i Jt ( , n -V VXQE !FOUH AITBOTORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, M13DFORD, OfflftlOfr TUICTAY, 'APRTti 0, 1012. i1 i $ !!! I!! I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INK1ENDI?.NT NHWRPAPKR PUHMSIU3D KVnrtr afternoon HXCKPT 8UNDAT, HY TUB MEDFOItD PRINTING CO. Tho JDrmocrntlc Times, Tho Mrdford Mall, Tho Mcdronl Tribune. The South ern Oregonlnn, Tho Ashland Tribune. Off loo Mall Tribune IJnllfilnK. 25-ST-2S North Fir Btroct; pliant, Main SOU; Home 76, ENTITLED TO AN I. W. W. CHARTER. QEOIias PUTNAM. .Editor and Manager Entered as nccond-clnss matter at Medford, OrcKon, under the aot of March S, 1879. Official Pnr.gr of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jnekson County. srrascRrPTXOH rate. One, yenr, by mail $5.00 Ono month, by mall SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point BO Paturdny only, toy mall, per year.. S.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 WORK CZROXrZ.ATZOir. Dally averngo for eleven month end ing November 30, 1911, 8751. Tail leased Wire Unite Dispatches. Tree The Mnll Tribune Is on aalo at the Perry News Stand, Pan Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland, nowman Notvb Co., Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. KESrORO, OREC10X. Metropolis of Poutiiern Oregon and Northern California, nnd the fastest trowing city In Oregon. Population U. S, census 1910 SS0; Mtlmated. 191110,000. Fire hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Riving finest supply puro mountain water, and 17.3 tnllca of streets paved. ' Postofflce receipts for year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent Banner fruit city in Oregon Rogue River Spltrenberg apples won sweep- laiccs prize ana uuo or "Apple Xlngf of the World at the National Apple Khow, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Netviotme won Tlnrt Prise In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C rirst Prise In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowns. Rogue River pears brought highest prices In all markets of tho world dur ing the past six years. Write Commercial Club. Inclosing 6 cents for postage for th finest commu nity ptmphlet ever published. illE CVnirnl Labor council of Medford has beeoino a radical socialistic anarchistic organization. Rut six of the many unions in the city belong, and only three of these were represented ny speauers at the. lneeung entiors iin; the defamatory circular maligning .Medlord and the valley. The other three unions had better withdraw, and let the remaining members apply lor a charter in the L. W. AY. where they belong. In some incomprehensible manner, by some illogical process of. reasoning, with an enthusiasm born of fanati cism, these followers of half baked revolutionary theories have got it into their noodles that the first step in the reorganization of society throughout the world consists in knocking Jdodford and destroying the prosperity of the Rogue river valley. The man who tried to pull hunselt over the fence by his boot-straps was a veritable Solomon of wisdom com pared with these blind leaders of the blind, who strive in their mistaken zeal to improve the condition of the. work ingman by bringing on a period of depression, thus de priving them of employment. Such libelous publications place a stumbling block in the path of socialistic progress by arousing popular preju dice against them so that whatever is of real value in the propaganda is lost in the shuffle. SHOULDBUILD THE RAILROAD. POUIAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) County dork. I hereby announce myself ns ft can didate for tho democratic nomination for tho offlco of county cleric, sub ject to tlto will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I promlso tho people ot Jnekson county that In caso ot my nomination and olect'on I will fulfill tho duties ot tho offlco ac cording to law and tho best ot my knowledge nnd ability. V. II. MILU3U, Gold Hill, Ore., Fob. 1C, 1913. deputy In tho assessor's offlco and all I nak tho people to do In to look up my character and pnst record be fore casting their ballots. OUAUNOEY FLOURY. A T THE BUTE LEDGE mine is a quarter of a million tons of copper ore blocked out, ready to stope. There are 11.500 feet of tunnels on the three levels, 100 feet apart. In addition there is 13,000 feet of diamond For County CletU. I hereby nunuimco my cuudiduoy for renublienn nomination us county clerk. It nominated ami elected, 1 will conduct the office uccording to law nnd will treat all patrons court eously. QKOH0K A. (UKnXKR. For Sheriff. 