" ' ! ' ....1 - A 'VS V Never Mind . i : l-jLuJJ , j s . ' Ml.. i -i. I, RATE CASE IS AGAIN PUT Off WASIIlNClTON, Au 8. .Wilier prnsmilutiiiii of (In1 Inlermountiit'i iiH.t! involving (In lung iiiiiI liort luiiil will In hiihIo in October or Hit prcv cut yi'iir, tliim ioKiiniinu the dceN inn of (lio mutter until iu-nI winter, ileenrdiug In mi order of I lie United Stnliw hii)Ii'iiii court hero today. Clilnf .ltiMtiii White uiinouiiflcd Hint tiio MiKi' tituxt lu I'l'-iirKiioil on Oelobcr Ifi, lioron n full hrlii'li. .Iu lien I'iliit'V wim not jirt'Hi'iit when Hit t'liHi) wiik Miilmiillcd recently lo tli" Hiipreuii' court. LI E IN 1 PIIOKNIX, Ari., April 8. After n lorritl (ItOuiU- (In hill piopuKin it wdiiuUi ' Mtft'riiKc ' unuhtitutioiiiil iiuii'iiilim'ut iiuoxcd tliu lower lioue of Ilic lnte li'Kiiliitiiro today hy a viilu f JI lo N. Tim l'iit of tiitt iiicitMuro in the M'linto i iiiuu'rluin. miHi.NKHH orroitTUMTiica AUK YOU .f.OOICINQ FOU A IlUSf NKBa B.APT lilftten to thl. Lot 2Dxl()0, ono atory hulldlttK. it block from main ntrcot, 13000. Thin offer open only for u fow day. W. T. York & Co. KOU HAM: llcntinirnnt In Reed lo .ratldu. Will comilder trade for !Hldunro property or Hell cheap for cault If taken at ouco. Addrcmi .'3 1 KiimI Main at. Home phono 87-U KOU BAI.K $1000. Clean, luerullvo Itimlnemt will not $r00 pur mouth. toKolhor with an automohlle worth $500, a hurt;alii. Ilox I, Mall Trlhiiue, If, LOST UHTUAY Ono uiaro yearn old, Hiul dlo marked and ono brown fitly marked 2 1 on toft Hhouldur brand ed II yearn dd with padlock and chain and hell on neck. Take up mid notify P. Cnney, Unite FuIJb. Ore., and 1 will pay charueii. 1(1 MONUY TO I)AN. MONKY TO J.OAN--$iri00. MiihI havo noiiil Kccurlty. Ueaaonablo rate. Apply H, N Mail Trlhuue, 10 FOU HUNT UOAltl) AND ItOOMB JtOOM AN'I) 110AUI) for youiiR man at Mm. Fay'ti, No, 10 N. Orapo Ht., , hack of FnrmorH &. KmlUtrowora hank hldK. FOU ltKNT OFFICIOS FOU K10NT Ovor the poBtotflco, with heat and light. Boo A. A. Davlfl. FOU JUONT I.arKo, comfortablo of flco rooms with olovator eorvlco, Htonm boat, hot and cold wator. Low raton. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. JUST ONE LEFT Onlcdnlo, ' 85x125, Souil fionier lot, fronting eash .'lorinut' i'ic'o $2050. Nov oiTorod i'or first tinio FOR QUICK SALE $1625 Only $025 cash, Imfnueo ono yoav, ?ORi(loiKo aitos ol! ihis class nvo limilod. Benson Investment Co. Both Phones Mutt and Jeff .IftV.tMi. I'M Pwlv I OL , .('It'itMvG i'wHV OON-7 " ., - -s -' , IVuWOT AwiOuniLM far.fjP , ? -Mftv iiml tawi CL f 5 f Pta-rn SOpT , -" "" N GV.iNe . vir. 60 yWt '"--- v timc Mt,vu Yo;n vTio J- -r ' J pop. TnrT GO., y-c ' " ' ' "V , r i to know ,F jjQji incj-ds.- n" TK.y -j- r roil rent Hoimfiicinci'iNa It - : ...., .-71 business directory ! business directory I fcVt II' 'I l.,Ln..s. .. , .1 tiinlKLl ' f-..Mrt..M KOU HK.NT -Kiul'Ji AjmrtiilculH, 217 H. Itlynrnldu. " M KrtH HRNT lluiiHPkct'iilint mourn, fiirnlMlicil or iiiifuiiilnlioil. tii) N. Illvi'tMldu avc. 1 1 I'OK iOCNT KUrtNLSIIKD IIOOMH KOU HVXil FurnUhurt loom wllli ljuth." HL'2 HOutli Oontrul. JH KOU HU.T Modern fumlHliod rooni.n tit tlio CotluK", GU4 Wont 10th t., two lilockfl mnill) ludrnnl JiuUil. lint mid cold water lit roun'.H. Home iiIiuimi "17- Mra. II. M. dm. KOU ItKNT -Hinlth miartmontu. 217 Ko. Itlvoruhlo. FOIt UENT Lnr:o uleepttiB room, fl.no and ti por wnok. Modern Jiounekuujilni: npnrtiuoutfl. JIG nud $10. Home phono 2CC-IC 222 Bouth Holly. FOU ItKM' IIOVBICS KOU ltl?NT Two room rurnUhud Iioiimc, llKhin mid wutor. Clean and roy. :U7 V. Hecond. KOU UKNT -KurnlHlied liottno rlon la. M. A. Under, at Medford Kur;il turo & Hardware Co. FOU UKNTKlvo room Ijoumo on liavotnent. JtenKonuole. Cluao In. Call at 220 V. JackHOii. 10 KOU UJiNT & room modern liouso. 