Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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V() MllHI Mfl Uf, ItlllVl'H. Hl'lKHIII'll,
miiwh mill iii w ii mowers, J V.
Mllelioll. l!i! H. ItlvciHliU.
A inci'lliiK nf tliii W. C. T, V. will
Iik I1H1I Tliiirmliiy nl 2:110 p. in. to
M'ifTt llin plmiH rir tint county In
ntltulo In tut Imlil on (hi) tiNlli. All
IiimiiiImiih hid iiri'i'il to Iik iidmiiI.
U. It. Ill non-U wiih III AhIiIiiihI
WdiIiidmiIii) on ImihIikhui,
WIImoii, 210 Ijuirul HI., for flmt-
I'liotN iioiiud finiHiiiiutri. :i:i:i
WdIIidih rinimiin of Tulont wiih
iiiihiiik h'.ti ninny Miulfonl (iIuiuIh
rlomnthliiK now, "(Jmpo Purplii,"
nt McDowell's.
!' I). Wauiier mid Altoi'iiD) Tn-fii-n
of AnIiIiiihI wdio In Mi'ilford mill
.IiicKmiiivHIo Winlmmiliiy on ImnliichH.
lliiudit Aciokh iIid Hen In '7i! In two
of tlio ri'i'ln on nt tin t'KO Thi-ator
tonlultt mill tomorrow. :uo
Mm. John Ostium, It. N'., mini tied
Wi'ilui'mliiy fioin it two hccIih visit to
MirloiiH pliu'im In Hid noithiM i part
(If Ul HUH". .MIH. llNlllllll IH IH'I'Ml-
doul of l ht ittiilD liomil of i;riiiluati'il
iiiirwHi, mid Ik iiImi mi liiHpuctor of
trtiliiliii: iu'IiiioIm for n in mom. HiiiIiik
her itliHi-nro ft nut Mi'ilfonl mIid visited
xdvimiiI schools. In Hid Wlltiiiiii'ttD
Mill). Axtoilu mill eastern (irii',on.
There Ih now a Mute law which re
MuIith that all uurw's must register
s 1 1 ti tliD Hi'cit'liii) of tlio Hlali' lionril
before tlny hid iiKi'inlttiid to pun
Hid hihI before HiDy rati Icr.ully iihd
tliii iiriifi'nnloiiiil title It N ( reen
tered ii ii mi' ) In Muiilnn llo'lr inline
You ran wive J2 to $10 liy buy -I
in; your trunk ami siiltciiso at 1 uc
North Kionl t. Will II. WIImoii tc
Co. 310
0. I. Hall mul family lif( Wed
iii'Miluy iiiortiliiK for .Nairn, Oil., wIidid
Hid faintly nllt remain fur several
weeks wIiIId .Mr. Hall Ih at HI. HdIdiiii
lioxpltal uiiilcrKoliiK an operation for
tlto H'lli'f of a throat troulih' from
which Iid litis suffered for sonic time
mul for Hid H'lli'f of which Iid Iiiih
Jtlii'iiity uiiilcrKoiiD tin (' otii'ratloiiH.
Mr. Hall wiih formerly In tlio liter
cunlllc IiiinIiidrn out at llrowunhoro.
I). II. Miller, of Cohl Hill, wiih vis
UliiK It Ih iintiiy olil-tlino Mcilfonl
frlciiilM Weiluomliiy
J. I'. .ll'MM'll M'llllllDll Wl'lllll'Hllliy
to DuiiKiiitilr, Cal.. atlur a vIhIi with
Kay lliitich ami family In Jackson
Ulle. Tim Mi'dfonl Conservatory of Mil
hIc ninl ImiKunKDH Ih Hid only mimic
school In southern Ori'KOu with a full
corps or touchers. Ci. Inllliuiilior.
illrrctor. Hend for catuloKuu.
Mr. ami Mr. !' I.. Fink of St.
Julius. On1., miivi'il In Mi'dfonl Tites
iluy iiIkIU.
Him It. A. HoIiiidh, Tlio Insurance
Man, over Jackson County bunk.
II. Webber, of Colorado HprltiKS.
Colo., en hid lit Tuesday owiiIuk on
No. II mid will remain here several
la) ii. Mr Wctilior Iiiih a -10-iirre
ranch between Talent and AhIiIiiihI
which ho will look after while here.
