PAGE SIX BOYS UNO GIRLS PLANT GARDEN April's first showrrs will fall lon nniirnxlmntoly no.000 rliililwn's pnr dons lirlngliig to Hfo awls tlml will prochtro voBntnlile to lie oslll)ltjd far nwny from tho ot where tliox woro cultlvatotl by yoinilC Btroim lunula, boiuo iipponrlim nt tho county or local fairs, others traveling to tho stau inlr nt Slem, nntl rtttl oth ers finding thetr wy ot tw the land bIiowh to provo what Oregon children enn do. Now thnt tho gurdenlng and hatching season ht at hand, Orw children nro onturlng the Industrial t'ontoflt In wunwrt. Woi and girls nro sclorllng their seed, preparing their poll, nml reading what they enn find nbout the euro of poultry, ilaiu. and pig. Prlww, $31 In all, nro to be awarded nt tho state fair for pu pils' cihlhlts of vagotnblea. plw. chlckeiiR, sewing, cooking and wood work. Those prlnoe roprosoat a valiio of between three and four thousand dollars. Including county and state prizes between $10,000 and $20,000 In prizes will be won by Oregon boya and RtrlR this year. Twenty-flvo counties have been visited and fully organised for Indus trial work. Superintendent Alder man, and Hold organizers, Catvln C. Thomason, and H. C. Moris, having been hard at work since tho first of February. Yamhill, the pioueer county in starting industrial work. Is a model in organisation, having held her first children's fair six years ago whon the county superin tendent wns L. U. Alderman. no.000 bulletins containing infor mation on the. state industrial eoa ttst, also the complete prise Itat luvw been tent out by the O. A. C. to each county superintendent to bo distrib uted by hi in to the toachers whose duty It Is to place one In every home. Large numbers of soparate prize list are just now appoaring. Letters have been sent to all the ministers of the state asking them to give a sermon on the movement. COURT HOUSE NEWS ProluiK. Estate Itobcrt C. Armstrong, order appointing Hose M. Rollins adminis tratrix. Estate D. It. White, order appoint ing April 30, 1912, as day for final sculemont. Estate Eliz. A. Mill, order approv ing sale of personal property. .Vow Cases. Lena A. Phillips to Walter IJ. Phil lips, suit for divorce. K. D. Hrls, attorney for plaintiff. , Circuit Court Xeivs. Medford Commercial club vs. M. II. Payne, Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $200. E. II. Parter vs. Thompson, Star rott Co., verdict for plaintiff in sum of $735. City of Medford vs. Lydia Spanos and M. Spanos, judgment for $1200. Frank W. Cottorill vs. Thompson. Stnrrett Co., dismissed. State of Orogon vs. Harry' Clove land, dismissed. State of Orogon va. Harry Cleve land, Jim Davis and Horbort Frost. Wanton injury to personal proporty Sentence suspended until further or der of court. Ileal Kstnto Transfers Siskiyou Hoights Co. to Judson D. IMckart, property In blk. 4, Siskiyou Heights add., Medford ..177o James Shlolds to Carl Itiehard son. lot 7, bfk. 1, Shlolds add. Central Point 10 Jay E. Davidson to Julia M. llownian, lots J, 2, 0 and 7, W I1H awBW f f - w blk 4, Gold illll 225 hinimi MurKiirot Dunlop to W. H. llullouk, proporty In Med ford . . Mnrllift C. Roberts to Win. Ul rlrli, property In blk. 0, Gnl lowuy's mid. Medford Annlo Cota to Tlios. K. Flynn, proporty In blk. 1, Ilarr's ndd. Medford .......... Quqcii Anno Add. Inc. to H. C. Stoddurd, lot 17 und 18, blk. 10, Quoon Anno mid. Med ford Queen Anno add. to II. 0. Stod dard, lots 14 and lfi, blk. 10, Quoon Anno add. Med ford Pliobo A. Lorlinor to .lobn Drennor, K. '1 lots 1 and ', blk. a, Grny'B