ftrEDFOttT) MATL TKTttFNTC, OTTHfOTTO. OKttClON, FRIDAY. TVrAROTT 23, 1013. PAGE SIX HPrr', I i J COURT HOUSE NEWS Noll 10 A. Spntoii lo (.Mimics A. Clnipmtiu, lmul in Hue. i!8, twp. til, 2V W. Kinniid to Kliuimlli Power Co., It. of W. tlu-oiijih land in Jiuiil'h M. Tyler io Klmnntli Power Co., Innd in twp. 10, 5l'jf 1( Dl Geo. V. Owens to Klnninlh l'owor Co., It. o V, in twp. Lviliu Powell to Klinniitli Power Co., H. of W. in twp. .'Ml, 2K. . H. llniroii to Kliuimlli l'owor Co., It. of, twp. 10, UK .. J. J. Murphy to Kliuimth Power Co., II. of W., in twp. Hi) IK CIiiih. H. (.lillctle to Kliuimlli Power Co., lund in soc. 12, lAVJ). i7f I I'rf W. L. Dnvis to Klaiimtlt Power Co., land in sec. S, twp. 40, .LJ . ., ....... ...... . Jnmes Lowe toKlnmnth Power Co., lmul in twp. .10, 'JK.... John A. Tnylor to Klmnnth Power Co., It. of , in twp. in oi,' L. A. Neil to Klniunth Power Co., It. of W. in twp. 35), IK Ahhlnml , Coiuniorrinl Oroluml Co. to klmnnth Power .Co., It. of W. in twp. 30, UK Butler & Thompson Co. to Kln iunth Power Co., land in twp. SO or II. M. Tucker to Klmnnth Pow er Co., Innd in twp. 39, 2K . . G. W. Barron to Klamath Pow er Co. land in twp. 30, 2E. . II. W. Barron to Klaninth Pow er Co., Innd in twp. 30, 2E. . D. N. Davis to Klnmnth Power Co., Innd in twp. 40, 3K.... Jnmes Ixwe to Klnmnth Power Co., K. of in twp. 30, UK 1'hebe M. Smith to Klamath Power Co., It. of W. in twp. W. L. Davis to Klamath Power Co., It. of W. in twp. 40. 3E Lottie L. Pelton to Albert Bai ley, 080 neres in twp. 3,"). 1V O. C. Boycr to Ida M. Magerle, laud in twp. 3G, 4V Charles P. Hall to 0. C. Bojer, land in twp. 30', 4V W. A. Beck to Chitrlc P. Hall, land in twp. 3fi. 4W Win. Wilis to Riley Xyswancr, lotb 1 and 2, blk. D, Talent 10 20 6 1 u fi 1 1 25 30 o l 23 tiu 1 1 1 2300 10 Prolwtc. Estate W. II. Cainc, order setting April 20,1012 as. day for final s,ottlc ment. Kstntc llcnrj Harrison Triplet!, inventory and uppraisenient tiled and npproveil. Order appointing JIurk Whipple, John Owciih aud Ma&ton II. Seott appraibcrs. , Estate Catherine Ralls, order ap pointing Catherine McDoupall ndmin ibtratri.v. Estate Eliza Woodford, order ap pointing Anril 20, 1012, as day for final settlement. Ebt. Jacob A. Lyon, order appoint ing April 20, 1012, as. day for final settlement. Order to pay bequest of $300 to Ada L. Wagoner. t MEDFORD MARKETS Retail Prices. Vegetables. Potatoes $2 per cwt. Cabbago 3c Parsnlpa 2o. Lettuce 10c head. Carrots 2c. Bceta 2c. Onions 4c. Celery G0c$l dor. Couliriower 1020c head. Radishes 5c bunch. Onions Green, 6c bunch. Fruit. Prunes Dried, 10c lb. Lemons 30c dozen. Bananas 10c to 30c per dozen. Oranges lCc to 40c. Butter, Errs and Poultry. Butter Fresh rancn, per roll, (SGo; creamery, 85c Eggs Frosh ranch, 20c. Poultry Horn, dressed, 18c; lire 12c; springs, dressed, 20c. Turkeys 20c to 25c, dreued. Meats, Wholesale, Boe! Cowb, 4J4o; steers, 68. pork 5G&c.c Veal Dressed, 810c. Mutton 33MiC, lire; lambs, 0 liny and Feed, Wholesale Hay Alfalfa, $12 to $10; grain, $12 to $14. Gralii Wheat, $1 por bushol; oats $30 por ton; barloy, rolled, $40 por ton; bmioy, whole, $3G. cut, u. r. or? Mht NEW 0Uly Mnrch 22. Koosc volt'a secretary said tonight that on tho woatorn trip which Btarts next Tuosduy tho colonel would not go to Kansas City na planned, but would ptp ut St I.wiiln li dolhor two pjiooehtts. ORDINANCE NO. Cf.3. All orillnnnrc hknohiuji Hip property mljnvcnt to ntul lienoflteit by tbo l Incli liitptitl newer cuiimIuicIihI on Klor once nriuit from Main nliwt to iv imliit ITS foot mtutti of Scot I street. Tor tbo cost of voitMitioUDK I be wone nml uro vUIIiik Hie milliner of rnrrlni; unltt HCHHinolit Into full effect Tho City of Meitfont ttolli imlatn ns .follews: ' Soot Ion 1. 'Wlifrenn, tbc City Council Old heretofore provide b. onllmvnco for tbo xervliiR of tbo owners of property niljncent to nnt benefited oy tbo con Ktrnctlon of tbc Internl pewer liprolnnftrr described to npucnr before snbl Council nml sbow ortiise, If any, wby a:,i prop erly sboulil not be nssenfil ror tbe fcon Btructlon of snld sewer, nml Obi fit n time for benrlm; any Hucb protrntp. xxblch notice was Riven In acconlnnce with snb onllnanee more tlinn ten ils before tbo lionlnnlnp of tbe ronvtructlon of tmbl sewer but no protests nfmlnst snbl construction or nt.sesinent of tbe vost thereof was made by nnNone nmt sabl sewer was, by snbl Council, onluivd conslructeil. Ami herons. Iho cost of tho construc tion