JPA"CH3 FOIJT? JrRD"FOTr MATTi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR 130 OX." TUTTRvSDAY, IMAROIT 21. 1912. Medford mail Tribune IUi&UUUiU I;l,f'lY AFTBKNOON 13XGUPT BUNIJAY, JIT TUB MKDFOUD PRINTING CO. Mnll, Tho Medfortl Tribune, Tho South ern Orcgonlnn. Tlio Ashland Tribune .J.f,cQ,.Mftn Tribune BulldlnR. S6-27-S9 North Fir street; phono, Main SQSl; Home ?B. OEOROn PUTNAM. Editor ana Manaser ..K.1tpr.ctl ft9 "PConilTlnss matter nt Mcdfonl. Ort?Bon, under the act of Mnrch J. 1879. Pnr-or ot tlio City of Medford. Official Paper of Jncknon County. BtmBCnrPTiow iiatkil. One yonr. by mnll Ono month, bv mnll ?5.nn Per month. llllViri1 hv ftnrrlor In ov Medford. Jacksonville nnd Cen tral Tolnt ., ,B0 Fnturnny only, by mall, per year.. 5.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 Bworwt crnotri.ATTO'w. Dolly nvorngo for riovi-iv inontiii Inc November SO, 1911, S7S1. end- roll Xieascd Wire United Press DUpatohoi. The Mall Trlbuno la on sale at the Kerry News stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel Nows Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co.. Portland. Ore. W O Whltncr. Seattle. Wash NDiGTEO FOR STEALING CATTLE The comity grand jury today re lumed indictments ngaiul John M Koe, Andrew Kaufman and Wilbur Kaufman for stealing entile in the Butte Fulls district. Thcc men were arrested some time ago charged with stealing cattle. They were hound over at that time to await action hy the grand jury. They Mill Le tried next Meek. tin IS IN race FOR REPRESENTATIVE John H. Carkln of the law firm of Carkln & Taylor has announced his candidacy for the state legislature on tho republican ticket. At present he is unopposed, although J. E. Enyart may enter the race. J. A. Wester lund is already iu the field for re election. COMMUNICATIONS. To the Editer: I soe in your val uable papor under date of tho 15th inst. an article entitled "Buy at Home." You say in that article that you cannot hoe why people don't buy at home. I can tell you why I sond off for things that I could buy in Medford. It is because I cannot soli my jirodncts In Mod ford and as I can save money on some things by sand ing away for thorn, I do It. Now, I want to ask one question and would like to seo it answorod in your papor. Why do tho dealers in Medford sond to California for gar den truck whon it can he bought in Medford from the farmers? Now thoy may bay that thoy don't do that, but thoy do, for I have hauled nice garden truck to Medford, and could not sell It. when thu dealers woro buying from California. 1 took some nlco onions, boots, carrotH, parsnips and turnips to MooV ford not long ago. I stonned at 4, More, went in and told tho doalor what I had. He took some turnips. 1 called his attention to the onions. Ho said ho could not uso thorn. J had occasion to stay there a few min utes. While I wug thero, he tele phoned to tho commission company and hud some onions sent up. I looked tlioni over, and 1 had as good or bettor onions than ho got. Now why did ho buy tho turnips? Hccauso tho commission company did not bavo thorn. Lust spring I was hauling garden truck to Medford. 1 saw California Jottuoa soiling for 10 cents the head. I offered to furnish tho samo houso with lottuco as nlco and fresher for 510 cents por dozen. Ho would not buy. Why, Is it possible that the doalor was sotting that lettuco for loss than 80 uouts? If so, why did he chargo 10 conts por hoad for it? I wont Into ono of tho commission houses. Thoy had Just unloaded a car of cabbage. I asked him whore ho got so many nlco cabbagos. Ho said California. I a&kod him if ho could not buy from the local funn els. Ho said ho did not know. 1 said I had two nolghbors who had aero of cubbago thoy couldn't sell at any price. I saw a anan on tho streets that dny with sovoral sacks of nlco cabbago. Ho said ho hud boon to ovory store In town but could not got an offer on his cabbage. My neighbors' crop stood lu tho field and spoiled. I hnvo had $100 worth of gardon truok rot this winter, could not sell at any pice. $tlll Medford has shlppod In several carloudn. Why? If tho doalor will buy my truck in proforonco to California truck, then T will ho) from htm 1 VUMFU. Coiiiiul Point, Miuoli lb. HONOR MEN AND THEIR WORK. p ISTITIONS are in circulation, probably inspired by political motives, asking the county court to abolish the convict canip on the Crater .Lake highway, on the grounds of economy. .It is probable that a majority of those who sign do not understand the situation, or the motives of those originating the move. According to printed figures, the couniv is navinir for this labor about 7.3 cents a day, 2o cents per man in wages, II cents in food, 9 cents in clothing. The county paid last, summer 2.50 a day for labor, and Foreman John Grieve is authority for the statement that as high an average of efficiency per man lias been and is being secured from the honor men as wits secured from the free men. The camp was established the hitter part of October and the first of November. The cost of initial buildimrs and supplies has all been charged against the camp, so that every day the men are employed lowers the average of cost. Most unfavorable weather conditions have been encountered. Koads have been impassable. Snow has blanketed the ground. Storms have rendered it impos sible to labor all of which has increased the cost for work secured. In other words, the camp has not had a fair trial as yet. AH work done has been at a disadvantage. Cost of securing supplies has been abnormal. Tho weather has been a severe handicap and yet excellent results have been secured. The county, having paid the initial expense, should continue the camp during the good weather in order to get back the money already invested in lower cost per diem and greater progress of work. A season is now at hand when' far greater results can be secured for the monev than has been possible in the past and the experiment will not be complete until a few months of workable weather have been experienced to balance the winter's iuelemeuev. The camp was established as an experiment to demonstrate the practicability of the honor system in Governor West's prison reform policy. Xo other county in the state was willing to try the experiment, not even Marion, where the prison is located.' As a consequence. Jackson county received a great deal of free advertising and is still receiving it. The success of the camp for it litis been a success lias demonstrated not only the most humane and practical way of handling prisoners, but has thereby immensely benefited humanitv. It has called attention to the fact that there is honor in every penitentiary and that decent treatment brings a response. Xow that Jackson county has made a success of the honor camp, ten counties have made application for honor men, and the demand greatly exceeds the supply. The men will not be left a minute," if the county court does not want them, but as a business proposition' they should re main now for good weather. It is probable that the most advantageous wav 'of handling the honor men in where they can work rain material, and another year will find such a course adopted throughout the state. There exists in every county, even in Jackson county, individuals who never get busy except to stop some one else from doing something. They never circu late petitions except to undo and never sign petitions ex cept to prevent some one else from accomplishing some thing. They tear down and never create. They originate but waste their energies in trying to check others. This class objects to most forms of progress. One never sees them circulating petitions for subscriptions to upbuild "the coinmnnit.v. If tlu;y would spend one half the time in creation that the.y spend in demolition, one half the energy in cooperative development work that they spend in cooperative knocking, Jackson county would have twice its population today. A HINT TO THE WISE. A ITENTJOX is called to the communication of a. -- farmer published elsewhere. It is one of many of similar note. This complaint must be based upon more or less of a foundation of fact, for it is widespread. It is injuring the commerce of the city. it is the merchants' first duty to sec that merchandise can be bought as cheaply in Medford as elsewhere. If it cannot be, Aledford cannot hope to hold the trade. The merchant who seeks exorbitant profits not only injures the community, but cuts his own throat, just as 'the landlord who demands unreasonable rentals is eventually rewarded with vacant buildings. Merchandise is sold at reasonable prices in most Aled ford establishments, at prices that compare favorably with those of other cities. In' some lines, however, there is complaint, regarding some .individuals, with