Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 17, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Mux. 05)5, Mln. 40. Pair
tonight and tomorrow.
1'iirly-iu'oiiiiil Vrnr.
No. 22.
imiiy- ncvcnm vrnr,
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NIJW YOltlC. April 17. - Although Ti honm Iiuvo oliipHPil hIiho lint
Wltlto Hlur llnor Titanio went down .'100 miles off tln New Poiiiiillitrul
iilioro, It lit Htlll a (iiontlon of how niiiny pniidongors went hiivuiI and how
jiiiiny drowned, Tlui Intent word In which any cri'duneo In placed wait
rotelvt'd hero thin afternoon from Wlnflpld Thompson, n IIohIoii newspaper
man aboard (lie liner I'lanconla, which wiih In rommiinlrntloti for nnveral
hoiiiii thin mernlni: with llniCarpatlila. (he veiwd on which the survivora
are Nleamlni; to New York.
"Tim Franconla after eiUatillnlilui; it I reel communication with the
Garpathla amertalned thai there are only "OR HitrvlvnrH aboard (hn latter
iiHt. Over 2000 porno mi wore lout'
TIiIm iviw TlioiiipHotrn memnage and many porwiiis horn believe that
Mrt report will be borne out with the arrival of the Cur pal hi a In New
York tomorrow,
NP.W YOIIJC, April 17. There tiro
only 70.1 survivors of the Tilanie din
notec alioiuil the Cutinrd I.tuur Car
lii thin, ncuonliug to a wireless mes
sage received liore nt 10:!I0 o'clock
Ibis afternoon from Winfiold Thomp
son, IIohIoii nitwHpnpctmiiii, who in n
passenger on Iho l'rancoiicin.
The White Star officials earlier In
(he day had uiiiiouuccd that the. Car
patliiu carried 808 of the Tittiulc'H
survivors. Thompson's messao an
noiiuced that the Cnrpathin wiih due
in New York nt 8 p. m. Thursday. It
Mild: '
"The I'VniU'onin eMiabliidird com
munication with the Cnrpathin nt (1:10
tin morning (Wednesday) New Yoilt
time At that hour the Ciirpnthiii wiih
IH'.I miles fiom.thc Amroe Channel
light, mid making Ul knots an hour.
It wax in no need of assistance.
"The Caipathia has hut 705 sur
vivors of the Titanic on hdurd. The
l'runconiii in relaying ersnniil mes
snaes from survivors to Sable
"Wc have Hiirvivors of the Titanic
wreck alumni. More than two thou
Hiiihl porsoiw were lost."
This message, wilt hy the rarpath
ia's wireloH operator, wiih caught hy
the Ciinard liner Kraiiconia, accord
ing to u Htatcmeut kivcii out here In
day at the offices of the Muiconi
Wireless company.
Telegraph otfioiaN, however, are
inclined to believe that the Kraiiconia
operator iniimuuUhe. JjjrureH.
NHW YOltlCAprlt 17. Tim llnor
Carmanln of tlio Cuuaid l.luo Hailed
from thlH port today. The offlclala
of the company declared that this dlu
riHtcr to the Titanic did not affect
the Carmanla'H panHeiu;er llHt,
NIJW YOUK. April 17. Vlco
President Franklin of the White Btnr
l.luo this evening Ixmiud thu follow
ing wlrolcBH meHHiigo received from
thu Newport torpedo Millien:
"Thu PhoHtor roporla that sho
communicated with tlio Carpatltla re
How Dunn's
(Editorial in Aahlaiul Tidings, sponsor and official organ of Jndgo Dunn.)
