Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    '" W7-W'7?fflnW$
IJineM I.iiiikIiw Iiiih boon appointed
ii deputy liy Ahmohkoi' ( J i-1 i v mill will
bo on iltily In tli HOtitliwi'HitM'ii purl
(if Ilin comity .
Illlll Kfltllll, Willi llllM Illicit ut AhIi-
ImihI vIhIIIiik ri'lntlVDM, Iiiih rolurncd,
fully reiovi.rod from IiIh lulu. IIIiichh.
V UllltriU'll 1IXCH, ItlllVOH, HOlHHOrH,
nawa iiml lawn mowuni. J. W.
Mitchell, SU H. ItlvnrulilK.
(?. I,. Ciiri', who Im dovolopliiK n
liromloliiK mini' In Knot ereeli iIIk
tllitl, wiim licrc Hiiluriliiy.
Wlbion, '1 10 uiurcl Ht., for flint-
ClllNM ItOtlllU rillllllllllKH. 1!0
M, M Wi'li'li In over from Kipuiw
1l( on IiiihIiickm In Hid circuit I'onri.
.Iiim( n'iw Ih Dm Hunt (o have your
r 1 1 k m mill nil hind of driipi'ili'M
I'mnch ilry cleaned. I'milorliiui. 7
Duvhl I. Inn, who ban liimn under
tl'KuUiii'Ul for mumr hv Huuili l)n
Kotti npi'i hillm, U cxpecti'il to rut u in
liitforo Ioiik. I'liiircly cured.
HomvtliliiK now, "Urnpo Purple,"
n't McIowU'h.
Don ('luneron. who In iitlcliilliiK
Hdliool nt Oakland, t'al . nrilved here
Wcdunmlnv lo xpi'iitl liU vacation nl
Fancy brink. Ice nrctun tit Mellow
id IV
J. WlUon of AhIiIhiuI Hp.'iil
Hiiliirilny In Mi-dforil on .mwl iim.
H, A. NowmII. Inillt'it' tailor, 4th
floor M. I', ti. II. (Jo. Miln.
f'hnrlo Nickel of Merlin wiu In
Medford on huMm-HM mveil honrri
Iloinii Imklni: InnriH'M nerved nppo.
nit.. K. I'. ili.iol. I'liniii. Moll -4 it 7 U .
Home 273-1..
.Mr ami Mm K.lxnr I Infer have
returned frntii a vImIi to Han I'ran
cIki'o. Lnitlxn, nave your nulla iiiiulo liy n
tailor who known how, llorlln, Cen
tral Point. !
II. I". Ileiiderunn of Trail U In Mod
fonl on a nhort biiNlnoM trip.
0. II. Johnnon of Oram I'aiw Ik
vIhUIiik .Medford.
l(oun nro a Npcclulty with II. I).
I'ntloMou, tiurworyinnn. Ninth hotel.
.Mm. Kllhor ami dntiKhter ami
their KiH'Mtn, Dr. ami .Mm. (Jllni.'.v, of
Texan, uncut Thnmilay with Dr. anil
Mr. Mack at their orchard home.
"(Jraml Vlef."
Hour. D'AiiJoii ami ltartlctt penra.
Flmt-claNH trm, nml don't liny from
mi) one, Iiitku or munll oritur until
you nut ami I'M novo you inonoy.
II. II. Pnttemon, Quaker tiuniory-
tuan, Naxh hotel lohhy.
Mr. ami .Mm David tinrrclt. of
Marietta. Ohio, ami Mm lidiniindH or
tin wiuie place, arrived In Med ford
Friday evenlnic and will vlnlt here
with Mr. anil Mm It. K Sutton and
Mr. and Mm. Henrc F Klux
K. I). Wenton, cnuiiuerrlal pliotoK
rnpher, m.KatlveH lnade any Mum or
plnre liy appointment. I'hone M. 1471
Mr. and Mm. 0. D Lord of Park
Itlver, N. D.. arrived In Medford Fri
day (lVenliiK. Them' people are in
iiialutani'OM of Mr. ami Mm. .1 I)
Hell and Mr. and Mm. V. .1 Hut
IiIiIko, of thin cilly. Mr. Lord U prenl
dent of the National hank of Park
l.adleH tuariulHi!tto ami lliiKerle
wiiIhIh Freneh dry rleamul, I0n up.