the result that the stores in adjacent towns handling the same lines have profited at the expense of Medford stores. It has long been alleged that combination and trusts exist in certain lines here. No particular objection can be found with such combinations, which are economic necessities, provided they share the benefits derived thereby with the public. The trust that cheapens the cost of products to the consumer justifies its existence. The trust that exists simply for selfish profits made by in creasing cost to the consumer is unjustifiable and doomed to failure. The successful trust has ever been the one that divided the profits with the public. "Farmer" asks why some .Medford grocers buy Cali fornia products instead of Oregon vegetables. The Mail J nbune is unable to answer. The grocer should certainly practice what he preaches, patronize home industry. It is to remedy the existing condition of affairs, to provide the farmer with a home market for his produce that The Mail Tribune has so long agitated the puhlic market, and that the city council is to establish such an institution. Tilt re should be a concerted el fort among Medford merchant iwbi of .whom are winter time is in quarries, or shine in getting out road alive and progressive, to sec' that local stores meet all competition in the valley and do not charge too much, for I ratio always follows (ho flag ot reasonable prices. MAN CUT UP BY HATCHEI MU.W.U'lvKi:, . Mnroli 'Jl. Chopped into an untvoomimublo inus Mi Anna Miller. .I'J. wn found in the Kitehoii of her heme hero todny. A hutchot wn found nearby. The police believe Mi Miller was mur dered by a iiiHume. Tho wonmn's body was cover d with "short n ml the .kull was plit open, e.poiiii; the brum. She is dy ing in tho Kiuerpeney hospital. The kitchen of the Miller home wn opHttord with blood, -hewing that u desperate struggle had oceurred. Albert Ivouhler. coumii of Mrs. Mil ler, is being sought b the police. AMERICANS DESERTING MEXICAN WEST COAST SAN' DIEGO. C!.. March 'Jt. American refugees arming hero to day on tho tenincr Ueuito .Inures, from Mexico, report that Anierieuus are deporting the wet otunt as fust us iiMlie. Tliev nv there are no Americans in the xiemity of Mnznt Inn ami other Meunn cities ami that they are tiering tor mi Cot to the 1'uitcd States. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advortlsomont.) County Clerk. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho democratic nomination for the oftico of county clerk, sub ject to tho will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho peoplo of Jackson county that lu case of my nomination nnd cloet'on I will fulfill tho duties of tho office ac cording to law and tho best of my knowledge and ability. W. H. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Feb. 1C. 1012. County Itororiler. I am a candldnto lor a second term for tho office ot County Re corder on tho Republican ticket, sub ject to the coming primary. I have conducted the office to the best of my ability, tho books are al ways open for Inspection and fool that I am entitled to a second term. FRED L. COLVIU. For Sheriff. I nnnounco mysolf as n candidate for shorlff, promising a continuance of the busAemllke sdmlnlstrat'on I bavo given the office In the past. W. A. JONES. For Prohecutlng Attorney. I hereby nnnounco myself as a cnndldnte for tho democratic nomi nation for tho office ot prosecuting attorney for tho first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho counties ot Jackson nnd Jose phine, subject to tho will of tlio vot ers of that party at tho prlmarlos, and I plcdgo tlio people of Jackson and Josephine counties that in the ovont of my nomination and olsctlon will fearlemly, Impartially and to tho best of my ability prosecute all violations of law In said district and ondoavor to administer tho duties of said office viitb tho utmost efficiency and economy. H. 13. KI3LLY. For Representative, I respectfully present my nanio as nuiididatti for representative to the republican wHoik ut tho coming pri mal y 1 liavo boon ouco houoied by tho peoplo of Jackson county, having boon chosen to represent them In tho state assembly ,two years ao. If nominated and olooted, I shall do In tho future as I havo In tho past: glvo to my conatltuontB us honost and faithful korvico as Huh within my power. I realize that thoro are mut ters of Importance to