1118 X. Ulvumldo. Phono Main 744 KOU HUNT Modern bovmu room Iioiino cIoao hi. Mlcu lawn. CU N Uartlolt Ht. Phono 219-K. FOU HKNT Small partly fnrnlahod houso. Iiiijtilro lSa N. Uartlett. KOU UHNT-Cony two room fur- n lulled hiinRnlow with pantry and clomU. Call M7 S. Holly Ht. 10 FOU BALM OU HKNT KOU UI3NT OU SAliK (lardon and fruit tract, on paved Htreet. M. A. Under, Medford Furjilluro &. Hard ware Co. FOU HAJJ -XiOTS FOU 8ALB lO058 KUltnlilo Tor C lotn, 2 room hotiRO. electric lights and wator, $1000. Inquire of ownor Hotel Medford harbor Hhop. 32S) FOU SAMS WnroIioiiBo Bite, GOxlOO, clone In, $2250. Tonus. Snap. W. T. York & Co. FOU SAMC Two lota GOxl-10, Iiouho mid barn. Call on or addrewi K K. Wilson at tlio M. V. & 11. Co. FOIt HAUC liANU FOU HAM: 105 acrea hlRhly Im proved, will hoII all or In 10 or 20 aero tractB. Thin In boiuo of tlio hoHt nublrrlRiUed nlfalfn laud in tho valley, :t mlle west of Med ford, on new road, lA mllo Kouth of tho Medford-JavkHonvlllo road. For pnrtlnulara aoo ownor. Mary H. IloRar. 18 FOIt BALE Chlciten ranch and gar den land' Yt mllo from Medford. W. H. Evorhnrd. 1009 Wont 9t.h Phono C071. FOR SALE 200 acros flno alfalfa laud under ditch, ns good land for alfalfa as can bo found In tho ntato. Thin will bo Bold cheap. Tlila 1b your opportunity long looked for. Oliver U, Brown, 43G N. llartlott at FOR SALIC ACU1CAGE FOU SALE- -Ono nud ono-hnir acres 000 fl. from end of pnvomont on Second Ht. UoiiHonublo toriiiH, Ad druBH P. O. Box 25G or call 7-3 Home, It) ACREAGE Why buy a town ljt when you cuu buy an aero under dltdh, for $275? About 1Vj miles north of pontofflco. Small payment down, bnlanco $10 por month with out interest or tnxos, Fino for garden, borrloH or ohJokons. James Bowling, .20 SouUi Peach. 10 FOU BALE Ton acros on main Auh- Iniul rnml. Hnillll lillllilltllfH. for $2750 $1000 will luiudlo, easy turms on uaianco, riuo piuco jur chlekone or gardon. W, T. York & Co. FOR SALE 'Acroiigo Vj mllo of city HmltH of Medrord; would oxchaugu for JMedford or Asliltuid city prop erty. Seo J. A. Oamplioll, ownor, at Hotel Monro, Medford, Oro, 111 FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOU SALE Wood at country prleoa, itiln, fir $a.75,'12.dn. fir $2,25, 10ln, hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood $2.50, lti-lu. plno split $2,75, All dry yvood. 010 S, Rlvorsldo. Bell phono 5011. . -T- ..4. ' lit nimmni) matt, tribune, Today - Think of lit J i What may an advertisement do aside from offering a saying to the buyer? Vov one thing it gives ABSOLUTE NKWS. Jt tells of tlio ATMUVAL of new goods. Jt may tell you that ;t curtain merchant has on hand YOU It OLD FA VOKITI5 line of hosiery, for instsiiiec. !AN XpV liJAJjIZI wliat is behind these business announcements? Buyers have dickered hi the world's largest .markets, ships have sailed the seas and trans continental trains have rushed across the country to make these advertisements possible. is it any wonder the merchant asks you to read his ad i Js it any wonder you do it anyway? FOU BALI' HOUSES KOU SAMC A rare bargain, new C rooin bungulow built for a homo, fine fiulHh. Inquire 22 Uoho nvo. FOU SALU CHKAP Something extra flue In new bungalow cottage ! room modern. luqulro 22 Hebo ave. KOU BALK Less than cost, a new home to be proud of, 0 room bun galow. Inquire 22 Uoho ave. KOU BALK Now bungalow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screened in back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; eaHt frout; lot 50x171 feet deep, or two lots 100x171 with alloy at side, with barn on. "Will glvo good terms. Iunulro 317 Howard Ht.. cast sldo. Phono C2C1. FOU BALK Four room houso, wood shod, chicken house; raspberries, Btrnwborrlen, small fruit trees; gnrdon; fenced; wator In houso; only $or0, terms. 737 West 14th ft., 7 hlks. south Washington school between Newtown and King. 15 FOU BALK Somo good Improved and unimproved Medford property on and near S, Oakdale; modern Iioiihcs for rent, nlso somo good young driving horscn. luqulro of S. T. Howard. .lr S10 S. Oakdulo. Phone, Pacific 72. KOU BALK At a bargain for cnuli, a modern n room bungalow on pave ment, largo lot. Inquire nt' 2QU lleatty st. 14- FOU BALK POULTKY ANI F.GGB FOU BALK Thoroughbred lthodo Island Ucd hens, cocks and cock erels. Prlco reasonable. Home phono Kurtil C-L. FOU BALK Will sell my breeding pens of S. C. Whtto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons or entire plant, reasonable, Haby. chicks ftr,d hatching eggs from both breeds for sale. Mrs. K. K. Oman, Jnckson vlllo, Oro. FOU SALE Eggs, Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, lthodo Island Beds, Brown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhnrd, 100S) West 0th. Thono 0071. FOR BALE Fltteon eggs, expross propald, $2, Orpingtons, Wynu dottea, Pljuuouth Rocks, LoghornB, Bantams, oto. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Simp son's Phoutjaut Farm, Corvnllla, Oregon. 335 FOU SALE Eggs, thoroughbrod Rhodo Island Ucdn, $1 por sotting. Res. back of 1027 North Central, or add. C. A. Laird, City. 320 FOU SALE Hatching oggB from my trapnosted Crystal Whlto Orping tons and U. I. Reds, Myra Fullor. BIsltlyou 1Kb. Phono 5182, 332 FOR SALE Baby Chicks, Tho Egg Hatchory furnishes flrst-cla8s baby ehloku at reasonable prices. Eggs uaod aro from hardy Boluctud stock, bred to lay, Rhodo I aland .Red, Bnrrod Rocks, and Huff Orpington chicks, $15 per hundrod; Brown Leghorn, $10 por hundred; Whlto Leghorn, $8 por hundrod. W, L. Balos, 723 Third St., P.otaluma, Col, 330 FOR SALE Egga for hutching, am booking orders now for tho single comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyokotf stralu, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 por 100, PlacG orders npw, A. W. Stono. Phono 7302. FOU SALE Eight thoroughbrod Golden Laced Wynmlottos, laying pullota. Jnqulro Titos. Mcponough, Tolo, Oregon. 14 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Uoqu gentlo horao. 220 S, Qrapo. IS FOR SALE- Second baud buck, cheap, 525 3. Grapo, mtcptorp, ornwox. monday. aprtl r. 1012. the Poor Cartoonist ADVERTISING TALKS FOU BALK MISCKLTiAN'ROUS FOU SALE At a bargain, 25,000. 000 feet of lumber In Trinity coun ty, Cal principally sugar and yel low pine. Addrefs or call upon J. II. Lyons, 302 N. Front nt. KOU SAL1-: Cockor spaniel. 141 N. Kir or phone Home 3C7-L. 11 KOU SALE Good single buggy and hnrnuss. Price rlsht. See L. B. Warner, Br., Warner Wortman & Goro'8 store. KOU SALE Threo work horses cheap; weight 1200 lbs. each. 'A. U. Uobblns, Medford. Phono Home lt-ir,-K. 17 KOJt SALE At, great sacrifice, Kurtxmnun plnio. In perfect con dltlon. Must Bulfat once. Call 72: W. Fourteenth. Phono 732-J-l Pa clflc. Writo F. S., caro Mall Trib une, is KOU SALIC Furniture at a bargain If taken before Monday night, Apr. 8th. Now kitchen range, refriger ator, bookcase and medicine caul net. One brass bed, ono corner gun case. Four kitchen chairs, two kitchen tables. Fruit jars nud gar- don tools. Ono dozen Drown Leg horn chickens. All kinds of cook' lug utensils. Call at C34 W. Ham Utou. 15 FOU SALE Good farm or orchard team, bays, weight 1250 lbs. each, good llfo and gentlo, $275. Best young driving horeo In country, hnndsomo, speedy and gentlo for lady or gentleman. Also young Uuroc Jersey hogs. J. C. Pendle ton & Son, Tablo Rock. Phone Central Point. FOR SALE Nice, neatly fitted tent 0xl2 with 5 foot walla and 12x 10 fly. very cozy for ono or two parties; for light housekeeping completely furnished. Will sell at a sacrifice. Address M caro Mall Tribune FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OU TRADE For Roguo rlvor land or Medford propert An Improved ten nc.ro farm; 0 acres In 20 year old orchnrd, all kinds of fruit and berries; largo cherry trees that simply beat tlio world l quantity and quality, to gether with a foo slniplo tltlo to ten acres of clams and bathing beach In front; nil kinds of clnms In unlimited quantities. 1500 ft. from llrownsvlllo P. 0., on regu lar lines of boats" from Seattle, ono hour'B run; 3 miles from Bremer ton navy yard. First class plank road from houso ,to wharf. Faro from Seattle to paco for tho past year baa been 5c, nover more than 2 lie. Special rates for school chil dren. Will exchango for Medford property or Roguo rlvor vnlley laud. Apply to Jackson County Realty Co., 217 Garnott-Corey bid. SO FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres good wheat and grain- land, 17 miles north of Medford, tojjxclumgo for Medford Improved property. Geo. O. CornltluB. 210 Y. Main st. 15 FOR EXCHANGE An equity of $700 In a first class fruit ranch to trade as part payment on, a bun galow In Medford. Geo. C. Corul tluH. 210 W. Main et. 15 FOR EXCHANGE Closo In ware house slto; take any city property. Clark Realty Co. -. . 