Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    arennn MlMunsfll twiMig.
Cfly Hill
Medford Mail Tribune
Max. -18, Min. 25. Heavy
frost tonight. Fair Thursday
Dully HUtli Vi-nr.
Forty-First Ynnr
No. 310.
10.000 OVER
La Follclto Wins Easy Victory In
North Dakota, Snowlnn Under Doth
Roosevelt ami Taft President Is
Poor Third In Race Returns Slow.
Standpatters Blame Democrats Who
They Assert Voted for Wisconslnitc
Little Dob May Have 20,000 Lead
FAIUJO, N. I)., March 20. Prac
tically complete returns from 32
coiintlon Into this afternoon rIvo Lu
roiiotto u plurality or 8-Uu ovir
ItooHi-vi'lt for tho republican pri-sl-iti'titlnl
iiomliintlou. Roosevelt car
ried 1.1 I'ouutli'M. Ho ran much
HtroiiK"r In lh cow couutlcu tlititi In
tln i out of tlu state,
FARGO, N D March 20.-Relurn
from nil sections of the state up to
II o'clock today indicated that tho
miijority of Senator Robert M. )m
Follolti. of Wim-oimin in tlu presidon
tinl iiii'tVii'titiitt primary will lie 10,
(10(1 vntcn mure than those cast for
President Tn ft ,it nil Colonel Roosevelt
coinliincil. La Follcttp'n phi rnllt v is
i7limiitcd ui friiin 16.000 to 20,000.
OKAS!) FORKS, N, I)., March 20.
Return received up to 10 o'clock
fromtlfiO out of 800 precincts in the
state give tho following figure: I.u
Fullctte 21,057; Roosevelt 15,711.
Colonel Roosevelt apparently Iiiih
carried twelve counties, with Senator
l.a Fnllettc in I he lend in the. other
lliirt.v-Hi'voii counties of the Male.
Hi-MMiHmiiK thn (miIcoiiic of t ho pri-
iniirii,, II. , Tucker, cliiiiniiiin of
the executive I'Oiumitlco of the North
Dakota Republican loaguo said leilny:
Never In Doubt.
"The oulconut of thu election, in my
mi ml, wiim never in ilouht. I knew the
farmers wouhl do their share toward
having tho statu decline in favor of u
man of Mitch constructive ability uh
Senator l,u Follelte. It was u glor
iotiH victory and is shared liy hoth
liiisiucHH men and fnmitTs. It proves
tho old, old ndago that 'rilit mtit
prevail,' La Follctlc's majority will
he upwnrds of 15,000."
.lolni linn, Ntate leader of thu
Roosevelt, faction, ntti Unites Senator
I.u Follotto's victory to tho fuel Hint
lwlh Speaker riuinip Clark mill Oov
ernor Wnotlrow Wilson reiuained off
the demoertiliii ticket, hoth eandidnti's
having agreed to allow tho democratic
vole to go tiummtested uh a compli
ment to Governor Miirltij. Hiihh said:
lllnmo llcmoonitN.
"I luivo notliing to Hay. Tho result
npeukrt for itself. If tho demoeratK
had stuyctl out of I lie repuhliean pri
niary tho ri'Hult would hnvo Ifoen dif
ferent. lltiudredH of demoeralH vot
ed for Konutor Ln Follotlc."
Chairinan Frank Tnloott, of the re
publican (ditto committee, who oou
ilucleil tho Roosevelt campaign, siiid:
'Wo hnvo received returns from np
proxiinatuly two-thirds of tho coun
ties and at present eiui only estimate
tlic result in tho missing districts
from tho returns received from other
iliHtrielH. Estimating the rotnilt from
tho niiHfcu'ngiliHlrintH on tho kiiiiio basis
iih tlioHo hoard from tho indicntioiiH
ni'o that Senator La Follclto Iiiih ear-,
lied lwothirdn of tho ooimtioH, How
over, it ,n impossible to estiinnto tho
J'inal voto."
Itoturns Am Slow,
Tho Fargo Forum, which Htipported
Colonel RoosovoU, ooneedeH Senator
.I.u Follutto a ulurality of 5,000 voted.
U'ho Tinios-llornld, n repuhliean pnp'r
Hiiys Senator Ln Follotto'H plurality
will ho Hiuall,
Tho rotuniH from tlio isolated dis
tricts aro ooming in slowly, nml it will
ho Hoviu'nl iIiij'h huforo tho oouiit jh
ooniploled. Most of tho returns ro
,i!ivtil ho far Iiavo hcon from tho
oitioH, tho voto in tho rural diHtriotH
hoing pructicully unlnuiwn ua yet.
