11 I J1 ft n i hi .AWlfV ifT3 WT"- MGE SIX COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Ilo II rr-niPniltortil Unit tv tjrUlnr term of tliu County Court ot Jncknon Count, HtAtn of OroKun, linirun and tirltl nt the fiiurthnuoo Til .IncKxouvHlo, In Nil" county unit Htnlfi tt weilncmlny, the itli 1ny of lYIirunry, 1912, Urn time flxnl by Mil for tho imlflliiK of rntlil court, ln wcrts nrcHcnt Hon J. it Noll, County JiiiIroj .latum Oivimn, County Coiniiiln Nlnncr, OoorKTO I. Iivl. Count), Com mlHuloner; W H Colrmiiii, Clork, nn V A. Joiien, Kliurlff. wlien the following IiIIIh were nuilltwl. J1H8 -1. J O'flnrn. fruit tn mipctor'H nalnry for J mi 1D1.H166 14183 V A. Jonrn. sheriffs sal ry ror jun, iai 333 33 Ulki-V It Colfinun. Co. clerk' militri' for Jnn 1912... 250.00 1US6 l'roit I,, Coll IK. Co. re. corder'ii milnry for .Inn 1913., SO 6C ltlSG J. 11. Nell, Co jUtlRo'n rutl ury for Jnn, 1915 ISO.OO 111x71 lrt Wnlls. Co. KOlinol mint.' wlttry for Jnn. 1912 . ISO.OO I11KN il Ai?.r. jtnliiinl MiiiNr vlior'n nnltiry for Jnn 1912. 120 00 ni.vu-.ri i? llonrv. nflhool miner. vlHor'n milnry for Jnn 1912 120 00 14HlllU" X tlMr.V C'O tlKHl'SH or'fl Milnry for Jnn. 1912 .. .. 125.00 14191 Jnn M Croiitmlller, Co, trrnourcr'K mOnry for Jnn 1912 100.00 11192 J. W. WUhon. Jutiltom rnilarj for Jnn., 1912 60.00 141 02 John DIueiHt, frr man's Bnlnry Tor Jnn. 1912 16.66 14194 J N. Pacu, iut. of poor fnnn'a wilHry for Jrn. 1912. . 100 00 14195 Dr. Win. XV I Holt, Co. jitivHlclun's salary for Jan. 1912 40 W 14196 Mrs. Nottlo Tlioinjwon, work In sch. uiit'M ofrtcu.. . 11.25 14197 Mny It WVllit. work In cli. sunt.' office 9.00 1419S A. K. Reunion, purl iw)'t on nppenl of bond once . . . 250.00 14199 Kreil 1 Colilt;. ilenuty re corder hire, Jnn. 1H12 50.06 HJ00 frank It. Colenmn. deputy vMork hlro, Jnn, 1912 50.00 1401 David M Cronomlller. work on tnx roll. 1911, Co. clerk's office 100 50 14202 Win II JohnHOii, work on tnjc roll, 1911. Co clerk' orflco 48.00 14303 Nelllr It JoneK, work on tax roll, 1911. Co. clerk's office 61.50 14204 J Cronomlller. work on mx roll. 1911. Co clerk's office 63.00 H205 W It llouvn, work on tax roll. 1911. Co clerk's office 10S.0O 14206 W. A. Jones, for J. W. "Wilson for janitor hire, Jnn , 1912 20.00 14JUI W. A. Jones, deputy hlrv, J. 11 Thornton. Dec 1911 ... 10.00 14208 11. Q Khcarcr. deputy litre for sheriff's office. Jan.. 1912. 44 25 14209 Knllo M. Grieve, deput) assessor hire. Jan., 1912 60.00 14210 Chaunccy Klorey. deputy assessor hire, Jnn, 1912 ... . T5.00 14211 V M Jannc), deputy as sessor hire, Jnn. 1912 150.00 14212 J Percy Wells, deputy as sessor hire, Jan,. 1912 50.00 14213 Mnjc It. Wells, work on Mil Rnulo examining board... 13.50 14214 L & Collins, work on Sth grade e$amlnlnt: board . . . 9.00 14iI5 Oco. Briscoe, work on Sth Kradu examining board 9.00 14316 J C T. Harrington, work on Sth grade examining board. 4.50 14217 T 11 Goodhue, material ami labor on new Co jail . 2.TS 14'JIS The Moslcr Safo Co.. part pay l steel vvorK new L'o. jail, iuu vu 34219 The Mosler Safo Co, pari pay't. steel work new Co. jail. 14220 Tho Mosler Safe Co.. part pay't steel work new Co. jail. 14221 Tho Mosler Safo Co., part pay't stcl work .now Co Jail. 14222 Tho Moslcr Safo Co., purt pay't steel work, now Co jail. 11223 Power & West, making plans und specifications new Co. jail 14224 John Grieve, foreman con vict camp No 1, Jan., 1912 . 14225 A. W Johnston, commis sar) convict camp No. 1, Jan., 14226 J. E. and J. Ludo Grieve, labor vn roads, convict camp 100 00 ioooo 100 00 500.00 250 00 100 00 1.00 iSo 1. Jan.. 191 94.7 142 James K. Grieve, labor , Jan.. und team, road cre.iv No. 67 50 14228-Iohn Craiitrve. Ubor on roads, road crew No. 2, Jan.. ID 1m 14229 J. 1 Wise, lubor on roads, road crew No. 2. Jan., 14230 Uudo Grieve, labor on roads, road crew No. 2. Jan., 191. . ....... ...... ...... 