Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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CUV Nnll """-" " -T jrt-.' -fy;' i'
""' - i,ab vw , --iiiaiwrw MMmtwamur'
Medford Mail Tribune
.Shower tonight mill tumor
row. Mnv. (Ifl.fl, .Mln, in,
I'lirly-w'i'oiMl Vntr
Dally Hi'vinlli Vi-ur
No. 10.
All Nluht anil Day Labor Tells
River Not Exported to Exceed 54
Feet Hclht Loss Accruing to
Farmers Is Sta(i(jcrlit(.
Mllltla Gunrils Flooded Portion From
Vandals Houses Swept Down
Downstream Memphis In Danger.
CAIRO, III., April :i. Willi Hit'
otenl of tlm llddil water not oxpeulod
in exceed M loot III" situation Iidiv
I hi iifleriiiinii In iiion favorable ami
it iw now believed tin- iilv will In
wived frnm a tliMiil iliimtT. Tin1
water in llu .liiippi here Imlitv
lonehml tin) ITikIi water mink of Til
i'lli'l llllll O01l-llllllN illcllC iiml tin
oeew uliuw no sign l gMng iiwiiv.
Tin till night wiirl; of tin- citions in
Mieiigthoniug llu dykon is now li'lliiitf
mitl ii in predicted the levees will Ic
iilili- in withstand tin 51. font sImko,
wllll'll lll WOlllllor blU'CUIt say
Mtro 1(1 (MIIUO.
I,m In StngKcrlng.
Tim lo uooiuing to farmers in
thi del net mill in llii Reel Font
Lake tliHlni'l in Tonno"0o i tii;uti-
lug. Until ilihtrii'tn tin under several
foot of water ami nil hct'tl iiorn hit
been washed nun, v.
MillinuuinM mid laborer a in wmk
big plili' bytddo bore Inihty strength
ening tin1 dyko in mi iri'ori to pro
nt tln nitv from being flooded by
tin1 nixing Mitii ot' llio Mississippi
rivor which threaten to burst the
It'Vi'tM. llotli above ami below Cairo
I ho rivor at Huvonil poinls is .10 mile
wide, completely wunipiiig tho low
land. Fanners declare (hat it will
ioiiiim jour for tho IioMoiiImihIk to
dry out Miiffloioiilly ho tillable. A
oonipaiiy of militia from Springfield
is Kitnttlinyr the flood triekcn oil,
upon impicst of eiliyen to tho gover
nor. All night lout; oilixoiih of all sta
tions in lift; worked at tho joh of fill
ing bags with riiuul ami carrying thoin
to lint loviio walls. Women insisted
tho mon h.y packing hioml ami ooffoo
to tho all night toiler.
Houses Swept Down Slroain.
Knrly loilay several hotituw wore
suopl paut ('aim, hni it is lioliovoil
llm otKitipantri escaped. Tho seepage
has lot mtiitfitlorahlo water into tho
it v hut so far a Hood Iiiih hoon avert
I'll.' .More than 1200 womoit ami ohihlrou
worn hout from tho oitv last night on
n upeoial train hut (ho majority of
tho woiiioii infused to go, preferring
to romain hohiml ami help thoir hus
bands save tho oily fioiu ihroalouoil
Tho slimmer Throo Slate relumed
horo loilay with $10,000 woilh of
livestock piokeil up in tho rivor. Tho
Iiwh of wheal ami othor ki'ihiik will
run into tho inillioiiH, while all h'imI
:oru h lost.
Tho iioiulition of llioltiiiau- Ky., in
o.rilioal, tho town hohiK flooded with
ton fool of walor. Moro than 2,000
poixuirt arc IkmiioIohh thoro.
Momplils Tliroaleucd.
MKMI'IIIH, Tonn., April Ih-Tlio
flood sit nation hoio this aftoiiioou
hooanio noiito whon llm ovorflow wil
low of tho MiHHiKrtipni put (ho k.ik
plant out of lommihsimi, It U now
i'ourod Hint llm wilier pumping ntn
lioii will ho lloodod mid a now men
ni'o ariso hy tha olly'n walor nupply
hohiK oouliimiiiuloil hy Iho polluted
walors from tho MiHsitiHippi.