Pnntorluiu. 7 ,
MIhh Dora Toft returned Friday
iiIkIU from n neveral umnt Iih" vlnlt to
her Hlitter In I .on Aum.lex.
Tho Medford CoiiHorvatory of Mil
hIo mid laiiKmir.eii Ih tint only mimic
nchool In Houtlieru Oiemtu with a full
rorpn of teacherH. (i. Talllamllor.
director. Hem! for catnlocuo.
Paul llnmuMi left Friday iiIkIiI ('
Alhany to vlHlt Mm. Hhiinoii, who Iiiih
lieon In thai city for the iiiihi hIv
weeka or two nioutliM.
I.iidlen' halH I'leaiied and lilocked
$1 up. Pautorluin. 7
Dr. and Mm. II. P. Ilarnravo ami
dniiKlilnr, MIhs (lertrmle. relurued
Friday nl;hl rrom u m.veral inontliH'
vlnlt In Hoiithern Callforulii.
Hen It. A. Unimex, Tho lunurniico
Man, ovor JiiekHon County lunik,
Mm. F. V. Carnalinn wiih In .laek
Honvlllo Tliumilay en route to Med
ford from tho Dim l.odmt.
Ilavlutr hnurJit n lot or conl nt a
low flRtiro wo aro cIohIiij; It out nt
a pilco at wliloli It In hound to no
within tho uoxt weok. Inqtilro of
IJada TrmiBfor Co. or J. W. MltchoU.
It (iv. Mr, UoiIkoh, tho ProHhytorlau
minister, linn lieon vnllod to Humplor,
Hnkor county, and proaohoH Ii Ih Intd
munioii In .laoliHonvlllo uoxt Buuday.
Hon! homo tnado brund ut Do Voo'i.
Mm. L. ICaton wiih nmoiiK her
Medford frloudH one day thin week.
Kodak flnltihiui,', tho hont, at Woa
tou'H, oppoHlto hook store.
tft; amr"MiM.lJ." Wefih, SfiV."Au
di'iHon, Mm. Tooiiiey, Mm. F. F
Cooper. MImm PiirkH, MIhh llulller. Mr
Turrlll. II. 14. Trovlllo, .1. I. Clltio.
Win. (.'limnhoiM mid II. I!. Iledford
were ainMiK the Ceiitial Point people
who Hpeol Friday In Medford.
Mon'it lialH denned and blocked to
look like new ut Panlorluin. 7
The find lliree iiunihem lifter !
o'elnck will he three hIoih- free- al
the reKiilar Hnlunlny iiIkIU Nat
diiui'e, 7
Col. It. ('. Wmllhliril of Tallin
Itock Ih Mpetidlnx a Tow day III Med
ford. (MmrloH Dlxou of Amlilnnil Ih In
Meilrord for a fw ilnyn vlnlt with IiIh
hoii, W. I,. Dixon.
Carkln &. Taylor (John II. Cnrkln,
(lliinn (). Taylor), allot imyn-aMaw.
over .lack hoii County Hank Inilldltu;.
. F. Turner, fornierly Hecreiary
of tho Paelfle A Uantein, who ha
lariie fill i-t In Medford, arrived
Hat unlay for a vlnlt hen.
W. It. Allen of Khiiih valley npeiit
Huturday In Medford on hiiHliieM.
The flrnt llltee II II III I 1 M lifter il
o'clock will he lliree ntoi--ri ut
the regular Huturday iiIkIU Nat
dance. "
Mm. .1. A. McDoiixiiH tittil three
roiin, .lay. FiiiiicIh mid Harry, of CHI
man, Col., arrived In Medford Friday
eveiilnit and are f;iiHln at Hotel Med
foul. Min .McDoiikiiII In very much
ImproftHod with Medford and Itomie
rlvnr valley ami may decide in make
.Med fold her future home.
