Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r1 "
L. A. Orcory wnB In Grants Pass
for a few hours Wednesday.
Miss Pearl Itbss of Central Point
wiis n visitor In the city Wednesday
Halph HnrRoss, who has been In
Vancouver training with the Spokane
team,' returned Wednesday. Ralph
said that he found that he was pretty
llfilit for pitching for n year or two.
Just now 1h the time to have your
niB8 and all kinds of draperies
French dry cleaned. Pantorlum. "
We sharpen axes, luilvos, scissors,
saws and lawn mowers. J. V.
.Mitchell, 22 S. HIverside.
ToKRory Hill Is out for office.
Head announcement on page fi. 5
HurIi 11. Johnson, traveling pas
senRor nfiont for the Canadian Pa
cific, was In the city Wednesday on
William M. Kohnott of St. Louis,
Mo., Is In Medford looking after his
Interests here.
Wilson, 210 Laurel St., for first-
class kodak finishings. 20
Harry E. Foster has returned from
a business trip north.
Togpery Bill is out for office.
Head announcement on page C. .
Henry R. Broad of Williams creek
is spending several days In Medford.
Tom Osgood, engineer, reports
work progressing rapidly on the in
stallation of the new dam which will
supply Jacksonville with water.
Something new, "Grape Purple,"
at McDowell's.
James D. Anderson of the Apple
gate spent Thursday In Medford.
Ladles' marquisette and lingerie
waists French dry cleaned, 40c tip.
Pantorlum. " "
John W. Tarkor spent Thursday at
Ashland on business.
Emmett Ueoson of Talent, repub
lican candidate for sheriff, spent
Wednesday hero looking after his
J. M. Sanders of Foots creek is in
Medford for a few days. Mr. San
ders is the owner of several placer
claims on the creek.
The Medford Conservatory of Mu
sic and languages is the only music
echool In southern Oregon with a iull
corps of teachers. G. Talllandler.
director. Send for catalogue.
M. L. Johnson of Woodvllle was
a recent visitor In this city.
Toggery Dili Is out for office.
Read announcement on page C. 5
Work Is progressing rapidly on
the construction- of- the additional
cluster light poles on West Main
street. Within another week the
lights will probably be burning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolklns of Elk
hart, Ind., who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin of this
city, havo left for the north.
J. E. Iceman of Klamath Falls Is
spending a few days in Medford on
Ladles' hats cleaned and blocked
$1 up. Pantorlum. "
Dogcatcher Cady has Issued over
HO dog licensesduring the past two
days. After April 1 ho will round
up all the strays and after holding
them three days will dispose of them.
Soe It. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bank.
Arthur W. Clark liaB returned
from a business trip to Grants Pass.
T. M. Collins of Griffin creek was
In Medford Thursday on businoss.
J. W. Meyers of Grants Pass, a
member of the state board of bar
ber examiners, was In Medford
C W. Wilson of Sams valley spent
Thursday In Medford on business.
Kodrtk finishing, the best, at Wes
ton's, opposlto book store.
John E. Kaddy of San Francisco
Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. II.
Wilson, of West Medford.
C. Ct Clark was down from the Al
ton inlno, near Wolf Creek, on a bus
iness visit Wednesday.
Fred Thompson has returned from
an extensive trip through the east.
Harry B. Neff of Eugene la spend
ing a fow days in Medford on busi
ness. Mon's )mts cleaned and blocked to
look like new at Pantorlum. 7
J. M. Kilgore, of the Evans creek
country hns purchased an Ovorlund
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln,
Glonu O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Swcnulng
rotumed Wednosday evening from
"Los Angeles. C'a. Mrs. Swonnlng
has spent the winter In southern
A $-1500 bungalqw for $3500. 10
por cent off for cash. II. E, Gates,
22 Roso avouuu. 7
Petor M. Kershaw visited Evans
creek on Thursday,
t , -,.,. " ., . ssss
Say Pliont 0371
Xlght FUontsi r. W, Woeii 3071
A. S. Orr, 3S9I
Mr. nml Mrs. Walter A. Holnian of
Boston, Mobh., are visiting Mrs, W.
P. Lane mid son, E. L. Lane, at
Shadeland orchard, Central Point.
Having bought a lot of coal at a
low flguro we are closing It nut at
a prlco at which It is bound to go
within the next week. Inquire of
Ends Transfor Co. or J. W. Mitchell.
C. M. Kldd returned from a busi
ness trip north Thursday.
