Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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II. F. WIIhoii, nroniictor of n foc
ond hiitul store at No. 38 South Fir
Htrcot, wns tlio victim of n uorub
check limn Monday afternoon. HIh
confidence ami trust In ninuklml cost
hi in Jimt nn even $19, hut he has
faith fltlll that Home mistake lias
been inndc anil that tho matter will
ho ndjitHted mid he will Rot his
Monday afternoon a man, rather
poorly l reused, who said his name
was J. 11. Ford, came to his place
and was looking nt n cooking stove.
Ho liked the stove nnd would take It
provided he could soil a horse, which
ho was expecting to do that after
noon. Ford said ho lived 12 miles
from Derby, In this county, nnd that
Ills homestead Joined that of Otis
Hubbard; that ho was welt acquaint
ed with Hubbard nnd ho hnd boon
sent to Wilson to get tho stove by
llctwcon 4 and 5 o'clock Monday
nfternoon Ford returned ' with a
check on the First National bank of
this city for $35 nnd signed by J. W.
Smith. rorjl bought the stovo for
1G nnd WIlBon paid him the differ
ence, flD, In cash, and Ford directed
that tho stovo bo sent to him nt
Derby. Ford said that Smith was a
farmer living noar Eaglo Point"
Tho bank cashier Informed Mr.
Wilson Tuesday morning that J. W.
Smith had no account In that bank,
and Mr. Wilson at once put the mat
ter in tho hands of Constable Singler,
who is now endeavoring to locate
Ford nnd place him under arrest.
Mr. Wilson Is of the opinion that
there Is a mistake somewhere as to
Ford, but ho wants his $19 back or
tho check cashed. It is possible that
Ford is all right and that Smith Is
tno real culprit.
f lift A A
( Continued from Page One.)
inmlo his llit definite .statement that
lie would iiot lie n candidate for re
election. tMr. Colcmnn, however,
(limlifieth'tljis statement by saying
that had he not nasscd his word to
N. L. Xnrrognn of Eiifdc Point not iox
run thut he would now cuter the race.
However Coleman states definitely
Hint if Narrepin remains in the race
lie will uo.t run. This statement f.n
the part of Mr. Coleman has induced
L. E. Wakciuan of this city to seri
ously consider being a candidate at
the primary election for the republi
can nomination opposing Mr. Narro
gaii but he qualifies his announce
ment with the word "probably." So
far the only democratic aspirant ti
the office is W. H. Miller of Gold
Hill. C. P. HrigKs of Butte Fulls lb
also said 'to be considering seeking
the republican nomination.
Kuunctt Beeson of Talent is the
latest candidate to be suggested, his
friends, suggesting him for sheriff on
the republican ticket. Mr. Beeson
is now said to bo considering the
mutter and bis definite nuiiounoj
nient is expected soon. Should Mr.
Beeson run he will oppose August
Singler of this city in the primaries.
W. A. Jones, incumbent, is the only
democratic candidate mentioned to
The nuuio of J. W. Myers of Cen
tral Point is being put forward by his
friends as a candidate for countv
judge upon the democratic ticket.
Should be run ho will oppose J. R.
Neil, incumbent, at the primaries.
This will muko four candidates for
the office, two upon each ticket nnd
the primaries would have the effect
of eliminating two leaving a clearly
defined battle in November for the
office, V, K. Merrick of this city op
poses Ocoigo W. Dunn of Ashland
for the republican nomination.
District Attorney Mulkcy contin
ued today to declino to .state whether
he would bo a candidate for re-election
or not. Mr. Mulkuy states that
lie has been urged to run by u Inrsc
number of political leaders but that
be believe, bo would be better oft
from a pergonal standpoint if bo de
clines to Qiitur the race. His definite
mis war is expected soon. Herbert
Hunua is a candidate for the repub
lican nomination and K. K. Kelly of
this city for tho democratic.
I. A, Gregory whose name was men
tioned in connection with tho -sor'b
office stales that be has deter
mined not to run. Tins leaves W. T.
(irimo, republican, tho sole candidate
although It, IJ. Dow, democrat, is
James Croneniiller is the only can
didate for county treasurer.
While tho names of Dr. K. H. Por
ter, John A. PorJ nnd Dr. J, K. Shear
er havo boon mentioned for coroner
the only man to file so far is A. K.
Kellogg of Gold Hill, incumbent. It
is prolmblo Unit Mr. Kellogg will be
lliu only candidate for the office,
J, K. Knyiut of Trail, is being
boosted by bis friends for tho legis
lature. He will probably be a run
ning muto with J, A. Westorlund on
tbo republican ticket.
l'OKTLAXl), March 1). The ni
ne to the state of Earl Griffin, one f
its tar witnee. in the trial of Burt
Hicks, proprietor of an open shop
machine works, charged with the kill
ing of W. A. Wortmau. a union ma
chinist, today is considered greatly
nullified by bis vacillating testimony
while under cross exumnation. Hw
number of depredations in this city.
that he gave at the coroner's iiupiewt,
and the variance is considered favor
able to the defense.
