PAGE TWO JtEOTORO MAIL TBTBTOTR. MKnTORT). OUKOOX. IQNDAY. AI'IUI. 1, lill'J. IOCAL and L PERSONAL .: 11. It. Rhodes or NobIivIUo, Tonu , arrived Sunday excniiiK to visit his noil, Clinrlcm Rhodes, of this city. IK1 limy roninln here permanently. John Krlcson of San Francisco, for merly a reltlent of ibis valley, lian nrrlvod to spend x fow tlM hero re newing old acftunlntancos. ,"Vo shnrnon axes, knives, scissors, anwfe tint! lawn mower. J. V. Mitchell, S S. Rlvwflde. "Mr. mul Mrs. William Vn dor llollon nnd family of Eagle Point motored to JarkMMtTllta by war o' MOtltonl Saturday. Wilson, 210 Laurel St., for first class kodak finishings. SO Mrs. I. W. Stone of FooU Creok Is spending a few days with friends In this city preparing for a two months' visit tit her former horn In lonM nna. She is accompanied by hor daughter, Aguos. Something now, "Grape Purple," lit MoDowoll's. Colonel -K. llurke of the Roxy Ann orchards sjtent the week end with friends In Medford. Fancy brick Ice cream at McDow ell's. ' Ilormnn Powell, who has been rus ticating for nine weeks on his Engle Point orchard, spent Sunday In Med ford. ' S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. Co. bids. T. It. Wllkenson of Steamboat Is In Medford Tor n few days. Mr. Wllken son has been engaged in mlnlug In that district for several years. Ladlos, nave your suits made by a tailor who knows how. Berlin, Cen tral Point. . .9 I IS. Jannos of RfHMjuurg- Is In Medford visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith. ' Mr. Jaime was n resident or Medford 12 years ago. Hoses are a specialty with II. D. Patterson, nurseryman. Nash hotel. Paul Hansen is at Albany on a short visit. Real home mado bread at Dn Voe'i. Mr. "and Mrs. C. F. WooWerton of Hock Point spont Sunday In Medford. Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Liggett expect to loave soon for a visit at their for mer home In Xova Scotia. Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Arthur Powell and O. W. Johnson spont Sunday at Gold Ray. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carltln, Glonn. O. Taylor) ,X attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building. Medford. 11. D. Norton of Grants Pass spent- Saturday at Medford. He was ac companied by H. C. Kinney. Mrs. M. Stonoman spont the week end with hor son at WoodvlHe. Boss. D'Anjou and Bartlett pears. FIrst-olass treos, and don't buy from anyone, large or small orders until you seo me and I'll save you money. H. B. Patterson, Qunker nursery man, Nash hotel lobby. J. B. Stevens and Mr. McDonough of Tolo and Mrs. Roy Nichols of Sevan Oaks wore among the sheppers hero Saturday. . 11 If Pearl Roes and Miss Florence Stevens spent Saturday evening In Gold Hill. K. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negative mado any time or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471 William Maaaamau and family, who hare reeldod here the past two years, loft Suuday morning for Colorado, whore they will reside. John F. Merrill, who racantly re turned from a European trip, spont Sunday night in Medford, leaving Monday for a vialt aA his ranch near Klamath Palis. ''Sua R. A. Holme, The Insurance Man, over Jackson Couuty bank. 115. B. Lawronce of Grants Pass Is paying Medford a brief business vlait. W. H. McGowan visited Jackson ville Monday on uusinoes. Having bought a lot of coal at a low figure wo aro closing It out at ti price at whioh it is bound to go within the next week. Inqulro of Ends Tranafar Co. or J. W. MItoholl. C. L. Noel of Vreka is spending a few day in Medford. Chnrljw Owens of WoodvlHe spont Sunday, In Medford with friends. The Delivery boys' basobnll team was defeated by tho Nats Sunday In a JO-IunJng gnmo by u score of 10 to 9. Kd D. Stowart of Woodvillo was a ro)nt visitor In Medford. Waltor .McCnllum roturnod Satur day from Spokano, where ho wan called by tho death of his father. II. 13. Loitnsbury, general freight ngont of tho Southern Puclflc lines In Oregon, Is paying Medford an of ficial visit. H. 11. Tronson of linglo Point spent Monday In Medford on business. Dr. J. V. Roddy spont Monday at Grants Pass on buslnoss. 