A $tfi00 bungalow for $3500. 10
por cent off for cash. 11. E. Gates,
22 Roso avenue. 7
W. K. Woatherbee of Grants Pass
Is In Medford spending n few days on
business. Ho Is Interested in mln-j
IK. j
Fancy brick Ico cream at McDow-l
B. T. Samuelson of Buncom Is vis
iting bis son Charles Samuelson in I
this city. '
S. A. Novell, ladles tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & H. Co. hldg.
H. A. Cannaday has announced his;
candidacy for Justice of the peace in
Home baking lunches served oppo
site S. P. depot. Phone Bell 4972.
Home 273-L.
Judge C, II. Watson of Ashland
was a recent Medford visitor.
The latest candidate for office is
Toggery Bill read his announce
ment on page G.
BenJ. M. Collins of Jacksonville
spent Thursday In Medford.
Ladles, nave your suits made by a
tailor who knows how. Berlin. Cen
tral Point. 9
Henry Lewis of Grants Pass spent
Thursday In Medford on business.
A $4,100 bungalow for" $3500. 10
per cent off for cash. H. E. Gates.
22 Roso avenue. "
W. 11. Baer of Beagle Is spendln?
a few days In Medford.
Roses are a specialty with II. B
Patterson, nurseryman. Nash hotel.
A. C. Hough of Grants Pass spent
Thursday In Medford on professional
Bosc, D'AnJou and Bartlett pears.
First-class trees, and don't buy from
anyone, large or small orders until
you see me and I'll savo you money.
II. B. Patterson. Quaker nursery
man, Nash hotel lobby.
J. D. Cass, who has been visiting
friends in Medford during the past
week, will return to Portland tonight.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M. 1471
B. B. Jackson of Trail is spending
a few days In Medford with friends.
Federal vacuum cleaner. Home
phono 26C-L. A. E. Mabee. 233 S.
Ivy street. 6
J. N. Newman of Gold Hill was a
recent Medford visitor.
The latest candidate for office is
Toggery Bill read his announce
ment on page C. (
Real home made bread at De Voe'i.
; ton island; mmwm
KOl'K ISLAND. 111.. March IKS.
With (100 uiilitiiiiiieii patrolling nil Hie
oil,v' trcet, Rock Maud is ipiiet to
day after two dny of political riotiny
inehulitu; nii( fntnlity, .-eriou'- injury
to ninny, two of wliom tuny lio. tiiul
nn attempt to iwtit.oimtc Mayor
Seliriver. All Milium remain clo.od.
Siv urnM- have been nimle Iiv the
It i- feared (lint l-uMmttmuit iitfiiiiiM
Mavor Schriver, which U still rnn
niiiir IrijHi. mnv enue renewed riotinir
at mi.v time. hreh fuel wit added
to the iudijjnnlioit of the rioter hv
the mnvor'o action o callim: on the
rnvenior for tate troop.
Mil) ('IH)W.-.A arch 2S ' i e into
died republican I mop mutinied here
today mid en;,'!iu,otl in it o.iinivitl of
loolitu; mid slaughter m the Miitiw
quarter. It i IViui I I o Irotihlw nil!
-preml, nml tlinl fiuvi-m tu; lie
LOS AXOKLKS. Oil., March 28.
Following Mr, .lark Cuilu!i' teti
moiiy that ln believed Morri .1. Con
dory entered her Piiiiih'iiii home at
the instigation of oineone de-iriit': to
hnrn- her. n jury in the uperior
court here declared today it belief
that Condory i insane. Final dipo-
ition of hi ene will lie nindi late
todav by nu iniinity hoard.
Condory wn charged with attempt
ed burglary following hi alleged en
trance to Air. Cudahy' home in
r. i
Southern Indiana Teachers Meet
From all soutlous of the HUuUmrii
part of thin state tesiliers have ar
rived here In Inrjso number to at
tend the convention of the Southern
Indiana Teachers' nsnoclatloii. which
will be In session during the rest of
the week. Henry Lester Smith of
Bloomlugtoii will preside, and the
lint of speakers contains the names of
many noted men. ntnoiix them for
mer United States Senator Albert J
Beverldgo. United States Senator
Robert M. La Follette. President W
O. Thompson of the Ohio state mil
verslty, and ninny others.