of siM sewer bus been made and hereby Is determined to be the sum uf Now, therefore, sold city doth ordain nnd dcolnro thnt esch parcel of property described below Is adjacent lo and beiie ntetl by that crtHln luteml sewer six Inches In sle. constructed on Klorenc' awmie front Main street to a ivolnt ITS fwet south of S?eott Ntret and that tbe proportion of the cost of said sewer which each of said paioels of land should bear, based on the benefits de rived respeetlely by said several tracts or land, is the amount set oppo site the deserlntlnn of eneh tuirpol !. low, nnd that each of said parcels Is nctvinlly benefited In the amount set op posite Its description below by the con struction of 'said sewer, nnd thnt said several amounts represent the propor tional benefits of said several parcels irom saui owner. mt cnen or saw par cels Is berebv assessed the immiint ki.I opposite Its description below for the construction or sal it sewer Tlio name nppcartnK above oach description belnu tnu niuuo 01 tne owner, or reputed own or. of each such lot or tmreid Assessment for a 6 Inch lateral sewer on Florence nxonuc front Main street to a point 175 rcet south of Kcott strc-t Asf.psment No. 1. 11. n. Dow Lot 1. Hlock 7. Med ford HeUhls Addition, Oil) of Medfonl. Orecan Kmnlnrn 1"(t ft- on tbo enst sldo of Florence avenue de scribed in deed recortl. inko 54 of the County Itecorder's reconls of Jackson County. Oreson. 20 ft Kate per root $1.1.'.. Amount IS9 00 Assessment No S C It. Scott nnd J. O. Smith Lot II, Hlock 7. Medfonl HelRhts Addition. Cltv of Mn.lford. ()n. Ron. lontUKo 50 ft on the litst side or Klorcnco a-cntic. as described In Vol. viBt) or tne county Hecorders records or Jackson Count. Orccon GO ft. Kale per ii. ii.ti,. Amount 172 50 Assessment No. 3. C. U. Soott nnd J. O. jsinltli Lot 2S, Tilix-k 7 Medfonl HelKhts Addition. City or Medford. Ore Kn. Krontace 50 ft on the side of I' loreuce avenue, as decrlbed In Vol . lnKe of tho Count) Itecorder's records of Jackson Count. Oreenn 80 ft. Kate ht ft. IMS Amount 7I RO Assessment No. 4 C It Scott and J ... Smith. I.ot 22. Block 7. Medford HelRhts Additlotu City of Mtslford, Ore-Cjn- Frontage, 30 ft on the Kast side of Horenco Avenue, as dcserllied In Vol . raRo of the County necortlers records of Jackson County. Oreeon 50 ft- Kato rcr ft. tl.45. Amount J73 50 Assessment No. S c U. Scott and w ,. Smith Lot 21. Mock 7. Medfonl llelghtn Addition. City of Medfonl. Orr Kon rVontaue 50 ft on tin. lst side or 1 lorence Avenue, as described in Vol Puco Of tin. Colltllv Ilprorflp's recorls of Jackson County. Oreeon 50 fU Kate per ft J1.4S. Amount J72.50. Assessment No. 6. C. U Scott unci J a. Smith Lot 20. Ulock 7. Medfonl iieiRiiis Auuition l"lty or ileilfnrd. Ore Ron. Frontage 50 ru on the Bast side of 1 lorence avenue, as described In Vol. . I'.iro of the County Itecorder's records or Jackson County, Oreeon 50 fU Kate per ftv$l 43. Amount 172.60. Assessment No 7 C. II Scott and J O Smith. Lot 19. Klock 7. Medford Heights Addition. City or Medford. On Ron. mintage 50 ft. on tbe tiist side of I' lorence avenue, us described In Vol . Page of the Ciiunty Itecorder's reconls of Jackson Count v. Oregon 10 ft Kate per ft. $145. Amount $7J 50. Assessment No. 8 C It. Scott and J G Smith Lot IS, Block 7. Medford Heights Addition. City of Medford. Ore gon Frontage SO ft on the Kast side of Horenco avenue, as described In Vol . Iago of the County Itecorder's it cords of Jackson County, Oregon 50 ft. Kate it ft 1 45. Amount $72 50 Assessment No. 9 " It. Scott and J O Smith. Lot 17. Block 7. Medford Heights Addition. City of Medfonl. Ore gon. Frontage CO ft. on the East side of Florence avenue, as described In Vol ,1'age of tho County Itecorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon 60 ft. Kate per ft. $1 45 Amount 172 50 Assessment No. 10. C B. Scott and J. G. Smith. Lot 16. Block 7, Medrord Heights Addition. City or Medford. Ore gon. J'rontaga JO ft on tho Hast side of Florenca aenue. as descrilM-d In Vol , Page of the County Itecorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon SO ft. Kate per ft. IMS. Amount 172 50 Assessment No II C 11 Scott and J- ,G- Smith. Block k. Medford Heights Addition, City of Medfonl, Oregon Irontage J0U feet on the limt side of Florence avenue, as described In Vol. , Page of the County Itecorder's records of Jackson County, Oiegon. 