PAQE SIX afEDFORD MATL TRTRTOT3. MEDFORD, 'OK WON, WISDNKSIUV. MARCH 20, 10.1 2. If If I I I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS "VY. X. Jones to Hlbcrnla Sav ings bank, Jnud In twp. 3 a, -caw- 10 Kiigeiio V. Foster to ICdwnrd ' Juily, land In twp. as, 2, 3B00 Kdwnrd Judy to Kimono V. Fos- tor, land In 1). h. C. .IS, twp :I8. 2W, 11. for I) 7000 T. .1. Downing to C. S. Cnlor, property In Ashland 1 J. I;. Domnuir to J. M. Kail .stroin, 30 ncroa in twp. 38, 1V 1S00 Fred Uapp to C. L. Hoamosv, proporty In blk. 7Sj Medffird 10 Josephine Rdmoiids trt Ernest A. lloflor, lqt$T arid G, blk. 5, Itoss ndili Medford ..... 1 Florence A. Palmer to 'John 11. Pnlmcr.'ltB 7 nnd S. blk. 22 Dokenius amended add. Gold Hill 1 Charles A. Hdmondeou to Q. W. II. Albert, lot l, blk, P, Ilutto Falls 150 James V. Bates to Orvls 'Ste phenson, lot 2, blk. 6 Bed ford CGO J. C. Collins 'to Delia V. Sche blc, SO acres in twp. 3S, 2 W 1 AslilanU Preserving Co. to Charles HvPiercc, 1.01 acres lit Ashland 1 0 U. S. to -Henry S. Reed, 237 acres lit twp. A, twp. 40, 1V O. & C. 11. U. Co. to State ot Now York and 11. S. Reed, iC,40 acres Jji twp. AQ, O.W. 'i .13. ,for D 1C00,. Silas J. Day, adm. to Mary Pankoy, lot 1C, Amy Cottage add. Central Point 5 Silas J. Day. adm. to Mnry Pan key, land In twp. 37, 2 . 45 Silas J. Day, adm. to-Mary.Pan-' key, property In Central Polut r.o Mrs. Jesslo .Airiy to Mary Pan key, property In Central Point . . .' 13.35 Jessie Amy to ..Mary Pankey, property In Central Point... 13 AVm. J. Gregory to W. "W. Gre gory, power of attorney... J. W. Jacobs to W. W. Gregory, lot 134, Central Point ceme tery io Porter J. Neff to F. J. Newman, assignment of bond 350.07 A. "V. Sturgis to Porter J. Neff. land In twp. 37. 2V 1200 O. & C. Dcv. Co. to Emil Plel, lot 10, and also other proper ty In twp. 3S, IE 7CC.9 I J. HiclJ8 to Jennie B.Den nlng, land In twp. 36. 2 XV, 10. roo 10 10 130 10 1 R. for D 0000 .Margaret A. Harvey to Win, II. Hnrvoy, lot 4, blk 27, Gold Hill 1 Mary A. Prycc to It. II. Moore, property In Gold Hill 10 M. Ilclllngor to Gold Ray Real ty Co., land In twp. 38, 2W...10 Ilortha S. Raruttm to Gold Ray Realty Co. proporty In blk. 4.1, Mcdford 2900 Joseph K. Hitch to Gold Ray Realty Co., land In Tolo Joseph K. Hitch to Gold Ray Realty Co., 55.31 acres in twp. SO, 2V lo W. S. Patton to V. S, Smith, lot 7, Nob Hill add. Ashland G. Wilcox to Howard P. Wllcov, lots 14, tf and 10. Highland Park tract $ G. W. Wilcox to Howard P. Wilcox, proporty In Ashland T. J. Kelsoe to Mildred Klllott. lot 2. blk. 55. Central Point Frank J. Newman to C. L. Fo ley, 10 acres In twp. 37. 2 W. Oscar S. Blackford to Gold Ray Realty Co., lot 1, sec ' 31, twp. 36, 2W L. E. Lewis to Mary C. Leslie. lots 11 and 12, blk. 52, Med- ford O. & C. Development Co. to No lan Davis, 2 acres In twp. 3S, IE ,V. D. Roberts to Ella J.-Gaun-yaw, lot 3, blk. 70, Medford 1 Robert L. Norman ct al. to H. J. Taylor. S. i of E. of D. L. C. 63, twp. 36. 2W Power of attorney J. W. Bcrgstrom to Linda Cur tis Bergstrom .. Power of attorney J. W. Bergstrom to J. K. Rea der, lots 1, 2, 9, 10, 15 and 16, Galey Addition. Ashland Martha A. Purkcrson to J. H. Bellan, property in Ash- Jesse E. Glass to John C. Matthews, property In Cen tral Point Frank O. Burgess to Grace Nold, lot 11, blk. 1, River side Subdivision, West's Ad dition to Medford J. A. Orchard to W. W. Cald well, land In twp. 33, IE... 2000 V. J. Emerick to J. A. Orchard, land In D. L. C. 43, twp. 39. D. H. Jackson to Franziskn Gluck. all blk. 37. Medford 2000 R. E. Dunlap to Clyde Payne, property in Falrvlew Addi tion, Ashland . .' 