15 FOR EXCHANGE Two good resl doneo lots to exchango for uloso In ncroago. Quick action. Gop, O. Cor,nltlus, 210 W. Main 6t. 15 FOR EXCHANGE A good bovou paBsonger Thonma car; to trade as part paymont on u modern bun galow, reasonably, olqso In, Goo. C, CornltluB, 310 W, Alain. b 15 FOR EXCHANGE Two good lota to trado as part payment ou a thr6o or fpir .roPUt bungulowv Goo. C, Commits, '210 W," Mala at. ID - No.. 4 FOR EXCHANGE FOU EXCHANGE I havo 40 acres excellent fruit land, three miles from Woodvllle. Will exchange for close In residence lot. Details cheerfully givon. Geo. C. Corni tiUB, 2JS W. Main at. 15 FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eaglo Point for Medford prop erty, improved or unimproved. Ex chango price same as cash price. Seo Oliver B. Brown, 436 N. Bart lett st. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for general house work. Two In family. G6od wages. Address Box J. D., caro Mall Trib une. WANTED Good cook, must bo at least 25 years old. Mrs. J. F. Roddy, Queen Anne addition. Tele phone Main 3S01. l'J WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A widow woman wants position as housekeeper, ranch preferred. Address W., care Mall Tribune, Medford, Oro. 15 WANTED Position as cooks in camp or on ranch by man and wife. Address W. II., 322 S. Central ave. 15 WANTED MISCEMiANEOUS WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas ture. P. D. BInckden, 157 Laurel St., Ashland. WANTED You can't help bur make money selling our guaranteed-to-glve-satlsfactlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly; excluslvo territory. Yakima Valley Nuriery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Furniture, glasswaro and pianos packed and unpacked, trans fer and baggage. Phono M. 1201, Home 05; M. 7511, Home 144x. Matthews & Son. 14 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY Houso fairly closo In not over $2250. Clark Realty Co. 15 Fruit ltuitl Wunted WANNTED 15 to 25 acres near city limits; partly improved, with vari ety of fruits; prefer a farm with somo timber, fair buildings, good building site, sasy terms, must bo a bargain; give exact location and price; from owner, no agent. Air dress 24, care Mall Tribune, 38 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AUSTRAUT CO., INC. Medford offico, phones Main 2511, Home 350. Jackson ville phonos, Paclflo, Mala 11; Home, 200C. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Atlorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main- 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offico Medford .National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 aud 2 Postoffico bldg. A. 13. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Coroy b.ldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 1'2 Jacksou County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 320 Gamott-Coroy Bldg. Architects A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phono 744. ' Phono 0413. Johuo & Tumor Architects aud Builders, Offico 31-33 North llart lott, near Mala. Offico 'l'hOno 1931. BOUTHBUN OIIKGON MIXING UU UKAII Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als, Minos and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent raining ussayers and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured Xor developing mines and onlning prospects. All mine own ers are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and nend full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining liurcau, r.th and Fir pf Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono CC11; residence phone CS02. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Fosters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 9 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates freo. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5002. EDGAR MARTIN and Contractor, anteed. 