Oil, Jes, liiris! We Men Always Stick together ... " - -llll ! '! """""" - ,. - II.... II I - . - - . . . ...mil I I. YOUR ACC N-TCir) MCTCSR U- f IS MV 0SC?J!7b ' ,' NlT) ' '-' '' '" UI0 YOUH. - "o . cannrtcrrrep Jtoia f,yjrncq. MEDFOFID MARKETS T LEGAL NOTICES. nm hk.nt ii(U8incTCinixo for balk land for sale miscellaneous kusixkss directory Jtolull J'riocH YcjjftnbJr. Pnlntne t'i per cwt. Cnbhngo 3u. Pnrmitps 2V4o. Lutluco 10c tiona. Carrots 314 c. Boots 3V4c OllltlllK- If Celery 50cdf$l dui. Cauliflower loaaoc head. Radishes 5o bunch, ' Onions Croon, Do bunch. Fruit. Prunes Dried, lOo lb. 1.01110115 30o dorun. Iliinanno JOc to 30c por doteo. Oranges 15c to 40c. Iluttcr, Iku nnd Poultry. Butter Frosh ranch, por rotl, 6fie: crimmory, 85c IC-Ult l-'i onli ranch, 20c. Poultry Hem, dra'iHl, 18c; Uvo 13c; nprlUKH, drotscd, 30c Turkeys 30c to 35c, drcuod. McntH," Wholeiinlo. Hoof Cows, I "4c; slcon, 6o. Pork 5f ilHi-.c VikiI Dnwtod, SfflOc. Mutton 3 4r3Wc, Uvo; Inmbn. CO1 7Ho. Hnjr' flial 'I-Vnl, Wliolrnnlo, 1 liny AlfnUn, $12 to Jlft; Krnln, J 12 to 111. , . . . i Ornlii Wheut, $1 por biiBhoI; oats I J30 per ton; bnrloy, rolled, J-IO por ton; bnrloy, whotv, 3J. LOB AMSItLICB. fill.. March 19. -Flu earl) today numoil damag" amoMiilliiK to $()0, 000 In tho Stlin mni litucV. In the heart of tho retail diMtrirl lieie. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTIUIC OF SALK OF MUNICIPAL ItONDS. Nollro Is hereby glvon thnt tho Town Council of tho Town ot llutto Falls. In JarkHoii county, Oregon, will receive Mealed propositi)! for tho pur 'cIiiiho of $10,000 of tho negotlabhi coupon bonilu of said town, benrlug six per cent nuiul-auuual Intorest, unld bonds limiting (Into Mnrch 1st, ID 12, duo March 1st, 1932. ' Bald sealed proposals will bn re ceived by pud iniiy bo filed with tho 'recorder of mild town ut any tlmo lioforo & p. m, March 20th, 1912. Knrh propoNat or hid must bo accom panied by n cortlflod chock drawn on "tiomo ntuto or national bnuk ot Jnuk hou county, Oregon, for 5 per cent of tho niuouut offered, tho samo to bo forfeited to tho town In case tho proposal aiuulo Is accoptod by tho town and tho person making tho pro posal duos not purchase tho bonilu lit mxordanco Uiorowlth within thirty tlnyn uflor bolng notified of tho nc cuptauco o( tho proposal nnd being furnished with u transcript of tho proceodlngn of tho council and rec ords or tho town showing that said hondn aro lawfully Ihuuo and valid obllgatloiiH of tho town. No bid for loss than par nnd ac crued IntoioHt will bo consldorod by tho council and tho council roaorvoB tho right to reject nny nml all bids. Dated March Sth, 1912. IlA.TlJNCLVJ'. ' nil Recorder Town of llutto Falls, MR, INVESTOR ...... ......... w.. Vntcli lliltr Mince, ltwlll wy you, for on I'Vlcluy, Slurcli &2, Iivlll offer ono of tho JbcHl buys or tho season, OWNER. 4 ; 1 . 1 1 in . imi 11 ikiiiJin MEtirOKD h OUATEIt X.AKI RAH. HOAD HUOIlIVKKHIUr WOTIOE. Ill acoorilunrv wJUi ,in urtljr or tlm JUilj;.) nf tin Clrnull Qturt if ilia tilaln nf oiKim, for .iHcttHon niiiiity. In tlio inn 1 1 or of ..in ('(IithIiIi nf lint Mod' rnru fit f'rninr i.tiio luiimau coinimny, mi Ori'K'm cm piiiiilliin, iiihI In ii aium1 tlirro ih'IiiIIiik. Kiitltli'd IWcmt I Infer t Ml, vit Mmlfmit a Ciiiler hnkn llnllrouil t'iiiiiiny, rt ill , Nut lew In lirrrliy clvcn by tho umlcr kIkihmI rruvlviir f kaIiI cnoriiiloii, tlmi Hid I'Diirt or JtulHK in itniit nmttur In n limit in iimUn hii nnlnr illnirlliullni; to Ul lioiiiprn f imlrt -tip oKxilj in unlil ilinurniiiin, nuou jiuiun nn miuii r lliulii ufler ilia )-in-iit of nil dcblM, nml 'Xi'iiAn of llin rrc-lvornUlli Tlirrrfiirp. nil porno tin ownlnh' wty fully fmlil-np (iliiolt In mI roromtlon. or invIiik itmiln rt iiiiMit uHn tin ir vulnn'rlpllvHi. nrn littil'V lutliriivt to, on fir Iwfore Ajirll Sml. 19l?, fllo with Hip unU