Kodak flulHliiiiK, the hoBt, ul Wen
toti'H, opposite hook Htoro.
Ceo. J. Wiilsennnilr mid M. Arm
buster, hotli of ('oliiiiilitiN. Ohio, ar
rived In Hid ill) Tui'Hilay hvimiIiik
These kdiiHi'Iiidii am milking n tour
of tlio I'arlflc utiibl.
IIohc. D'AhJoii mul natttett icarn.
Kirkt-cluHH tr'DH, mul don't huy from
anyone, law or hiiiiiII onlorH until
you (iud hid mid I'll hiio you mouoy.
II. II. I'nttcmdi, Qiiiiher tuirwery
iiiiiii, NiihIi liotol lohhy.
Mr. and Mih. W. IC. MiiitIidI or
Voliucr, Idaho, came In Tiiemlny eve
uliiK from Hid hoiiHi mid leiitalned
over nlttlit In Medford, koIiik north
WDiliiDHilay inoriiliiK on No. '.'0.
K. 1). Wimloit, commercial photog
raplmr, iioKiitlveH iinidii any tlmo or
place, liy iippolutuiout. l'hoiiu M. 1171
Dr. (!. II. I'fout.. of Halt I.iiUd City,
arrived In Medfoid Tuemlay anil will
vIhIi hero with iuIiiIIvom for u fnv
Tri-UH for null). I'uiiuluui ut 10,
pi'iiiH ul l'.'c, llartlttttH, D'AuJou mul
Wlutor NoIIh. Hpui'lul whllo tlioy
liiat, Kuo I-. II. Hoover or phono
ItoV. Kliiirp Ih in Crniitn I'iihh HiIh
wi'iilt iihhIuHiu; In coiiiIhcHiik pro
tiactiiil tiiDiitliiKH In tho I'lee Mutlioil-
1st cliiirch of that city.
Federal vacuum cleanur. Home
phono aOH-Ii, A. 12. Mubeo, :ia H,
Ivy Htrcot. a 18
.1. I' Iliilo U'ft TitoHility ovoiiIiik I'1"'
it IiuhIiiohh trip to I'orHiiud.
Mih, Ida .Inuku, of Alhmiy, Ore.,
who wiih called hero u fow weeliH uko
hy till) llliienH of A. I. Uohu, of I'hoe
nix, lotiuneil to her homo Tiiondiiy
Hoiil homo in n do broad at Do Voo't.
Djr riion 3371
Klfbt Ptiontil T, VT, Wttki 3071
A, , Orr, 3093
Hon A. K. Wiiid, room III .IhcIihoii
County Hunk hitlldliiit, for nil the
Information about I'nciriu Miitunl
l.lfo or Aiclilmtt liiminiiice. ;i y ;i
Mim. Nina Meditr, naeHii,y n the
Mcilfonl Mi'icantllD I'ompaiiy'H hIoid,
wiih lnlii'ii to Hid tin d llcnit Ikik-
pllal Hitiiiliiy. uhi'iii hIid wiih oper
aled upon for a tumble which han
been of novdchI )i'iiih' hIiiiiiIIiu;,
I.iulli'M. iiavn your rtttltn inndo hy n
tiillor who known how. Merlin, Ciui
tral I'olnt. :i-2
Mr. and Mm II. K. ItoHeeiaiiH, of
ritooiilx ant vIhHIiii; ft IoihIh In Cold
.1. W. HIiuni'iiH, ihdkIiIdiiI of tlio
l-'lml TttiHl and HiivIiikh bunk, of
Klamalli I'iiIIh, wiih In Medfoid Tuon
ilay on ImihIiihxh with (I. It. I.ltidloy,
who Ih liitDniKtd In Hid Klmiinth
I-'uIIh liiMlliitlou.
TriinkH, all hIch, Hhapun unit Htylen
at factory prlnm. .loneHv payn tho
fiDlliht. Will II. WIIhoii & Co.. 1U0
North Front Ht. ,110
Mih. W. I-:. Mender letiirnvil Tiich
hiy to her home at A.miih Hpttr iiftur
a lnli with Medfoid reliitlvcn.
.1. F. Itltter left on train No. Ill
TiiDndiiy afternoon for McCloud, Cal.,
wlieir he will visit for a month or
more. Mr. Klltor ban not b In
Hid bent of health for a fow weekH
PiihI and It Ih thought tho chanr,"
tllli) lildMi belief leliil.