ndd. Medford Town of Plioonlx to Parry I). Illuckdoii. lot 12, Pboonlt.. U. 8. to John A. iuooro, ICO ooros In boc. 11, twp. 84, 2,K patont ' Mary 13 O'Noll to J. 13. Nlqlioln, lot 1, blk. 1, Tuttlo'B First wild. Medford , J. 13. KlobolB to W. C. Murphy, lot 1, blk. 1, Tuttlo'H First ndd Medford .C A. KnlKht to Cora U. KnlBht 40 fttrt'S iu twp, JO, 1W.. 400 550 10 10 10 I Thorn. E. Merrill to James S. Campbell, lots 13 and H, blk. 1, Hose Park add. Med ford II. II, Lorlinor to John Premier lot 3, blk. 3. Gray's add. Medford ................ Margaret Gray to H. 11. Lfl mer, lot 8, blk. 3, Clray add. Medford .. Paulino A. nine to T, ltalph Pltcock, ISO bcto In twp. 8S nv W. IS. Momiey to F. T. Mnonuft 470 acres in twp. 32. K. .. U. II. Toft to Kllsaheth Pearl, property In Imperial add. Medford U. 11. Toft to A. F. SteNfttt, property In blk. -i, tWurfal add. Mwlfonl K. C. Yard to Jean JB. Martlw, land In twp. 89, IK... ... C. . Iaiiikln t Italpa Mi Hedge, land in I). 1.. C. -tS, twp. 89, IE .............. 700 10 111 1 II) .10 10 'BOO 10 Minnie M. Parelow t Qmt. 1 Parslow, property In Cool idge add. AaMand SIS Italph M. Heilges to Ann! Mc ClaHahan. land In twp. S, IE Geo. 11. Llmlley to Mabel V. Ilnhl. property In Extenstow of Siskiyou Heights, Metf rord . .. E. K. Andrson to A. C. CaJd well, land In twp. SS, IK... 2?SK 10 10 10 la Kout, T. Kalpe, to A. 11. llarth, land In twp. 37, IE Itoht. T. Knlpo to A. II. Parth. land In twin 37. IK ...... I). II. Miller to Gold Kay ltealty Co., proerty la Wk. RR, Medford - Ella J. Gnnyaw to Kathleen Talent, tot S. blfc. 70, Mel- ferd O. & C. Development C. t J. W. O'Neill, laad iu twp. 3S, IE F J. Nfunian to INrtT J. Neff. aaslgameat of Won. . R. S. Towne to Companla Met alurglca M extern, mining property la twp. -11, 4V. . . . Prospect Construction Co. to California & Oregon Power Co., land in see. 30, twp. 32, 3E Itogue River Electric Co. to C. l H ID & O. Power Co., water rights, franchises, etc Mrs. A. R. Phipps to L. A. Gregory, property in Laurel hurst addition, Medford . . . Mrs. A. R. Phipps to G. H. Johnson, property In Laurel hurst addition. Medford . . . J. W. Ginley to W. C. Ilartlott, laud In twp. 39, 4E Ella P. Smith to Ralph P. Cow gill, land In sec. 30, twp. 3C, IE T. H. B. Savior to V Cald well, land in sec. 16, twp. 30 lV J. C. Rengle to Lottie L. Pel ton, lots S and 9, Allendale addition, Ashlaml Rebeeea Hgsjleeton to Martha J. Charlton, lots 21 and 22, blk. J. R. R. addition, Ash land Alonzo Ord to W. Aagte, land In twp. 3S. 1V Prue M. Piatt to W. Augle, 10 10 3000 10 IU 050 10 proporty in East Medford . . F. M. Nelson to Angle, 2S acros In twp. 3$, 1V II. F. Pohlnnd to Etnll Pell, lots 2 and 3, blk. C, Boule vard Park addition, Ashland E. Whittle to H. H. Sargent, proporty In Medford II. C. Garnett to Garnett Coroy Hardware Co., lot 3, blk. 33, Medford 10 150 10 10 10 V. S. Goudy to W. W. Camp bell, property In Callaway's addition, Medford 2000 Health Is tho foundation of all good ( Jnrra Thn ttrfen u-nmnn roTiWror, thin . WWW W I! t V -...-. r - - , and takes precautions to preservo her hnalth and strength throuu-h tho tie ilod of child bearing. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far ns iinsslhln lhr BtiffeHnir and dancora of such occasions. This every woman J ., .,.. ,. ,. ,.i ... i way uu lurougu uio use o; woinur ;i Friend. This 1b a inedlfino for Bxternal application and so penetrating in Its naturo as to thoroughly lubricato every muscle, nervo and tondon In volved during tho porlod boforo baby comes. It ald3 naturo by expanding tho ckln and tissues, rolleves timdnr- noss and sorenoss, and perfectly pre pares tho system MM. - for naturnl and Q7fVin safe motherhood. BVVWfc Mother's Friend &rttnir7 is sold at drug J''c-'w iitnroa. Wrllo for froo book for ex. pectant mothors, which contains much valunblo information. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AllerJa, Go. PLUMBING " Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guaranteed. Prices lleuHuniible. COFFEEN & PEIOE 89 Howard Block, Eutrauco on OtU St. J?oUio 3031, Horns 319, MEPFOTTO Af.VTTi TirmrXK, IVITARLAND HERE 10 KET EVANS i..ii,i- M.fciii-liiiul the onlv lad I '"' . I who ever held Champion Ail woigaai to a draw since the latter won the title, is to arrive In Medford tonight, where he will finish training for. his ten-round bowl with Wobble Mvaas here net Wednesday night. Not since th memorable Battling Nelson was here haa Medford been Invaded with aneh a ring colftwrtty as MrParland. only the latter lll be pitted against an opimaeat ore hla equal than was Nelson, who had easy piifWaga. While McFarland Is tho ahortest lightweight in the, business, ho has the reputation of carrying a aloep produeer" In either hand. When In ring toga the pudgy little light weight greatly resembles Young Cor bet!, who conquered the oueo "Ter rible Teddy" McGoveru. In meeting Hraas, McFarland need not think he will hare a cake-walk. for he Is apt to meet a stumbling block In the rugged Portland boy. and If the proper odds were offered there are any amount of Evans ad Mtlrers who would be wilting to wager that Wobble will bring home the bacon against the highly touted McFarland. Those In the know and who have seen Kvans work out late lv declare that he Is not the same boy who box d a draw with Young! Dixon and haa Improved greatly In speed and accuracy. The hovers who participate in the preliminaries to the main crent are training dally and will lie seen Sun day afternoon as simrrlng partners to McFarland. Ste&a Ifawitefl! AT rOUWTAIr3. HOTELS, On CLSCVVHCRC Get tho Oriijinal und Genuine V Z$ MALTED MILK TheFoodDrinkforAl!Ai$es RICH MUX. MALT CRAIS ETTRAa. IH rOTOW Not hi any Milk Trust BSiF Insist on "HUKLltJtv TcUc a pacLage homo Draperies "We carry a v-ry compile line of drajnni-8. lri curtoiriK, rix turen. et. .ml 10 nil rlJ"" of upholH'iT i ff A bji. iul ii in to look after Ui'- -ink rxelulvelv and will ifit j f "1 wrvlcw .h Is pons, I.!- to rt ill ev4n the larKesi citlfif. WEEKS & McGOWAN C0 Deal with the man who does the most business. You will find there is a rea son for it: Dnrinx the past Hire years over 300,000 tree nml vines have been delivered to the planters of tho Honc Idvi-r ulley by the All slock lemhig llih nursery i, .'uiinuitcc'd to I'liHAKH tuul lli l'ltlCKISRIOHT. WHATMOUL 1)0 YOU WANT? Office 1201 north Central Ave. Box 823. ' Medford, Ore. Twonty-two year1 oxporienco in orclitird nml nureiv work in tho Itotfiio J(icr valley. N. So Bennett MILORD, OKKOOX. SA'PrWlUY. MARH1 HO, 1012. COUNTY SURVEYOR I 'uu nskiit" for tho KoimblU'un iioiuiimlion, and if I am olootca 1" will nmko tho olTioo momi sonioUiiiuf. All count v work ivquiriiitf onjinoorinj? slcill should ho dono hv tho 'Count v Sui'vovoi-, niul ninpM and other data filocl tor future lvlVrouoo. Having niado tho survoys for tho adjudioatin-or l.ittlo Btitto oroolc wator HKhta and a topographic, map or a liuo portion ol thoKoKjio Kivor vallov. hosidos othor survoys, 1 am ahlo to ivo lii'st-hand liilovmation. .