3lr3I Mary Grieve. boarding road crew No. 2. Jan., 1912... 14232 Italph I'. Ware, road ex jwnsG . 14233 Wm Ulrlch, pork for con vict camp 14234 Win. Clrleh. Dork for con 30.00 11.50 7 00 69.75 10.00 21.31 vict camp 16.65 34235 win. uiricn, teer ror con vict camp 14236 Wm Ulrlch. beef for con vict camp 39.00 34.S6 14237 Prospect Construction Co.. roid supplies 14238 Itogue Itlvcr Vally Itall- 2S5S2 S.80 wny, freight on road supplies. 14239 Mlko Doloy, work on rouds near Griffin Creek.Jau , 14240 Joe Sndrak. work on roads near Griffin Creek, Jan , 1912 11241 Steie Wheeler, work on roads near Griffin Creek, Jan., 1912 14242 J. J Skinner, work on roads near Griffin Creek, Jan., 1912 . . 14243 'Medfuni ' PriiitYng ' Co, printing for Co. ro.idmastcr'a offlco 14244 Medford Iron Works, supplies for Jackson Co. road expense 1 4215 Medford Hospital associa tion, hospital iIuch of rond craw 100 1 00 100 1.00 24.2' 8 60 15 00 li-Mti uurruio steam tumor cu. rond tuipplliM. maclilnury ... 34247 Powtll Auto Co., road ex 302 10 .65 4 26 pensu . . . 14248 Nloholson llardwaro Co, supplies for road district No. 2, July, 1911 34249 J. M. Bchmltt. rond ex pense, wnter for engine 31250 Union Lliery Hlable. liv ery hlro for Allen to Griffin Creek crusher 14251-Buffalo Ktuam Holler Co.. road supplius 34252 Nunan-Taylor Co, sup plies for roads 34263 Nunun-Tuylur Co, road uxpenso 14264 U. D Wostou, roud uX Pmso , 34255 Oeorge h Davis, road Work. Jan and J'ab, 1912.,.. 3426C George U Davis, livery hlro on road w ork 14267 James Owens, road work, Juu, 1912 34258 Chris Ulrlch, lubor on roads, Jan, 1912 34269 V. V Hoot, road exitonse, lilio of saddle horso for time keeper 14280 George Little, lubor on roads, Jan, 1912 14261 J XV Huys, lubor on louds, supervisor, Jan., 1912... 34262 Grant Harrison, lubor on 7.20 2 50 3.00 10.85 13.95 1.50 48.00 4.00 28.00 C.00 3.00 91.00 21.00 loads, Jun. 1912 16 Jl.-iiS H il iiuys, labor on loads. Jan , 1912 34264 Karl Goodwin, labor on roads. Jan, 1912 342fa5rT. J. West, lubor on roudH. Jan, 1912 H266 Boy Cameron, labor on roads, Jun., 1912 34207 M. Kcott, labor on louds, 10 00 10.00 2.50 22.50 Jan., jyi-' 34268 8. H Moore. roads. Juu, 1912 ... 31209 It. lllakuly, lubor , labor on mans, juii.. I'ji. 31S70 K XV. Hollls, labor louds. Jan . 1912 3 73 5 00 .50 4.60 11.65 1 04 2.50 20.00 ou 14371 Bogue Blier Kleolrlc. potter for road w-ul 34372 Chris (Jitiuh, load petise, huultug iiiachlnery Co,, ox-to AlCUtOlll 14273 .Von tier Hollen Bros,, supplies for roads , . . t 14274 W. C. Kltto. lumber for roads 142751). J. Homon, lubor ut road conal, Jun, 1912 14276 J. XV Klilnnor, road ex- pense, wood und rent of houso 14i77 ,11. H. Allmi, load ox- pi' i met. Jan., 1912 1427S Kruiik Wuid, road ox- ponso, , Jun., 1912 ,.,.,,..,.,,. 14279-B.uii. Walsh, ipud ex- pense, Jan, 1912 .... I ........ . J42R0 XV. M, Klttp, road o- IHMiHe. Juu, 1!II2 J42SJ Gftmett-CVrey Hurdwaro 79 6Q 78.00 6.25 2 40 37 10 1 75 36 50 5.50 88 33 17.25 6 25 3 75 3.75 90 00 40 00 43.75 roint. Jan. 191: 14291 Pat llatel. labor on labor on labor on roAds. Jnn, i?n . H-PR Mike Miller. nnds. Jnn. 1912 . 14296 JiH Aidraok, nvids. Jnn. 1912 . 1429T Mike Sebrnch. roads. Jnn, 1M2 . 1429S Nick Madlch, roods. Jan, 1912.. 1429 Da Dillon. 12 13 12.13 20 SS labor on . . . labor on labor on 22 13 19 63 road. Jan. 1912... 14200 Mlko Madoxlch. 19 63 SS 22 13 20 SS 21 OS 4600 51.00 labor on rontn. Jan.. 1912 . 1431 JiH SckoMtch, labor on road, Jan- 191: .. 14302 MlkePekovttch. ......... labor on roan. Jn, 1915. ............. 14303 It II. lTvsslan, lnlor oil rwads. Jan 1912 14104 Atto Zaple, labor on road", Jnn.. 1912 . .. 14305 U V Jan, 1913 . 14306 Rroest roads. Jnn . 