I PAGE ITOTIR Medford Mail Tribune AN INDRl'ENORNT NKVHPAP!5ll" PUUMHIIKU I!VRr AKTIJHNOON EXCKl'T SUNDAY. BY TUB MISDKOHU I'niNTINQ CO. Th Dcmocrntlo Tlmcn, Tim Medford Mail, TJio Mcdford Tribune, The South irn OrcRontnn, Tlio Anlilnnd Trlbuno. Office Mali Trlbuno ilulldlne. 28-37-2 North Fir street; phone, Main 3021; Home 75. dKOnClE PUTNAM, Editor and Manairrr Entered an ' second-cltus mattrr at Ifcdronl, Oregon, under the act of March I, 187P. Official Paper of tlio City of Mcdford. Official Paper of Jacknon County. SUBSCRIPTION RATrB. One year, by mall 5.00 Ope month, by mall , 50 Per month, delivered by carrier Jn Mcdford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point . , .SO Ralurday only, by mall, per year.. .00 Weekly, per year 1.50 BWORK CIRCULATION. Dally average for eleven monlha end ing November 80, 1911, 5751. mil aid Wire United Frtst Sttpatchta. The Mall Trlbuno Is on Rale at the Ferry News Stand, Snn Frnnclnco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle Wash. MESrOBS, OREOOIT. .Metropolis of Southern Orspon and Nnrthorn California, and tho faatest growlng city In Orepon. Population U S census 110 SS40; atlmated, 191110,000. Flvo hundred thousand dollar aravlty Water System complete. RlvlnR finest supply puro mountain water, and 17.S miles of streets paved. PoStofflce receipts for year ending November SO, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. . Banner fruit city In Orepon Tlouue Hlver Spltxenberc apples won aweep takes prlzo and tltlo of "Apple Xlnr of the World" at the National Applo Show. Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtowns won rt PrUe In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C. rirst Vriie in 1S11 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Ncwtowns. Rokuo River pears brnucht highest firices In all markets of the world dur nc the past sir years. Write Commercial Club. Inclosing cents for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown These Mysterious Days. Man of mystery is Jim, Whispers all he hns to sa' Shakes his head a knowing way; Would have you know he's up to tricks, Sho, he's doin politics! Knows an awful lot does Jim, Has tho vote all counted out. Opposition on the rout; Nothln' much that Jim can't fix When bo's doin' politics. Still I wonder now at Jihi At the things that he has said, As he wisely shakes his head; Supposin' now he didn't mix Would It alter politics? Tlio Xcivs from Dakota. Have you heard from North Dakoty? State next door to Mlnnesoty And a place that Teddy uster call his own. How they've everlastin' bumped him, Yes sir, hauled right off and thumped him Whilo thoy also handed Taft a measly bone. Say, the man they call LaFolly, He's a dead one,-oh, by Golly? Lots of dead ones wish that they wero live as he. Taft and Toddy both agin him Called liim dead and tried to akin him, lint tho dcad'un licked the two of thorn, by Yee, CHARGE HUMPHREYS WITH MURDER OF MOTHER C'OHVALLIS. Ore., Mnrch 22. Thuf llio last victim of lleorjje Hum phreys' already ohnpcd with four murders, was his mother, is allowed here todny. Jlrs. Kin;,', liis mother died sudden ly Rome weeks ngo. It was said she died of parnlyftin. It i now allowed Humphrey may have poisoned lior. It is lioiuj,' urj;od that tlio body of Mrs. Kiiitf be exhumed and n seureh lor poison iuhtitutod. PRESIDENT TAFT'S AIDE RECEIVED BY POPE PIUS HOME, March 22 Pope I'Iiih to day rocolved a visit from .Major Archibald W. Ilutt, personal aide to President Taft, who piebenled tho popo an uutograph letter from tho prcsldout. Prohl Orator Balked. FHESNO, Cul March 22. After snendlntj- mouths as an orator In a vigorous local option campaign, Kuv. Samuel Hughes, Urltlsh, was denied eltlsonshlp papers. He could not toll how tho president of tho United States is elected. Mayor Snubs Tic l.OS AN'GELEH, Cul., March 22. "Whoro's your nocktio, Mr. Mayor?" questioned Mayor Alexander's secre tary. H was tho third successive day tho mnyor had forgotten his tlo. Friends