Tho Forgo Nowh, wliltdi nrtvdoatud
Senator Lu Follotto's cnnilidnoy,
givH Colonel Thoodoio Hooaovolt
(Continued on I'hjto 8.)
Advance Guard of Chinooks Appear
and Seven Thousand Will Be Deal-
Inn Their Drains Out In Futile Ef-.
forts to Ascend Ronue River.
Clilof Deputy Warden Sandry Reports
That Promises Are Made'hy New
Receiver for Temporary Ffchway
Ham Huudry, chief deputy gamo
ami flith warden for Houtheru Ore
gon, iinortH Hint rondlttouii are do
plorntilo nt tho Anient ilnm and that
iinlnH Immetllato HtepB are taken to
relievo tho Hltuntlnii there will bo an
flHhlng In the upper river thin year
Haiti Mr. Hun dry:
"The nprlug run of Chluookn In al
ready on nml an ocanidonul flnh can
he Been, lu a few weckR thore will
ho thouiuinitrt of thom beatltiK their
hraliiH out at tho dam In futile of
fortH to UHcend tho Htroam. Thu istettl
hentlH nro now coiiKrer.utccl In niitn
hern holow tho dnm.
"Tim lal ralHU In tho river car
ried out tho tomporary ladder wo
hnvo bren working on all winter and
there In no way for the fish to Ret
up. Itecolver Horclifton promised thnt
ho will when tho water koh down,
try to haw another tomporary lad
der built, hut promlnea no relief for
a permanent fUnway.
"Tor year it this dnm Iiiih been tho
groateMt obstacle In tho river for fUli
and him probuhly done moro than all
othur ratiHOK to retard rentockliig, Tho
dam Ih In bud tttinpe and a flood will
carry out tho Houth end, should n
heavy rainfall occur.
"I havo appealed to tho Htato flh
nud game nn(ioclntlon for relief and
look for upeutly action of kouio kind
It miiHt cmnn booh If there Ih to be
any Nulling ihlH year."
UlliLRVILLE, Vii., March 20. A
uIiihIi hetwiien momherri of tho Allen
gang of outlawH and a posse of Hieh
inniul deteelives is reganied as likely
today. A courier arrived hero thin
morning with word thnt fivo of tho
ringleaders of the elan have heen cor
nered in it mountain paHs. A posso
of niountaiueorri wcro nodicd from
hero to reinforce tho offioerx.
Deleetivo l.eo Felts, who ih lending
the mountain pohkoh, Kent word that
lie had hood Sidney Allen, tho outlaw
chieftain, dodging in und out of the
mountains' near Devil's Don. Allen,
he Kiiitl, had heen injured. Four other
members of tho elan wore also seen,
and Fells believes Hint tho fivo men
are separated from tho other inein
hers of the gang.
Jno): Allen, a brother of Floyd Al
len, who wan siek on tho day of tho
shooting, declnroH ho believes tho
court room aHKiiHsiuatious wcro uu
prommlitnloil. Ho contends that tho
shooting and killing wore precipitated
"nflor court officials had fired thu
first Hhot."
CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 20, -F.vory
indication hero today points to
ii iiationwido strike in tho coal fields,
Thirty-two operators conferred
with tho same number of roproHoutu-
lives of tho miners lioro hut tho coii
forenoo was fruitiest!, Tho operators
aro adopting a uo-conipromiBu Atti
tude and tho minors aro just na do-torniluid.
Racine toward New York at sofcatj
B.lle an Iiour-to mxko up tostimrtb'c
m-oud vcotlon of tbo OJweiStfcUi Cen
tury Limited on tho Now York Central
itallro&d dosbod off tbo rails four raltcu
north of I'ouchkeepslo and the last tire
of the seven cars plunged Into the LIud
ou ltUer. Of tbo Ufty-li pusxenscra
Woodulle, Jackson county, Oregon,
has heen erased from the map. It is
now Rogue River.
Following action by the city oounoil
and by ixipular voto of tho people,
the post office department has ord
ered tho change and beginning with
the new quarter, April 1, Itoguo River
will ho postmarked upon all letters.
Tho Southern Paoifio will follow
suit nud eiiulicnto Woodvillo from its
maps. Henceforth it will ho Rogue
River for there were too many
Woodvilles in tho country, hut only
one Rnguo River.
Under its new name, the town ex
pects a material growth, as it will
benefit to a greater extent by the ad
vertising done for the entire valley,
NF.W YORK, March 20. Presi
dent Tuft's party was hold up by
heavy fogs today, in tho Now York,
New Haven nud Hartford railroad
yards at Mutt Haven near lioro. The
presidents oar was attachud to the
"Oovernmenl Express" running be
tween Huston and Washington.