11307 Paddj uooi. nmeKeeper. Gnbrlel, 1912... Mnlo), IfllMr on 60 00 75.00 22 50 52 25 30 00 labor on rontis. J an 191 1430S T Purdue, labor on road-. Jnn, 1912 14109 Gilbert Clark, labor on roads, Jan, 1912 14310 Frank Grleex. work on re locating rond maps 14311 Provost Bros., stakes for JncWin Co., relocating road expense .. 14X12 Corsa M Ktdd. supplies for convict camp, leather and lacks ...... ... .... .,.,... 14312 Medford Harness Co supplies for convict camp 14314 It. C. Kcntner Co., sup plies for com let camp 14315 A. M. Peyton, supplies for convict camp 14316 Hotel Moore, board of con ict.t 11317 Pacific Bastern Ball wa), freight on tools convict camp . , . 14318-rT M Peclor. supplies for 3 60 6 15 3 00 22.20 2.95 4 50 1 41 com let camp 11.2 nail" .Manhattan Cafe, menls for conxlcli 14320 Win. Ulrlch. beef for con- let camp 14321 li. B. IV) ton. supplies for com let camp , 14322 It. U. ivy ton. supplies for convict camp 11323 Pacific & Eastern Ball way, transportation for Oswald West and party from Medford to Derby 14334 Tlie Qui. supplies fur convict cump 14326 Iaclflc & Knstcrn Hall 2.35 67 76 14 73 10.18 s;o i.so way, freight and transporta tion, com let ctimp 1S.60 iis-i.eon 11. llasKlns, supplies for convict camp 14327 Clias. B. t!ny, labor for Jan., 1912. convict camp 1432S IL W. Leonard, bUck- smlthlng for Poor Kurm 14329 Kd Learning, apples for Poor Farm 14310 Hubbard Bros.. Poor Farm expense .......... 11331 The Medford Sun. Dally and Sunday Hun to Poor Farm, ending Jan. 13. 1913 11332 Warner, AVortman . Gore, beef for Poor Farm 11333 Talent Drug Store, drugs und stationery for Poor Farm, Jan, 1912. Nov and D.c., 1911 11331 H. L. Hurdle, mdse. for Poor Farm, Jan., 1912 11335 J. D. Chisholtn. clearing 6 75 31 00 6 25 16.50 1 80 5 00 28 45 160 111.30 In ml. Poor Farm 16 50 11336 XV. A. Corthell, clearing land. Poor Farm 14337 Jackson Co. Light & I"ower Co, light uud power for Poor Farm, Jan. 1912 1 4338 W P Bailey, tuklng Clias. Albright to Poor Farm.. 11333 A. XV Store), groceries for Poor Farm. Jan.. 1912 14340 G. KlksnaU surveying for experiment station on Poor Farm 14341 Davidson &. Butterfleld. supplies for Mrs. Jones, lndl- Bvlli 14342 Lanco & Co. supplies for Wm. Leadlngton. Indigent 14343 Lance ic Co, supplies for W. Q Messner, Indigent 14341 Talent Mercantile Co. supplies for Mrs. J. C. Cabler, Indigent 14315 Nunan-Ta) lor Co. regu lar lndlgunt allowance, Juu , 1912 1 1 J40l-C."V iUlchstVllV ' '&.' Co, wood for Mrs. MvPhearsun, ln dl 14347 Geo. Brown & Sons, sup plies for Edward lismond. In dlgcnt 14348 Olmsteud & Hlbbard. sup plies for Mn. Houso ut al, in digents 11349 C. M. Itucli. supplies for Win. Bogwardt, lndlgunt. Jan., 14350 Granite City Hospital, care of Kulllvun, Kissinger, . .7?y f 3lyur' indigents .... 11351 S. J. Boussum, convey ing Chus. Albright from Wl-lut-r to Woodvllle. Indigent... M352 'Warner. Wortinun & Oore, supplies for Kdson, lndl tr?ni . 143S3 Warner, Wortman & Gore, supplies for Llzzlo Smith. Indigent , 14354 Warner, Wortman & Gore, supplios for Mrs. Wil 17.35 8.70 3.50 14 10 00 10.00 32.20 5 36 8 00 25.00 5.00 46.80 6 00 65 00 4 00 5.9: son, indigent , 14356 Warner. Gore, supplies gent .. 11366 Warner. 9 41 Wortmuji & for Kdson, ImJI- 8.50 Wormian & Gore, supplies for Chus. Indigttnt . .... Hurst, 14367 Sacred Heart Hospital, hospital attendance for Claud Merrltt. Indigent 11368 Saored Heart Hospital, !2 90 hospital attendance for Mrs. M. Bodenheimer, Indigent 31.45 11369 Sacred Heart Hospital, hospital attendance for It. I.uk- ovloh. Indigent 12.90 14360 Satred Heart Hospital, hosnitul uttendsneu for Ales. --N. vvimur, inuigunt .. ....... 11361 Mrs. K V. Gard. care of Cole family, indigents, Jun, 1912 14362 Albert Johnston, regular Indigent ullowance, Jun. 1912. 11263 Stupheu Curpenter, regu lar indigent allowance, Jun., J3I2 ' 14361 Nuncy Slsemore, rtgulur Indigent ullowunce, Jun, 1912 14:i6S Mrs J Fattlg, cure of Miss -Met calf, indigent. Jun, 1912 14366-The' ' irwl'ii-Ho'lson ' Co', supplius for sheriff's offlco... 