u '- u t If I H. 1 I' 4 i K t x l) 1 I? ! ! M vm wxm Medford mail Tribune AN INDHPfiNDENT MEWSPAPKR PUnLTHHRD BVKRr ArTKRNOON KXCRPT 8UNDAY, 11Y THH MKOFORD PUWT1NQ CO. The Domoerntlo Tlms, Tl) Medford Mall, Tli6 Medford Tribute Tho South ern OroRonlan, The Ashland Trlbuno. Office Mall Tribune Dulldlnc. K-J7-S9 North Kir treat; phone. Main I0S1; Home 7 is. QROROn TUTNAM, Editor and Manager SjE Entered as socond-clniia matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March S, 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. UBBORTPTIOir KATSS. ? month.' dTiiV" wd'hy VnrVier'in Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point SO Raturday only, by mall, per year.. 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 AS EVANGELIST p. W. Elliott of Portland, and n business ninn of vide experience. ! here assisting in a revival meeting heme: hold nt the M. K. church, South. Kev. Elliott in nddrc.SMiij his aud ieiico last nijiht said he was not here to .scold and harmed them about their lnisines-s or the way they wore living, but was hero to touch their heart and literally break them to pieces if it. wero necejury to let the love of his blessed Jcmis in. He aid he vrn- Koiiig to tell them of that blessed book the Rihle the love of a snerifie iiiff, forgiving God, then leave to them and the dictate of their coii bcicneo as to whether they wero living right or not. Tlio nitric His Subject. lie averted the Ibble louche every possible condition of hmrinii life anil that no question of ancient or modern times is without .solution in tho book, yet thousands never think of consid ering the biblcfor conduct other than religion, or as prescribing rules for earthly success. The audience paid the closest at tention to tho speaker all the way through. In his closing appeal he held every enr and eye like a magnet ns ho held tho blcss-ed ohKbook, his mothers llibla tip us thu only thing in the world lo die by and told the story of a good mother who was n Sunday .school teacher and on Cliriitmas e-jc prepared two little golden .haired blue eyed boys for bed, hung up their stockings by the fire place for n, sack of candy from Santa Clans. But he did not come they didn't care for about midnight their precious mother was stricken and the father called them from their little trundle bed saying, "Come in, chil dren, mother is going." They said "Going where?" But he rushed both to the side of his dear wife and when they came in and saw the Bible lay ing on their mother's breast. One asks, "What's the matter, father, did the Bible kill mother?" lie burst into tear aud said, "Xo, my child." But when mother came to die she turned to father and said, "Hund me mv book." He said, "Whut book?" She says "There is one book only for n dying mother. Hand me the Bible, will you." Father was crying but ho went and got raother'.s old Biblo and fho snys, "Husband, my eyesore set ting in death, open my Bible" at the 14th chapter of John." Father op ened it on mothers breast. "Now, husband," take my hand and put my finger on the firt verse of that chap ter." Then she smiled mid said, "I nm dying, but bring up my children to believe this book; it bus made me n good wife for you and a good mother ior your children. I'lonuse me, oh, promise me, und let my children kh- me before 1 am cold in death." And he held two little boy, up, one seven and one nine, and they kissed their mother good-bye. Then she said, "My husband, here aro tho words for you where you uloced my finger, 'Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it bo afraid.' I am not afraid to die, for the Biblo has comforted mo all my life. Good-bye my husband." And he laid his cheek against hers ami said "Good-byo my precious wife," and her spirit took'its 1 light. Oh, sinner, let mo plead with you tonight, you can follow nothing bet ter Hum this book, dear old precious book, mother's book, conic to it to night mid believe. Much interest was manifest at the close and many hourlss touched. Services tonight tit 8 o'clock mid overy day. at 2:110. Everybody in vited. Want Horsoshoers to Be Licensed HAUTFOHD CITY, Indi, April 11 One of tho moat Important subjects to bo considered at tho fourteenth annual convention of tho Indiana borseshoora and blacksmiths, which opened hero today for a session of two days, will be tho proposition to ask tho lcglslutuio for tlio passu go of a law which will require nil liorso Blioore to obtain stuto licenses. T)io object of tho plan Is to elovato tho trado and to protect tho public rrom the effect of poor and unskilled .WOl'lUlUUlSllIp, BUSHES MAN SELLING IN SPTT13 of all the stuff printed in his behalf, the sick ening sycophantic slush written in his