$ ' " J- y 4 At Times 1 " ' i i i i.. i i i . . . i .i i ii ,, , , , , . -- , ; .KifiC.V w'THIWGo'ro S I'LL TAlcc THaju f YC MAM, X' A'Mlr WTO1I U LrM) VOOfT) j i ' - IJsjipljJiVi15''''- it nil '. 7 7 1 7 J 1 Wkr- tWlflih'feiflf . , .... ,1-waga ' WOMAN WHO ELOPED WITH PASTOR HAPPY NEW YOHK, Apt II 16 Tho Imp plost woinaii In tin world," according to hor own account, In Flnrettn Whn ley, who for fli yonra bus Hlinred tho rui mi nml Inborn of Jo.ro Cook, who loft IiIh wlfo ami hln uilnlxtry of Hi. tlioo!MH KpUitopnl church, Ilomp7 ntond, to I'lopi with hln uttractlvo PuiInIiIoiihi'. With Iter two sturdy kiiiim, horn to her nml Cooko, she ap peared today nit muvcutlonnl a wo limn ami mother n could ho found. "Wo hitvo lived together flvo yiarM Of tilt) doopOHl hlipplllCSM t It ft t coulil In known In tho worlil, tin Id tlm "untiinrrlfd wlfo" today. "Wondoro nh oUhp. I fcl that In thin ox ciiptlonal cao wo hnvo proved thnt wo did rlRht whim wo wont nwny to Kothor. Ytt I would ho tho flrttt ono to pri'voni any othor youiiK Kir! from doluK what 1 did. MurrliiKO, ovun tho rorotiionlnl iniirrliiKo. U a Kro.it nafn Kiuinl to iionloty. Thoro Itt only ono mail In a million thnt would hnvo rliun: to mo iiu my IiiihIiiuiiI did. For tho othor woman hnn need for all tho advaulaKoH tho law coufom on n imirrlod woman. Tho man should HiipHrt hor, Nhould rhorlih hor, hut Im don not In many otiHtM If who kooaj w'th hi tu without tho roromoity of iiiarrlnKo. Ho hociiih to doiplsn her. "IIkjii thoro nro tho rhlldron. For tho poor. liolploii chlldron tlm afo KtiaidH of iiooloty aio ubflolutoly IIMMhld." "My hUHhaud put It on my fliiKcr wlmii ho wont away. I did not iiHk for It, hut whou ho k,io It to jiio I foil tho KroatvHt dollRht. Tho spirit or that woddliiK rliiK and or that act Iiuh Ih'cii about our wholo II fo to KOthor, and i only Iouk for tho day whim ho will ho froo and ablo to put tho ring thoio In tho coromony of tho cihuroh." Sho told of hor ovporloucoH la flKlitlui; povorty with Cooko In San FrannlKco ami of IiIh offortn to "malto kooiI." Cooko In now working at tho piipoi'liaiitiliiK Undo In Now York. NEEDN'T KILL CHICKENS TO GUARANTEE TRUTH PORTLAND, Or, April Hi. Plana for (ho administration of tho Chlnono oathn to wKuoHHCH In tho trial of Wong HI Sam, a Chinese, rhnrged with tho murder or Hold Ring, a fol low countryman, which began hero today, woro uuittU'rcri when Judge Henry Medina refused to allow auch proceed ugs. "I will not. allow thin courtroom to ho turned Into a slaughter Iioiiho," mild Judge Medina, when It wna pro posed that u chicken should he do capllatod each time a Chtuuso wau sworn lu an a wltuosu no that ho would ho coilnln to toll tho ti'iiUi, "If a wltnesH can't tell tho truth without having a chicken killed hu In not much good." Judge Median finally decided to allow the "Kaucor" and "llghtod can dle" tealH. These nro regarded as almost iih good iib tho ehlrkou be heading proceeding. ' SI Ham, with Low Soon, In alleged to have killed Held lllug, whoso uuartorod body wiih found last De cember In Seattle, where It had been iihlppod from Portland. Tho principal wltncmi for tho (ditto will ho 01 Hen, u Chinese woman, who, police say, confessed, complicity In tho crlmo. Low Boon's trial will follow Sum'ti, DROVE TO PORTLAND AND BACK IN 20 DAYS C. C, Pnrku hnn jitHt returned from driving u (cam to Portland and re turn for tho NiihIi livery of this oty, taking tho Hiipoiintondout of con ntructlon ror tho PuolfloTolophona nnd Telegraph company on a tour jjf lnHnootlon along their- Hue tiot)voon, horo nml Portland. Tho round trip aviih wade lu twenty day and tho foam In flint uhiHu Hhapo, MTCDT Jeff Really Shows AMERICANS ARE III. PASO. Tnxnn, April 1C All AuioiliaiiH nml mont or tho othor for oIkii rctdilcnlK nro leavlin: C'hthunhua today followliiK the Aincrlrnn i;ov oitimoiit'M ultimatum to ProKldont rrnnclMi'o I, Madoro and (Sonurul I'liKcual Orozco th;it tho IIvok and piopoity or Aniorlrnn rltlzoiiN nniHt ho prolootod. Fifty AinurlcniiB ar rlvod hero today, 10 othorn linvlnn rpnehod horo hint nluht. Thoy re port that tho ultimatum nan In vroanod tho Houtlmoul nKnliiHt Amor IcniiH. It olio I HOldlorH boardod onch train ami Hoarchod ovory Amorlrnn pnnnonm'r heforo tho trnlim woro al lowed to dopnrt. FLIES 130 MILES OVER OCEAN IN 130 MINUTES LOS ANOKUCS, April JO. Flying alinoMl Kid inili.'H over tlm ocean from Han I)ioK to Lox Anp'lt" in