l1 4 MTOFOKD MAIL TltfHUNlC, MflDJrOftD.M OHKOOy, SATUMXAY, APRTJUO, 10.12. , PAGE Tsamn K S f" V t -1 fife. , - I- r-' BK f .1 5 I' I ft ,v ',?( ' A tf . ! A.- w j to mn y S P 1 UVA 13 Dr. mill Mih. Kruiluilitlc Vwv Mr, mill .Mm. I.iiiiIm Wiikniiiiiu and Mr, mill .Mr. Cliu'iMicti Knight niilurliiliuiil imiHl (lollitlitfnlly in rnnlM at llutl Motlfoiil Tiiittnluy ovdiiliiK- Tim M. amino rliiiir of t ho Iwti'l watt imud for Urn occiihIdii, Tho color mlioiuu wan i;iii!ii and golil, Oingou unipo lining iiuiMt effect l uly umtil for duo (iiiitlon ami I liu hcoih cniilH with rat rlml mil In inn Hiiiim color. MID wiim ilacii; Mih. DimiiiImIhii winning (ho IiiiIIoh' riivor ami -.Mr. Watt tint gen tloniuii'N. .MImw.Oiiiwfuiil anil Ciow oll iilayoil the (Hilly jinrt of lit oven lilt; ami lutnr while inficNhiiHMitK wiiio nt'rvtul. Tho hotol inanaijnini'iit hrul nliai'Kit r Uio iiminjfiuiiontH Tor ( tut ovoiilug ami HiiiKii1 no of foil to have ovofythliiK I'linvonliini for tho glioma. Among thoHi) Invllttil wrii: .MohHrn. ami .MomiIiiiiiim M, I,. Alfonl, l.'ilwanl AikIiowh, .I. II. AmlrowN, Dr. anil Mrn. Iliirlmr, Jloyilen, IIInIiou.'W. II. Drown. Win. llinlg.., ini;loy of Ann land, Dr. and Mih. HtirguHti, .hum Cuiiilihull, .Mayor ami Mih. Cnimii, (Jno. II. DiiKK'Hi, li. II. I)ntn, (Jwo. I,. I)al, Dr. and Mihm. IKoinlNton, T. K. DaiilolM, L M. Kugllnli, II. N. Mo. JMgnr Hiifur, P. V. Holll. v. K. IIiiIcIiIhoii, II. I.. I.iiiimdoii, Hum idnoy, II. C. .MuUmvuii, ('. M. Kldd, (!oo. KIiik, l.tiku, II. C. Koninor. A. J I. Mlllor. Murrlali, J. V, Muntly, ICmll Mohr, I. J. Vff. K. H. lnron, lirry, Nit, .Vox, Chan. Palm, Dr. nml .Mm. I'lrkvl. Dr. mid Mm. Porter. I'nrdlii, Waltor Hun. Dr. and Mm. ltlddull, J. M. Hoot, A. H. Utwi'iilmmu. Htuumtriii, Houutllii, Hlmtton, P. W Htnmtw, W. I. Vawtnr, HarnoaiK. Wnro, Walt. York. Vlli. Mm. Can. Aim. CiUty, Mm. Dodge. Mmm lluD hard, ami Putnam. Mixwm. Win. Watt. Putnnin ami Tom Watioriiuui. Mimmih, and .htnlnimw P. VmiuIhiyIuIh. A. ('. Itandall, .1. II. Puller and l.oulx Jlrowii of Talunt. Mm. W J llmtzid khvo a miwt dc HKhtful liinrlimiii ai tho IIoIhI Mid land Thtimday in honor of Mm. OiotiMu of MlniKiaiiollH, who tlllH MpOIlt tho wlntor In California. Tho Ooeorti- tloii woro In jiliu;, fnvom and sprliiit 4j!jwwm IioIiik nrtlKtlonllr lined Jul (larryliift out tint lor Kiiliomu. Tlua hi mi iiimiii nun npuiiv n i.'ariiH ami lnltliiM with foriuur MlunonioIlii lad Urn. Tito Knout were: Mimdanum (.'iiiiiih, Pitch, Hurl. MIIIm, llrni'klii loud, Hwlnton, TIioiiiihioii, llrow-n. Tnicy. MaiClntohlo. llartxol ami .MIhn Dorothy llarlxoll. Tho annual olitctlou of ufflocm of Ht. Marlc'M liulld vun hold Tlmmdity arinriiooii, TIiomo now holdlurt of fice aro .Mm. I,. 