! t , And Now -" : NO SfiMi THO PeoPLO ot'Tn NOtUTM DO NoY KNOW MOW i wist TM6 46 C,RX , UjG TOWftj? PftoM TMG "nyoRiJ,3frf -. SlJ-fcsV Our Correspondents! EDEN PRECINCIT -r i l.itm lliitilit'H of l-Yru Vnlluy wiih In I'IiomiiIx Tlitirntlay. Mr, Arthur Hoh ami Mrn. A. H, Kuriy woro In Mmlfnnl Timnilay. Mm. MuIiukmiii ami Mrn, I lowland virj rnllliiK " frlnmln In Norlli Tal 'tit ..Moiiilay iiftcriiiioii. J. I'oart of Hunny Cliff rnmh hml tlit) inlnfortiino to lmo u jilt-cit of Mt'ol driven Into thu weeond Joint of tin Index flnwr of liln right linml litttt Monday, Mr. Pcnrt emtio to I'lioonlx, wlun Dr. Mulin;rnn drvHMi'd thi wiiiinil. Mr. Wlllliun IlonnUloy of Phoenix wont to Mii-rlln HuUirduy to visit Mra. 11 UK" Calhoun and family. Jiinii'H Drown of Talent wait In I'liuuulx TliurHtlay. Mr. llrown ntnti that vi'Ki(nhlo iailln are linrd to ralno IIiIh year. (1. W. Janifrf of N'orth Talolit wa In Talent Woiliu'Hday nftornoon. MrH. C. Diri'y wan In Tnlmit Weil mmlay with fri'iih ranch butt or. J. K. Ilultnlu of I.oh Anc'lcn In vlrtllliiK frliimlii In North Talent ami ulU'iidltic to huHlncitK matturu In Mndford. Mr. ami Mrn. V. II. Jouct, MIbh Maud Ntiwbilry and Mliut Alonu KlMKNltury ramo out front Jackson vIlloMondiiy iivouliiR lothu Itador ho in i'. Minn Jami Colin of I'hooiilx ar rived nt Mr8. C, (Jaroy'fl Monday oro uliiK. MrH. lllakuly. Hlstor of Mrn. Henry Khaffor of i'hooiilx, Ih vlsltlntf lit-r fouler pariMilM Mr. and MrH. William Cary of North Talent. Owen Dunlup nml Mm. Calllo Ktcadiuau wero rallhiK upon Mm. A. H. J-'urry nml Mm. Jo ltnilor ami I.. A. Itoso Monday afternoon. MEDFORD MARKETS Itotail Prices. Vi'iiotnMtw. I'olatoefl ytXti) per cwt. OuIiIiiiko fie, raranlps 2 Ho. Luttuco 10c, bead. Carrots 2VtO. ,, , HftoU 3Mio. Onions -ic. Oolory D0cfl'doi. .Coullflowor 1OHP30O hoad. Iadlalica Co itiinch. Onions Green, Co bunok. Fruit. Prunes Drlod, iuo lb. Lemons 30o d07.nn. rinnanns lOo to 30o por dQia. Orange IGo (o 40o. t natter, KRga una rorUtry. nuttor FroBh ranott, per roU, CCpj croamory, 80r. Kkkh -I'TohIi rnuell, 22 l$c. Poultry IKuiH, drcimod, 20c; Mvo 14c; hpiIiikh. dro8!iods 20c. Turkoys 20o to 2 Go, drMd. Moatfl, Wholeitalc, Doot Gown, 44o;. ateers, El. I'ork 5 (3 OH o.o Vcnl Dri'HHml, 8o. Mutton 3 3 Ho, live; lambs, 5 n Ho. Huy nml Feed, "Wholesale. liny Alfalfa, $12 to $15; grain, $113 to $14. , Grain Whout, f 1 por bushel; oata $30 por ton;ltinrloy, r,olod, $40 por ton; barley, whole, S$8, AT. LOUIS, Mo., April IP. With many of tho loading bishops, rectors aid laymen of, tho Episcopal onrcli present from nil party 'of tllo coun try, tho nuiMtal iuUUml Hhlseopnl elmi'di coiigroHH vyna oponud'jlu thin city today ,wl n Borylco or holy communion. Tho cmigroka will bo in hohhIoii fotlr' dnys, Thomnn Jefferson Ih pjnylng in i drnlnnllzatlon of,"Thd Cricket on tho JlOfll'tll," Jeff Is Looking rn rbUf TO Oh THfc SOUTH, CAU step sog .' OUT OP tvw WV :f 1 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Warren Meo of Applejjato, jiint tho firm of the week with relative? here. Mm. Hlioll of OrantH PaiiM Hpeiit Monday moruliiK Intro. Itnlph P. CowkIII and t'. M. SfiPek of Mndford npeiit Monday onday hurj'. , cr of Trail, MR Pred MlddlehiiHlK down after HiippllH tho firm of lliij week. t' Mm. J. V. Myem, Mm. Kenneth Ileubo mid J. N. Hmlth npeiit Monday lit (IrMltlM PilHH. Harry J;. Trovlllo madu n buBhieim trip north tho flrnt of the week. Prank McD.iiiIuIh ami family of HitHtliiBH, Nob., .rolatlvoM of Council man I), C. (irlti) spool firm of( (ho weok hero vIhHIiik rclnilve'il. MIhh Yoiiiik who Hpent tho