MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE. MEDEORD, QKECON, 10R1PAY, MARCH 22. 11)11. PAGE TWO i. " lMlllCHlDlO by way of tho mmroiit KlltH escape, 'Jlien you will ho AM'MIIKI) worry you didn't liikn nut a PIIM'3 liiMirniien nolley with H. 11, Oil All A.M. iiooin a Over I'oHtofflpii Phoneiit Main JlOHlj Home S!7. TEDDY JUNIOR GOES TO WORK In total iliu'kneKS before the cuune of tho double was discovered. Easterner Too ForwmV OXNAIlfi, t'nl., March U2. Without. conmillliiK tho lady, (loorno Urownllo, mild to bo a wealthy emu- ornor, secured a Hcoiimo to wed Mlm1 Stella Mccormick. Iletween gimpi! and fiolm Minn Mccormick npolto her mind. Urownllo disappeared. NATION WIDE IS. JACK WHY'S BURGLAR PROVES 10 BE HEIR flF MILLIONS STRIKE LIKELY nm:. Pirn mo away If yipt wlnhi but soma day YOU may ho KlUMU from your K CUlVKIiAND, Ohio, March 22. With tho oporntorn and minors of tho bituminous district adjourning no ncnror rt sottlomont than tholr con ference begun tho probability or a national' coal strllco nppoared much nearer. AH tho big lntorosta ol tho country hnvo n corps or men hero dully Hontllng thorn reports ot every Htop la tho negotiations of. tho confreres. Tho cntlro morning was spent In j dlscusHlni; tho first clause of the mlnQrs' demand providing for thej payment of their wnj;6s on a nm of f mlno Instead of on a screen coal basis j nnd at noon nolthor eldo had con ceded a point. Tho screened coal basis, which Is now In use. pays 95 cents per ton on all coal which does iiot pass through an Inch and a half screen. Tho run of mine basis, upon which tho minors are uncompromis ingly Insisting, pays thorn for all coal mined, largo or small, nt tho rate of 77 i cents por ton. F OR CONVICTS IN T. r:s crowd WASHINGTON1. D. C, March 22. That four convicts woro Roosevelt delegates at tho convontlon hold In Christian county Missouri, on March 11, is tho charge made today by the bureau which is supporting tho can didacy of President Taft here. Tho Taft bureau publishes a letter In lhwch It Is declared that Judge Moore or Excolslor Springs, Mo., re leased tho prisoners, took them to dinnor, and then brought them to the convontlon as Itoosevelt delegates. National Committeeman Cecil Lyon of Texas Is also cntlgatod by the bureau, which says: "In the open and unblushing at tempts of Cecil Lyon to force the government office holders of Toxas to Join In olectlng Itoosevelt candi dates n further attempt oh tho part of Taffs opponents to collect a slush fund from tho officeholders has been revealed." ME5. cJOHJST P. CIZDA.H1T LOS ANGELES, March 22. -Morris Condory. arretted in the home 1 1' Mr. Jack C'uilnliy, Pnndwin, plead ed not jruiltv to a elmix of attempt ed burglary when arraigned today be fore Superior Judge MoConnick. lib hearing was set for Mirli 27. Morris J. Condory, hold under a charge of attempted burglary in Pas adena, i the grands-on of the lute Count Charles Xeal of Conhngen. neninark. aud sole heir to his vat estate, valneil at 32,000,000 korana or aiiproxiiiintely S.OOO,000 in Amer ican inonev. Such w the statement of Ins father. Profe--or V. Condory, M. 1)., tf Sun Francisco, who arrived in Pasadena this mnriumr for the purKiM of aiding his son, whom lie protosls- is- innocent of the charge placed :itaiu-t liiui. hut is mentally unhiilaiiucd periodiuallv. Condory's son is the man who s aeeused of having entered Mrs. Jack Cudnhy's homo in Pasadena a a burglar. Dr. Condory, who is of a prominent nnd wealthy family of Hungary slat ed that his ;.oii would come into the big eslale oou. FORTUNE OF SI 00.000 LEFT GUNNER'S MATE VALLEJO. Cab, March 22. To Chief Gunner's Mute Torako of the cruiser Denver, at prosont in reserve at Mare Island today