imrrm tio. 1 1 u'V1 tV 'j FXOT POUT arcDFonn mxtl trtotnte, medttout), ortccion, phtdav. rATr?rr r., ima. N iikt K ft ! a I J. ?1 Jl L' :u its ft in jjgpFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INtlRl'BNDlSNT N1ZWHPAIMSR PUiimmikd nvisnv aftkunoon EXKIOl'T SUNDAY, IIY TUB MKDI'OM) PRINTING CO. j ii - The Democralto Tlmo. Thn Mini ford Mall, Tho Moilfonl Tribune Tlin South ern Oregonlnn, Tho Ashland Tribune Offlco Mali Tribune Hullillnir. JS-27-2 North Fir street; phono, Main SOU; name s OKOItOR PUTNAM, Editor and Minuter Kntered as second-dnss matter at Medford. Orccon. under tb act of March 3, 1879. Offlctnl Toner of the City of MedfordL Official Paper of Jackaon County. BUBBORIFTJOir SATES. On year, by tnnll 5,S2 One month, by mall . " Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point .... .50 Raturday only, by mail, per year.. .00 Weekly, per year . l- SWORS CIRCUI.ATIOK. Dallr avernirn for elexen months n- lnr November 30, 1911, 8761. roll Xased "Wire TJnltea Sltpatchta. ras Tho Mall Tribune li on s.ilo at tfca Ferrv News Stand. San Frnnclco. Portland Hotel New Stand. Portland Oowman New Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. VTaah. MSDrORO, OBEOOX. Metropolis of Soutiiern Oregon and Northern California, and the faateat BTOTrlnK city In Oreiron. Population V R. census 1110 SS40; estimated. 191110.000 Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, clvlnp finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of Htreetw paved. Postofflco receipts for year ending November 30. 1911. show Increase of 19 per cent. . Banner fmlt city In Oregon Roirue IMvar Spltxenberc apples won sweep- takes prise and title of 'Applo JClnjr of the World" Spokane. 1909, and a car 'of Newlowni won first mio in iju at Canadian International Apple- Show. Vancouver, n C First Prlxa In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload or Ncwtnwns. ...... Rogue River pears' hrouRht hlRhest prices In all markets of the world dur ing tho past six years. .... Write Commercial Club, Inclosing 8 cents for postARe for the rinest commu nity pamphlet ever published. CLUB ENDORSES MOVE BY DENVER At n meeting of the Commercial club Thursday evening a resolution drawn by the Denver Real Kstnie Exchange "wnc, read. It was in the form of u petition asking congress to set nsitta one million acres of pnblie land in each of the western state, these lands to be .old by the respec tive states in the -nine manner regu lating the sale of school lands; and that the proceeds nrfeinpr from such snle be devoted for the building- of pood roads within such states. The Commercial club Heartily approved tho proposition, and the secretary was authorized to prepare such evi dence thereof as mnv he necessary. and plaec the same in the hands of the Oregon delegates in congress; and to inform the Denver Real Kstate Exchange of the action of the club. Police Seek Jewel Thief SAX FRAXCJSCO, Cal., April 5. Police here today are searching for a suave jewel thief who stole $3500 worth of goniB from a store almost under tho eyes of the proprietor. The thief, a youth of 21, asked for a pin with a fraternal emblorn, and whilo the proprietor's back was turned stole out with the gems, which ho had taken from the safe, In spite of the fact that two othor men wore work ing ln the room at the time. To Discuss T. R.'s Plan WASHINGTON', D. C, April 3. Declaring that Colonel Roosevelt's suggestion of the recall of judiciary is worthy of Pontius Pilate, Senator Jones of Washington announced to day his intention soon to open a dis cussion in tho senate on the Roose velt plan. Colonol Roosevelt's plan Is similar to the methods employed by Pontius Pilato 1900 yoars ago," euld Senator JoJuoe. Sell Famous Dairy STOCKTON, Cal., April 5. Tho Riverside Farm, one of the most famous dalrioK in tho world, has boen sold to capitalists of Soattlo and San Francisco, according to announce ment inndo hero today. Tho ranch comprises fS3 ncrots, and the price paid was $100,000. Half tho pur, chaso goes to tho widow of Charlos L. PJerco, now tho wife of Dr. Ilrey foglp