n frno tiou ovor l.'IO iiiiimtiv, Karmim Fixli, tho ,vouui;oht licoiisi'd aviator in tho world, ix holiiivod today to have hhat tvrvil Hoveral rocordi. I'Msh, who h 17 yearn old, loft Xuttu JkhuiiL-SJiUjiliiv;",. liili.vettui' iln.. nrohiiiunhlv forft' trinf finin. At tut altlliido of 4,0()0 foot lie iiilllouly ftwuuir out ovor tho orran, ttirn northward and ouiokly dihiipjioan'd. Aoro elnlj officials hero declare Fi'hIi'k foal, in addition to heitlin speed records wiih the longest ooiilin nous infor-oity flight oer mndo on llio- Paoifio ooar.t, nml (ho longed eoutiuuouH over-ooean flight in the hibtory of nvjutioii. rile Cund In (I to 11 Days. Vour druggist will refund money If PA'O OINT.MKNT falls to euro any case or Itching, Illlnd, Weeding or Protruding Plica In 6 to 14 days. GOe. MEDF0RD MARKETS Retail Prices. Vegetables, Pntntoos $2 per cwt. Cabbage 3c Parsnips 2V4o, Lettuce lOo head. Carrots 2 Wc IJeots 2o. Onions 4c. Celery G0o$l dos. Cauliflower 100200 head, Radishes Co bunch. Onions Green, Do buucX. Fruit. Prunes Dried, xvo lb. LomouB 30o dozen. Bananas lOo to 30c per doss Oranges lCn to 40c nutter, Eggs aad Poultry, Butter Pro;h rauon, per roll, 65o; cronmory, 8Gc. Egga FrcHh ranch, 20c. Poultry Hens, dressod, 20c: Hvo 14c; springs, dressod, 20c. TurkovB 20o to 25o, d rested. Moats, Wholesale, noof Cows, 4o; steers, Ee. Pork Kdl0V&o.a Veal Dressed, 8o, Mutton 3 G3 Ho, lire; lambs, 5 Vtto. Hay nml Feed, Wholesale, Hay Airnlfa, $12 to $15; grain, $12 to $14. Grain Wheat, $t per bushol; oats, $30 por ton; harloy, rollod, $40 por ton; bnrloy, wliolo, $36, NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tho underHlgnod will npply to tho olty coupcll of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Kh next rogulur moetlngyon April 10, 1012, for a llconso to Bell oplrltuous, vluous nnd mult llquora In qunntltlcB less than a gallon, ut No, 22 North Front atrcot, In said olty for n period of nix months, O. M, SELSUY. FLEEING MEXICO QDirORT) MAIL TRTBTJNF,, ' in. 1 1 i ii 1 1 . ii i Flashes of Human Intelligence I I.OS ANOi:i.i:S. C'nl., April 1C. -LlKhtwolj;ht Champion Ad WolwnHt, Joo Itlvorn, nml tholr roKpectlvo man nR:r, Tom Juiiom and .loo Levy, wont Into rouforonro IIiIk nfternnnn In tho offlro or tho Parlfrt- Athlotlc flub to bIrii aillrk'H for their 20 round tilt for tho tlllu on tho Fourth of July. AlmoHt tin noon an the conference had begun It wan apparent that a hitch would arlso ovor tho rorerco. WolKHHt, t Ih said, will under no oomlltloiiH coiiflcnt to Charted Kyton. the eliib'rt nrriclal roforco. It Is uald Jim JerfrloH, Jack Welsh or sotne other man would bo IiIb choice. Militia Encampment Hears TACOMA, Wn April 1C Tacoma Is all hot up over tho poHslblllty or loralliiK a hrlcado jiokI or tho regular nrmy on tho American Lake prnlrleK, near hero, tho Hceno or numorous on cnmpmcntH. Tho commercial club will urge the lte on tho army board hraded by Oeneral M. P. Mnus noon to bo here. Dors Object to I. W. W.'s. VANCOITVKR, Wn., April 1(5. Vancouver dogs becamu excited at tho proncliIiiK or street ioakora nnd Iiowli'd vigorously. Tho speakers yelled louder. The dogs, Increased lu number, caugiit tho spirit and the Hpoakers woro compelled to give them the platform. FOUND FOUND A scarf pin. have same by proving paying for this ad. Owner may property and HUSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Pnylug restaurant in good location cheap If taken at once. HI health of owner cauno of selling. AddrcBS A. 'A., caro Mail Tribune. 2C WANTED Partner In a good pay able theater, person with thonto operleuco preferred. Will allow parly buying to Investigate bust nobs heforo Investing, Present ownor Ih musician In theater now. Address or call Prof. Reach, 954 Iloulovard, or phono 4 03 party R Ashland, Oregon. 22 FOR RENTHOUSES FOR RENT Modem bIx room house will rent ror $16 n month. Phone Pncirio 5372. il FOR RENT Furnished Iiouko eloso lu. M. A. Rndor, at Medrord Furnl turo & Hardwaro Co. FOR RENT 5 room modern house 1118 N. Rlvorsldo. Phono Main 744 FOR RENT 6 room unfurnlshod apartment. All modern convenienc es. Heat location In Medford. Rent reasonable. Apply Oakdale Cash Grocery, 22 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Over the postoffico, with boat and light. Bee A. A. Da via. FOR RENT Largo, comfortnblo of flco rooms with olovator service, steam bent, hot and cold water, Low rates, Apply Modtord Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FurnlHhod front room, hnth, $7 n month; close In. 323 South Central. 