southern Ore Bon that will como up In tho noxt mooting of tho legislature at Salem, and It will bo my carnost dcMro If oloctod to act to tho fullest satisfac tion of all tho people of Juckson county, J. A. WESTERLUND. For County Coninifhsloner. I hereby announce mysolf as can didate for tho nomination of county commissioner for tho four year tonn, aifbjoct to tho ondorscmont of tho ropubllcan votora at tho primary olection April l'J, 101-'. If nomlnatqd und oloctod I will during my term of offlco conduct tho business of Jackson county on a strictly businoka 'basis, and to tho host Interosts of tho taxpayers, and without four or favor to any party, parties or to any particular section ot tho county, W. O. LEEVKR. For Sheriff. I respectfully present my iinmo to tho rcnubllran voters as candidate fr ? ot Jiickeon county t tin coming prlinuiioH. 1 hnvo served two tonus us countable of Medford dlHtrlet, and If nominated and elected I shall serve the peoplo lu tho future us In the pint. AUU. 1). SINClLER. For (ITifiity .lodge, I nm a candidate for tho nomina tion of county JudKO of .Ineksou coun ty to bo determined by the will of tho voters nt the primaries April ll, 1U1U. It I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office, as noon as lawful authority of tho voters ran be sfcured, bond tho county and bogln the construction of a ctUontltlc system of purmaneut roads. Ono mil lion and a hut dollars Is not too much for this purpose. Hut a dol lar's vuluo mint bu hud for every dollar spent. I will oppose increas ing tho county's warrant ludebted uotfti and Milt endeavor to reduce the. same and restore tho county's credit. I will assume full responsibility tor a business administration of ovory county office. 1 l2. MKUUICIC. l'or Assessor, I hereby announce no self us a can didate for a second term for county assessor, subject to tho republican primaries, April 11. HU- and piom Iso If nominated and elected to do my duty lu the future as I have in tho past. W. T. OU1KVK. County Recorder, I hereby nnnounco myself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for tho office of county recorder, sub ject to the will of tho voters of that parly at tho prlnmrle. I Mas born and raised at EukIo Point, Ore. 1 have for tho past two yenr been deputy In tho swseMor's offkv and all I ask the people to do Is to look up my character and past rocord be fore casting their ballots. CHAUXCKYU'l.ORKY. 1 t'otitily t'leik. I announce myaelf as a candidate for the republican nomination (or the office of county clerk, subject to the primaries April lf. 1012. X L. NAItllKGAX. Wlv'l.l. COR TAI.ICXT WATKR SVSTH.M. Talent, Oihkoii. March 12, IUI2 S sal od proposals uddrued to Jnv Torrlll. Uoorder. Talent. Oregon, marked "Well litds" will lm received until S p. in. April VI. 11)12. for fur nishing material and exeuvatluR. curbing and performing other work for well for the Talout. Oregon, wa ter system. Illds will be rm-elvod for etreular vvolla twelve and twenty feet lu diam eter (only one of which will he ex cavated) and curbwl with cncrett and concrMle blocks, and with two tunnels if UHcwwary to secure an adequate water supply. Plana and specifications may be snn at the Recorder's office or at the office of T. I.. Stewart, engineer, or muy be sexurud from the Rororder by making a deposit of ten dollars. A cashier's cheek for 5 por com of the amount of bid must be sent with bid. The right la reserved to reject an or all bids or to auepl any bid for the whole or for any portion of tho wot k. W. II. HltEESE. T. L. BTUWART, MHor. Engineer. F0RDE CAM DO IT Do you want your lawn put in first class hliapo? All work guaranteed. Leave nddro.H with II. II. 1'alteihii, (.junker Nursery, Nahli hotel. Clark a Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Lund Matters: Final Proof. Dcaort Lands, Contoats nud Mining CaseH. Scrip. A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 3(10 neroH, 1J mlloH oust of Klamath Falls, on main road lo Lalcoviow. About 85 aorcH will ho under tho uav ornmout ditch and can bo itriattul. Kino alt'alfu or garden laud. An abundance of free ouisido ranch, Ono o tlio hest pt'opobilioiiH thoro is in that Miction l'or a man who wauls lo engiiu'i in tho sheep business. Locat ed just right for a lownsllo when Iho railroad in built from Klamath U'.Mt to Lnkrviow, I'rico $"0 per aero. Will oxc.'mpko for Medford citv or country