w A M f V Mutt and to Gqy S 0((, cmtvj Qf W-r ...... ,N ""tWNKx VWH6 v Kt? V. -. - . J -, A. I), lli'dltiunn In (J. II. Ytio, Itropitrly In AnIiIiiiiiI I U. & ('. Lund Co. lit I.imiIhi) ('. MvliiKxtou, IoIh I uitil '-', lllt. ill, .Mt'ilf(tril H'J.'i W. N. Curl l J. A. (iNliimlll, lllllll III MPC. '.'I, twp, 30, aw coo J. M. KIIkoiii- lo II. II. I'lcliol, liiini in I). I., c. io, twp. :s7, IW 26000 Cliirit I.. I.iioiiiIh to IC. J, Kd wiinU, IoIm 6 uinl U, K. 14 lot 7. Iilk. J, II, It. addition, AmIiIiiiiiI 000 W. M. Hoyd lo 8, C. (IcorKO. Inml lu I), J,. ('. 51, twp. 37, iV W. M. Kloyd lo H. C. OcfU-Ko, propurt)' In Amy Cottugu ad illtlon, CVntrnl Point II. M. Muff to. I'. H. Hntclil. noil, lotH 1 mill 2, bile. 18. 10 10 (lold Hill t 2600 II (1. Aiulroii to C. K. S'o. Mirton, H10 xwrv In bcc, :u, twp. an, aw Ilvlrn of W. II. .Sliuff.ir lo Ca- Miinilrlii Kluiffor, Imiil In 1). I-. C. 12. twp. .17. W A. I). llidniH to .1. I Clminlior- llu, Inml In twp. ;i8, 11-:. . . . C. i:. NluliiKur to Mury i:. Ii. Kiutcr, Iff nrrcn In twp. 3K, iV I.'iwln ,M. Diinraii lo Kminit A. Wltton, propi'ily In Axhlmul '. I). Mnmiti to M. H. I)uw- Jnirnt, too uvroH In twp. 10, IK r.. J. J. Day to Ada 1,. Itlcluirdii, HHl(:iiiiittiit of lioiul for di'cd A. II. AiiHtln to W. U, Crowull. 100 ucrvM In twp. 31, lV,. W, I,. Crowull to W. M Kon- ni'ily, K10 nrriiH In twp, 31, III. ............ ,..,,, O. &. C. I.miil Co. ti Martin Mn UoiioiikIi, lot II, lillt. Tit), Mi-dfoid , 10 600 10 10 30 100 0. a c. I.nnil Co. to Mm tin McDonotiKli, lot 10, Idle. 00, M I'd ford 400 A. V. Walkiir lo I. HoiihoIioN dor, propt'rly In Hurr'n nddl t dm, M I'd ford 1. Ii. Ilanillton to. I. V. HlliiKiir, .Jnnil In twp. .Ill, 2K 1 NOTICE Ol'VlTV POUND KALE .Saturday, April 13, at tho West Sldo Hvory stablo tho following do rurlbcd liupouiidod stock will bo Bold to tho highest bidder: Ono rod, white faco yearling holf or, hraudod (N7) on right hip. Marked. Crop off of loft oar under tho half diop off of right oar, Ono brown horse, 16 IiiiiiiIh high, no vhdlilu brand. Shod all around. 1 CHIEF OF POLICE. HOOSIER MEETING. Tho HooHlor club of tho Roguo ilvor valley will moot at tho Odd Follows.' hall Wednesday evening, April 17. All Hooulurii mid their families Invited. , M. A. RADER, Proa. JUST ONE LEFT South Oakdale, 8o125, c,ornor loi, fronting east. iWmer prico $2550. Now ofi'ored for first timo FOR QUICK SALE ,. 1625 Only $025 cash, balaneo ono yoar. Kesidoneo sites of this class aro limited. Benson DPAI TQTATC TDAMCCCDOl ",""! ""N '"'i l(,"' (S",",, h : : , - r . , : husi.vkss mitncTonY nusiysss DiKKOionY II n 11 n I IIMIlllI I llill jiiiiiwpi. w"i v ii uiiiiihi "l I ,,. ,..l A,,l Iniupnni-i. Investment Co L Both PUonog ... La Jeff WilllStart Back From' Hillsville at Once? - t- - . . .. ,. : UH X L Co A, rt. fiV(.. . .. - """ '(Jf AND T T" tViWAK.t lliihi; IliiH 'I lie NiiIIihhiI Camo Almod ovr iiIkIiI a cluinr," Ima , noino oviir tliu ijiuno Hint w ttr proud to rail tint Ainitrlnui National; .Sport, unit Miimk Hall iih It will bo playi'd with Hid Corlc C'l'iitor Hall j dtirliiK th coinliiK Hitanon, will Imi u iiioru Inliiri'HlliiK piiHllini) for liotli , plny(rH ami HpcrtatoiH than tin Ktitno! wo J now of ran. iii;. whon nlmont any kind of iilpu.i!iit h''miii)iI to liu' kooiI i'iioiikIi. Th Cork Coiitcr Hall Iiuh n'Hfuicd llaMC Hall from tho dan K'tr whli-li wan Jimt IiccoiiiIiik nppar mil n thoKO who )iao hcon watrh-l liiK ItM ihivi'lopnii'lit for tlilrly-flvo' yoara punt, tin; daiiKor of i.i'UIiik It Jimt u Ilttlo too miichlnivllke; tliu pltuhuim' batllo looki'd cood In print nil uxplnlncd by tho Hiiro Hall Mcrllic, hut did It look an K'od to tho Rpcc tntor? Wouldn't ho Imvo rather noon a couplu of Ikiho hltn and pur hapit a two or throo hiiKKPr, If not Induod a HiuaHhliiK homo run? Would tho pltchorn' battlu bring lilui buck to noo miothvr ?ann, or tin; content wlinro thoro wan plenty of hlttlnt, and Imfio riiunliiK? Tho cork ri'iitor makoH n hnll thnt In Jimt a trlflo livelier than tho old itylo bull and It makcH n bull that will hold Hit llfo right throiiRb tho unnif. TaklliK an old Htylo ball that inlKht tay In play for uliio IiiiiIiirh wo would find It vory brink for tho IlrHt throo, Humi It would hIow up for tint next throw, and tho liiHt