PAGE BTX arEPFOTJD MATTi TIUBUN75, afEDFORD, OUlWOX, TUlTRfc-tl)Ar, APRIL II, IW2. us w L WN W WASHINGTON, I). l, April 11 Commcnlintr on tin: cnmnaien of Colonel Hoosevolt for tho republican nomination, for nrcsident. the Tnfl Iturciui issued u .statement bore today hk follews: "When yon lose, mnko a mnrtyv of yourself; cry lonj ami louil lo the public unylliin lo make the people believe (hat Von hnvo lost soaiethini; you never had. When you win oecns ionally, proclaim it from (ho house tops, for fear somebody will forgot you are running. Alnke a noiso all the lime. No real winner ever howls.-' Tlio btatemont declares (hat Piv-i-dent Taft will have more otcs on the first ballot al the republican national convention in Chicago than he had in 3008, and calls all talk of bolting the party, and Mdeotnnr compromise candidate a bluff. It cencludes: "The activities in behalf of Kooo volt nro not designed to notninato lloosevclt, Ui to defeat Taft." STRIKERS 10 RECALL BASEBALL OPENS COMMOTE AT CHILLY WEATHER NKW YOKK. April 11 ChUty weather prevails hero today for the opening game of the 1812 season be tween the Now York Highlanders and the Hoston Americans, and for the National league opoulng between the Urooklyns and the (.Hants In Drool; ly n. Fine weather prevails In Philadel phia, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. l.ouls. Clovolnnd and Doston, whore the other tennis of both big leagues will open the season. WORK PLANS VITAGRAPH NIGHT OF AN PIllI.ADliUMUA, Pa.. April II. Light hitting characterized the open ing game belwonn the Athletics and Senators hero today, the world's champions, composed almost entirely of last year's players, winning by a score of -t to 2. Coombs was In great form for the Maekmen. Scere: U. H. K. Washington 2 4 I Philadelphia 4 0 2 . Batteries Johnson and Alnstnltb; Coombs and Lapp. Umpires O'Loughllu aud Wester-volt. The cilir.cns committee c!uen to outline the plans, for the construction of a railroad to the lllue Ledge mine is now cnimgod in perfecting the in corporation of a railroad company aud will also prepare ti prospectus to be .submitted to the citixeus- of (he city before the active work of solicit -iiiir Mibfcriiitions is uudertnken. The committee (VcN that all matters !u connection with the mud should be decided non and ratified bv the eid sens before the Miliscriptiou li-t-s nre opened. HI STAR THEATRE l-'rlda, April 12, l going to bo "Vltagrapli night" at (ho Star, and the inanageinont will glvo to each lady attending any of our afternoon or evening performaiicea one auto graphed photograph of tho world-fa- moUB motion picture actress, MIhs Kloronco 10. Turner, known to all the patrons of the Star an tho "Vltagiiiph Olrl." These photogrhpiui are ipilte pretty and owing lu mu uhIvcihhI popubirlty of Minn Turner wo are hmi-o to have a house full of IuiIIoh at each performance on Krldny after noon a in) evening. Wo have a spe cial feature comedy, with MIhh Tur ner In the leading role, Thin film Is alone worth the price of admin ttlou, Owing to the splendid recep tion tendered Mlwv Turner lu Port laud she waa deslroim of visiting all tho theateiM under the People's Amusement comimny'H miiiuigtunent, but on account of delicate health she wiih unable to visit Medford, TIiIh In to be very much regretted, as the vvoudiurtil peisouullly of thin brlN Haul actress received no end of com ment lu tho Portland papers. ST. I.OIMS, April II.- Complete returns from the SI, Louis primary election show that I'rcsidcnl Toll eariied nil hut ovvo precincts pi' the eily. This gives him 'Jfl delegates. ItnoHovelt gets 1. TOTAL RAINFALL FOR STORM IS 1.54 Tim lolal inlnfnll during lha pro", cut Hlunu now Is 1.51 Inchim with mill piedieted tonight and l-'iidiiy. Lusl night Hie piecipitallou was .LI inch. The lit lit fit 1 1 in .ill) Inches above the normal for April, Tho rain has done u great iiuinuu! id' piod throughout the vallev. TAFT AND ROOSEVELT T T oX-M$MM MERCHANDISE OF MERIT HOQUIAM, Wash.. April 11. City Clerk Hnrry Kress was this morning discharged by tho city commission for his alleged activity in the Aber deen strike. Kress Is secretary of the trades council and will be a candidate against Ogden In the recall election. Mayor Ferguson has filed a protest against the discharge. Ogden's recall petitions arc ready fur filing. The strike situation is unchanged. L L PORTLAND, April 11 The jury m the cae of Burt Hicks, open shop machine works operator charged with the murder of W. A. Wortman, had not returned a verdict at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon aud it was feared they would bo unable to agree. Tho wife and four children of the defeudnnt .