"Hv Hall Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I'nlr (anight. Light frotf. Miiv. (10, Mln. it'.!. I in It hi riiml i in linlU H. . il V. ill MI3DJ70RD, OMWOtf, WIODN'KSDA V, MAKCII 27, 1912. No. 'I. SHALL MEDFORD THE BLUE L K BUILD A RAILROAD i 13 CALLED FOR MONDAY EVE Citizens to Discuss Possibility of Btilldlnu Railroad to Mine Towue, Owner of Properly, Promises to Start Operations If Road Is Built. Means Bin Payroll and Steady Work for Several Hundred Men Prom ises 2000 Tons Minimum Output. UuitliPM man and eMmim of Med fonl httvo called mux muotluic for Monday pvomIhk next hi Uio .Mmirord thanler to illm'UM (ho promotion of a railroad to tho llltiu I.mIk copper mliio, 30 mill MHitliwiwi of Mud ford. AwurHttcoH Imvn littMt received from Hobi. S. Towuo tliui ho w f ll m one cnwl m iMrno enuroninillUK plant at the ttilt mill npernto with i Jnrno payroll, prurldm! wieh n railroad In built. Hond buyer greo to flimuro Uio project. troviilltiK h few mile of railroad r firm coimtriieled. Way ami tiifwiiH to nfriiiM tlin fiuiilK for construction work will bo ill. ctHwod at Uto meeting, TIu following wire Imvo heen re ceived by Dr. .1. F Roddy, who nold tho IIIiih I(Ibi in Mr. Tiiwim. from lliii Intlor Hi Now Ynik: New York. March 10. We it r littunwtiiit h;i linviiig ioil liijiliV JtFlly'F(!'Vminii w-hnHi' Ik llkoly w might ilo If m adeptee: coiii.'OMtriUldii mill uhlpmetit of prod ui't. Tbl woiilil bu 2000 toiiM pr maiilli win! upwards. Whnl freight Tfilo Id .Mdford could ho iiimiIu on UlHl IoiiuhkoT If ml" low ohoiikIi, lllVltlRHttO might Hlllipt Hint tliluk It unit likely tlmt on fnrtlur plan mid oroct plant for wunn by dull ou mntv. ItOHT. H. TOWNK. New York. Mai eh 111. If you can proiuoto tho IiiiIIiIIiik of UlO rod I think there l no doiiht wo will opomto thu mine. I do not fool like HiilworllihiK for Mtoek or hands. Our luvoiitnient In iiiIiiIok Mild uiotnllumlcal plant would be IkI'ho. ilopo you will tuireeil. UOIIT. H. TOW NIC. Now York, Oei-eniber SI, ISMl. Door Mr. Itmldy: I buvo your fit vor of Ont'onilier II. I nuree with ynu It Ik lii(nrmtliiK Unit tho Suutli eru I'uulflt! ho (avornbly ImpienHeil with IlileienlH of IiiiIIiIIiik a load io ward' or piiHl tho llluo l.mlwe. The proimrty Iium w lamo tiniiiime of me dovolopHil. I think It ran nnfely he eillluil upWHrdu of X00.0IMI toilH. The outlook for KM further duvolopuiuut Ih kooiI, I do not tako any very hi the lutoroit at UiIm tlnio In tryhiK to put tluiL biiforo tliemi puoplo inyxolf. Tliiiio U no ohjiiitlou to your hIiiUiik whalovin you euro to, howuvor, In the mutter. Yoiiih truly, UOIIT TOWNW. HOCK ISLAND, III . March 27. With one (lend, onu dying, uluo In hiiMpltulH tleHporately wounded and lour otlioiH hurt iih a nwult of u Imt t lei bolwuun tho pollcu ami a mob liiliirlaled over local political dovel opmonlH, civil law U pracllcally huh pouilud lioro today. rlluto mllltluniuu uio imtrullhiK all Uio hU'oiiIh of tho city, and all mi Iooiih In Uio oorporato llmltu have liuon cluHOil. Kour compunluti of mil itia uio uiulor annti and four oUioch lire walling for u rail to tho kccuu or tho troulilo. Tho en tiro tdxth roHi mout Iihh boon oi'ilureil hero, Tho ilnUiiK beRiin iih Uio roault of a political flKht which Iihh liuon iiik Iiik foe a month between Harry (Continued on J'ayo 0.) IETH6 Il DTiNG RESULTS IN MARTIAL LI . IT ROCK ISLAND TARIFF BOARD BRITAIN'S IS DENOUNCED COAL STRIKE V, I BY DEMOCRATS NEARING END Theory and Methods of Tail's Put Scheme Declared Erroneous