belong the dis tinction of bolng the rlohost fighting seaman alive. Toniko has Just re ceived news that his grandmother has died In Strasburg, Prussia, leaving him $100,000. Tomke fought in tho Boxer upris ing In China and through tho Span ish American war. He will serve out his remaining enlistment term of two years. "That estate Ik anchored In Ger many and nobody will scuttle the ship," said the bluejacket. "Thoro's plenty of tlmo for everything excopt In a sea fight." Urgo Penalty for Fraud PORTLAND. Or., March 21. Judgo C. U. Gantonboln today Is urging Orogon voters to amond the stnto fraud statutes so that fraud may bo proseoutod hero without writ ten token uh ossontlal proof. Judge Gantonboln declares tho fraud law, llko many others, I sarchalc and not udaptod to prosont day conditions. .Mother Slays Children TORONTO, Ont., March 21. Craz ed as tho result of studying spiritual ism, Mrs, Emma Orr, 55 years of ago, killed hersolf ami her three children hero today. The woman locked her solf and tho children in their bed room and turned on tho gas. Sho loft a note saying her husband would wolcomo their death. Ax-ciiscd of Killing Mute PHILADELPHIA, March 21 Mrs. Dulsy Gruco, accused of tho shooting of her husband, Eugene, In Atlanta, nnd who was subsequently rolonscd on bail, arrived horo today and wont to tho homo of hor mothor, Mr. Martha UJrluh. Mrs. Graco donlod that sho shot hor husband nnd ox prossod confidence that ho will exon erate her. Unitarians la Fight FRESNO, Cal., March 21. Bitter warfaro ragod hero today In tho con vention of tho Pacific Unitarians vthon a letter was read from tho Rov. Fred S, Well of Uolllngham protest ing ngnlnst, tho carrying out of the convout Ion's morning program of n discussion of "Unitnrlanlsm ngnlnst Orthodoxy." HEADLESS BODY TELLS STORY OF EXPLOSION M'CCRTAIN, Okla., March 22. In the finding of the headless body of W. It. Rhodor, a civil engineer. In the ill fated mine nuinbor two of tho San Bots Coal company here, It la believod that the causo of the explo sion here which entombed moro than 100 miners and set the mine on fire on Wednesday last Is discovered. The theory Is that Rohr struck a match. Igniting the kus. A miner's body was found near by with a pick driven through it. The mine Is filled with gases to day, and the rescue work may be abandoned on account of the danger. The explosion is the sixth In the history of mine No. 2. A few months ago the mine Inspectors closed It and ordered It repaired. WHERE WOODnOW WILSON'S MONEY IS COMING FROM NEW YORK. March 22. Whore the money is coming from with which Woodrow Wilson's partisans are pushing his campaign for tho presi dency was set forth hero today by W. W. Vlck, In charge of the Wilson headquarters hero. In response to a challenge by Senator James Reed of Missouri. Vlck said In reply: "Tho contri butions to Wilson's fund are spon taneous, voluntary and personal, by political friends and mostly in small amounts. "It Is true there Is a Wilson organ ization in practically every state or ganized and maintained by Wilson's friends who believe his oloctlon would see tho establishment of cloan government." PORTLAND, Ore. Marguerite Hillinrd turned in a riot call wlion hor dad, club in bund, chased hor Jovor, O. J. Mundriek, up on tho Iionaeroof. Police rokciied Mnndrick. Your Freckles Need Attention In the Spring or Face Will Stay Covered Now Is the tlmo to tako apodal caro of the comploxlou if yon wish it to look woll the rest of tho yoar. Tho March sun brings out freckles that will stay tho rest of tho summer un less romoved now with othlne doublo strength. This proscription for the euro of frocklos Is tho discovery of an emln on t skin specialist, and Is so uni formly HUccossful that It Is sold by any fIrst.'Class druggist In Medford under guarantee to rofund tho mon ey If It falls. Got an ounco of othlne doublo strength, and ovon tho first night's application will show a wonderful Improvement, somo of tho smallor frocklos ovon vanishing entirely, STABS WOMAN, THEN BURIES KNIFE IN SELF SAX FRANCISCO. M j -eh 22. -While her three Utile children .iod by paralyzed will, fear, FrnucoM-o Troche, a Porto Rican Mn'p t-'-nlcr, plunged a .