iL Q. - - MFiDirOUD MATL THTBUNK, MflnFORD. ORKflOK, '1TKSDAY. APKTL . 1012. PAGE TURKJ9 K I k A y Tim ioii!li' ilcinoii'lniliiiii iiirni'Mi ml liy t tin Nuullieiu I'milic i'iiiiiiiin,v in rniijiintiliiMi uilli Ilic (iri'itnii Ann ciilhuiil cnlti'uK h'iim ilit eeiilei' ol' n n'iil iliml i.r inline! In tli Inenl inilriiiiil yard .Mmidiiy iiflerniMiii. IIiiiiiImmIh hI fiiiieii't't vinlled the em mill Hinv iliuiitiimlriiti'il lor tliriu tin lll IIII'IIhuI til' CHllllR Till' elllclt I'mni Ilic lime I hoy mi' Imlelied null) Hies' iirtt feiiih fur the nun he! nr fur (iMiiliioiiiK ikkm Slmil lulliH Mri Xlvi'll lllllllK MIlilMIH lllM'H l'.llll'l hut I In- pnu'liiMil deiiiiiiilrntiiui ill IVt'iliinf, liuiixiiitr iifut 'iiiiiik I'")' tlii' I'uuU tc'iici'iillv tillini'liil Ilic Itii'iitei' nullum nl iiltiuitmii. I ho i'ii i' vviim taken kiiuiIi mi iiiimiImt li IhU iihhiiIiik, ImviiiK iited (Ytiinil I'niiit in tin- uiefinliiiic. Tin' our win oiil mil I or ediicn liniHil t i rjkiiwnx iukI jiiiltfiuir limn (lie nimnier it hum iivt'ivi'il m iIiim rily Mini llin inlui". hIihwii Iiv lueiil pen- llO II i (lllUIIIU II Itl'l'lll Mlli'l (). PAMPHLETS RECEIVED AT CITY LIBRARY Till' I'llHuMlug I'Mllipllli'l- lllll' Jllt mi i I'll I'ti mi ShIi iii mill nm In- run Miillml ill tin1 imlilic Ilium : Oiilllni' nl' UiWk n' Dri'iimi fur Hi'' I'luteelinu 41' l.tdinr. (hogon .Mnliil- Veliielc mw, enrt tHimiiit tin lw nl' tli mini. SIhIiiIi nf ihn Sliitf nl' On'Kiiu 1 clii HliK III Mllfl MHtl lMIlliMI l'f win tt Iniul. Alitor Dnv. WiiiiiUUfiiiir lii!tilrie ir (heitou. Itiillmltjl if lh OrttRiiii Ajfiii'tilliiml (lliwr. ('nitiliiliiMiil mill xtntntorv pm vMuii of the Mule of Oivkiiii ii'la! -inif to riulti'Mil-, minium I'lirrnMh liy mil mill pnlilir iiiihtio FEEL TIRED? UEWARIE PACIFIC COAST HOOKWORM VACO.MA. . Apill It -.e-rniilliiK IT. K .1. SrhllK. of the pnlille lii'iilili anil iimrliu' lionpltnl M' In Mialloiicil hero, tliu Imolcuuriii iIImmihii In IioIiik In-ought to the I'm- 'If It? ('(lilHl (MI(Mlltly tl) IIUHnt'llKITM urrlvliiK mi Oriental iHniniMH. Tin fmtoriil Kuviiniiiu'iil rui'tintly Iiimiik nriiltnl jjjaiyi of limpoollou nf HtMiniKirpiuiiiTiifiii fro'iit tli) Orient mnl uIiiiiihI every Htoiiuier nrrlvlni: In till purl lirliiRM iiiik or uin ciiiioh nf llio perulliir nialmly. La Fultt'tto Greeted IIAHTINtiB. Nwli; April H An n tliiiftlNMllr n-rfpllon today whk kIvoii Si'iiiKnr Itiilicrt ,M Iji Knllcitii at Kulnitoiint, all IiuwIiu'm Iii'Iiik pnu--llially MimpuiiiliMl iliirlmc tin Wlscnit nln hiiiiHtnr'H hiny In tliu city. I.a I'nlliiitc niailu a utroiif. plun fur a 'Knvoimin'iil of tint piHiple, liy (hi) people ami for (tin people." He do claniil It iiiMiwwiry for uultnil lu'tlnu I'M'tywInni' If Hit' peoplo am In nilo limtDiiil nf tliu iiionopolli'H. which, he wilil. arc tryliiK to retain their Kilp on tin' eniinlD. Scmiior m l'nllittn ili'i laii'il that Iho next four you I'M HiMihl ho tin' iiioxt hil In tho hlntory of the coiiiiliy ATHLETE TRYING FOR OLYMPIC TEAM K.r.DM UT?Tfk rnrvr