'end euetiiblo -liiptiieiil, wilh ii mm
Milium chaiKo ol IvvcntNliu' rent-
) John Spai'KH who N to appear In
SAN' KKAN'ClSt'O. Mnnli JS. i this illy nn Thurmlav cvoiiIiik. March
Spuried to action hv ,i nn to , J 2s. Ik an iiulbor of lut.-nii.tlonal icp-
.... ., .,,,, ...I, o illation. An WiikIIh1iiiiii Iiv lilrtli
ol lice in the cit hull ol Kill idle men. I """ ' . , , .. ,, ... .... iu
RIHI Bll .MIK'llvHIl " Hiniini'ii. ' "
LANSING. Mich.. March 2S. A
resolution to submit woman suffrage
to the voters of Michigan in n con
stitutional amendment at the next
election was adopted In the house
here today by a vote of 7." to 19.
A similar resolution already has been
adopted by the senate.
The galleries of the legislature
were packed with women, and the
wildest excitement and cheering fol
lowed the announcement of the vote
in the house.
Memorial to Wade Hampton
CHARLESTON, S. t March 2S.
Aujmposlng moniimniii In memory
of General Wade Hampton, a gift to
the city of Charleston by tlio local
chapter of the Daughters of the Con
federacy, was nn veiled today, on the
ninety-fourth anniversary of the
birth of the distinguished South Car
olina soldier and statesman. The
monument occupies a conspicuous
site in Marion square. The unveiling
was accompanied with Interontlux but
modest ceremonies. Thu oration of
tho day was delivered by Dr. S. C.
Mitchell, president of the University
of South Carolina.
hettxiiitf lot work, Mnyor lumt
Kolpli IoiIh.v i" ptmuiiiiw nml
ineniH to enre lor Smi 1'hiiiclsooV
nruiv of 10,01)0 iiuemplou'il.
The police utti muted to prevent the
hodv fiotn euttiriiiK tii) city hull, Imt
after the mnyor iHttl'ttnil qf thetr pli
enee he onlernl litem H4w(trtl to the
iiiervior.' room, wheiv he heard
their coiupluiutrt,
"We want n place lo ileep." I lie
pokcninii uul. "We vvmit to cut
three meal a daw Alt we wnut
work, hut particularly ti phicu to
lcep ami cat. l'nle we receive im
mediate relief moiiicImmIv i aoiiu; to
ilffcr rilluiieiiilly. There will lie on
violence, hut we are muiiy to enl.'
known on two coutlneutnH mi an
thur wliiioo liookH on welntoKlcnl "X1'
JeetH Hi'e (litfil mill Hiithoiltnllvc
Probably tlio IiomI known mid moil
popular of Mr. Xnno' workn are.
'Th llllter Cry of tho t'hlldr-ii" mill
"The Life nf Kitrl Mr." nlthiniitli
hn In the author or 12 nthei olomc
nlmiMt hm well kimwii hm llu(w two.
Mr. Hpamn b one of dm Kiml ora
tor of Him pretieiit day. lie la it iiuin
or liitMiiM convict loim. burn of put
found ntuily and wide hiiinrtdnt of
men mid Mffalr. Ilo t;uow how lo
picseut !it iummmik l nek H way
that lie holtln tho lutt)ret of overy
IndlYldual who IU under Hie muuII
, or tint lUAHtuetle pemiiiinllty.
Medford Printing company carry n
full lino of legal blanks.
V. H. Hermann of lower Rogue
river is visiting friends in Medford.
Mr. Hermann Is displaying some very
fine nuggets.
See A. K. Ware, room 19 Jackson
County Bank building, for all tho
information about Pacific Mutual
Life or Accident Insurance. G
W. C. Craue of Eagle Point spent
Thursday in Medford on business.
The latest candidate for office Is
Toggery Bill read his announce
ment on page 0. 5
Mr. and Mr. William Von der
Hellen of Eagle Point visited Med
ford Wednesday.
Medford, Ore., Nov. 7. 1911. This
Is to certify that about November my
daughter was taken with a severe at
tack of rheumatism which rendered
her deft arm useless, In fact It was so
near paralyzed that she was not able
to move her fingers, but knowing of
some of Dr. Chow Young's marvelous
cures of long standing cases of
rheumatism, we decided to consult
him, In which I am pleased to say
made no mistake, as his remedies
acted as ho claimed they would and
after the third treatment tho rheu
matic pain entirely left her and sbo
httB not had any symptoms of rheu
matism since; besides her general
health Is much improved and I do not
hesitate In saying I bellevo those
afflicted with rheumatism or paraly
sis will do well to consult Dr. Chow
Young, whoso house Is corner of
Tenth and Front streets, Medford,
Oregon. A. P. WEISS. 15
A nuiuher of 1'riendH met ni the
home of I). S,. Yjo1h mid wife :il
Highland Park, March 27, to itttcqd
thu wedding of their daughter Lillian
May Woods (p Kli Adams. The cere
mony wns performed by Huv. J, W.