and Untenable Voluminous Report on Introduction of Wool Dill. Analysis of Board's Flndiiis Failed to Reveal Anything That Requires n Single Change in Measure. WA8IUNCJTON. I), ('., March 27. - UoiioiiHrluu ilit theory ami moth od of Uio tariff board aa "urrHiiooiiK mill untenable." tho democrat or tlm homo ways hihI menu committee to day filed with tho Iiouku u voluin luoii repoil on tho Introduction of tho Under ood wool Mil. vetoed by tho pionlilciit hod. miiuinor. Tho commit 1h declare tlmt tho tariff board nm absolutely no nm oim for cIihiiki In tho hill inhmkhI In it yHr. After reviewing tlm pnwl doiil'a oto, tho committor votrd (ho roport on tho oiIkIiihI bill tlnU It "would h trifling with tho people to Klvo fitrthor consideration to ropub llcan couiuoIk of inoro delay." Tim coniiulttoo bun inndo it iiiroful analyala of the roport of tho tariff himrd In order to Interpret tho fluil Iiihh null to dluovor In whut part Icit lnr the ioiiiinllle'K hill of tho hint Mwlqii ' diffovtlve, tho roport Kiote: "Tli Ik mhhIjsiU Iihh fullml to revrtnl unytlibiK tliNt noiulnm n ln- Kin iIihiiho In tho nitiMi fixed In the rotoniltieo'a bill. "Aa nhouu In tho uiinlylK, the ilntu of tho report of tho tariff IhihiiIm Iihh found to bo dlffuae and imyileiiintlc and to proeut IiimIkiiH- I emit fltiilliiK. "Th theory of applying tariff du- Ilea Mct'iiriliiiK to (ho difference on tho coat of production In thin and fuielmi oniiutrlcn, upon which the hoard Iihh projoctod and prepared Km niport. It entirely errouooiiK and un teuahle. Tluwo peiHoim who are will Iiik to oserl(Mk tho luck of theoret ical Hoiimluc and of HtatlMtlcal ac urncy. will find tho data of tho re port too fiHKmentiiry and lucouipleto to admit of coiicIuhIoiim with refer ence to int.! of tariff duty. The re port leoveii the iiie(on of tho tailff ilulliw on wool mm much uuxolvcd iih lief ore the tmlff Umnl wiih formed." SENATOR TAYLOR OF TENNESSEE DYING WA.SIIINUTON. D. (' . March 27. -United Statex Senator Kohert Love Ta) lor of TouncHHec U reportod ilyhiK hero thlrt afternoon following an op oration for null utoiieM. For a time Heuator Twylor Hhowed Improvement, but ho xufforeil a relapno today and Ih uiicoiihcIouk. SECOND 6RAND Gold Hill Parties Try to Secure In dictment of Former Commissioner Davis No Irregularities Found hy Prohcrs, After a two days' huhhIoii, tho now i;nind Jury TucKilay afternoon ro portod to tho court that It had found no ItTOKUlnritlcK and no Knift In county court tranuactlouH, and ad journed until tho AiiKUMt tdtlliiK. biivlui; returned ono luillctmeut, This Ih tho Hocond iwaud Jury to oxoner ato' tho county court. An effort wiir madu by Gold 1 1 111 part lea to nomiro tho ludlutmoiit of (loo, L, DuvIh, former county com mlHHlouor, who whh iicoiikoiI of hav Ini; pui'chiiHeil county warrants at Ichh than juir while an official of tho county, .loo Ileumau and Lou Har bor of Quid Hill toBtlfled that Mr. Davis had cauhud huhiII warranto for them at DO coats on tho dollar, Mr. Davis toatiried Unit nclthei' thy Farm ors & FrultBroworu hunk, nor ho Coal Mine Operators Unanimously Accept Terms Specified In Mini mum Wane Bill Miners Hold Ref erendum Ballot on the Bill. j All England Rejoicing Over the Pro liahlllly of Strike's Termination Conservatives Support Measure, LONDON, Mntfli '.T.Tlio coal nihie oiioi'Hlot, in eonfoioiU'O licio to day at which overy hij iniiiu in thu eoiiiilrv wn lepieneultul unniiiiiioiwly iiueuptt'il (ho terms iuii1utl In Ibtt miiiitnuui WHite