1 announce myself as a candidate for sheriff, promising a continuance of the businesslike. ndmlolstrntWm have glvou tho office In tho past. W. A. JONES. MU I mm. m E SAYS HILL 4,Ynu must advertise this section more extensively in order to get our share of the people who are flocking to Montana and to Canada. Those sections cannot compare with this one." Such wa5 Louis W. Hill's advice to Medford Monday evening when he was met at the Southern Pacific de pot by a. number of local men, as lie was on his way north from Califor nia. Mr. Hill was not asked coneern inj; the extension of the Pacific & Eastern as the time of his btop here was very limited. "Immigration to Montana and Can ada is continuing very heavy," con tinued Mr. Hill, "and there is no rea son why this tide of people should not come to Oregon, There is nothing to bo found in the northwest or in Canada to compare with this." 11) drill work. Qvqr a million dollars has been expended in develop ment work, which has demonstrated beyond question the existence of one of the largest mines in America. JSTo mine in the world ever had so much development work done ni)on it without a railroad building to it. The entire region is highly mineralized. The Blue Ledge is the only developed property, but there are hun dreds of prospects as promising on the surface as it was, but until shipping facilities are provided they will not be developedand why should they bef A railroad will L'alvanize the entire district into life. An era of development will follow, in which pavrolls will be provided for thousands. People of Medford must and should build this rail road. It is idle to hope the Southern Pacific ever will. And conditions are ripe for its building now. County llocorder. I am a candidate for a second term for tho offlco ot County Re corder on tho Republican tlckot, sub ject to tho coming primary. I bavo conducted tho office to the best ot my ability, tho books aro nl ways open for Inspection and feel that I nm entitled to n second term. FRED L. COLV1Q. For Sheriff. I respectfully present my numo to tho republican voters iir candidate tor sheriff ot Jackson county nt thu coming primaries, I imvo served two teems nB coiistnbloof Medford district, nnd If nominated and elected I shall servo tho people In tho future as In tho past, AUO. D. 8INOLER. WARRANT I FOR PICK DR. HAZZARD LOSES WEIGHT IN LONG FAST SEATTLE, Wash., April 9. At noon today. Dr. Linda Burfleld Hnz znrd, tho fast specialist, began the fourteenth day of her fast, weighing eighteen pounds less than when she began. Tomorrow night slio will hold a big rally as a celebration of the successful completion of her second week of the fast. With Thomas G. MacDouald, the physical director gf tho Scattlo Ath letic club, Dr. Hazzard this morning Btartcd out for a two-milo walk. The skies wero pleasant and tho sun was bright and Dr, Hazzard seemed to reflect tho cheerfulness ot the day. She laughed and chatted. "I may fast thirty days and I may fast fifty," sho said, "but tomorrow ui icabi 1 will nave proven tliat a person can live fourteen days with out food," J. H. McXicholas or Portland, who leased the Tolo brick -plant from the Gold Ray Realty company last win ter and organized tho Roguo River Pottery company, Is now being sought by tho parties who put um tho money, for carrying on tho enter prise. The ones who were "touched" and who are looking for him are Messrs. H. H. McCarthy. Arthur Ivey, Geo. Boos and others. A warrant of arrest for obtaining mon ey under false pretence is now in the hands of tho sheriff, for tho purpose of bringing Mr. McXicholas to Med ford for an accounting. Mr. McXicholas has quite a career as a frenzied financier and promoter. Some two years ago ho secured a bond upon tho placer mino