11. L. Stncoy of Tnlont spent Mon day In Medford on buslnoss. John Prutt of Willow Springs was In MwUord Sunday for a fow hours. T. W. Samiwon of Applofsatc a load of flue young porkers Into Medford Monday' for shipment to Portland. T. Slutor Johnson of Antelope l spending a few days In Medford with rrlflnrts. Wilbur Cobiirn of initio Falls was a business visitor In Medford .Mon-j day. U J. Lewis left Sunday evening for ! a week's visit at Portland. He was accompanied by his daughter. Miss 1 rone. James llton of Fort Klamath has been spending a few days In the val ley. W. F. Dunlap left Sunday evening for Portland, where he will make his homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shearer spent Sunday at Phoenix with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stonuott visited relatives at Ashland Sunday. Henry Clowes of Ashland spent Monday in Medford with friends. J. W. Tallson of Buncom Is spend ing a few days with friends In Med ford. Gordon Vorhels, former owner of tho Burroll orchard. Is spending a few days looking after his Interests here. David Keith, ownor of tho Salt Lake Tribune and Telegram, loft Sun day for his home, after a few days' visit with his daughtor, Mrs. A. C. Allen, of Hollywood. Medford. Ore., Nov. 7. 1911. This Is to certify that about November my daughter was taken with a severe at tack of rheumatism which rendored her left arm useless, In fact It was so near paralyzed that she was not able to move her fingers, but knowing of some of Dr. Chow Young's marvelous euros of long standing cases of rheumatism, we decided to consult him, in whiclr I am pleased to say made no mistake, as bis remedies acted as he claimed they would and after the third treatment the rheu matic pain entirely loft her and she has not had any symptoms of rheu matism since; besides her goneral health is much Improved and 1 do not hesitate In saying I bolleve those afflicted with rheumatism or paraly sis will do well to consult Dr. Chow Young, whose house Is corner of Tenth and Front streets, Medford, Oregon. A. P. WEISS. 15 MADE RECORD FLIGHT FROM LONDON TO PARIS MARCH I m MORI SAN DIEGO VIOHS". SttLMET BEGINNING J2ETURN FlIGMr TO LOrU-'CJN. "n. wu Henri Salmi-1, who madu n record lllght vvUbout stop from London to Piirls on March 7 last, Is back nt the Jllerlot school at llcudon. where he Is the chief instructor, having made a slow return lllsht In the face of storm-. A violent lu"d wind prevented hi in go ing further ihau the French coast after four hours of tho return Journey, though the entire outward passage of 2! miles had been made in less than three hours. r -1-Bts t m&K j r s-'mi2aamk. w smm, a Mfiaiml v n . Wa, HENKM SALMGT. iCOHBRESS MEETS 10 SPEW MONTH ER MDERO MEXICO CITY, April 1 The con gress which assembled today marks the second meeting of tho legislative body blnco Madero assumed the reigns of government. President Madero's message Is expected to ho read tomorrow. Numerous measures Intended to bring poace to tho nation are Incorporated In tho Instrument. Among the most important Is a land law which calls for the distribution of much valuable land to the people, entailing the expenditure of millions. The progressive element Is backing the plan for the land