H I.. Leonard left TiioMiluy afler
iiooii on it InmliiexH trip to Orlunil,
Mr. mid Mm. Cdnr llafer took
train No, ,'l TitONiliiy aftDiuoon for
H.iu I'mnclnro.
Carkln & Tuylor (.lolin II. Cnrkln.
(JIdiiii O. Taylor). nttoriiDyn-nt-law,
over Jncknon County Hunk building.
Medford. '
Jiih I.okiiii. ex-count) commlofloner
of JoHcphliii' count v . wiih In M '-ii ford
TiichiIii) on bimlni'im. Mr. I,(i;au Ih
ii paituer of T. Cameron In a placer
initio near Waldo, which they aro
opcrittliiK mid which HiIh sunitou linn
made Mime Mpleiidld clean-tipn.
Mr. and Mrn. TIioh Yoiiiik vlHllcd
AhIiIiiikI frlDiidn TueHilay.
A. I.. ItoHD, or Phoenix, who ban
been HorloiiHly III for neveral weokn.
Ih now veiy iiiuoh luiproved and In
on the roijd, to perfect health. Mr.
IIohd wiih afflicted with tubercular
trouble In IiIh left foot mul tinkle to
hucIi mi extent an to make It iiccop
Hary to nmiiulati) bin lee below the
knee Tho wound catiKod b) Hid nni
lunation ban bealod uplendldly and
that member Ih how iilte an healthy
hh any other part of the body. I)r
I'lckel of HiIh city performed the
o)eratlou, UHnlsted by Dr. MnluiRroii
of I'hoenlv.
Merrlvold Kbop Huppllcn Office
( . A. Kit Kill h havliii: concrete
fotiiiilaHoiiM put In for two elk'ht
room buiij;iilown. 'Hid properly which
bo Ih Hum Improving Ih oh Ceiieva
avenue. In mini Medford. which, by
the wii). In a Hcctloii which Ih fa Ht
ioiuIiik to the front an one of dccltl
diII) pietty hoiueti. Itoth thcuo new
buiiKiilowH will bae banmueutH mul
furuacen will be put In. It. F. Flfer
Ih the contractor who Ih Hiipcrlntund
liii; the work of coiiHtructlon. Mr.
Flfer Iiiih also built three other bun
KiiIowh on thltt tiaiiie street fur McHHtn.
II mid W. II. Iliimphroy. These aro
all now nearly completed nud two
more will soon be started by Hid
Mchni'h. Iluiupliroyt
I lit I ii(? boiiKht a lot of at n
low flRuro wo tiro closlni; It out at
u prlcu at which It In bound tosgo
within tho next week. Inqulro of
Hadn Triumfer Co. or .1. W. Mitchell
Mrs. I). Mulr wiih In Central I'olnt
Wiidnenday IhIHiik tier ulster, Mih.
Mr. mul Men. .IoIih ltiiuinor mid
W. S. Wokton vero down nt Sevon
Oakn Wotliioniluy lookltiK over n tract
of laud with a view to makitiK u pur
chase. Wallace W'ooiIh, of Ashland, wnu In
Medford Wednesday lookliiK nftor hla
tiii'iu InturuNlH, went of tho city.
Fancy brick Ico cicain nt McDow
ell'n. lCverett II. Mroiilllaril and Mlm
Mary Caldwell, both of Hilt, Cal.,
woro married In Jnckhonvlllo Tuon
day ovculiiK by Ilev. JoIiiihoii. After
thu ceremony they returned to Moil-
ford and woro kIvdii ii reception hy
Mr. mid .Mrs, F. H. HiiIcIiIhh at their
homo, (llfi Went Kloventb Hlreot. The
)unK coiiplo loft Wetlnomlny juorii
liig for Hilt, whoro they will roHlilu,
Stop rniitliiK K'vo mo your rout
niuiioy ami I wilt build you n homo,
Pay rout to )ouruulf. Address Hon
l 7 fi , city. :ua
WANTi:i)--To rent furnlHheil room
by permmient tenant, close In,
nioilern. Address P. t., Mall Trlb
une. ail
FOR BAI.IO'-Woll built nix room
house.. If Intoreateil cull and nt'o
Hniuo nt 52 Kosh court. tllli
WANTIODTo rout n clean tlneo or
four room furnished houuo with
bath and ucruen porch, Phono
108.H. a 12
WANT ISO 10 uuro truct, uboilt 5
miles from Medford, inual bo cheap
Will deal with ownete only, Ad
iIi'dhh Hon r'J2 II 10
Tuenilay dvdiiIiik the inemberH of
Olive Kebi'ltnh lodce of thin city en
joyeil n very plcanatit Hoclal and
IniMlncHfi hdhmIoii. AhIiIc fioin tho Inl
Otiilou of two caiidblatDH mid Hid
nntial routine IhihIiiohh ii Hpletidlil ho
i In I tline wan bud. MiihIc wan fur
iilnhed by I'riifiMoi' Palmer, Hpeei'lieH
wore iiiiiiId by MeHsrs. Illldubimiil,
Conlder. CuinliiKH mid AliilerHOu mul
Mm. Perl. A fine bniuiiiet wan nerved
The table mul bauiiii't hall decora
Hoiih wore In Kreen, In honor of Ht.
