VAOVj SEVTDKT ' m This One Is Just to Let Jeff Catch Up By "Bud" Fisher nxU- nwotx t'vv. J4t UltfL (tCW ftitfc. $r&v . -0- MEDFORP MATL TRTBTTNE, MEDFORD, OT7EOOX, HATmDAY, MARCH HO, 1012. o u r uv lOfutff tit' Jt. TUur ")Ui.. sk OxIAsa. IVCit "levy luv. ft- 'f oJ(uIoA. UffcJUU. )juf murv - 4i I JACKSONVILLE "t- Ml lliinli'l l)i)Uu. who Im tench liiK In "iir pnlilld Mi'hiMil, hint bi't-ii oiiKuki'iI In limoli In tint ItiMiil moIkkiI ilurliiK tin' next school yt-ur. Jiiiiiih HiiiiiH of (i(iltc riijulc. Hid pluilii'ir iiiIiut, vlNiteil It Ih JiicI(K(jii vllln frlmiilM I'rUluy. lliiliM lliiiiiiu iiimlo it prof h mIimiuI trip to .Mnlftiril 'I'liiirdiiy. Dim. Con my K. Cluiicy or .Miulfiiril tn hi .liti'loHMivllli) WiMlnciilMy on piofmiNloiiul llllHllll'XM. Mm. (). Ki'khii. who Iihm Im'cii mi. rluimly III at lior umlilfiiun In .luck w)iivllli'. Ik Kniiiuwliiit liuprovud. I'. I'. Bwnynit vn down from Ap plob'nt" t Iim foropiut of tint wuol(. Dr. IC. Ilronku of Miulfuril, tho Dlilropraitoi', lutii ontitlilUlioil a lirnnuli ofdeo In JiicUnoiivIIIu at thu Htili'iiri of T. .1. Ki'imoy. William Cmiiitiolt of AhIiIiiuiI linn licnit apomlliiK n fow ilnyn In Jack iin villi. Mm. .1. DiiiiuImkIoii anil Mro. (ico. Itiitmini inailo Miulfonl frlumlri a visit oim day thin wiok. Mr. nml Mm. II. W. Dunn of Curry ('utility mado .liu'lmonvlllo a vlnit a ( ilnyn liH'i. TliHjr woru formurly ruMlilitntM of our town. Mm. I.. ('. Drown. Mr. and Mm. 1 1.) 1 1. Taylor wiro rucuiit vUltors In MiMlford. Mr. and Mm. (. D. WuodHon of Antlooh ilUlrlrtt woro cnlli-d to Jack honvllkrliy thn mirloun IHncrm of Hut Iftttt'r'ir.iuothur. Mm. Kooitaii. ilr. and Mm. II. 11. Taylor and Mr. and Mm. Slcwnrt woro ainoiiK ttiotio who witnt to Mudfnrd ilurlni; tho wcok. MIm l"nim'c IConncy. who Ih at tiindliiK (In Mi'dford IiIkI hi'IuioI, vIh IIimI at homo thin wiuk. V. II. Kind; In in of Ontrul I'olnt pri'dliuil wnH In our city Thumday. Mm. T. .1. Kniutoy Iiiih Ilium vlnit Iiik In'r duiiKhtor. Mm. Walter Kunt nor, of Mudfoid. Mlii 1,1'llu 1'ilni upont a fow hnurn In Mitilford Wi'diiiwdny. Wllllaiu AKlinrH, Frnuk Croon, Mr. mid Mm. J, (loliUhy and M. It. Duck wuro auioiii; tho AppluKnturs In Jiu'kMonvlllii nu'tuitly. Mm. and MIhm (lllhttto tnrrlud a fuw lioum In Mi'dford Tliiimdny ovo nliiK. John O'l.onry of GrnutH Pauo was u rucout .luckNonvlllo vlHltor. ,.'o i'Iiid Iiiih nH yet bodii found to limit to tli'i iirriwt of tho tlilof who mitiirnd thu ii'Hliliinco of l'rofoauor lliirrliiKlou mid Htolo a watch nml iitlinr artlidiw not Ioiik "K". Arcliltiii't Wt'Ht wan over from Mudfonl Tliumilny. Dnv. l, II. JoliiiHtoii and IiIh family will luavo for ltrlt lull Columbia hooii to iiiako thnlr fitturo homo. Mr. JoliiiHtoii will pruach hln farowull Kiiruioii at thu M. li. church on Sun iluy. Wnltiir Connor, landlord of llotol Oidkoii at AMhlnuil, wuh amoiu; thoso hijtiilkcopui'H 1'iiIUmI to .liicliHonvlllo lo tuHtlfy hnforo tho Kiaud Jury In itiKurd lo flro oHcapuH. rW. II. Mlllor of Colli lllll, ciiiiiU Onto for I hi' (li'iiioonitk' noiiiliuillon fo' county clerk, was In .liicksonvlllo, IiIh foriuor liouio, recently. LEGAL NOTICES. MBDrOHD lb CRATCH X.AXD KAIL- hoad xsomvnssKii notxou. In nccoriliuiro with an orilor of tho JiiilKD of thn Circuit Court of thu Statu or Oregon, for .laekson County. In Urn matter of receivership of the Mod Mm A Crater Lakn Itnltrnml Company, mi OrrtKoii eiirpoi'iitlon. unit In u onuao thorn pimillnif, mUlllcil KiIkiii- 1 Infer ut ill., vs. Muiirord As Crater Luko Railroad Coinimnv. et nl.. I Notice Is hereby Riven by thn uuilor hIkiiuiI receiver of mild corporation, that tho court or JiiiIko In mild matter Is nliont to make an order distributing to I ho holiliiH of paid up nloolt In Hiild corporation,' intuit f iiiuIh iim Hltall tu main after tho imymmit of nil debts, and nxponsiiH of thu receivership. Thereforo. alt 'Jiersonn owning any fully iiald-up stooli In mild corporation, or having mado part pnymont upon their HUtiMorlptloiiH, urn lioreby