100 ft. Kate per ft. I IS. Amount 1116 00 Assessment No. 12 Sisters of I'rovl donco of Charity of St. VincenU. Lot if, Block 6. Medford liolglits Addition, City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 60 91 ft on tliu West side of Florence avuiiu. as described in It, Page 781 of tnu County Itecorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon. 60 91 ft. Kate per ft. $1.15 Amount $$& 32. AtMHMwnient No. 12 Sisters of Provi 3".? .f charily of St. Vincent. Lot 7. Block C. Medford Heights Addition, 4-lty of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 00 7a ft. on the West side of Floreme avenue, as dewrlbed iti It. , Page 781 of the Lotuity Itecorder's records of Jsckson County, Oregon. 00 78 ft. IUto per ft $1.4. Amount $S8 12. Assessment No. 14 Sisters of Provl dence of Charlt of St. Vincent. Lot ,, Block C. Medford Heights Addlilou, City of Medford, Oregun. Frontugo CO ft on tlie West side of Florence avenue, as described in It. , Page 781 of tlie County Itecorder's record of Jackson oui'ly, Oregon 60 ft. Kate per fl $1.46. Amount $87.00 A&tfCMsment No. IS T'h.irlM Tvi.Imi Lot 5, Block C, Medford Heights Addi tion. City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage GO ft. on tins west Hide of Florence uo nue, as described In Vol. , Page of tlie County Kccordir records of Jack son County, Oregon. 00 ft. Kate per XL IMS Amount $87 00 Aksewoiient No 10 C B. Scott and J. (J. Smith I.ot 4. it Mt,irni Heights addition. City of Medford, Ore gon. Frontage CO ft. on tlie West side of 1 lorence avenue, as described in Vol , Page of the County Kecorder'M ti-uuiim oi jucKHun county, uregun 00 ft. Kati p. r ft. $1 16 Amount $&7 00. . Awieshinent No. 17. C II. Scott and J. O. Smith. Lot 3, Block C. Medford Htilglitij Addition, Clt of Medford, Ore " , Frontage 60 ft on the West sldo of 1' lorence avenue, as described in Vol , Page of tlie County Kecorder'M noordH of Jackson County, Oregon. CO ii. iiuto per ft. $1 16. Amount $87 00. Assessment No 18 ( B. Scott mill J. O. Smith Lot s, Block 0. Medford Heights Addition. City of Medford, On Kon Frontugo CO ft. on the West side of Hoi woe avenue, as desoilbed In Vol , Page of tlie County Kecordor's reciinlM of Jackson County, On gou CO ft. Kale per ft $1.16 Amount $87 00 Assessment No. 19 C B Wcolt und J. G. Smith. Lot 1, Ulock C. Medford Heights Addition, City of Medfonl. Ore gon. Fioutugo 70 fl on the West sld of Fluicnce uvenin, us descilbid in Vol. , I'ugo of tho County Iteuordur's records of Juokson Count), On gou 70 ft. Kate per ft $1 45. Amount $101 50, Assessment No. 20 It. W Clancy, A put eel of lmul in Block 5, Medfoid Heights Addition, dtsoiibed In it., Puge 999,, City or Medroid. Oiegon On the West sldo of Floreuue avenue 90 ft (Per Hgieement). Kuto per ft. $1.46. Amount $72 50. Assessment No 21 K. J Conroy. A put eel of luud in Block 5, Medford HclglilH Addition, City of Medford, Oie gon. on tho West sldo of Floionce n ve nue r.o it ovr iigrei iiiriii ) ituic i r II l 1 . AlilliUIII l-' Ml Assissnii nt No 'il -Panm is A. Friilt- Ib'tottus llunli. Lot 8, KiutH -', Nob Hill ddltion Cll of M.dfonl. OreROU I lontnue 'H 111 ft on the Nest Hide or e'liuvnie axeitue, a dosellbed in x ul .r. ,.... tit ..r it... (Mttittv Itreotiler S ireoids r Jackson County. OreKon i, l ft Kate per ft $115 Amount $1 0 S. Assessuunt No 2S 1'itllUOIs I lull; Kiowrra Kank Lot l, llhiek 1, .Nob IIIU Addlilou. City of Mi'droid. OieRon l-'mnlaise 10 ft. on tlu West side or Khmuice avenue, as described In ol M. Pace -Ml or tbo CkuiU Ketordei s e ismls or Jackson Ciiul. Otviton 100 fl Bute por ft $!. Ximiunl $U0J Assessment No !l Fat mors bniH; Rt-owera i Lot 9. Ulock I. .Nob Hill Addition, l'tt of Medrord. Orj'Ran Frontage 1J0 ft on the West side of FlonMieo aveitne. as described In ol. Sj. Pav-e ill of tbe Count) Kocotders re cords or Jackson County. Owkoii 30 ft. Kale ivr fl l 4R Amount $$9.00 Section a. And It Is livivhy onlerttl inents and the liens thereof bo entered In the lion docket oi stun city, ami iiiui thereupon notice be pten to Hie oaueis. or nputet owners, of said pniptfHy, and ...... .i... uiiii. I... ..itriMt.t Hint eollftpteti In the iimuner provided by the elmiter ol said fin tor me esuieviioii nrwvr ments for Iho Improvements of streets therein. ..... . . .. , Section 3 tl Is fttithrr nnleted thnt tbe nolleo above pmMded for Ik pub lished three times In tho IVilly Mn.ll Trlbune, a new simper publlshwl aud r general cltculatlon In said city. In Hie manner provided by ordinance No. SJ0 of said city. . ,. , The foresolng onllnnnce wits insssed bv tlie city council of the City of Med ronl. OrvRttit. on the 19th day of March. 