praise by his paid press bureau and printed at so much per, nol a sin gle adequate reason has been adduced as to why Ben Selling should be sent to the lTnited Slates senate. Boiled down, Mr. Selling is simply a successful busi ness man with the acquisitive instinct for which his race is noted admirably developed. His oouiwe in the legisla ture proved him narrow in the extreme, lie helped kill the normal schools and fought the Crater Lake road and many another meritorious measure. Posing as a progres sive, he heads the Taft committee. On the other hand, there '"I gressiveness of Joimthuii Kourno, nor any question of his standing. Afore appropriations have been secured for Oregon since he has been in the senate than ever before. Tlis influence is shown bv his committee assignments. Bourne is chairman of the important senate committee on postofficcs and post roads, passing on appropriations aggregating $;00,000,000 every year, is second in rank on the fisheries committee, is fourth on the commerce com mittee, handling river and harbor appropriations, and a member of public buildings and grounds committee, a member of the appropriations committee, committee on railroads, transportation, etc. It would take a new senator ten veal's to secure com mittee places of equal value to those held by Bourne. His bill for $642,000 for Crater Lake park improvement has been favorably reported and success litis crowned his efforts in many other measures, lie has made good, his honesty and ability are unquestioned and it would be worse than folly to substitute Selling for Bourne. THE CANCER AFFLICTING THE NATION. THJS paper is in receipt American Cane Growers association ifgainst plac ing sugar upon the free list, and calling for aid in fighting the proposed tariff reduction. "Putting sugar on the free list, at this time, can have but one effect, and that is to destrov the industrv in the United States. To reduce the present duty, would leave the producer without any margin of profit and thereby discourage the production and ultimately compel its aban donment,'' bewail the sugar kings in their heart-rending Sugar production is another one of those infant indus tries that have created multi-millionaires at the expense of the people. It is declared in the circulars sent out that .0,000 men are employed during the cultivating season and (50,000 men during the harvesting and grinding season. The history of sugar shows that, like other tariff bene ficiaries, a few have been enriched, made extreiuc.lv wealthy, while the many employes, mostlv Louisiana negroes, get barely enough to exist upon. But even if the bonus secured bv means of the tariff was proportionately divided among the 30,000 to 00,000 workers, is it right to force a hundred million people to pay excessive price for a staple of life, in order that a few may profit? The same wail is made by every protected industrv. It is declared wrong to have encouraged tin industrv bv protection, and then after capital has been invested, with draw the protection. It was wrong to extend the protec tion in the first place and equally wrong to maintain it. Protection simply enables the payment of excessive dividends. "Workmen do not profit bv it, though buncoed for years by the pretense that it aided them. The Law rence strike showed pretty plainly what share of the ex cessive protection given woolen goods was received bv the operatives. The cancer afflicting the government of the United States, the cause of our governmental ills, is special privi lege, or as La toilette puts it, "the encroachment of the powerful few on the rights of the mam'," tho consequent diversion of the earnings of the nianv into the pockets of the few. The protective tariff is one of the means to this end. It is fundamentally wrong and should be abolished. In dustries can and must stand those not protected have to. FIELDS' CANDIDACY. TN HIS statement published in the state voters' pam A phlet, Frank S. Fields, candidate for secretary of state, savs: "I want to tell yon ritrht sends a letter to every voter violates the corrupt practices act. Jt costs about $3000 for one letter. The law allows mo to spend 075, and I am going to stay within that limit. I also want to tell yon that the candidate who says the money is being spent by a friend in his behalf is jug gling with the truth, f am blessed with several good friends but 1 do not know any who would go into their pockets to any considerable extent for me." j ec circulars are Doing sent out in Mv. Fields' behalf to voters attacking his opponent. These circulars are in themselves a violation of the corrupt practices act which requires such statements signed, in that they are unsigned