRAHAM IS CLAIMED BY DEATH Karl Grnlinni, itKod 33 years, a mouther of tho firm of II, C. Drown & Co,, plumbum, died ut ls homo Thmsdity afternoon at 5 o'clock of typhoid fever tarter an Illness of two and one-half weeks. Mr. Graham was not uwaro of tho fact Hint ltu had contructod tho dread dlscaso un til ho hud become ittacked by Ijoui orrhaRos, Efforts uf physicians HoomliiKly chocked the dlseaso until five days iu;p, when hu was taken by a rolapso, from which m novor recovered. Tho doconsod wiih born In Canada. hut later moved to Kvorolt. Wash. Hcaltlen his wife, ho leavoa a father, four brothorM and two ulstors, all of whom aro living In Canada, Tio ro- mains vll 1 transfofrod to 3vor ott, Wh1i for liurlal. SAMS VALLEY WOMAN 18 COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Miss Nimoy Diignn of Sums Vnloy wiib yostorduy committed to tho Btu,to asylum for the Insane Mtu, Dugmt returned hut u your ago from thut Institution, bulng pronouticod cured from her nmludy, For tho punt month Hynuilriina huvo boon ohaorvod by frlonda mid u wo(d ngo sho again bocnnio violent, Wednesday eho wiih lodgod In tho county Jull unlU ortlcltilB at tlio usylum could trnnsr poit lior to Sulom, rrr i r - -ri il - m . , HVTi'dU- T-S Sirti-1R r-Afi. Ml WPA -ZX M. ... MR r f) MJUnpt!tM 1 111 f JbuHfJr JW i J I I STC 1 WV1 I M 1J- r .-V l 1 1 ' -lJjr- V' ii HMM .! I I 111 LT 0 II t . i l 1 I VrjMl iPF miiiiiiiB o-vlj i i r ir vv a ui i i i iiat t jj- .MICTTPORI) MAIL TRTBUNE, MFiPPORIV'VOKrcaoy MimAY, APUTL H),'1Q12. ' ,.JM1lMMM,.M,lM,iaay'"l'yi11'1 WWMM W II Bill! I SBWllM fc Bear That Growls SUH.O, ."THE. THC Wifr. WORJC COfAW ON PUY YW (N MEDFbRD MARKETS Retail Pricea. VKotnbIwi. PotatooH 11!, 50 per cwt. CabbitKo St. Pomulpn 2o. Lottuco 10c beta. Carroll Io. IJocta 2ViO. Onions Ic. Celery BOcCfll do. ( Cauliflower 10ft20o boad. Hndlubdfl Cc buncb. Onion (Jrcen, 6c bunch. Fruit. Prunoa Dried, l&c lb. Lemons 30o dozen. Dananaa 10c to 30c per doien Orange lGc to 40c. Duller, Uggt asa PoBltry, Outtor Fresh rancn, per roll, Cfle; creamery, 80c. Kbrs Fresh ranch, 22 &c. PoultryIInns, dressed, 20c; Uvo He: springs, dressed, 20c. Turkoya 20c to 26e, dretMd. McaUi, Wliolesate. Boot Cowa, ifAc; ateeri, Et. , Tork 5CP0,,4c.c Veal Dressed, 8c. Mutton 3 3 Vic, live; lambs. SO 7VjC Ilay anil Feed, Wholesale. Hay Alfalfa, $12 to JIG; eraln, 12 to H. Grain Wheat, $1 per buibel; oata 3G per ton; barloy, rolled, HO por ton; barloy. whole, S3C UUHINKS3 OPPOHTUXITIES FOR SALK PnyliiK rcstnurant In good location cheap If taken at once. Ill health of owner causo of selling. Address A. Z., caro Mall Tribune. 20 FOK ttKNT Furnished hotol for rent on percentage basis. Address F. II.. enro Mall Tribune. FOUND FOUND At Klleon, one overcoat loft by nttoiuobllo party on Hlue LoiIro luspoctlou. Call on or wrlto J. S. lingers. 25 POU IlKNT HOUSES FOU RUNT Modern 0 room apart meat, reasonable. Onkdnlo Gro cery. 2ti FOR RENT Furnished houso closo In. M. A. Rndor, nt Medford Furni ture & Hnrdwaro Co. FOR RENT B room modern houso. 1118 N; Rlvorsldo, Phono Muln 744 FOIt HBN'l' Now modern flvo room bungalow furnished, $30 per month. Inquire 511 South Grapo, 28 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR LEASE Office iooiub fur nished and unfurnished, ,contral location, $5 to $10 -per mouth. Ad dress D, 0., euro Mull Tribune. FOR RENT Ovor tha poatofftco, with hoat and light. 8oe A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Largo, comfortablp of- nco room wun oiovaior sorvice, stonm heat, hot and cold wntor, Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. POR RENT IIOUSEJCKKPINQ ROOMS FOR RUNT Ono good housekeeping room. 310 North Bartlett sL FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottngo, 004 West 10th st two blocks south Medford hotol. Hot and cold wntor in rooms. Home phono 217, Mrs. II. . M, Cosh. FOR RENT Smith apartmonta. 217 Bo. Rlvorsldo. FOR RENT-Largo sleeping room, $1.50 mid ?2 l)0r wook. Modern hoiiBOkooplug apartments, $15 and $10, Home phono 26GrlC 232 8outh Holly. FOR HENT-r-Tliioo furnished roonin for light housokooplng, ground floor, ut 220 So. Urupo. 