t! orciifln Historical KtHMN wiv Hull V 0"l o Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight. Very light front. Mar. 7Jt.fi, mlii. HO. A T As ft ' ftiriyin'omi Yenr IMIly Hf vt'iilh Vi'iir CROP VALUE OF ALL FRUITS IS $1,000,000 March a Normal Month Precipita tion Alirail of Last Year Out Be low Averanc Weather Has Been Ideal (or Farmers. Great Improvement In Conditions Ov er Thosn of Last Year Prospects excellent In all Lines. Th uilli of Miuch. ItU'J, liiix been ii wiry noniiiil Mnioh, tempera till en being practically normal. 'I'lic picelpilnlion wiiN about (Ml inchim lii'linw llw normal, hut enmpiticil with InM year lilt pieeipilalioii linn been prtielieully five timet in gtont. On tli wliiiln, (In weather ha been ideal lir (In iii'iul of fnnncr in ttcnernl. On'hniiU nil- in fino condition mill the blnoniing period will lie normal. In Mill, pnar were pnii'lii'iilly in Fill l bloom on Murcli :iInI. Tin ctir. full lilooin lor iiint vnrii'lii'M will not ho ihi'oiiIimI until tiliont another week. While the precipitation to date liu been below iioiiiiiiI, llw condition of tin Noil in excellent allowing u lurije ninoiuit of water HtoniRi. Taking tin Hnguo river valley iim ii whole, tin viilim of nil oiuhnrd fruit ni Uiiii t into might he placed nl 'jl. 000,000 kimi-h. Woollier M'lMirt for March, 101.!, Medford Million, United Slulox Wo-i-llior Itiiii-iiii: Unto. Mux. Min. Range I f0. '27..r 22.1 a -i-i. :n. : :i r.i. ao.i .ti.a fj ...,...... t'-'.fi Iui lit. ti .,......'. .01 .IS. i . . t . . .0 . i I'. 8 fitf. :m. m. II fill. 21). 27. 10 fif. '-'7..' ar.fi u r.7. ii. :ia. IS fiLfi .IJ1.fi u. 18 .., -IP) :is. u.fi i! si. :ia. 22. ifi in.fi :ih. ii.i 10 -iii.fi a:i.fi i:i. 17 fi'J. nu.fi lfi.fi 18 f.r, 'M, ' a.i. Hi -is. :ifi.fi ia.fi ao fo.fi 'jr.. m.fi ai nn.fi a.'i,fi io. aa no. a7. 12. &i 08. no.fi n7.r. si oi. :is.fi r-.."i as (in. no. :m. ao no. na.fi nn.r. U7 noi na. :i7." an fiti.fi nn.fi an. mi fia.fi :ik. 1 1.' no on.fi nn. nn ". ni 7n.fi no. -in.fi Monti letnperuturo for Mineh, 11M.', II. 1 degree; dcputtiiro belmv not mill I.I degrees; nit'iin iiiii.iiiinm, fill. I degrees; dopnituii below uoriiinl O.o dugices; menu minimum .'11.(1 degrees; ilitpiiiluin below iioiiiiiiI 'J.l degree-; maximum 7n.fi degrees; dote l minimum, ao.fi degrees; ilnto ;lrd; precipitation 1.0(1 Inches; dcpnt'im below noniiiil, 0.01 iticlum; gicalct pieuipilalioii in a I Iioiii'k, .la inning, lulu,' (llh; niimhor of iiiir iIiivh 11; iiuinlicr of cliiiiily iluyn, 7; uumliir o!' piully clomly iIiivh 111. Mi'im ti'inpt'i iituru for March, 1011, -10.11 dcKicoh, miiNiiiium for Murch, 1011, 8d.fi iln liretw; miuiiuiini for March, 1UU, 'J I iIi'iihih; prt'cipilntion, ..'(I inches, V. J. O'OAUA. Rpcciul Mclporolof,ical Ohsorvcr. Mean tcinpuraturi) for March, ('J I ycur pcrioil) .fi,fi ilc(rccH; moan ma?.. Jcinpuratiirc for March (ai year por ioil), fi7. iIcii-(m; menu min, tcniHra tuni for March ('2 year irioil) III ih'pcuH; mcaii prccipitalion for March (LM your piuiod) 2,fi7 iuelien. EVERY BODY'S DOIN' ITI Doing what? legist oring so as lo vote ai tho primaries April 19. Any justice of tho peaco, any notary public or any deputy county clerk can regisior you. Yoi cap rogistor in Hertford at Postal Telegraph office, or at Hail Tribuno office. Do It at Once It's Important. RIVAL CLAIMS ES FOR PRESIDENT Wisconsin Primaries to Be Held To morrowPractically Assured to Lafollcttc Roosevelt Not Maklnu Fl'ht