contributed for tlio red and green scarf tlio mayor woro homo, WHY VOTE nnlLEKE is no reason why A should vote tor Hon Soiling lor lnited States senator. lie has deserted (hoir ranks ami openly amgneu minseu with tho reactionary element of the party in the state. Air. Soiling is not only, lending aid to tho movement to place Oregon in tho Taft column and serving upon the 'Fa Ft committee, but his candidacy is being promoted by mem bers of the old guard of machine politicians. Everv one of the politicians travelling about Oregon in 'Fa ft 's and Selling's interest are tho rankest of rank stand patters. Everyone of them is a reactionary at heart and until this campaign an open opponent of the direct primary. and most of them still oppose it. Glance through the list of the Selling supporters in Jackson county they are all members of tho old guard that went down to. defeat with Fulton, with Uowerinan, and other enemies of the Oregon system. There is no reason why anyone in .Jackson county should vote for Air. Selling. Wheii the Mcdford delegation visited Salem, Air. Selling promised his support to the Crater Lake road bill and afterwards violated this verbal promise given at a luncheon to half a dozen Mcdford men. lie did not oppose the bill on the grounds of its unconstitu tionality, but solely on the grounds of economy. "When he saw the bill was going to pass despite his opposition, ho offered an amendment cutting the sum in half, lie after wards subscribed .$100 to the highway fund as a sop to win the goodwill of this section. Air. Selling helped kill the Ashland normal, both at the regular and at tho special session following the only state institution southern Oregon over had. In these ways has Mr. Selling helped southern Oregon. "Why should southern Oregon help this deserter of the progressive cause, this legislative opponent of its welfare and progress in his efforts to represent the Taft reaction aries in the United States senate I PROGRESS VS. THE issue before the votrrs of Jackson county at the coining election is simply progress or stagnation. Judge Dunn is on record as stating that but little road work will be done under his administration if he is elected and he does not advocate bonding the county. Judge Dunn's policy will be simply to sit on the lid for four years to hold down and economize to the limit so as to take up all outstanding indebtedness. Of course a business administration is wanted one where the county will receive a dollar's worth of value for every dollar expended. The credit of the county must be restored, and it is best done by bond issues, but the people of Jackson county cannot afford not to go ahead with de velopment and good roads are the best developers. "While taxpayers do not want Avastc, thoy can just as illy afford stagnation. The coining three years will be the most important in the county's history. The Panama fair will bring thousands here, and si period of expansion and development will follow just "exposition-. The most progressive and best developed sections will reap the greatest advantage. Jackson county should be in the lead. Judge Dunn is honest and economical, but is not pro gressive, not a creator, not a builder in any sense of the word. He is too small for the place, for Jackson count v is becoming a big county and a age it. EFFECTS OF TAFT'S TRUST BUSTING. PRESIDENT Taft s policy of forcing the dismember ment of trusts into a multitude of separate corporations cannot be said to have been very successful in results. Since the dismemberment last spring of the Standard Oil Co. of Xew Jersey and reorganization, the price of oil and bi-products has been advanced to the public, the value of Standard Oil securities have; steadily risen and the size of the dividends increased proportionately. Through its declaration of a dividend the amount of which was 29 per cent, the Standard Oil company of In diana now holds the record for the largest stock dividend in the history of A'all Street. The directors will now distribute 2.0 additional shares to each holder of one share of stock. Since the dissolution of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, the corporation's Indiana stock has been' go ing up rapidly. At that time the' market quotation was $1,G00 per share, while at present it is 0,000. Eventually it may dawn upon the president that the only way to curb the trust is by federal regulation, not lake dissolution and interminable litigation which hampers business and halts progress. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) County Clerk. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for tho office of county clerk, eub Ject to tlio will of tho voters of thut party at tho primaries. I promise tho people of Jackson county that in cu ho of my nomination and olect'on I will fulfill tho duties of tho offico ac cording to law and tho best of my knowledge and ubillty. W. II. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Feb. 1C, 1312. For Sheriff. I announce myself ns a candidate fur sheriff, promising a continuance of tho buuluessllko administration I havo given tho offico In tho past. W. A. JONES. County Kecorder. 1 am a candidate for a second terra for tho offico of County Ito- amDFORD MATL TRTBtTNTC. FOR SELLING? any progressive romibliean STAGNATION. as it followed the. Portland big man is required to man corder on tho Kopubllcan ticket, sub ject to tho coming primary. I havo conducted tho offico to the best of my ability, tho booko aro al ways open for inspection and feel that 1 am entitled to a bocond torra. FItED L. COLVIO. For I'rovculJiig Attorney. I horoby announce myself as a candidate for tho democratic nomi nation for tho offico of prosecuting attorney for tho first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho countlos of Jackson and Jose phluo, subject to tlio will of tho vot era of thut party at. tho primaries, and 1 pledge tho people of Jackson and Josonhlne counties that iu tho event of my nomination and election I will fearlessly, impartially and to tho best of my ubillty prosocnto all violations of law in said district and endeavor to administer tho duties of said office with tho utmost efficiency and economy, E. E. KELLY. For lleprcHentatlve, I respectfully present my uamo "8 MttDFORD, OKIWON. FRIDAY, MA KM1! I 22, 15)12. vundtdnto lor ropf w ii inflvo u Th o republican voters nl the coming pri mary. 1 hnvo boon ouco honored by tho pooplo of Jnckxon comity, having boon chosen to roproont thorn In tho state nssomhly two yoiwa n i;o. If nominated and elected. 1 shall do In tlio future as I lune Iu tlio past: give to my constituent a honest and talthrul sorvlco a lies within my power. 1 ro.illxo tlmt there nio mut ters of Importance to southern Ore gon tlmt will come l ' Uio jmxt mooting of the legislature at Saluin, and It will bu my onrnest ifuslrb It elected to act to tho fullest iiitiftio tion of nil tho people of Jackson county. J, A. WKSTKULUNl). For CouiiTy" Voi7unt?doiier. I hereby announce meir as can didate for tho nomination of county commissioner for the four yetir term, subject to the endowment of Hi republican voters at tho prlmao election April It, KM:!. If nominated nml elected I will dining my" term of office conduct tho business of Jackson county on a strictly business lwsl. and to the best Interests!)' the taxpayers, and without fear or favor to any party, parties or to any particular section of the county. W. 0. LKEVKlt. FoT Sheriff. I respectfully 'present my name to the republican voters as candidate for sheriff of Jackson county at the coming prliuarle's. I hno terved two tortus as constable of .Medford district, and If nominated nml elected I shall servo the people In tho future as In the past. A ITU. 11. SIXGliEU. For County Judge. I am a candidate for the nomina tion of county Judge of Jackson coun ty to bo determined by tho will of the voters at tho primaries April IS, 191-'. If I am nominated ami elected I will during my term of office, as soon as lawful authority of the voters can be securod, bond the county and bogln the construction of n cslcutltlc system of permanent roads. Ono mil lion and a lint dollars is not too much for this purpose. Hut a dol lar's value must be had for every dollar spent. I will oppose Increas ing tho county's warrant Indebted ness and will oudeavor to reduce tho samo and restore tho county's credit. I will nssuuio full responsibility tor a business udmiiiUtratlou of every county office. fc E. MEltltlCIv. For Asr.ssr. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for a second torm for county assessor, subject-to'tho republican primaries, Aprlltlu, 1912, and prom Iso It nominated and elected to do my duty iu the future as I havo lu tho past. W. T. UKIKVE. County'' Hecoriler. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the republican nomination for the office of kiunty rocorder, sub. Ject (o tho will of tho voters of Hint party nt the primaries. I was born and raised at Huglo Point, Ore. 1 havo for the past two years been deputy lu the assoasor's office and all I ask the pooplo to do Is to look up my churaetHr and past record be fore casting their ballots. CIIAIJNCI2V KLOKUV. County Clerk. I announce myself us a candidate for tho republican nomination for the office of county clock, subject to the primaries April 19, 1 9 12. X. L. XAUHKOAX. I'm- UcpicHCiilnlho, I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tan nomination as ono of tho two ropreeutntlvos to the assem bly for Jackson county, to be chosen by the republican voters at tho pri mary election April 19, 1912. My two Interests tlio ranch at Central Point and law practice having brought mo lu touch with conditions confronting both tho farm er and the liimlnoss man, iu consent ing to make the race for tho nomina tion for representative, I wish to stale that I am lu favor of woll built highways, constructed along econom ical and scientific. Hues. I favor such laws as will cnablo our orchardists to protect and euro for their orchards lu the best posslblu manlier. I be lieve iu such legislation as will pro tect and suiojuiiird'iyi tho Interests of tho people lu matters of taxation, railroad rati-M and efficient public service. And If nomliiatud and elected, 1 will give to ouisii taxpayer honest, efficient and bmdiiuHHllkci, service. JOHN-11. OAKKIN. NOTICE 'OP' KALE. Notice Is hereby given that I, tho undersigned, Henry Vinson, did, on tho L'lst day or December, 1911, re ceive from the lawful possessor tho following dnscrlhml horses, with In structions to keep, food and caie for tho same: 1 gray goldlm; about, tl years old; weight about l'J.OO pounds, 1 brown gelding uboiit 9 yoiirB old, weight about 1100 pounds, 1 spotted geltllng about 12 years old, weight about 1100 pounds, .i! r. '- V mirrol gelding about S years old, while spot In forohoiid. weight uhoiit IOCiO pounds. 1 sonol goldlng about S years old. bald face and white root; weight about lOfiO pounds. "I bay gelding nhmii I a yours old. bald face and while feet; weight about I Sou pounds. I Imy iiiiito about I .oars old; white strip In foielioud. branded I'on on loft shoulder; weight about l.Vio pounds. l black molding about 7 oui old. white spot In forehead; weight about i;tr.o pounds. 1 black molding about 1 1 years old, weluht about, l50 pounds. 1 Imy gelding about 114 years old, weight about liioO pounds. 1 Imy gelding about 10 jimr old. white spot lu forehead, ono white foot; weight about 1800 pound. 1 bay goldlng about 1.1 your old. while siKit In forehead mid ono glass oe; weight about 1.150 pounds. I bay gelding about 7 ohi old. bianded l.y S on left wheulder: weight about ia."0 pounds. That oor since wild date, at the roiiuput ufoi'MHlil. I hnvo fed and cared for said lioro. and the same aro now lu my iHme.lon. and that by liiuo thereof I hold n possessor) lieu thereon for the oaro, food and attention given thsretn hk nfoiSwtd 'Hint wild care, food and attention I at this time of the Just and reason able value lu tho iiggioguto of Jfl That on the 1.1th day of April. 