"You know Uic main characteristic of tho hog? Ho trios to root, everybody olso
away, cats all ho can hold, then lies down in tho trough. Somo communities are just
like'that. Who said Medford' Medford Mod ford let's seo. Looking at tho map,
avo find such a name- attached to a burg just below Phoenix. It is a little place with
very big pretensions. It has two newspapers and a very livo commercial club. Tho
commercial club hatches the schemes and the papers do tho lying. The only really big
thing about it is its gall. Its little snoot is sore from trying to root everything olso
off the map. Its little wallet is flat trying to do things like a big city. Its taxpayors
groan when the collector comes around; its merchants are made to squeal, liko stuck
pigs, whon tlm rent man wants his pound.
"Taxes and rents and abnormal paving costs mako it impossible tor merchants to
moot competitive prices'; so much so indeed, that tho only bargain it is ever possible
to lay upon the counter is when somo poor dovil falls under tho oxponso weight and
yields up the ghost. Like tho littlo pig, over squealing i'or more, it keops its throat
sore imisrenug, uoomuig, uiusienug.
"I3ul all thing!
sucoeod in monop
tho butcher comet
which the swine was not propar
hams silence and pathetic dust.
"Tho butcher min is abroad in tho littlo burg."
Is Judge Dunn tho "butcher man"?
HALIFAX, N. S.. Apiil 17. -Willi
the liner I'arixian expected hero lo
ninht hriiiKiiij; pohwible ilflnJIs of the
Kiukini; of the Titanic, no relief from1
the HiirtpoiiHC felt our the fate of
the piiHHCinjerrt, who are nupixisvil to
have iuio down .with the Whito Star
;innl linor !k oh yet in nlht.
The repair Hhip Minin of the White
Star company Iiiih arrived here. The
Mlniii did not vitut the ncene of the
dimeter mwl know nothitit- of the
wreck of the Titanio beyond what
wiw picked up ftoin wireless men
MiKCM. The firnt wirtdenK caught by
the .Minin, to the effect that the Ti
tanic had Mink, wan received nt U
o'clock Monday morning. The cap
tain declared (hut he had passed a
vimt icefield.
It is known hero that half a dozen
finhini; boats were, within U00 miles
of the Titanic nt the time of the
wreck, and possibly may hac visited
I he Hceuc.
The Commercial Pablo company's
Mnokay-llcnnctt, chartered hy tlm
While Star company to expiate the
Miene of (lie wicck .mil search for
hodioH, mils this afternoon with u
crew of 80 men mid n cargo of j if
finfi, A local undertaker and his Huff
will accompany the ship. It is expect
ed the Muckoy-Hcunotl will ho i;oiu
ten days. Vincent Astor. who was
expected heio today to make, nr
rnnKoiuents with a wieekiiijj conco.r.
for a Mia i ch for the body flf his fath
er, Colonel John .Jacob Astor. did not
arrive. It is thought pixdiahle that he
remained in Now York to meet his
peatedly. Sho naked tho Carpathla
for a lint of tho third clans piiRuen
roth Havod from tho Titanic. Tho
icipieHt was not complied with. Tho
Cheater will try aRaln. Tho Car
pathla la now communicating with
aIioi'O. statloiiH."
w imXHR
Chief Supporter Views Medford
i have an ond. Somo pigs, tnrougn snoov lorco 01 gruuc ami muster,
olizing tho trough for n timo, and stuff to busting, but, after a whilo
along, and with one swipo of his long knifo, a trick is turned for
cd. Tlio ClHl or ills nogsiup is sausage, ami mm, mm
A vote for Dunn Is n vote for tlio M)1HIc)iiiin, for the rcuctlonitrlcs and for the speculators; for politicians who lived for years on llie tax
payer and Mck rcNtonition of power; for reactionaries ronstllutlonally opposed to progress; for speculators who desire to sell at par vvurruntH
bought from tlio iinfortiiuato ImIow uir.