Iltutilreils of pofhOHH liviu in iho
law lyiiifj (liMtrlcl at'o hoinelcsH nml
it ih a common hilil io hoo Iiouhoh
ami hariiH hoiii wmhIkmI down iho
AIKXICO CITY, April il.-ltofusiiu,'
iih yot to Htato whothor ho is in Hym
pulhy with Iho ioIioIh or iho iphohl
orri of tho roglnio of l'roHidont Ma
doro, forinor I'rovifiional J'roHtdotil
Do La liuu'it in on Ids way to Moxloo
todav nftor an oxli'iidod Hojoiirn in
Kiiropo, Ilo Ih duo to iinivo In Voni
t'rtia tomorrow,
Amount ot Tonnage Ottered hy Minn
Would Justify Railroad in Opinion
of Engineer Called in hy Committee
Named hy Mass Meeting.
Excursion to Ditto Ledge District is
Planned for Near Future to Allow
Citizens to Inspect Mine.
'Hint tin amount of toniiriKO of
fered liy Itolxnt H. Townc would Jim
tlfy litillilliiK a railroad to tho itlint
I.oiIki inliio and return a kooiI profit
upon (In luvoHtuieiit Ih tho opinion or
Win. (Jorltf. ehlof etiKlnoor of tlm
I'aelflc & ICntitern. who w.ih called
Into eoiiMiiltallon Wediieioliiy hy tho
eltUoim' comuilttoo mimed ai tho
miiHH meetliiK .Monday iiIkIiI. Tho
roiamltteo In witUfled upon thin point.
Auothor point upon which tho com
mlttoo Hi'i'1,8 liiforiiiatlou Ih tho avail
able oro al tho in I no, and Home well
known iiiIiiIiik onKluoor will iirohuhly
ho tielected to uiuko a report upon
thlH feature.
An nutoiuohllo oxi-andon of rltlxoiiH
to tho mliio Ih ouo or tho move con
templated hy tho I'ommltteo for tho
near future, prolmhly next weuk. Hill
few .Mint ford eltUuliH have Been tho
dlntrlot. and iih ninny havo exprettM-d
tho doMlro. tho coiiimlltco will nrrunue
the oxourHlon.
Work wan renamed Wodnogdny nf
ternoou In tho formulntlon of n pro
portion to Mr. To wne and tho citizens
of .Medford,
SKATTI.i:, April U. J. K. llar
oourl in under xontonce today of from
ton to fit toon years ami O. It. Mly
doiio is iiuilor Kontonee of fifteen to
twenty your in Iho penitentiary for
fnrjtury. Illyhlouo mid llaroonrl nro
tho mimes used hy tho hiiiiio individ
ual. Ho worked umlor at least a
(lo.en aliasiw, it is lioliovod, and !
ouo of the elevorosi criminals on tho
count. h lias nerved hoforo ill both
Wnlln Wnlln nml Oropin peiiitoutiar
ion. His roooiil 'oiiiolions horo fol
lowed his nrrest in San FruuoiM,o.
His seheuie was Io live in fasliiouiihle
hotels ami cash lug cheukd with
prominent merohauts.
WASINOTON. I). C, April .
Thai Secrolury of tho Interior Walter
Ii. Kishor will leavo horo within tho
uo.Nt fow days for tho I'ncifio ooawt
en rouio to Honolulu to investigate
tho charges recently preferred
nttnuirit Waller Kroar, ovonior of
Hawaii, hy Delegate ICalanlnuaolc, is
minoimceil horo today.
Tho charges woro filed in Docem
her, 11)11, when Kahimiiautiolo ul
IcgoK that (lovoruor Froar was not in
touch with tho people of Hawaii and
Unit w sympathies woro with tho
rtiimir (rust ami other special iutor
Doing what? Registering so as io vote at tho
primaries April 19. Any juatico of tho peaeo, any
notary public or any deputy county dork can rogistor
You can rogistor in Hertford at. Postal Tolograph
ol'fioo, or at Mail Tribunes office.
Do It at Onco It's Important.
President Madero Emphatically De
nies That Any"irranoemcnts Have
Been Made for Securing Coaling
Station at Magdalcna Bay.