Hl.ntliiK tonlnht Nat link. 7
The Klamath I'iiIU CiMiiiiienliil
chili Im crimildeiliiK a plan to Htatlon
a leprenenlallve ft I Medford whone
duty It will he to point out adwtn
titKCM of Hie Iv In inn t It country.
At Nat toiiU;lit. Iient conducted
dance on the count, fine.! rioor, ex
cellent lllllklc. 7
('. .1. Tllltrell llHH lelltriieil lo
Yreka after a vlnlt here.
.M 1km Hohertn, or Medford. Iiiih heen
appointed Hitierliitemlent of the turn
plial al K'laiualh Faltn.
SkatliiK loulKht Nat rink. 7
Mr. ami Mm. Fred UkkoII will
leave In two weekn for an extended
vinil In Nova .Scot In.
Mr. and Mm. J. C. IVmllutmi were
In Frltljy rrom their Tahle Itock
.1. (). (flhxon or OrnutH PaHM npeut
Friday In Medford.
K. J. Crawford of Talent wiih a
recent vlNltor In tho city.
(. YV. Kearnn, a well known hmtl
ik'hh man of (irantH Pami, wan a re
cent .Medford vlnllor.
U It. Hllunon and F. T. Wrlnht
innii of Halem arc vIkIHiik Medford.
At .Vat toulKht, liiiht contliicted
ttniico on the ronnt, flueitt floor, ex
cellent munlc. 7
C. O. Dlckoy of Central Point hpent
Saturday In Medfonl on a Hhort IhihI
mmn trip.
Horace t). Mitchell or AnIiIiiihI wan
a rereut vlnltor In .Medford.
Hermann Orfonhachcr, one of the
well known rancher of the Apple
Kate Heel Ion. Ih vlHltliiK Medford.
Dnjr Dion 0371
Might VUoaiil r, W. Witkn 8071
A, . Orr, 3091
lot Itiriliuau, a Nevada pro-puctor
who eiinic lo t tt Ik miniiiK ili-tiict lat
lull, is rcpoilctl lo luiVf imitle u ricli
ctrike on WilMiu ercck, in the Kteum
limit country, uneoveriuir u pocket
rupoi'U'il to he worth over $111110.
N'cwh of the tlicovcrv wn- lirouxlil
lo MciU'oril Sntuitlav liy Loiiin Wil-liiim-
wlm iiH'ih n iiumlicr nl cliiiim
in Hint iicluhhiirliiMMl.
Williiiins iinlcs that n- m.oii ii-
Itiiiliuiiu cl. 'iiiih ii he lolemls to vi-il i.. ...i.i.i..... i.. tl... I... i
,lt III .! II. Ill I' III.' .l. l. I
I he in -,inl lo Iiiixc Incalcil u rich vein.
J. U. Ti'ikkit wlto resides on rpp'
l'.vnus creek is umlcrnoinif tiynlmout
in lliis eily I'or serious injuricw. sns
liiiiied Friilny nriernoon on ltos
l.iiuo when Ium team liccumo t'ihton
cd nl a purine; nnloiuohile nml run
nwuy. fr. Trinncr was liurlcd from
Hut rij nml Ktruck on Ihc hack of
Iuh hcnil. For homo Itino ho was mi
coiiKciourt nml may not recover.
The pnrlies in the iiulomoliilc did
mil tnri'v ou lu Hccne hut ilisnp.
pi'iu'cil down (lie mini. Thorn ih no
duo ns to their identity.
According In Sum L l.umh'.v the
leuiporur.v finhwny nl I lie Anient (linn
Iiiih heeu oomileloil nml finli ure
iiKiiiu uhocii(Iui the river. This hnN
dec is expected lo hIiiiuI until the per
inuiient Imlilur is btiill.