1 912, nt the hour of I o'clock p m. or said day. I will. offer for mle. and will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash III hand, the Mid described liurss. or sufficient there of to pu the o.piUMt aforesaid, mid the charges for feed, euro and at tention for tho Intertill between Hit date and the said tint of sale a aforowild. and the charges and ev pernio of said sale. The day of the first publication hereof Is Friday, the S2nd day of March, 1913. Dated at .Mwlford, Oregon, this SUud day of March. 191. Ulfi.N'UV VINSON'. W. H. Philips. Attorney. XOTICU. Tho Granite City Training School for Nurses incorporate!) can uo couimoduto two more applicants Im mediately. Wages paid from date you ontar. Those wishing to make application may do so by letter or In person, nt OUANITE CITY HOSPITAL, 31 1 Ashland, Ore. At'cno.v s.vi.k. 1 will sell at public suction on Sat urday afternoon between U and 'A o'clock a cow- and calf, on the (om inous Just wit of Nash hotel. V W. I'rlsioe. 3 1 2 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL MONDS. Notice l hereby given that the Town Couucll of tho Town of lluttu i'ttlls, iu Jackson county. Oregon, will receive sealed proposals for tho pur chase of f 10.000 of the negotiable coupon bonds of said town, bearing six per cent semi-annual Interest, said bonds bearing date March 1st, 1912. duo March 1st, 1932. S.ild sealed proposals will bo ro colved by and may no filed with tho recorder of wild town at any time before C p. m. March 20th. 19 1. Each proposal or bid must bo accom panied by n certified chock drawn on soma stato or national bank of Jack son county, Oregon, for f per cent of the amount offered, tho samo to bo forfeited to the town iu case tlio proposal inado Is accepted by tho town and tho person making the pro posal dooa not purchase tho bonds lu accordance therewith within thirty days after being uotlflod of tho ac ceptance of tho proposal and being furnished with a transcript of tho proceedings of tho council and rec ords of tho town showing that said bonds aro lawfully Issuo and valid obligations of tho town. No bid for loss than par and ac crued Interest will bo considered by tho council and tho council reservos tho right to i eject any and all bids. Dated March 8th, 1912. 1UA TUNOATE, 311 Recorder Town of llutto Falls. MBDFORS & OUATEU XiAlCB KAIL- uoad mzcmvanuuii' kotioe. Tfi iicr.'orilfinci' with an order of Hid JmlKn of Hie circuit Court or tlio Hint" of OrrKon. for Jackson County, In Him mutter of ..in rcclvurxlilp of Dim Mud fore & Crater Luke' ItHllioiid Cimumtiv. mi Oi't'iioii cni'imiullon, itiul In u ciius tlicio iM'iulfnu. mi 1 1 lied Kileiir tin fin' nt itl., VH M;dforil fc Ci titer iilto llitlliuail Company, nt ul., Notice Is liiTcby Klvtn by Urn under hIkihxI receiver of huPI coi (Miration, Mint tlio court or JiiiIkh In sulil niHtiur Is alioiil In muk an order dlMtrlliiilliiK to t lift iMiblm-H of lKtld mi stock In nald corporation, such IiiiiiIh aw sliull in rniiln after tlio puymuit or nil debts, ami expenses of , ln recnlvnrMlilp. Tlierofoio, all persons oWiiIuk miy fully paid-up stock lu Hit Id corporation, or iinvliiK mad') putt payment 1111011 tblr HilliHcilptmns, urn liernoy imuium 10, nn or hrrnro April 2nd, 1312, fllo Willi tint undorslKiiml receiver, at bis office In ihn I'ii lin hlnclc. Modfoid. Oiutroii. t in r duly vorlfled cIiiIiiih, iiceomimiileil by tlielr corllflciiteM of wtnolt. showing thu umiibor of tlio certificate, lo whom orl Inally iMSiiml, and tlio amount received by tho corporation lu payment therefor. TIioho who urn ownerH of such slock, but cannot produce thu sumo, or who havo imld only part upon tlielr sub Hcrlptlons, mid to wliom cnrtlflcnleH havo novor been Issued, miiy iiiako like proof by such verified claim. Tlierio olulms will, on April 3rd, 1012, bo filed with the county jlerk for Jack- moii counts', Ori'Hiin All pci'stiiiM