191 J. bv the following ote- Walt. ): Mltehell. ivve; Hmerlck ave. Ireland, ae. Millar, nb. nnd Summer tlle, aye Approved March I9ih. 1912 1 V. H. CANON. Attesf Mayor, li T FOSS. City Keconler. NOTICR To tbe owner, or reputed owner, of each prcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance, us named therein and In the lien declared by said omi ttance, as recorded In tho docket of city liens: , . You are hereby notified thai Iho as. sessment declared by tho foregoing ordi nance has been made and the lien there for entered In the city lien docket, nnd that the same Is due and you are bere bv required to pay tho mime to the city reconler within ten dtys rrom tho serv ice of this notice, which servlco is mndo by publication of tills notice and the foresolnR ordlnnnce three times In tho Medfonl Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order of the city council of said city, li T FOSS. City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. GG4. An ordinance assessing the pniivert) adjacent to und benefited by tlie slv loelies lateral sewer constructe.1 through nllev (n ltl.ick 2. Gray's Addi tion. Cltv of Medfonl. Oregon, for the cost of constructing the same and pro viding the manner of earr)lnic said as sessment Into full effect The City of Medfonl doth onlaln as follews: Section I. Whereas, the city council did heretofore provide U) Ordinance for the sTnjc of the owner f proiK-rty adjae.-nt to and benefited by tbe con struction of the lateral sew or herein after described to appear lief.we said Council and show cause. If an. whv said propirtv should not be assesstsl for tlV eonstriletlon of said sewer, and did fix h time for hearing any such protects, vvliich notice was glwn In aceonhoiee with said Onllnance more than ten il)s liefore tlie beginning of the construction of said sewer, but no protests against said construction or assessment of tlie cost thereof was mailn b) stiyoiir and said sewer was, by said Council, ordered constructed And whereas, the eost of tlie construc tion of said sewer lias been made and berebv Is dettrmlncd to bo tbe sum of $js5 9: Now therefore, said City doth ordain and declare that each parcel of proixTty descrllied below Is adjacent to and lene flted. by tlmt certain lateral s-wr six Incites In ulie, conslructeil m tlie All.-v In Block 2. Oniy's Addition. City of Medford, Oregon, and thai the propor tion of tip' cost of said sewer which inch of said parcels of land should bear, Ims.i1 on the benefits derived reaiecllv, 1) by said several tracts of laud. Is the amount set opposite the disirlptbin of each iiarcel below, aud that each of sub1 parcels Is actually heneftv-d In the amount set opposite lis description lie low" by the Construction of said sewer and that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits of said sev eral parcels front said sewir. And each of said parcels is hereby assessed the amount set opposite lis description lie low for the construction of said sewer, the name appearing above each, descrip tion being the name or the owner, or reputed owner, of each such lot or ir eel Assessment for a Inch lateral sewer through Alley In Bloek 2. Grav'u Addi tion, fit) of Medrord. Oregon. Assessment No 1 Claude A. Marsh, Lot 2. Block 2. Oniy's Addition, City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 60 feet on the Kast side oT said Alley, us descrllM-d In Vol. hfi. Page 190 of the County Re corder's ncords of Jackson fount. ir son. 50 ft. Kate a-r ft. ISc. Amount $24 00 Assessment N'n 2 It W. Grav. Lot 3. Block 2. 1ruy'S Addition, City of Medfonl. tin gnu Frontage 50 fl. on the i:at side of said Alley, us described In Vol . Page of Ilia County Re corder's n conls of Jackson fount) Or. -gon 30 ft. Kate per ft 4Sc. Amount $21 00 AshesMineiit No ?. K. K. Malladay Lot 4 Block 2. Oiay's Addition. Clly of Mtdford, Oregon Frontage 50 fl on the KhsI aide of said Alle). hs deaerilied In Vol SO, Page 22 of the County Re. eceiii i'u records of .iMckwiH County. On - gon 50 ft Kate per ft. 18c Amount $21 QO AmuMiHiHcnt No 1 Herliert M. Hardy Lot ., Blook 2. Jny'a Addlilou. Cll) of Medford. Oregon. Frontage- 50 fl on the Kast side of said Alley, us descrllH-d In Vol SI. Page J37 of the County Re corder's records of Jaekaon County. Ore gon 60 ft. Rate per ft ISo Amount $21 00. Assessment No. S Vergle May Hardy Lot 6, Block 2. Oruy's Addition. Clly of Medford. On -gon Frontage 50 fl on tbe iCast side of said Alley, as ieserllid In Vol 89, Page 53G of the County Ricordei's n cords of Jackson Countv. Oregon. 