Griffin testified that be saw I lick
strike the murdered man before the
shooting but did not see Wortman
strike Hicks. He said that when be
Inst saw the combatants Wortman
was backing rapidly away from
Hicks in an attitude of defense.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March Ji).
With a total of eighteen dead as
the result of a locomotive explosion
in the Southern Pacific yards here,
mostly strikebreakers employed in tbo
shops, citizens todny formed a com
mittee which is investigating the
cause of the explosion.
Humors that the engine was tam
pered with persist and William J.
Bums, head of tho National Detective
Agency, has been asked to probe the
Three more victims died last night
and others are dying. The ruins arc
being searched for more corpse.
l'OPI.AU niA'FF, Mo., March 19.
Doatlng the Tuft delegates ut every
turn, tho adherents of Colonel Kooso
volt for tho republican presidential
nomination today gained complete
control of tho list district republican
convention hero, which met to name
delegates to tho state convention.
Within 15 minutes aftor the body
convened, tho hall was in an uproar,
and tho Tuft uupportora, roallzlng
they wcro beaten, iiunoiincod they
probably would send a contesting
delegation to tho state convention.
Later tho Taft followers held a sop
arato convention.
Favor Sloan for Job
PHOW.VIX, Ariz., March 19. Tho
Arizona stato bur association today
wont on record as favoring the con
firmation of tho appointment of For
mer Governor Hlehard Hloun, "in
junction Dick" us federal Judgo of
Arizona. Attornoy General George
Purely Dullard led the opposition.
Ho was supportod by the progressive
wing of tho association
LINCOLN, Neb., March 10 lte
ports current here today that Will
iam J. Bryan will name his choice
for president at the banquet with
which tho Nebraska progressive
leuguo will commemorate the 53d
birthday anniversary of Bryan to-
night have drawn the Interest of
democrats throughout the country to
the function.
Seated about tho banquet board
will be leading democrats and
tho speakers will includo Senator
Gore, Ollle James, ex-Senator I'ettl
grow, Congressman Kobert Henry.
George Fred Williams, Frederick
Towneeud Martin and Iirjan.
Bryan's speech. It Is reported, will
Include n "roast" for Governor Jud
son Harmon of Ohio, candidate for
the democratic presidential nomination.
For tbo purpose of icaliug anoth
er game prc-orve in tin- countv W. II.
Holmes of this eit t- -iguiiig up u
largo acreage on Grill in oieok. Be
tween 1.II0 nnd 'JOOO acres will bo
-oeiirod if possible on which it will bo
unlawful to kill gitinc Stole Game
Warden Kiuloy bus promised to stock
tho pro-orvo with tin'"1 nnd other
It l- reported' that the farmers in
that -eotion mm spinas up rapidly
fur the proposed pre-eivo. Tho Mo
doc orchard on Itocuo liver now is
being stocked with Hungarian partridge-,
the ranch liiixuig boon design
ated n preserve.
Rich Brewer Dies.
CHICAGO. March 10. Wlllhuu C.
Zlpp. millionaire head of the Zlpp
The case against W A. Marvin,
who was bound over to await not Ion
by tho grand Jury soxoral weeks ago
by Justice of tho Ponce Taylor, Is
being 'considered today by tho grand
Jury. It Is predicted thut an Indict
ment wilt ho returned.
It Is understood thut tho district
attornoy Is proprirlng a presentment
to bo tendered to Judgo Calkin. If
In his opinion a crime- has boon com
mitted he will so report to tho grand
Jury and tho Indictment returned.
Marvin Is accused of bigamy. Ho
Is said to havo married IiIh Inst wlfo
while legally bound to I.orotto Mar
vin whom he married at Vunoouuu,
John Drew's season will end late
In May. Ho will thou go abroad to
Browing conipany. was found dead In l visit tho various Uiiropouu capitals
bed hero todny, shot through the and deliver addresses on "Tho
head The pollco think It was a ease Stage.'1 In Paris ho will address the
of suicide. X.lpp had been III for society of French authors at a spa
months. 'elal meeting.
- With Mayor Bolph mid tho board
or supervisors awaiting tho opinion of
City Attorney Long In icgard to the
city's rights In tho matter of the
merging of tho Pacific mid Home
telephone conipatiloH hero, specula
tion was current today over tho proh
able recovery by tho city of a flint),
000 bond put up by tho Home com
pany as a guarantee that It would
curry out tho terms of Its franchise.