notified to, on or before April Bud. 1U13, file with thu iindurHlKiiod reoolvor, at IiIh office In thu Piilin bloolr. Medford, OreRon, thoir duly verified claims, nuooniimiiled tiy their oortlflentOH nf stock, showing tho inilubor of tho certificate, to whom orig inally Issued, and thu ainmiul rooelvod by tho uornoratlon In payment thurefor. Thoso who are owuerti of miuli utoelc, but cannot proituou the miiue, or who hnvo mild only part upon thoir null iierlptlons, and (o whom certificates have never been IsHiied, mny malto llu pfoof by Hiii'h verified claim. TIii'ho clalinn will, on April Unl, IDlii, bo filed with the count v uleilt fur .laolc uun county, Oidjjou. All pvisuiiu liwvluu . JO LEGAL NOTICES. lit fiirilli.r utiil hiivltlir nlilfcllonii fn any of unlit alalniN nr ri iiiltfil tu run thn miiiio In TvrUlritf rrlih ealit cuutily cUtk on or befyrti April ih, 1913 friun tlio lltni fi(t olnlmii urn no ft It'll with Dm uinlBmlk'ned re rlvrp Hiry will Im (iilliJfCt to lllnt'f Hon by lliiixn ittiklrlni: In itml; objxr IIoiim Dntwl nt MMtrnrd, Orrunn, ttila Olll ilny of Mmuh, till;. .1 I'. IIISHHV, ltcei'lvxr nf Mpilfiiril & CMtur I-ak llulliouil vimHiny. I.OKT LOST I'alr of ol(l nlniweM ItiMt ThuiMilay, Manh 'i, on road off Hunt Main Rt. Kuwartt If reHiinod to Mall Tiltiune offli". 7 I .OUT- AN AlrwUlo diK. alioui one )iHir old. leutlioi collar without inline. IjihI hwii on load hotwenii Drovvnuboro ami ICiikIh I'olnt Do ward for return to C 11. Henry, 112 Cnriiett-Corey Iridic IiUKI.VKSS OI'l'DUTUNITIlCS AUK YOU LOOKING FOil A 1JUSI NK88 8NAD7 I.lHton to thta. Lot StixlOO, ono Htory bulldliiK. otifc Mock from main Htreot, $3000. Thin offer open only for a fow days. V. T. York & Co. FOR HALE - Grocery stock and fix turoH at Invoice, r,("d established trade, rcasonablo rent. Apply Oak dtitn Cash Grocery, Oakdale and Eleventh. 7 FOIt KENT FUKMHIIKD DOOMS FOR RENT--FumlHlied room, hot and cold witter, IIkIUh and heat. 221 Holly t North. 8 FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottnuo, 004 Went 10th St., two blocks south Medford hotel, Hot nnd cold wator In rooms. Home phono 217. Mm. II. M. Coss. 320 FOIt RENT Hmlth apartments. 217 Ho. RJvorolde. FOR RENT Largo sleoplnc room, $1,50 And $2 per week. Modern ft um&mifi' . -.. v - - - - . .. rrffrirr' . . ... " iitv rm -vvr wni ;e. ii ri iiiiaritBi ill mm .... . . . . liousokcoplnB npartments $15 and i F0Il SALE Ton acres on main ABh $10. Home phono 2UC-K. 222 1 ,nnd roa(i anm imlldlmrs. for Houth Holly. POH HltMV-IIOUHiaCEEl'IXG ItOOMH FOR RENT Two Unlit houaukoepliiK rooms at 220 H. Grape, $10 per mouth. 11 FOR UKNT OFFICES FOR RENT Over tho postofflco, with boat and light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT LnrRo, comfortable of f Ico rooms with olovator scrvlco, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT HOUHKH FOR RENT - Two room furnished house, close In. 125 North Holly. il FOR RENT DutiKulow; medern: luwn and shade. 730 West llth. FOR RENT -Modem seven room house closo In. Nlco lawu. fill N, Dnrtlett st. Phono 219-1C. FOR RENT Furnished flvo room modern house. 410 King ut. 7 FOR RENT -A five room modern IiiiukiiIuw, furnished, nice and clean. 508 H. Grape. It FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Largo garden lot, best of hoII. cheap; 2 room house. 838 Dennett uvo. 10 FOR LEASE Fully equipped placer and nuni'tr. ml no. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR RENT Largo and small ranch oh. Gold Ray Realty Co, FOR LEASE -A producing gold mini) equipped with flvo stump mills, concentrators, ulr criisheiH and ulr compressors, nil operated by electric power. Will leaso on easy toruiH for percoutiign of out put. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE LOTS F"0TTSALE Cholco lots In tho city of Jacksonville,. 