22 FOR RENT Modern furnlshod rooms ut tho Cottage, 604 West loth at,, two blocks noutu Medrord hotel. Hot and cold water lu rooinH, Home phono 217, Mrs, II, M, Cobs. FOR RENT Smith npartmouts. 217 So. Rlvorsldo. FOR RENT Largo slooplng room, $1,50 nnd $2 por wook. Modorn houBokooplug apartments, $15 aud $16, Home phone 2GU-K, 222 South Holly, FOR KENT HOU8KJCHKPINQ ROOMS FOR RENT Ono good housekeeping room! 310 North Bartlett at, lTiDFORI. OUKflOX, TUESDAY, APRIL Ifi, 1912, i 1 1 1, 1 1. i iiu mmmmrrr ,i i i i .. n w ! i i FOIl BALE Git KENT FOR KENT OH BALK Garden and fruit tract, on pavod Btreet, M. A. Iladcr, Medford Furnlturo & Hnrd waro Co. FOrt BAIiK ACIIKAGH FOR SALE Teo acres on main Anh land road, small buildings, for $2750 $1000 will handle, easy tornis on balance. Fine placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOIt 8AL11 LA.VI) FOR SALE Chlcuon rancti and gar den land Vj nMe from Medrord. W. 11. Evorhard, 1009 West flt.U Phono CC71. FOR SALE 200 acres fine alfalfa land under ditch, as good land for alfalfa a can be round 'In tho tato. This -will bo sold cheap. This Is your opportunity long looked for. Ollrer D. Brown, 436 N. Bartlett L RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE I have a good homestead relin quishment two miles from the Sama Valley P. O. containing 160 acres. SO acres of this is good tlllablo land, bal. is in timber. A good team, wagon and harness, to gether with good cow, six head of hogs, all implements, and enough hay to winter tho stock goes with tho placo. Thoro Is a well and a good spring on the place, also a two room house and good barn. I! in wholo layout In otrcrod for $irQQ, and it i6sato to say that thoro Is cuouBk.w.nod on tho placo to jiay for It. Oeo. C. Cornltius, 219 A'. Main st. 21 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE New buhgaiow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screened in back porch 10x2S; front porch Sx2S; east rront; lot 60x171 reet deep, or two lota, 100x171 .with alloy at sldo, with 'barn on. Will glvo good terms. Inquire 317 Howard st., east Bldo, Phone C2C1. FOR SALE Somo good Improved nnd unimproved Medford property on and near S. Oakdale; modern houses for rent, also somo good youug driving horses. Inquire or S. T. Howard, Jr., 81G S. Oakdale. ' Phono, PacRic 72. FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood at country prices. 10-ln. fir $2.75, 12-ln. fir $2.25, 10-In. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood $3.50, lC-ln. pine split $2.75. All dry wood. 619 S. Rlvorsldo. noil phono 5041. FOR SALE Strictly new 5 room bungalow, oak floors and beamed celling in diving and dining rooms, paneling and plato rail in dining room. This Is only three blocks from Mod ford hotel. Price Is very low. Call owner. Phono 744. 22 FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Eggs. Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Rhode. Islaud Rods, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhard, 1009 West 9th. Phone 6671. FOR SALE Will Bell my breeding pens of S. C. Whlto Leghorns aud Crystal Whlto Orpingtons or entire plant, reasonable. Baby chicks and hatching eggs from both broods for sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson vino, Oro. FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons, Wyan dottes, Pljmouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bantams, eta Also ducks and tur keys, Wrlto for circular. Simp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 335 FOR SALE Hatching oggs from my truuuoBtod Crystal, White Orping tons and R. I. Hods. Myra, Fuller, Siskiyou Hts. Phono 51S2. 25 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Importod . Porchoron stallion. Registered, in Orogou. Address Box 28, Hilts, Cal. 21 T- FOR SALE Second hand hack, cheap. 