winter with tho family of Mitgor Cowley r turned to hur oanteru lioino Monday mornliib'. J..O. OIIihoii and T. I). Cornell of (IrantH Panu Hpent Monday In o'lr city. Mm. T. I), and MIhr Pearl Hosa. Mr. Hoot, Harah llebb. Mary McDow ell, Mm. T. J. Tnylor, Albert Kflburn, 1M. UrlHcoe. .T.'U. lin'sley, Win. Cham Item, Mm. DoiidIh Green and dnur.h ter, Jainen Hobb, M. Jl. Kncland, Hev. Hearst, K. C. talker wero amoiiK tho Cuittiul Point people that npuitt Mon day In Mod ford. Mr. nml Mm. J. W. Myem, Mr. nntl MIkh Manning, A. J. Dunlap, Mian Akiu'H Dunlap, Mm, i:. 1). Urlneno antl houh, MIbh Me.VaHaar, MIbr Hoke, MIhh Norwood, Uco. II. Hobs, It. ,11. Paxton, J. T. Hay, Win. Marline, Mm. W. i:, Kaliter wero amoiiK tho Central Point people that npont Sat urday In Med ford. Fred Wheeler left for WIIIowh, Cnl. Saturday afternoon, wlioro ho will Hpeiul tho Hummer. Mrn. WdRitor, who Iiiih been vlslt Iiik bur dauBhter Mm. T. F. Knnck Htedt unit family rcturnod to her homo In Aeiua, Cal., Saturday morn Inc. T. W. Osgood, Wnltor McCallum, O. C. KIiik and Lyle Jonea of Med ford Hpent Saturday here. Mm. K. lleebo npont Saturday In (irnhtH Pa br. Itobort ABhwortlt pont Sunday in AtUilnnd. . Harry White of Woodvlllo spent 8aturduy hero with L L. Parra and family. Mr, and Mm. UobertTelfer, Oeo. Merrlinan and Harry 1). AiikIo wero amont; tho Medford pcoplo that upent Sunday In Conlrn! Point. AmoiiK our people that npont Sun day nftornoon lit Medford wore: Mm. and Mlas, Hobb, Mls MnKip Hobs, MIbh Pearl Pankoy, MIbh llarr. Clar ence Pankoy, MIbh Ktta Wllllamu, I.uko Poart, Shlploy Posh, Mr. Llttla- field, (Iiih Morrh. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS L. 10. Cochran to Anna L. Cochran Powor tit Alty. O. & 0. Dov. Co. to II. H. Riley, 10.51 noroH In twp. 30, IK $822.75 Stnto of Oregon to Nancy J. Cur n I no, 280 nehm In twp. 30 313 .lames Plercy to GiiHtuv Aubor- llu, laud lit twp, 38 110, ., . K. J. SuuvIh to Goo. K, 1111- nlugor, land lit twp. 38 1W. , .A. Poltitdr to J, S;. Offutt, lotH 8 and 0, bile. 1, Pair- mount add Medford ..,,,.. 700 10 10 10 Jolin HrowiiHwoith to Daniel Mngorle. laud In twp. 35, 4V 1000 A, b. Helmoa to Mary . I, IIollncH, land in Soc, 31, twp. 30, 210 ,...., 1 T, W. Osgood, IniB., to J. "10. WiUt, no!, of Tltlo.bond,... 4 J. 10. Watt to T. W. Osgood, land In twp. 37( 2V 1 Clinrloa H. Moillio to Goo, 1). Davis, land In twp. 33 110 1 U, S. Mqrrlifolrt to fl. P. llrlggt). Jnml In twp. 39, 110 1 i-- t r il'VV- -- "- MJODKOKl) MATH TftllJUNig. .. ..i.. r-..-..... i.n ......I .. ., ...i . i. .,.. ,M, for the Mason-Dixon Line ': iJ ' r 7r" o. - . jpi JSP 111 k &' ' Ilutto PnllM Llir. Co. to Mm. ( l.lr.7ld Ami KdmnndMon, lot i, hlk. 21. lliftte PallH 10 J W. Hayw to John M. Cook, HP) oereB III twp, .'1(5, 3W.. r,00 Jehnle !. DoniilnK to Harry H. Tultle, aHHlKumeut of II. for ). to land In twp. 30 2'.. 10 A. ,'Ia AlkltiH to K. II. Ilanley, In'ml In I). I.. C. 4", twp. 37 2W( 10 I. JSIncy to J. I.. Offutt, lotH R mt U, bit;. I Pali mount add Aloilford 1200 .IdifitiHM.MKKltt to Kiiimn C. Itocheford, lots 2 and .'!, blk 1 SuiiBi-t iark COO J. K. Toft to Ii. Illancho Alex ander, lot C, blk. 3 Hebo Ave. add Medford 10 Win. p. ijartlolt to iW.eue C. llartlctt, land In twp. 3D Ii: 10 John W. Cherry to Kd Nichol son, lot . blk. 1, Itoso Ave. add Medford 10 i;ilr. II. PoHter to Mm. A. A. Hoot, lot 4, bile. 3, Kenwood 10 B. W. Wall to If. A. Hansom, lotfl 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk. 1 Lumsdun add Medford , . . . 