Will O. Stool who was sent to
Washington to work for an appro
printion for tho Crater Lnk National
park jk hack in Portland after scvernl
months in Washington and in a ro
port to tho Medford Commercial club
states that everything has been done
which could ho at this time for tho
authorization of thu appropriation hy
congress. Mr. Steel prepared n writ
ten report hut will visit Medford soon
and fo over tho matter in detail with
the dull. Mr, Steel iu his report
says :
I arrived in Washington before the
mooting of congress, and lost no time
iu getting to work. Tho report of
Mujor Morrow had not arrived, and
did not como for some time, which
delayed mat lorn in the. commonce-
( Continued on Page Two,)
. Hj
M I l
i i . i - i .....i i.ii....
Heeding the Voice of the People
An increase of HTSovcr tho total
registration in the county nt the last
primary election in 1010, is shown
hy figures of this ear's registration
which hnvo boon compiled by County
Clerk Cojeman. The total registr.;
lion For the primary election iu 1010
was 3808. while this year it is .T280.
Tho registration by parties is as fol
lows for tho two jearR;
Party- 1012
Kepuhlicnn (337f
Democratic. JL33fi
Socialist J8l
Prohibition til
Independent -. '2'M
10 LI
Thm gives the republicans an in
crease of 11.11, tho democrats nu iu
oreaso of 3'J-l, the socialists an in
oreaso of -H, the prohibitionists a
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 17. De
claring that vast combinations of
capital nro tho most serious menaco
tho United States has faced slnco tho
civil 'war and appealing to tlio plain
people of Oregon to romovo that evil
nml restore, a form of government
roproAontuUve of tlio mussed, Sen
ator llobort M. I.a Follotto, candl
dato for tho republican presidential
nomination, addressed 10,000 per
sons here. Tho auditorium was
Jammed and hundred wore unable
to gain admittance,
Senator La Folletto wout after
Colonel Hoosovolt hammer and
tonga. Ho declared that tho trusts
had prospered tinder Hoosovelt, who,
ho charged, had failed to mako uso
of tho Sherman anti-trust av. or re
vision of tho tariff downward two
weapons La Fqllotto said Hoosovolt
had to uso In coping with, tho sltua
tian, Senator La Follotto gnvp Colonel
KpoHovolt eiodlt tor doing what fto
could but remarked Ironically that
decrease of G, and the independents
a decrease of 3S.
A comparison of the Medford and
Ashland republican vote for the two
years follews:
. 83a
Majority 302
iho democratic vote in the same
cities lor tho same years follews:
"1012 1010
Medford -167 3IU
Ashland 101 123
..Majority 270 218
Tho independent vote in Medford
and Ashland shows n decrease indi
cating greater interest in tho election
this year.
"God mado Hoosovolt an agitator
not ft constructive statesnniu."
Referring to President Taft, Sen
ator La Follntto Bald his rival is a a,
easy-going man who nover did any
hard work and who fell Into the
hands of Senator Aldrlch, Speaker
Cannon aud "ministers and servants
of theso mighty powers."
After donouuqlng tho Payne-Aid-rich
tariff bU, tho senator closed by
sayliig that tho people might Just as
well elect him now, "becauso If they
don't now they will some tlmo In tho
Vv'ASUINaTON, April 17. Tho
Whito House, received infonuntjoji
this afternoon that thu sotjttl cvuisorsf
Following an evident attempt to
dyuamlto the structure, Judgo Calk
Ins at Grants Pass Tuesday after
noon upon application by the mas
ter fish warden, represented by At
torney E. E. Kelly, and the consent
0f tho receiver, ordered
certificates Issued as a first lien on
tho property of tho Golden Drift Min
ing company for an estimated
amount of $4000 for tho construc
tion of a permanent flshway at tho
Anient dam. plans for which were
drawn by Engineer Hnrry Foster
and approved by the state fish and
gamo commission.
It Is tho state'B Intention to rush
construction work, supplying the
funds with the lien as security. With
tho construction of this flshway, the
trouble of tho fish In ascending the
stream will bo over.
Tho attempt to dynamite tho struc
ture was discovered Tuesday by W.