10 G. L. Hamilton to G. R. Lind ley, property In extension of Siskiyou Heights addition, Medford 10 a7 Blind Youth ,is Class Leader GHOR.GQ fcl. CAB,MODY rJPAVE FIVE STREETa IMCILAPPROVES Five of tho auven streets thai the council Issued resolutions declaring their Intention to pave at tho last mooting will ho paved during tho next season. Only two wore taken off of tho list on account of rouiuu stra?irts and on account of tho fact that at tho prosont time pavement ROUTINE hot lake: sanatorium At the regular mooting or tho oily council Tuesday night it groat deal of voutlno work wiim transacted. A transfer of the liquor license ot Duo Ryan to M. ltosuhol was passed. A II uu"!' license wiim grunted to tho Rau-Mooro company for tho Ho lol Medford bar. A llliuor llconso was granted to 10 10 1400 Friends of George M. Carmody, tho versatile blind student of the Syracuso University, who was elected valedic torian of the senior class, congratulated hint upon his success after a spirited contest for the honors. Aside from bis atlllctlon, Mr. Car inody has fought against other odds to obtain his degree. He has conducted a magazine agency, a barber shop and shoe repairing establishment to pay his way through school. He came to tho University penniless, but succeeded In finishing his education without asklug assistance from any one. 10 W. G. Mayfleld to W. Mayflold, 3 acres in Hop wood D. L. C. 10 G. A. Jackson to W. E. Davl- , sou, lots 1 and 2, Jackson's Second Addition. Modrord.. 10 G. W. Crews to Einil Pell. property in Ashland 10 G. W ..Morris to John Morris, proporty in Norlen's addi tion. Ashland Helon L. Haskius to L. B. Ha kins, Jrustee. proporty in West's addition to Medford. 10 Helen L. Hasklns to Francis R. Hnsklns, property in Weei's addition. Medford 10 Sylvenus Corbett to John L. Mahan, lot -1, sec. 17. twp. 39. IE 125 A. J. Floroy to Gold Ray Real ty Co., 120 ncros in soc. 15. twp. 33, 2E 1500 Frederick B. Tracy to Mary A. Netherland, land In Sec. S, Tp. 39, IE 10 W. 11 Smith to Geneva W. Al len, lot I, Nob Hill Add to Ashland 10 Martha E. Rivers to Dora Colo, wtw not needed at tho expense that It would necessitate. Tho streets that will bo ordered pnvod nt tho no,t mooting are: North Ivy street from Sixth street to Fourth. West Eleventh street from Central avenue lo Oakdttlc- NoWtown from PuKotn avonuo to Eleventh street. South Ivy from Eighth sired to J north lino of Park addition. I Tenth street from Oakditio to Holly street. The two streets that tailed to carry were: Bennett avenue. Eleventh street from Oakdale to Humtltou street. DRAW JURYT0 TRY TACOMA CENSUS TAKERS TACOMA, Wit.. March 20 A Jury is being drawn lu the federal court to try Guy E. Kelly, supervisor, and Roger WnttB, and E. II. Schaefer, as sistants lu taking tho last Taconta census. Tho mon in tho casu aro charged with conspiracy to pad tho figures. Some twenty enumerators who pleaded guilty and accepted nominal flnos aro expected to testify against the census men. I Shaw Ruld, A resolution declaring tho lutou Unit of the city to pavo Ninth street from Orango to Hamilton was passed. Ordinance declaring tho cost or tho laying ot n four-Inch water main on Florence avonuo front Main street to Scott street passed. Ordinance declaring tho cost of laying a six-Inch lateral sower on Florence avonuo from Main street to Scott street paseod. Ordinance