at Gallce owned by John R. Harvey, paid $25,000 down, organized a company and sold stock through tho east. It .Is reported that Wm, Rockefeller was among those trimmed. TAXPAYERS MEET: NAME M1TTEES ALASKA SWEEPSTAKES ABE WON BY ALLEN NOME, April 0. A. A. (Scotty) Allen, driving a team of nialamides owned by Mrs. Darling of Berkeley, won tho All-Alaska sweepstakes, crossing tho finish lino at Xomo at 1:32 this morning. Allen's time for tho 412 miles from Xomo to Candle ()id return wus S7 hours, 42 minutes, or 5 hours and 52 minutes longer than his time last year, when ho won tho race with tho same team. Al exander Holmson, driving John John son's team of Siberian wolf hounds, holdor of tho record of 71 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds, was sec ond, driving Into Xomo one hour be hind Allen. Charles Johnson, driv ing Fox Ramsoy's dogs, was third, nrrlvlng half an hour after Holme son. Tho Ollvor dogs wero hope lessly outdistanced. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD, Cal., April 9, -With Captain Guy Brown commanding, tho cruiser Clovelaud was placed In commission hero today. Tho crulsor will sail, shortly for llremortou to Join tho Pacific reserve fleet at Pugot sound. Legal blanks at the Medford Print ing company, , Murder Trial in Pueblo PUEBLO, Col., April 9. Tom Kvitko, a former soldier In tho regu lar army, was arraigned In court to day for trial on a chargo of murder ing Tony Abamerlch. Tho killing, performed with n shot gun at close range, occurred last winter, and Is said to have resulted from a quarrel between tho two men over tho affec tions of an Austrian girl. After tho shooting Kvitko fled from tho city and was captured at Bowie, Ariz., when ho endeavored to enlist in the army a second time. The preliminary organization of the Jackson County Taxpayers I'm teetive association wus funned at a meeting held at the opera hoti-e Mon day night and a meeting called For April 23 for the purpose uf perfect ing the organization. A committee of taxpayers, composed of Mtr. Oetehell, CK-ciibrugge and Howard were appointed to draw the bv-law and E. E. Kelly and F. V. McdynMd named to secure new member. E. E. Kelly presided at lust night's meeting and E. A. V. Hittuer acted us secretary. After a few brief talk as to the purposes of the as-ociatioii the temporary organization wa formed and a meeting hot for April 23. For Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby announce myself nn a candidate for tho democratic nomi nation for tho office ot prosecuting attorney tor the first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho counties of Jackson nnd Jose phine, subject to tho will of tbo vot ers of that party at tho primaries, and I pledge tho people of Jackson and Josephine counties that In tho event ot my nomination and election I will fearlessly, Impartially and to tho best ot my ability prosecute nil violations of law in said district and endeavor to administer tho duties of said offlco with tho utmost efficiency and economy. E. E. KELLY. Woman to Bo Tried for Murder ST. LOUIS, Mo., April . Tho cabc of Mrs. Alma James, accused of tho murder of her husband, was call ed for trial today. Tho killing oc curred last May, Mrs. James shooting her husband three times as ho lay In bed. Temporary disunity, duo to In dignities suffered at her husband's hands will bo the pica of tho defenso, according to Mis. James' attorneys. Royal Arcanum of Iowa KEOKUK, la., April 9 Elaborate preparations have been completed for the reception and entertainment of tho Iowa grand council of the Royal Arcanum, which will conveno In this city tomorrow for Us twenty-first an nual session. Tho meeting will bo attended by delegates from all parts Of tho state. MARINETTE, Wis., April 9. ' George and Frauk Drew, kcopers of a lighthouse on Chalmers Iblund, aro adrift on an lco floo today and tho ico Is fast melting under tho warm south winds,. Five cities bavo res- cilo parlies out. Louisiana Republicans Split ALEXANDRIA. La., April 9. In response to tho call of tho state cen tral comnititee, a state convention of republicans of Louisiana assembled here today to name delegates to tho national