-at beside him all day :n the court room waiting to leuni hi fate. TO T George II. llimcs of Portland, head of the Oregon Historical s-ociuty is In Medford to help organize tonight Jlogne River Valley Historical soeietv. Everyone interested in the .subject is requested to be at the library nt S o'clock tonight. It is planned for the society to work in conjunction with the state Hicicty and hold four quarterly meet ings a year, one each at Ashland, Juckhonville, Grants 1'um and Hert ford. Data will be colleclcrt for his toiical purposes and records of today as well us of the past collected and preserved. Ilotou Is Winner noSTON, April 11. With Johnny Kling. their new manager, behind the bat and Perdue on the mound, the Boston Ucaneators, who guarded tho National league cellar so well last year, opened the 1512 season with a victory, leaving the Phillies on the short call of a 7 to 4 score here today. Boston found Alexander for 12 safeties, while Perdue was hit almost as hard but kept his offer ings well scattered. Scere: R. H. E. Philadelphia 4 9 1 Boston i 12 1 Batteries Alexander and Dooin; Perdue and Kling. Umpires Rigler and KInneran. At Chicago American: ot LOUIS ...... Chicago R. II. K. ..2-7 1 1 .0 a At New York American: Bo.-ton New York R. II. K. ..." S 2 ..8 7 2 At St. Louis Natienals: II. II. K. Pittsburg 0 1 1 St. Louis 7 111 0 MM E WEBB MONTI'KI.IKK, Vt., April 11. - Taft and Roosevelt will split the dele gation front this state. Tiie delegate- from Vermont are iiuinstructcrt aud both Taft aud Roos evelt adherents claim the inujonty. "Usin" TIZ Gramma?" "Yes, Harold. It Makes Grandma's Feet Keel dust Like Yours, Kroo from Tiredness, Arties and Corns:" "Your papa and mamma, your your grandpa and your grandma all use TIZ, Harold. And you'll use It. too, when you get to be a man. Then your feet will never hurt, or get tired. That's why we all use TIZ." -JUH& i E LINED UP FOR TEDDY DANGOR, Me., April 11. The candidacy of Colonol Roosevelt will be supported by Muino's twelve del egates to tho national convention and four chosen at tho state conven tion and blx at tho three district conventions hold. Tho other two were elected a week ago in tho first dis trict. Instructions were not given formally lu the case of tho six dele gates, but all a ro pledged to Roosevelt. CRANE AND PENNELL TRY OUT FOR JAY GOULD NKW YOKK. April ll.Joshnn Cruuo of IJohtou and Vane I'enuell of Knglnnd, both former champions, meet today in tho finals of the aina teur tenuis loiiriiumcnt here, tho win ner qualifying to meet Jay Gould for Hut national championship title on Saturday. Buys Thomas Car T)r, Salado of Philadelphia, who recently purchased Seven Oaks orch ard below Central Point of Col. 0. B, Minis, has purchased of the Vulloy Audi Co., a Thomas 40 II, P. 1012 automobile. This makes six of (Iic-u oars sold lliis year in tho valley by litis firm, Great interest in the proposed rail road to the Bine Ledge mine was ex pressed by William Sproule, provi dent of the Southern Pacific railroad company, who passed through .Med ford Wednesday evening on bin way to Portland. Dr. J. I'. Rcddy went north last evening to discus the pro ject in detail with him. Southern Pacific officials are ex pected to arrive at the end of tin' week to make a tup to the I'.lnc Ledge. They were unable to visit tin mine Monday with the Medford men, owing to important business at Portland. .Most of us get old, feet flrsL The bunions get stale, more wearisome and painful. Corns got harder and more stubborn as the feet become more tender. At a time when old people need their feet most, they can use them less unless they use TIZ. If you havo never used TIZ be fore, your first use of It will bring back some of your girlhood days. TIZ will make your feet feel young, strong and vigorous.