distribution, but the Independents are opposed to the scheme. The message" also proposes an In crease for the army. This will also be opposed by the Independents, who are composed for tho most part of senators favorable to the Diaz rogime. The Independents, It Is reported, ox pect to overthrow the Madero gov ernment by blocking the most Impor tant of President Madero's recom mendations. The most Important matter to bo passed upon first by congress Is ,the question of the legality of Vice Presi dent Suarez's election. CAMPAIGNING WON OUT OF RACE PRIMARY SAN FHAXClSiU il 1 War Iv a -olid month i! -'"' """'u' t'liliforiiiu is the I-i Toilette rum- pnign, niMMiriUiiK to Wnltrr Mttuer, political inniinger for the Wi-ooiwin oiintur who toilnv enlnixil lH"i '"O lilnns ot his ennditlate, for the prosi- (lentml nomiimtion. Lh Follotti will eomluct nn oM fnliiiiu'l, tlumiler making ctitnimign in. Cnliforniii," kl lloitsor. "llo i-. in fine health and will -p'-nk no le-- tlinn fifty tiine-s in every sootion in California n hull, theatres, loitti mid from the rear end of trains, llo will eitk wherever there are people to henr Ills mo-sage. Senator I. rNdletle today is in Xebraska. From' that state he gotw to Oregon, where hf will (umpNign until the priiintrie on April 111. The next lnv he will leave for California to campaign until the primaries of lr. He declared the light on Tart will be made lieenn-e he is n "rene tionnry ot the extrwne tyM'' mid oil ltoo-evelt "not net-i nrilv that he is of the snmo tkpe hut liepauae of the cliiiruater oeHibiVwpirt is tuit siieh us to recuumeiid hint a- true pnigre--ne." SN FRANCISCO. Cal., April I Singing the MiusoIIhIho as It was sung In Fmnoo more Ihnu MM) yoms iigo, 10,000 of Sun Finiiclsco'M iinomployod will start for Sun Diego within n week to take pari In a "free hiojic)" fllit lielng wiigoil I hero by Industrial WorKors of tho World. This wuh III ileehtratlon hsj'0 to du. of l. V V. inoinbors nfiorUioy had held a'couforeuco with 11 dologn tlou from Son Diego and after a free peoch mooting which wji nddrea hv J. Kdwnrd ,Morg4iiu who has tukou part In the southern California fight. ustli howls, an nltoruoy, and Mip. Fiomont Older. Baaing their plraa on the ullegod fact that 2vS0 prUoneis have boon ar rentod for sit root spooking In San Dlogo that many of them have bouu mishandled by that city's police and that one man. Mlchaol Hoy. died from brutal ktcklnga lurilctod In th San Db'go jnll. I W. W ugonta ami work- its are busy ln-io today In iiiwixluill lug their army. ,K i CITIZENS HOLD UP STRIKERS H0QUIAM LUMBER MILLS ' " . 1IOQIMAM. Waal! , April 1 Armed with rlfloti. revolvers, nud Hliotgnim, too cltUeiix today corralled 2ti0 strikers In a barn at tho lloipilam Luuibor Shingle company mill. The cltlseun threa'on to ship tho jiioii rounded up away from lloipilam In boxcar. Aa fnst as the man approached the mill they wore stopped and given the option of going to work In tho plant or being taken to tho barn. Those taken to the barn were searched and If armed wero deprived of their weapons. COWBOY'S FIFTH TRIAL FOR MURDER UNDER WAY SAN FUANClSCO. Cain April 1. The fifth trial of former Police Cap tain Michael Joseph Conboy, the for mer commander of tho water front district, for the shooting of llornard Logan, will he called tomorrow bo fore Superior Judge Dunne. A venire of lf0 talesmen was anuiiiionod to day. The Conboy Jury-dlaagrewl In tho first trial. The second resulted In a conviction, but was reversed by tho district court of appeals. In tho third and fourth trials tho Jurle disagreed no RUN EOR CLERK (I . (Iiirilner of T.iUut end YY. I" (jiil-i'iilum of this cilv IniM' nn nouiieeif their cituilnliic tor