50 ft. Rate jier ft 48c Amount $21.00 Asaeasment No 6 Martha L Tlce Lot 7. Block 2. dray's Addition. City of Medford. Oiegon Frontage 50 ft, on the I?st side of sld Alley, as described in Vol. 85, Page 175 of tlio County Re corder records of Jackson County. Ore gon. 50 ft. Rate per ft 18c Amount $21 00 Assessment No. 7 S. A Hmlth Lot 8. Block 2. dray's Addition, fit) of Med ford, Oregon. Frontage 50 ft on tlie Kast side of said Alley, as described In Vol 78, Page 218 of tlie County Recoid cr's records of Jackson County, Oregon 50 ft Kate per ft ISc Amount $24 00 Assessment No, 8 P. W. Clielgren Lot 9. Block 2. fJni'H Addition. Clly of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 52 ft. on the Kast side of hald Alloy, as described In Vol 81. Page 625 of the County Re collier's reoords of Jackson County, Ore gon 52 ft Rate per ft. 18c. Amount $ I 96 "Assessment No 9 W It Bullock T.nt 10. Hlook 2. Graf's Addition. Cltv of Medford, Oregon FrotitttKa 52 ft on tlie West side of said Alley, as dt scribed In Vol. 87. Page 5C, of the City lb corder's reooids of Jackson -'utinty. Ore. gou. 52 ft. Halo per fl 18c. Amount $21 96. Assessment No. 10 Itnv Toft. Lot It, Block 2. Ora)'s Addition. Clly of Midford, Oregon rrotuagn 5u ri on the Wst side of Miild Alliy, us dosnilbei'. in Vol . Page 509 of the County Re- isirder'H records of Jackson County, Oie gon 50 ft. Halo pur ft. ISc. Amount $24.00. ' Assessment No II Waller Wood Lot 12. Block 2, dray's Addition, City of Mlfdrotd, Oregon Frontage 50 fl on tlie West side of said Alley, us ilesoillied In Vol 73, Page 201 of tlie County Re corders records of Jackson County, Ore gon 50 ft Rale pet ft. I So. Amount $24.00 Asvessment No. 12 M A. Ruder Lot 13, Block 2. (liuy'M Addition, City of Medford, Oregon, Frontage 60 ft on the Wist side of said Alliy, as described In Vol 82, Page 8T of the County lie onrdufH records of Juakuon County, Ore gon SO ft. Kuto per ft 18c Amount $81,00. AMMeSHIUi III No 1! It IV Tilfl Lot II, Block .', Olio's Addition, l'U- of Midfoiil, Oiegon ''lontiigi 611 fl mi the Ubt BiUo of HulU Alluj, uu Ucscilbed In Vol 7? Pace 513 of the I'nulllV He I'ordei s n coids of .lncloom Couill. tne unit f.0 ft Ralo nee n ISc Amount J 00 ,. .... Assessment no 1 1 --iiav nui. 11, llloek 2. tliu's AibbllKU t llv of ...i....i i !....... -. .......... .0 fl no ,.111111, 1. ( 1,11,1111 ,1II.,,. - ... the West side or said All. d. sullied ht Vol 7. Page 31 or tin CottnlV Re cotdei'M recoids f JAcksoii I'ouniv, Ore gon B0 H RatO pee rt l"0 Aimiuuv Assessment No, I6.-1!hn 'rnfl l.ol t. Ittook 2. Uuly'a Ad.biton, Clly or Medfonl. OlOROU, FlOnUKe. .ft. Oil West side of said Alley, as described i In Vol 11. I'nitu 2S of Ibe Countv Ho- eonler's reeoids tf JacUsun Countv , Ore gon 50 ft Rate per H l"c .vnuuiiu Auaassniont No. 16. 1tv Toft Lol 17. Hlock 8. tlruys AddlH.m Clly of Medfonl. Otemm. FiouIuko -0 O. n the West side of wild Allev. as dosOrlbed in Vol 72. Page J43 or ifu County He oordet's neoids or Jneksou cint v. Oie gon no ft Itnto por tl 4c Amount $21 ih , , , SVetlou 2 And It Is liini'V oidolVd and ordained tlmt said si vial nssess inents ntul the Hens thereof be entered In the Llelt IHtekel or said i ttv. and Ihul lliettiMin uollee bo given to the owneis. or reputed owneis. of milil pmixutv, and that the same tm enroled and oolleoted ,.. .i. ............. i...i.i...i i.i it,., itn.i t..i 111 me iiMiiiii-, i', if . iiii-i . .... - -. of said Clt) for the ctilb-oli.'ii of assess ments ror tne improxewems oi euvvm therein . . ,, . ttertlon S 11 Is further enlered Ihul the notice nbovo provided be published three times In tho lnll) l ol Tribune, a UMwapapcr published nnd of general olr oulntlon In said cltv, l the manner provided by ordinance- No 50 of said city. The foresolnic onllnance wts jaw" by the cltv council of the Clt) of Med fonl. Oregon, on the 19th d.s of March. 1912. KV tne loitowiug vote Watt, aye; Mltehell, .ive ap., Irelnnd, e: Millar ave Kniri Ick, aud Suiti" mervllle ae. Appiovtst March I9tlt. lIS,..rtv, W. II CANON, Attest: M)or. IS. T FOSS. City Keconler. NOTIcii , To tho owner, or reputed owner, or each parcel of property devrlbcd I In the foregoing ordinance, as named therein, nnd In tho lion declared by said ordi nance as recorded In the docket or ell) You nre hereby notified Hint the ns- ........ ,iami..a.i i.. it... f,ir.iiolni? or- dlnnnco hns been made and the lion therefor entered in tno my nu m"i and that tho an mo Is due and you are hereby required to pay the same to the cuy rewin.1 ...I. .in ivu .. -- ---- service of this notice, which service I . .ill- .At... .. al.j f.ieiiKAHIH mnde tiy puonc.ioii oi mu .,.vfc...n ordinance and this notice three times In .i... M.ulr..r.l ln II Tr-llinilri tlllrSUUUt til an order of tho city council of said city J. I runs.. City Recorder. ORDIHANCE 110. 003 An ordinance declaring lite astwssment on the Property benefited for the coat of laying four-Inch water main on Florence avenue from Main street to Scott street, and directing th recorder to onler a statement thereof In th wa ter main lien docket The City of Medford Wlh onlaln as '"seem'm 1 Whereas, the cltv council did heretofore b" resolution d.elare It a Intention lo lay n fdur-lwcb wat.r main on I "ion nit' av.uoe freni slain slnet lo Scott street and lo assess the cost tit. reof on the property fnmllnic on sall Portion of ssbl strvs'l Is pmartlmi to the fmntaite or said pniperty. and fix a time and place for Inaimg IhoJh ..!..., it,., tuvliiir nf vM wati r main on said part of sld streat. and the - seHstiunt of tne cosi tiwrvvi an .u.v- And whereas, said resolution was duly publish..! lid posted as i..Ulted )' fiction llfi of the charter .if said clt) AmU whereas, a mediae of tne council was held at the time nml place nxed by said resolution, for tho purM or con sidering any such protests, but no pro tests were at said time, or at an) other time, made to or received y the council to the said la) lug nf said Water oval., or Uia nssessm.nt or th cost thereof as nforesald, and said counoll havlK .nn.l,td...l tli HiallMr iMul diwrtlllllf that vum.i.i-.i i. ..... ..- . T-. ?'::.. -i... said water Plain vjns tyiii is oi nwier. boneflt to aahl city, atftl Inal all prop erty to be Bssease.1 Iberefhr would Is? belterited thereby to the extent of the probable amount of the respective as sessments to le levied against said prop erty, did order said main laid And. whereas, the eost of said water main has been and hreb Is del, rtnln-il to be the sum of $1X15 03. Now tltereror ll is uereoj iui" determined that tlie proportional share of the cost of lajlng said water main of ecli parcel of property fronting on said portion of said trt is the amount set opposite the diiptton of each paroel of land batuw. and that each piece or parcel of land Is benefited b the laying of said water main tu tie full extent to the amount so set op posite the description of the same am that tho resptcthe amounts repns.nt tbo proportionate- Is neflts of said wat.r main to said respective imreela f land, nnd also the proportional frontage there of on aald street, the nunc!l dtwa ln-reb) declare each of the parcals or pro"rlv described below to !- assess, d nnd each of tlie same her-bv Is nssessed 111' amount set opposite .ich description for the cost lif Ialng said water main Th naiiU' apjieurlng alme each deM-riptloi. being III name of the owner, or uputid owner, of each such lot or imrcei ASSKSSMKNT lull A FOl'll INCH WATKIl MAIN i iN FLORKNCi: I. NI1K FROM MAIN KTKl'RT TO WOTT HTRliKT Assessment f. I -It B Dow Lot I. blink 7. Medfonl Height) Addition 'H of .Mdf.rl flnKoit. Fronlsg. t-' feet on the test sld. of Hoi em avi line, as diNcrlbid mi Ii Mlar!. pen' I itf the comity recorder-! records or .Infk miii count), Jreg'in JO feet, rate per fiuit ll 75 MinoilMt S3X Ass.'ssnteiit No i C. IS. Kcolt and .1 d Smith Lot 21 Mock 7, M. df-ud Heights Addition. Clt of Medfonl. Ore gon Frontage Bo f. ,t on the east slid of Florence aveniu, as described In Vol , ime of the county recorder's records of Jncksuu enmity. Oregon .10 feet, rate r root $1 75; amounl. $87 10 Assessment No I--' II Kcolt und I r. Hmlth. Lot 21 block 7. MMlfoni Heights Addition. 'llv of Medford it ngori KronlHK" SO on lb" east .lib of Fiorenoe avenu. us described In Vol . page of the ootinty nconhi's records of Jackson inunty, Oregon Vi feet, rate per foot $1 75, amount. $8- ii Assessment No 4 C. II 8oolt and ,1 d Hmlth !ol it. blook 7, M.dfoid Heights Aililltlnrf city of Medfonl r egon Frontagi '.0 on tlie ast side of Florence uvinu ss daaorlbod In d , page or the county rt eonlt r's records of Jackson munly. Oregon o feet, rale per foot $ 78; amount. $8, ,o Assessment No r.