Patrick, Hid favorn IidIiik nuinll bon
litelr of nbainrock. The coniiulttce
in rliiiruo wi'id Mr. mid Mrn. C. !
llnwiiiil, Mr mid Mrn. .. O. Howard,
M . i)il Mm. J, ,. Dominer, Mori
Ci ff""ii mid Cun AndeiHon.
Home hakliiK lunciien nerved oppo-
nlto H. P. deiiot. phono Hell 1 7 2 .
Home 273-1,
Mr. mul Mrn. Clarence TuiikcIvIii,
of Aniihuul, wero in Medfoid Tuonday
tiie ;;i)HtH of Mm. I, Milan Hay.
Attorney W. P. Munley wiih In
Woodvlllo on li'Kiil buslnuHrt Wednch
day. K. A. Newell, Imllon' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & II. Co. IjI (Ik.
Tlii; nieiiibi'iH or Medford camp No.
o W I). W., held a very IntvroHtltiR
and i iitiirlaliilui: hdhkIoii Tuenilay eve
Hint'. F. H. Colley. the dlntrlct or-K'Hil-'ei.
wan ill atteiidaiice. Four
candidates were Initiated and thu np-
llcHtloiiH to become iiiemhorH of nix
or neven othcrn were read. After Hie
btiHlnoHH m'HhIou a splendid banquet
v,iih nerved The membership of thin
order now niimbeiK over "00 and
new nteuibem are belnj; added at
nearly every regular nieetliiK. There
weie "5 In attendance TueHilay eve
n I UK.
Hohch nro n nieclally with II. n.
Pntternon, numcryman, Nnnh hotel.
Monroe llaldwlti wan In the city
from Unite Fnlln Wi'iliieniluy.
Mm. J. S. FerRiiHon vlnlted Cen
tral I'olnt friends Wednesday.
A. II. Sa litis mid John llolloway
are down nt their "Lout Fortuno"
mine near Cold Hill. They are ntop
lii; now and by the time tho new
custom mill In ready for operation lu
Cold Hill they expect to have n con-
Hlilernblo amount of ore on the
Minn Mlniiio Williams returned
TueHilay from a visit with relnlivcs
In CrmitH Pass. She expect to leuvo
hcoii for a visit In I.on AtiKclcn.
Chief of Police llltnon In in re
ceipt of Information to the effect that
the clever thief who robbed four or
five dental offices In Medford a few
weel.K ago htm been turniiiK a llko
Medford Itemlcm Can No I)ii;er
Doubt Hie Ivvltlence.
HiIh Medford citizen tebtlfled lout;
Told of quick relief of lantliiK
The facts are now confirmed.
Such testimony In complete Hie
evidence eoncltmlw'.
It fornin convIncliiK proof of merit.
T. .1. WIlllaniH. til 7 Oakdale Ave.,
Medford, Ore., unyn: "In 1907 after
Don n't) Kidney Pllln benefited mo ho
Kicatly. I publicly recommended
them. At thin time 1 am again
pleased to speaK lu their praise and
Klo permission for the continued
publication of my testimonial. 1 suf
fered for )oarn from Kidney and bind-
dor trouble, the symptoms being
nllght at firm, but becoming more
pronounced an time passed. Tho
palun In my back became no acute
that 1 could hardly endure them, and
an tho result of restless nlghtH, I
arose In the morning all worn out.