count, clerk Milijoot to lite republican piiui uiioK on April l. N. L NorrogHu of Knglo Point with nlromjy in the nict'. The onlv otlii'i- eilildidnlo for the of lleo is Y. II. llilliM'oMlohl Mill. Mr. (initlnor is well Imowti in the vhIIiv nud Ilia I'rit'iida U 0ml he will nialio ii Mrnnir nice. Y. I',. (,)uir(H)liurv lma linen n rest, dent of MctlrVil rolu ,tra nud is well known. He is nil-ln In- well ipinlificd fur the plneo. Y. T. Ilcxoridgo will piolmlilv on noiiuce his ciiiidiilocv for the li-vi latiliv on the ivpuhlieioi ticket nml will npMiso John II. Ciirkiu ami J. A. Voteitund. CHAMP RK CL CLUB 10 F ORM A cull li's been iiicd lo lite ileum eruts of the counts who Invor Chump Chirk lor the pioHileney, lo meet i.l the Holland Itolcl, Tiii'Hitiiv ovoning nl H p. in. Till" UUikim the I'otlillt poliiiciil iduli lo ho orgunlaeil In ,Mei. I'onl. the Tall. Itoosovolt iim U I'iiU Idle chili- IniMiitf li''''li orgnnlieil picviniisly. to mmn a oor.u in own jiay Tttlin I.AXATrN'H IHtriMO Qlilnlii'i Tab. lots, DrilKKla'a l''fiii''l nioiiwV If It fnll 14 cut. V. V tlltoVK slaoatMra U on mitii turn Me ' SPIUNGFIELD, 111 . April L With only two days In which to file,! primary petitions for presidential nominations no petitions have been filed bore vet today by Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio or Congress man Oscar Underwood of Alabama. Supporters of Woodrow Wilson de elaro this means that Champ .Clark, Harmon and Underwood have made an agrooment by which they are to partition the west, east and south among thomselvos for the purpose of making a nnltod fight against Wilson in tho four cornered battle for tho democratic nomination. No La Follotto petition for the re publican nomination has as yet been filed here. TRY TO END ERA OF DREADNAUGHT BUILDING LONDON, April 1. Negotiations for the exchange of Information re garding respectlvo naval strength be tween England and Germany are re ported to bo progressing today by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill, if the plan succeeds It will bring an end to droadnought building race 'between the two rival powors. THREE STATES TO HEAR ROOSEVELT WASHINGTON. D. C April 1.- Plans for a busy three days speaking tour through Weat Virginia. Ken tucky, Ohio and Maryland for formor President Theodore Roosevelt wero announced hero today. Itoosevelt will leave Now York to morrow aftornoon, speaking on Wed nesday at Charleston, W. Va Ash land, Ollvo Hill, Moorohead, Win chester. Lexington, Krnnkfort and Sbolbyville, Ky., and finding with an address In Louisville In the evening. Reaching Cincinnati on Thursday, Itoosevelt will deliver a Korlos of rear platform speeches from his train bo twfion that city and Parkersburg, W. Vn., whoro ho will spoak on Thursday night. On Friday the colonol will address the voters of Koyser and Cumberland, Md., and Martlnburg, W. Vn., arriving back In New York Fri day night. TOU WELLE FILES HIS PETITIONS MEXICAN REBELS PLAN TO I SMUGGLE ARMS BY AIRSHIP I WASUINOTOS. II. C. Apnl 1 That the .Meicon iflids ore planning j to smuggle turns nud iiiiuiiiiiittm in to .Mexico liv means of noi'oplnuc indieiitod in iUhmiIoIio iocoimmI m ! lh Draperies Wo carry n vry enituilMa Uiik of ili-ui"riiM, lio'n ciirtiiliiH, fix ture ! mul 1I !' eland of UlilMitnli'riiiK A nelil lortll Jo tiiuK fir Oils ili ixcliiNlvnly niul will Klt K-io'l 'rvlc m In ihixkIIiIh lo cnl In wvmi lliu lnrKv.1 cittrit. WEEKS & MCGOWAN CO he war di'imrluicut heio todnv lriin) 'I Paso. Colonel Stuevor, in -Iimi ' nf the Aniotcinn lixnTp nl Kl 1'iisni ropoiiod llutt Iwo neropliincs it Vrencli make liml hrcn hold up b ciistuui offioialx. II i lioliuvnd fie Hirs)iiH wore consigned to tclicl len