-C II h'eott and .1 d Hmltli Lot 21. blook 7. Midfoid Heights Addition. Cltv of Medford, Or egon Frontagi. 60 fei t on til" east side of I'lontnoa uveliue us dosorlbcd In Vol . page , of tin county reeonh in reconls of Jackson coiinty. On mm 60 feet, rate per foot II 76, amount, $87 if) Assessment No 6 -C, II. Hcott and J O Smith. Lol .u block 7, Medford Heights Addition, Clij of Medford, Or egon. Frontage 50 fi t on Ibe east side of Florence avunn us described In ol , page of ti!f uunty ncordcrs lecords of Jackson roiinty, Oregon 60 feet, rate per fool $1 75, amount $87 60 Assessment No 7 ('. Ii Hoot! nnd J. d Hmlth. Lot l'i bloek 7, Mtdfonl Height Addition Clly of Medford, Jr- gon Finntngf "0 feel on III" east sldt of Florence aveniu us desorlbul in Vol , page or tiii county iiconhfs r cords of Jackson c ounty, Oregon .0 fiet, rate pfr fool $1 75; amoiiiit $87 0 AMsessmuut No 8 c. B Hcott nml J O Hmlllt Lol Ik block 7, Medfonl Heights Addition, t tiy of .Meiironi or egou Fiotilagi ,", fi et on tin cust sltb of Florence avinui as dosorlbed lt Vol . page of tin county recoriki s rncoidii of Juckson county. Oregon 50, lulu per foot $1 76, uliiotitit $87 50 Assessment No 'i C. 11 Hcott und J O Hmlth Lol i; block 7. Medfonl Heights Addition. Clly of Medfoid, Or flgon Frontage 60 feet Oil the east side of Florence avenue us described In vol , page of the county recoidei's reconls of Juckson county, Oiegon. r.o feet, rule pur foot $176; amount $87 60 Assessment No 10 -C H. Hcott nnd .1 d. Hmllli Lot 18 blnk 7, MdlfoMl Hulghts Addition, City nf Medfonl, Ol egoij Frontage 60 feet on' tlio ouhI sld of Florence uvenue us ilcHCilboil in ' . p.igo or in,, ciniiiiv t ii . h rernrds of .Tiii'I.kiiii fount) . Oiegon 6(1 feil, lain pel fool ',(,. nliioiilit $K, 'll AsseMsim nl No (' IJ Hcott and ,1 U. Bmltll, Lot i, UlovU vi MvUfoid HolghlH Addlilou Cll) of Mcdv'O' O " egnn Ftuutaue HO feol on 1 1 In t W,,, of Flouiu'o avenue, us descriliod III ,1 1" , page or Ibe count) recorder s ivooids or .lucusnit cmiut.v, OleKOli. M0 root, tula pi i root $l7ft, tiiiumnt $105 Assessment No M -C II Heoli and .1 U .Stultli tail II. hbicU it. Medlotd llelghtM Addllluli. I'll) or MedroiM, Oi egon. Frimlawe no fevt on tlio west sldo of Florence avenue, un dosoilbod tu vol . imae of the eounlv lecuidoi s leeoids r Jnokann etiunl). Oiegon no feel, into per foul $1 7 fi iiimmnl $105. Assessment No 13-C 11 Moult nnd J Hmlth Lot 2. blook H, Medfoid llotghla Addition, I'll) of Medfonl, Ol enon I'lontUKe 00 root on Ilia west side of Flerence: incline, us described In vol , page ir the county leconlors reooids or .liiukauu count), thegon no feel, into por root $175. ninoiiul $105 Assossmont No 1 1 C .11 Scott ntul J. O Anil Hi Lot 1, block l. .Medrord Heights Addlilou. I'll) or Medford, ill obou Fiontage fill root on tlio west side or Florence uvetiuo, us desuiltiod III vol , pairs ur the count) reooidei a loootds of .liioJ.son t'otinty. Oivgon 7 feel rate per font $178, uiitoilut $UJS0 Assessment No F- H W Chiuei A oaieel or land In block ft. Medtjud Heights Addition, described In reglslel. pane 999, or the cotlnlv niHuders lee onis or Jmiksnu uounly. Oiegon no rst (per aaiiH'ittenl). into per root $1 Tf. amounl. $si f.u Asaessinoul No. I- 11 .1. Coniov A puree! or laud In block fl. Medfonl Heights Addition. I'll) of Medrord. Ol; egou. dosoilbod In Vol . page , or Iho count) reootder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 40 reel iwr agreement!. tale por fool $1 i6. aimuint. $17 110 . Assessment No 17 Fanners' A I inll giowers Hank Lot S. block 2. .Nob Hill Addition. Cltv id Medfoid. Oiegon Fiontago 9" 16 feet on tbe west side of l-'loienoe avenue, as described In Vol 85. mgo 211. of th i mini) it eonler's too onis or Jaiksoii county. Oregon 97 Ifi fe4t, iiito pet fool $175. amount. $170 03, Assessment No 18 Farmers .V Fiult; growers' Bank I.ot 9. block I. Noli Hill Addition, Clt) of Medford. Oregon I'loutnge 100 feet oil the west side of Fiorenoe avenue, as dosorllwd In vol Se, page 211, or llio eounlv recorders records of Jackson count). Oiegon l"o feel, mle per root $1 .