I.'koii ICrlckHuu, n Now York police-inau-uthluto mid IiIkIi Juuipor, la no lively tinlnliiK, anil It In announced thai lie U koIhk to milieu a determined effort to uiako I ho American Olyniplu Idiim. At Iho SpanUli War Votnnuia1 HiiincH In Now Yorlc recently ho cloared the liar nt (I feot 1 Inch with piactlcally mi ii'iilnluu. At that time ho tried to jump tl feet 51 Inchon mid nearly ano- reded" Ill- frUMHln hollevo that ho hub U 0od chilllvo o UiaktulK UlQ tCUW,1 Ml u TO A BS1 I'I MAI ! H HH Our Correspondents V" JACKSONVILLE f .Imi'IimiiiuIIIc Iimn no ichIiIi'iiI iiiiii inlcr, Hip iuliilH of it h hcmmmI i'Iiiiii'Im's Inning lici'ii vaciili'il iceciil- l.v. V II. i Miimi'.v mnl T. .). NVir ol Km Hi .liicltMiuivilli' went muniix u I'ii In ' iifleriiooii. .Mix! Alien llmile.v mnl ,Mi. I!. II. Ilmiley iniiili! the county nat it vi-lt one ilny thin Week. MtH. Klewnil Iiiih ln'itn iwiliux il'I nlive livini; in Axlilmnl. C I'. lliixK o' Unite I'm I U a nt -temlitii; eireitit coin I in the tole ol' n wilnext. .Mi'n. A. N. (lilheil of Snleni, ulm Iiiih lieeii v i -i t i 1 1 k' Min l-ii' Met'iilly, Iiiim letnrneil Inniie. Hev. ('. II. .lohiiHon inn) III I'muily lieve umie to lliitili Coliiiiiliin, niler ii iCHiilciice nf (wo yeni-H in ,lncko'i. ille. .M'-. .lolnihon pieaeheil hi I'niu Hell Hennoii lit Hie M. IC. clliili'li lnt .SiiiiiIii.V, winch uii" listened to liy n Illl'Ke coillej'iltioll. A uteicopticoii euleitiiiiiineiit wiih xivcn nt the iiKocinhly hull ol' the .liicUonillu kcIiooI I'riiliiv cM'iiin Iiv I'l'of. lliirriiiKlou. "Sniilh Ainei' lea" Hll lilt' Mllljcel. .Mix. .loiifh Iiiik IiiiiI her resilience oil I'olllt htlt't't eonxiilenililv illipiov -vil li W. K. I'iiiney. lie. mini I'ium'II, who Iiiih Iiccii nuiehiiitr ilniiii'f tlie uiift few nioiithH, wiu iimoiiK liirt .laelMiuiilo riieniN lately. "Deacon" Wilcox hit xoiie to .Mar tine., I'nl.. ulifii' hi ilmiejitcr Al iiiniiil. infiilof. Mr. D. D. Tlioiniioii ih iitiiiK heric. Holmett. Mr. ami Mrn. W. H. mother, Mm. O'doeaii, who him lieeii ipiile nick lint i now eoiiciilernhly illipiOMll. .Miv. (1, W. Thrm-licr of (Iniiiln I'umh in iMitinu iier MMer, Mm. C )'. Diiiiforil. .Mm. TIiok. D. Ho-- utuile Jncl, Hiniille, her Ininier home, n irit re cent l.v. Mi-H Cora l.iuu reluiucd liome nf-let- uu aliHeiiee in .Seattle mnl Kueiie of Hcvcinl month-'. David I. inn who him heen iintlor (rentuiciit liy t cancer spccinlint m Soul li Dakota i- e.Npi'etcil home thin week. Mm. Tlio. o-.H o' Cent nil Point, wiik the uue-l ol Mm. Kate llollmnii one dnv IIiIh week. Ainonir proininent men here l'ro!i llnple Point thin week ittteudiiiu Iho tjol't'iiimi en m were (Iiin Nk'lioU, IIuii Miophv mnl Thtii.. NielinK. Dr, .1. !'