There. Mormon Church's Position to Be Shown Saturday Kentucky anil Vermont Decide This Week. -' Tin rrcslilfiitliil lliioillrap. VAKIIINJ'lt)N. I). C Apr t --Olicri onler of prcHldcn t lit I Iiooiiim miitillnitcil (licit cIiiIiiih of ilcli'CiilcH up lo tliln iiioiiiIiik io IoIIewm: Iti'lMiliMriiiiH. DiiliiKiitott In rouvcnlloii 1075. Ni'i'i'ftMiry to cliolci', S30 CliiliiK'il rot Tail. 271 Cliilinml for ItooNiiM'lt, 'iL. Cliilmcil for I .u I'ollntli. K). t'laliiK-d for ('timuiluH, 'J. t'oneiMli'il li;Tfl liiircau to ItOOHMVI'lt. .'Id. Conri-iteit liy ItooHovi'lt liii rcau lo Tuft, 3ii. C'oiilcutH nilmlttml by Tnft inn mi kith, 12. lltMiiornilM, f t t f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dcli'Kiili'H In ion vent Ion, 10H'.'. Nii'ittsnry to choice. 72. S. I'lnlniml for Clark. CO. Cliilmcil for WIIhoii. US. llciU;.il for (Sovcrnor Mnr iiimii. an. l'linU:t for (iovcruor HiiiIji'. 10. Clnlmcii for llarmuu, a. lloth WIIkoii and Clnrlc iMiiniiitcrH clalmuil tin 20 Kantum (U'luKnU'K. Tho Wll hoii Imrunii clalmcil K of the 12 Maliio ilelcKntnH, who tut iiiiliiKlructdit. 4 4 44444444 4 4 44444- WASIIINOTON', I). ('., April 1 Whether Tnft. HoohcvcH or Home, one elxo will he iioinlnatcil at thu Clilcami convontlon anil what I.a Kollctte In fluence will ho nliuwn will he deler mllieil hy the ronveutloiiti Hchcilulcil for early In April. Tho flint IiIk flKhl will come, to morrow In WIhcoumIu. Tho Mate's 2! ilt'li'Kiittm are practically conceded to I.a I'ollotto. ltooscvelt'a inanaKern an not makliiK a flKht there. Tho 'I'aft lioonierfl aro maUliiK a porfnuc- lory context, hut they admit that "I-MkIiMiik H)'" w,l Kut "' ,,U! ,0, Kat OH. Mot-moii Attllmlo. Tho Mormon chiirch'H poaltlon In tho repuhllcau flr.ht will lto Hhown on April (I. when the Utah Htato com mit too nieotH. A Taft Indorxoinent Ih oxpected. Tho Now York republican atato convention and tho Illinois pilmurlcti will ho held April 0. Tho next day the Kentucky am' Vermont Btnto con. vontloim are Bchcdiilcd. St. Louis ward primaries and tho roniiflylvanla coiiKicflHlonal illHtrlrt piinuxrlcH will bo hold April 13. Soventy-two of tho Koyntono Htato'a 7(i doloKatoa will bo chomin then. Tho majority will bo piobnbly controlled by tho orKnulza- tlon which In at prcHont friendly to raft. COl'KNMIAOKN. Tho mon'B trndo itnlona of Dcninarlc Imvo oponed their raulcn for tho lulinltuilon of wouiou wnrkera and will demand for thorn oijual pay for oijual work with men. i A jMIODjTORD, COLOIt.'inn S'I'ITESM.1X TS CHJTIC.'lU.y ILL WWSl'Xy i ' & lXI-i-J.ILJ-IJ-l MiiL-1 I- i . iwinii-iriiiii r-i 1 n i j mi im -ii i 1 1 " " i i mm - Ilcnry M. 'It'u-r. furuicr Lnltc-d Main Si i iior fi-m to ' Kccrotury of thu Interior. U rcportwl crltlcalli III al lil bwaoJ iu U-.n.i. lie imu Imi-u coatlui-d tu tho bouse- fur koiiic time. SUPREME COURT SMISSOURI ANTI-TRUST LI WASHINGTON, 1). ('., April 1. Thu I'niliil St a I ft. uiirviu oiut here toilay iiihclil Iln i-oiwtiliilininl-ity ot .MihminV unti-trut xlatiilc-, nlTiiiiiiiik' the ilccwiou of tho Mi MHiri Miprcuie court in outiiiK the Standard Oil company of liiiliiina, ami iU biilihiiliaiich, the l(oiiililii- Oil company ami the WiiIcin 6ieice Oil I'oinpHiiy from iloinjf liuinf( in that Ktnte. The .