of Now York, and tho remain dor to tho daughtorH of Frank Pierce. Prince to Write Book LOS ANGISLUS, April 5. Tho Prlmjo and Prlncoss Lazarovltch of Sorvla ure In Los Angeles today, the prlnco to seek material for a book he Is writing and tho princess to proparo for a part sho will take In a play to bo given at tho San Gabriel mission. Tho "prlncoss Lazarovltch was Miss Eleanor Calhoun of San Joo. Teddy. Jr., Benlns Career NEW YORK, April C Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., has entorod today up on his career as a "high financier" from tho stool of a bond clerk's desk Ja a Wall street brokerage houso. Teddy, Jr., works from 10 a. m to 1 p. w. ?uch day. THE CLOAK OF O NLY (ho uni'lonn bird fouls its own nest. Ln (lofttiniii!?, liholinif nnd fttltfifyinu; Alotlfortl and tho "Koguo river valley, tho Central Labor oounoil lias sounded its own doom and effeetually destroyed, its in fluonoo. Instoad of eooneratint; in unbuilding tho oitv, tho ooun oil is doliboratoly trying to destroy it. Unionism is vital and neeessary tor tho protootion of labor, but it is a prostitution of unionism to uso it as tho cloak of tho assassin in striking down its homo town. It is impossible to boliovo that such action is counte nanced by tho majority of union laborers of Medford rather it is tho work of tho irresponsible few agitators who have drifted into office. ln seeking to dostroy Medford s fame abroad, in knock ing tho city tho length and breadth of the land, in delib erate! v spreading falsehood throughout the nation, in striving to keep people away ism is cutting its own throat workmen. Conditions in Medford do not (Jiff or greatly from those elsewhere. There are no more idle men than there are anywhere else not nearly as many as other towns of the same size have. It has not been necessary to establish free soup houses hero, nor has there over been a bread line. There was no more want and destitution this winter than a year ago and tho only beggars are the hoboes and brake beam tourists. Winters are mild with a little industry it is easy to raise most of a family's living upon a town lot, and the man with little is bettor off here than in tho east with its vigorous climate and its denser population, its sharper com petition and its keener financial depression. But tho commercial club does not advertise for penni less la hoi-el's nor for migratory artisans it seeks the farmer and the fruitgrower, the man who litis capital suf ficient to purchase a home or. become established among strangers, in a hmd where every prospect pleases and na ture smiles three hundred days in the year. Tho Southern Pacific recently discharged ail employe for knocking the Rogue river valley. It is a good example for all to follow. Why should those who are spending their money developing and upbuilding tho country foster the knocker to undo what they are doing I Why employ those who are seeking the ruin of the community I llie knockers who do not like the Rogue river valloy and spend their energy destroying its development and progress should be forced to move on to where conditions are more congenial to them. Jt is time to get rid of the knockers. MERRICK "D OTII Messrs. Dunn and Merrick stand pledged to give -- the county a business administration if elected coun ty judge. Prom the records of the two men it may be assumed, without dispute, that careful and conservative business methods will govern expenditures. The differ ence in the administrations will be principally the differ ence in personality, temperament and business methods of the two men. Air. Merrick is a developer, a builder, a tvne of the man who is making the Rogue river valley famous and developing its resources. He is progressive enterprising, and constructive. Under his regime the work of restoring the county's credit, maintaining it, and at the same time proceeding with its development will go forward rapidly. Air. Dunn is narrow, unprogressive and reactionary. He has never done anything, either while county judge or as a private citizen, to upbuild his eommunitv or develop the