hokum! riKTlvnr, hi IiIh afflen In tlm i'lilin lilook, Mi'tlfonl, Ori'KDii. tliclr Inly vrrlflwl rlnlniii, ni'romimitlr'il liy tlinlr Ctirllfliuitcd of utocU, uliiru'lni; llio nuiiilier of tliu cf rllficutn, to ulumi orlu Inally ImidhI, and tlm uniount rrcnlvoil by tli corimrntlon In payinl tliarofor. ThoNn wlio urn owimrn of huoIi Htock. but en n not jiroduco tlio nninit, yr who liavn tmlil auly part upon lliulr uli ncrlpllmm. nnn to 'hum rcrtlflcnt'ii hiivn imver linn ImuihI, iniiy maku like proof by iiidJi vurlflnd I'htlm, Tlifin olHlmN will, on April 3rd. 1012. b rilrt with thi county clerk for Jnck nh county. Oruon. All porn on ImvltiK nil IntrrrNl In wtlil tmittrr. nml hnvlm.- obli'CtlotiM to nny of imld clnlmit urn r diilroil to fllo tlm (muni In wrlilniT with win cniiniy cmtK on or nrroro April Sill, ItllX from tho tltim mild (lliiimn nro no fllnd with tlm mn)orli;tifl ro aolvrr tlny will bo nubject to In.ipcc- lion uy wkhmi nrmritm' to inukn otijfc lliiliit Datod nt Mmlford. Otrirou. thlH flth day of Mnrch, mi: j r. iicnnY. lUrrlvrr of Mcilfortl A Crntvr I.nko Itnttrtxul oonipnny. IIUKIXMSH OPrUHTUMTIIiS AUK YOU, LOOKINO KOll A IIU31 NK3H BN'AI,7 I.Mton to this. Lot 2Gxl00, ono utory bulldliiK. on6 block from main ulroot, J30QO. nia oiior optrn oniy i daya, t, i y()rk & Co Two oiior open only for a fow IOII BALK Nice little business for pnlo, money maker; goods on liuiid thnt will pay three limes what Is asked for the business. Call or write 102 Mistletoe st Mini ford, Ore. FOR BALK tJrorery stock and fix tures at invoice, good established trade, reasonable rent. Apply Oak dale Cash Grocery, Oakdale and Klworth, , 313 FOR RENT FURXIBIIKD ROOMS FOR RKNT Furnished sleeping rooms close In with light, heat, and bnth. 201 B. Central. 310 FOIt RKNT Smith npnrtnieulo.217 So, Rlvorslde. FOR RKNT Modern furnished roonni nt tho Cottago, f04 West 10th St., two blocks south Medford hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Both phones, Mrs. II. M. Conn. 310 FOR RUNT Largo slooplng room, $1.50 nud $2 port weok. Modern housekeeping apnrtmonts, $15 nnd $10. Home phono 2GG-K. 222 Bottth Holly. FOR RUNTHOUSES FOR RKNT 1 louse, nnd furniture for Bnlo; also ico cheat, lawn mow er, garden tools and utoves, lu dulro nt 230 N. Ivy st. FOR RKNT Strictly modern, fur nlHhed bungalow, $30 por month. 50S South Grapo. 309' FOIt RENT Furnished Ifttuso. every convenience. 7.10 West 11th, FOR RENT Bungalew: modern; lawn and shade. 730 West 11th. FOR RKNT Furnished houso $10; unfurnished limine $5, Close In. Phone Pnc. 1271. 309 FOR RKNT Modern houso for rent or louse. 7 12 West 11th at. Phono 123-W. ' 315 FOR RENT Furnished five room .modern Iiouho, $25. 4 Id King ut. 310 FOR RKNT Thrcu room houso with lights and water, Largo lot. Two blocks from P. O. Address II. Y,, euro Mull Tribune. FOB RENT--Modern H room houso. Call nt 101 W. 2nd at. 3.11 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Ovor tho with boat and light. DnyU. postoffloo, Boo A, A, FOR RENT Largo, comfortable ot- nco rooniB wuu oiovnior sorvice, Htoiun boat, hot nud cold water. Low rates, Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RKNT Two office rooms, host location In Modtcml. Taylor Phlppa building. Particulars A. V Toy lor. Cent ral Point, or O M. KiiW'u ulioo atoi'o, yotv miodfobd matl tribune, medfobd, oiijsnoN. Tuesday. -mawu'H 1.012! KOU 1U0NT lloiiuukooiiliiK and ttlu Klo roiMnH. ant, bnth. 3Jfi N. JJart li'tt. Hbibo Vhtitiu'ilfot. 