Shurpo of this city.
Tho partnership heretofore exist
ing between J. C. Barnes and Wm.
C, Murphy and known n tho firm
name of Barnes & Murphy has this
day been dissolved, March 27, 1912.
All outstanding accounts should
cither be mailed or presented at once
to either Barnes or Murphy.
Legal blanks at tho Medford Print
ing company.
NEW YORK, March 3. Tho
grand Jury which has been conduct
ing an Investigation Into an alleged
conspiracy to "railroad" Foulko E.
Brandt, former valet to Mortimer L.
Schlff, refused today to return any
indictments in the case.
Brandt contended that he was
glven'a 30 year sentence in Sing Sing
on a "trumped up charge of larceny
to shield a woman member of the
Schlff household." He has served
five years in the penitentiary.
No effort lias been made to locate
Mrs. Kleanor Hoyt Hiehborn, wife
of Philip Ilichhorn, or Attorney Ilor
nee Wylie of WtiMhiiiKton, with whom
.she is alleged to have eloped. It in
sup(K)Kci that the pair are living on
an ihland near Monte Curio.
Mrs. Mirrtha I'enrsull, sihtcr of
Ilichhorn, nt whose home he commit
ted suicide, is prostrated. Friends
are arranging today for the funeral.
' " " ' " f '
"Got My Sore Foot
in It Right 1--TIZ"
"A TIZ Until, .My Buy, ii TIZ Until!
Von Can't Beat It for Sore Feet,
1'imiH nml Bunions!"
Is this man a tender-foot? No. He
Is a Joy-walker one who uses TIZ
and gets from the feet n happiness
ono never felt beforn.
"Sir I I U.. TIZ
T.1UV Ttm for
LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 28.-
Clara Cltalcz, 107 years of ago, last
of the San Juan Cnplstrano Mission
Indians, la dead at her home in I-os
Angeles. Her funeral will bo held
tomorrow In the old Plaza church.
feveral stones of which sho laid when
a girl.
LITTLE HOOK, Ark., March 28.-
Primary return received show that
the democrats have elected Congress
man Joseph Robinson of the Sixth
district as Jheir standard hearer for
Governor by 1,000 plurality. Senator
JcJT Davis i Idling in flic nice I'm
thu United States senate.
WANTED To hear from parties go
Ing'to-Los Angeles on or before
Juno 1st wishing to share car or
moving household goods. Call
Home phone 137-L evenings or
Sundays, or address C 142, Mall
Tribune. Ii
FOR RENT Largo garden lot. best
nf sol), cheap; 2 room house. 838
Bennett avo. 10
WANTED To rent until Nov. 1st,
furnished house or bungalow In
outskirts of town or In country.
Must havo barn or garage, at least
two bedrooms, bath, hot and cold
water. Address Box 10, Mall Trib
une, 11
WANTED Position
flood roferonces.
care Hotel Moore,
as chauffeur,
F, II. Boston,
When your feet are so tlrod they
feel like stumps, wheu they ache so
that they hurt way up to your heart
when you shamble your feet along
and It seems ns though all the mis
ery you ever had has settled In your
feet, look at the happy TIZ man in
the picture.
You ran be happy-footed Just tho
same. If you have corns nml bunions
that everybody seems to step on, Just
think of this happy TIZ man. Ho
had corns and bunions, too. This
man used TIZ, and now ho hns no
more tender, raw, chafed, bllBtored,
swollon, tired, smelly feet, corns, cal
louses or bunions.
As soon ns you put your feet In a
TIZ bath, you feel the happiness
soaking In. It's like mountain ozone
to lungs.
Nothing else but TIZ can glvo you
this happy foot feeling. Don't accept
any substitutes.
TIZ, an cents a box, sold every
where, or sent direct, on receipt of
price, by Walter Luther Dodge &. Co.,
Chicago, 111. Recommended by all
drug stores, department and general
Yes, You Can Grin
with satisfaction If wo havo euro of
your teeth, for they will look woll
and glvo you n comfortablo feollng.
We do nil kinds of Dontul wo.k In n
thoroughly professional manner and
yet; charge- most modestly for our
service. Children's teeth wo mako a
specialty of, Bring tho youngsters
hero so that wo muy mako tbolr
mouths look good, and feol good.