& aitiiiuut. $176 AssoHsinont No 19 Farmer I rull; growers' Hank Lot s, Idock I. .Nob Hill Addition. Clt) or Medfoid, Oregon Frontage 120 foot on the west side of Florence avenue, as described In ol 85. pnge 211. of tbe eounlv rei order's rooorda of Jackson munt) , Oregon 20 reel, rate per foot II 75, amount $1- Section 2. And It Is hereby ordered nnd onmlned lhat the several assess ment and Ilia liens thereof bo entered In the water main Hen docket of said clt), and Hull thereupon untie be. given In tlio owners or reputed owners of said property, und thai lb sain It enforced and collected in tire manner provided by the charter of the city ror tlie collection of assessments fur lite Improvements of streets therein . . Sect hm 3 It Is fur I Ik r ordered that the 110111 alnive provided be published three times in lb. Hatty Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general clreu!iiil.t' In shIiI idi) In th manner provided li) Ordinance No ISO of aald city The foregoliiK ordlitane was immhsI by the elt) council of the Clly of Med fonl. Oregon, on the lth ibiy of Mareta. 1SHS. b) the follow luar vote Watt a)e Mitchell ave. Itinerlck aye, Ireland n)e. Millar aye and Hoiamer vllle ae ppi,ive,I Mareh I"'. ISIS . II CANON. Atlest Mayor IC T l'lrH. I'll) ltairder NOTICI8 To ths owner, oi repuled owner, of ThcIi paieel or preperlv d.'illsl In Ihr itreuotaK onllimnee. as mnite.l therein, and In Ibe lien decland b said onll unmv. as recorded In the liiwkel t Clly Liens Vou are hereby notlfl. .1 thai Ihe sessment declared by the foregoing or dinance has been made ami lbs ll n thereTor entered In the elt) Ilea dm'kei. and that the same Is due and vou are hereby reUlred (,. fay the samr to Ihr city neorder within ten days from Ibe servlie of Ihla nolle whlib s. i Ir. is made bv of tlie fi.r, goltiK ordlnanc' and this not lie tliro limes In the Medfonl Mali Triluin. inirstntnl to an on!-1 of tho t d otuirll nf swid ellv F. T I'DSS City Ibtorihr X Watch Our Addition Grow JmkNun nml Kuiitmlt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. !'. Ai H. C. IthlK. H. Heartfield KltU.NCH l)KV CliKANKIt AM) IIATTKU Wo tnalcu Gannon tH look llko now and inoro than doublo tho vuluo ot thum to you, WOUK AllSOIiUTKIiY GUAUAX TKKI) liundlca callod for and dollvorod I'aclflc .'JKIJl IIouio .'580 Near Mooro Hotel Easter Booklets It will soon be Easter time and our line is mo3t complote Medford Book Store t Medford Concrete Mutiiiitii'tim'iri ot (Jinoil tViiiont Howi'i I'lim nml IViiifiit IHnln Tlio Donlinn lit Wnvlifd Hunt!, (luivol mill t't'iislinil Itotk Ubo our wiuilitut nmtorliil tor your riuiiMolo woilc, you unvo coinoitt nml fniilly I'oiinli'iirlloii Driiln your lmul with cnmoiit tlio. It'u ntioiiijont ami ovoiinntliiK. Oftke: l'mitery: KruHnniworo CJl-n1 Oim l'HICICH North lllvorulilo Avo. itniih nidi. I'liouo Coiinoctlouti - w-BawMa .n 1 American Electric Irons Tho Iron which hua tlio liiiiuovoinoiitH ot all olhorn omhoilloa lu ono. Wo luivo JiihI ipuiilvml n Inmo Invito you to loolt thuni ovor liofoio Iniyliik'. Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co. r - '- PLEASURE CARS C1IAI,M1.'H.S, r(HMMIATlt)ltl. I'HIillMMH, Ut'l'.MOIULH COMMERCIAL IM:iClllilSH, CIIASi:, lti:i.!.Nt'i: (I-'iom )4 ton to 10 ton) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. Finest l.'iiliNil (InniKO , 4-r First National Baiik OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $05,000.00 United Stnti'B and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. IIKUKIh l'lIIKST M. I. Al.l'tilUI. CASHIKII OltltIS CUAWI'-OUU, ASSISTANT UASlltKU Nearly a quarter of a century under tho samo management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It' has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy ot management Safety of invest incut Courteous nnd liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 VV. I. Vawtcr, President G. Ii. Lindloy, Vice Prca. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier fjjL iimm'mim r. ib i v COLONIST FARES TO ALL POINT! IN OIUOON, OAlLY MAnCH ITOAPniL IB, 1012 souther'n'pacific rni rnou CHICASO ... J3 oo AT, LOUIO 97 OU OMAHA .... JJ.Ot) KANtAB CITT . - 1S.00 UT, TAUL ... jg.OQ rVioM othlii oinm oonnitroHOiNaiT low (,lonl.t I'atrioro tVliM'.ll)IMniilr.lit tlior rail Ih I'tcpnl'l fioni mii-"nt, ifjmi Intra ttU'ii'lt nr H'lollviM iiitliuKanLwiiiiili' Iro to "(let lliicte In llio I'lirni," you oim li llt thn l.irn wllh iniir. Iixwil mimil nil. I n , tlikut will lo tvl'urai'lii 'I liiniir ii.hlri'M 1n tlm I. li'Mlliin tin. umlnrilHiii"! fm uuuil In tnatlvolllnrAturotuiianil limt. wwi h, scorr. Ctunt rmm ki, pmiiiii), chicon C M C tf.tf0-t "" Construction Co. Hlilpini'iit ot thimo Irons nml hi Koiittirii On'Kon l-i ! " BACKTO'THE FARM . .-r W?Bp5BWpjf " tV i, I I M t r ! M