10 Anna M. Miller to H. A. HanB com, lot 12, blk. 40, Metlford 10 JameH II. Doran to W. II. (iowdy, property In Ashland Milton C. Iiitilur.ef to Clins. II. Pierce, ' 2 ncren lit Ashland Iiiturn G. Plcrco to Milton C. Mnluger, property In Ash land Jnntes A. Hothwull to Mabel C. itlmmcr, laud In Sec. 3G. twp. 37,' 2W' '...... GOO 10 10 10 Ii. W. Zlimner to M. A. doff. Iind In Sec. 3C, twp. 37, 2V 9000 Joseph T. AVIIllaniB to John llrcnner, 10 acres lit twp. 3G, J. II. Cooko to r. W. Combs, lotH 25, 20, 27 and 2S, blk. 2, II. L. White add ABhlaud 330 II. A. Parmateer to Sarah J. CnnibB, lotH 22, 23 nudt2l. ' blk. 1, II. L. Whiteadd Ash- land COO HOOSIKR MHICTINO. Tho Ilooslor club of tho Itoguo river valley will meet nt tho Odd Follow' ball Wednesday evening, April 17. All Hooslons and their families Invited. M. A. RADKR, Pros. LOST LOST A brnsa hub cap off automo bile. Word "StuU" on cap. Re ward. Leave nt Mall Trlbuno. 23 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAIiK Paying restaurant in good location cheap If taken nt onro. ill health of owner causo or elltug. Address A. 7.., caro Mall Trlbuno. , 20 WANTED Partner In a good pay nblo theater, person with theater oxperloni'o preferred. Will allow party buying to Invostlgato busi ness before Investing. Present owner Ih .musician in thentor now. Address or call Prof. Beach, 954 Boulevard, or phono 4G3 party R Ashland, Oregon, 22 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR HKNT FurnlHhod Iioubo closo In, M. A. Rndor, nt Medford Furni ture & Hardwnro Co. FOR RENT 5 room modorn houso. 1118 N. lllvorsldo. Phono Main' 744 FOR RENT 0 room unfilrnlalled apartment. All modern convenienc es. B6st location In Medford. Rent reasonable. Apply Oakdale Cash Grocery. 22 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR LEASE Office, rooms fur nished and unfuritlshod, central location, n to $10 por month. Ad. dross l.. G euro Mull Trlbuno. FOR RENT Ovor the postotflco, with boat and light. See A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Large, comfortable of fico rooms with olovntor service, atoam boat, hot and cold wator. Lqw rates, Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw, Co. t FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT OR BALK Oardon und fruit tract, on paved atrqot, M, A. Rndor, Modlord Furniture '& Hnf d wnrn fin. " M10DFORD. OflMlON, WlOUXKttnAT. AIMML 17, 1012. i ,i . i , ,,,. ,,...- i " '" i i ii him i i . i . . . . , . i. -i - -m-...MiiI ...J1ii-.. , 1. 1- mio fuftTHGHMoiie, tmc South, a'd 's AGWW VOU Tip 'OUR VA,T. FOR HKNT lIOOHIiKKTCITNO ROOMH POIt HKNT One Reed housekeeping room. 310 North llartlctt at. FO HKS'T FOltNTSHKD IIOOM3 POP HKNT Furnished front room, bath, $7 n month, close in. 322 South Central. 22 FOR HKNT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, 004 West 10th st., two mocks south Medford hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. II. M. Cons. FOIt HKNT Smith apartments. 217 So, Riverside. FOR HKNT Largo sleeping room, $1.00 and $2 per week. Modorn housekeeping apartments, $15 and $1C. Home phone 2GG-K. 222 South Holly. FOR BALK ACRKAGB FOR BALK Ton acres on main Ash land road, small buildings, for $2760-11000 will handle easy tenuis on balance. Flno placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOR BAIiE LAND FOR SALK Chicken rancQ and gar den land H atllo front Medford. W. II. Kvcrbard, 1009 West 9t.h Phono CG71. FOR SALK 200 acres flno alfalfa land under ditch, as good land for alfalfa as can be found In tbo atate. This -will bo eold cheap. This li your opportunity long looked for. OlivVr B. Brown, 43G N. Bartlett at FOR BALF