declaring tho cost of laying a six-inch latoral newer lu tho alloy or block 2, Gray'a addition, passed. Tho contract rr tho laying of a slx'luch lateral sower on Laurel street from Eleventh street to Thir teenth was awarded to Chilgrou Bros, . JiRiMfit.til'ByifcAliJ -".. WwLai--. J RHEUMATISM CURED NATURE'SWAY LIQUOR & DRUG HABIT CURED Tho treatment thdugli orfeotlvo Is not harsh. Why bo a slave to tho habit when you can bo oured7 Wilto today for booklet. You may have n loved ouo which could bo restoiod. Wo will bo plenum! to nuud you special literature. Tho treatment Is not expensive. HOT LAKE, OltK. WALTER M. IMF.IICE, PRKS. AND MANAGER lots 26 and 27., blk. E, R. R. add. Ashland 10 Oscar S. Blackford to Gold Ray Realty Co., 7S.9S acres in See. 30. Tp. 36. SW I Win. Willis to Riley Nyswaner. lots 1 and 2, blk. 1).. Talent 850 W. A. Beck to Chas. P. Hall. land In Secifl, Tp. 36. IW 10 Elnier E. Bagtoyto O. C. Bay er, land In Tp. 36. IW 250 ChrUtinu Neuter to W. .1. I). Andoion, colt! mot of ro loilf.p ; Christina Hotiler. to .1. I). Anderson, property in Iligh liuid add. Meilfnrd 1 Fred L. lYten-nii to llofwnnl It. Kleiim. il'J.47 en" in twp. :i7. 'IW HVilJO $100,000 (or Tnrflct Work WASHINGTON. March 20. Con gressman Kithu of California hns In troduced a bill appropriating $100. 000 to purchase a site for a small arms target range for tho use of the Pacific coast navy. Deafness Cured When Caused by Catarrh If you have ringing noises lu your oars, catarrh germs aro making their way from tho none to the ears through tho tube. Many ciumm of iluafuoss caused by catarrh have been cured by breath ing 1IVOMEI. It ruaehos tho In flamed membrane, heals tho sorouotw and banishes catarrh, which U tho cttimo of most dcafuciw. F. C. Vatinmati, railroad conductor of Bluglinintoii. N. Y . writs that ho was cured of deaf hum after apuvlttl ists had faltad. HYO.MEI iproiiounco It illghxi. mo) Is guaranteed to euro catarrh, coughs, colds, asthma, croup, and soro throat, or money back. Com plete outfit with Inhalur $1.00. Ex tra liottloa 50 runt. Sold by Chas Strang the cutci prising pharmacist. and druggists every whore. BACKT07HE- F1RM . it a ' c" mm s . l iU q COLONIST FARES to ah roiNT in OKCOON. nar MARCH 1 TO APMIt IB, 1012 souther,n"'pacific CMIC0 f . tl4 r. loum ... j i oo OMAN hm KINI4I CITr t tM T. rUl ... 5 i IM" OTHIH 0ll. H,gM,h.(l IO IVInnUI '! rn yil'.l(l MtiHilr t.m lll Ml lI 4VI.I , H, .IKI ff... !, Iil.. . r nUlltn- Inlbn r.t f,o.i. l li 'lll lliirk lo IIik I nriii." itxrn Uwaitthn (rIOi.r t ami an,l llrk.l lll l l..,.ho,l itianr MtrM rf. "' . ' 11'"' Oiub lr-ln.,,f ,! la Uu. IollUflUf lil fc..l xnt a. scon, cii reuttn h. rouuvj, wvs BEy mL V- J ZJ' MADE t I T T T f f t T T f f T T f f T T T " .tMi IN MEDFORD Artistic Printing, Bookbinding, Looseleaf Systems, Pos'ters, Pamphlets, Fruit Labels, Stock Certificates, any and all kinds of commercial printing at Portland prices. We have the largest and most complete plant and biggest pay roll in Southern Oregon, and are equipped to fill any order, large or small, on short notice. Color work a specialty. Exclusive agents for Old Hampshire Bend all colors the stationery of culture. ' Complete line of legal blanks. We invite your inquiries. ' .V MEDFORD PRINTING PRINTERS AND BINDERS 2527-29 NORTH FIR STREET COMPANY V ? T ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? V ? ? Y ? ? f V Y Y Y Y T Y t Y Y f t Y t f Y Y t Y t Y f t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V 'T,