12. William, iimil iliiui; vlnu liroNldoutit Motnlaiuiw W. K, AmliuwH, Jllmirln, mid ludo. Mm. II. C. Koutuor, Hocrotary; Mm. W.1 Harmon, troiiHiircr. After tho minimum inotuuiK rurroMlimcntH woro iiurvud." Tho ItOHtutwoK for tho aflor noou woio .M(MdamoM Purdlii, Plait. Pottliittr imil ItoHor llumixtt. A vory iiiotty daiico wmu hIvmii 'MiiMiliiy ovonliiK by Uio Swanilkai, at tho Nat. Tho hall wait pinttlly dttcor. atnd In white and Kroou, foiitoomi (,f Kiixiu and white 1 1 wine paper and Ivy IioIiik lined, mid npilug flowom wciu In abiiiidimco. On account or the In olenieiil wiiallmc tho attitiulaiiro wa not aa luriu) iih iiHiial, hut tho dauco wan thurotiKhly onjoyod mid a Kieat HIHTOHIt, Zrm'mSZ... W' Tho uiarrlaKo of Mr. Itlidimd II. Vllnon of OhlciiKO to MIhm Adelaide M. Itoody of tho Hiuno olty will oruiif May t. Mr. Wllhou wiih InleroHtud luiro Hovurnl yuniH uk In I ho Wllmin IIi'oh. ramdi, hut In now con dim: led with the IIHiioIh Hteel Co. In Chicago and Ih a koii of .Mr. ami Mm, It. I,. AVIImhii of lloall l.nno. .Mm. Wilson Ioiivoh for CIiIuiujo to nttoml llto wod illi8. A iiIiik illuiuir wiih itlvon Mr. (iriy TuoHilay ovenlni: at IiIh otchard homo io cololirati) IiIh lilrtlnluy. Tho illnnor wiih a "Dutoh" affair, all tho decora-' tlonn woro carrlod out alontr that lino. TIioho proHont woro Mohhih. KIIIh, ltohortH, Harmon, KohIoi-, l.u Clalro, Purltlns, WatHou intl Oray. Mm. Prank N. Wliltman who Iiiih hoon npomllii5 tho wlntor with hor Hltjtm-H Mm, ObkooiI mid Mm. Ilauro, loft Hiindny uvoiiIiik for Astoria.. .Mr. Whltnmii IiuvIiik liurfllianoU tho AVoliihurd Afltorla hotol of that pluco. Air. (I. Waltor daton mid Mr, I'at toiHon lOppliiKor of J'ortltiml arrlvod Hiilnrday to apond u fow ilnya with Mr, nml Mm. l- II. Hopklim at tho Huowy llutto orulmrd, Tho mivrrtiiKo of Mr. John P. Ho) oiIh ami MIhb Mluiilo Hurhor ocuurrod Wodiumday at llytol Hollaml, Uov, W. T. Cloitldor offk'lntltif?. Tho yoiiff couplo hnvo many frlomlH to iionisrnt-ulitto, Tho l.iiilliw' Aid of the Pi (! loi liin (ihureli will meet Tiicpd.o uflcr noon nt S:!l() o'clock, In tho ihapol. Hlocllou of offlcom wiih hold till whuIc whim Mr. Mamh, pnHli-nt, Mim. IK'IiIIiik, (Ml vlco piwililcnt. Mm. McDonald, uil vlco iiionldnht, Aim. Tornoy, .Till vlco pniHldent, Mm. Wll won, Mocrotnry, Mm. IJIIU, troamiior. Mr. P. .1. ICdwIn mid MImn Jirilu i;. Hlowaid woro milled la iiiarrlaito ly Uov. W. P, HhlohlH at tho Pruidiytor lau niiimie, WodmiHilay uftoriiooii at a -.'10 o'clock. Tho hrliln Ih from Tal ont, whoro Mho Ih vory popular, ami tho Miooiu Ih mi oreiiarillHl at ln:lo Point, wliuro thoy will ronldo. Tho annual roiiKtT,at!ou uioottiiK of tho PioHhytorlnu ohurcli wiih hold Prldiiy uvoiiIiik In tho church wlin titportn woro inndo and oloctlon of church offlcom wiih hold. Aflor tho Inmlaomi muetlui: a nodal ovoiiIiik whh Hiont. Mm. V. 12. DaulnlH entertained In formally Monday afternoon at onriU for .Mm. .1. D. Hoard ami MIhh OtadM Hoard. Tho KiuwtH woro MohiUiiiim .1. D. tlvnid, Iluie. UP.Ih, KimllHh. Caro-, Vawtor. Purdln, HutchUon, Hcantlln, AiidrnwHud Slm Hoard. The .ai".m' Aid Hoi'lety of tho Chrlillau cliurcii moot al tho homo of Mm. Kdwitid KhiIh on 2 North OrmiKc, Wodnonday aftoruouu. Aftor tin niuotliic h vory dainty luncheon whm Horvod to tweiity-thruo inoiuliom. A parinh mootliiK wa hold Monday cvohIiik hy Ht. Mnrk'H chiiroh. which whh woll attomlod. Itov. Hhcrrlu K(i(! very IntoroHtliiK talk aftjr which h Hhort inimical proKrain wnH Klvou and rorronlumuitH xurvud. Thu Creator Mod fend club will hold It