Waller II. Crane of Navne Creek
I'Viilnv l"-l two very aliiuhfe li(iri'H
in a lire ulinli ili't-ii'ivi'd hi- hurii
neeiiriliiit; I" ie"iU rciieliin thin
oily Hnliinlay. I'nrticiiliii'H ore luel;
iuk'i 'ml ft in -tilled Hint the linni
I'liiixhi file frmn a pile of hIiikIiIiiui,
nml hcfoii' Mr. Crime eould net (he
liorf(H were lieinnicil in.
.Mr. Criino eniiie lo thin ncelion ti
few mnutliM nun from IiIhIio, lirinxinx
Hie horc with hjm. It 1m nuid that
Ihev were of -pleniliil Hloeii nml very
At the Churches
County Surveyor.
1 ti in a cmidldato for (ho repub
lican iioinliKtilt.ti for county nurveyor.
Hiihject lo the primary election In
If elected 1 will perforin tho dutlim
of the office with the yntom and ahil-
lly that my credentials of former or-
ptirleiice and my private work of the
pant three yearn In HiIk county credit
me with.
CopltM of lelleiM teceutly Hfilt lo
the county clerk and court, and now
In my ponninlon, reKurdiiiK my ahll
liy and pant experience, may lie had
liy any voter roiuoHiii; tho name.
Medfonl. Ore., Nov. 7. 1 9 11. --Thin
hi to citify that ahoiil November my
daiiKhtcr wan taken with a severe at
tack or rjieiiniatlMiu which rendered
her left arm mieletM, In fact It wiih no
near paralyzed that xhe wiih not utile
to move her fliiKom, hut knowing of
Home or Dr. Chnw Vouur.'M marvelous
eureit or long HtandltiK canen of
rheuinatlHiu, wo decided to coiiHiilt
him, In which I am idenned to way
made no iiiUtnke, iih IiIh remedlcH
acted an he claimed they would nml
after tlio third treatment tho rheu
matic pain entirely left her and ttliu
linn not had any aymptotnH or rheu
mnllHin Hlnce; boKldeu her (;enornl
health Ih much Improved ami I do not
hoHltnto In tmyltiK I bellevo thono
afflicted with rheumatlHtn or pnraly
hIh will do well to cotiHult Dr. Chow
Youiik. whone Iiouho Is corner of
Tenth and Front HtroetH, Medford,
OroKon. A. P. WKIS8. 15
2loii Ev. Lutheran Church
Hervicct nt i"'i Liilhcrno both
inoriiiiiK nml evciiiii'.'. Morning H(r
viee with (lennnil 'etimin nod Kn
HmIi nilln'K anil '"iitiruiiilnin ol
Caleeliiuueim lit II n. in Kveniri!;
Merviee in KiikHnIi at 7:'M) oVIoeli.
Sulijeel of neniinn, ".Ii-tm Anwc-.
Ihe Clreiilts." Huridnv .Ii.... (Kn.
linli) nt 10 u. ill. Horn.-.' Onn.1 Fri
day morning nt 1 0 : 1 -" oVl.e-k. Cone
nml woi'Mhi)),
WANTKD - Hxperlencod chocolate
dipper. -'. Kant Main.
FOK SAI.K-l.ot 50x100 on Clark
8t.. cheap. Phone Main 3721.
Home afta-l.. 11'
FOIt HAI.K-Noat three room shin-
Klml IiiiiikiiIow. want removed from
prenil. AcroHH from Snlder's
dairy. Wont Miiln nt. P. O. box 12 fi
FOR HALH 5 acroH It blockH troiu
llinltH, 2IU(i. IleiiHon.
FOIt SAI.IC-J.TOO down, balauno like
rent buys clnsHy .1 room modern
homo . UeiiHou.
FOIt ItlCNT-Wo rout Iiouhoh. Hon
hoii Inv. Co.. corner Main and Fir.