Coast Congressmen Indignant Over
Alleged Plot to Secure Military
Base Attempt is Unjustifiable.
NKW YORK, April :i.-lu a tele
gram to the United I'rens lod.iy Pre
sident Francisco I. Madero of Mex
ico emphatically donioK that .Inp.'ii
has made any arraiiger.ieiitH with hf
count rv wherehy n .In pa nose colony
is to ho formed in Iho ioinitv o'
Magilaleim Hay. The telegram ws-
"Tlic report is eompletyly ineorrect.
Mv govcriiiaenl has made no Mich ar
rangement with Japan."
WASIIINTITON, April l.-Cou-grc-nian
Siilzcr, chainann of the
committee on foreign affairs -aid of
the Magdalcna Hay u-ports-
''I have hoard that tho Japanese
are seekini: a naval Iiiiko in Mexico
ami n Uo tho story that thoy aio
inaHHiiiir veterans in Hawaii. I "an
slato that such rcMirls are ali-olutoly
Iniseli'ss. Mexico and AineriiM could
ami would prevent such a forrian in
WASHINflTOK. D. C, April f.. -Discussing
Iho resolution of Scnnto
Lodge which asks President Taft to
at onco make public details of an al
leged plat by Japan to scour a mili
tary base at Mngdnleun Hay, Con
gressman N'eedham of California to
day said in an interview with the
United Press:
''There is absolutely no .justifica
tion for an attempt by Japan to get
a ceal'iin: station in North America.
If Japan trios to get a foothold here
in time of peace, the United Stales
should investigate. In the even of
ultimate American intervention in
Mexico, possibly Japan might join
endeavoring to got in Magdalcna Hay
and seeking a clash with the United
Stales wo would find a big job on
our hands if we attempted to straigh
ten nut the international affairs of
WASHINGTON', D. C, April 3.
President Taft today ordered 300
army tentH rushed to Now Madrid,
Mo., tho town which was submerged
yeiiterdny In tho Mississippi rivor
floods which still continue to threat
en that section, Tho Hod Cross so
ciety will probably forward money for
tho aid of tho suffering fiom their
headquarters hero.
SKATTLK, April a. Dr. Linda
Hurfiold Hiizzard, ilust 'exactly 34
pounds in the first week of her fast,
Her weight was tnkon officially hy
Thomas Q. MiioPonuld, physical dir
ector of tho Seattle Athletio club.
She looks thin ami pale, but feels
exceptionally well mid cheerful.
Str.s My3, a c30ffiaxsou)luu
Society lu Walilnton wa.i shocked when PhUlp S. Hlchbora killed him-M-f
at the home of M sUter, Mrs. Martha Illcbborn PearsalL It added a
inivle clmiitvr to the caudal which startled Washington last year, when Mrs. e!oped with Horace Wylle.
chlrf loimtructor IMne United States navy. Mrs. Ulchborn la now abroad.
ilillFlsia Tfjfjjb"
LON'OOK April 3 Hy a majority
of :i2,r10, members of tho Miners'
federation have voted to continue the
strike in the HrltUh oonl collieries
which already lias resulted in untold
suffering to tmndreus of thousands of
persons as well as crippling othor im
portant Industrie. Tho counting of
the referendum vote as to whether
tho men should accept the minimum
wage bill otided at C p. m. today.
Tho vote stood-
Against resuming work, 1S9. 623;
for resuming work, 157,107.
Despite the outcome of tho ballot
ing, officials of tho federation ure
seriously considering ordoriug the
men to return to tho mines.
jWASII.NMC.TON' n. C, April 3.
Congressman John J. Ksch ot Wis
consin Is today urttiiiR tho state de
partment to Investigate, tho reported
eapturo and detention of Harry Con
Ulin and 50 other Americans at the
liluvla Do Oro inlno near Cholax,
Chihuahua. Ambassador Wilson has
been ordered to proho tho nlloKed ar
rests, It Is reported that Conklln and his.
companions aro being hold as host
okos against posslbln Intervention in
tho present Moxlnm situation on the
part of tho United States government.