14367-Tho Irwln-Hodsou Co, supplier for assessor's offlco . II36K Glass & Prudhomme Co, 11.4! 8.00 5.00 10 00 10.00 00 15.00 80 35 2.50 33: supplies for ussossorn office Co, supplies for ronds . 1(382 V It GarrctU suporMs- or'n compensation, road dts- tt let rori iq ..... Hlsa (1 I' MrrrtiiiAtt. mrtrt e pense, steel for road ....... 14284 J Nunan, rond exiienso.. 14285 ltn.Mnoud Nellls, rwnd ox iense bin Q horse . 14286Medrord Concrete & Con st! ucllon Co, road expense... 1 4 2: it 7 .Med foni Kitrnlture Hiirdwnre Co, road expene, supplies for rond crew, June, 1911 142SS W W lllltle, tnlnir on bridge nenr Itock llnl 142S9 H Ne. labor on bridge nenr ltoek IVtlnt 14230 lrnnk Chlldjirs. labor on bridge, nenr ltock Point 14291 It 1) Powell, dniUKhts man for roads. Jan. 1912.... 14292 W. T. Uoverldge, nst. en glneer for road. Jnn, 1912.. 14292 A It. Itlce, labor on 12.00 18.75 87 46 4 81 14369 Glass & Priidhonime Co. record book for clerk's offlgr, 14370 Gluts & Pj-udhoniuio Co, supplios for reoordur'u uffico. 14371 Muiiii & llcuuli, blunks for Co Judge's offlco 14372 The Home Telephone A: Telegraph Co. tolephonu bill, Jan 31, 1912 11.30 14373 Tho Pacific Telephonu &. Telegraph Co, telephone bill for Co. officers, Juu., 1912. ., 33.00 11371 Pacific Telephono & Tel egruph Co , telephone! bill for B F, Mulkey, district attorney 41.77 11375 V. D Johnston, typewriter for recorder's offlco 70.00 14370 Mis Juno Johnston, coun ty laundry , 3,00 14377 Tho Medfoid Sun, sup Piles for G. W. Ager. school su. porvlsor , , 14378 XV, It, Coleman, express on office huppII' 1I37U Modfnid Mull Tribune, luluiliifa' for Juckboii Co ,t 10.00 a as 88,6 0.67 MDFOTO MAIti TRIBUNE, MtftrFOttn, QRECIOSSr. WEDNESDAY, Allfi ... 101& 1430 Nunan-Ta) lor Cw., Bun plies Tor courthouse, one can coal oil . . 143S1 INiQlflO Slatlonrr) & Printing Co., supplies for slier Ifrn office .. ,, 143S2 Ashland Tidings, printing for assessor's offlco 14SS3 .Medford Hook Store. stu plles for recorder's offlco . 11384 W Agrr. exiv of school suiierviMir, Tnlent Hist . ll3siJneksonvllle Post, pi lut ing for Co. officials 1435.6 W A. Jones, telegrums. Die, 1911, circuit court c Jienso ... . ..,,. iS7 W T Grieve, express on office supplies . .. 1I3SN Jnekson Co. Abdruet Co., ninpi for niscssor's nnd Cvv Judge's office , i . . U3SS .Medford Printing Co., printing for Jackson Co..... 11390 Bushong i Co, bounty warrants, clerk's of rice.., .... 14.191 Cttlch Bros, supplies for vourt houio nnd Jail. . 14192 W A Jones, express anil freight on office supplies .... MS93 Tho J K Olll Co. tup- plles fur school supt.'s office. 11394 J W ltock. extru Jmiltnr work at schivol house ... ..... 11395 The Merrlvold Shoi. sup plies for jtchool Hiipt 's offlw . 14396 Supplies Tor school snpt ' office . . .... . . . . . . 14397 laciric Stationery & Printing Co. tupplles for school supt 's office 1439 James M Cronomlller. stamps for Co. of ftolals 143990 Percy WelK exH'nses of school supt 's office, Jnn,, 1911, express 14400 j. w. .Mers, deputy; Co, fruit lnsiector's salary, Jun , 1913 14401 T 1 Smith, deputy Cm. fruit Inspector's sinry, Jnn , 1912 , 14402 J C. Aitkin, deputy Co. fruit Inspector's salary, Jan , 1912 1440"! Cl.vde Barnum. deputy Ce fruit Inspector's salary. Jnn, 14101 Kogue'ltlvVV "Kl'ectrlc Co", Jwvr for court house pump. Inn. 1912 6 . 1.(0 10.10 43.30 6 63 7S5 37,76 10 81 1.35 32 00 99 75 10 00 9 20 J.5S 2.30 5.00 5 1 10 4 15 80.00 2.16 58 (0 83 05 42.70 93.26 10.25 23 (5 18.S3 1 50 9 60 21 20 62.48 10 00 an 14401 Fred J Kick, labor anil work at court- material for house . . 14106 Fred J. material for Flck, labor nnd wotit nt court. house . . . . ..... 