HOUME8 FOR SALE New bungalow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screened in bnckv porch 10x38; front porch 8x28; east front; lot 50x171 feet deep, or two Iota 100x171 with alloy at side, with barn on. Will glvo good terms. Inqulro 317 Howard st., cast sldo. Phono C2C1. FOR SALK Some good Improved and unimproved Medford property oh and near S. Oakdale; modorn houses for rent, nlso somo good young driving homes. Inqulro of S. T. Howard, Jr., 81C S. Oakdale. Phono, Pacific 72. FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR BALK Wood at country prices. 1G-In. fir $2.75, 12-In. fir $2.25, lG-In. hardwood $3, 12-In. hard wood $2.50, 10-lu. plno split $2.75. All dry wood. 019 S. Riverside. Bell phono 5041. FOR SALE Strictly now C room bungalow, onk floors and beamed celling In diving and dining rooms, panollng nnd plato rail In dining room, This Is only three blocks from Medford hotel. Prlco Is very low. Call owner, Phono 744. 22 FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Reds, Browu Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono 6G71. FOR SALE Will soil my broodlug pons of S. C. Whlto Leghorns nnd Crystal Whlto Orplngtott3 or entire plant, reasonable. Baby chicks nnd hatching eggs from both breods for sale. Mrs. 10, E, Oman, Jacksou vlllo, Oro. FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $3, Orpingtons, Wyan dottes, Pljtmouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bantams, otc Also duoks and tur koys. Wrlto for circular. Simp sou's Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 836 FOR SALK Hatching oggs from my trnpnostod Crystal Whlto Orping tons ,nnd H. I. Reds. Myra Fuller, Siskiyou Ilts. Phono C183. 25 FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Second- hnud hnclc, choqp. 535 S. drapo. FOR SAiK Good farm or orchard team, bays, weight 1250 lbs. each, good Ufa and gentlo, $275. Best yqtlng driving horso lu country, handsome, Bpoody -nnd 'gontlo for lady or gentloniaa. Also young Duroo Jersoy hogs, J, 0. Pondlo ton & Son, Tablo Rock. Phono Central Point. FOR SALE First class young Jor Boy cow, Fresh. J. D, Slovens, Tolo, Oro. 23 FOR SALK Purntttiro Vory cheap, Apply Oakdnlo Cash Grocery. 25 FOH SALB-rOhoIco Rocky Ford melon seed delivered nnywhore in Medford for 75 conts por pound. Box 723. Medford. 22 .,,,., ' , ,...,.-..-..,. .... ,...- .... .. M. . . . T . & ites FOIt SAJiB MISCELLANEOUS Poll BALK Seed corn. Flmt prize at Medford fair. Apply W. Anning, Phoonlx, Ore. 28 FOIt BALK A No. 1 Jersey milch ow. Will bo fresh In few day. John I!. Hair, Kokuh Hiver. Ore. 27 FOR BALI-: Ono 2 horsepower Kas ollnO vacuum carnet cleaner, cheap. 708 West 10th St. 20 FOR SALK Winchester pump gun, 12 gag', also Winchester auto matic rifle, 331 rallber, very cheap. Also handsomelv mounted bald eagle. Oakdnlc Cash Orocery. Oakdate and 11th streets. 2G FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE FOR BALE OR TRADE For Rogue river land or Medford propert An Improved ten aero farm; C acred in 20 year old orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; large cherry trees that simply beat tho world in quantity and quality, to gether -with a feo Bimplo title to ten acres of clams and bathing beach In front; all kinds of clams In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Brownsville P. O., on regu lar lines of boats from Seattle, one hour's run; 3 miles from Bremer ton navy yard. First class plank road from house to wharf. Faro from Seattle to placo for tho past year has been Cc, never more than 25c. Special tates for school chil dren. Will exchange for Medford property or Raguo river valley land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co.. G04 West lOth st. 3G FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eaglo Point for Medford prop erty. Improved or unimproved. Ex change prlco eamo as cash price. Seo Oliver B. Brown, 43G N. Bart- lett at. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A good reliable woman to do cooking and general house work on a farm one mile from Medford, only two In family. Phono 1G1 Jacksonville or address Box 98, Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED Woman for general housework, 4 in family, on main road 2H miles east of Eaglo Point. Address Mrs. F. Pelouzo, Eaglo Point. 24 WANTED Girl for general house work, good woges. Address Box R, W., caro Mail Tribune. 22 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED. Position by experienced young man as bookkeeper or clerk. Good references. Phono 252-L or address 40 Cottage st. 24 WANTED Plnlu sowing or dress making. Mrs. Ii. Cornott, 402 S. Central nvo. Tol. 6521. 26 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WrANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas turo. P. D. Blackden, 157 Laurel st., Ashland. WANTED You can't help bul mako money selling our guaranteed-to-givo-satisfactton stock; free outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Vnlloy Nursery Co., Top poulsh, Washington. WANTED Orchards to plow by tho day or aero. Address Box 10, caro Mall Tribune. ,24 WANTED Td BUY Fruit Land Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 ncres uear city limits; partly Improved, with vari ety of fruits; prefor a farm with somo tlmbor, fatr buildings, good building sito, sasy terms, must be a bargain; glvo exact location and prlco; from owner, no agent. Ad dress 24, caro Mali Trlbuno. 3S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Atlornoy-at-Law. Jncksouvlllo, Oro. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa ciflc, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Dank building, socoud floor, PORTER J. NIOFF, WM. P. MEALKY AttOrnoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 nnd 2 Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyor. Corey bldg. Garnott- MtJLKBY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W, CHERRY) Rooms. 11 aud 12 JacUsou Couuty Bank bldg. B. F PIATT' LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 820 Garaott-Coroy -Bldg. By BUSINESS DIRECTOR? Arrhlfirfu A. D. JOHNS II. TJ. TURNBH Phono 744. Phorie G413. Johns & Turnnr Architects nnd Bulldem. Office 31-33 North Bart lett. near Main. Officn Phone 1031 Asayer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects, All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir st. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountarit' Your books audited and kopt for a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mail Trlb uno bldg.; phono 6611; residence phone CS02. Billiard Parlors 8. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot afternoons. Dili Fosters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder, Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phone Main 5663. EDGAR MARTIN Oeneral Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phone Main 2021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systoms. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chfheso Medicine, CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front St., Medford, Oro., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phone Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Qarnott-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offico lu Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephono Main 631. Night phone 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist E. 9th and So. Rivorsldo. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant Phone Home 1G8-IC FuruUvre MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission' furnltttro raado to ordor. Cabluet work of all kinds.' A trial ordor Bollcttod. Graulto Works MEDFORD BRICK qO, Geo. W, Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo, T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick: dealers In pressed brick and lime, Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st Phono No. 3461, GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brlok and tile. Get our prises and see our brick and tile before purtihMla. , 1 " - y PACT , STOft . "Bud! Fisher , BUSINESS DIRECTOR!" Garbugo MEDFORD OARBAGB CO. GAIU BAOK HAULKD. Leave orders at 29 S, Bartlett, or phnria Rodnoy Taylor. Pacific 3632. Home 107-X. GARriAGK Get your promises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbago wagons Tor good service. Phono Main 822; also garden mnndro for Bale. .7. F. I'errez. murnnce NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of tho state of Oregon. Insures horses arid cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Cbas. E. Toll, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices West 81de Stables. Notnry Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mall Trlbuno. Narsertc QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree are budded, not grafted. Our stock fs not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not la the trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR8ERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Printers and PabUahen MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the beet equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, eta, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 81B Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Fhlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gsr-nctt-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and Httr geon. Offico Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone C501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. . Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Raskins Drug Storo. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd Surgeon. Practice limited to oye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in, Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M, D. Office Jack son county uank. Office puone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block. Offico phono 4901. Realden.ee 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and G Kentnor bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Resldenco phone Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonogruphlo work dona quickly and well. Transfer BADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Office 10 South Fir. Phoae Bell 3152; IJonia 350-K. Prloo right. Service guaranteed, MEDFORD PARCEL DKLIVERY Parcels lOo, 15c, 25e; trunks 2Se anywhere In the city. Oftlee Vol loy Second Hand Store, IS N, Kir, st. Phenes: Main 3073, Home 314. Messenger servlee, Fred Greeker, .Prop. Undertaker JOHN A. PRL Undertaker M -" wni Mi ! w Wll II IIS HaibalBier. Offlee 38 0etfc rP lett it Telephone! Day. K?H kTTI. .! '-' AI Alt' Howe 179-L. Oajls aaf yffi t$U . tt,?vwl I &: a 3 a r.. 1 e . 'lj. A toy v pm - fi' in W qwM iieiwijii&iipy