312 rOKKAMv I.OTH KOU BAM-: I.otH nnd ntnall tracts clone In. A hIx room buui;alow, now, Htrlctly modern, I'houo Pa cific 742; Home 1 13 x. 312 KOU 8ALIS C'holco IoIb In tho city of Jnokftonvlllo, 250 by 230; three JiotiBPH. two wollB nnd one Hprlnc on loin. Terms $2000 cash. A r.ood barnalti for n hntnr. Mrs. LoiiIko Bchlfflea, Jacksonville, Or OKOIl. KOIt BALK 100x258 ttultnblo for T, loin, 2 room Iioiihc, electric HchtH and water, $1000. Inqulro of owner Hotel Medford barber ohop. 329 FOIt BALK Two lots 50x250. on small payments. Phono 7-H., Home. 311 POR BAIJIJ-ACItKAGH FOIt BALK Ten ncren on mnln Ash land road, small buildings, for J27G0 J1000 will handle, easy terms on bnlanco. Flno place for chickens or garden, W. T. York & Co. , FOR BALK 10 acres bearing fruit, 7 acres 7 and 8 year-old Spitz and Nowtown npplcu, 2 acres best var ieties 3 nnd 4 year old pears, 1 arro small borrlos and grapca, with four room houso, small barn, chicken houso, etc. within W mile of. Central Point on Pacific highway. Sightly view of ML Pitt and valley, rich land and orchard In good condition. An Ideal homo. Can bo Jiad at n bargain for next 30 days. Apply to owner, Dox 3. B, C Gcorgo, Medford. 319 ACREAGE Why buy a town lot when yon can buy nn ncro, under ditch, for $275? About 14 miles north of postofflce. Small payment down, bnlanco $10 per month with out Interest or taxes. Flno for garden, berries or chickens. James Howling, 20 South Peach. 313 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALK Four room houso; wood Bhed, chlckon houso; yard fenced; blackberries, raspberries, straw berries, garden; water in houso; only $950, terms. 737 West 14th between Newtown aud King Bis., Bcvon blocks south Washington school. 311 FORSALE 5 room house about ono acre of ground, young fruit trees, three largo poultry housca, 150 egg Incubator and brooder, woodshed and shop, bnrh, well of flno water, etc Fivo blocks from asphalt pavemont In very dcslrablo location; ground high, woll drained nnd an Ideal location for a small poultry ranch. Must bo sold nt ouco aud tho prlco will bo nindo accordingly. Inqulro Wst 11th st, Grocory. 815 FOR SALK Now bungalow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screoncd In back porch 10.2S; front porch 8x28; cast front; lot 50x171 feet deop, or two lots 100x171 with alloy at side, with barn on. Will give good totniB. Inqulro 317 Howard st., east side. Phono C2lil. 310 FOR SALK Cottage, closo In, cheap, easy terms. Inquire Stuart lCuepp, nt Medford Business College 313 FOR SALK A 0-room all modern buugaluw, closo In; ownur forced to sacrlllco nt less than cost. Prlco only $2200 on terms of $500 cash balance .$25 per mouth. Why not tu ko a look nt this aud savo your rent? See Tinny, In Gnrnott-Corey bldg. 311 FOR SALK A I -room cottago on u large corner lot only 15 minutes' walk from the postofflce, anil just Vj block from tho paving; house new aud In good condition. Prlco only $S50 on terms if desired. Sco Tumy 201 Gamett-Corey bid. 311 FOR SALK LAND FOR SALK Will guurnnteo rlgl prlco and tortus on 40 ucros ot nl fulfil land if purehnsod from owner hoforo Apr, 1st. It's tho host prop erty to lmvo your monoy Invested In today. Address Box 75, Routo 1. Contrnl Point. ' ' FOR SALE Eighty acres, l , mllos wost of Eaglo Point, $3200. Prlco holds till Mutch 1 only. W. T. York &. Co. FSiFlALK Stock ranch 3 plncos, 400, 480 nml 5(10 acres, all join. Improvements on each placo. $12.50 por noro. 11ns access to un limited Hummor range on national forost, Sawmill goes with tho places. Will Bell with or without emtio. AdrtreHrt. Wright Bros., owners, Prow, Oro. sac KOIt 8AM-J Clilck" rnneh and Kar don land tiilo from Medford. V. II.. Kvcrhard. 1009 Wt-it OUi Phono CC71. ' FOR SALK 200 acres flno alfalfa laud under ditch, at ;ood land for alfalfa as can be found In the etato.- Thin fi will bo sold cheap. Thin in vonr onnortnnltv lone looked for. Oliver B. Brown, 436 N. Hartlott-Bt. FOIt SALK 100 acre rollnoulsb- inent. Ilet novi'rninent land Ini Jackson Co., for $ir0 if taken at once. O M. ItOW. 902 K. !th t Phono (1002. 3.13 ' FOIt BALK Small chicken ranch closo to city limits. Dyer, 1114 North Central, city. 310- FOIt SALK rOULTUV AA'D EGOS FOR SALK Rhodo Iiland Rod eggs, $1 por sotting of IS. 210 Court sU. P. O. Box 98. 