Adklim Block, Cor. Main und Control,
Both Phones,
I When Senator IIcvhiIiIkc of Hull'
FRUITGROWERS SECURE ,,,. lM(c hU (iimmiiw fluht ad-
L0WER EXPRESS RATES vmirwd child labor leuUlatlou ho
" i used Mr. HiMiruo's booh on The
OLY.M1MA. Wn.. March US. -A ic
torv lor the fruit u rower mid emiuerv
men of Vuhmv:ton i shown in the
muioiinccmciit tod.n li the Northern
F,.pres comp.nv thai it ha tnmli- n
Bitter t'iv of the Children" iim IiIh
Hiithoiity and the hlit of IiIm l'1'ia.
Mr. Simrno hpwNks III this ilt at
N'NtHturlmu mid Hiihtliutct lor
I'hmuii (Mark as the reitiiiluliiK fc-
cut of one-halt in the rule on r. t ' tuio of the IU1I Leeuiu unarm'
Scientific Eye Examinations
witiioi t nitrt.s on Pilot's
The old Mu'orv that ttn-li use Is a nicest' j In rom-cily iinunurliiK
refractive errors Is a fallacy long since exploded.
Let mo demonstrate to you th newer methods.
DR. RICKERT. Optometrist
Over Kent tier's, Mcilfonl
T am asking lor tlio KVpubliean nominal ion, ami if T
am elected I will make the office mean something.
All county work requiring engineering skill should w
done by the County Surveyor, and maps and other data
filed for future reference. 'Having made the surveys for
the adjudicating of Little Butte creek water rights and a
topographic map of a large portion of the Rogue Itiver
valley, besides other surveys, I am able to give first-hand
(Paid Advt.)
Hav, thine I it town In Southern
Oichoii whi'io the air nml i'tin,iv
vMiuld Inttlic Joint I) iclluli mi iai
Iiik limine Miiuhvleli.
Grants Pass,
And lt'n a wood llvo town too.
Air ami Kronen urn not all Hio
town liiiimlH of. It'" tho innlcr of
u rich iiiIiiIuk dlntrlrt: Hio feinlm
for uIkIH '!' '''i' kiwiim In i lit lm
inmllHto vlilnlt A MinilHtloit of
Minn every one liiiimter for
Southern OreRini, mid tliiinlK Pm
imttlmlmly. Then lliy havo In
OimiiM I'tmN a hotel'
"The Josephine"
Old v u over i oat-It mi oimU In
tin dotn"'; ono of thino plaecN
where ou really tmlt Where, no
matter Imw lnmy jou have been or
bow tlrml von tiro, n you pHrlnk"
of i In- teiidui- uiMtttM and chuli-e
vrtKutnhle (from a xiuilcu) ou
ate iiiicoiiHclouMly curried hack to
childhood iu. nml your Ihoiixhtn
turn to mother? It 'm the cat, my
lio . nml then when ou no to
Nleep hut wIihI'i the lliC?
lt' ii "Mctschnn" Hotel
I h ii t that niuiURh?
You surely will nmke trmelers
KrMtoful by ImpriHiHliiK upon tlixiu
Oram I'lim. mid that Tho hotel In
thn ,li)e'hue
A Klamath
100 ncri'H, 12 mllcrt entt of Klmnnlh
I'iiIIn, on main road to Lakeview.
About b't itcreH will u under tht K"v
iiriiuiuut ditch and can ho irrigated,
riun nlfulfn or 1,'nnlmi land. An
ahtiuiluucu of frmi ouliiili' ranch. One
of tint licit proKmi(iuiw thern in In
that Ncetiou for a iiuin who hiiIm to
ciiKiiK" i' the nIii-cp lniitii'Ki, I. neat
cil ju-t rtt,'ht for a towiinilo wti"ii
the railroad i Imilt from Khtmni!i
Knllrt to Ijikuview. I'neo $.10 per
aero. Will exchmij;" for alodford
ViiiLI!L,"M,"'ry projiorty.
W, T- York (2b Co.
iiiiiimjiaiiaj' in ;i MBraiiBHiHuiHrii -
-:-'- We're udding the Coast
to the tisnbgisui-llMG nmp
The shooting season of 1912 will add "a brand new
slice of territory to the sales field for'
Remington-UMC i Eastern i Factory-Loaded Shell
RgmlngtMsUMC Arrow and Nitro Club Smokeless
Steel Lined factory loads hold an equalled record
at the eastern traps; New Club (black powder)
factory loads are as staple as flour or sugar.
The records behind these shells are guarantee of
sales and a vigorous sales-producing advertising
campaign in the leading mediums of the coast in
sures a quick turn-over ready profits.
Write your jobber to-day .JSffir
J&mtogtQfi'UMC--Lhc perfect shooting combination
Remington Arms - Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
299 Broadway New York City