Willi tho harbor fogbound, seovot
service men refused to permit tho
president's car to ho transferred
around tho city on a float. Tho car
was sent to tho Grand Central station
and switched to u siding, whero tho
president slumbered undisturbed until
thu fog lifted.
Sylvester Peterson Dead
I.OS ANGELES, Ma roil :0. Sys
vostcr Futovsou, fill, hnukor of Fort
land, Ore., and former United States
land agent at Crookstou, Minn., died
suddenly early today of lioavl failuvo.
ITo had been visiting lVionds in i.os
W WW WM . WM M . . , ,,,,, ,Wtmmm2
on the train only sixteen escaped ln -
Jury. The wreck was caused by a dc-
feetlvo mil. am), a'conllng to experts,
many Una would havo been lot bad
CLEVELAND, Ohio, March J0.
Jniuos J. Jeffries of Los Angeles N
the latest "come buck" Iioper, if
Johnny Kilbnnc, featherweight cham
pion, is to be believed. Kilhnue said
hero today that Jeffrie told him in
Los Angeles that he intends to start
at tho bottom of tho heavyweights
and again fight hi way to tho top.
Jeffries, Killmno "ithi. is now secret
ly training in the mountains.
"1 intend to fight my way through
the white hopes" Kilhano says Jef
fries told him and "earn the right to
challenge for the championship. First
I will challenge fail Morris, then Jim
Stewart of Now Yolk, then Al l'alxor,
whom 1 consider the harder game.
With him out of the way 1 shall be
entitled to cliiillciigc tho winner of
tho Johnson-Flynu tight. 1 nm pretty
certain that that will ho Flymi. 1
know 1 can come buck."
SAN UEltNAHlllNO, Cal., March
20. Nows of a despornto revolver
bnttlo lu which two bandits who at
tempted to loot tho Central Lodo
Mining company's otflco at Owl
Springs ot bullion valued at $20,000
woro fatally wounded and Watchman
Honry Preston wan shot through tho
shoulder, was brought horo toduy.
Tho bandits aro II. Langley, known
as "Sllin," and IJort Lnuo, desort
toaniBtora. Kueli man la reported to
havo boon shot twice through tho
cheat, Owl Springa la an Isolated
camp In tho Itaudsuurg mining dis
trict. ProBtou surprised tho men work
ing over tho aafo whero tho treasure
wo8 atorod, and opened tiro. Ho Will
i tbo cars not been t steel construction,
- , .IihIiv of the limited carried tho
locjniotlre a '-o care more than a
ma ' a mile ' - tho brutes
JACKSON, Miss., March 20. Re
ports received here today state that
the posse which is pursuing the four
bandits who held up Mobile nud Ohio
passenger train number four, seven
miles south of Corinth, Miss., Inst
night iins located tho robbers in the
Tusoumhin river bottoms. Blood
hounds nro aiding in the pursuit, and
tho po-sso oxpects to surround the
bandits soon.
The passenger train was prooeed
iutr nortliward when two of the band
crawled over the engine tender and
with drawn revolvers commanded tho
engineer to stop tho train. In the
meantime other members of tho band,
broke into tho express car, subdued
the messenger and blew open tho safo.
The contents, said to amount to $G0,
000 in eurrenoy and n quantity of
valuables, were hastily gathered to
gether and the robbers disappeared in
the darkness, without stopping to loot
the mail. Passengers wero not mo
lested. M1RG COMES
PORTLAND, March 20. Ormsby
Mcllarg, prominent supporter of
Colonel Roosevelt will come to Oregon
and Washington soon to work in tho
liutorest of Roosevelt, it was an
nounced today. R. P. Hudson of
Chicago, another Roosovolt follower,
will also ho in Oregon and Washing
ton in a day or two to furthor Rooso
volt's campaign,
Tliomns McCuskor, head of tho La
Follotto campaign in Oregon, said to
day Hint ho would nip in tho bud any
movement to nnito Oregon progres
sives on Roosovolt. s it is rumored
Hudson nud Mellwry will try to do.
bronsht the runaway to a stor- Dr.
Warnhukj. of Grand Rapids, Mien.,
gave aid to those ln need of It. Laos
planks were used as bridges from 'the
car windows to the shore and on tbem
the passengers crawled or walked.
Somtf. "who had 'been knocked atnnt
badly and were Cazed were carried out
by the repair crew.