valley. He is still following the same methods his father followed, on tho same farm, before him. The era of growth of the past ten years has left him unscathed a spectator in the game of development. He has been neither progressive nor a builder but a marker of time in the march of rirogress. His experience is limited, his idea of efficiency is economy, while all the loose methods and lack of system now disgracing the courthouse were in force throughout his regime. While Dunn was judge, county officials kept the coun ty funds in their personal bank accounts, as some of them still do now, without protest from him. Assessed valua tions were increased from $4,523,244 in 1904 to .2G,GG9,9l( in J908, and the annual tax lew from $120,704 to $211,405, with but little to show for it. Increased taxation, inequality of assessment under Dunn's regime brought about his defeat in 1908 just as it will bring about Neil's in 1912, the complaint being that Dunn did too little and Neil did too much. The pendulum swung from one extreme to the other. Only a bonding plan can give the people the improvements thev crave and still keep down taxation and Dunn is opposed to road bonds. The only issue is that of progress, represented by iMer rick, or stagnation, represented bv Dunn. T0NG MEN IN JAIL FOR KIDNAPING RICH THIEF SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April C Three Chinese highbinders of tho Sop Sing tong are in jail hero today as the result of kidnaping Woo Sing, a "rich Chinese, who recently arrived here. Woo Sing was lured Into on alley aud threatened with death if ho did not pay $3000. He finally agreed, but said that ho would havo to havo his attorney sign tho check. He led his captora, heavily armed, Into the private offices of a down town attorney, where they woro nt onco surrounded and captured. Admits He Lied INDIANAPOLIS, Ind April C Auttliorlties at Portsmouth, N. II., claimed to havo klllod Dr. Knabo In Indianapolis, is under arrest, today telograpbed hero that Nichols has admitted that his confession was false. THE ASSASSIN. and scaring capital off, union and bringing hard times upon AND DUNN. WILL PUT UP SIGNBOARDS THROUGHOUT COUNTY Tho county court has contracted for making sign boards to bo erected at tho Important crossroads through out tho county. Thoy will bo furn ished to tho different road supervis ors, whoso duty It is to put them up. The court requests that tho different supervisors send in requests for Hlgn boards, giving tho names of tho towns to be put on tho boards and tho dis tances thereto. This will provo very beneficial to tourists as well as homo people. Carl Morris Denies Report KANSAS CITY, Mo April 0. De nlul of tho report that ho had aban doned pugilism to return to work was made hero by Carl Morris, tho heavyweight pugilist. Tho Oklahoma Giant aesertod that he was merely taking a rost, and would re-nppear In tho ring within nix weeks. L (Tnlil Ailvertlicmnnt.) County Clerk, I hereby nntiuunce myself m a can didate for tho democratic nomination for tho officii of county clerk, ub Jcct to tho will ot tho voters of that party at thu primaries. I promlso tho people of JacUson county that In caso of my nomination and oloct'on 1 will fulfill tho iltitlefl of the otflco no cording to law ami tho heat of my knowloilKo ami ability. W. U. MII.LKn. Gold Hill, Oro., Fob. 1G, 1913. Tor County Oloitc. T himiby aniiunuce mv eaiidiihioy for republican nomination a county clerk. If tiouiiuntcd and elected, I will conduct the office according to law and will tront all pal ion- court - oiwlv. OKOKOKA. (lAHDNKK. Tor Sheriff. I announce myself as a candidate for sheriff, promising a continuance ot tho businesslike administration havo given tho offlco In the past. W. A. JONKS. County Hccortlcr. I am a candidate for a second term for tho office of County Re corder on tho Republican ticket, sub Ject to tho coming primary. I havo conducted tho offlco to the best ot my ability, the hooka nro al ways open for Inspection and feel that I am entitled to a second term. KURD L. COLV1Q. For ProsccuMug Attorney. I hereby