convention at Chicago. The convention Includes a largo propor tion of the old so-called "black-and-tan" delegates and most of tbo fed eral officeholders and Is expected to declare unanimously for tho reuom inatlou of President Taft. Tho antl- administratlon faction Is arranging to hold a convention hero early In May to name a contesting delegation to the Chicago convention. For Representative. I respectfully present my name as candidate for- representative to the republican vot&rs'at tho coming pri mary. 1 have been ouco honored by tho pcoplo of Jackson county, having been chosen to represent them In the stato assembly two years ago. If nominated and elected, I shall do In tho futuro as I hnvo In tho past: glvo to my constituents as honest nnd faithful servlco as lies within my power. I realize that thero are mat ters of Importance to southern Ore gon that will come up In tho next meeting of the legislature at Salem, and It will he my earnest desire If elected to act to tho fullest satisfac tion of all tho peoplo ot Jackson county. J. A. WESTERLUND. For Representative. I hereby announce myself ns a can dldnto for tho nomination as ono of thu two represoutntlves to tho assem bly tor Jnekson county, to bo ciiosen by thu republlcnn voters nt tho pri mary election April 19, 1912. My two Interests tho ranch nt Central Point and law practice having brought mu In touch with conditions confronting both thu fann er nnd the business man, In consent ing to make tho rare for tho nomina tion tor representative, I wish to stato that I nm In favor of well built highways, constructed along econom ical and scientific lines. I favor such laws as will ounlilo our orchnrdlsts to protect and care for their orchards In tho best possible aimnnor. I be lieve In such legislation ns will pro tect and safeguard nil tho Interests ot tho people In matters ot taxation, railroad rates and efficient public servlco. And If nominated and elected, I will glvo to each taxpayer honest, efficient and buslnessllko service JOHN II. CARKIN. iinniliwUud nnd elected 1 proiiilso u huiduesHlIku udmlnlidi'nlton of thu of ficii, and will observe tho lawn gov einlng tin) office In every detail to tho bent ot my ability. W. (JUIHENIIEUIIY. Km- County Judge. 1 am a candidate for democratic nomination an county Judge. If elected I promise to reform nil loom and careless methods of trammeling public business, and to administer tho affairs ot Jackson county on strict ami nyHtematla huttluoHH linen. I will nsHlst In building good roads, build up tho county's ciedlt, labor foi Its every material Interest along pin gresslvo and economical lines, 1 will favor no locality nt tho expense of any other and I will safeguard all of your mnterlitl Interests conscientious, ly and to tho best of my ability. FIIAXIC h. TOU VELLE. Mod turd. R. !'. 1), No. 2, Fur County Nunc) or. I nm asking for tho republican nomination, and if I am elected 1 will make tho offlco mean something, All county work requiring eugl ueerlug skill should ho done by tho county mirvesnr, and maps and other data filed for future reference. Hav ing made the surxeys for tbo adjudi cating of Little Hullo creek water rights and a topographic map of a largo portion of tho Itoguo river val ley, besides other surveys, 1 nm able to glvo first-hand Information. RALPH P. COWUILL. For Atsrsior. I hereby anuounco myself nr a can dldato for a second term for county assessor, subject to tho republican primaries, April 19, 1912, nnd prom- iso if nominated nnd elected to do my duty In thu futuro as I hnvo In tho past. W. T. GRIEVE. Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby auuounru myself as a can didate for the office of prosecuting attorney for tho First prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, compris ing tho counties of Jackson nnd Jo sephine, subject to thu will of the republican voters at tho primaries. If nominated and elected I will prosecute ull violations of thu law and will faithfully discharge tho du ties of the office, honestly, Impar tially, economically and to tho best of my ability. II. K. 1IANNA. Jacksonville. Ore., March II, 1912, Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Matters: Flual Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. WHERE TO OO TONIGHT . rr- UGO THEATRE TWO MflllTM Monday - Tuesday FREE FREE In front of tho Theater at 7 p, in. .Minimi tho Iron Man derhm tltMil.h by allowing it Chnlmetri ,1d automobile containing 12 paitseugerri to pans its nr his unprotected body, Morton Is appearing at this Theater with many other feats of his marvel ous ntreiigth together with fi big pictured. 