FOIt ICXCllANdKKxchaiiuea our
Hpeclalty. Henson luventment Co.,
corner Main and Fir.
FOIt HKNT--TWO completely fur
ulHheil modern hotiHekeepltiK roomx
llicludlnt; miH rani;e. close in. Ill
(iellDHCt) Hi.
FOIt SAI.Ii -DomeHtlc sowIiib inn
ehlno kooiI condition, only 5.
CiiihoIIuo Htove with even: chnlm,
table, beds and iiikh. cnrpetH, birds
and home made fruit. MuhI hiktI
Hce. Home phono 257-K. Hell
5701. 207 South Ivy. 0
FOIt SAI.F. Cniln hay at $1 1 per
ton at Inaae'ti ranch.
FOIt SAM-: Caterpillar kiisoIIiio
traction eimlne, road roller, roatl
Kinder, nearly new, tor lens than
half price, (lold Kay Itealty Co.,
litlt and Fir.
LOST A check book on the Central
Point hank, leather back, valuable
papcm, I.OHt In Medford P. O. lie
ward. Leave at Mull Tribune, S
At the Christian Church
"I'ropiiriliK I lie Vn" will In- the
oibjci't for the inoriimj. -cmmum. In
the evening, "Tempi" HumIiiii:." Uiblc
hcIiooI iiiccIm hi III ii. tn. Mi--ii.ii band
nt :$ .. m.. ('. K. nt li:P . in. Tcneh
ith meeting on jMndii eveniiiK.
Prayer ineutitisr ' Tlnir-diiv, mid
elioir pnietice on Friilny evening".
Come nml welcome. D. I). Ilo.vle,
Prcshytcrinn Church
I'alm Huniliiy ut the Presbylerinn
clllll'eh III II II. lit. Sunday, (lurid
mic-ie. I'renchini: at 7:'l'i p. in., ub
jeel. "Ho ,MH Inenii-e." ('. K. Ho
eielv nl d:.'IO p. in. Siimbiv -elux. I
nl 10 n. in. I'niyer unit in... nt 7::tO
p. m. Thiirsilny.
Special Palm Sunday Service
Medfnnl .Melliodi-I Kpiseopnl
elmreli, I',. Olin Klilriiljc. pntoi.
Service SlllldllV U Inline-.: I'i e.'icll-
iiiL' II ii. in.. 7I0 n. in. Sulijcetn,
morning, "('liriht' Knir Int.. ,leru-
xiilein." Kveiimg, "'flic (i real. "it
(JiicKtioti of Your a(i:" Sumlny
school 0:15 a. m., junior leaune choir
.'I p. m., Ilinvorlh I,eniic ttuW p. in.
I'niyer meeting fliur-Mlav evening S
ii'eloek, theme. "The Mmtiierliood Ke
Jigion." Kxcelloilt tnuie by ehoit
under direction ot C. N. Cludester.
Special feutun!, iin.niinir iiutliem.
"Come l,e IV Slllg Itefore the Iml."
Kveiiing, "The Holy City" by Mr.
Cumiadv. You nro cordially invited
to nil these pcrvien.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Sundnv morning service at 11
o'clock. Subject of Lesion-sermon:
"Henlity." YetlneMiny evening ineet
ing ut 8; nil are welcome. Sunday
school nt 10; all under twenty nre
invited. Heading mom hours; 'J lo
."i p. m. daily, except Sunday. Cluir.di
edifice, North Onkdnle.
Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev. Jos. Sliecrin, Hector.
I'nlm Silndav services; Holy eucli
urist 8 u. m., Sundnv school 111 a. .1.
Service, Indv coinraitnion and -enn n
1 1 u. in. The siuTntnent of holy bap-ti.-m
will he udminwtered immediate
ly after the proec-siotial. Krcnitig
prayer mmiiioii 7:10 p. in. All are wel
come. Come!
rile Cured In U to it Days.