Often 1 wan ho lame and stiff that I
could not stoop and headaches mid
llzxy npollH were common. I tried
no many remedies without being
helped that I became discouraged,
but when Doiui'h Kidney Pills wero
recommended to me, I decided to try
them as n hint resort. 1 procured u
supply at llaslilus' drug more mid
after lining two boxes I could nee
that a greal Improvement bnd been
iiiade. I grew better from that tlmo
on mul was noon froo from kidney
complaint. Dean's Kidney Pills can
not be praised too highly."
For nale by till iIdiiIoih. Prlco CO
cents. Fohter-Mllbtirn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Komeinhur tlio mime Doiui'h
mid take no other.
IVxItifM nil eorlJ nf aonolnaiymptom,Mcli wry
oftra Ixtomoabrniinf, Kiimlie Dfrvouwcaisi'llirarl
p.Tsjjr, diiliouU mil iwrcwfl lreallilna, nljlili, nrrmt
1 It utlcnt Munot ttU n ilrrp tvMth. I.unp la tho
thruat ami chrit, villi I'tcuuir, uln ool antluui trtllDg
irouD'l tlilutt rrjlon. linnty, gumloi! sdJ gone M
lot a I tbo pit of our itoniad, rcliei oj ly titlni . Bmall
quintlty of (o iuiUi ;ou fwl si it a heavy mul had
Leva taVfa, L.iWJihnumblloaliialHlo.-ncaaaiUtomich
ullli klcWin;. blipy frtllnj after Mtlnj. tj.irlln
tluilnj e!p with a urt if ff-ir nj apprthcailoa.
I'lojus, binJj ut He ts fffl nus.b au! ir to tl
ciblly on il;ut tiJf, l'ula la Utkaml (op cf leaj
ml constipation.
llat'i all from a atrvuui lotudi full f Ci,uil
all p'-rmtDcutly Jto ' viliU by H.UUUN.N'3
'f boa rcullt r UUtli aro auM for KV) by ery 'Iruiglit,
or koJ I'ircctto lUhutu.uua 1'haruuoy, UJOtiutlcT tit.
arttDFOftD, OHKfJOy, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1012.
nltiiil In no IniM H'n Mvn towtm In
Cnllfonfla nlncc lil Hch pIcklnK or
p,old In Medford, l"t lu linn not nn
yet been apprehended He In mild to
have but recently nerved a prison
term for nltnllnr ntuiiin
lloiiHoliohl furniture, Hlno ,'aillen'
mid inntt'n blcyclo. Haiiirday 2 p. mi.
1112 Nlaulle. .'!!.'!
Dr. K. IvircliKt'hHnir ul the Hivcr
nide niiieli iiimle a pruleiHioiinl trip
to Meilf'oril Innt Vlin--.ln.
Mr. Frank II. McDonald mid John
H. CuviiHiii of Medfot'l ! bunincK
mul Hoeitil eiillern nl the Mear.. oreti-
, "i We have Junt added a new line of Long Kid Gloves In .white and black IS-"
button length, made by the famous Trefousso Mfg. Co., Franco, every,, i
pair guaranteed $i..10 ' v '
nrd mid Dclicngcr Cliip rniieli hint
Tliumilny, Kriiliiy mul Sntitrdny,
Heltool brgiin Mnrcli 11 nt the (Vn
tral school dinliict .No. HO where John
N'tmlon ol' Table Uwk will leitcli
three monllix term.
A eouple of men in I he employ i-f
flmlilis & Dixon, the npuiitH ut .Med
ford for the l'ne wire foiiein;,' were
out to Ileale liihl week to Mtretih
noine wire fence for Win. .lone who
ptireliitHcil Home feiicint; not Ions iijm. Mitchell, our U. S. mail enrrier"Vfiniiit: nt 7:.'l() o'clock nt Vork A
letwecn Siihih Valley and AhIicxIom : Co.'h office in the Mnil Tribune btiild-
in Heiutle reiort three inches of'inp
snow nt AhlichtoH Saliirdiiv iiioniin;. i
.School bcpin Mnreli II tit ut the
iJclieiigcr 0'P ditfet No. ."(). where
Minn Almii Ooiild of Medford will
tench u three montliH term.