-4 Q TS-C;. CT .! ' ink "-, W "fl1 'I' i iilt i"i iitii ''lilii'iX 'v lt. I II. I I' dA'W 11 yoi arc looking for an ort'ioioiit fonee a fouco suitahlt' fur many different jiurptison PAGE FENCE will supply your noods l.-4fK. Page Fence 7J Iji i?iu im 6 1 l(R TTfi' ' " ' " ' Zj Is . - ' Pairo Rabbit Prntif Konoo is praflical, oconoiuical ami absolutely rabbit proof You want the BESTWE HAVE IT We furnish man and tools and assist in the erection of everv roil of Pae Fence without extra cost to you. "Yew and Cedar Posts always on hand Gaddis (Si Dixon "Tho Page Fence Men" Distributors Northern California and Southern Oregon Main Office Medford, Oregon w m Flour Until you have tried Waitsburg PURE WHITE FLOUR you cannot know the satisfaction of having the best. fees Co! We have always made a specialty of these lines and most of the discrimin ating users have found it out. en Grocery Co. dTlbll I mja RALPH P. COWGILL (Paid Advt.) Medford Tent and Awning Company MHUHfiiriiurrt of uiid OesUrs In AWITIKOS, T11NTS, ri.VB, COVBUO OP AM. KINDS nitek AH WVIitlitn nml WI.UIim. AwnltiK. .SIiIpm. Kle WI(OIKtlAZ.n AND HKTAir. All .Msks f Awnliim uml I'oreh rurttns iut n it at .tHiiructiir,rV l'rleea. Ant for the Koanoka Koltoleia VcntlUtln? Win. duw Awning 100 N. l'ront St. Until PhoitfH. St-ttfuril, Or,'K" 1 Rabbit Proof and Tea; Flour American Electric Irons Tho iron which Iiiih tho limmiviMiioiitM of nil ntlicirt embodlml In j one. Wo liuvo Jnst rect'lvoil n Inrgn tihlpmiit or tlnrno Irons and j Invito you to Ionic tluuu over boforo biiyliiK. i Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co. Medford Concrete .MiinufiulurerH of tanid (Vinent Sewer Pipe lieulera Hi WnMieil Snnil, (Jnivel nml ('ruilu'il Hock Use our washed uuilorlwl for jour cimcreto work, you wivo comnnl hih! faulty construction nniln your ltmd with ciuiunit tllo. Il'n atrongest and ovorlnntliiR. Office: ''m,,"7! A Fruitgrowers uirr uim mink llhlg. PLEASURE CARS OII.ll.MKHM, I'OIMMIVIUTOHU, IMIMtl.KSS, IH'I'MOIUMC COMMERCIAL 1'ICKIttiKSS, CIIASIC, IlKI.IAS'fll (110111 V ton to It) tonn) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. X i'iiinw m'" fsr'-' First National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $05,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will receive our uarc fill attention. V. K. UKUIUi, WKSIIHCNT M. f'- Al.l'OHl). CASIIIKIC OKHIH Olt.VWKOItO. ASSISTANT OASIIIUU Nearly a quarter of a ,niaiiaenient THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundnoss of principle) Economy of management Safety of investment Courtoous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, President CI. It. Lindley, Vice Pros. 0. V. McDonald, Cashier r yW 1 AMm v. iwmm I MRwawtsvuinm awtrf" b i fc. ' . -tfL IMTiJU M t " " r m.r . 1 k irf-rr-T'i 1 - " BaMM1. MrfSI COLONIST FARES TO AU I'OINTO III OntlQN, OAIUY MAnCH 1 TO APRIL to, 101a SOUTH ERtNPACIFIC riMin MIOM ciiicaoo ... tsa.on dt, loiji ... OMAIU J8.00 kanuao city an. 00 ST, PAUL ... 2.0Q IHOM OTHI1 OITKI OOHNtrOHUIN(il IIIW (lilnul.t funMnm WKNT-IIOI'NIIniil. Inn jlmif mil li (irviwlil I10111 nnv i.nlut. It mi ttuvM frltiU or ii.kIIvi4m in tl,., Kant wliti ill kirn In "OH Mink In llin I'lirin," toil fun ik'iin.ll llin fuin wllli )"iir Inuiil nui'iiL uml u tlikil will Im lull urulii'il iniin, mlilnwii ill hlrii'l. 1((i'll"ii llni umli'ialiiiiiiil nruiMMl In .triKtlnilli.raiciiiiiii.unil Jiui. KM m. scorr, ctntrti Umw ti, wm, mm B r" V 7 ZjT Construction Co. j uml (Vibent lliiilu Tito I'mrici ""' """ , i l,,,mo Connoctlons j M'"' , tm "f' - " j ' 'r, century under tho sumo BACKTO'THE FARM '4