and anonymous not only illegal but cowardly. . Who is paying for these cowardly circulars, if Air. Fields isn't? And if some friond is, My. Fields is certainly "juggling with the truth" in his published statement. We know that Mr. Fields, according lo tho Portland Telegram, saved some of the $b7f) allowed for expenses by sending out his election cards along with the county notices to his deputies, at the county's expense, hut he couldn't have saved enough to pay for these defamatory circulars. Mr. Fields has served as county dork of Multnomah county five terms. He was elected unon a flnt wilm-v yet (luring Ins entire term has MDFOttT) MATT; TRIBUNE, AND BOURNE. is no doubt about the pro of a pathetic wail from the upon their own merits as here that n enndidntr who pocketed tho interest from MTTOFOOT, OKKOON, 3rr county funds in his custody. In his campaign pledges he agreotl to serve for the flat salary was it right that he should grab this money also, which really belonged to the people f If ho was elected secretary of state, would Air. Isolds pocket tho interest from funds in his possession as he has done in Multnomah county And do the taxpayers of the state want such an official? s-agjuam. L (Paid Advertisement.) Count)' Clerk. I hereby announce- myself na a can dldato for tho democratic nomination for thu otflco ot county clerk, sub ject to tho will ot tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho people ot Jackson county that In case ot my nomination and eloct'on 1 wilt fulfill tho duties or tho otflco ac cording to law and tho best ot my Knowlcdgo and ability. W. II. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Fob. 1C, 15)12. For County Cleric. I hereby nnnnutico my candidacy for republican nomination as county clerk. If nominated and elected, I will conduct the office according to law aud will treat all patrons eoiul eouly. QE01U1K A. OAKDXEK. For Sheriff. 1 nnnounco myself as a candidate for she-rlff, promising a contlnuauco ot the businesslike administration I have given tho offlco In tho past. W. A. JONK3. County Itccorilcr. I am a candldato for a second term for tho offlco of County Ho corder on tho Hopubllcnn ticket, sub ject to tho comliiK primary. I hav conducted tho offlco to tho! best of my ability, tho books aro al- ways open for Inspection and feel; that I am entitled to a second term. FRED h. COLVIO. For Froccutln Attorney. I hereby announce myself an a candldato for tho democratic nomi nation for tho offlco ot prosecuting attorney for tho first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho counties of Jackson ami Jose phine, subject to tho will of tho vot ers ot that party at tho primaries, and I pledge tho people ot Jackson and JoBophiuo countlca'that in the event ot my nomination and election I will fenrlwi'ly, 'impartially and to tho best ot my ability probecuto all violations of law In said district nud endeavor to administer tho duties of said office tilth tho utmost efficiency and economy. E. E. KELLY. For HeprcscnUitlw. I respectfully present my namo as candldato for representative to thu republican voters nt tho coming pri mary. I havo been onco honored by tho people of Jackson county, having been chosen to represent them In tho state assembly two years ago. If nominated and elected, I shall do In tho futuro as I havo In tho past: glvo to my constituents as honest and faithful sorvlco as lies within my power. I reallzo that thcro aro mat ters of Importance to southern Ore gon that will co mo up In tho next meeting of tho legislature at Salem, and It will bo my earnest deslro If elected to act to tho fullest satisfac tion of all tho people ot Jackson county. J. A. WESTERLUND. For County Judge. I am a candldato for thu nomina tion of county judge of Jackson coun ty to bo determined by tho will of tho voters at tho primaries April 10, 11)12. If I am nominated and elected I will during my torm of offko, us soon as lawful authority of tho voters can bo secured, bond the county and begin tho construction of a scientific system of permanent roads. Ono mil lion and a half dollars is not too much for this purpose Hut a dol lar's value must bo had for every dollar spent. I will oppose increas ing tho county's warrant Indebted ness nnd will endeavor to rcduco tho samo and restore tho county's credit. I will assuino full responsibility for a business administration of ovory County office. F. E,' MERRICK. For County CoiniifisHloncr. I horoby nnnounco myself as can dldato for the nomination of county commissioner for tho four year term, subject to tho ondorsomout of the republican voters nt tho primary election April 19, 1912. If nominated and olectod I will during my term of offlco conduct the business of Jackson county on a strictly business basis, and to the beat interests of tho taxpayers, and without fear or favor to nny party, parties or to any particular section of tho county, W. O. LEEVKR. County Itcconler, I hereby. announce mysolf as a cun dldato for the republican nomination tor tho orrico ot couuty recorder, sub. POLITIC CARDS TTHTKSDAY, APRIL 11. 