14407 B. S. Wilson, putting shelving In clerks orflce 11408 Hoguo Ulver Electric Co., power for Co. jail 14409 Sacramento Chemical Co., Insect exterminator for Jail... 14410 Nellie II Jones, board for prisoners. Jan. 1912 14411 W It. Coleman. 1000 reg istration blanks ... 14412 The Irwin-Hudson Co, election supplied for clerk's of fice ... . . 14113 XV. Turnbough, balnnco due on mileage, hivcln! elec tion, Sept. 1911 14114 W A. Jones, inking Fred enburg tlrls to Portland .. 11115 Bo).s' A Girls' Aid Soclelv. regular allowance, from Jack son Co.. Jan., 1312 .. .. . 114th Dr IL 11 Golden, exam. Tom Whlltt. Insane 11417 Hoguo Hlver Vulle Abstract-Title Co.. second w) ment. abstracting tax rolls Itlis Mrs. Helen llasklns. tH relvite 11419 C. II II Parker, tux re- 14420 lV Si." Calkins." telephone rentals, circuit Judge's office . 11421 Hnrry von der Helleu. reg Juror. Dec 1911, term. '1 day, IS miles .. 14422 C L. McWIlltams. auto aire, circuit court witness . . 1142S W M Howard. Juror fees. Dec., 1911, term, 1 day. I miles 11424 Hubert Iani, Juror fees. Dec.. 1911 term. 1 day. 19 miles 14425 IL K. Conger. Juror fees. Dec. 1911. term. 1 day. 0 mllen 11126 K. 1 Jacobs. Juror fees. Dec. 1911 term. 1 du). 12 tulles 11427 John Martin, juror f e, s. Dec 1911 term. 1 da). 17 miles 11428 XV O Dickerson. Juror fees, Dec 1911 term, 1 day, 17 mllos ..i... 14 429 J A. Nelson. Juror fees. 1 00 $2 It 10.0t 5 00 ioo oe 2.11 2.03 28 00 C.60 8 00 3 80 C80 SOU 5 10 6 10 C in CIO Iec 1911 term. 1 day. 17 miles 14430 A. L. Cuslck. Juror fees, Dec 1911 term; 1 dav. .'. miles 11431 C. C Pursel. Juror fees Dec 1911 term. I iluv. in miles 14 4221' Y Allen. Juror fi-e. Dec 1911 term. 1 day. 5 miles 14433 S i; Dunnlngton. Juror fees, Dec 1911 term, 1 da), 0 100 C.2 I 00 miles , 14434 XV i. Mclntym fi-es. Dec 1911 term, 1 miles . . .... 3.00 Juror day, 0 2.4)0 3 00 11435 J M Cantrall. Juror fees, Dec 1911 term. 1 day. o miles 14436 A Throckmorton, Juror fees, Dec 1911 term, I day, 7 miles 11437 H C Burgess, juror fees lec 1911 term 1 da). 5 miles 14128 H II. Tujlor. juror fe, Dec 1911 term. I da). II miles 14439 A K. Kellogg, coroner's nxpense, Imiuest of Fred J Ilocho. ibceaseil 11110 A K. Killogg. coroner's expense. Imiuest of Nettle Thatcher, deceased .... 1144 1 A. K Kellogg, coroner's expem-e. iuiiiet of Nathan Ilognway. d-eeaed 14 4 42 G F WertA Justice fees. State vs Patterson & Sneider 14143 J B. Holmes coustnbln fees. State s Patterson & Sneider 14114 W A. Beck, constable fcs. State vs Patterson A. Sneider 11115 G O Taylor. Justice rex, State vs Tate ... . Ill 16 Aug D Siugler, constable fees. State vs. Tate. 14147 (J O Taylor. Justice fees. State vs Marvin 114 48 Aug. D. Slnglor, constable fees. State vs Marvin 11149 Scjulro Parker, witness teen. Stato vs Chus Davis 11460 G O Taylor. Justice fees. State vs. John Anderson , . 1. 10 4 00 2 00 II 10 13 30 10 00 2.56 too 12 50 5 30 1 70 5 06 4 30 10 50 COO 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10.70 14451 Aug D Slnglor, constable fees. State vs John AnOersou 1 1 162 Bob Ita, witness fees, Htato vs John Anderson UltS Bob Hall, witness fe-s, Statu vs John Anderson 11154 Will Cams, witness fxes, State vs. John Anderson . 11465 W. H Crawford, witness fes, Stato vs. John Anderson 1(466 G O Taylor. Justice fees, Stato vs Thomuson 11457 II G Shearer, constable fees, Stato vs Tliomason . . 1 4158 Pole Ingram, witness fees, State vs Thomuson . 11459 O H Harris, witness fees. State vs Thomuson 141B0 Klbert Clement, witness fees. State- vs Thomuson.. . 14461 John Foster, witness fees. State vs. Thomuson 14462 G O T.i)or. Justice fees. Statu vs. Glovi r 11463 Aurf D Slnglor. constable fies, Slate vs Glover ... 11461 Pulo Swllar, witness fees. State vs Glover 1 1 165 Y Ilov Puck, witness fe(S, State vs Glover 144C6 Otis Gurrett. witness fees, Slute vh Glover . ... 