2GQ by 230; tbroo houses, two wotlH and ono spring on lots. To nu h $2000 caBh. A good bargain for u homo. Mrs. Loulso Suhliflon, JncltHonvillo, Or ogon. FOR SALE 100XS08 miltablo for 5 lots, 2 room house, electric lights unit wator, $1000. Inquire of ownur Hotel Medford batbor shop. 32 FO'lt 8A'LlTVVarohoiTHo"iltT), 50x1 00", closo In, $2250. Tonus. Snap. W. T. York & Co. FOR HALE Oioao li wnrohouso proporty nnd building lot 50x100. Prli'o $!!000; lorimi. ('homiest buv In Medford ClurK Realty Co., 200 Plilpps bldg;. I htem: MTUhKN UHWAltD - W reward for Information of pemoiiK HtKalliiK red Tulip and pint! ami MoKi'iitn HyactntliH from ('Iiiih. I'ttliu' jilnco, South Holly Mt. 7 I'Oll HAIill IIOUSKH KOlt HALK- A nix room entirely modern buiiKalow, with KiiraKo, eiiHt front and on a paved Htreet, cloun In, formerly held tit tl200. Owner iiiurit hcII ut oiiro and will tako $:iS00 on teruiK of $.100 mull and i'iTt pcx month. Hero In where your runt would buy a home. K. K. Tutny, (Snrnett-Coruy Iridi;. 7 FOR SALE New uunpi'.ow with six I rooms, bnth uud tmnlry; screened In back porch 10x28; front porch Kx28; enst front; lot C0xl71 font deep, or two lots 100x171 with alley at side, with barn on. Will clvo good terms. Innulru 317 Howard st., oast sldu. Phono C2C1. FUR HALE Four room house, wood shed, chicken house; raspberries, strawberries, small fruit trcos; r.ardeu; fenced; water In liouco; only $ur.0, terms. 737 West 14 th st., 7 Iriks. south Washington eqhool between Newtown nnd lCluic. FOR SALE Now modern C room butiKiilow, flno finish, fireplace, rntiKe, lawu and trees. Closo In, $2700. Good terms. Four room plastered cottaite. larj;o screened porch. Two uIku lots on pnvomnnt, $1500, libers! terms. 521 West Hamilton st. Phone 1'nclUc 2455. 7 FOR BALK ACREAGE ACREAGE -Why buy a town lot ' when you can buy an aero tinder ditch, for $275? About t Vi miles north of nogtofflce, Small payment down, balance $10 per month with out interest or taxes. Flno for Knrdeu, borrles or chickens. James DowlliiK, 20 South Poaoh. 1G $2750 .$1000. will hnndle, easy tonus on balance Fino placo for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 10 ncres benrlnR fruit. 7 ncres 7 and S year old Spitz and Nowtown apples, 2 acres best var ieties 3 and 4 year old pears, 1 acre small berries and grapes, with four room house, small barn, chicken Iiouec, etc. Within 4 mllu of Central Point on Pacific highway. Sightly view of MU Pitt nnd valley, rich laud and orchard In good condition. An Ideal homo. Can bo bad at n barguiu for next 30 days. Apply to ownor, Dox 3, S. C. George. Medford. 319 FOR HALE Aero and five .aero tracts adjoining Medford on long lime, easy pio incuts, or might ex change. Gold Ruy Roulty Co., 101 Electric bldg. FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE 105 acres highly Im proved, will sell all or in 10 or 20 aero tracts. This Is somo of tho best Huhlrrlgnted alfalfa land In tho vulley, 3 inili'H west of Med ford, on new road, V mile south of tho .Mudford-.laeksouvlllo road. For particulars see owner. Mary II. Rogar. 18 FOR HALE Stock ranch 3 places, 400, 480 and 5!0 acres, all Join. Improvements on each place. $12.50 por aero. Has access to un limited summor rnugo on national forest, Sawmill gnos with tho places. Will sell with or without cattle. Addtcsn Wright Bros., owners, Drew. Oro. 3211 FOR SALE 200 acres flno alfnlfa land under ditch, as good land for Alfalfa ns can bo found In tho tato. This will bo sold cheap. Tills Is your opportunity' long looked for. Oltvor B. Brown, 43U N. Bnrtlott at FOR SALE Will guarnntoo right prlco nnd tonus ou 40 ncres of al falfa laud If purchased from ownor boforo Apr. 1st. It's tho host prop orty to huvo your monoy Invested In today. Address Box 75, Routo 1. central point. FOR SALE- Chlcuoti ranch and gar don land Vj milo from Medford. W. II. Evorhard, 1009 Woat ilt.h Phono GG71. FOR HALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Will sell my brooding jiouH of S. O, Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons or outlro plant, roasouahlo, Baby chicks and hutching ogga froiu both broods for sale, Mrs. E, E, Oman, Jackson ville, Oro. FOR SALE Incubators and laying ntrulu fancy eggs for hatching, rea sonable, at J, C. HcliuUilt's feed! 810 l-'OH HAlil Kfl8 AND I'OUIntV FOR 8ALU Kkr, CrysUil Whlto OrphiKtons, Ilhodo Inland Hods, Drown U'Khorns. Sen V. II. Kverhnrd, 1009 Wwit ath. Phono CC71. I"0"U "8TLJ-;--TurkeyliinH nnd ckkh. v. LounBborry, Central I'olnt. Phono Jacksonville) 214 321" FOR 8ALB -Fifteen ega. cxprcnn prepaid, $2. OrplnstonB, "Wyan dottefl, Plymouth Hocks. Lcghorna, Dantanis. etc. AIko duckR and tur keys. AVrlto for circular. Simp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvallla, OreKOn. . 