- Thoy'll never be tender, never chafe or ache, never get blistered or swollen, and your corns, bunions and callouses will be no more. Nothing will do It or can do It Hko TIZ. Don't oxperlment with other things; other people have dono that for you and they arc all now iiBlng TIZ. TIZ acts on a new principle draws out all the poisonous exuda tions that mako foot troubles. TIZ, 2.J cents a box, sold every where, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by Walter Luther Dodge & Co , Chicago. III. Recommended by all drug stores, department and general stores. MICHELIN SantUt Anti-Skids Do Prevent Skidding Rubber Traction Surface Protected and Reinforced bv Tough, Flexible, Non-puncturing Leather Tread, An In tegral Part of the Tire and Not An Attachment. Firmly Imbedded Hardened Steel Studs Do Prevent Skidding, IN STOCK BY PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY CO. 120 W. Main i t T X T T ? T V V t ? t t t y t t f t f f r i i ! I I X I X X ! t t f T i f f f 1 All or which is rightly priced, uiuch is tiiitloppritMHl as an itulitccnit'itl lo buy now to el a lull .season's wear. We are making some very special prices on siiaonahlc merchandise. Specials for Friday and Saturday Niagara Maid Silk Gloves 98c Niagara .Matd Silk Cloves, 10 but ton length, double tipped fingers, all colors, regular $1.-5 value, MH''lnl Friday aud Saturday tISc Nlngarn Maid 2 button Silk Cloves double tipped tingem, all colors, a big value nt. "! Chamtsette Gloves, L' button, all colors, at -,1c and nuc Wear Armor Plate lloso aud your hosiery (roubles will bo over. Ladles' full fashioned hose, a flue maco yarn. Harms Nuut Dye. abso lutely the best, should sell at 33c a pair, xHclnI lc For a better number extra wide ribbed top try our Hoc number. Ladles' Silk Hose, our regular $1.25 quality, .sjx'ilal Krbtiy and Saturday, ialr UHc House Dresses No better assortment could be de sired to choose from. Special for Friday and Saturday, our regular $1.50' and J 1.73 dresses, which uicnua yz dresses in other stores, for Friday aud Saturday $lt Also seo our much varied line of street dresses In most every conceiv able material. Children's dresses, "the better inado" In Percales, and Ginghams, sizes C't? it, ''nt 91.1.1), ?iuti, si.0.1, $1.8." up. Princess Slips Made of a good quality cambric trimmed with linen laco around yoke and sleevoK and bottom- of flounce, dainty hand embroidered, regularly Tho Style Store 11 prlqed ll.u'J. Saturday Special Friday and si.a. PrlucesH Slips made of a good quality cambric, moro elaborately trimmed with valeuclenues laco ami embroidery, a good value at regular price t:lt. Special Friday aud Sat urday :it.ll I'rliucxH Slips of a flue quality material mndo with an IS Inch em broidery flounce, regularly priced at $n.r,0. Special Friday aud Saturday Shirt Waists Very Special at 50c ' There are about ten dozen of ex cellent quality shirt waists, mostly tailored styles, In mint 1 1 figured per cales, white lawns, llnette. Some of these aro slightly soiled but regular values run from $1 50, $1 t)5 nud up. Special to closx this lot ,10c each Tailored Suits Spocial $15.00 Several slyles of tailored Suits made up in si jjood quality of mixture, misses' and small wom en's sizes, this season's newtist stvle, actual value $18.00. Spe cial $15.00 Tailorod Suits at $25.00 We are making an excellent showing of newest models at this price, dependable materials, best of findings and tailoring. Many of these garments are regularly .sold at $27.50 and 10.00, and ill tho city stores they even get $&).00 for the same Specially priced $25.00 Long Coat3 Spocially Priced A very pretty Jiclted model in a light tan Style Craft, model, in tact a coat that one ladv went to Portland coat lor wnicli slie p Our regular price is $17.50. Spe cial at $15.00 and and bought the same, for which she paid $'J2.50. CX J JS Several very pretty models in misses' and juniors' coats that aro verv modestly priced at $12.50, $i3.50 and $i5.00 Millinory Trimmed aud untrimmed in a style you will like at a price you will be willing to pay. For Itellablo .Merchandise Only I t r r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ijuuuiruuiri'rrrrrrrrrrri .r.rr f SUCCESS TALKS The Medford National Bank Will share its wonderful prosperity with its friends, and until further notice will pay ?a it PER CENT INTEREST On All Saving's and Time Deposits Our Bank Building and Banking Facilities are STILL LARGE ENOUGH to accomodate all the bankable funds in the Rogue River Valley, and besides WE WONT SPECULATE WILLIAM H. GORE, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier t ; . , : : ; , ; ; : : ; : : 1 : : : ; mmmmmmiiiiiiffii0mm! i A