property, W.T.YorKflfcCo. Young & Hall Taxi Co. TOURIN'O CAUS AM) TA.V1CAUS ltcu.sonnblo Hates In City or Country I'lieues: Pacific IIOOj Home -100 Borvlco all day. nil nluht. Stands Medford and Nsh Hotels. Absolutely no eiodlt without flint milking arrniiKoineuts with limn ngor. COURT MALL L Manager TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no emi'il on earth hi variety ot mineral waters nnd curing diseases that medicines will not reach. It you aro In need or health, como now. We are open nil tho year and can glvo tho best of caro and attention now as well us lu Bumiuor. Btngo dally from Red niuft to tho aprlttcs. Further pnr titulars nddrcmi E. B. WALURl DGE TUSCAN HPIUXOH. GAL. Draperies Wo curry u vy coinplntn lino of ilriH'iltn, lv oiirliiliiK. fu tures. Oil. Will ll CllKKt'S f upliDUlrriiiK "P'Cliil niioi lo look nricr this iik fsclunUfly mill Will KU" l" KHO'l hrrUm HM Is pdnnllil to cot la rvu tho Inrc'nt olllon. WEEKS & MgGOWAN C9 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Hoating All Work Uuiunnte'. I'rlcon ItisiKoiinPIn, COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard Block, i:ntrnc on 0th Bl racUlo 3031. Home 349. Valley Second Hand Store. Buys nnd Sells Sccoml-Hantl Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Fir Home It.'l Hell J507U Medford Real Estato & Employment Agency FOR KAI.E 27 ares east of town. 15 acres to trees. 12 aeies planted to grain. 280 near Oottl Hill at S100 per aero. 237 acre Improved, fine looatlnu. 92 aeres, 2f In fruit, good build ings. 20 acres near Eagle Point. 100 acres close to ICaglu Point, 05 acres In cultivation. 20 acres lu fruit X miles from Mwlford. 135 ncies a tulle or Medford, 2" lu hay, good improvements, 20 acres planted to alfalfa and grain and some trees, some buildings. If you want to Way a ranch or home come and we us. If ou want to trade, como and seo us. Wo have all kinds of trades, la any locality. TRADE Houses to rent 111 all parts of tlio city. .MISCKMiAXKOUH Wanted, a houso close lu; will tradu lots and sonio cash. K.MPI.0V.MENT (ilrln for goucral housework. Six roal minora. Coal Illinois to work by tho ton. Phono In your orders for man; no chargon to tlio omployor. E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono nil; Home, II. San Francisco acclaimed it one of the brightest nov elties of Hie year THE NEWLYWEDS and their Baby FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Coming lo tickle you with Iho same (I real, Cast Ihal delighted ovory "Uroueli" in Now York 60i2 PEOPLE-75 PER CENT GIRLS What (ho Frisco critics Mild March II: CALE: "Uproariously funny. Tickling tunoH," EXAMINER: "Excoodlujtly altrnctlvo." CHRONICLE: "Tho Hinartost music iihow over lu that Iiohho," POST; "lloautlfully costumed and positively funny." TO THE IMIILICi UiiIchb you find this attraction one of tho best ever seen lu Med ford, your money will be refunded upon application tit the box of. flco after the performance ji WHERE TO GO I TONIGHT JD 1 -AlK HEATRE Always lu (ho Iicatl. lOOll Feet of Film 10(10 "The ALCALDE'S COXSPinArv Thrilling romance of tho Piiehlo "IT'S AN II. I. WIND 'I HAT RUIN'S .NO tiOOD" A story true to life "TRACKED DOWX" Fascinating detectRo drama "Ct'HK FOR POKEHII.IK" You'll laugh, shout and holler when you sou this funny comedy. All KATHER lii Soiijr THE WOOIAVORTIIS The Muidiiaus AiIuiImiIoh, IOc Cbl Mi, 'ii, rte. Matliicet Every Day Coming Extra CouiIiik Mutrh 23 ami 2.1 "Prvilileiil 'luft .MnUiit; a hlnlo of rUonu" IOc THEATRE IOc REI-S WD KEEN That Nvelt Miislml Duo. lu a refined Iiu:Iuk. whistling and violin act. "A WOMAN'S WRATH" A dramatic story of it Jealous woman. "THE HOHHESHOE" A comedy drums dealing with the old superstition of the horawithoe "A Clitic FOR .lEALOI'SV" Dm of l.uMna' hest comedleH, If on don't Iittigb at this )ou must lo sick. Evenings, 10c any seat lu the house. Special Chlldieu's .Mat Ill uo every Saturday and Sunday at 2 p. m.. admission 5c and Hire. Follow the ciowds to tho Uls. Wo solicit our patronage, which will bo received with com L osy. A SNAP ilO acres, six miles fi mil Medford, good (traded load crosses tho tract, all free soil, at 50 per aero. SI 001) will handle, easy terms on balance. Part Is cicok bottom laud, Hii'tablo for alfalfa. Several springs on tho place, Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings, lu tho (Irlftln ciook district, W. T. York & Co. V