--tibjlto fio times into the breast of, Mm. Tainnso lkz r.i lb kitchen of her how$ her, (inlay, and then fell iijuh l!i woman j- bdv nfier twice burying the knife ii bis r.un breast. Little hope is Iild out fo- tin1 wo man's life, but Troche will recover. Mrs. Diez had repulsed her country man's advances. She is a widow. TO THE PUBLIC If cough syrups would cure coughs overy tlmo, It would not bo necessary for us to print this information, but there are so many cuses of chronic bronchitis in town that have hung on for months and years, wo foul that we must tell what we know about It, It is a positive fact that the only right way to troat a cough Is to use a romedy that acts on tho blood, such as inol, our delicious cod liver and Iron preparation without oil. This makes the blood rich and pure so it can lieal and strengthen the In flamed bronchial tubas. Its taste Is so ploasant that even children like it. Mrs. Olivia Parham, East Durham, N. O., says "I used Vlnol for a cough which had lasted two years and It gave me porfect satisfaction. I am also giving it to a delicate child to strongthon hor. She will not tako any other medicine but Vlnol is so ploasant she cries for It and it is benefiting her vory much." Romomber If Vlnol doos not help you It costs you nothing. Medford Pharmacy, near Postofflcc. Play Ball, & Spalding "Official National 'League'' COfiK CENTER BALL SS The Coxlc Center makes a ball tlml pluyers can depend upon, The ball play evenly, as good In the Ninth1 Inning u in tlifc I'irst. It makes the game inter, estlng to the spectators, as it is lively throughout the game. Cricket limy be all right with a (lead ball, but llasc Hall is American, and the ball Americana w-nt has got to be lively. There never such Interest In the World Serb s games as in loioand ion. The Com Center balls were used exeb-iively 111 these games, and for Twenty Year jiirc all World Series games v. ill be pud with Cor Jc f:etftr ball 1. Coiy l . mi I." . i- 1 1 ' U1H ' mj ft tt 'ii'it j. Otmt far rsii lri) I'U'C Jul; UAUfif, .wi UulIoHUK. Prta, A. O. 51'ALDl.NO & RtiOS. 108 Geary S;rcct San FrancJac SAN FRANCISCO, ltl . .March 23. Theodure. Hoosovelt Jr. left for New York today, where he entcra the cinplo. of a Wall street bund house aw a wulexnmn. At an Informal ban ipiet given li tin by hi political com Hides last night Twddy Jr. puffed un contentedly nt tin old briar pipe and appeared to enjoy himself hugely. Young Uoostivolt made a happy 111-, lie speech In which lie declared that California's Inlorests would alwy be dear to hli heart. Why, 1 am ovon forced to admit," Itoosevelt said, "that there nio Kotid democrats In California. If I oor got the thnnc' and 1 tun going- to try nml make the chatiee. I am coming buck " MRS. SAGE GIVES $1000 TO SEATTLE Y. W. C. A. FUND SKATTLK, Mavch -Ji A ehe-k for $irU0 was- recoived today by the . V. C. A. fnun Mt-. Kus-ll Sue of New York. It will be applied to the building fundi Mr". Kane's friendship for Mrs-. Kli.iilieth Chaiupney of tho local assoeiatior was the cause of (lie gift. T. R.'s Son for Him SAN FHANCISCO, Cal., March 122. Theodore Roosevelt. Jr.. baa Join ed tho KooHoelt club here. Ho Is for papa. Owl Stops Electricity GRASS VALLEY, Cal., March 