It Is claimed that tho Home com
pany has violated a clause ' of Its
franchise which forbids It to sell out
to any telephone company In oxls
tcuco at tho time tho franchise was
City Attorney Long stated that it
would bo sevotnl days before ho could
render an opinion.
William Harris of Morthyr Tydvll
Is claiming as a nephew mid next of
kin of James Davis or Atchison, Kali.,
an estate said to he worth f 10.000,-000.
N'UW YOltIC, March It). Trading
In today's opening stock market was
larger than yesterday and tho loaileis
mom active. Beading and Lehlxh
Valley wore helped by the moio cnii
clllatoiy attitude of the coal mine
owners and Amalgamated Copper
also gained substantially. Beading.
Illinois Contial and Amoileaii Can
preferred gained u point and Union
Pacific, Lehigh Valley. Book Island,
American Hineltlng and Amalgamated
Copper all mado substantia! gains,
Tho market closed firm.
Bonds wore Irregular.
Fifty Paucs In Pamphlet
PDU.TLANI), Die.. Maich I".
Fifty pages of publicity matter will
bo contained In tho April prlminy
ciimpnlgu pamphlet, for the republi
cans or .Multnomah county and lv
pages for tho democrats, according to
rigures prepared by the sooiotury of
state. Kach candidate will have at
least one photograph In tho pamph
let, which will be homed by tho state
1 i ' -i
ene, March 19. In tho straw voto
cabt In the early part of the week ft
tho University of Oregon, Theodore
Roosevelt was the favorite candidate
for president, receiving lGfl votes out
of 481 votes cast. William II. Taft
was second with 1 1 C and Woodrow
Wilson third with 10'J votes. Woman
suffrage parried, duo to tho largo
co-ed voto cast, whllo single tax and
Judicial recall woro dofouted.
Tho fact that only 1SG students
refused to vott) shows what a great
interest the university students are
taking in politics and questions of
current interest.
Weak and miserable. If you havo
KIduey or Bladder trouble, dull head
pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains
in tho back, and fool tired all ovor,
get a package of Mother Gray's AIM).
MATIO LEAF, tho pleasant herb
cure. It never falls. Wo havo many
testimonials from grateful people
who havo used this wonderful rom
ody. As a regulator it has uo equal.
Ask for Mother Gray's Aroniutlc-Lonf
at druggists or sent by mall for CO
cts. Sample FREE. Address, Tho
Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, N. Y.
Your Druggist
Stops That Itch
7f you nro suffering from Eoozema,
pHorlaula or any other kind of Hkln
trouble, drop Into our store for Instant
relief. Wo will cuarantco you to stop
that itch In two seconds.
We havo sold otlicr remedial for skin
troublos. but nono that wo could recom
mend a highly as tills, a mild wash of
oil of winterKnen Tiiymui and a row
other Ingredients that havo wrought
such wonderful cures ull over tho coun
try. This compound Is known as D.D.D.
'Prencrlptlon for Kczema and it wilt cool
nnd heal tho Itchy, burning skin as
nothlntr else can.
A zCo trial bottle will provo It,
Of course all other druirKlsts havo
D.P.D. Proscription so to them If you
can't come to us but don't accept some
blK-protlt substitute.
But If you come to our store, wo aro
no certain of what D.P.I), will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle on
this guarantee; If you do not Um that
It takes away tho Itch AT ONCIS it
costs you not a cent,
Meflforj! Pharmacy.
Below we give you a partial list of what we are doing in "groceries."
These prices will remain the same as long as the market does.
They are on first-class merchandise. We stand back of every
purchase, and
What We Say We Do, We Do
Prices subject to market changes
15 pounds granulated best cane fruit Sugar - - - -..,- $1.00
16 pounds small or Lady Washington white Beans - . - $1.00
16 pounds pink or red Mexican Beans
16 pounds regular 8 l-3c Jap Rice
10 pound sack white or yellow Corn Meal
10 pound sack fine or coarse Graham
12 cans HOLLY condensed Milk
Big package Columbia Oats or Wheat
6 boxes Diamond soft tip Matches
3 pound can of the famous Tavern Coffee
50 pound sack fine table Salt
50 pound sack stock Salt
10 pound pail Eastern Lard - $1.25,
10 pound pail Eastern Compound $1.00,
Kerosene Oil per gallon
Star, Horseshoe or Climax Tobacco plug
5 pound pail
5 pound pail
"Highland" blend hard wheat Flour, sack - - " , " " $!25
"Kernd' Idaho hard wheat Flour, sack ----- $1.35
"American Rose" cream of blue stem hard wheat Flour, sack - $1.35
We have on hand over three carloads of these different kinds of flour. We
can supply you, and we guarantee every sack. A trial sack will make you a
steady customer.
Hutchison & Lumsden
- ;
' ;
' :
' ;
' i
The Peoples Store
213 East Main St, Medford, Oregon