Mr. mid Mrn. Curl I'clcrnen of tin;
ir;....:.i.. -,...,.! t i. u.,r.i..Mn
lll.lirinr litlllf, llllll .ill. illli li-lll I
Only 15 Shopping Days till Easter
An Exposition of Spring
Fashions seldom seen in
a city of this size
Vc have assembled a collection of the most authentic
styles in ready-to-wear garments, millinery, furnishings,
etc.. worth v of vour consideration. You will find here
magnificent creations in the most elaborate designs as
well ;is plain, simple effects for practical wear, and no
matter what vour selection mav be vou can rest assured
that the style is absolutely correct, quality the highest and
prices that arc unequaled for their lowness.
New Long Kid Gloves
'? Shirt Waist Specials
T;o extreme special values In new spring Lingerie Waists, high neck
nud short sleeves; printers ink cannot describe them; a regular $2.25:
value; special 81 .so '
Another Is a Dutch neck, short sleeve Waist of Marquisette, genuine
baud embroidered front, a regular $3.30 value, special $2.50
The Way To Do It.
lCaoh time when you feel that you are going to swear
wait a minute and then repeat the following very slowly
and we are positive you will soon be cured.
BYtheDrs.SaundersandG reenPractieolinutedtothe
'S a great thing to be able to servo the PUBLIC and
ayu are all the time trving to help vou and when it
comes to-the NEW METHODS if you will but look
ba'k.over the past few weeks you will be able to scq that
wo have given you something that is absolutely NEW
every day and we think that we have helped and wo know
that'you have. helped US and so taking it as a Business
idea we should be appreciative and wo are.
Vy ai'o not afraid to do what we think and wo aro tho
FIRST in this whole country to do as we arc doing and
thon.iiot be afraid to say that we are paying for tho spaeo
that wo use and that we tire going to tell you each day
something NEW.
Don't forgot CONSULTATION always FREE
Drs. Saundors & Green. Garuott-Coroy Bldg.
Medford, Ore.
Dodge, Jr., iiIho of the Uivernlile rniulc
n htiHinesn trip to McdforJ Sntunlny
nnd .SiindiiV.
Mr. Hoy Htney of Ilcngle eom
meiieeil work nl the Itivcrniilo luit
Tlie l,n Kolleltc Pronre-iHive He
puhliciiii club will meet ThurHiluy
HONCKONO, March 19. Foreign
em arc reported in danger an n rcntilt
of fighting which In In progress to
day between 'tho government forces
nnd bandits nenr Canton. Cunbonts
and form aro aiding the government.
I'Jpo Orgnulnt
Tenclier of I'lnno
Oraduato of. Wlnflolil CoIIoro of
Music, nt WInflekl, Kan. J pupil of
Mnio. Mario von Uiihchulil nt vou
Unnctiuld University of Musics lu
Washington, I). C; student nt School
of Music of Kansas State University;
teacher In Wlnfleld College of Music;
8 ycara' exporlonco, Lcschotltzky
121 Hoosevelt Ht. l'lioim licit i'2iV.
Look to Your TeetH
and bo sure there Is no sign of decay.
He vigilant your teeth aro your best
friends for on their perfect condition
depends your digestion and conse
quently your health. If you find
anything wrong about them come in
and sco us. You will never regret
giving us all your Dental ordors, for
wo aro thoroughly corapotent, quick
and courteous, and very reasonable in
DR. BARBER, The Dentist
207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrower!
Bank Bldg., Medford. Oregon
Pacific Phono Main 653
Home Phone 287-L.
Clark & Wright
Public Land Matters: Final Prool.
Desert Lands, Contests and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
Having no caual on earth in variety ot
mineral waters and curing diseases
that medicines will not reach. If you
are in need of health, come now. We
are open all the year and can give the
best of care and attention now aa well
as in summer. Stago daily from Red
Bluff to the springs. Further par
ticulars address
Watch Our Addition
Jackson and Summit
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. P. & II. Co. Bldg.
A Klamath
100 acres, 12 miles cast of KIntuntli
Falls, on mum road to Lnkeview.
About 85 acres will be under the gov
ernment ditch and can bo irrigated.
Fine nlfalfii or garden land. An
abundance o free outsiilo ranch. One
of tho best propositions there is in
that section for a mim who wants to
eugnge in tho sheep business. Locat
ed just right for a townsito when
tho niilroml is built from Klamath
Fulls to Lukoviow. Prico $50 per
aero. Will eschuticco for Medford
city or country property.
It will soon bo Eaater
timo and our lino is
most complete
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