A. soareh for the alleged prisoners la
to bo started todm.
SYDNEY, N. S. V April a. Pap
tujn Honhl Amundsen, tho NorwcRinn
sen oaptain and disoovoror of the
South I'olo nrriu'd today on
rouio after neeompUshiiijr his mihsion
in tho nut-Arotie xeus, llo was ivpu
a groat ovatioii here.
i n
M - I
Mr. UJchborn was a son of the late
, MILWAl'KEK, Wi., Annl 3.-
Complete and corrected returns from
Tiio-day'-. municipal election .-lioweil
today that Dr. G. A. lbtdin.a:, non
partisan candidate for mayor, Iia-
defeated Kmil Soidel, the socialist in
cumbent, by a plurality of 12,SGt and
a majority over all of 11,80'J. The
election Mvept the oeinliMs from
control of the city government, 26
non-piirtisim aldennen being: elected,
while only 11 socialist aldermen won
out. The non-partisan candidates
for treasurer and comptroller nUo
were elected.
The socialist forces nio undaunted
by the defeat, and are predicting vic
tory at tho next eleotiou. In discuss
ing the results today. Congressman
Victor Merger, the only member of
the socialist party ever elected to
congress suid:
"This temporary reverse will serve
to spur the socialists on io greater
exertions. Henceforth our campaign
will be one of education, bringing tho
working class to the realization that
socialism is the only wav out of a
downtrodden condition."
LONG HMAl'U, Cal., April It.
flalbraith 1 Rodger, tho first avi
ator to fly from tho Atlantic to the
l'acitic, fell 100 feet from an aero
piano into tho ocean horo late today.
Ho is said to have been fatally in
jured, His unconscious body wa
rescued by a row boat which put otf
from a l'iuo iivenuo pier.
TACOMA, Wit., April .'1. With less
than 1(1,000 votes cast out of a regis
tration of over 22,000, the figures In
yesterday's election show ono social
ist, A. li. Harth and nil tho present
commissioners nominated. Tho final
election will he held April 1(1.
For long term commissioners tho
unofficial count stands: Comrnis
sionor I'ettit G.U07; A. V, .Mills, 7,05!);
Commissioner Woods 7,740; A. H.
ItartH 4,41li.
For short term commissiener:
Commissioner Qronen 5,(140; Nicho
las Lawsuit .rocalled ono year ago)
American is Arrested and Hustled
Away Consul Intercedes But
Without Result State Department
Takes Hand Execution Feared.
Fighting Between Rebel and Federal
Forces for Possession of
KI. PASO, Texas, Apr'l 3. Com
plications with Mexico aro threat
ened today hy the arrest in Juarez
three days ago of Powell Roberts, an
EI Paso citizen and former policeman.
Roberts Is held Incommunicado,
The charges against Roberts were
preferred hy Jenarlo Ccnlceros, sec
retary to Colonel Ponce, Jefe d'nrmas
of Juarez, who alleges that Roberts
stole J.'iOO while searching his home
for arms. After being held for two
das, Roberts managed to smuggle
out a note. When this note reached
KI Paso. Mayor Kelly, Chief or Po
lice Davis and Sheriff 'Edwards for
n ally demanded that Roberts he re
leased. Colonel Ponco refused.
United States Consul Edwards in
terceded for tho prisoner, but his ef
forts were unavailing. Edwards to-
'.uy telegraphed the facts in the case
to the state dgparimcntJLiY.asbtlS:J
ton and to Governor Colquitt of
Texas, asking for immediate action
A report from Juarez today said
that rebel troops carried Roberts to
Ciudad Chihuahua last night. Friends
of the prisoner here fear that ho may
be executed, and at their request
Mayor Kelly and other prominent
residents of El Paso today tele
graphed to General Orozco. comman
der in chief of the rebel forces, de
manding that Roberts be released.
Fighting between tho rebel and
federal forces for possession of Par
tial continues today. Reinforcements
wero sent from Juarez today to assist
General Campa, who is attempting to
drive General Francisco Villa and his
fedorals from the city.