14467 T W Burlier, witness fees, State vs, Glovi r 11468 O O Taylor, Justice fees, Stute vs Joolliirt,.,, 4 70 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 05 5 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 0 30 5,20 2 20 C'JO 5 25 1.95 14469 Aug 1) Slngler. constable fees, Ktato vs Joe Hurt 14470 J B, Carlisle. wltnciiM fes. State vs, .loo Hurt 14471 O O Tuvlor. Justice f e s, Stato vs Wllfley 14172 Aug D Slimier, countable fees, Stuto vs Wllfley ... . , 14173 G O. Tu)lor, Justice fees, Slate vs Glover 14474 Aug D Slngler. constable , feus, Stute vs. Glovur 11475 C. O. Taylor, Justice fees, Statu vs. Blunu 14476 Aug D. Slngler, constable fees, Slute vs Blune 14 477 J. G Hurt, Justice fees, Stato vs Garvin .... 11478 A L. Irwin, constable feus, Stale is Gaivlli . .. 1 147V Hoboit Casey, witness feus, Statu vs. Garvin, ,,..., ., 14480 C. H. Wilcox, witness fees, State vs. Garvin.,. 114810. H. Honnlnggr. witness fees, Stato vh. fliirv'fn. . , , 11482 XV P. Heiiuluger, witness fees, Htato vs. Gurvln.,, ,,,,,, Prudhomme Co, supplies for Justice ot l""ce oi cV P 50 .100 .100 2 00 3 00 2.00 2.00 3 00 2 00 2 00 84 00 flee, 1UM- Jury U4SS- Ale dfotl dlntrlc li w. L'i Cooivr. diiuvi K ... i..iiav itlntrto Htfl UitlM.. VR.illM Thotnnn llnrker. w'1,,f list, Sams Vllev dlstr el .4"r.y me 80 Thomas Stralhorn, im Inir Juiv list. Sams Valley HW trlet ,..,,. ...... , '' Hl!t7 C W Sheiman -"5,"K Jut) list, Phoenix and lalent dlsttlet , .... 11488 Unmet Nenl, dttiwlng Jul) list, IMioenlx and Talent dlsl.. 14 4S9 II U. Goddnrd. ''2i,",f Juiy list. PhiHMiK and talent district .....,,., . IU1I0 J It It. .Morslolt.11tiiv; lug Jill) list, Gold Hill district 14491 J 11 Craw fonl, "iw lug J my list, Gold Hill dlMilel.. 14492 W It Walkei. drawing Jury list. Gobi Hill district.... 14493 Power A West, supervis ion or cell work III n Jan. Business Irrttisnuled b ,v the county f'obruaty Slli. Court nt their ssslun 1112 "The following bills wro audited! Geo, U Davis, roiiiiiiltwtonct " salary January, 1912 , Oei U Davis, commissioners stilat) lVbrtmiy, lsi2 , Jnines Owens. cointnlisloiter a salary January, UUl , James Owens, commissioners xttliirv IVbiunrv. I91x 3100 9 00 37 00 tl.ttfl Pacific Stationery A Vruitliut Unit ofi U U Co, supplies nr slufrlfrs x ,o Hill of City of Medfwrd mr-isajter for cwmty roads for ISO. conilmml terMnrcb l!' 13 term Application of C. M IMl")' ' minul and cancel tax sales mid assessments as to N li k of N. K. l Pee t. 3! 3 K. continue.! to Mnreh. Ills term Bill of C It Veghl. for Uilmiee due on pour fnnn building. 1907. for ISO, continued to Mureh. 112 Yrl". ... , Bill of Security VntiH Metal Works for balance due on culvrls oemtlnued to March. 1912, teim Bill of S. II Moore for provisions for Charles Albright. Indigent, continued disallowed Dispense In Imiuest of Al. M "o)d, ln,.wii..vl illatillun .,.1 In the matter of the final report of W W Harmon, countv roaduwster. for the period ending December 31, Hill Ordered by the e'ourt that said irimrt be and the same Is hcrebv approved. In the matter of the report of the commissary of Convict wimp No. 1. for the month ending Junur 31, 1912 -tlnlereet by the court thai soltl llrt tw and the same Is hereto approved. in tho matter of the approval of Mon itor Orchards pint. In township 37 south, range I west Ordered Unit sold plat ! nnd the samn In hereby Approved In the matter of the approval of re subdivision of part of lrry Subdlvis. Ion. In D I C 74. township 37 south range 2 west W M Ordered that said plat N and tho same l hereby m. proved. In Hie matter of the approval of the county clerk's statement or soulp liun tv warrants for the moutli of Jumrnrv 1912 Ordered that said statemtnt tu nnd the same Is hereby approved In the matter of the approvnl f Hie bond of James MutttRgl) commander