ders. (it'iiciiil Oroaco, (ttiMiiiuiidor-iii rliiel of the rebel force, it ix reHrt oil hole, is about out of ammunition aa n result of ten dnya of buttling with government troops, and it is be lieved he will resort in any menus to secure ritlcs nud itiiiinimitioii wlnrh ate ueot'sir in carry " his hglit. PRICKED BY CONSCIENCE SAFE CRACKER CONFESSES SAX I'llANClSCO. Apnl 1 Stung by ii lholv oiMisvioneo, llrr .S 1 1 ramie, et-vafeeracker inl c army dc-crtor, cnniml leat uulil he tins answered to the law for all his minilwds. Iluving already iered . term in a military prioii ii a deser ter Spragin lodny hum himself op t the Hilice and asked Hint lie he cnl back to Salmon City. Iduho, ! bo piim-lied for crooking n safe lln-c years ago. FORDE CAN 00 IT Do xou wanl your lawn put In flrst elm ahapet All work guarnnlccd. Luiivo mliliean with II. II. 1'itllornn, (junker Nursery, N'iinIi lintel. No. 10 Cork Cesier M Is the Gillcinl IXnll of the World Series Cork Center Ue HIU will be uicd In II World imr Ksnt' ' ' urxl I wenly Vmi Spaidlng- Cork Ceaater 9 1.25 ench "fXTIrlnl r.'nlloual lAtufU' Ball til.i J J A. G. Spalding & Bros. IBM CcAry Street Ston FntncUco WecRs&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Day Phon 3371 Xlffbt Vboncsl X W. Weeks 3071 A. 2!, Orr, 3093 X.M)? ASSISTANT. FEDERATION WARS UPON I. W. W. IN COTTON MILLS LQWKLL, Mann., April 1. Deter mined campaigns to wreat from tho InduBttial Workers of tho World tho control of the 20,000 cotton opera tives out on strike wore started to day by tho Amorlcan Federation of Minor and tho United Toxtlle Workers of America. Enoh organization has oRtiilillahod hondoiiartors and the fight proinlsoa to ho n hlttor one. Frank L. Tn Velio, nu.did.ite i-ir county judj:i'. Miliject to the di'ino- enitio primaries April 11), this after noon Hied his polilions with County Clerk Coleman. The last day for the filins: of petition if Wednesday, April :i. KILLED IN SALOON ROW: MURDERER SURRENDERS HAKKR, Ore. Aril 1. John Ir vine today is in the county jail hero eliurijud with the murder of J. A. MeCruw. I-'ollnwiiuc u ipmrrcl in n Mtloou at Vliilny, near here, Irvine shot McCraw and killed him Instant ly. Then lie lolopiiono Sheriff Wand at linker, saying: "I have killed a mini ; shall I coino to juil ami he ar rested" Ifuml told him to wait where he was mid Irvine waited till Kami went to Whitney and pined him under arret. PAItlS. Mile. Kdmoo Chandon haa heeu appointed nnnlnUint natrou iiiiier at the olorvatory if Pari She Ik the f,lrit woman In l-'rauco to la thus honored by the government. - MKMlOUItNK.-vTlK) waltrotwtej In the liiiteln of Perth, the inutropollH of western Amttralla. have atruck he rn hm? they and heeu compelled to Rene meals to hnrmaliU. I'or County Clerk. I hereby aiiuniiuco my candidacy for county clork subject to tho re publican primary on April 19. If nominated mid elected 1 promlvo n biiHliiotiMlIko administration of the of fice, and will olworvo tho laws kov ornltiK thu office In every detail to tho boat of my ability. w. !: qristiN'iintY. ddw. REMOVES BLOOD HUMORS F.vorv ioro and Rtaml of the pkin U omployod In the n- .-"Mtirv work of i.r..'.... ...,v, ....,! fnvitini. noftonliu' nnl ctoan 'luu It uml rtiilat- m.Vho tuinnoraturo of our Imillaa. VIA N doiio by nn iivnporntlnii tbrniifdi oucn tiny onion, hooomoa lufectoil oacl tiny o lUet xvhlch Koes on continually .lay and nlKht. When the I, ao.1 lieeomoa i Infeotml with liunmra ami ocld u cortnln poitjonUga of thow lmpuritlna iilxo j natttro Irritates i dniDlos. l)Oll, pustulou or Rome Ittlilnp rah, or hard, acaly akin allectlon. y'q'o ; oi res ! ikln troulilas of ovury Iclml by iieutrnlUln tho acid and ramovinK tho liumorn from tho blood. 