third of tho Kauio wo weron't miro Jut what wjib tho matter, but wo nlwayu ImiiKlnud tho pliiyvni worn ti liltlo llroil. Tho hall wan dead and tho Kiinu. hIowoiI up, but with a cork ton tor ball it Btiiyn lively rlRht IhrouKh. rile Cured In (I io 1 1 Days. Your drugglHt will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro any cubo of Itching, Hlliid, Hloodlng or crotruuiiig I'lloa in a to 14 days. GOc. UUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Restaurant lu good lo cation. Will consider trado for residence property or soil cheap for c;ihIi If taken at once. Address 331 East Main si. Home phono 87-L. OFFICE FOR SALE I havo decided to outer tho fruit business, am now putting out 10 acres on my 120 aero farm. Therefore I will offer (ho Yamhill Record plant at u prlco that will interest you if you are thinking of entering tho newspaper business. O. II. Nichols, owner mid publisher of Yamhill Record. liOST LOST Horso, wulght between 700 iind SOU lbs., dark brown with foro top cut off. Dragging a Htroot weight when lost. Rownrd, Model Hakory, East Main nt. FOR RENT HOARD AND ROOMS ROOM AND HOARD for young man ut Mrs. Fay's, No. 10 N, Grapo at., back of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank bldg, FOR KENT HOUSKKWEPINQ ROOMS FOR RENT Smith Apartments, 217 S. Riverside. 33 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT- Modorn six room liuuso will rout for $1U u mouth. Phouu Piiolflo 6372. 21 FOR RENT Unfurnished npmt uiouts, 6 rooms, hnth and sleeping porch, $26 por month. Apply Oak daeo Cash Qrocury, Oukdulo & 11th. 17 FOR RENT FurnlHhod houso close lu. M. A. Rador, nt Medford Fumi turo & lltirdwaro Co, FOR RENT C room modern house 1118 N, Rlvorulde Phono Main 711 FOR RENT- I room plastered house four blocks l O., $10, Inquire 113 S. Control. 10 FOU KENT OFFICES FOR RENT Ovor tho poatofflco, . with boat aud light. Boo A. A. Davis, POR RENT Largo, comfortablo of fico rooms with olovator sorvice, stoam boat, hot nud cold wator. Low rates. .Apply Medford Fumi turo & JIdw, Oo. kTl lnflLi "U 'C 3?' JA &&....?$& & I -. 1IH I - IT " j I . ,-j 3 . i .iii .BT . b zlxv i.i. we a ! Uavv. h-r-zr &;) sv" Mtypw ji. v'-wzw ru-ess mvs. FOR LEASE Office vonm fur iitHhod mid uufimitHltod, central lo. cnllou, $5 to $10 por inoiUh. Ad- ihw p, y., cm'Q Mill Trjbuno, IV, HfBDTOnD WATT, TOmTOm, CTMJTiniii. mouj! THU I3iRvt MftfriuR UQ fACT(wC'uuW. w'ULM WV1 THE Wr,,UM wfVi THG . (MMlkroR iu a t.. ,J J S S V , ' v ) ; I ALC6N CftN(, vUGWYi r n CATwi31iSuVt, ,.-,, tu&t?4J.ZL. Soiii( inij,fli(y bijr deals are closed at little cost through the use of a. want ad. In this want ad page it is remarkable what a few cents will do. Houses are sold and rented through these columns and inany everyday wants arc filled ly "the that he wished to buv a bicycle and had .seven presented for his selection. The sale was made, two parlies were pleased and the total cost was less than fifty cents. There is no particular moral to all this except that A SMALL DEAL AS VI0IJifS A LAUdi! OKJO CAN IJJ2 UKST MADE THROUGH TIJE WANT AD. FOIt HKNT FURNISHED ROOMS KOIl RENT Modorn furnlghed rooms ut tho Cottago, 004 West 10th st., two lilockH south Mod ford hotel. Hot and cold water in rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. II. M. Coas. FOR RENT -Smith npartmonts. 217 So. Riverside. FOR RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.60 and $2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, $16 and $10. Home phono 2GG-K. 222 8outh Holly. FOR RENT MISCKMjANEOUS FOR RENT -16 acres, good bulld Iukh, I air orchard, boarlng. good neil: 24 miles Med ford, llox ;63, Medford. 