announce niyseir as a candidate for tho democratic nomi nation for tho offlco ot prosecuting attorney for tho first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho counties ot Jackson and Jose phine, subject to tho will of tho vot ers of that party at tho primaries, and I plcdgo tho pcoplo of Jackson and Josephlno counties that In tho event ot my nomination and election I will fearlessly, Impartially and to tho best of my ability prosccuto nil violations of law In said district nnd endeavor to administer tho duties of said office with tho utmost efficiency and economy. K. K. KELLY. For ltpnM.'iilnlivc. I respectfully present my name as candidate tor representative to tho republican voters. nt. tho coming pri mary. I havo been onco honored by tho pcoplo of Jackson county, having been chosen to represent them In thn state assembly tv?o years ago. If nominated and elected, I shall do In tho futuro as I have In the past: give to my constituents as honest and faithful service as Ilea within my power. I reallzo that there are mat ters of importance to southern Oro- gon that will como up ln tho noxt meeting of the legislature at Salem, and It will ho my earnest dotlro If elected to act to tho fullost satisfac tion of all the people of Jackson county. J. A. WESTERLUND. For County Cninn.isIoncr. I hereby nnnounco myself as can didate for tho nomination of county commissioner for tho four year term, subject to tho endorsement of the republican voters nt tho primary election April 19, 1912. It nominated and elected I will during my term of offlco conduct tho buslncms ot Jackson county on a strictly business basis, nnd to tho best interests of tho taxpayers, and without fear or favor to any party, partlcH or to nny particular section ot tho county. W. O. LEKVER. For County Judge. I am a candhlato for tho nomina tion of county Judge of Jackson coun ty to bo determined by tho will of tho voters nt the prlinarlea April 19, 1912. It I am nominated and elected I will during my term of offlco, as soon as lawful authority of tho votors can bo secured, bond tho county and begin tho construction of a scientific system of permanent roade. Ono mil lion nnd a halt dollars In not too much for this purpose. Rut a dol lar's valuo must bo had for ovory dollar spent, I will oppose Increas ing tho county's warrant Indebted ness and will endeavor to reduco tho Bamo and rostoro tho county'fl credit. I will assume full responsibility for a business administration of ovory county office, F, E. MERRICK. County Clerk. I announce inyuolf as a candidate for tho republican nomination for tho offlco of county clerk, subject to tho primnrlcfl April 19, 1912. N, L. NARREOAN. Conuiy Recorder. I hereby uunounco myself as a can dldato for tho republican nomination for tho offlco of county recordor, sub ject to tho will of tho voters of that party at tho prlnmrloB, I was born and raised at Kaglo Point, Oro, I POLITIGA CARDS tor tho pant two years boon uuty In tho nnnennor n offlco and nil I attic (ho pooplo to do Is to look up my character and patit record be fore ctiftlluii their ballots, CflAUNCKY KI.OUKY. Tor Sheriff, t respectfully prenont my name to the republican votera aa candidate for Hherlrf ot Jnckmm county -u U coming prlmailoM. I l.avo wirvoil two tonus an couRiaum or iumuorii district, and If nominated htnl elected ( shall Horvo tho peoplu In tho future an In tlio pant. MICVl). SIN'ai.RH. l'or Assessor. 1 hereby auuouuro myself nr a can. dldato for n second term for county aasesBor, Hiibjeot to tho rtiyubllcan primaries, April ID, 1 1) t y , ami prom, lao If nominated ami elected to do my duty In the future as I have In tho ptmt. W. T. OUIHVR. l'or ItcpiVMMitnMvp. I hereby announce inynolf as a can dldato for tho nomination na ono of tho two representative to tho axHotu- bly for Jackson county, to bo ctiosun ' by tho republican voters at tho pri mary election April 19, 1912. My two Interests- tho ranch at Central Point and law practice- -having brought me In touch with conditions confronting both tho farm er and the huMucfta man, In consent ing to make thu race tor thu nomlua. Hon for representative, 1 wlnh to state that I am In favor of well built highways, constructed along conitn. leal aud hvlentiflc Hues. I favor such lawa as will enable our orehardlatsi to protect ami care for their orchards in the bi'.it potwlblo .manner. I be lieve In such legislation an will pro tect and safeguard nil tho Interest of tho people In mattorn ot taxation, railroad ratos aud efficient public service. And If nominated and olectod, I will r.lvo to ouch taxKiyor hotiuDt, efficient and hnidiiemdlko service. JOHN II. CAUKIN. Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can dldato for tho offlco of proeoutlug attorney for the First prosecuting nt-j tornoy district of Oregon, comprls-j Ing the counties of Jackson and Jo- ficphlin', subject to tho will of the republican voters ot tho primaries. if nominated and elected I will prosecute all violations of the law and will faithfully dUchargo tho du ties of tho office, honestly, Impar tially, economically and to tho best of my ability. H. K. IIANNA. Jacksonville, Ore., March H, 1912. For Sheriff. To tho Republicans of Jackson i ceunty: j I hereby announce that I am a can.) dldato for thu llepubllcnn nomination I for sheriff of Jnckson county, Ore., subject to the wlshos of tho voters of ! tho Republican party, to bo expressed I .... ..!.... .. ...... ....I. I ai tuo primary ciccuun on rii ijiii,( 1912. ln caso I should be nominated, and elected to tho said office, I prom lso tho people of Jackson county a buslnoHilIko administration of the of. flee. EMMETT HE EBON. For PioMTiilIng Atlorucy. I hereby announro myxnlf a candi date for the republican nomination to tho offlco of prosecuting nttornoy for tho first district, Oregon. If I nm nominated and elected I ahnll prosu cuto all violations of tho law, and especially will I prosecute all viola tions of tho liquor laws, and nil lawH safeguarding tho wolfaro of young manhood and womanhood lu this Jit r Isdlctlon. This I shall do with what ever of litrougth aud ability my bIx yoara' cxperluucn na a practicing at torney nnd thrco yearn ob deputy prosecuting attorney of this district ban conferred. Very respectfully, J. N. JOHNSTON. (Puld ndv.) County Surveyor. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho above named offlco, subject to tho Republican primaries In April, I respectfully refer tho electors to my past record as a basis upon which to judgo my qualifications for fluid offlco, T. W. OSGOOD. County Surveyor, I nm u candidate for tho repub lican nomination for county surveyor, subjoct to tho prlmury election In April. If elected I will perform tho duties of tho offlco with tho system and abil ity that my credentials of formor er porlonco and my private work of tho past thrco years ln this county credit mo with. Copies of lottoni recontly sent to tho county clerk and court, and now In my possession, rogardlng my abil ity and past oxporlonco, may bo had by any voter requesting tho samo, II. Q. 8TOECKMANN. For County Clerk. I horchy nnnounco my candidacy for county clerk subject to tho re- luvvo I donul publican primary on April ll. If nominated and elected I proinlmi a bUMlueiiHllkti ailmliilHtrntloii of the of rllll. .....I ...III l.l.U. ..!.. It... llllLlkl Ititl in,', mm ivui ,mr'i," uih m " n fi". ......I.... II... ..I'M.... I.. ......... .!.,!.. II 111 riimiN 1 im? iuiii',' 1 11 ,',,'ij n.-mi . the bent of my ability. W. K. (JIUHK.S'lliatUY. 1'or County limine. I am a cAiidldalo for democrat le nomination an county JuiIko, If ;,..,, , ,.,, , ,.ir,IPIIl ,, ,,0IM, ; ,, ,.tiruU ilwllmln tlt trammeling I public bundles, ami to adiulnlMter I the affalrx of JarliHou county on Htrlcl ami syMlematle luisludss linen. I will iiHwInt In bulldlUK good muds, I build up the count j ' credit, labor foi, ' Its ovHiy lualerlnl Intuiest along pro. Ki'CMilH) and eeouomleat Ilium. I will favor no locality (al tho oxpouso of any other ami I will safeguaid all of your material InieiuMts councleutlouH ly and to the host of my ability. I-'U Xlv 1. TOf VKI.I.W. Mcdfoid. It T 1) No. : Havers Self Starling Six-44 Fully CipilppiMl, lui hiding Silf. Stuilcr, Top, (Jin I'ruiil, Hpvl tlllll'IlT, Stil.'ll Pllllblllll ItKiMT Kind of fiutd'iial, nl Ui'l-Mivl, ItlUIIT Mini or an I'milne O )lln. Oi'ls, it.pollll MIH'UltiO. ItlUIIT kind of Ignition, IIomIi Omit. ItlUIIT l.lutl of radiator, hmic)oiul. ItlOIIT kind .f tear uli full fbiil- liiu'. KKi'ltT kind nf biHly, luxurious foil'- door. UKJIIT kind if guuruoli)', iun jenr liy furtut). ItltlllT kind if mtIv. ItKJMT h-Iiv 'Jl.