8. 8. 8. caoU the acld-heatwl olrcu- HI Willi iiuiili'io .. ...-... .- ......... ,-.. .-..-. .- tmwt otr with tho natural ovniwrolton. ami their aour, llery ami InllnmoM tho skin, nnd dries up It nniural olU, cuiwliiu latlon. builds It up to lt normal atroniui ami iiuckhww, " nuSuioiii rl oor iilMlrt. and enrlcht It In every way. Then tlio kiii. liwtowl of boinK Irritated and illionMil by tho exudlni; acrid matter. In ' ..,.iL.i -,.iw..i ..,.,1 nWinnnd hv ihh' odd nu, healthy at mum ot blood. FAITHFUL MARE EARNS FIVE THOUSAND A YEAR VAhh H1VEK. Mush., April l. Five thoiihiind dollnrs u year is the earning ciipacity of Daisy, n faithful mare owned by Uio Into Susan L. Jliiiuoe of this city, whoso will today revenled the fuel that a fortune of $100,000 wuh left to the horo for twenty years service, The money win. left in trust, to ho expended for the comfort uml support of Daisy. HORSEBACK RIDING STRENUOUS FOR FASTER SEATTLH, Wn April 1. Strenu ous horse hack ridinj: yoterday has left Dr. Itndii Hurfield llit..nril in so exhausted a condition today that she was eompolled to forego a scheduled automobile ride with Hcniurd AIcFad den, the noted physical culture ex ponent who it vinitinc here. The fast specialist showed the ef fof'ta of her exorcise in her drawn oheekH, and she was much pnlor to day than at any time since she bopui tile fecheduled thirty day fust. She lias lost about three pounds in the Inst twenty-four hours. BLOODHOUNDS ON TRACK OF ALLEN FUGITIVES . MOUNT AIRY, N. C, April 1. Uloodhouuds are today trncklnf,' a trail through the mountain thlckots of this section, whoro tho purmiliih' posso has dlscovorod traces of Sldna Allon and Wosloy Edwards, tho two remaining fiiBiitlvos of tho Allon bund. All OBcnno s guarded nnd a oup turo Is oxpectod tomorrow. Tho food supply of tho bandits Is known to bo oxhaustod. A battle Is oxpectod when they tiro located. LEGAL NOTICES. MEOrOIIO ti CBATEE X.AKU KAZZ BOAD EECEIVEBBHH' KOTIOB. Ill accord Hire with an orilor of tho Jinlce of IIki Circuit Court of tlio Htato or Oreon, for Jucloion County, In .tlio inuttor of ... r. colvarahlp or tho Mml foro & Crater I,.iKo Itultroad C'ompniiy, an Orek'on crriiorntlon, iml In. a ciumn them poridliii? ntltlcil IMuar llfl(?r " nl., vs. Medford & Crotor J-uke Itallroud Comixiny, ct at , ... Notltio In hfpby Klvon by the undcr ilciicil recolvcr fit suld corporation, that the court or Judgo In said matter Is about to muk an ordwr dlHtrlbutliiK jo ihu boldtTH nf uald up Htock In said nfirtifiriitlini. Much futuls ii h shall ro ,.w.......... u..., ... --" - .tl... main after tbu payment oi nil wi". HlUhOH f,t IIIU ItKill".",,,,., . all ntroonfl owninK any fully mld-iiu to(k in uuld corporation, or and oxpuliHOH Tiierororft, lavlrnr triitde tmrt naymont upon tliolr or boforo Anrll 2nd. 1912, file witn uio BUbHcrlpttons, or Jioroby notified to on or tiororo April 2nd, ivn, iim ; "" undiirslKiicid rfroivor, nt Ills offlco In tho I'alm block. Medford, OrcKon, their duly verified claims, uccompunlod ny thofr certificates of stock, showing the number of the ct-rtlflcato. to whom orig inally IssiHd, and tlio amount received by tlio corporation In payment therefor. Thnu whn nt nwnnm Of HUCll StOOK. but cannot produco the sump, or who havo paid only part upon tliolr sub scriptions, and to whom cnrltflcntcs have never bri-n Issued, may muko like proor ny such vermeil ciniiii. Thoso cluluis will, on April 3rd, 1512, bo filed with the county clerk for Jack- ami xniinlv lln,n All linrHOIIS llllvllIK nn Intercut In snld matter, and bavliiK ohjftottoas to any of said claims aro re aulrod to fllo tho same In wrltlnif with said county clf-rlc on or boforo April Cth, 1912. From tho time said claims urn so riled with uio iiiiuurmai"1" " oelvor tboy will bo subject to InHpec Mlli t llinar. In inHkfl OlllOO tloas. Dated ut Medford, Oregon, tills U. day of Mure,,, 1., Iteoelver nf Medford & Crutor I-akq Jtullroud company. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HAI,K Office outfit conslstliiK of two desks, two offlco chairs and one ReinlnKtou standard typewriter No. 10. See Allon Crocery Co. 13 WANTED TO HUNT -7 or K iimiiii house on pavliiK; prefer louso. Clark Really Co., SOU Philips hldg. 10 WANTED A modern furnished T, room bungalow by youiiK couple no chlldron. Will take at once or by tho I Mh or April, permanently If satisfactory. K iV v u u .1,.. r,.,.t.iHr-. of hlooil tinrllfors. oxnols all foreign matter and nuroly cures Eczorna. Aono, Totter, Salt llhoiim and all other il bwoiw ami n rootlona of tho nkln It roniovoo plmploi, bhiokhoncU, and other un itlKhtly btomlshon from the akin unit assists In rostorliiK ; it itood couiploxlon. Uook oil UkJu iliuro3 aud'any medical advlco doslrod froo to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. WANTED ( or ft room modern house close In; must ho cheap. In qulro -ill lloatty st. 10 I-'OR RENT Modern furnished sloop lug rooms close In. -0t H. Central. 11 EOR RENT r loom inodorn house. 1118 N, Riverside. I'hono Main 711 FOR HAi.E A cook stove, sanitary cot. fruit Jnrs. Jolly glasses, etc. Home phono Ul.'7-R or call morn- lugs 10'J Tripp Ht. PANSIE5 FANCIES A Spooiill Fine Strain of (Ionium I'aiisicH Kxlra Kinc I loses. A Kin liim of 2-Yiar-()hl Slock Cut Mowers in Season Always on Hand Medford Greenhouse I ome 237-X ,ai" n7U 923 East Main WANTED Clcanln". Ironlnj? nud washing. 710 Ho. llral. 11 WANTED A slow, geullo horso. I'hono 1151. driving 10 FOR SALE Kino violin how nnd case $15; largo slzo phonograph and 12 records $10; dining tablo and six solid oak chairs, 'M guso lino stovo with ovon, $fi; wood heater, pljio comploto, $fi; $1.50 good loungo; $5 canary birds G0o nnd up; brass trimmed hod, doth mnttrosH, host springs, $5, Roll phono 5701; IJomo U57-K. aOT South Ivy. 8 WANTED Young man lo work In confectionery store. 'I'i'i E. Main, l.OHT Rotweon Modrord and Gold Hill Sunday, ono now fl0x3Vd dla niojid luiior tiilm. AhIiIiukI Motor Cur Co. 10 Plan Your Vacation Now TO THE East Seashore or Mountains SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will plneo on sale low round trip tickets to all tho principal CUIoh of tin. East, going or returning through California, or via I'oiilnnd with going limit 15. days. Final return limit Oct. a 1st. Salo Datofl April, 25, 20, U7. May 2, !l, I, 0, 10, II, II, 15, 17, IK, M, 'JO. Juno 1, (J, 7, 8, n, M, Ki, IV, 18, I!), 120, SI, 24, 25, 27, 28, 20. Imperial Council .Mystic Slirhie, Los AngclcN, April HOI Ii lo May Newport Yaquina Bay Offers many advantiigoH for it souidioio out lug. Low fnies from nil points In Orogon, ronsonuhlo hotel rates, outdoor iimuHoiuonth and nil tho dullghtH of tho sunshoro, Tho Now P. ft, & N. Reaches Tillamook, (luiibuldl (llityoconn), lliiglitou, Mauhiilliin nud Rook away, l.akii I.ytlp, Ocean l.ulto I'ark, Twin Rooks, Tillamook lloaoh and' Ray City will opon a now rloud for it Miimmur outing, Low Round Trip Faros from all points In Oregon, I Cull on our uoni'CHt Agout for full Information mi to EiihI lloiind Excursion Karen, routes, stop-ovoni, etc., or wtito lo .10IIN M. SCOTT, (loiioral PiiHsougor Agonl, l'oiiliuid, Orogon, Eat California Raisins, Rnlslu Day April 110th. July a. a, fi, 7. II, 12, Ki, Ifi, 20, 22, 2II, 20, 20, UQ, III. August I, 2, ii, II, 7, 12, 15, ki, 22, 2:1, 20, :io, ai. Sept. I, 5, li, 7, 8, II, 12, 110. til V7 A M