1'.' FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE Ono and ono-half acres 000 ft. from vud of pavomcut on Second Ht. HouHunnhlo terms. Ad dress V. O. Hox 26C or call 7-R Home. 10 FOR SALE Ton ncrea on main Ash land road, small buildings, tor $3760 $1000 will handle easy terms on balance Fino placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York &. Co. FOR SALE LAND WANTED To sell an lutcriwL In n small ranch, vory productive soil. Lllllo capital required. AddreiiS E. R., caro Mall Tribune 17 FOR SALE ChlcKfti ranph and gar den land V4 mllo from Medford. W. II. Evcrhard, 1009 West 9t.h Phono 0071. FOR SALE 200 acres flno alfalfa land under ditch, as good land for alfalfa ns can bo found In tho state Tlilo will bo sold cheap. Tills Is your opportunity long looked for. Ollvor U. Brown, 436 N. Hartlott st FOR SALE 106 acres highly Im proved, will sell all or In 10 or 20 aero tracts. This Is snmo of the host nublrrlgntoil alfalfa land in tho valloy, 3 miles west of Mod ford, on now road, mllo south of tho Modford-Jackunuvlllo road. For particulars seo owner. Mury II. Rogar. IS FOR SALl'i HOUSES -L. FOR SALE--Comrortablo llttlo homo, I rooms, largo lot. on pave ment, good location, $900; tonus $16 por mouth; boats routing. Humphrey, 816 East Main st. FOR SALE Now bungalow with six rooms, bath and pantry; scrconed In buck porch 10x28; front porch Rx28; oast front; lot 60x171 root deep, or two lots 100x171 with nlloy nt Bide, with ham on. Will glvo good tonus. Imiulro 317 Howard st., oast sldo. Phone 0201. FOR SALE Somo good Improved and unimproved Medford proporty on and near S. Onkdnlo; modorn Iioubob for rout, also somo good young driving horsos. Inquire of S. T, Hownrd, Jr., 815 8- Oukdulo. Plinnn l'nelfln 72. ...,.-, . ..-..... . . FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood ut country prices. lO.ln. fir $2.75, 12-in. fir $2.25, lC-in. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood $2.50, lU-lu. pluo split $2.76, All dry wood. 010 S. Riverside Bell phono 5011, FOR SALE EGGS AND POULTRY FOR SALE Eggs, crystal Whit? Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Rods, Brown LoghoriiH. Boo W. II. Evorlmrd, 1000 West 0th. Phone G071. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode rslutitl Roil lions, cocks und cock, orolri. Prlco reiisoutiblQ. Home Phono Hural vL, MP!T).FORT),' OREflO:?, 'I'lmnSOAY. Al'fflr, TITOIg. ( PAR.tON,MRNC(ii., &UT 309 VOV 'SViOGn whwmnww rr;' ?r-7P) allenj ";- , r i w: -r:.,VV--r ". r H x AD VERTISING1T ALKS little willing workers." A" FOR SALE POUUrilY AND EGGS FOR SALE Will sell my breeding pens of S. C. White Leghorns and Crystal White Orpingtons or entire plant, reasonable. Uaby chicks and hatching eggs from both breeds for sale. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville. Ore. l01l BALtt Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2, Orpingtons, Wyan dottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, HantaiDH. etc. Alio ducks and tur keys. Writo for circular. Simp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 336 FOR SALE Baby Chicks. Tho Egg Hatchory furnishes first-class baby chicks nt reasonable prices. Eggs used aro from Jiardy selected stock, bred to lay."1lliodo Island Rod, Barred Rocks, and Buff Orpington chicks, $16 per hundred; Brown Leghorn, $10 por hundred; Whlto Leghorn, $S por hundred. W. L. Sales, 722 Third eC, Pctaluma, Cal. 330 FOR SALE- Hatching eggs from my trapuestod Crystal Whlto Orping tons and II I. Reds. Myra Fuller, Siskiyou llts Phono 61S2. 25 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Imported Percheron stallion. Registered In Oregon. Address llox 2S, Hilts, Cal. 21 FOR SALE Good gontlo horse 220 S. Grape IS FOR SALE- Second baud hack, cheap. 625 S. Grapo. FOR SALE - My famous pack of coyoto hounds, C in all; havo two that nro rabbit mid doer proof, no hotter coyoto dogs lu southern Or. Valley, Ore. 19 FOR SALE- Kuril It tiro good as now. Apply Oakdale Cas,h Grocery. 17 FOR SALE -Throe work horses cheap; weight 1200 lbs. each. A. B. Robhlus, Medfyrd. Phono Home R-16-IC. 17 FOR SALE At .great sacrifice Kurtzmanii plann, ru perfect con dition. Must sell ut once Call 722 W. Fourteenth. Phono 732-J-l Pa cific. Wrlto F. S., caro Mall Trib une. IS FOR SALE- Nico,; neatly fitted tout 95xl2 with 6 foot walls and 12x 1G fly, vory cosy for ono or two parties; for light housekeeping completely furnished. Will soil nt n sacrifice Address M., caro Mnll Tribune FOR SALE Good farm or orchard toam, bays, weight 1250 lbs. each, good llfo nnd gcntlo, $275. Boat young driving horso In country, liaudsnmo, Bpoedy aud gontlo for lady or gentleman. Also young Duvoo Jersey hogs. J, C. Pendle ton & Son, Tabid Rock. Phono Central Point. FOR SALE-First "class young Jer sey cow. Fresh. J. B, Stevens, Tolo. Ore. 22 FOR SALE -Seed corn. First prlzo nt Medford fair. Apply W. Aiming. Phoenix, Ore. 