1012. ju - i. jiua,iiu t j ' uan ' 'jm-,"-L' s. Joet to tho will ot tho voters ot that party at tho primaries. 1 wan born una raised at lCaglo I'olnt, Ore. 1 havo for tho past two yearn boon deputy In tho nsscasur'H officii mid all I urIc the pooplo to do la to look up my character and post record bo foro casting their ballots. CHAUNOIJY FLORHY. County Cleric. I announce mysoir as a candldato for tho republican nomination ror tho oftlco ot county elork, nubject to tho primaries April ID, l'.UU. N. L. NAUllKQAN. Tor Sheriff. I respectfully present my namo to tho republican voters as candidate for sheriff or Jackson county t tho coming primaries, 1 liavo served tivo terms as constable of Medford district, nud If nominated and olocted I shall Rorvo tho people In tho future as In tho past. AIK1. P. S1NOLI3R. For ltcpn'M'iitnthc. I hereby nnnounco myself as a can dldato for tho nomination as one ot thu two representatives to tho assem bly for Jackson county, to bo ciioacii by tho republican voters at tho pri mary election April lt, 1U12. My two Interests tho ranch nt Central I'olnt and law practice havln; brought mo In 'touch Mlth conditions confronting both tho farm er and tho biislnes.i man, In couscut Iiik to make tho raro for tho nomlua- tlou for representative, I wish to state that I am In favor ot well built highways, constructed along econom ical nnd scientific lines. 1 favor such laws ns will enable our orchnrdlsts to protect and caro for thulr orchards In thu best possible anuiiucr, I be Hove In such legislation ns wilt pro tect and safeguard all tho Interests of tho pcoplo In matters of taxation, railroad rates aud efficient public service. And It nominated and elected, I will give to each taxpayer honest, efficient and businesslike service JOHN II. CARK1N. For Aifci-jtsor. I hereby nnnounco myself at u can didate for a second term for county assessor, subject to tho republican primaries, April 19, 1912, and prom Iso If nominated und elected to do my duty In tho futuro ns I havo In tho pnst. W. T. GRIEVE. Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby nnnounco myself as a can dldato for the offlco or prosecuting attorney ror tho First prosecuting at torney district ot Oregon, compris ing tho counties or Jackson and Jo sephine, subject to tho will ot the republican voters at tho primaries. If nomlnnted and elected I will prosecute all violations of tho law and will faithfully dlschnrgo tho du ties of tho offlco, honestly, Impar tially, economically aud to tho bo3t of my ability. II. K. HANNA. Jacksonville, Ore., Murcli 1-1, ID 12. For fihcilff. To tho Repiitillcans of Jackson ceunty: I horoby nnnounco Hint I am a can dldato ror tho Republican nomination ror nhorirr or Jnckfaoii county, Ore., subject to the wishes or the voters or tho Republican party, to bo expressed at the primary election on April 19th, 1918. In case I should bo nominated and elected to tho said office, I prom Iso tho people or Jncksnu county a buslncsQllko'ndmliilKtratlou of the of flco. EMMETT IJEE80N. For Prosecuting Attorney, I hereby announce mysolf n candl dato for tho lopubllcau nomination to tho oflco or prosecuting attornoy for tho tlrst district, Oregon. It I am pomlnntcd and elected I shall prose cute all violations of the law, und especially will I prosecuto all viola tions of the Ihjtior laws, nnd all laws JjafeBuardlng tho wolfure of youiifj manhood and womunhdod In this Jur isdiction. This I shull do with what ever of Btrongth and ability my six years' e'xporlonco no u practicing at torney nnd throo yonra as doputy prosecuting nttoinoy of this district has conferred, Very respectfully, J, N. JOHNSTON. (Paid adv.) County Surveyor, I am u candldato for tho repub lican nomination for county surveyor subject to the primary election in Mull, If olected I will perform the duties of tho offlco with tho system and abil ity that my credentials of former er porlopcn and 3iiy private work of tho pnst throo yoara In this county erodlt mo with, Copies of bittern lectmtty mint to tlin county clerk and court, nud now In my possession, rcKiirdliut my abil ity and pnst oxporhinco, may bo hurt by any voter ronuestliiK tho imtno. II. (I. HTOtiUICMANN. County Miniejor. 