33C FOR HALE Erb for hatch Ins. am booklnc ordcra now for the slniclo comb Whlto Leghorn. Wyckoff strain, $1.50 for 15 egga, $8 per 100. Placo orders now. A. W. Stone. Phono 7302., FOR SALE Anconas eggs $2.00 per 15. Stock dlroct from II. C. Shop pnrd, Ancona specialist, Dcrca, Ohio. J. D. Hooker, Mod ford. .Phono Sub. 3221 or lcavo orders with J. C. Schmidt's feed store. 32G FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my trnpnestod Crystal Whlto Orping tons nnd R. I. Reds. Myra Fuller. Siskiyou Ills. Phono 5182. 332 FOR SALE Ebbs, thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds, $1 por setting. Res. back of 1027 North Central, or ndd. C. A. Laird. City. 329 FOR SALE Daby Chicks. Tho Egg Hntchory furnishes first-class baby chicks at reasonable prices. Eggs used aro from hardy selected stock, bred to lay. RIhhIo Island Red, ' Da r red Rocks, and Buff Orpington chicks, $15 per hundred; Drown Leghorn, $10 per hundred; Whlto Leghorn. $8 per hundred. V L. Sales, 722 Third st., Pctaluma, Cul. 330 FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood at country prices. lC-ln. fir $2.73, 12-ln. fir $2.25, lC-ln. hardwood $3, 12-ln. hard wood $2.50, lC-ln. pino split $2.75. All dry wood. C19 S. Riverside. Bell phono 5041. FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood. $5 per cord In carload lots. Gold Rny Really Co., 2 IS West Malu. Phono 1S73. FOR SALE Oal; and Hardwood $2 per tier nt Cth and Fir sts. Gold Ray Roalty Co. FOR SALE SIISOELLANEOU8 FOR SALE Ono flvo year old maro weight 1200. Thrco year old cow. Home phone Rural 11-L. 7 FOR SALE Plants tomatoes, cnb bagc, cauliflower, brussols sprouts, colory, egg plaut, pepper, etc. Transplanted or from bods. Also tomatoofl potted. Portland Ave. GroouhmiBO, box 107, Medford, Phono 872. Low prices, good qiiul lly. 319 l'OR SALE 1 gone horse, gentle nnd kind, suitable for family use Inquire Wator Dent., city. FOR SALE Furniture of G rooms at a bargain, aldo liouso for rout, anodorn. Address B. S., caro Mail Tribune. 319 FOR SALE At a bargain, 25,000, 000 foot of lumber In Trinity coun ty, Cul., principally sugar uud yel low pine. Address or call upon J. II. Lyons, 302 N, Front st. FOR SALE Good slnglo buggy and harness. Price right. Soo L. II, Warner, Sr., Warner Wortmun & Core's store. FOR SALE Cheap for casu, young, gentle mare. 1200 lbs. B. O. Gluason, Phoenix. Oro. 7 PR SALE Blrdseyo inuplo dresser nnd two rugs, lnqulro nt tho Cot tage. G04 W. 10th st. A. Dugas. 320 FOR SALE One spun large, good mares. Harness and wagon. One good cow. lnqulro L. A. Rose, Phoenix. 10 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR ENCHANaE-5, 10, and 40 aero tracts; froo, deep, sub- irrlgatod roothlll sou, most stilt ablo for fruits, alfalfa, vegetables, etc. Small payment down, or will cqnsldor juorchaudiso, horses, stock, clear rosldenco proporty or ntito. Local or out of town., Sub mit with full particulars to ownor, Box 3G, Phoonlx, Oro. 7 FOR SALE John Dooro gang plow In good order, very cheap, Tolo phono 805-F-2. FOR SALE -Seven passengor IMorce 4."i h p If you mo lu the market for a car too mo. $05Q, 53 Second , Qt. ABuUllUl. . w a FOIt KXCHAXGK FOR EXCHANGB- 10 to 20 ncreH near Kagle Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or unimproved. Ex chanico prlco rame as cash price. 