27 FOR SALia OR RUNT FOU RENT 'OR SALbVGardon nnd fruit tract, m paved street. At, A. Rmor. Medford Furnlturo & Hutd ,wuro Co. , , . DO YOU T fAr.C , irrr V'n J 1 ' - I 1 lMNtr yj f - "l" i 1 T Q .1 Jf &fck ' ) iA. T? In a. xi ft I .JBrdm J I I Ktsssw - k. .- X 1 - i I i w r . i. R, v y i . ' t - . i f LIOM fMit PAU . MOUy t)U TM 5. , ."n Iaiy UNf"? roit 8AW-Acnti:ARn FOK SALE Ten acres on main Ash land road, small buildings, for $2750 $1000 will handle, easy terms on balance. Flno placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOIt SALE TiAND FOR SALE ChlcKrn ranch and gar den land mllo from Medford. W. II. Evorhard, 1009 West $Ui Phono CC71. FOU BALE 200 acres flno alfalfa land under dltcb, as good land for alfalfa ns can bo found In the xtnte. This will bo sold cbenp. Tills is your opportunity long , looked for. Oliver B. Brown. 436 N. Bartlett sL POR 8ALR ITOUSE8 FOIt SALE Strictly new C room bungalow, oak 'loom and beamed colling In living and dining rooms, paneling and plate rail in dlulng room. This la only thrco blocks from Medford. hotel. Price Is very low. Call owner, Phono 7H. 25 FOR SALE Now bungalow with six rooms, bath nnd pantry; screened In back porch 10x28; front porcb 8x2S; cast front; lot GOxlTl foct deep, or two lota 100x171 with alley at aide, with barn on. Will glvo good terms. Inqulro 317 Howard st., east sldo. Phone 0201. FOR SALE Sorno good Improved and unimproved Mcdford property on and near S. Oakdale; modern houses tor rei;t, also nomo good young driving horses. Inquire of S. T. Howard, Jr., 815 S. Oakdale. Phono, Pociflc 72. FOU SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood nt country prices. 16-ln. fir $2.75, 12-in. fir $2.25. 16-In. hardwood $3, 12-in. bard wood $2.50, lC-in. pino split $2.75. All dry wood. 619 S. Rhcrsldo. Roll phono 5041. FOR SALE -Hardwood $5.50 per cord, $2 per Her. 6th and Fir. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOIt SALE IH)UIiTRr AND EGGS FOR SALE -Single comb Whlto Leg horn baby chicks. Pac. phono 539".R-1. 29 FOR SALE Ksbs, Crystal White Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Reds, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono C671. FOR SALE Will Bell my breeding pens of S. C. Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons or eutlro plant, reasonable. Baby chicks and hatching eggs from both breeds for ealo. Mrs. U. E. Oman, Jackson ville, Oro. FOR SALE Hatching; eggs from my trapnosted Crystal Whlto Orping tons nnd R. I. Rods. Myrn Fullor, Siskiyou Hts. Phono G1S2. 25 POU SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Good farm or orchard team, bays, nelght 1250 lbs. each, good llfu.and gontlo, $275. Best young driving horse In country, handsome, speedy and gentle, for lady or gentlornan. Also young Duroc Jersey hogs. J. C. Poudlo- ton & Sou, Table. Hock. Phono Central Point. FOR SALE Furnlturo vory cheap, Apply Oakditlo CaBh Grocery. 25 FOR SALE One 2 homopowor gns- olluo vacuum curpot cleaner, oheup. 70S West 10th bt. 26 FOR SALE Winchester pump gnu, 12 gugo, also Winchester auto matic rlflo, 35 V caliber, very cheap. Albo bmidsomoly mounted bald eaglo. Oakdale Cash Grocory, Oakdale and lltli strootB. 20 FOR SALE Seod corn. First prlzo nt Mcdrord fair. Apply W. Aiming, Phooulx, Oro. 28 FOR SALE A No. 1 Jomoy milch cow. Will bo frosh In few dnys. John B. Hulr, Roguo Rlvor. Ore. 27 FOR SALE Second hand hack, oheup. 525 S. Grapo. FOR SALE - Housohold furnlturo, one plnno. ono iitlsslou bttffot, quo mission dlulng .table, six pitsalou dining chairs, three anisslou rock ers, tuoe Iron bods comploto, oiib bltdsoyo niuplo droasor, tjiroo rugs Ono Ronown slx-holo ritngo, all now, Also other household no cosaltloa. Cnll S2Q V. 12th. off South Nowtown. st. 28 FOR SALE -Clioup, boiso 11 yearn old. cooil enirliiKO ami work liorse. weight 11 Oq lbs? inqulro Model " 1 -r -yjnPHBapanrTi l ($ AT? )kJ X'N THE ' F M ?3FjS V'KS V- If Jil- N. J4J' i. ML 2"M -SI -7 Vy"" --ni 1 -i' FOU UE.VT MISCICLLAjrnOUB FOR SALE Spitz puppies. They may be aeon In window at Hasklns drug atoro. 2," FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE FOIt SALE OR TRADE For Rogue river land or Mcdford propcrt An Improved ton acre farm; C acre? in 20 year old orchard, all kinds of fruit nnd berries; large cherry trees that simply beat the world In quantity and quality, to gether with a feo slmplo title to ten acres of clams and bathing beach in front; all kinds of clams In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Brownsville P. O., on regu lar lines of boatn from Seattle, one hour's run; 3 miles from Bromer ton navy yard. First class plank road from house to wharf. Fare from Seattle to placo for the post year has been 5c, never more than 25c. Special rates for school chil dren. Will exchange for Medford property or Roguo river valley land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co.. 604 West 10th st. 30 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eaglo Point for Medford prop erty, improved or unimproved. Ex change price same as cash price. Seo Oliver B. Brown, 436 N. Bart lett 'st. nELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced soda foun tain man. Address Box 14, care Mall Tribune. 28 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A good rcllablo woman to do cooking and general house work on a farm ono mile from Medford, only two In family. Phono 161 Jacksonville or address Box 9S, Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED Woman for general housework, 4 In family, on main road 24 miles cast of Eagle Point. Address Mrs. F. Pelouzc, Eaglo Point. 24 WANTED Good cook, wages $35; must bo nt least 25 years old. Mm. J. F. Reddy, Queen Anno addition. Telephone Main 3801. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young lady, experience. Ad dress Box 99, Tribuno. 2S WANTED Position by experienced young man as bookkeeper or cleik. GooiL references. Phono 252-L or address 40 Cottage st. 24 WANTED Plain sowing or dross making. Mrs. E. Cornctt, 102 S. Central ave. Tel. 6521. 26 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Set of carpenter tools. U32 W. Hamilton. 21 WANTED 150 to 200 borses to pas-i Hire. P. D. Blncuuen, l&Y t.auret St., Ashland. WANTED You can't help but mako money selling our gunraatced-tc-glvo-satlsfactton stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; exclusive torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Orchards to plow by tho day or acre. Address Box 10, euro Mull Tribune. 24 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Suddlo horso und suddlo for 10 days or two weeks. Phono 732 R 1. 27 WANTED- TO BUY Fruit Imud Wunted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres noar city limits; partly Improved, with vari ety of fruits; profor a farm with soma tlmbor, fair buildings, good bulldlug slto, susy tonus, miiBt bo a bargain; glvo exuet location and prlco; from ownor, no agont. Ad dress 24, caro Mall Tribuno. 38 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Luw. Jacksouvillo, Oro. Oftlco; Bunk bldg., socoml floor. Thone: Pa cific, Main 33. 0. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offico Medford National uanu buimiug, socoud floor." PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY AttornoyB-at-Law. isos. x ana a Postottlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyor. Uarnett- Corey bldg. MULKHY &"OHla'KRY (R. F. MUJr Ki'JY, UUU, W. UJianai wumo II aud 12 Jackson Couuty Book bldg ' B. F, PIATT LAWYER Luml Ttuo wxnminer. 820. aru.eU-Ooruy. Ddg. 1 5T- . I &5!ZfiZZArxr- l-zlzS- A ,i'. "SSi isher . BUSINESS DntECTOUr Arrlilircl A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phono 6413. Johns i Turner Architects and Builders, Office, 31-33 North Bart lett, near Main. Office Pbone Asnyor nml Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assayors and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and sond full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir ata. Accountauts D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited nnd kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office MedfOrd Mall Trlb uno bldg.; phone 6611; resldenco phone 6302. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Fosters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plana and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phone Main 5662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder aud Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phono Main 5021. -- Civil Enclnccr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Medlclnc-s, CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, privato diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles. See mo at 241 S, Front at., Medford, Ore, to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phone Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SC.OYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garuett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dontlst, Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo Bpociallst. E. 9th and So. Rlvorsldo. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco In dlo totlca, modlcal gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1C8-K, Furultwro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th aud Holly sts. Medford, Mission furnlturo mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Oniuito Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo, T, O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick aud lime. Offico at th$Ir brick yard, West Jackson Bt. Phono No. U4G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. manufacturers of pressod and eom mon brtQk and tlio, Get our prices ,uud seo our brlQk and tlio bafotS purckpRiug. . ,. MOW ITYlirj; By "Bud" Fisher HU8LVKSH DIRECTORY fiiirbngo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED, Lcavo orders at 29 S. Bartlett or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3032. Home 307-X. GARBAGE Get your promises cleaned up for tho amniper. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 822; also garden manure tor sale. J. F. Perrcz. . Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION Or i'OHT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of the state of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Cbas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Side Stables. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tha sign of Tho Mall Tribuno. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted, our biock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. Wo are not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to offico Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgn-graae nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th best equipped Job offico In southera Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phyal-, clans and Burgeons, Taylor and Pblpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 601, resldenco phone 612. Oftlco hours, 9 a. nu to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA-MAIrj8 CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 6361. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of womon. Offices ovor Hasklna Drug Store. Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phones: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso nnd throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Mala Bt ovor Med ford Hardwaro company. Houra 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. E. H, PORTER y Physician and Surgoon, St. Marks Block. Offico phono 4901. Rosldenco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms 5 and 6 Kontuor bldg, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. Phono, Bell 271. Resldenco phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M, GAUNYAW Palm bloek. Stonographlo work done quickly and well- Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAOM CO. Oftlco JLC South Fir. Phoae Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prlow right. Sorvice guaranteed, MEDFORD PARCEL DLtVKRY , parcels lOo, IGo, 35c; tr.unks 5I auywhqre In tho city, Office Val ley Second Hand Store, Is N. Yit at, Phentw: Maiu 3072, Home 364, Messenger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. C) UHOrtke"t ii i ini"iii-irT li 1 "T 40HN A, FERLrUnAlertiiKeT and Knibairaer. uuiee a sowi lett at. Telephenes: Qty, Bell m; night, reaMeaoe; Bell 47. Home 179tL. Calls auewetd aiut 1X q, , Uoon,, Uoom la Jackson Ooun- ly utttiiv jhiiidiiw i. P, ih' yyi. I ii ii irmxui