hill, now jR'iiilin in pnrlittiiu'ut. The miiieix lire holding a lefereuiluiu bullet to detoiiuiiie whether to neuupt the hill mid il in nApeeled they will not favorably, thu biiinciiiK one of tho crualot imlustrinl xlniKKioh in youiH to n elose. LONDON, March J7. -All Kiifeliiml is rejoieinK toilay over the probability of the hi,' ininers' strike tenninatiii; before the itul of the week. Thu Miil den turn in affnii is due to the ef fort!, of .1. It. Mell.uuilil, lender of the iiniKorviiiii hihorilen in the Iioum of eouiuioitP. who tliis nioruin aiiilrei-hcil a ineetiutr of tlie Mityrg' Fcdoration, pleailiuir with the men to noccpt the minimum wage hill now pending in parliauieiit. The lioin-M of lonl is evpeetcil to pah, the minimum wne hill before adjourninent today. It probably will be approved by Kinj: Oeoie tomor row. In the event of the miners rejeetin .MueDoiialil'M MtirKt'otion, the govern ment will head troops to protect the collieiien if the owner ileciile to re Hume openttioiix. They wilt ho in lructed to pivteet utrikobtenkcr, at all haxHtdh. The operator contend that the Miner' I'Vileratiou is mi the vorir of collapse, hut the miner iusUt they couio couiinite die suikc nir an m ilcfimto period. WEALTHY PRISONER OBJECTS TO PKOTO OAKLAND. Till., Mnrch 127. In vcMiyiiliuii it. Iioiiij; made today at thu iiiftlisinlioit of I'robidcnt Tat'l into the phntoxrnphiuj; of S. C. Lillis-, u feilerul prinonor Mirviiif; hix inonthh i.i the Alanieila county jail for unlaw fully fencing public lands. lllis is u wonlthy Ktochmaii who was couviuteil in Krcsuo four years JURY REPORTS FINDING i GRAFT himself, had purchased any county warrants below par. Ho stated that several of tho bank's customeiB had left money at thu hank for the pur chase of warrants, and In a few Itt M uncus tho hank, as a matter of ac commodation, hud acted as tiKont for those pei-Houu la buying a email amount of warrants, Kormer Hoadinaater Harmon, among other witnesses appeared ho foro tho Jurors hut acausiitloiiu wore found unsupported hy evidence and tho grand Jury filed (ho following ropert: "We, your grand Jury, convened yesterday, thu 2 Ith Instant, having disposed of whatever business came boforo us, ami kuovylng of no further duties at hand awaiting us, beg leave to submit tho following repert: "Wo have roturnod ono Indict ment, "Wo have oxaiuliied Bovoral wit uoBBOB who testified concerning thu county court affairs not touched upon hy tho previous grand Jury, and so far as tho ovldeuoj boforo us shows thtM'o has boon no fraud or graft on ...t Kai? T FHOM COALMINE WICLCII, W. Vu., March L'7. -Thir-ty-hi. bodies wero recovered toilay from the mine uf the United State Coal mid Coke company, wliieh whs wroeked hy a p. explosion. Thirty other corpses Iihvo heon located in the shaft, iukI will be recovered thU. uf ternnon. Coroner Mct'iilloiiKh of MeDowc'l county i inestif;uliii the eniise of (lie uMilohion. ap). lie arrived lit tho Alameda jail several weeks ae aftor fijjhliiu; coii ietiou since 1 UUS, nod was photo graphed at (he piisou. He lm.s now appealed to the president to force Sheriff Harnett to withdraw his pic ture from the piUen files nud to sur render thu plates nm prints to him. tho part of any of the county officials and bo fur as (lie grand jury nfecer talncd there sccins to have been the ordinary caro anil system to the county's mnnaKomoiit. in every In stance supposed Irregularities report ed wore proven to ho fallauious." "Tho grand Jury does not under