-ffiO.OOO finft. mipiwcd mi each coiiiwiiv aloo were nl finned. The suit was the InwM triiHl bii'.t inx attempt ccr conductci under Msouri' anti-trii'.t law. (Iovcruor llndle started the suit when he was Missouri'. atlorncN ciicral. OXFORD EASILY WINS LONDON. April I Oxford easily defeated CanihrhlRo today hy nix boat IciiKlliH iu tho annual race. which wiih postponed rom Saturday. The race was rowed In a driving rain and hailstorm. Hoth hliolls raced on fairly oven terms to the first half mile, but after that It was a procos hIoii, and Oxford won casllj. Time, "!! minutes, a sccondti. STREET SPEAKING AT SAN 1)1 10(10, Cal., April 1. Street HpuaklUK In San Dlcgo la at an end, at leant for tho present, according to all Indications today. Tho pollco aro rigidly enforcing tho "niovo on" law and iih soon iib crowds gather on tho Htrcots they aro Immodlatoly dla. poined, whclhor lusldo of tho "con gcHtcd district" or not. Tho police say that they Imvo won tholr fight and that the I. W.'a aro rapidly lemlng town, A CMICARO, April i. Moro than 15,000 carpcntoiH atruclc horo today, affecting ?ar.,000,000 worth ot build ing oporatlona, A pollco forco ot 000 aro guarding big jobs whoro non union men aro at work. l'roaldont John Motz of tho car pontoru' council dcclarod tlmt unlosu tho mou got H coats an hour increase, making their wages UG cents an hour, tho entire building trades of tho country will bo paralyzed. 0L0 OUKCIOX, )IONIlV( APRIL MEXICO'S FATE IS BATTLETIIEON Mr.XU'O l ITY, Ajjj! l.-Adikess-uitr ti jrnot- .. 4f-nr .oTft.'Ti-'-. here today, I'l-cink-nt runi'iKco i. Mailcro aiiuoiiuccil In, determination to -end his brother, Ciu-tm. to Turxeon lo lake commatiil ot the feilunil lorcc conccntnitinjf there, flovormnent of ficials lielieved tliut .Mexico's f.ito will fisure liirvelv in the outcome t the Imtllc at Torreon as h rehel ic tory will menu an altaek on the -ii-ital. M'oro lliun lSlWi Amoricniis hac hoen otynnif.eil to ilefoml tliempUes should necccsitv nri-e. The forcifrn clciueiit lieliets tlmt thu ichcU wdl carry their reolulion t a niiece-ful couhixioii and llicy arc prcpatcd for anv cmerjicncv. General Zaputa m eoniiniind of the revolutioiiur linc- south of here todnv I- planiuii' an nttuck on I'uch lu. WOOL TARIFF BILL PASSED BY HOUSE WASHINGTON. l- ('., April 1. The house todn jmsscil tho ruder wood hill reiliu-iiis; the wool tnriff by u vote i ISO to 02. A score, of pro-Kres-ives voted with the democrats on the ground tlmt the hill vn (be only oiio testing the tariff question they could hope to secure at this session. ' CEO UPON GENERAL GAMPA TELEPHONING ORDERS ON StnLt'fH!ir -v - ?. - - Thp telephone has taken the placo of tho courier In transmitting Held orders In tho present Mexican"' rcbolllon. I'lie above picture sbJws General lOmcllo Catnpa, r rebel leader, using an Instrument which has been attached to a tele graph Hue by u siipiulorc, as thu lluomau Is culled. The xupadorc Is lu the vanguard of all detaubtueuts and by the tluio tho leader arrives he has established connection with tho base of supplies ami with other corps commanders, l-Ji g Qeueral Cutupu la nu electrical engineer and jmrfecWd the system be uses lu bU tlold operations. SJOSL 1, V,)V2. "w;n There will be a nm.sH meeting ut (he .MedToi'd theater at 8 o'clock tonight, to diaciiHH Ihe poH.sibilitie.H and probabilities and ways and means of constructing a railroad to the IJlue hedge mine. -v, Assurances have been received from the mine owners that operation ppon a big scale will commence upon the assurance of a railroad, thus giving employment to a large number of men, giving Jackson county its