SAX DIEGO, Cal., April 3. There
are a number of soro heads in San
Diego todny as the result of n fierce
clash between the police, citizens nml
L W. W.'s, on a prominent street last
According to the authorities, the
trouble was started by tho 1. W. W
who saw Policeman l.angford pass
ing in citizen's clothes. Thoy nro
alleged to have attacked Lang ford,
who backed up against a wall and do-
feuded himself with his fists, having
no club, Kour murines from tho crui
ser Maryland camo to his reseuo and
were fighting sido by sido witli the
policeman when tho police reserves
arrived. Jumping into the mobs, thev
used clubs right and left, driving the
big crowd for a block.
Chief Wilson declared today that
his men had been too lenient with the
I. W. W.'s.
"If thev are looking for trouble
they will get it," WiNou declared.
SAN FRANCISCO, April a "Win-
tor to winter" will ho tho slogan of
tho Pnnama Pacific exposition, no-
cording to announcement mndo today
by (ho fair directors, that tho exposi
tion will open baturday, February 'JO,
1015, and close Saturday, December
4, 11115.
rl.l. ,..o...,o .. f .11 ...,..! v
Xltin lllvtMIC. , 4 WU Ul 'U HVVftn ...
tho 1015 show a record for world's
fairs Us far as timo is concerned.
Little Bob Eeasily Defeats Taft and
Secures Entire Delegation From
Badgr States Woodrow Wilson
22 Delegates to Clark's 4 Delegates
Favorite Son is Second in Race Now
and Leaves to Conduct Campaign
in Pacific Coast States.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., April ?.
With Senator Robert M. Ln FolWto
lending President Taft by two voles
to one in nil Wisconsin republican
presidential primaries, nad in soma
districts four to one, and with Gov
ernor Woodrow Wilson of New Jer
sey having won 22 out of 20 of the
delegates over his democratic oppon
ent, Speaker Champ Clark, udvocale
of the "people's power" movcmfliit
here todny see' nothing bur success
abend for the progressives ill t'ie
coming campaign.
Incomplete returns at noon today
indicated that Senator La, Fnlietto
would have n solid delegation from
the stnte, while Woodrow Wilson wilt
have 22 of the 20 delegates from
Wisconsin, nnd Cbnmp Clark two
"eaTm 'froirilhe scemfinind ninth dis
The counting of the ballots for tie
presidential delegates is delayed bv
the socialist tickets in many of lt.o
important counties of tho state.
Second in the Itnce.
"This makes me second in the
race," is what Lu Follette is quoted
ns saying in n message from Wash
ington when the result of the election
became known there. "I have receiv
ed n message from my law partner
saying that I carried the stnto bv
about four votes to one, nnd that n
'centain candidate' was not in lh5
race at all. Tho vote did not sur
prise me, but the ratio did. The vic
tory is all tho more gratifying be
cause I have not made a speech in
Wisconsin for four years.
"The Wisconsin delegation will
bring mv totnl up to 30. Wittch
things from now on."
Senator La Follctto will leavo
Washington for the west this nftcr
noon. He is due in Chicago tomor
row and will go from thoro to Ne
braska for a five day's tour of thar
Returns from iho rurnl districts
aro coming slowly, and it is doubtful
if the entire vote will bo counted be
fore tomorrow.
lUgger Plurality Than Kver.
State Senator Blaine, leader of tho
La Follette forces horo said teday:
"Reports from every district indi
cate that Senator Lu Follette has
carried tho state by a larger plurality
than ever before. Some of tho dis
tricts voted four to one in his favor.
Consideriuir the fact that thoro was
no aolivo speaking in Wisconsin in
his behalf, and that tho entire cam
paign cost was about $1,00 the re
sults are significant."
WASHINGTON, April 3. Stuto-
meuts yesterday from the political
huronii of President Taft declare
that tho president has 274 delegates
pledged for tho national repuhlionji
convention in Chicago against 30 for
Koosovolt and ten lor Ln toilette.
With the delegates from Wisconsin
pledged to Lu Follette as a result of
the primaries yesterday, tho Wiscoit
sm honutor thus passes Roosovclt
and jumps into second place in thy
Tho Roosevelt bureau is claiming
02 delegates for tho colonel to dst",
and states that ho will control W-l
other delegates already ckotf.