take to make a general and final re port upon tho affairs of tho county, for suuh could not rosult from two days' session. Hut from tho Alight Inquiry wo tmulo (and wo candidly considered all ovlikmco offered) wo can find nothing to condemn and huvo nothing to suggest. As a body convonos the 20th day of August, with ono week's tonuro, wo wIbIi to state that wo will carefully hoar all evidence Illuminating county affairs that may ho convoyod from any and all sources. Kotsiicct fully submitted. "IRA SIIOUDY, formalin. "HLMA N131L. "T. J. Q'HAKA, "F, W. SIPTKUS. "J. C lUtOWN. "O U. ItOSS. "It. U, TOFT." s MORE FOUND THL HARNEST. 1 1 P T S J. IdNCOLN, Neb., Mnrch 27. Dc clnrins; that (loveruor Judsou Har mon of Ohio, candidate for the demo cratic nomination for president of the I'nited Stoles is a conirrenital rcae- tiouury and that his choice as a standard hearer would ho ruinous to tho democratic party, William Jen uiiifjs Kryim today wrote a letter of energetic disapproval to H. II. Moore, of Columbus-, Ohio, manngor of Har mon's political interests. Tho let lor recite the bolting of the demoerHtio ticket hy Harmon in 18IH5; and his. record since that time, which llryiiu alleges shows that the Ohio.iu favored tho atteinids of tho ronotion aries to control the party. "The Harmon is a reactionary is unquostioueil hy any fair-iniuded iiiiiii,'1 sa.s the letter. "Since 3U0S bis political influence has hueii thrown to the side of Ihe reaction aries - notablv when he appeared he- fore the constitutional convention Ohio ami advised its members to re ject the initiative and referendum. Surelv you cannot believe that a dem ocratic cainlidato with such n record will prove a popular leader at this time, when nine-tenths of tho demo crats ore progressives, and nearly one-half of thu republicans arc aroused to the importanco of taking the government out of the control of predatory interests," BOMBARDMENT KILLS EIGHT AT MAZATLAN Tl'CSON, Ari. March 27.-Light persons nixdead and several are suf fering from wounds today following a bombardment of the port of Mazatlau hy the Mexican rebel guuhoat Guer rero. Five of tho dead are federals and three rebels, according to reports of the engagement received hero, A force of rebels which siiuullaii eously attacked Mazatlau from shore" side woro turned hack. III DEE WER Ji RANK FRAUD IN PRIMARIES tl llrraKt SMELTER TRUST IS SAFE BECAUSE IT AlOSTAFTJESjyS WASHINGTON. D. C, March 27 Deuouucing Attorney General Wick- endium's refusal to give the house information regarding the existence of u smelter trust as "astounding" Congressman .John A. Martin .demo crat) in the house today introduced :i resolution demanding the hutitfu iiiiiiiii! eoimnitteo investigate the al leged uombiiie. Congressman Martin said: "It i un absolutely safe assertion (hut there is a. smelter trust and that the department of justice in protect ing it is shirking its duty. This de partment does not dare prosecute this powerful ally of the Taft admin istration. "Tho smelter trust is the most cor rupting and renetiona'ry influence in Kocky Mountain polities. Tho black est pages in the history of Colorado and there are no black in the his tory of the American commonwealths - -are written in the Guggenheim checkbooks of 11)02 and lUOfl. x -.Nr PAYNE MUST PAY SUBSCRIPTION In Test Case Jury Finds Subscribers to Crater Lake Highway Fund Must Make Good Their ObligationsAffairs of Crater Lake Com mittee of Commcrci al Club Aired in Court After five minutes