. Ketld.v ol' MeiU'ord wn .1 caller ill the county cent thin week iim was a I mi I'd AudrewM. Mi Mantle Newlinrv who ntleinU M'hool at St. Mnrv'.H iicuileiuy. Med find, i MieiitliilK lift Kapler vacation nt home. Mih Aileen KiniHniry "t AhIiIiiiiiI, i her kiii'M dining the week. Attornev (leu. Tiel'ien and U. It. McCiihe of AkIiIiiuiI wei( in town on iiofo-.iioniil Ini-'ineHs (hi week Mm. .1. Slewart ami -on viMted with A-lilnnd friends tliu fore part ot the week. A iimuhcr of out of town people were nllemliiitr court this week. Anioiii; them heint; Men Kredenliurir, li. T. Wllki. M. S. Storm. Die. lliiKlu'h, John lliiulnilhiim, .1. X, Miller ol Unite Kallh mid Kied Kel.-oe mid A. Chiirtiow of Deihy. Mr. ami Mm. I.nlpli .IcniiiiiK "Mil children i-peul 11 week tiny in town the Itmt of (he week. MixM's r'nv Senm mnl Klein I'lrieii, Itic Clmpmaii mid Mr. mid Mm. I.ewirt I l t'it'li uiolored to AmiIiiiiiI Sumlav nfteruiioii. .Mix l'Vanci'M ICeiinv Iiiin relurneil to Medfoid o rcHitnie her tudien after Hpeiidini; u week ut home. A. S. Ktirrv of I'hooiih M'rved o'i (lie Jiirv thi week iih did 11N0 .1. A. I'err mnl .JcRhd lloiiek of Meilford. Mr. ami Mm. ,1. II. (Irnhaiu of Med I ord lurried n few hour.- in town the 1 1 ml of I he week. Mm, l.nrkiii Reynold and mmi of .Medfoid, hpeut Snluiday with old time friemlx. Mis Laura Thomm who i-' em plovcd nl Meilford was nt home on 11 1-1I thif. week. ('has, Niekell mid family who hne heen spending Iho winter in low 11 left for their ranch the fiml of the wck where thev will i-pcinl the suimnei', Tim Miwim; eltili met nt the home of Mm. It. I!. (lolilon Friday where they -pent a very plensanl nl'leriinoii. The uieinhem are: Mm, M, M. Taylor, Mm. It. K, (lolden, Mm. II. M. Collins, Mm. C. WiUon, Mm. II. mid Mm. Lewis I Irieh. The 'illll chili was delightfully en lerluiued Iiv Mm. M. M, Taylor on Yu'iiiicmIuv of last week, The uiein hem nresenl were: Mr. mill Mm, .1. I Welln. Dr. mid .Mm. (lolden, Mr, mid Mm. Clyde Klmw, Mr. mid Mm, Lewis I'lrieh, Mm. John DuuuiiiKlnu, Mm. II. M, Collins, Mm, II, Luy, Mr. iilid Mm. I'Yed Kick, Miss Nellie Col Huh mid Don Ciunei'oii. MOTHER OKAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOerUinlUlloffori;pvi)rliini;i. ii WpUitW nywbltiik A, i, OLMSTED, L Roy, N.Y. k-. iioiuii i iiiiii, , ,ii 'A," " v.V.rJ PWr Ntiiuuirli TruMblrii. Tirjllitiij Cvsi i inrii;i', i"t , ""A ?, CENTRAL POINT ITEMS their koii l-'ri'il Iiiivm ritturneil to llii'lr home In HiIh city after upend lint tho winter In mniLliorii Callfor nln. Mrn. H, A. i'attlHoii, MrH. Ifmiton and ilmiKliter, MIhh llliiclffonl, I'rof. UavlK, Mm, .1. W. Jiicolm anil iIhiikIi ter. MIhh Voiiiik, .MIhh I'lcknrtl, Mim. mnl .MIhh .McNuhhiii', MIhh M. limn rick. MIch Ktta WllllatiiH, MIhh I'eurl IIiihh, Mr. mnl Mih. (!eo. I'linltv)'. Kriitmt Weill). I'rof mnl Mm, Cooper, MIhh I'mli. Mr. mid Mih. .1. V. My cin, II. K. Dedfoid wore amoiiK the f'ential I'olnt people who Hpenl Hat urilay In .Medfoid. C. 8. HiimlerMoii npi'iil a few hoiirM Hut ii i day In .JiifkNouvllIn ami .Meil fonl. .IiiiIkh Dunn, !:. Merrick ami C. K. WhlMler wore calling on tliu peo ple hem Hat unlay. II, W, Htomi of Hacraiueiitii Hpent 1'ilduy nlKlit with liln pareiilH, Mr. ami Mm. .1. H. Stum, here, Mm. A. I.. AllthiH ami daughter of Kltlillex are vUllltit; Mm. Itoherl