700 S. Main 71. General Builder Satisfaction guar Oakdale. Phone Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collection, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take clerator. Phone-Main 2021. Civil Engluecr LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer I and Surveyor, Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur-, vcys, subdividing, building grades, i city engineering, drafting, sewer design, can ere to work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Clilucso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo me at 211 S. Front st Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOG DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., Bulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Office In Rmlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teoth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist, u. otn and so. Riverside, Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advlco In die tetics, modlcal gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. Guvbago MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo ordera at 20 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3032. Home 107-X, Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W, Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo, T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers vf brick; dealers lu pressod brick and lltuo. Offlcp at their brick yard, West Jacksou at. Phono No. 3401, GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Stroot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tiio, Get our prices and seo our brick and tlio before purchasing. Furuitvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford, Mission furntturo inado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order' bo11uUhL 'AGE TTTK By "Bud" Fisher :;r.r .NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under the laws of tho state of Oregon. Insures horses and cnttlo against death from fire, accldttiit or disease. Chas. B. Tuli, agent, Medford, Oro, Offices West Side Stables. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary TuW lic. Bring your work to mo at th sign of Tjto Mall Tribune. Nursicrtwi QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro Luddcd, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In the trust. If. B. Patterson. Office romoved to offico Hotel Naah, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offico 104 S Fir. Both phones. Jobbing and Teaming TEAMING AND JOBBING OF ALL KINDS. Plowing and dirt for sale, lots plowed any part of city, garden manure for sato and city garbago wagons. Phono Main 822. J. F. Perry. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; bdok binding, loose loaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir at. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor et. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phone 612. Offico hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN3 CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to room 416 and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone C501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. - MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store Offico Pbeaes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rcsldeuco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyos scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 210 B. Main at., ovor Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phono. M. 5S2. DR. B. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offico phono 4001. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms C and 0 Kcntucr bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Resldonce phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUN YAW Palm block. Stouographlu work dono qulokly and well. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 300-K. Prices right. Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25u auywhero In the city. Office Val loy Second Hand Store, ID $, Fir et. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 364, MeBsougor service Frod Crocker, Prop, Undertaker JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer. Office 28 South Bart Iptt at. Telephone; Day, B?U 471; night, residence, Bell 473, Ifomo 170-L. Calls anawred HWV or day. Ambulance servlco " Vueuupi pla(ueru VACUUM CLEANING . For oo4 , , work, JIal Harrington, Jacksou yllle UU ptioatt, m. , MSSs . " J 'i f 4 t ,-jS? a'