deliberation the jury In tho case of tho Medford Com mercial club vorsus M. IL Payno re turned a vordlct for ?200 in favor of tho plaintiff. Tho suit was brought to seeuro paymont of a sub scription miido to the club for the building of the Crator Lake highway, it was a tost caso, as many other subscribers have withhold their pay ments, hoping to escape payment. About ?S000 Is duo the club on those subscriptions, $5000 of which Is duo tho hanks who underwrote the sub scriptions. Mr. Payno sot up In defense tlmt tho subscription hud been obtained by false representations, that tho SAYS COLON Wholesale Charges Made hy Roose velt Regarding Farcial Proceeding Which Gave Taft 83 Delegates to Seven for Teddy. Governor Dix Considers Demand on Legislature for Special Session to Enact New Law. NKW YOHIC, March 27. General duiiiiueiatioii of the Now York iiriin- ' j. ... nry, on Uio' face of the returns from " t which President Tuft's adherents snowed under the Itooscvelt faction, today make, the Taft forces fearful that the primaries must be held agaii . There is no doubt that the primary was fareial and Governor Dix, it is understood, is considering n demand on tho legislature to enact remedial laws. Up til the very last minute tho Hooacvelt men fought to have chang es ordered in the ballots as a result of the printer who supplied the ballots was unable to fill his orders. Many had no ballots at all and in others .sample ballots were used. Today he general sentiment is in favor of an other primary. If yesterday's rosult is permitted to stand, President Taft wlll'liavc 83 New York delegates and Colonel Roosevelt seven. FORT WAYNE, Jnd March 27. Wholesale charges of fraud wore made by Colonel Theodoro Roosevelt at Canton, Ohio, today, when ho was shown the despatches indicating that President Taft had carried the New York primary election. Colonel Roosevelt said: "The vote ia New York state yes terday, as iv whole, was not tho real vote of the republican party. Outside New York City tho primary was a farce and in the city it was even a greater farce. As it is, one-fourth of the delegates ehosen are straight Roosevelt men. Of the remainder tho mnj'ority of those elected in New York City have no more claim to sit in the state convention than if they had been sunt there by Tammany Hall. They were elected by methods more outrageous than the worst me thods Tainmauy itself ever employed. "In my speech tonight I shall take up the mutter in detail, as to why tho men chosen in Now York's prima ly election in no way represent the re publican party, nud why no action of theirs should be accepted as repre sentative of or binding on tho repub lican party." Modill MeConniek of Chicago, ono of Colonel Roosevelt's chief political advisors, called tho Taft adherents i.i New York to task for what ho termed "their political grand larcenv." Ilo intimated that a contesting delegation would he sent to the New York state republican convention. Commercial club had not construct ed tho entire road, that Uio construe, tlon already douo had been or no benefit to him and that coiisciptoutly ho should not bo compelled to pay tho same. The history of tho Bubscrlptlon list ami of tho efforts of tho coiniuerclul club to seeuro tho construction of tho highway woro gono Into at longth and tho probo Inserted into tho af fairs of tho Orator Lake Highway commission. Minutes of the meeting, financial roports, road and sundry oxpon60 Incurred were brought out, tho court (Continued on J'agQ p.)