-.o. Tlii' 1Iiith In Mold for whnt it U. a ,'ll-nuut di'pendnbb Auloiuolilb1 It H told a) Us i'ti I worth and iiuut- HIltiHil to It Hiitlll It MICHIGAN MOTORS OO. II A loins Tr.MlIiiK Itep Phono or cull for ilt tnoiiMtriilloti ut Mrdf' rd F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put in tlrt clats shape f All work guaranteed. I.envo nddrenn with II. H- I'ultormi, (junker Nuritery, Nnli hotel. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASIHNOTO.V, I. O. Public Land Hatters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Draperies Wo carry u vrjr complntn lino of ilriipiTU'ii. Inn curtain, fix turm ilc nnd 10 nil rli,"ii of uplioixtrriiiK . i-clitl in.m to look nfUir lliln "rork xctiiHivoly nnd will kIvx " K"J'l rvic an In H)Rllln lu at 111 oven tho Uncut rill". WEEKS & NcGOWAN C0 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Heating All Work Ounrantne. I'rlcii Itaonaljn. , COFFEEN & PRICE v as Howard DIook, Xntrnc on fltb at Paclrio 3031. Kami ail, Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson and Humiiilt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. F. & II. Co. Itldg. A Fair Smiling Face 1 la made much more beautiful by a good set of teeth, if nature lias not given one o you, or yourH havo "gouo wrong" lot us make a now sot of Teeth for you that will Improve your looks, and your enjoyment nnd thor ough iimntlcatlon of food, Wonro expert deutlslH and employ only ox pert help, In ovory branch of Dentis try, Added to which our cluirgon nro most reasonable. DR. BARBER THU DKNTIHT AilldiiB Work, Cor, Main and Central, Uoth Phonos. B Mm SB S a WHERE TO OO TONIGHT .4 10 cts -U-GO- 10 fits Itlllil I Vol I'eatiuo Phnfoplny (Jood .Subject. For Wednesday, Thuisday and Fi'lday oplv wo havo th pleasuro of glvliiK our patrons a feast. K KM I TON and Kt'SHliK In their Sluicing "'id Aembatle DnucliiK Art IttMiioililior, three nlghlH only. Come early and avoid the rush. tile iliiililoii Kie STAR THEATR I'uder direction People' Amuse, incut Co. Always lu the lead. Your own good judgment will uc kuowlcdKe nut superiority In ev ery iepert Knllie ('Imago of Program Toiliy Tin: unit APPAICKNT Superb Fentuio TIIK ItllOTIir.ltllOOh OF .MAN A ttenrt-luteietttluK drntuu of the lower flw- ninl the upper leu. One tremeuduiiN scene showx a wrettt ling inali-h between two excellent prnfetfnlotinl untlori si:vi:v it its of coi.n 'I III ln Velein Hummer STAItl'Isll, SKA fltrillNS AND SCALLOPS An Interesting Scientific Picture of Deep-Hert Life IHSTIlll'S MCllT.MAIti: A Kent Wentern Comedy All SATIIKIt In Hong WOOIiWOIITIIS. tho .Musicians Admission 10c, Children Co MAT I. NUBS BVBIIV DAY lOc THEATRE lOc I'LYNV AM HOWARD Coniiilv, HIiuIuk, Talking and Dancing Tliur-day, Ft May ninl Saturday IIIOO Feet of Pimirlto Films n Cooil Photo Play TIIK ILVIV LK OF I'lTTSIWItO UltllH.'i: of a Southern (llrl's I Ira very Tho Sloiy TltK'KKD INTO IIAPPINKSH An Old-Fushlouod Melodrama DODOINC TIIK HIIKKIPF A Light Western Comedy NKAIt THAOKDY A flood IMogruph Comedy LILY'S LOVKItH Thin Ih a rlcroiini ICvenlngs, lOo any seat In tho houso, Special Children's Mnt Inco ovory Saturday and Sunday at 2 p. m., admission 5a and lOco. Follow tho crowds to tho Isls. Wo solicit your patronago, which will bo received with courtesy. Hall & Myers Taxi Co. Taxicubs and Touring Cars Phenes: Pacific 1100 Home 400 v Timo Rates: City on PavomentH, jit.oo por hour Country, $;i,50 por hour Waiting Tlme: 10 ContB Bvory Four Mlnutos or $1.00 Por Hour Ladles Shopping, $a,r.O Por Hour Doctoru' City CuIIh a,00 Pur Hour Taxlmetor Rates: Service Day or Night Tako tho Urowu Oaru jj 4 '