Til &.' ,, flrennn HMerUtl tM)ift Medford Mail Tribune K FIRST EDITION WEATHER I'lilr tonight, light frnM. .Mat. (in, Mht. ill. KurtytNcotiiul Vmr Iiully Hi'Knili Witr MIUDFORD, OUKCJON. M'UEKIMY, AIMm, Hi, 1012. No. 21. fr . - "T 1492 LIVES LOST IN TITANIC DISASTER k ft r re. . t v- V. K SUING OF ICEBERG BY TITANIC RESULTS IN GREATEST MARINE DISASTER IN HISTORY OF WORLD Over 2300 Persons on Bonril Whrii Liner Struck mitt of those CCG Were Savnl nnil Am New Spmlliijj Toward New Yoik Believed Every Soul Could Have Bern Saved Had Titanic Carried Enounli Rafts and Life Boats for Her Passcniicrs Impossible to Give a Correct List of the Survivors Women In Steeraiie Were Given Same 0iinrtunly to Escape as Those in First Cabin Only a Score of Male Passengers Were Saved. NICW YOltlC. April III l.l (if I I pnianiiM. itrenrdliiK to liitoHt omIiiimoh heio toiliiy, wi'if lout when Uii Vltnnle Hunk after h( rikliiK nn IcntiniK off tli (iraiul IIhiiIik According to tlii company, the White Hlur 1 lit o. thnio woru 'JaTtS alumni tint Tltiuilu when h. Ht i tick mid of tliew hiifi wore wived In the nlilp'N houtn uiul urn now NieodltiK to New York alumni tint Cat pntlilu. It l bollovod that nimrly every mini aboard lln Titanic tould have boon Kimiil If the Klanl liner had minimi llfobnntM uiul llfo rnflri enough to hno ni'i'oiiunntliitnit bur innoni:uiM. HiiL onl 20 modem lifeboats weio aboard. Vim I'twdtltml Franklin or tlm White Star lino In Kluniiod hy tin' fittiiHtrnpho. Hit mi lit KiiIm that tho Carpathlit will arrive In Now York on Thiiritduy or onrly Friday morning. Tlio Olympic. Franklin mild, Id believed to ho ncarrhliiK tin' hi'ii noar tin scone of the wreck. Ho declares llio Anchor l.lnor California In nlmi noar tlm scone. Only into hope re inalnn. it In believed the Titanic drifted over thirty miles from tho time khi struck to tho tlnn she sank and that pohmIIiI) some of tho lifeboats fowcroil-iirl tlrlftoil nun) boforo tho Citrpathlti arrived Tho weather off Novn Hi tit In. howevor, was fogg last nlKht anil with a heavy thunder htyrm tiai;lliiK eastward Ilttlo hope In entertained for rescuing tho siir vfvdrs who' may ho Kt III afloat. Tho wTtoles stations today admit tholr Inability to reach any of tho VjL'HfolM''tiiimKiMlJo hnvo been Jn tho vicinity when tin Tltanlu wm down. "ITTt-y Trfi'lftviiT.nVtiiHlilo"t reach Iho C'lirpnthln,' tint tins oriuVnvnrlni; to roach her by a rolny.iiyalfiii. Jim, Jiikk,'"Ii('Iiii Offers fn SmiiiI Any Anionnt. .Mrs. Ilditjnmtn (1iii:k"iiIihIiii. wife of tho tnllllonnlro mining innn who l ropoitod iuiioiik, those ilrowned, today told Vice Provident Franklin that she wiih propnuiil to spend any ninonnt to learn definitely of her hus band's fate, riliu pleaded with him to charter all available steamers anil bend t limn out to meet the Carpal lilu. Franklin ropllodr "Wo havo spaied no expense to not ship to the rescue. Vessels are KlandliiK by "oil searching In tho vicinity whero tho Titanic l supposed to have y.iMie down. Wo can only linpe." It Ih ovpectoil the hKiiIch to he told by tho HiirvlvoiK will ocIIpko any IIiIiik In fiction. It Ih likely that women and children miffeiyd Kentl whllo the HfcbontM wore floiuiderliiK about In tho mitt prior to being picked up by tho Cnrpathla. Tho Mock market wiih norvoim early In the day Iicihiiiho of tho dlsiiHler, but tho early deproHHlon was followed h a fair iccmory. The tono thin afternoon U buoyant. Snitltot Number llllit lliiiulicil. Tho inirvlvorH, unmlieiliiK SfiO pemona, iuok11 women and children, now Htuamlni; for New Yoik on hoard tho liner Carpalhla. are all that reninln of tlnihi', IihIuiIIiik paHKeuKem and ciow, who Mailed aboard tho Titanic on It mnldun vo)aKo trom Konthampton lout WodncHday. I'. A. I'mnklln. ico prtmlilent of