Kyle. It. C. Dmilap of the Hotel Oxford at OiaiitH Piihh Hpeut Katunlay after noon In thin city. The funeral of MIhh Mary J Illacliliiiui hero Siiliinlay afternoon wiih liirKdy attended liy dtlzeiiH of Tolo ami tli Ik city. Mr. -ami Mm. Waltor Uohlnett of Metlfonl Hpeut 1'iinter with relatives hure. Mr. ami Mm. J. W. Myem. Mr ami Mm. W. ('. I.ocver. Mr. ami Mm, I. XoruroKM Bpinil KiiHtur In AhIiIiiikI. BORN. Drown--In Medfoid. oil April H. llll'J, to the wife of Sidney Drown. .1 nine-pound hoy. Mother and sou are tloiny nicely. CARD OF THANKS. In iippieeiutioii for the iiiiiuy kind evpressioiw of sympathy that have heen tendered me from 11 wide circle of liiends oil liciiiK niUiiinled of mv recent sex ere In- mid overwhelming sorrow in the pasint: 11 way of my dear mother, one is sincerely doiro'i of hi thank to hi Ian-re nuuilier of friend iiml acipuiintane's. Verv sincerelv, l T. CA It It ITT. Stop That Itch! I will ( rou Ira ttop that Itch In two .contt. A 2Scnt botll. will prove il. No rcinnjy Hint I Imvn ever noli! for Kcxeinn, 1'aorlnnlH, nnd nil other illnenscH of Mm Nklu Iiiih kIvcii moru thorough oatlnfncllon than tho D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema 1 cuaruntcu this remedy. MEDI'Oltl) IMIAIIMACV A Pretty Mouth Is generally thought to lie so on ac count of the oven, white teeth liiHldo of It, You cannot Imagliio a beauti ful hiiiIIu backed up by broken or discolored teeth, can you? Wo nro experts In the Dental lino mid can asHiire ou a hamlHoinu set ot teeth If you have our personal euro. Wo are practical professors of every branch of tho business. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER THE DENTIST Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phono afi.SU, Uoiiin Phono ;)5U-K 00000'00C0'K DIARIES To elean up our stock Laird and Loo's 15 Conts Each All "others off Medford Book Store 000K0H'0 COURT HOUSE NEWS ."tltirrliiK" Il,,'"'". Allen 0. AlcTui! mll Temperance .' CrewH, Kdylh iSfdt'Kiirel OSsciihniifjje and John Waller Anil'!. Svw ClIHCt. Ahhie K. Ltjiiimrl . rnmk ), l.eiiiierl, divorci.'. V. -J Mnoic, al torney for pluiutifi'. Medfoid MercliHilti An. m, Wa. ler M. Clark mid KHz. A. (lark. Ac tion to recover money, ("arkiu A; Taylor, altonicyw f' I'lanililf. Cliciilt Court .NVhh. T. D, Slowell vh. Hiitlt- I'nlU Linn her Co., nelioii for dmnac. vcnlict in favor of defendant. State of Oregon vh. S. V. Diane, t'ourl sentenced tleffendiuit to an in di'lermiunUi seiilenet' ol from 'J to 'JO years in penitentiary. Slalo of Oregon vh. J. F. I'atler miii, M'litoiiced to lliri'f ihoiiIIik in county jail. Stale of Oregon vh. Ituhard Thom ason. sunlaiuied to from .1 (o 1" venm in penitentiary. IMIcy Cured In 0 to J I DayH, Your driiKRlKt will refund money If PA'O OINTMENT fnli to euro any case of Itching, Wind, IlK-dlng or ProtrudlnK Piles In C to H dayH. COc. 1 ' Shdedtfmie! AT rOUNTAIN,MOrCL,0CL8CWHCnC Get the I Original -mi Genuine HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK "dWieteau Jmitaticnl .1 ThcFoodDrinkforAllAgcs RICH M1UC KALI CXA1.H EXTUa. IN rOWDEX Not in any Milk Trust Insist on "tiUKLIUK s Take package horn The Best I've Ever Used Is what your friends say o the Marincllo Face Creams and Powder and that iwwhat you will say when once you have given thcin a trial l)r sale at the Marinello 5Kop 407 Garnett-Corey BIdg. Phenes: 6751, 343-K 35c 35c LUNCHEON Served daily except Stiiuluy from 11:U0 to '2 p. in. lit V HOTEL MEDFORD Puree of Toinulo Consomme Hoyiil Kadislms Siiriny Onions Kilot of Sole, lonuiy ' J'onunos Purisionno Dniltjtl Ox Tongue with Spinach Cnlintttii Citi't'ie of Lunil) with liicc Ilyino Mttdu I'ork nnd Ueans Stetimotl or .Miihlitid Potatoes New Turnips in Cream Apple Pits Indian Pudding, .Maple Sauce Tea CWfco Milk Glass Uccr or Claret I 35c 35c Nearly a quarter of a management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Orogon It has succeeded becauso of Soundness of principle Economy of inanagoinont Safety of investment Courteous and liberal troatinont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I, Viiwtor, President O. R. Lindloy, Vice Pres. 0. W. McDonald, Oashior FALLING HAIR Killing' Hcalp ami Damlriiff tni l'n-iieceHtnry If yon want to prevent baldribHii top falling hair ami Itchlm; Hcnlp, and IkiiiIhIi every trace of dntidruff from your ncalp, l a larRo fiO cent hottlo of PAKISIAN HAGE today. You never lined a more dnllKhlfiil hair dreHHlnif In all your life. Every drop In the bottle 1h filled with hair Krowlni; virtue. PAKISIAN SAGE canned tho hair to grow profiiKcly and Impnrtd to It a liidtcr and radiance that eanriot fall to attract favorable conitnent. It Ih Biinrantced by ChaH, Strang to utop fallltiK hair, itching ncalp and dandruff, or money back. It kllln tho dandruff mrm and keepH the hair full of life and youthful visor. Largo bottle 50 conlH at ChaH. HtraiiK's and dniKgldtH everywhere. The Klrl with the auburn hair Is on every bottle ami carton. il,ljf,J,Jti,A. nfciit f if f ilr I IT A r V r V T V Vw 4 liillliriA X You can make a semi-circular Incision, cutting through the outer Integument, sub cuticle and periosteum, tre phine down to tho gray mat ter. ralHe the flap and care fully remove the erroneous prejudice somo people have against the wearing of Eye Glat8cs, ami then perhaps they would give heed to Eye Strain and the serious nervodraln re sulting thercform. Why delay? Come In now and let mo ex plain more fully. Dr. Rickert Kye.ilnlit Sieclalijit (Kir KentncCi, Meilford iiiiii ill mi nun 1 1 tn .T 1 coutury under tho same Twelve Reasons For Buying a Chalmers Car 5 Chalmers long stroke motor gives you all tho power you will over need The up-to-date long stroke motor has tho sntno advantage over the ordinary short stroke typo Hint an oarsman with outriggers on his boat has over a man with ordinary oarlocks. It has greater leverage - larger throw on tho crank shaft. The ChalmcrH "Thirty-six" motor of this typo has great pull ing power at low speeds. It "hangs on." It throttles down