mld-iuouilily xoqIhI iiuioUuk Mon day afturuoou In tho Library hulld Iiik. ThlH In a Hoclal mttotiux mid a i;eneral Invitation Ih o.tuudud to tho ladloH of Modfoid. Tho Witflnfailhy MrldKO olub met with .Mrs. Kchormorhoru tlih wool;. Tho hlKlut noro wiih hold hy Mm. Hrhurmorhoru who won tho jirlxo, a hoc of lion hoiiM. t Mr. Wultvr Antlu and Mlw Kdyttiu UionJmigKu woro married Saturday taut In Jnchaonvlllo. Tho woddlus wiih n mirprlMu to tho many frlomU of tho ouiik couplu. Mr. V. 12. Moylo. mm of Itov. D. D. Iloylo of tho t'hrlMtluu cliuich, nnhod here t IiIh wook from California ami oxptictH to make Mudford litat homo. Mr. and Mm. W. II. Noiton of Portland upont Hovoral ilayn this would with Mm. Nokoii'h patonth, Mr. mid Mm. 11. N. llutler. Ml UrneoThiut Iuih returned from' lalo'P(dut where nho wan Uio uoit of Mr. and Mih. Prank NIoholH. Mih. .1. I. Tracy ami Mm. J. W. MarChitchin upont Thursday aftor uouu mid uluhl at Hotol Holland. Mr. mid Mm. Niiuan of .laokmm lllo aro rocolvliiK coui;ratulatloiiH upon tho lilrtlt of a dmiKhtor. Olio of thu tiioul enjoyable ovoiiIhi In Iho hlntury of CliryHanthoiiiiim i diclo. Woiiioii of Woodcraft, wiih tho. lelebratloii of tholr flfteontli aunlvor-I M'tiy TuoHilay evciilui: with iiiomhotH from tho (IrautH Piihh, I'lioenlx ami AHhlaml cIicIch prcHoul to Join In tho eveuliiK'ii ploaiiure. During Din IiihI iikhii kohhIoii much inon linen t wan canned by NolKhbor .lolm )lulllliNr pioHoutliiK a hill to tho amount of; ?2.'I for "hiiulliiK othor iiioii'h wIvoh aiouud," otc, otc, wlilD Mr. Mc- lirldo objected lo ItH beliiK allowed : that Ih, Uio hill. It wan finally do-i elded lo Iny ll undj-r tho table Imlof-' Inltidy. Aftor lodfjo whh adjoiirnoil a Hhort iiiiihIcuI proKrum mid a f-w leoltiUloiiH woro kIvoii. Tho addrenH ' of wolcomo by Mm. Perl wiih ro Hpomhid to hy a uoiu; In Herman hy three vUltlng uolahhom from (JrantH I'iium 1 iim! rii,iititfil iditulf liv (lift MUhoh Moll mid MIkh Hhult. wiih!? much iiiipieclnteil ml also tho med ley lendoicd hy tho coiuiiilttoo, MIhh Joiiom playliiK vory low and Mm. Jthoorori Mm. ChoHter Parker, Mr. Mcllrlilo ami Mm. Hchoultz hIiikIiik "Home Bwoot Home," "Old Oakou Hiickt." "Huwiiiioo Itlvor" and other pathetic ballad In Hotorul different kcyn. Tho lUtunorH regretted that tho rinarlel iihod a roll of cotton In tholr cum for all agreed It wiih u Mhnmo to iiiIkh hiicIi melody mid KweotnoaH. At 11:30 a Hplandld ban ipiol coiiHlHtlni; of chicken pie mid other Kood UiIukh wan served to the 100 imimbora mid vUltom iroiut and all weal homo Kind thoy wore Woiiioii of Woodcraft. The Best I've Ever Used Is what your friends say of the Marinello Face Creams and Powder and Hint in what you will say when once you have tfiven them a trial Jt'or sale at I lit Marinello Stxop 407 Gamett-Corey Bldg. Phenes: 6751, 343-K -:--'-,',!'''''