P. Smith, watchman of tho dam. In
vestigation made by Receiver George
Soranson disclosed a nolo four by
five feet In slzo In tho plank toolng,
about 10 feet from tho south side,
permitting a largo volume of water
to pour through, under tho dam and
through tho cribbing, which may
eventually carry out that portion of
tho structuro.
Refusal of tho dam owners to
construct a permanent flshway has
caused bitter resentment on tho part
of fishermen toward tho structure
and it is presumed tho attempted
demolition was tho rc-bult. But few
fish have been enabled to ascend
tho stream this year.
Chostor mid Snlom are rushinpr north
ward to tho scone of tho Titanio tlia
nbter, Tho wireless aboard tho Snlom
hus n rndins of 1,000 miles.
President Ttift remained " lute
last night, waiting for news of hi
military njdo, Maje'r JJn,U, who i be
lieved to luivo perfcUed hi the wreck.
Is Blamed for Withheldinj News
Relatives and Friends ef Victims
Demand Explanation for His Leav
ing Liner His Conduct Scored.
White Star Officials Have No News
Further of Wreck Scores leg for
News at Offices.
NEW YORK, April 17. Bitter de
nuncintion of J. Ilrnee Ismny, a man
aging director of the White Stnr line
and of his company was voiced hero
today by hundreds of the relntivp
and friends of those who were lost on
the Titanic.
"Why did not Ismny stay with tho
ship and ro down like n man?" was
the frequent criticism of, the victims'
friends who angrily denounced Ismny
as responsible for tho White Stnr'.i
secretive tactics and the failure of
the Cnrpathia to send news of th
wreck. This denunciation was in
creased to red hot pitch today when
the White Star, after issuing, a sun,
pleraentary list of the rescued and
announcing that it had been received
by wirelesH, Inter denied that it was
so received.
Ismny's presence on the Cnrpathin
is believed' to be thcrwle reason that
this vessel, which carries the mir
vivors of tho srent disaster, has ao
far failed to send one illuminative,
word of the fearful scenes which
must have been enacted when the Ti
tanic sank. His taking to the boats
with the women nnd children is heiu'g
scored on all sides.
A'.kine; for news, which is consist
ently denied, crowds of weeping for
eigners crowded the third class of
fices of tho Whito Star line today.
The scenes as they begued for news
of their loved ones, were heart-rend
ins:, men, women and children, giv
ing way to the wildest emotion.
At the first class office tho scenes,
thoueh more restrained, wore eqnnlly
touching. Hut to immigrant nnd mil
lionaire alike, the White Star gave
out the one reply "No news."
That J. I'ierpont Morgan, junior,
knew of the sinking of tho Titanio
Monday, and forced suppression of
the news until the stock market closed
was positively denied here today by
I'. A. Franklin, vice president of tho
White Star company, of which Mor
gan is a director.
Vice President Franklin of tho
Whito Star line insisted that charges
that the company purposely withheld
news of tho wreck were false. Mo
said ho only hoard at 0:30 o'clock
Monday nixht that the Titanio hud
sunk and withheld the news only until
he could set confirmation. He posi
tively denied that ho kilew of the dis
aster Monday niomintr.
WASHINGTON', April 17. Com
mandor Decker of tho scout cruiser
Chester this afternoou wlrelesaeu' the
navy department as follews:
"Tlio Carpathla states that tho list
of first and second class paseongers
and crow saved from tho Titanic bus
boon sent ashore, Tho Chester will
relny tho names of tho third class
survivors when It Is convenient to
tho Carpathla."
Tho Whito Star Hue officials be
llevo that the message of Captain
Decker of tho Chester to the navy
department means that only tUoe
first and second class pawwigers
whose names have ulready bees (pub
lished were saved from the Titanic)
that tho others aboard the Carpathla
are steerage passengers,
If this Interpretation la tru, ikr
la no further hope for the sfty &t
the noted men and wewwa wha aitH
are nilsalng. Many nam wH91JmhI
bo?n waltlBtc at Uw WM1 ttr '-
i vm ' for , WW