the While Htar company, admitted lntio today that It wan ImpoHHlhlo to t'.Ue a coirect lint of tho unrvlvom, THE STEAMSHIP TITANIC LOST ON HER MAIDEN VOYAGE lHifl'lx.i- mi r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i iitsm mm m is HEAVIEST N MAN E ANNALS HUNDREDS SEEK re OF m N ON BOARD MWlk Hii:riKKvrio.v8 or tiu: tit.wi c Tiiiiim'm u i-.lt rcil. n.ntll) ton-; toninipe. ili-plncrincnt, (ib.OUO ton-, lefiytli ocr nil, 8SJ 1-2 feet: lircmllh o(rnll, !2 I J Ictt. luiulilli tiinii 1 eel fo tiilnii lop, 105 tool, i innlirr of sled ilc kf, 11; number of v.ato--lij.'lit linlklicaiK, l'i, i rcw tarried, hl(); m-cnp'r eiitafilyf 2VI0. Tl CHECKS RESGU E WORK MON'THKAU tue, April III. -Ml hope tlint ntiv of tin Kiirttvotv oT the Titnine who were Mill inlrift in rnftx and limit In1-! tiiltl .Imw Iieen Mixed Minirthcil toilnv when n rcHiit reaeli cil here from the weather xijinnl ln- tion on tint Utdf oLSt. ljtutuncft thnt n"lienvv I'off Iny off the efliiKt tit N'nta 81'olin, nnil (lint it lienxy tliuii ilcrxtnrm broke in (lint vicinity lift nie,ht and is Irnvelin en-twitnl. TAFT ANXIOUS US TO BUTTS FATE WASIII.N'fiTOX, April 1(5. With I're.iiili'iit Tit ft keepuijr the wires hot liclwoen Wiihhiiieton And the Xew York itlfieib, of the White Star line in nn eriort to lentn (ho fate of hi military aide, Major Archibald . Ilntt, liclieeil to hae perilled in the wteck of the Tilnnie, while "it route home ft out n eini-ofticiul tup iin It wiih evident that the Tltiittlc'rt offlcem had hIiowii no partiality In , rhfoUKh Knrope, deep rIooiii pervades tianHforuiH women pamteitKeiH lo tho Cnrpathla, tho women In tho Nicer- mu, while Hoiim) (odiiv as n reMilt of the steanibhipV eittnstiophe. Kov. Henry X. Condon, 1). P. chap- at;o belnx Riven an eijunl chanco with the women In the flint cabin. The hopu that additional paKHoiiKorH had boon picked up by tho Vlr it t tt In it and I'm Ifllan wiih Hhattoted today when wliolohn ineHHauou received hero aniiouuced thai tlitw enel had arrived on tho bomio too lato to ho.lnln of the house of representatives, of iiMMlHtnnco. jdelivetod n pnief nt llio day's ses- Not ntoro than a hcoio of uialo pinmonKorH aio hellovod to hnvo hcon islim nf the house for more htrtneut paved, thA iiiOuovldontl) IiihIhIIiik that tho women and chlldteu ho trniiH. laws for the protection of those e f en cil fliBt lo Ijio Caipathla. Tho Identity of tlumo icncued, however, jpo'sed to the tinngors of wot kill and cauiiol ho dnflnltoly Oetoruiliied until tho Cnrpathla. iiiiIvch hero or huuiIh IruveliiiK'. it iovIhuiI Hut of tho hiiiIoin by wIicIchii. The lioiiho unninmuslv adopted u Colonel .loll u Jacob Amor, lloiijatuln (lUKKonhelin, lxldor StratiH, Colo-! resolnl ion of sympathy for tho reln ikiI Wtmhliwitun ItoehllUK, .1. II, Thayer and (leorno 11. Wldonor, nil tntiltl- tios of tlm ietius of llio Titnnie inllllonalreH, aio believed to havo koiio dotyn with tho Titanic, 'dtMisler. REPORT, UNCONFIRMED, CUTS DWH LIST NKW YOKIC April 10 -The New York News Iliireait re hhIk that a wimless messnc to Cape Knee, relayed trom the scene of the wreck, nvl: "All except l'JUT of pmspn-lii'r- nlioanl the Titnnie had been accounted for." If the report i true it in dicates that l.Vi jper-ons in nilililinn to the 8ft5 rcKirtotl aboiird the CmfJ&tuivi hnvo been rescued, TliKrepnrt has not been continued. l STEAMER IS fflO MILES UNDER SEA HALIFAX. X. S April lfi. The death bed of the $10,000,000 steamer Titanic and ot thoe droned down with it is two miles below the surface of the sen. Tlii. calculation wa made by nn officer of the unvernment murine, tle pnrtrnent here, uliu find- flint depth ion tlio marine chart at that point U f 4-4-f where the Titanic went down. MI PROPELLERS WHICH DROVE II TITANIC ' i li ' ' - ii ; c . BT. ' gt'"igV' '.