Your drugKlftt will refund money It
PAZO OINTMKNT falls to euro any
enso of ItchliiR, Illlnd, nieodlng or
ProtrudlnB Piles In C to 14 days. 50c.
Are Held in Moose Hull every
Thursday nt 3 p. in. Everybody
Do you want your lawn put in
first class slinpoT All work
guaranteed. Leavo address with
II. IJ. I'nttersn, Qunkor Nursery,
Nash hotel.
WANTKD -lle.Mldenco or lot dope In
on paved street; miiHt ho a bargain.
Klalo location and price with tenon
In rtmt letter or no attention will
ho paid. AdilrcHH Uox M. I)., Mall
Tribune. 10
w7io"wANTS to farm I acres on
shares? Will furnish Heed. Mm.
Carey. Phono 1712. II
FOK SALK Hlaek Minorca, nlHO
Fawn India U minor duck okk et
Hiikh: flue seed corn. Phono
S05-F.5, 0
FOK SALK Two lots 50x140, Iiouho
mid barn. Call on or nddresR K
I'J. Wllnoii al the M. F. & H, Co.
WANTKD- Mechanical engineer wish
ob employment, Htatlouary plant
preferred. Kxperleuced refrlgerat
liiK man. Address H. P., Mall Trib
une. , 8
Weak ami miserable It you have
Kidney or Hladdor troublo, dull head
pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains
In tho buck, and feol tired all over,
got a package of Mothor Gray's AUO.
MATIO LKAF, tho ploasant horb
euro. It novor rails, Wo linvo mtiny
testtiuoulala from grateful pcoplo
who linvo used this wondorful rom
edy, Ah a regulator It ban no oqunl,
AbU for Mother Qray's AvonuitlcLeaf
ut druggists or sout by mall for 50
ets. Bnmplo FHWK. Address, Tho
Mother Gray Co., LoKoy, N. Y,
mggSpi. j mmmrmssCjmJM'
All Over the Map
It's bad for your car to
mix or to keep changing
your oil.
Yon can never be sure
just Avliat lubrication you
are Retting.
Experienced motorists
nil over the country use
olarine oil.
It is the national auto
mobile oil.
It's not only that motorists
know l'oliirinc is the best auto
mobile oil produced.
They know, tots they can get
it wherever they go.
PuUrhio is carbon
proof, uiul gives the
fllllt'ht lubrication
miller all conditions
of weather, road,
mid nmko of motor.
.iHur Ihtfljt Piilurln
can lull flit In A (
o f kuniy lu uirrt akutg
Doltri tvtrywhtr. or
wrle im unyagfmy aflht
Standard Oil Company
N' JCiU LT. -
rcipilrcH cni-eful tliouglit nml the proKr ronfldenro In n firm
to warrant nlwolutn wilNfnctlon. To noto tho projMT com
parison you mutt Inspect tliem from ft laro anil well w;lecteil
utock, hiicIi rh I am able to hIiow. In this way you becomo
tlioroiiKlily familiar with values nml feel assured of Rafo nml
ccouoiiilcnl Ijii) Inn tliroouli my binding guarantee.
V I x i: W A T (' II A X I)
JKWKIiltV ItKI'AlltlVf;
Medford, Oregon
Martin J. Reddy
The Jeweler
Near Postoffico
Ladies Tailerin:
Sam A. Newell, the ladies' tailor,
begs to inform the ladies of Med
ford that he is now in a position to
take orders for all kinds of fancy
dresses, gowns, suits and coats which
are made by experienced tailors here
in our own work rooms. Fit guar
anteed. Ask that well-dressed lady
who made her suit.
Help Medford by having your
your work done here.
Room 422 M. F. & H. Bldg.
We Have a Full Line of
Madza Lamps
at the New Prices
25 Watt Lamps
40 Watt Lamps
60 Watt Lamps
100 Watt Lamps
150 Watt Lamps
250 Watt Lamps
Call us up for quick delivery
Southern Oregon Electrical
6 Heating Company
Pacific 4601
Home 124
29 N. Grape St.