m luti nn liitfU'Nt In nuld nmtti'i. nuit ImMnwl ulilri'tioiiH lo iiiiv of imlil itmlniN are r? milieu to fllo the sumo lu writing with I Hitlil county oli'iK on or Imforo April nili. ItMS Kioin tho time until I'lalui"! nio so fllml Willi Hi" iiihIi'ImIkikmI io- OHlVCl' llixy Will ll SllllJl'Ol III HII'C . Ilim Ity thoso ilonliliig lo nmlifl olilc I (Ions tinted lit Mcitfotil, OIonoii. IIUh 01U ,,l,y ,,r M " TV uwm.v. , Itrrrlvor of Mcilfonl Al Ctiitor l.iilio llitllioiul comimtiv I Young & Hall Taxi ,Co. TOl'UINU CAUS AND TAXICAIIH ItcnHounlilo I tut cm In City or Country Phones: I'aclrlc I ttlO; Home 10(1 Sorvlco nil day, all night. Stands Modfoid and Nli Hotels. Absolutely no credit without fit nt making arrangement with man ager. COURT MALI. Manager Medford Roal Eatato & Employmont Agency FOU HALE 27 acres oust of town, l acres to trcci. 12 ani'S plautd lo guilu 3.S0 near Cold lllll at $100 poi acre. SI!" acres Improved, flue location 92 acres, So Hi fruit, good build- lug. 30 acres wr Eagle Point, 100 arrcs cIimo to Kaglo Point. Cf acres In cultivation. 30 nolo III fruit S utiles from Medford. !.ir, acres ;t mile of Miulford, 27 to hay. good Improvemoiits, 20 acres planted to alfalfa and grain ami sumo noes, some buildings. If you want to buy u ranch or homo come and see us. If you want to trade, come and e us. Wo have all kinds of initios, lu any locality. TEA HE Houses to rout III all parts of the city. MISCEI.MNKOrS Wanted, a house clogo lit; will trade lots and some oush. EMPLOYMENT Olrls for general housework. Six coal miners. Coal miners to work by tho tn. Phono In our orders for men, no ch.irges to the cmplo)r. E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS G AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposito Nash Hotel PI10110 till; Home, II. II STAR THEATRE 0 BIG PHOTOPLAYS Under lllieclloil People's Alilllii'in.'iit Co. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA TODAY TODAY TODAY "PRESIDENT TAFT MAKING A STATE OF ARIZONA" lti'hl Views of Pri'snloiit Titl'i Kwr TnUeii. "THE HOBO'S REDEMPTION" Thrilling mul Dniiunln' Story "f Life m Mininu Town. "LA-FAVORITA" I'lTfeel Slnry of Thai Kiiiihhih ()n-rii. "OVERSEA CELEBRATION" IiituruMliiiK Openiiitr of tlw l)nva lliulnmil ICxlctitliiig I'Vom Ivtiiulit k li'V Across lin- riNergliuli'H lo Key Wcsl. "HIS DAUGHTER" Story of Hie (Jiviil While Wny. "A NOTE IN THE ORANGE" All Comedy AL SATHER IN SONG "WOOLWORTHS" Tin- .Musicians. MATINEES Every Day ADMISSION 10c San Francisco acclaimed il one ol' the brightest nov elties of the year THE NEWLYWEDS and their Baby FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Coining to tickle, yon willi the same (.Ireal, (Jast, UiiiL delighted every "(Ironch" in New York 60 PEOPLE- 75 PER CENT GIRLS YVIiat tlio Frisco critics said Maicli II: CALL: "llproarloutily funny. TIcIiIIuk tunes," EXAMINEIt: "Hxeoodlnuly nltnicllvo." CllltONICIdO: "Tho smartest iiiiihIii hIiiiw over lu that liotuio." POST: "ileaiilirully costumoii and positively funny." TO THE PUIILIC: Unions you find tills attraction ono of tlio host over seen in Med ford, yoiw money will bo refunded upon application at tho box of fice after tho performance, T-? f4-0 win: RE TO GO TONIGHT UGO THEATRE BIG 3 REEL FEATURE TONIGHT ZIGOMAR lie most .si'iisitlioiinl DpIit llvp slopy t'vt'i' I'IIiikmI. Nn riiisf 111 priff. K)p ISS lOc THEATRE lOc louo IHt hi tiood Subjeds AS IVll.ltltt Pil.O NEIIIMMl V i'iIoi u Slor Mil I 111 It M H.U (JIITKItS u Hitoii'Htlug Ciinu'dy Drama THE PMVStCIAN'H IIONOIt !m of l.tlblll' llont Subjects MIL ItHillOISi: IS CtltKD This Is I In' Host Comedy of the Heamui IIIIW PLANTS Altli ItOKX, LIVE AND till'; rk rule FAIlMI.Nti IN I'lNIS Educational Evoiilngs, 10c any seat In tho hot). Hii'i'll Children's Mat luoo every Stitiirdny nml Htiuday at 2 p. m . admlaiilou fe and I Ore Follow tho crowds to tho Isls. We solicit your patronage, which will be received with court esy. 0 BIG PHOTOPLAYS Alvtii)n In Hie 1'inl CHILDREN Do K V