- liiiiiiiiiiiilBrAif.lv J udJJml ' ' vElShm t V BbVVBSBBBBSbSV - iwfc i v Ifct .BBwBBBBBBBBrf 'r mlTnilfiB y SjbJWjbjbjbjbjbJShjFS'Qj !idim' JbbJhJBJBJBJB, BjbJbJbSjbBBjT BSJEPA,ri'TBBBjBjBj HB BBBBBBBBBBBBBVrjs'BKliBBHiy V - VvJBBBBSBBBBBBBBBb HH11111111V I ' IVi T klmwHllllllllllllH BBHHBHHH I HBJ t 4t l'ii''fS FJIBhBSBBBBBBBs "5srm VBr -v JbBs?m w -4 v' BHbHHHHH nRlllIlBflr'iiki ' s -JL lMMwliniMi'" ':llllllllilllllV BhBBBHBPt , Li, - J i8&BHSuJiBBwBBBMaHk'JBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBfl SkBbBBPT rM MVHVBHBMBBBBBBBHSBBMtaiBBBBBBBBBflBBsBBBBBBBQ pffttt I IB ' flail TJf VBBDVnkBHBBBHBBMiBBBlBKnP9BBSBBBBBffl ' " ,-, .-iiii. ... .i . . mi u.-iT 1 T I !! ' "P mmmmmmmmmmmmmmZmMaid MARKET I By DISASTER NEW YORK. Apnl 111. At the op cninjr of toduj'.s .lock- market the common hurcs of tho International Mercantile Marine were off u point, and the pteferrcd U l-'J. United States Steel, Amaliraniated Copper, Utah Copper uiul Knc lost n frnclion. Xorlhorn Pacific. 1'iiion Pncifie, In ternational Hart ester mid American Sinoltipj; wcie coinpnntttvely strnnt;. On u report thnt J. P. Morsnn was on the Iom Titnnie tlio'inuiket in the second hour went off nbont .'I points. Lnter, on denial ot these reports, the market lebouudcd, hut closed alnuit 1 l-'J points lower than lust night. ffllE PORTLAND FOLK ON BOARD POUTLAND, Ore. April 1C It Is bol loved that flo or nioro residents of Portland were on board the liner Titan lo when slto sank, Tho Port laud men and women who may hnve puilshed aie: Herman Klnber, wealthy operator In hopo; F. M, Warren, preuldent of the Warren I'nckhiR company, and Mrs. Warren; Mrs. Jamos U. Watt, Iter 13 year old daiushter Ilorthn. J. 11. Ilrndy, vice president of the Stato Ilnnk of I'otncroy, Wnsh., was a passenger. EP H WAft VIRGINIA HAS NO RESCUE MONTKKAh, Quo., April 1C. Tho last hopo that addltlonul Titanic paBsoiiKerrt wete Mived was illasl patod hero today when Captain dumbo) of tho Vlrslnlnn roportud to tho Allan lluo ngonta horo that tho Vlrglnlan'B reneuo tilp was fruitless. Ills mossniio Raid: "Wo arrived too late to rose.no any quo ami are- nroceedhii; to Liverpool," LONDON, April 10. Captain James Partlou, manager of the White Star company, to uhiuh the Titanic belonped, issued the following Mnte ment here teday: "Tho fact that the Titanic Mink to such depths its are known to provnii where tho accident occurred pro eludes till hope of salvage. The fact that most of those saved were women and childien .speaks oliuues for the discipline aboard the vessel. I still hono that other liner beside the Cnr puthin nsMs,ted in the rescue, but possibly did not have wireless aboard or had wireless otuiipmeut which is not winking. Of eouive, this is only u lorloni hope." Will Not Be Known for Several Days Whether Underwriters Will Be Able to Meet Their Oblirjations in Full. $5,000,000 Diamonds Aboard. When Vessel Was Launched It Rep resented an Outlay of $12,000,000 Hat! Valuable Carp.o. I.OXDOX, April 111, "WV hnvo re ceived no accurate1 news." This was the only statement forth eomiiiff here today from officials of the White Star line in response (o the fineries of a frenzied and tearful crowd of relatives of passengers who sailed from Southampton Inst Wed nesday on the Titanic. All day lenj: and well into the niht u loii stream of anxious persons hcaie;eti tho of fices but they were jhen nft satis faction, and tonight Loudon is as much in the dnrk concerning the identity of the ictims as it was Inst night. The White Star company would give out no information but occasionally an official would step outside his oftice and anneunce: "We have no news yet." The financial Io-.s to the White Star company will be staggering. Of ficials declared thnt when the vessel was launched it represented nn out lay of .?r-0(IO,000. In addition the Titanic carried a consignment of dia monds estimated to be worth .5.3,000, 000. This loss, however, is practical ly covered by insurance. The loss- of the Titanic is the greatest from a tinuncinl standpoint in the history of marine iiiMtnince. The esel itself was insured for .f3. 