i 1 X if JJ PAGE TWO MISPFOUD 1A1L TR1BUNR MlODFORl), QUIPPON, WIODNKSDAV. MARCH 20, 11)12. .. m PREDICT SAME "DOWN GIRLS" IN THE NEWLYW EDS AND THEIR BAUY, AT THE MCDFQRD NEXT FRIDAY NIQHT. J FIREMEN'S PAY I RESULT HERE vIlS.UIl j . K OVER ;T I it it fef Tho Towor of ltnltol lintl uutliing on lliu Rfono nt the city linll TucmIhv ijij;lit following tho ndjnumitinttt of tho city council without itikiiif n,V nflfttit in roRiinl to tho 5iH?rene"In wnguH sought by the Fnvnion unilti the now ordinance pushed two week up) mit))ni:JKiu ti iwiiil firo (Upnrt munt. (JitixonN, firemen nml eoupcil rotm jiitJreil off nml went at it in Immmor nud tnus" fiifrhinn. Once twfpo it lookwl like u frw-fnr-nll lut finally everything cooled down await iii the J'Ofult ,of a coufoivHcu todav. The city hall was jtunmatl with fir inen Inst ovonhip. l'ntiontly thoy waited until such time as the council would tnko up the proposed sttlnrirs which arc, urged to replace those pro vided for in the ordinance and said bv tho fire hoys to be too low. Final ly Sfnyor Canon montioued that .i tgotfon to adjourn was in order. yiiQronpon Councilman Millar aked if ho understood that the citv would be without n fire department Wednes day. JIayor Canon replied no. and stated that no such notice either ver bally or in writing had been served upon him. Thereupon the council ad journed. Immediately tho storm broke. Some of the fire boys were for walking o.it but Harry Ling, nssUtnnt chief, put an end to this talk at once nud sum moned Chief Amann,. saying that tin boys would stand by'tho public. Tlii. statement was confirmed later l Chief Amann who arranged with Mayor Canon for a conference toda The trouble lie- in the fact that the fire committee of the oity council to which tho matter of ameudiug th ordinance was referred failed to re port back to the council one way or the other and therefore the mayor could not take any action. The firemon are firm in their deter mination to go out unless higher sal aries are provided. On the other baud the city officials say that the city cannot pay more. The matter will be fought out soon. PORTLAND, March 20 Comment-! ing on the it suit of tho North Dakota ', presidential prcicrtMiuo puinury, i IhoniRb MoCusker, cam'vaigii maim- j Rdr of a Follette. in Oregon snid: I "The pngiiwj.ie f 'Oregon will, follow in tha footstep; of jtir,Ui Da kota. La Follette is the fnrunn-a , prom revive in the country today and is hcbl fitted to lend the '.'icov1o'h jwwor movement.' The outcome hoh Unt Uooscxclt is iot tlic invuiciWo I candidate his supporter would him- till fM11lt lul1ltt t II line chairman of the Tatt campaign com mittee of Orotjon, .sees only hopo for the present incumbent in the results, lie expressed himself as follews: "That puts the uuietus on Colonel Roosevelt. It shows thai tho Amer ican people will iwd indorse Roose velt's ambition to defy national tra ditions and public .sentiment and serve a thin! term as president. This narrows the issue down to La Follette and Taft. Roosevelt is but a .side show." Legal blanks at the Medford Print ing company. t,r. Bargains The latest niusie.il yaet, T'u" , of the largvst alti ! d ec it, ol the ftVfK mid ensttinie creations tluit XruKuixU mid Their l.l." milt I ine.iirie.il cor. n.uc i tiii,tl to;iiiiii.t i vi ilk-ic around George Mc.Maiuis' well known cartoons of the snie name, will bo the attraction at the .Medford thea ter on Friday, March 22, and prom ises, trom l lie intercM uuis iar u WAS SICK THIRTY YEARS li - "wn. to he oe For the past ,, ,.m it has nn'v The oiikiuiiI "Fouler I'ikcoii llallei" been mi well liked that loui; run, ot remains a big tVuttiro and is )oillv sovtral month.s duration wore scored tho best daueiiig teain oT girlh ever in New York, Chicago and llostnu. t'n in Amuricti. Tito ninnngimioiil a-urei u that it 00 1-2 people tiro in I hi remark will be given here with the mihih i.ble company 7."i per cent of wh"in splendid' cat and all the gieat scenic me sirh. I CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. ; A. E. Lc Ponte .spent Tuesday .' Jacksonville. J. 0. Love tpeiit Tuesdav in Ah Iuud. Dill Pankcy lejf Tuodaj- for Horn brook, Cab, to take a pruning con tract. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Peart spent Tuesday here visiting Mr. and Mrs B. F. Peart. John Mathows, Iato of Elk Crees. has purchased of Jess Glass four lots nt corner Fourth and Alder street, and will erect a business build ing there in the near future. Jos. A. Mann has purchased from his mother, Mrs. Lee Ingram, two hundred fifty foot lots on Hazel street between Seventh and Eighth hlraots and is erecting a neat resi dence on it. Mrs. LoMuistor, Viola McDowell, Miss Norwood, Mary McDowell, Mis Hubbard, A. C. Fiero, Mr. JJIackbum, It. E. Murray and son, Mrs. Joe Wright, Mri,. Herring, Miss Huellcr, Kenneth Becbe, J. V. Myers were auiong tho Central Point people who speiit TtiObdny in Medford. J. N". Smith hpent Saturday in Grants Pass. Miss Beulah Caldwell of Ashland, spout the week and with Mbs Eva Xorcross and other friends in thin uity. Mr.JL,istor Davis and wife of Ash land spout tho weok end with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Davis. Mrs. Earl Heft and Mr.. Roy Nich ols loft Saturday morning for a visit to thoir mother Mi. Groi.li inn of Hal soy. Among tho many Central Pointers that wore shopping and sightseeing in Medford Saturday were Mrs. Joe Wright, Mrs. Miller and daughters, Mrs. J. P. Elliott, Mr. nud Mi's. J. W. Myers, Mrs. Nubsaman, Mists Young. Miss Hurring, Miss Norwood, Mis Stewart, A. J. Duiilap, Mr. McDonald Stewart, Smith JJrot.. I-1. T. H; . George Ingram, Vent Beall, Sr., Mr Miller, S. A, Patlibon. Hnrry Garvin of Roselmig spent .i shornimo here Sunday morning with rolutivos. Clinton Purkoypile of Medford wus here vi&iting his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, I. J, Purkoypile Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Robnett, of Medford, spgut Sunday with relative in our ojty. TACOMA, Wnuh., March 20. John Karly, Tacoma loner, may re main In Summit Vlow, near horo, tor thirty days yet. This waB tho decis ion of Judge Clifford yesterday de nying tho roquest of Early'8 neJ;li ljors for his romoval. Two doctors testlflod that Early's condition Is not dangerous. Cgngresaman Warbur ton Iiub been asked by tho contmls njonora to urgo tho government to dlsposo of tho loper In tho mean time. Early does not want tho fed eral Job offered him at Port Town- sond bocntiso It would eomirato him from hlu family. I Bowlo, Tox. The remarkable case! of tMre. S.-J. Embry who lives near hero is attracting attention, on ac count of her restoration to health nf-' tor many years of suffering. She 'ells ot it In a letter as follews: "During the past thirty years I havo suffered greatly from nerv ous trouWos and iuy health was badly ruu down. Lately I learned of your cod liver and Iron tonic, Vlnol, nud began taking It. ' '11 hayc used several bottles and J lmprovod so fast that J at once rec ompiended It to two friends who wore ' In ipoor health. My case was com plicated, but Vlnol did wonders for ! me. Every woman who suffers from nervousness and weakness shouia take Vinci and recover her health." It is plain that a remedy that will overcome a chronic rundown condi tion like this is just what weak and sickly men, wouion and children everywhere need. If you want to be strong and healthy again, take Vlnol, I on our positive promise to give back (vonp,ninnov It vou ai not satisfied Medfqrd Pharmacy, near P. O. Thursday, Friday and vSatorday CLEARANCE SALE We have taken over the stock of the NUNAN-TAYLOR CO., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, and will sell you for three days the remainder of the stock at Big Cut in Prices. Must clean up before arrival of new goods. Call and got a bargain before they are all gone. TAYLOR. -WfLLIAMS CO. Thursday, Friday and Saturday i pea THREE BIG BARGAIN DAYS AT- PETTICOAT SALE 100 Beautiful New Persian Striped Petticoats, up 7Qp to 50c values, each PETTICOAT SALE 100 Wash JMtii'onts made of 48c fine C'hanibi'ie, values, eaeh 75l- CENTRAL AVE. NEAR POSTOFFICE 'THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY We will offer some exceptionally big bargains in every Department A great money-saving opportunity - Be sure you get some of the Snaps PRINTS Best quality, yard 5c SHEETS 72x90, COc grade 39c CHILDREN'S WAISTS 35c grade, each 10c COLORED Table Damask a yard 39c WASH CLOTHS Regular 5c grade, each 2c PILLOW SLIPS Worth 18c, eacli lie APRON GINGHAM 10c grade, a yard lc .. HOUSE LINING .Special, a yard 4c KAYSER'S Lisle GLOVES a pair 25c FANCY RIBBONS Up to 65c values, 23C a yard CHILDREN'S Fast black Stock ings, a pair 9c BED SPREADS i $1.25 value 98c ZEPHYR GINGHAMS 32-inch, a yard 16c BLEACHED MUSLIN Worth 121oc, yd. 9c OIL CLOTH