of Bumslde lost. No. Ji A It -Ordonnl tlwt the some be and the swine hereby Is approved. In the matter of the approval of S G Van D)kr et al road sup. rvlsorw of the within tuitneel road districts Ordered bv the court that suld bends Ik- and He sum, ui4 herehv" ikintnkve,! Iii tbtt mutter of the auplloullun of M I Dlrlcksou of r S forest service to maintain telephone line along count) roads where such lines ure In opera Hon In Jackson County Oregon Ap tmii.,,1 h court In the matter of the application of Burnslele lVt. No for rellf for (lm Westfall und Theron Mavnurd Ontereil that the countv c erk drnw an order on the Indigent Midlers' fund for the sum or 115 00 Imfaver or said Bum side Post. No. 23, fo relief of tho above named applicants. - In the matter of the resignation of Geo I.. Dnvls. countv commlsslemer Ordensl. considered and adjutlge.1 that Mild resignation bo mid the same Is liertiby accepted. Ill Hie matter of U appointment of ix count) commissioner m fill vae,tucv Ordcre.1 b the court' thst Frank Brown of IZnglc Point Oregon. ! and Is here to npimlnted rotinty commissioner or Jackson count), Oregon, to fill such vu cancy. In the matter of'' the nppltctitiou of Alfred iioblns.m, l'-.IUukH..n' nnd Char ley Albright for admission to the countv poor farm Ordered Owl the sold nppll esnt Im and he is Tiereb) ailmltte.1 to thi' county Hxir farm tw n eoun charge from lie. ditte of th filing of said iippllcotlon. nix I It Is so order, d In tho mutter of the rort of the count) Mr farm for mouth or Januarv 1912. showing names, aluss and days' at tendance or isitleiils In Jucksem count) hospital i,iys William llnrtman ClmrleH Heudrtokfton i, Wllllum llargrave ... August TwHippef .', Julius Stein James Armstrong T. J Itiulmrds Mrs H A. CuthlHTtli . , John U'alden , John SIIvh . . 31 rs I lose I 'risb) .. , J. XV I'licli C. D. Miller . l. U. Sjovll . Ilwiiry liner .. . XV. C Clover . Jacob ISeiiedlet W D. Willis C Albright Alfred ICohlnson Kd Jackson 31 3! 31 31 21 SI l 31 31 31 II 31 II 31 31 t! II :i in tho mntitr of I'll nls of Janus M Coleman and I us! the immthU slat. I'roiiemlller W II I Col v Ik Ordi red tbitt said stall m nlH heri'bv iilnrin ( d is urn! they ur F0RDE CAN DO IT Do yon tvnnt your lawn put in first class shape T All work puurnntccd. Lcavo addrcna with IL It. Pitttcrsn, Quaker Nursery, KaHh hotel. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. Public Land Mattera: Final Proot Dcicrt Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. H. Heartfield FRKNX'H DltV CLIVNEK ANU IIArriER Wo mako GarmontB look llko now and moro than doublo tho valuo of thoin to you. . WOKIC AUSOLUTBLV GUAUAN TICHU Bundles called for and delivered 1 SO 6.20 0.90 7.60 0.10 1.00 1.00 l.nn 1,00 Pacific 0M31 Home 8H0 Near Mooro, Hotel 11183 Glass .I.O'iVOOOOOQOO'j EASTER Is nlniosi hot'o BOOKLETS AND POST CARDS great variety in Medford Book Store (oi-ooo-ioooo oo NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Arc Hold ill Mooso Hull ovory Tliiirxtitiy t 3 j). tn. Kvorybotly itiNiteil. Draperies Wo carry n very romplole Una of draperies, U curtolus, fli tures. clo, and to nil Classen of upholstering A special man to look after thin vork exclusively nnd will give n good service n la possible to cet lu even tho Urgent cities. WEEKS & McGOWAN C9 PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All IVork Guaranteed. Prices Hensonatd COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard Dloek, Eutrauc on Olh XI Psclflo 3031. Horn 04 A SNAP 60 ncrcs, "tx rallcs from MoUfortl, Kootl Brnilotl road crosses tho tract, all froo soil, at $50 per aero. 81000 will liautllo. cany tornn on balnnco. Part, la creek bottom land, auMnblo ror alfalfa. Several springs on the place. Timber cnotiRh to pny ror tne tract. No bii!lillnE. In "to Orlflln cfcok district. W.T.YorkcaCo. Watch Our Addition Grow Jnrksoti nnd Summit Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. 