1 hereby nnnounco my candidacy for tho abovo named office, subject to tho Hopublleini primaries In April I respectfully infer tho oleelorn lo my past record nn a basis upon which to Judipi my iiuullflciitloitii for imld office, T. W. OSUOOI). For County Clerk. I hereby luiuounni iny candidacy for county clerk subject to tho ro publican primary on April It. If nominated and elected 1 promise a huslncBslIko ailinlnlhtrntlou of tho of flco, nud will observe tho laws kov ernliiK tho offlco In overy detail to tho best of my ability. w. v. q(mbhniii:ruy. For County Judge. I am a candldato ror democratic nomination nn county Judgn. If elected I promise to reform all loose aud rnrebiss methods of trammeling public business, and to administer tho affairs of Jitckunu county on strict and tO'utemntlu business Hues, 1 will assist In building itond rotidi, build up tho county's credit, labor foi Its overy material Interest along pro gressive aud economical lines, I will favor no locality nt tho expense of any other nud 1 will safeguard nil of your material Interests conscientious ly aud to thu best of my ability. FRANK L. TOO VELI.E. Medford, R. V. 1). No. 8. For County Suucjor. I nm nuking for tho republican nomination, and If I am elected I will iiiako Hut office mean something All county work requiring engi neering skill should bo douo by (h county surveyor, nud maps mid other ilnta filed for futuro reference. Hav ing made tho surveys for tho adjudi cating of Little initio creek iwitorll rights and a topographic map of all largo portion or tlio Itoguo river val ley, benldes other urvc)s, I am abto to give first. baud Information. RALPH P. COWillLL. .... . i j H. Heartfield FHI.'.VCJI DRY CLEANER ANI HATTER Wo mnko Onrmontn look like new and more than doublo tho value ot them to you. WORK ARSOLUTELY (HIAHAN THE!) Hundlcs called for and delivered Pacific .IHIU Home um Near Moore Hotol Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public- Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lauds, Contests und Mining Cuses. Scrip. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency FOR SALE H room hiiUKalnw, a bargain. KM) acres which would inalto a good ranch, $fio per aero, 10 acres 1! tulles out, about X items lit pears, I In strawber- lies, very nlco place for a home, Prlco ilh'ht, 7 acres U miles out, only ?'J"iO Iter acio. 7 room house modern, Juxt thlak, only f2!!)0, Will Inko ftiOO down, hul, In payments tho sumo as rout, 20 no es II mlJoH out, pi Ice $:ir00, Hood terms, A Reed Kiocory store at n bnrrtnlii. Wo have a number of homesteads ami can perhaps suit you, t lot lu Walnut Park ror jr-'G cash, near to Main st. EMPLOYMENT 10 Illinois to tao out out at ?;i per ton, Man to cook on a ranch. Want several men to work on ranch. Call at onco, Qlrls for Rcnnral housework, Phono lu your ordoru for men; no chnrROB to tho omployor, Those who want work call and leave your address and namo, Mrs, lllttuer Ih always on baud to tako your namo aud addicss, E. iTf A. BITTN3GR ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono '1111 1 Home, 1-1, je-r. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT O 1 A. JK IHlAiKL Under direction l'eopln's A in line incut Co, Always In tho lead. Kutlro Change of I'logtnui Today THIS HOOT OF IJVII A lllograph Miisterpteco t ...I 'I HIS Hrill'KIHK PARTY HI'R. I'ltlKKD Classy Comedy KAHMIHltd, XU'KOK.V, WAR SCHOOL IS.VHRCIKHH Mllltuiy Feature A.V ARIZONA ISHCAIMHi: Thrilling Western Drama THIS RIVAL CONSTARLKM Hlp-ltoarliig Western Comedy AL SATIIiat Hinging "lleautlful (Inrdou of Roses" WOOLWOHTHM, tho Morticians Admission 10c, Children Co MATINEES EVERY DAY ISIS IOc THEATRE lOc Thurnda), Friday nud Baturdm, A Wry Classy YnutMlllo Act POWURS X ritHUI) Ntmdty Miulctil Spmihtlty. This Is n ruio treat for all lover of IllKlwItllM mimic, 1000 Teat of Feature Films f. tlooil photo PlaysC The lllKKest nud l.'laluosl Pictures I u Town EvonliiRa, 10o any neat In tho house. Special Children' Mnt Incu overy Saturday nnd Sunday at 2 p, m., admission flu nud lOcc, Follow tho crowds to tho Isls. We solicit your pntrotuiKo, which will bo received with court- osy. U-GO THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Farming' with Dynamite and Cinderella Ave 2 of the 5 Pictures lO CENT Hall & Myers Taxi Co. Taxicabs and Touring Curs Phones: Paclfln llOO 1101110-100 Time Rutci: city on Pavomonts, $;),00 per hour Country, M.no per hour Waltlni; Time: 10 Conts Every Four Minutes or , ?U0 Per Hour Lndlos Shopping $3. CO Per Hour Doctors' Olty Calls J'j.fiO Por Hour Taximeter Hales: Service Day or Night Take tho Rrown Cam F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put In first oImsh flhnpoT All work Kiiiiraiiteed. Leave mlilroHA with II. 11. PatleiHii, Quaker Nursery, Niiflli hotel. L w