10c PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work Ounrnnteo. 1'rlecB lU-anunnUliv COFFEEN & PRICE 33 Howard Slock, XntrAuc on dlti St Vnolflo 3031. Home 049. County Clerk. I announce myseir an n candidate for tho republican nomination for tho offlco of county clerk, subject to the primaries April 19, 1912. N. L. NARREGAN. Bank Robbery H carina Ends LOS ANGELES, Cal. April 9 Ex tradition proceedings in tho caso of Charles Dean, alleged bank robber, wero resumed late today before Unit ed States Commissioner William Van Dyke. Dean's extradition Is sought ny tho Canadian government, which would try him on a chargo of com plicity in tho theft of about a quar ter of a million dollars from tho Now Westminster (II. C.) branch of tho Hank of Montreal. It was stated that tho hearing probubly would be concluded toduy. Woman Hurt, Jumps From Trestle SEATTLE, April 9. Miss W1I hclmlna Timmormau Is suffering to day as tho result of a Jump for llfo from tho Ravenna trestlo to tho brook, thirty feet below, Sho was going homo with Henry W. Peters when tho couple noticed tho light of an approaching car, Miss Tlmmer mnn acted first and Peters followed In Jumping off tho trestle, Postmaster for Juneau, Alaska WASHINGTON, April 9. Tho dont Tatt nominated Earl Hunter to day to bo postmaster at Juneau, Alaska, For County Judge. I nm a candldnto for tho nomina tion ot county Judgo of Jackson coun ty to bo determined by tho will of tho voters nt tho primaries April 19, 1912. If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of offlco, as soon as lawful authority of tho voters can bo secured, bond tho county nnd begin the construction of a scientific system of permanent roads. Ono mil Hon and a half dollars Is not too much for this purpose, nut a dol lar's value must bo had for ovory dollar spent. I will oppose Incrcas Ing tho county's warrant indebted ness nnd will endeavor to roduco tho samo and restore tho county' credit. I will uKsuino full responsibility for a business administration of overy county office. F. E. MERRICK. For Sheriff. To the Reputillcans of Jackson ceunty: I hereby announce Hint I am a can didate for tho Republican nomination for sheriff of Jackson county, Ore , subject to tho wishes of tho voters of tho Republican party, to bo expressed at tho primary election on April 19th, 1912. In caso I should bo nominated and elected to tho snld offlco, I prom ise tho pcoplo ot Jackson county n buslnesillko administration of tho of. flco. EMMETT UEESON. F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put in first class shape? All work guaranteed. Leave address with If. II. I'nttersu, Quaker Nursery, Nash hotel. For County ComiinsHloner. I horohy anuounco myself as can didate for the nomination of county commissioner for tho four year torm, subject to tho endorsement of tho republican voters nt tho primary election April 19, 1912 It nominated und olectcd I will during my term of offlco conduct tho business ot Jackson county on a strictly business basis, and to tho host interests of tho taxpayers, nnd without fear or favor to any party, parties or to any particular section of the county, ' W, 0. LEBVER. County Recorder, I hereby announce myself as a can- dldato for tho republican nomination for tho offlco of county recorder, sub Ject to tho will of tho voters of tlmt party at tho primaries, I won bora nnd raised at Eaglo Point, Ore. I hnvo for tho pat two yoara bpon Fur Prosecuting Attorney, I hereby announce myself a cnunV date for tho republican nomination to tho offlco ttt prosecuting attornoy for tho first district, Oregon. It I nm nominated and olected 1 shall prose cute all violations of tho law, nnd especially will I prosecute nil viola tions of the liiiuor laws, and nil laws safeguarding tho welfare of young manhood and womanhood In this Jur Isdlctlon. This I shall do with what ever of strength and ability my six years experience as a practicing at torney and thrco years as doputy prosecuting attorney ot this district has conforred. Very respectfully, J. N. JOHNSTON. (Paid adv.) County Surveyor. I h6reby anuounco my candidacy for tho abovo named office, subject to tho Republican primaries In April, i respectfully refer tho electors to my past record aB a basin upon which to Judgo my qualifications for said offlco, T. W. OSGOOD. Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson and Summit Medford Realty and Improvement Goiipny M. F. .Vi II. Co. .Hldg. . THEATRE Under direction People's Amuse ment Co. Always In tho lead, Entire I'liange of Program Today Till; ROOT P EVIL A lllograph Masterpiece - THE HI UPRISE PAItTV SIR. PRISED (Massy Comedy KAItUIKIJU. SWEDEN. WAR SCHOOL EXERCISES Military IVatiiru AV ARIZONA ICM'APADE 'thrilling WcHtcru Drama THE RIVAL rONSTAIthltS HIp-ltoarliiK Western Comedy ,l. SATItim Hinging "Itcautlfiit linrdu nt Hoses" WOOLWORTIIS, tho Musician Admission 10c, Children Co MATINEES EVERY DAY A. SN A. P GO acres, six miles from Medford, good graded road crosses tho tract, all frco soil, at SCO per aero. $1000 will handlo, easy term on bnlnncn. Part Is creek bottom land, su'table for alfalfa. Several nprlngs on tho place. Timber enough to pay for the tract. No buildings. In tho Griffin crook district, W.T.York O. Co. County Surveyor, I am a candidate for tho repub lican nomination for county surveyor, subject to tho primary election In April. If olected I will perform tho duties of tho offlco with tho system and abil ity that my credentials of former er porlonco and .my private work of tho past thrco years in this county credit mo with. Copies ot loiters recently sont to tho county clork and court, and now lu my possession, regarding my abil ity and pust oxporlonco, may bo hud by any voter requesting tho Bamu, II, G, STOECKMANN. For County Clerk. I horeby anuounco my candidacy for county (dork Hiibjoct to tho re publican primary on April 0, If Medford Beal Estate & Employment Agency FOR HALE 97 acres good Hear creek land, 8 room house, at a bargain, good terms. Homestead relinquishment of 81) acres near Woodvllle, ?:i7fi, tools and everything go with tho place. IGO-nrni homestead relinquish ment on Evans creek $100. 20 ucics It mlloa out, price $11500, Good terms. 1 room house and lot $050, a good buy. A good team of mares and wagon, Just what you want, 2 barber shops, one lu Oregon and ono lu California, Rooming houses, restaurant, lu town and out, A good grocery store at u bargain. I! Incubators, If you don't see what you want, ask for It, 20,000 acres lu a sheep tauch, $!1,C0 pur acre, MISCELLANEOUS A good car run about one season, lu good repair, $150. EMPLOYMENT Girls for gonoral housework. Phono In your orders for tuon; uo charges to tho omployor. E. F, A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono 1U1 Home, 11. ISIS lOc THEATRE lOc First Ainerlinn Tour Robinson & Brown English Character Vocalists High CIiim Singing Six consecutive tours over Mosu & Htoll I'ulted Kingdom Circuit, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Three yearn lu Loudon's prin cipal theaters, Two years lu Australia and New Zealand under Harry Rlckardu' innuageuioiit. I OtlO Keel of Eontnro Films 5 flood Photo Pln)K-5 Tho Hlggest and Plainest Pictures In Town Evenings, lOo any neat In tho hotiso. Speclnl Children's Mat in co ovory Saturday and Sunday at 2 p. m admission Go nnd TOce. Follow tho crowds to tho Islu, Wo solicit your patronage, which will bo received with courtesy, T Hall & Myers Taxi Co. Taxicabs and Touring Cars Phones: Puclflo 1100 IIumiHOO 'Pi mo Rains! City on PnvemontH, $.'1.00 por hour Country, $11,50 por hour 1 Availing Tlme: 10 Conts Every Four Minutes or $1.50 Por Hour Ladles Shopping, $2.50 Por Hour Doctors' City Calls $U.S0 Por Hour Tnxlmojor Rates: Sorvlco Day or Night Tnko tho Hrown Curs Jl NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Aro Jfold In Mooho Hull ovory Thtirwlny nt 3 p, in, Everybody invited, i, A J l j