largest payroll and adding a perma nent source of wealth to the county. ' " ,, )NJiQ i I lie estimated I nut crop ol the Kogue river valley tins season is 1000 cars. At very j conservative figures this will bring the growers $1,000,000. The Blue' Ledge guaran j tees a minimum of 2000 tons of concentrates a month, worth $2,000,000 per year and up. I It will be seen that this one inine means twice as much to the county as the present J bearing acreage of orchards. As the orchards will yearly increase their output, so will ' the mine and other mines will follow. ' A railroad to the Blue Ledge is the all-important thing before the people of Jack son county today. It means the continued growth and progress of this entire section. It is the surest antidote for hard times. By all means let us build this railroad if we have to do it ourselves. Let us "smite the rock of our natural resources that a stream of revenue may gush forth." noiiJH'aU to attend the mass meeting. MISSISSIPPI STATE RIGHTS ilHSIDLE; ! ON RAMPAGE VS. FEDERAL! VOTE ON SCALE ! Cf)tinnp Ctnnttt nnnilniiA ! Illlrtnto . OUIIUUO I lUUUi UUIILIIlUt IU IIIIIIUI3, i Kentucky, Missouri and Mississip pi Levee is Broken at Cairo, Illinois. ST. I.On.S, Ma., April 1. .Serious floods continue today ulonfr Iho Mis-i-siipi in Illinois, Kentucky, Mis souri, anil Misxisjipi. The ovcni ment levee is broken iu several place.- below Cairo, 111., and the fnnns in that section itrc inuudated for mile-. The river has reached n height of III feel at Cairo. The flood tne i :I8 fct-t. Uii-ue of a family of seven from a sinkiiic lintisrlionl iu the MU-issip-jii wok iiiiione; tliij majty thrilliiiinci- doiit-.' oil the Hood iu this seotirti), which conlinucil it.s work of devasta tion today. The re-cue was witne cil by thou-andj. of persons. Hoth the Mis-i.ippi nnd Ohio riv ers have ri-en to n great' height at Cairo. 111. Xo Trent damage, except .o -mall -luppiiifr. i- looked for at St. Louis utile-, a lurther uuexpected n-e oci ur-. STOCKS SHOW S NTW YORK. April l-TodnyV op eninir stock market -howed a renew al of activitv in the industrials and the entire list was strengthened, Amalgamated Copper. Union Pacific, and Headinir sold at high price- .""or the movement. Anaconda and Ton-ne-sce Copper were up from one to two point ! nnd American Stnelti lg ro-e 1-J. American Sugar roso I II -1 and St. l'aul was strontr. Later a -ellnig movement of I'nion Paoifjo affcetin Hending occurred, but no large drop- were recorded. Other railways wore strong and United States Steel was above yestorday's best figure. The market closed strong. Houds were steady. NCREASED AN The All-Important Thing Before Medford VfeJU-., Rights of State Commissions to Reg- Hundreds of Thousands of Coal Min ulate Rates to Exclusion of Inter- ers in Bituminous and Anthracite state Commerce Commission is at Issue Before Federal court. WASHINGTON', I). C. April 1. With the two cent passenger rate laws in Oregon, Miumoia and Mis souri directly involved, the fight for the rights of state railway commission- to regulate railroad rate to the exclusion of the inter-stnle com merce eouimis-ion opened before the United States supreme court here to dny. The railway ciiinmi ion- of seven state. nn represented at the hear ing. The enmmix-ious are bucked bv the national tin'eniiiiw imtigre., (lovemor Jud-ou Harmon of Ohio, filintr a brief, iu behalf of the state cotimii ions which supixrt-. ftnte rights'. Governor Harmon with Governor Hndley of Dsroiiri and Governor Aldrieh of Nebraska, was appointed by the governor.