525 S. drape. ' i FOR SALE Good farm or orchard toiuu, bays, weight 1250 lbs. each, good llfo and gcutlo, $275, Best young driving horso in country, hiindsomo, spocdy and gontlo tor lady or gontloman. Also young Duroo Jorsoy hogs, J, O. Pqndle ton & Son, Table Rock. Phono Coutral Point. FOR SALE First class young- Jor aoy cow, Fresh, J, B, Stovons, Tolo, Oro. 22 FOR SALE Furnlturo very cheap, Apply Ottkdnlo Cash Grocery, 25 FOR SALE SnSCELLAXEOUS FOR SALB -Soed corn. Flrt prize at Medford fair. Apply W. Annlng, Phoenix, Ore. 28 FOR SALK A No. 1 Jortioy milch cow. Will bo froHh In few day John II. Hair, Rogue River. Ore. 27 FOIt BALK OR KXCHANGH FOR SALE Or trade ror small tract near Medrord, new modern nlno room bungalow. Renting ror $44. Address Rex CIS. FOR KALE OR TRADE For Roguo river land or Medrord nropert An Improved ton acre farm; C acres in 20 year old orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; large cherry trees that simply beat the world in quantity and quality, to gether with a fee simple title to teu acres of clams and bathing beach in front; all kinds of clams In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Brownsville P. O., on regu lar lines of boats rrom Seattle, one hour's run; 3 miles rrom Bremer ton navy yard. First class plank road rrom house to wharf. Fare from Seattlo to place for the past year has been Cc, nevor more than 25c. Special rates for school chil dren. Will exchange for Medford property or Roguo river valley land. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co.. 604 West 10th st. 3C" FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eagle Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or unlmprovqd. Ex change price same as cash- price. 8eo Oliver B. Brown, 436 N. Bart lett st. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A good reliable woman to do cooking and general houso work on a farm one mllo from Medford. only two In family. Phono 1G1 Jacksonville or address Box 98, Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED Woman for general housework, 4 In family, on main road 2$ miles east of Eagle Point. Address Mrs. F. Pelouze, Eagle Point. 24 WANTED Girl for general house work, good wages. Address Box R. W caro Mall Tribune. 22" WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by experienced young man as bookkeeper or clerk. Good rofeonces. Phono 252-L or address 40 Cottage st. 24 WANTED Who Is In need of a good man and boy with a team to manage a small farm or to rent eanio? F. Osonbruggo, 401 Rlv ersldo avo South. 21 WANTED PInIn sewing or dress making. Mrs. E. Cornett, 402 S. Central ave. Tel. 6521. 26 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas ture P. D. Blackden, 157 Laurel st., Ashland. WANTED You can't help bu make monoy Belling our guarantccd-to-glvo-satlsfactlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly: exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top pontsh, Washington. WANTED Orchards to plow by tho day or acre. Address Box 10. caro Mall Tribune. 24 WANTED TO BUY Fruit Land Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres near city limits; partly Improved, with vari ety of fruits; prefer a farm with somo timber, fair buildings, good building site, sasy terms, must bo a bargain; glvo exact location and price: from owner, no agent. Ad dress 24, caro Mall Trlbuno. 3S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys D. W. BAOSHAW Atlornoy-at-Law, Jacksonville, Oro, OfHce: Bnuk bldg.. second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. 0. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office, Medford National Bank building, socond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attoruoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postoffico bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyor. Garnett- Corey bldg, MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUI KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 1,2 Juck&ou County Bank bldg. B. F, PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 820 Garuett-Corey Bldg. ,.v BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arch I (Oct A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phone 744. Phono 6413. Johns 8c Turner Architects and Builders. Offlco 31-33 North Bart lett, near Main. Office Phone IQStl Assrtjrer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, nil vcr, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assayera and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ens are earnestly requested to send samples ox their ores for exblbl tlon purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir sU. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your bookB audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono 6611; residence phono 6302. ElllUrd Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend' the hot afternoons. BUI Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country -work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 523, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 706 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 413 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phone Main a021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer ana surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty: sur veys, subdividing, building grades. city engineering, aralting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 S. Front st, Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phone Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ART,EMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gus administered for extraction of teeth. Tolophono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist E. 9 th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advlco in dlo totlcs, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant Phone Home 168-K. Furnltvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th aud Holly sta. Medford, Mission furniture, mndo to ordor. Cabinet work- of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited, Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo, T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 34,61. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. 218 West Main Stroot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tllev Get our prices and see our brick and tile before ,puri suing. 'A'GIB T&Yli By "Bud" Fisher 5 v BUSINESS DIRECTORY Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave orders at 29 3. Bartlett, or phone Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3632. Home 107-X. GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons ror good service. Phono Main 822; aliio garden man tiro far sale. J. F. Perrez. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of the staU of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Side Stables. Notary Public, HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to ae at th) sign of The Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are sot lu tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, lu side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., lac. Growers ot hlgk-gradu nursery stock. Office. 104 8 Fir. Both phones. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office la sontheru Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Fort land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTINQ AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phone Pac 3843. Physlclaas aud Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor ani Phlpps bldg., rooms 110-211-212. Office phone. 501, residence phoa 612. Office hours, 8 a. raru to p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopatklo physicians. Moved to room 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg: Phone Main 351. DR. STEARNS Physlclaa sjad sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, oftte 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclfa and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices ovor Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: it. 1001, Home 33. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat Eyes scte-v. tltlcally tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E.-Maln 8t over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. tu. to 8 p, m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack sou County Bank. Office phone M, 432; Res. phone, M. 583. DR. E. II, PORTER Physician and Burgee. St Marks Block. Office phone 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Payslelas) and Surgeon. Office room 5 and 6 Kentnor bldg. Office hours 19 to 12. 2 to 5, Phone. Bell 271. Residence phone Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palas bleofc. Stenographic work doae quickly and well. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE COT, Office 16 South Fir. Paoee Bell 3152; Home 350-K. rrteee right, Servico guarantee. MEDFORD PARCEL DEHYERY--. Tv Parcels lOe, 15o,' 25ej trmka 9le anywhere la the elty. Office, Val ley S-cond Hand Store,, 15C Fir st Phenes: Mala 9072, Mease; M,. Messenger service, Fred Otker, Prdp. Uudertatewf .! JOHN A. FKRL Uwetakr-al Jfiinbajwer. Off Me 38 ieutk BarV lett. st Telepkeaee: Dex Sett 4T1; hljat.' rswMestee MR) Iff, 4 - Hejasr lft-L. CMe aawvetti sgrpf foe e'eyv .Ajsswhusss) ssYvtfleV .v WJ I i-