309 FOIt SALK Incubators and laying strain fancy eggs for hatching, rea sonable, at J. C. .Schmidt's feed Btorc. FOIt SALK Barred Plymouth Rock. Thompson strain eggs for hatching $2 for fifteen. R. H. Paxsou, Cen tral Point, routo two. 310 FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons, Wyan dottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, RantamB, etc Also ducks and tar keys. Wrlto for circular. Simp Bon's Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 335 WILD SELL my breeding pons of S. C. Wh. Leghorns and Crystal "Whlto Orpingtons, or tho entire plant, -very reasonable. Como and sco us. Good reason for selling. Third house north of Jacksonville depot. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville, Ore. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my trapnosted Crystal Whlto Orping tons and R. I. Reds. Myra Fuller. Siskiyou Hts. Phono 5162. 322 FOR SALE Eggs for Latching, am booking orders now for tho slnglo comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyckotf strain, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Placo orders'now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7302. FOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggs from our trap-nested sin gle comb Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Prices on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. FOR SALE Anconas eggs $2.60 per 15. Stock direct from II. C. Shop pard, Ancona specialist, Berca, Ohio, J. D. Hookor, Medford. Phono" Sub. 3221 or leave orders with J. C. Schmidt's feed store 326 FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal White Orpingtons, Ithudo Island Hods, Rrown Leghorns. Seo W. II. Evorhard, 1009 West Sth. Phono CC71. FOR SALE Eggs, thoroughbred Rhodo Island Reds, $1 por setting. Res. back of 1027 North Central, or add. C. A. Lnlrd, City. 329 FOR SALK Eggs for hatching. Wu breed S. C. Whlto Leghorns only. $1.50 por setting of 17 oggs, $5 por 100. F. P. Fnrroll, It. 1., Medford. 315 FOR SALE Baby Chicks. Tho Egg Hatchery furnishes first-class baby chlckn nt reasonable prlcos. Eggs tisod aro from hardy; ncloctcd stock, bred to lny, Rhodo Island Red, Uarrod Rocks, and Duff Orpington chicks. S15ncr huudred: ' Brown Leghorn, $10 per hundred; Whlto Leghorn, $8 per Hundred, w. L. Sales. 722 Third at., Potaluinn, Cal. 330 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK One 3-year-old cow, frtjsh. Ono 5-yonr-old maro wolght 121)0, drives slnglo or double. Home phono, Rural 11-L, 309 FOR SALE Cliolco soed lbuno's ranch. corn at FOR SALE Sawing maoliluos, soc oml hand or now pumping engines cheap: sawing dono to ordor. Phono Pao. 742; IJpmo 143x. 313 FOR SALE Horso, buggy nnd har noss, Seo L. B. Warner, Sr., nt Warner, Wortman & Goro'a store. F6lt SALE Early Sunriao seed po tatoos. Phono Bell 4524, Home 272-L. P. O. box 834. 813 FOR SALK Two-Tiorso corn plantor. Call on or address A. L, Galo, Jack. Bonvjllo, Oro. 313 FOR SLK T n Hnerlfloo, furni ture, of l room complete. $f0 Cull XUSSNlnntlc. . . 31U JOR BALK 30 h. p. roadster. A-l condition, n barKnln, See Fuller, Crater Lake garage. 311 FOIt SALK Silver plated cornet and alto, cither ono or both, cheap for cash. Dyer, llll North Central, city. 310 FOIt SALK Furniture, rugs, .stoves, etc.. for sale cheap, at 112 South Laurel. Must be Bold at once ac-j count owner leaving city. Call eve nings after 0 or Sundays. 309 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres uear Eagle Point for Medford prop erty. Improved or unimproved. Ex chango prlco same as cash price. Sco Oliver D. Brown, 43C N. Bart lott st. TO TRADE Good income property In Ashlaud for automobile; must be in good condition. Address box 1C7. Airland, Orog, 312 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Timber crulsod near Ashland, 160 acres. Florcnco Hawkins, Alpine, Cal. 309 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED School girt to work in family of two for room and board. Apply 19 Ross court or phone Main 7302. 