1 & H. Co. HldR. A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE ICO ihtoh, J 2 iiulos fitHt of Klmiintli Falls, on initiii roml to LuLuviuw. About 85 acres will bo umlur tho uv oriiment clitoh ami can bo irriRutcd. Kino nlfulfa or mirdcn land. An nbundunco o frco outKidc ranch. One of tho host propositions there in in that section i'or a man who wunls to cnf;aj,'o in tho sheep business. Locat ed just riht i'or a townsilo when tho railroad is built from Klninittli Kails to Lttkcviow. I'rico 1-fiO per noro. Will oxPhanRO for Medford city or country property. W.T.York&Co. vfiVJrCainhrki Buy Dlrict Frm Our Factory And itva ilia mUdlemin't profit and kIIIp otprnie. 5-croM panel doonj d1 OA fort qiwlky: 14 !" t . , , . t p X J EEVEl f r Every Purs al 9m Prl Is AH Oungilov Sili 10 of tha liUtt dettgai 0 Ab Ht la ttocl, Bin, hotbed, bticmrnt and chicken coop iah in lock. Only fuft WlwiflW Trim 10 plecei, lied In buiulle!3 flyleij OA it qualiyj p t only . , 0l Lt US flyura on your mlllwoik, paint and liariiwarn bill. T do " M roaU lumUf r,. Wftlflor v,uis( no, 4i DRINK RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tim OHIIINU lumlint'iil for tho Dilute llnlili run 1 " V11!1 !,,,,,0!j!, ulniitH TluuiHiuulH liiivo Hticemisftilly tiHO.1 It itiul " v lw roHiiuon to liven of Hiilirloly nnil unorJnHH. Can lit. rIvijh "ocri'M ; . . OUUINM Ih nioimroil In two foniiHi No. 'j!,,,'? ntiHolulnly tH(o1oHM uiiil odor hm, kIvwi Biu-r.ly Iii pMtil r ill "U . " Jf"J 'ft u in lv II l form. In ror t loao who iloiil to tulu) oinnmi iipiumtnii. Ni(1?o . till to "iS'rSiulU !,. '.OUIIINH or ll 'ffj' J i f untied. CMatH only ?U0 ip l.v. Ak for lieu liiiiiklut tollliiK till wlioui OUHINIC. LEON W. HASKINS, E. MAIN 4.''4't Ladies' Special Announcement Jn the convenience F our eustoniors wo have opuncd a branch line in iMccllonl. Call at MRS. E. S. MYERS aM od ford Kiiriiituro c lldw. Hldjj. I Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co. t Central Point, Oro. t4.'H'' Plan Your Vacation Now to Tin: East Seashore or Mountains 6'OUTHERN PACIFIC vein ..!.. .... ,.!. low niiiiid trln llrk.-tn In nil till) nrllirhinl filled m m i 1IIIIV.I1 V I DIIIV of tho i:nst, koIiik or rliiriiliiK with kuIiik limit 15 dn. Flnul Sale April, 2:.. 2rt, 'J7. Mny 3. 3. , i'. 10, 17, IS. 3 1, 3I. J urn- 1, tJ, 7, S. 13, 11. II. 1R. 11, in. 17, IS. 1U. 211. -'1. JI. -'. -'. nij 29. ImiK'rliil OmiiivII .Mi'Mk NliHtif, Newport Of font tunny ailvnilttiKCH for a iHilnts In Orccon. n'oaonulilo nil tho dellKhtH of tho onhor. . Tho Nov P. E. & N. Boachos rm,L- rinrilmlill ( llsivucimu). IIiIkIiIdii. Miiuhittlnn nnd ..wiiv l.nkii I.vllo. Oimtn l.til.o ami lltrv- City will open 11 new Itountl Trip Kiirtw rrom all polptH lit Call on our nwtroHt AkoiiI for llouiid Kxciirslon Paros. routes, Htop'OViTH, oti' , or wrllo to JOHN M. HCOIT, Ooncrnl Passoimor Kcnt. Portland, OroKoti. Kat California ltnlsliis HaUm Day April 30th. Flour Flour Until you have tried Waitsburg PURE WHITE FLOUR you cannot know the satisfaction of having the best. Coffees and Teas We have always made a specialty of these lines and most of the'' discrimin ating users have found it out. Allen Grocery Co. HABIT L -' 'ILL t Iiooin -IK) - .,-..---. --- llinnii.li t'ullfun Portland return Hum Oil 311. Dates July 2. 3. . 7. II. 13. IB. SO, I IS. 31. 16. no. llll all !0. 23. Stl. 3l, A lipid t 10, 3 I. 2, !. 33. 3, t, 7, , 13. 31. 211. 30, Ht'Pt. I, 5, C, 7, H, 11, 13, U Amk'Ii". AptH Sli to My Yaquina Bay nuntiliorn utitliiK Low fttrttit from hotel rnton, outdoor aiiiuiniiiti'iith and Ituiik lloiiuli Park. Twin llimkn, rillamodk floiid for 11 summer uutliiK. OroKou. full Information iik to ltst Flour $ 1 N J j'iiA&it. ..--