well and there Is little danger of "stalling" It. This motor has many other points of superiority ball bearing crank shaft, cylinders on bloc. Improved water Jackets, dual Ignition, Improved oiling sys tem. It haH also patented Chalmers piston rings to prevent smok ing and lohs of compressor!. VALLEY AUTO CO. N. Holly Street I Medford Concrete itiunuiucuirern ui Glazed Cement Scwcr Pipe and Cement Drain Tito Dealers In Washed Sand, Grnvcl nnd Crushed Rock Uso our washed material for your concrcto work, you save- cement and faulty construction Drain your land with cement tllo. It's strongest and everlasting. -,!.. Vnp.terr: Z UlliUJ. I Fruitgrowers GET OUIS I Bank BIdg. 1.,,.i,,,,..f..fflf.fff,fffffffMffff r 04r9t PLEASURE CARS ALMERS, rOl'E-HARTFORD, rEERLESS, IIUTMOI COMMERCIAL FEERLESS, CUASE, RELIANCE (From K ton to 10 Was) THE VALLEY AUTO CO . Finest Equipped Gnrago In Southern Oregon First National Bank OF . MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUKL, PRESIDENT OIUMS ClUTORD, Plan Your Vacation Now TO THE East -Seashore or Mountains SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will jilaco on salo low round trip tlckota to nil the principal Cities of tho East, going or returning through California, or via I'ortluud with going limit 15 .days. Final return limit Oct. 31st. Sale Dates April, 25, 2C, 27. May 2, 3, l, 9, 10, 11, II. 15, 17, 18, 21, 29. Juno 1, , 7. S, 13. 14, 15, 17, 18, 15), 20, 21, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29. Imperial Council .Myhtlc Slirlue, Los Angeles, April Uuth (o Muy ltl Newport Yaquina Bay Offers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low faros from all points In Orogon, ronsouablo hotel rates, outdoor amuaonronU and all tho delights of tho seashore. The New P. R. & N. Beaches Tillamook, Garibaldi (Bayocean), Hrlghton, Mauhattan nd UocU away, Lake Lytlo, Ocoau Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook neacjh and Bay City will open a now fiend for a summer outing, Low Round Trip Fares from all points In Oregon. Call on our nearest Agottt for full Information as to East Bound Excursion Faros, routes, stop-overs, otc, or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Gonoral Passouger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Eat California Raisins, Raisin Day April 20th, ii ii .in i ' i ' ! iwiwii mi Construction Co. - - TRICES North Rlvondde Am Phone Connections t,4fcl Medford Tent and Awning Company Manufacturers of and Dealers In AWVXHOS, TSXTI, T1.T8, COTXmS OT AI.I. XXX9 Duck All Weights and WIdth, Awnlne. Strtpcii, Etc, WXOLZUII AJTO BXTAXL All Makes of Awntnus and Porch Curtains put up at Manufacturers' Prices. Agent for tho Boanok Xolstlosa VenttUUny Wln- &otr Aiming 100 IT. rrotat St. Both Phones. Medford. Orecon M. L. ALFOIID, CASHIER ASSISTANT CASHIER July 2. 3, G, 7, 11, 12, 15, 10, 20, 22, 23, 20, 29, 30, 31. August 1, 2, 3, 0, 7, 12, 15, 10, 22, 23. 29, 30, 31. Sopt. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30. . ' 'ill IL