22 A venturesomo owl flow against the power wires near here. GrasM Valley and Nevada City bpeut a night FELT BAD ALL JE TIME Shcllhorn Lady Suffered a Great Deal, But Is All Right Now. Shcllhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrlo May says: "A short tlmo ago, I commenced to havo weak spells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would dlo. At last my husband got mo a bottlo ot Cardul, and It helped mo; bo ho got somo more. After J bad taken the second bottle, I was entirely well. I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It Is tho best medldno I know of. It did mo moro good than anything I ever used." Cardul 13 a woman's tonic a strengthening medldno for womon, mado from Ingredients that act spe cifically on tho womanly organs, and thus help to build up tho womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's Ills, It has a successful record of over GO years. Your druggist sella It Please try it N. B.- TIWi te: Ufli' Advtjory Dpt.. Chitt poon MrJldne Co.. Outunooci. Tnn.,fof Hpfcuil Jnttruettont, nj 64-pjtt book. Horn Trctttxst (or Wocxn," ttnl In pUla '.TJppcr, on (4utL. A SNAP SO acres, six miles from Medford, good graded road crosses tho tract, all free soil, at $50 per aero. $1000 will bandlo, easy torma on balance. Part Is creek bottom land, su'table for alfalfa. Several springs on the place. Timber enough to pay for the tract. No buildings. In the Qrlffin creek district, W.T.York. Co. TUSCAN SPRINGS flnvlnK no eaual on earth !n variety ot mineral waters and curing dleoasek that medicines will not reach. If you are In need of health, come now. We" aro open all tho year and can give the best of caro and nttontlon now as woll as In summer. Stago dally from Red Dluff to the springs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN WRINGS. OAL. Men's $4 Shoes $2.65 on the Bargain Counter We have placed on a bargain counter in our store a big assortment of Men's shoes. Men's fine I dress shoes and heavy durable working shoes. These are regular $4.00 shoes jail go at $2.65 a pair. -srsrsr-s:- ifcVS &. The Wardrobe Clothing 6 Shoe Store West, Main Street A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres, 13 milcB cast of Klamath Falls, on main road to Lakeview. About 85 ncrcH will bo under Uio gov ernment ditch and can bo irrigated. Fine alfalfa or garden bind. An nbundnnco of free outside rnncli. One of the best proportions there in in that section for a man who wants to engage in tbe sheep biiHincHH. LocnU ed just riuht for a townsito when the railroad in built from Klamath Full to Ukewow. I'rieo 1.rj0 P-'' noro Will oxeliarigo f('r Medtoid eity or eountry property. Wc T.York (a Co. Aggressive Progressive Tomorrow, Oh Tomorrow! We will sure tell you tomorrow in our NHW way of to morrow and in this them will he some ood advice Tor all to follow. If they don't want to "borrow sorrow" on to morrow they had best come uir and see US TODAY. llEMEMTBEIl we are the F1K8T, that, we state noth ing lint PACTS and the we are introducing the ways and MI5TH0DS of the EAST in the WKST and we aro work ing for the least. CONSULTATION always FR1CR NEW METHODS NlfAV IDEAS OUR WOKIC THIS WIST Drs. Saunders & Ureen is our namu We are graduate PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS We have had years of experience and it's yours. OUR liOAlliJ is in the ClARNETT-COREY BUILDING EVERYBODY KNOWS US YOU CAN'T FAIL TO ELND US j Reliable Ethical EXCELSIOR Yes, That's It The highest standard of material, workmanship and finish EXCELSIOR AUTO CYCLES THE ONE THAT ALWAYS MAKES GOOD ' ' For demonstration call at 608 E. Main St. or phone Home 236X East Side Motorcycle Shop O. G. Vroman, IProprietor UmmUh J y K