8eo Ollvor B. Drown, 436 N. Bart lett at. FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, acre tracts and ranches to exchange for other property. Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldjc. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED- A man and wife to take cbargo of a small farm. Good ref erence required. Apply to L. D. Waruer or Warner, Wormian & Gore. " WANTED Two mun. Do not waste your time. If yon are a man of character, energy and can manage work this is your opportunity. Wc have now over $30,000,000 of busi ness in force. Life contract. Call or write A. II. Schlrmer. offico with F. O. Burgess Co. 303 E. Main st. 7 WANTED A man to work on small ranch, steady Job. References re quired. Address E. R., Mall Trib une. 7 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for general house work on ranch. Address Mrs. R. V. Crane, Box CSC, Medford. , 10 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position aB cook for small camp. Address Box 155, caro Mall Tribune. 9 WANTED English girl would like position as companion In private family. Would undortake house keeping responsibilities and cook ing. Referoncos. Address L. J., General Delivery, Portland, Ore, 10 WANTED Position ou ranch by married man. Address G. J. Mc Donald, Eagle Point, Ore. 10 WANTED Position as chauffeur. Good references. F. II. Boston, care Hotel Moore. 11 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy a small gasoline engine. Address Box S71, P. O., Medford. WANTED TO BUY Bungnlow at bargain price. Clark Realty Co., 20G Phlpps bldg. 7 WANTED 150 to 200 horses to pas ture. P. D. Blackden, 157 Laurel st., Ashland. WANTED You can't help buf mako money selling our guarantecd-to-gtve-satlsfnctlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly: exclusive torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top pcnlsh, Washington. WANTED Clean rugs at Mall Trib uuo offico. WANTED To rent until Nov. 1st, furnished house or bungalow In outskirts of town or In country. Must hnvo barn or garago, at least two bedrooms, bath, hut ami cold wator. AddnwM Dox 10, Mull Trib une. 11 WANTED Desk room In offico for real estate business. Dux C. II., Tribune. 9 DUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offico, phones Main 2511, Home 35G. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11; Home, 200C. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAWr Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro, Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. 0, L. REAMES, LAWYER Offico Medford National Batik building, ECQond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES- -Lawyor, Gnrnott- Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 uud 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Titlo Examiner. 320 Gnrnott-Coroy Bldg. Architects A. D. JOHNS H. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phono 6413. Johns & Turner Architects and Builders. Offico 31-33 North Burt lott, uoar Mulu. Offico l'liuiiol 1031. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Assay cr and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sll- vor, lead, copper and other minor- als. Minos and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps ' and reports made thereon by com-! potent mining assayers and engi neers at rcasonablo terms. Capital , secured for devoloping mines and . mining prospects. All mine own-j ers are earnestly requested to scnd samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of thoir mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, and Fir wtu Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a rcasonablo figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono CG11; resldcnco phono GS02. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young &. Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5CG2. EDGAR MARTIN and Contractor, anteed. 70G S. Main 71. -General Builder Satisfaction guar Oakdalc. Phone CoUcctlon Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phone Main 2021. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. E. 9 th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advice- In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 168-K. Chinese- Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chtneso medicines will euro rhoumatlsm, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlsoases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCCfYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Doth Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offico lu RIalto bldg.. 123 E. Main Gas administered for extraction of teoth. Tolophono Main 681, Night phono 4432. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Loavo ordors at 29 S. Hartlott, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3C32. Home 107-X. Grnulto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo. Geo. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealors in prossod brick nnd llmo. Offico at thoir brick yard, Woat Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealors and manufacturers of pressed and com inou brick nnd tllo. Got our prlcos and soo our brick and tile before purchasing. FlIl-llitlM-O MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Bts. Medford. Mission fiirnlturo mado to order. Cabinet work of nil kluds, A trial' i ordor E0llclt6d. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under the laws of the stnto of Oregon. Insures horses nnd cattlo against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Till), agent, Medford. Ore. Offices West SIdo Stablos. .robbing utiil Teaming TEAMING AND JOBlHN(JOF ALL KINDS. Plowing and dirt for Bat, lots plowed any part of city, garden mnutiro for imlo and city garbage wagons. Phono Main 822. J. F. Perry. - .-III.- I. i 1.- , ... M Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub 11c. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro Ludded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantco everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Offico removed to offico Hotel Nash, In side cntranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offico 104 8 Fir. Both phonca. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job offico In southern Oregon; book binding, loose loaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 81G Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and Burgeons, Taylor and Phlpp3 bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phone 612. Offico hours, 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. Q. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnett-Corey bld., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residence 109, oftio 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgoon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rosldonco Phenca: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyalolan and Surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Main st., ovor Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 n. m. to 8 p. m. Both phouca. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phouo, M. 582. DR. E, 11. PORTER Physician and Surgoon. ' St. Marks Block. Offico phono 4901, Rosldonco 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms C and 6 Kontner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Doll 271. Rosldonco phouo Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stonograpblo work done quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prlcos right. Sorvico guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcols lOo, 15c, 25c; trunks 25o nnywhoro In tho city. Offico Val ley S-cond Hund Store, 15 N. Fir st. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 351, MoBsougor sorvico. Fred Crocker, Prop. Underlain. JOHN A, PERL Undertaker and Embalmor. Offico 28 South Bnrt lott st. Telephones; Day, Bell 471; night, rosldonco, Bell, 473, Home 179-L, Calls unsworod nlsht or day. Anibulanco snxvlro Vacuum Cleaners VACUUM CLEANING For good work, Hal Harrington, Jackson ville. Doll ntumo 491, 33U