311 WANTED Woman for general house work on ranch four miles from Medford. A. P. Stover. Phone 805-F-21, WANTED SITUATIONS ' ANTED Single man, experienced practical farmer, wishes steady po nltion on good farm. T. Danloy, Gen. Del., Medford. 312 WANTED Nursing-, by practical nurse, $1.50 a day. 325 S. Ivy. 312 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Light driving team! Mth bnrness nnd surrey. Inquire! of owner at 209 W. Main. 311 WANTED Clean rags at Mail Trlb uno office. WANTED Cheap acreage near town for chicken ranch. Box G. R., Mall Tribune. WANTED TO III' Y Good horse, weight about 1200. Prico must bo reasonable. Address J. A., care Mall Tribune. 319 WANTED Placo on a ranch by man and wlfo for tho summer. Inquire at 510 Beatty st. N. 309 WANTED Team weight about 1200 each. Noto and mortgage on 5 room house and corner lot in Butto Falls, Ore, s security for six mouths. Reliable. Address Box 1, llutto Fulls, Ore. 312 EXPERIENCED dressmaking. Call at 402 No. Oakdale. Phono 7761. WANTED You can't help but tnako money selling our guarantoed-to-glvo-satlsfactlon stock; froo outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yaklraa Valloy Nursory Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Moving dirt and filling lots by day or contract. L C. D., Tribune. 309 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 356. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11; Home, 200C. Attorneys D, W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville. Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 38. 0. L. REAMES. LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bnuk building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-nt-Lnw. Nos. 1 aud 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Coroy bldg. -Lawyer. Gurnett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. GHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 12 Jackson County Bnuk bldg. B. P. PIATT LAWYER Land TltloJExamlnor. 320 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. llllllnid Parlors p. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & llfill bldg. A nlco, cool placo to spoud tho hot uttoruoouo. Architects A. D. JOHNS . II. D. TURNER Phono 741. Phone C413. Johns & Turner Architects and Builders. Office 31-33 North Rart- lett, near Main. Offlco Phone 1931. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg.; phono 6611; residence phone C302. Aswiyor and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, fill ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports mado thereon by com petent mining assaycrs and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of the'lr ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send f ulr de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Gth and Fir sts. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estata and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phone Main 2021. Contractor and BuUdcr CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ropalr work a specialty. Wm. McGaw, 504 .8. Newtown. Phone 5211. 314 O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Mnln 5662. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concre;o work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9 th and So. Rlversldo. .Vapor baths and scten-. title massago given; advice In die totlcs, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 16S-K. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rhoumatlsm, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, dontuess, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigostlon, womb and bldddcr troubles. Soo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore, to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence pbouo Main 42. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KER. D. D. S. Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnott-Coroy bldg., Bulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Deutlst, Offlco In Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Tolephono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; doalors in pressod brick and limo. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Streot, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Get our prices and soo our brick and tllo hoforo purchasing. Uiirlmgo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leave orders nt 29 S, Bartlett, or phono Rodney Tttjlor. Pacific 3032, Home 107-X. AGEunrrij By "Bud11 Fisher,.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furnltwro MISSION FURNITURE' WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furnjturo mado to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our troes aro budded, not grafted. Our stock 13 not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo aro not In the trust. H. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In aide entranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grado nursery stock. Office 104 S Fir. Both phones. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated ' and char tered under the laws onthtNtato of Oregon. Insures horse and cattto against death from flroaccldent or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices AVest Side Stables. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job offlco in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leat systems, cut paper, etc, etc Fort land prices. 27 N. Fir st Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO- RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843, Physicians ami Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and Burgeons, Taylor and Pbipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phone 501, resldenco phono 612. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA. MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and1 417 Garnott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician apd sur geon. Offlco Gnrnott-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 550i; resl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, rosldenco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD PhyBlclan and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices ovor Haskins Drug Storo. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7961, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Fractlco limited tQ oyo. ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main fit., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, S:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son County Bank, Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block. Office phono 4901. Rcsldonco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION PhyBlclan and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kentuor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono. Bell 271, Rosldenco phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 16 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Farcols 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25c anywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val loy S-cond Hand 8toro, ID N. Fir st. Pheues: Main 3072, Home 354. Mossongor service, Prod Crocker, Prop. Uiulcrtnucrrf JOHN A. PERL Undortaker aud Embalmor. Offlco 23 South Bart lott st. Telephenes: Day, Bell 7l; night, residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered night or day. Ainhulanro eervjc Vacuum Clcaucrti VACl'l'M CLEANING - For good wi'ilv. Hnl llnl'liiigton, Jitcueoii Vlllo, Bull I'houo 401, U83