Seroral women attired In the cloth-
tnsr In wMoh they bad 1 - sleenlm-
wer w anood tn eoata tlii mn. tholr
own clothlns haying been lost Id the
y water, llany more were drenched.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of the Southern Pueifio rail
iimil spent Wednesday in Medford on
his return from San Francisco where
he participated in the festivities con
nected with the selection of the Ore
gon building site nt the exposition. He
snid :
"The excursion was a most suc
cessful one as well as tho largest on
record. We were met with open nrnis
and regally entertained by tho San
Franciscans. The nffair has resulted
in closer relations between Oregon
and California and has brought about
a bettor feeling botween the people of
the two states.
"I am glad to see Medford looking
so prosperous and look forward to a
steady growth during the ensuing
Mr. Scott was tho guest of tho Uni
versity club nt a noon luncheon given
b" A. S. Itoscubaum and leaves to
night for Portland.
Fearing that vengeance will be wreok
ed upon him if Adelo Vorgo, the
French maid, who shot n,nd danger
ously wounded him last summer, re
turns to San Francisco, Dr. C. Fred
erick Kohl, millionaire clubmun and
member of tho social set, lias today
obtained an indictment from the
grand jury charging the girl with as
sault witli intent to commit murder.
At tho time of tho shooting, last
Juno, Kohl rofiused to prosecute Miss
Verge, and provided funds for hor
return to Franco. He has now learn
ed of a report that tho girl has fled
from thnt country nftev stabbing a
nptn nud is. on hev way to California,
Th shooting ot Kohl followed ilia
missal of it suit for $30,000 which
tho maid brought against him.
Mrs. Blanch Carson, Society Leader
of San Francisco, Commits Sufdrfft
in New York Hotel When Detected
in Efforts to Evade Customs.
Recently Returned from Wltnessini
Durbar in India Shame ef Arrest
Unbalanced Her Mind.
NEW YORK, March 20. Caught
in the net of smuggling valuable
jewels into the United States, a won-
an giving the name of Mrs. Blancho
Cnrson of San Francisco committed
suicide today here by hanging herself
from the window of her room.
The body was discovered dangling
from nn eight story window on the
Fifth avenue side of the Hotel Bro
stett this morning. The woman bad
tied an end of a rope around her neck
nnd the other end to a radiator'in
the room, and then clambered through
the window.
Unstrung Peorbt Seized.
Mrs. Carson nrrived here Monday
on board the steaming George Wash
ington and irent to th'6 holerWbfootf,
where she gnve the name of Mrs.
Blanche Carson of San Francisoo.
The woman was fashionably dressed
nnd apparently cultured. She was
about fifty years of age.
The immediate cause of the smug
gling charge was a quantity of un
strung pearls which the woman de
clared nt $800. the price sho said
had paid for them in Indiu. Apprais
ers estimated the value of the geips
as well into the thousands. Whjn
summoned before Suryeyor Henry,
Mrs. Carson admitted thnt the pearbH
were of greater value than she had(
said, and also confessed that she had'
smuggled two diamond enr-rings in
her lint. These valuables sho trans
ferred to the officials.
Collupses In Court..
When taken into custody nud ar
raigned before United States Com
missioner Carpenter in Jersey City
tne woman collapsed. She was re
leased on $2,000 buil, and went im
mediately to tho Hotel Wolcott, whero
sho paid her bill, and proceeded to
tho Brostett.
A search was made of the womun'H
personul effects, today, the coroner
being convinced that she is prominent
socially in tho west. Her belongings
showed that she had attended tho
Durbar nt Delhi, India. A number of
letters indicated thnt her home had
been in Los Angeles. One letter was
addressed to Paul R. Mayberry, Los
Angeles and began "My Dear Broth
er." When she committed suicide, tho
woman woro n light bluo dressing
gown, n nightrobo and blaok stock
ings. Sho used n 20 foot trunk rope.
Probably Insane,
Mrs. Carson was probably tempor
arily insane. At tho Hotel Brozlett
she brooded all night over her dis
graco and the loss of jewelry worth
$20,000 which sho hod turned over to
the customs officials, and suicided in
the early hours in tho morning. She
had beon dead for some timo when the
body wus noticed dangling from her
A search of tho woman's belongings
revealed $l,2o0 in cash nnd n fiheaf
of letters addressed to residentn of
various cities on tho Pacifio const.
Tho woman left tho following pcn
ciled note addressed to Attomoy Har
rison Osborue:
"My brother's address is Pjttil
Mnybury, 010 West 28th street, Los
Angeles. I can never 'thank you en
ough for nil you havo done. Dispose
of my remains hero quickly. Don't'
send homo. R. Carson."
Tho noto was timed 4 o'olock Ibis
Prominent Ih FrbicG,
Mis Eugeniw Mbjry, wfe ftvl ii?
thu St. UcKk.uvbuMfc Jwri Jwr
. (Continue est w $,