-' emigre-- to inter vene iu the rate ca-e-. Judge Sniiboni has declared the Miiine-otn Inw confiscatory and in valid and Judge MePherson enjoined the entorccment of the Mis.-ouri law. LUNATIC SEEKS LIFE OF TEODY ROOSEVELT WAUKESHA. Wis., April I. Pos sessed of a delusion that ho has n mission to kill ox-President Uoose volt. Charles Schomolla, an Insano Pole who Saturday attacked Senator Gore of Oklahoma with a club during a mooting Iu behalf of Woodrow Wil son here, Is In jail today. That Roosevelt escapod the bludgeon of tho murderous lunatic is duo to tho fact that ho did not visit this city on Saturday. Schomolla went to tho Wilson meeting In the belief that Roosevelt was to spoak. He said that devils told tho ex-presldont of his plan and Roosevelt sent Core to tftko his place. THE FIRING LINE. i No. 8. Repions Quit Comnromlse Will Probablv Carrv. PlTTSnURO, Pa.. April 1. Presi dent Feehan of the local miners' dis trict stated today that he expects tho coal miners of the Pittsburg district to accept the proposed wage scale compromise and resume work imme diately. Fifty thousand miners arc Idle today In western Pennsylvania. SCIt ANTON, Pa.. April 1. All tho mines In this section ot the anthra cite regions aro Idle today, Tho big companies announced that no attempt would be made to operate, tho coP Merles while the regular men are out. It Is expected that peace will result from the meeting between the an thracite miners and operators In Philadelphia April 10. SPRINGFIELD. III., April 1. With a total of S4 mines In tho state closed, 70,000 miners were Idle to day in this section. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April 1. It Is believed that the anthracite min ers will be voted on the wage scale compromise measure as well as the strike cpiestlon. President White of the United Mine Workers of America who is at headquarters, la confident that the operators ot tho anthraclto mines will follow tho example of the bituminous mine owners in accepting the compromise, which would mean that the question will bo submitted to a referendum vote of the anthraclto miners. TEN-YEAR TERM FOR PRESIDENT PEKIN, April 1. -Tho Chinese president's term of office will bo ten years if Yuan Shi Kni has bis way. The republicans originuliy suggested hoveii years but Yuan says tho coun try ought not to bo disturbed by un olevtion so often. lie argues, too, that the first man elected should he given time enough to get things thor oughly regulated beforo he haw to give way to a successor. Yuan also proposes that tho largo provinces bo entitled to eight votew iu elctoral representation, tho mod. iu m ones to six ami the smaller ouch to four. He would count Inner imil Outer Mongolia as two separata largo provinces; Thibet as medium and the Mohnmmctluu districts as a small one. Yuan socs good points in hoth tho United States and French constitu tions and would blend them to suit China's purposo within Impoilnnt modification.- to mhipi. them to Ori ental needs. LA F0LLETTE ENTERS JERSEY PRIMARIES TRENTON, N. J., April l.--Gilbert Roe, formor law partner of Senator La Folletto of Wisconsin, filed today La I'ollctte's primary petition for tho republican nomination at tho Now Jersey Htato primaries, PetithuiH toe President Tnft and ColonoJ Ronsievolt already liuvo beon filed hoe,