!''''5-'J''i'''''&'4' Ladies' Special Announcement Jfyi' the convi'iiionce oi! our customers we have opened a branch line in Medford. Call at MRS. E. S. MYERS JMcdford Jiluruiture & ildw. Jildg. Ptoom 410 Twelve Reasons For Buying a Chalmers Car 0 CHALMERS OARS ARE SOLD AT A FAIR PRICE ONE PRICE TO ALL Chalmers cam aro not high priced. Yot thoy imvo always od primarily on tholr iiuallly rnthor than on tholr price. And wo be lieve no othor cam offer tjulle so much vnlito for tho namo n'rljJos or lower. You will find It hard Ho buy mom quality nt any prlcfr Impossible, wc liollovo, to buy equal quality at tho samo prices. VALLEY AUTO CO. N. HoUy Street 1 Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co. Central Point, Ore. Mm. C. J. Kiulman oiilertalned tho Hntrt Noiih WhjHt cluh Tmday nf tormKin. Mm. 1.'. V. Coffin wan awarded tho hlxh prlzo, Mm. .1. T. Summorvllle tho KUt irIo, and i M'-,-'"'''''4M'viM- Mm. K. (5. KeUronhach tho conwla-1 . . t ttiii. Thu kiiocIh woro Mm, C. T Now. Mm. l P. Tiiio. MIm la Cof fin, Mm. J. W. Hmnuiom ami Mm J. T. Siimniorrlllo Luncheon wan ervttd. Tho botB wim aHlted in Mian n Coffin. Tho club w" moot iti-xt Tinwday afternoon with .Mm J. H. Holaton. 1020 Hunt ICIeventb. 'Hie jmrkh muotlnK of St. Mark'Hj Kplfcoptil churob Innt Tuobday wa followed by a houiul ontortnlumcut. P.ofroalimentd were norvol mid MUk Holm DwIkIU Xhvo hoiiio delightful roMdlugK. Tho UoHton trio, comjiohcd of Mr. Talllanrlor, piano. I)r Marlon, lnlln, and Mr. P. Marlon, cillo, playod a nuuihor of holecttons. , THE mi rise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SPECIALTY. ALL W0HIC GUARANTEED Ordem called for and delivered. First class work dono by band. Ladles' and men's cults cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avenue. Mm. L. P. Itlchnrdsou cnl rtnlned hTfonually Wcdnoatlay afternoon Hor iciioIh woro Mm. W. II. Kojch. Mm. W. . AldanhiiKon, Mm. Wnlter Kontncr, Mm. Homer Itothermal and Mm. C. II. I.obo. Tho ladloH of tho AlUir oclet of tho Culhollc church will lvo a caul party In tholr hall on Oakdale ao- iiiio TuotHlny oronlnx, thu ltith. am Invited to attend. Tho WodnotulHy Study club mMt April 17 at tho homo of W. P. Shield! on South Holly. Flour Flour All will Mm. Mm. .1, II, AudrowH ontortalmjd Uw Hrldmi Luncheon club TuoHdn, nt hoc homo on South Orange. Mr. mid Mm. Earl C, (iaddin aro vocoIvIiik congratulations upon tho birth of ti nun, April 7. Mr. ami turned hlHt tho world. Mm. (loo. Carpuiitoi ro wook fnuii thulr tour of Mr. nml Mm. K. ,11. Hnnloy and family loft Krlday for Alaska, whoro thoy will Hpond tho summer. Mr. Claronuo KiiIbIiI ontortaluod at bridge Friday afternoon. Mm. F. II UopkliiK Iuih returned fiout n tilp to Portland. JutlKo CoInIk roturued fiom a trip to Portland. Thiirsda Pile Cured In (I to 1 i Days. Your ilrtiKKUt will refund monoy If PA.O OINTMENT falls to euro any, ciiho or iicning. iinmi, iiicouiiie; or Protrudlnn Plica In G to 14 days. COc. ruo iMiniion iii'KIko ciui) wiih en- torlalued by Mih, 0. I. lliitchlmin Tliiimdiiy. Mr. It. S. Cnl., In tho McDonald. McDonald of Patmdouu, kuohL of hla sou Dick Mm. Allco WIIhoii of (IrantH Puss In In Medford visiting hur diuiKhtor MIhh Harriett. .Mm. T, E. DuiiIoIh onturtaluod tho Alolla MrldKO cluh Friday uftoruoon, Mm, C, A. Ilrownoll of (Irautu Piihh Ih vIhUIdk frlomlH In Medford, Mr, and Mm, liny Konnody of Yi'oku, mo vIhUIiik I" ModfoWU Tho Thursdny IM'IiIko oluh mot with Mm. Itodflold this wook, Mrs. O. Van lOppa of Tacotna la tho Bitoat of Mm. 8. T. Wllsqn. MIhh Oortnulo Fay Ih vIhUIiu; vla--Uvou KUimuth Fully. Shctect; IfctMeffl! fioi the Original and Genuln HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, Invalids, and Gto wint? children. PurcNutrition,upbuildinglhevholcbody. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. IlSch rnillc, malted grain, in povdcr form. A quick Iunck prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. AikforHORLICK'S. Not in Any Milk Trust Flour Until you have tried Waitsburg PURE WHITE FLOUR you cannot know the satisfaction of having the best. Coffees and Teas We have always made a specialty of these lines and most of the discrimin ating users have found it out. Why Yes, of Course "Vc have paiisies lots of" tlicm. (But wc have Jiofc any German pansics.) Thoy arc Steelcs Miistoclon pansies, the best pansics you can grow. Wc also have cabbage plants ami cauliflower plants. We have a fine lot of tomato plants in pots. Leave your order for them now and have them delivered when it is time to plant. It is too early to xlant tomatoes yet. J. T. BROADLEY Greenhouse Near Reservoir M. F. & H. Bldg. Greenhouse Phenes: Bell, Main 5181; Home 301-L Store Phene: Home 35 jl T'rroo- wkA . i mm m M " w m mm A 4 M 'j..4..m4.am M mm. 7 Manufacturers of Glazed Cement Soxvcr I'lpo and CcmcHt Drain Til Dealers In Washed Sand, Gravel nnd Crushed Rock Use our washed material for your concrete work, you cave cement and faulty construction Drain your land with cement tile. It's strongest and everlasting. Office: ' Tfcctoryi" Fruitgrowers GET OUR PRICES North Riverside Ato. Bank Bldg. Phono Connections VNXV'' PLEASURE CARS CHALMERS, TOPE-HARTFORD, PEERLESS, HUPMOBILE COMMERCIAL TEERLESS, CHASE, RELLVNCE (From U ton to 10 tons). THE VALLEY AUTO C O . Finest Equipped Gamgo In Southern Oregon sNjivsrsr N. Allen Grocery Co. First National Bank OF i MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will receive ouc careful attention. F. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT M. L. ALFORI), OAS1IIKH ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASHIER rj t s vs 'j-r.v.v . Completo I Slock ,J r AN INVESTMENT IN A W DIAMOND Vi'cuili'oa vnivfiU thought anil (ho juoner conrlilenco In n firm to NiUTimt nbbiiluto witlMfnction. To nolo tho iiropcr com. imrlsoii you must Jnsiiect thum from a largo anil well selected htoclc, kiicIi as I nut iihlo to show. In this way you become thoroughly fiimllliir with values and feel assured of wife and economical buying tluough iny hludliig guiuanteo. p Nearly a quarter of a century under tho samo inanagomont FINE W A TO 11 AND ,1 E V E I, R Y ltEPAIIUNd Medford, Oregon Martin X Redely The Jeweler DIAMOND SETTING AND ENGRAVINO DONE 1II3H13 Near Postoffice JDcIDlK THE Jaclcson County Medford, Oregon It has succeeded bocause of Soundness of principle 4 ' Economy 6f management Safety of investment , Courteous and liberal treatinont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W, J. Vawter, President G. JZ, Lindley, Vice Vims 0. W. McDonald, Cashier ' r Cv Jfr j