2S FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For Roguo rlvor land or Medford proport An Improved ton aero farm; G acres lu 20 year old orchard, all kinds qf fruit aud berries; largo chorry trees that slhiply boat tho world in quantity aiuNquallty, to gothor with u too almplo tltlo (o tou acres of clums aud bathing beach in front; all kinds of cluma In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from Rrownsvlllo P. o., on rog lar linos or boats from Seattle ono hour's run: 3 miles from nromor ton navy yard, First class plank road from Iioiibo to wharf. Faro from Souttlo to place for tho jmqt yoar has boon 6o, novor moro than a 5c. Special vatoa for school clll-. (Iron. Will oc,hnngo for Medford proporty or Rb'uo rlvor valloy laud. Apply lo Jackson County Jiwity go., CV Wvt IW ti H t A '-... 1 ' '". TUt OC M.Pr Ja( a . I . f " ' ft J ( PLCA'Xn Tv 1 ( i ivn t - i iwii, - - No.f. 6 A-. aax'v6tsr:-jK Mud ford man advertised FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eaglo Point for Medford prop erty, improved or unimproved. Ex change price samo rs cash prico. Seo Oliver B. Brown, 43G N. Bart lett at. FOR EXCHANGE Fine townslte property 126 acres V mile from tidewater on good harbor, ocean view. Station on railroad building to Coos Hay. Creamery, cannery and sawmills building. A snap at $260 per acre. Will consider Seattle Income property In ex change. C. Brenuau, 3S19 17th N. E., Seattle, Wash. 17 FOR SAX.K OIJ KENT FOR RENT OR SALE Garden and fruit tract, on paved street. M. A. Rdder, Medford Fumituro & Hard ware Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady stenographer In real estate office Address Box J. W earn Mail Tribune 13 WANTED Girl for general house work. Two lu family. Good wages. Address Box J. D., care Mail Trib une WANTED Good cook, must be; at least 25 years old. ' Mrs. J. F. Reddy, Queen Anno addition. Tele- phono Main 3801. 19 WVNTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- Four, or five room fur nished bungalow. G. D. Hoffman, Cudaby Packing Co. Phono 5SU. WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas ture P. D. Blackdon, 157 Laurel St., Ashland. WANTED You can't help but mako monoy soiling our guarantced-tc-glve-satlsfaction stock; free outfit; cash weekly; excluslvo territory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED TO BUY Fruit Imnd Wanted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres near city limits; partly Improved, with vari ety of fruits; prefer a farm with sonio timber, fair buildings, good building site, susy terms, must bo a bargain; glvo oxact location and prico; from owner, no agent. Ad dress 21, caro Mall Tribune, 3S WANTED FRUIT LAND 10 to 21 acres part planted, preferably bearing or nearly so, reasonable easy terms, no agent, Glvo location and price. 17 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Almructu ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offico, phones Main 2511, Home 360. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11; Home, 2000. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Atlornpy-at-Law. Jacksouvlllo, Oro. Office: Bunk bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. 0. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offico Medford National Bank building, Becond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attomoys-at-Law. Noi. 1 und 2 Postofflco bldgj A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Oarnott- Corey bldg. siuTTRm' -& ouiiiHitY"TiirT7Ann;-; KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 12 Jackson County Bank bldg, B, l PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 320 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Architects A, D. JOHNS HVd; rrURNER Phono 744. Phono G413. Johns & Turner Arohltocts and ilnlldors. Offleo 31-33 North Rart lott. ucar Main. Offico Phono 1931. ... SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU - nEATJ Assays made (or gold, sil ver, load, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining asaayers and engi neers at rcasonablo terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, nth and Fir et Accountants . R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figuro; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono 6611; residence phono 6S02. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 622, Med ford. Phono Main 6662. EDGAR MARTIN General Builder and Contractor. Satisfaction guar anteed. 700 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 71. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mlne3. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Main 2021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Clilncso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso modlclnes will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat and lung trouble deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front at., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offico lu RIalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gus administered for extraction of tcoth. Telophono Main GS1. Night phono 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E, 9th and So. Rlvorsido. Vapor baths and scton titlo massago glvon; advice In dlo totjes, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attoudant. Phone Home 168-K. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo ordors at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. Paclfle.3032. Home 107-X. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy,' 0. p. Naglo, Goo. T, O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dcalora In pressed brick and limo. Office ut tholr brick yard, West Jackson st. Thouo No. 31G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com ruou brick and tllo. Get our prices and soo our brick aud tllo boforo purchasing, Fiirulti'ro MISSION FURNITURE WORKf Corner 8th and Holly fits. Medford, Mission furniture made to order, I Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order BQllcUtjd l m"w mm WOI3 FTTH By "Bud" Fisher INATIONALLIVB STOCK INSUR ANCB ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of the stato of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire accident or disease Clias. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Side Stable. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at th sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo are not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSEJIY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Jobbing nml Teaming TEAMINO AND JOBBING 06' ALL KINDS. Plowing and dirt, for sale, lots plowed any part of city, garden znanuro for salo and city garbage wagons. Phono Main 822. J. F. Perry. Printers and PubUshcra MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leat systems, cut paper, etc., ote Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pae 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 601, residence phone 612. Offico hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. ta. DR. F. O. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garuott-Corey Mdg rooms 211-212, phono 5501; rest denco 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. JK. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Officos over Raskins Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residonco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS PnynWan. ond Surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to. 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank, Office phone M. 432; Res. phono, M. 682. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Rosldcnce 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms G and G Keutnor bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono. Bell 271. Residonco phono Uoll 273. Home 220 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and woll, Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 10 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Frleea right. Servlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL PELJVHRY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25c anywhero n tho city. Office Val Joy S-cond Hand Store, 15 N. Fir st. Phones: Main 3072, Heme 364, Moasongor service, Fred Crocker. Prop, Undertaker JOHN A, PERL Undertaker and Embalnw. Office 28 South IMrt lott st. Telephenes: Day, Bell 171; night, nwltHwe. Ketl 47S, Home 178-Jj. palht imwrnil lUt or day. Anibulnnw rrjP Vhbhhm OMmummw VACUUM CLWANINfl - frtr gnot work, Hal HxrriutitoM, jackaoa vm. Bu yuou isL sty HI m crl