700.000. An enormous, quantity of bonds also went down with the steam er but these eventually will be re placed. A tremendous; sum is repre sented in tho loss of baggage belong ing to passengers, the loss from this source alone being placed at .2,000, 000. It will not be known for several dnys whether the underwriters who carry the policies will he able to meet their obligations. Long Line of Hysterical Men, Women and Children Besiege Offices of White Star Line Begging ffr Def inite Information. Company Officials BItierly DerieUoc- ' etl for Withholding First News of the Disaster. XFAY YOniC, April lfi. All New York s Hlunned today by tho appal ling loss of fife to passengers nboni'd the wrecked White Star liner Titnnie, which was supposed to hnvo been virtually nnsinkable. A long line ot hysterical men, women and children betiieged the offices of tho Whito Star line, begginjr for some definite information, the company official?, however, were unable to hold out hope, explaining that they arc in tho dark concerning the fatalities, nnil that nothing will bo definitely known until the arrival here of the -Virginian mid the Cnrpathift, the two'oeenu liners first to reach tho wide of the ill-fated vessel. Relatives of the missing passen gers, as -well its their friends, bitterly denounce the company charging- th officials with havm0" deliberately withheld new of the disaster whim they were reasonably certain lmt the Titanic had gone dowirwith "hundreds of passengers. The White Star official are bitter ly censured for issuing fnlne reports that all passengers had been trans ferred ami that it was expected that the Titanic would be towed safely in to port. Went Down Llko Men. Reports received here today indi cated that the mule passengers, mil lionaire and peasant alike, went to their doom like men. The publica tion of the list of survivors, now steaming to Xew York aboard the Cnrpathia, shows that there was no class distinction, the women in the steerage being given the same chance as tho wives of the miilti-milliouuires in the first, The women and children that is, all that could be cared for (Continued on Pau (.) M ASTOR SAVED; COLONEL IS LOST ARPAMA HK XICW YORK, April 1(1. Tho fol lowiiiL' wiielcfts, received from the lino Cnipathiu, was issued today from the offices of the Cumiid line here: 7:33 o. m. (Xow York time). Lnt. 11.13 Ninth, Long, fiO.f): "I am pro ceeding to Xow York unless other wise oi dered with about 800 aboard. After having consulted Mr. Ismny and considering tho circumstances wiih so much ioo about I consider go ing to Xew York tho best. There are a largo numbor of icebergs and tho sea for twenty miles is filled with ice, with bergs among it. llostrou, com manding Cnrpathin." PARISIAN HAS NO RESCUED HALIFAX, N. S., April 10, Tlio Snhlo Island wirelesn Million reperts: "Wo nro now in qnmmumuation with tho Parisian. She lms no TitHhlo passengers nholJ'd.,' IK BBP bBBbBBBk ,BBBBniBBBj BmL'C F'silBBBBBS BBBBHBBBBBj bb bbbbbT bbbBbbbW Bb ' BBBBh ''BBBBBBII m BB . t BBBb BBBBBBBVQBBBB jPHl C 'B " bbbbbVLbbbv i t ' .,. vmm2m-n W vvn .lui. - m KA.. hllAriPI BlUC O-iCV-d ATTIJE KlCII USB! J-i iv -. . .. I STATION, KiqHXY-FIRST STeEET ND NOR.TH RIVtf ' ' According to prcag do.p,itthe. Jodny Mis. John Jtfetil AUit (nm Force) was saved froni death vyhetrtlie Tiluitic Muuk' Hr tmwfciun f5dt ono Astor is believe to uuvc- beji 1q at. ' x 'U c ,