Best quality, yard 19c WOMEN'S Fast black Hose, a pair 9c APRONS Worth 25c each 19c HEAVY Unbleached CRASH 10c grade, a yard 9c CHILDREN'S Wash Dresses each 39c DRESS GINGHAM New patterns, yd. 10c WAISTS BATH TOWELS Worth up to $1, H 20(, ert(.h each 69c 12 l-2c VAL. LACES BELTS Up to 15c values, 'Up to $1.50 val- a yard ws, each 5c 48c HOSE SUP- NECKWEAR PORTERS Up to-50c values, trp to 50c values oach lOCnpnfr -23C JAPANESE TORCHON CREPES ' LACES' Special, a yard 15c values, a yd. 19c Sc MESSALINE HAND BAGS SILKS Up to $1! values 75c grade, a yard each 48c 49c TOWELS 18c grade, each HOUSE DRESSES Worth $1.75 each Wo wish to iinproHs you witli the fact that we mv Exchange Headquarters What have you got, and what do you wnntf Through u& you can dxchango what you have for wlmt you want. Might acres hearing orchard within 1Hj miles of Medford. I'noo $K()()0. Tui'itis, or will consider oNvlmnge lor in come proper! v in Medford or California. Prefer a resi dence. ' (221) " 10 room furnished house and two loUs near City PavU for exchange; will consider close in acreage or Ollifornia property. Price $(i()(X). 10 acres, 1 miles from Medford. ! acres in berries. Price .f'KXX). Terms. . (22S) 27 acre's .' miles from Medford, 15 acres set to 2 year old peal's, 12 acres in wheat. Price $H25 per acre. This tract will subdivide nicely. (228a) KM) acres 18 miles north of Stratford, (Vmaron county, Texas. On survev of two proposed railroads. !." acres in wheat. Prospects are good for this becoming a town site proposition. Price $7000. Will accept Medford city property in exchange. (220) Orchard, Ranch and Placer Mining proposition J 18 acres on Pleasant creek, 8 miles of ditch, -1 giants, 2000 feet of pipe, (JO acres in cultivation, 7 acres in mixed hearing family orchard, cabins, etc. This property is north of Wood vi lie. .MHO acres good mining ground. Price $10,000. Terms or would exchange for orange grove in California. (2:10) Saw Mill Proposition 200 acres at head of Anderson creek. 2 good boilers, 2 engines, 2 logging machines, 5 million hi .saw timber. (5 to 10 million feet, of saw timher can be purchased on adjoining laud). Price for land and equipment $10,000. Will exchange for other property. (230) 10'o acres 1 mile north of ("Irants Pass. Cheap buildings. This property surrounded by orchards. J'riee $1250. Will exchange for .Medford property. (2:J0) 2 lots in Oklahoma City. Price $1000. To exchange for .Medford lots. ' ('j;n) 100-acre mountain ranch, 5 acres ready for plow, balance wood timber. .Price $2500; wants Medford oity prop erty. (2('I2) 2-room furnished house in Imperial walk. ,Jorse v cow and 21 chiuken. Half cash. BLEACHED Table Damask a yard 39c BUNGALOW SCRIM Special, a yard 11 ii-2c CHILDREN' Gingham Dresses each 69c NAINSOOK 10 inch, worth 18c, a yard 12 l2c addition, cement Price for all $(550. (2;i:i) Seven room modern house. Price $'1500. ! room modern house $2500. Hoth on good street. Will exchange ono or both for ranch. (2IM) 18. bl acres near Phoenix. Price $1115 per acre. Look this up. (235) 100 acres near Trail. 10 acres in cultivation, (J acres be ing in alfalfa and JW in wheat, balance light, limb. ,. 2 irrigation ditches cross place; 10 roo iuhoii.se. Price, $1'2,00(). Terms. (liU(i) (ilj acres in Central Point, on Alain St., 8 room house. Some fruit. It is good alfalfa land. Price $0500. 5-room modern house on W. 01 h. Price $2000. Will ex change for ranch. (2M) 8 acre orchard home within 1-4 mile of city limits. Trees nearly all bearing, flood 5 room plastered'honse. Stock and implements go with place, Price $7000. Medford residence taken as part payment. (211) J Homestead Relinquishment 80 acres within 5 miles of iMedrord. 0 acres cleared. About 00 acres tillable land when cleared, price $500. Small house. Spring. Act quick on this. Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. Alfalfa ranch near Corona, Cal., to exchange for stock ranch, value $20,000. (!,') If you have a furnished house for rent, list with us. Wo have customers waiting. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES We have some Very attractive ones, large and small, rep resenting different lines of business in Medford and elsewhere. As these matters are somewhat confiden tial, we do not; answer phono inquiries. Ask for per sonal interview. Benson Investment Company Real Estate, Mines CORNER OF MAIN AND FIR Phono3 : Bell, 7091 ; Home, 234-L T1