s 1 k HfU, Mutt Didn't Recognize Himself, Being a Little Off Color That Morning ($an.-i (x,T V(f 'tt tex r '"'"MS UVT YOU C(N t A tf 1 H. i5 ,, '-J Vv ULliCI) " ' HUHl.VKHH Ol'l'UUTUNITIICH aim: you i.ookino voit a iiuhi- NK8H RNA1T Iiltou to tliln. Lot 28x100, (i no utory Imltdliu;, on, block (rum tiiiitn utroct, 13000. Thin offor omn only (or u fow tluyit. W. r. York A Co. roll HUNT KUItMHIMCIl UOOMH KQH ItlCNT rurillMlinil h1c(-iIiik roouiH clone In with llitht, lit'iit, nml luitli. 201 X Cent nil. a 10 roil m:.NT--Hinltli mmrtimmtH. 217 Ho. Klvomlili). KOK ItKNT .Miidurn ftirnUhoil rooinH ui iliu CottiiK'o, (104 Wont lOlli nt., two lilocliH nonlh MmUoril Iiotnl. iloi nml rolil wntor in rooms, .llulh nhouo. Mm, II. M. Com. 310 I'OIl IM:NT LnrBO nlt'cplug room, I1.&0 nml 'i por wook. Modern lioiiBokcoiiliiK npnrtmuntn, $15 nml I1C. Home phono 'JGG-1C 222 BotitU Holly. VOH HKNT HOUHIvfl KOK HKNT IIoiimo, nml (nrnltiiro (or Hiilc, iiIho Ico client, luwn inow or. Kunlcii toolM nml Htovo. In ijulrt l 2ao N. Ivy Ht. I'OIl HUNT- KiirnlHlioil (Ivo room liniifn, modem. 7 15 W, Hocoml. Pliono.M. 17.11. .'10b FOIl HUNT- Strictly inodurn. (up iiIhIhkI IniuKnlow, $.'10 pur month, HON Month (Inipo. :i0U FOIl lKNT -.Modem li roojn Iioiihu with range. Cull nt 104 W. 2nd lit rent. BOS FOIl HKNT K room modnru house. U1K North lllverahlo. Plume Muln 7H, FOIl HKNT Fiirnlshod Iioiiho two blockH from P. O. lnqulro 3 10 N. Ilnrtlntt. FOjl HKNT Furnished house, ovcry coiivonluiicn. 730 West lit li. FOIt HKNT llungulew: modern; luwn nnd simile. 730 West Uth. FOIt HKNT New bungalow 0 rooms nml bath, nil modern improve- tmoiitH, very cheap, imiuiro of Dr. Porter. FOIt HKNT HOCHICKinCPINQ ' HOOMS FOR HKNT Housekeeping anil sin gn iooiiih, giih, bath, ;lir X. Ilart- etl. Home phono 219-H. .112 FOIt HKNT OFFICIOS FOR HKNT Over tho pontofdeo, with Jtoat nud light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR HKNT Largo, comfortable oN (Ico rooniB with olovator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. JiOW rates. Apply Mudford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR HKNT --Two offlro rooms, best location in Mudford. Tuylor PJilpps building. Partleulius A. 0. Taylor, Contrnl Point, or C M. Kldd's shoo store. 30R FOIt BALK LOra FOR BALK Lots and nmnll tracts eloue In, A six room bungalow, iinw, strictly modern. Phono Pa clflu 742; Home 143x. 312 FOR BALKChiilio lota In tlio city nt JaukHonvlllo, 250 by 230; throo liousos, two wollti and ono spring on lots. Terms $2000 cash, A good bargain for a homo. Mrs. Loplao SoliHflon, Jnoksonvlllo, Or ' ogoii. FOR BALK 100x258 Hiiltablo for 5 lots, 2 room houso, oloctvle HghtH nud wntor, $1000, luqutro of owner Hotel Mudford limber shop. aao FOR BALK-TWO lotH POxaKO, on niniill pnjiiu'iilH I'liiiuo 7-H , Home, IIIL .'.' V 5( r.f - X - --... .. . ,..,, Hft.'J & Bl V KHTWS! ' S S y' V ( r-can't Vf tMiuv y IFHii 'fl 1 . 9 - V I Ciu j , U! TTl , Wwl ' . f "rue Coom - fost cte -v-7 - "r rai ;$!wi A M IV. ecoOH jm uoT Of- !tuW(.Q GO W' rf.j) , -V - - - f 1"' CANt'r KNsf, , TiiL.'ai. ' iM'wKFn I'im.so.VAh rnit.SONAI. - .MtitrlmonlHl pupur. .Many wimtlliy lloml imirrlnKo to tliiionliilri Piipor Houloil 10rs Mrn. Hell. IN in Mii:nol!u nvo., I. oh An Kdlifi. ('ill. FOIt HAIilACItlCAOi: FOIl SALIC Ton iktmi on innln Aali liiiul roail, Hinnll bulldlncD, (or $27011000 will hnmllo. easy trm on tmlnnco. Flno place (or clilckotiB or i;ardon. W. T. York & Co. FOR BALK 10 ncroii boarliiK ("lit, 7 ncrtiM 7 nml H ynr old Hpltx nml Nowtawn nppli'8, 2 ncrun bot vnr It'tluu :t mill 4 your old poors, 1 ncro nmnll borrluH mid KrnpoB, wlti (our room Iiouijq, nmnll brn, chicken houno, olc. Within U inllo of Central Point on PncKIc lilithwny. BlBhtly view of Mt. Pitt nnd vnlloy, rich In ml and orchard Ih kooiI condition. An Idonl homo. Cnn bo had nt n bnrKiilu (or noxl 30 dnyH. Apply to ownor, Ilox 3. B. C. (loorKo. Alodford. 31'J ACHLWOK Why buy n town lot whtm you on ii buy an ncro, under dltcli, (or $275? About Mb miles north of postofflco. Bmnll payment down, balance $10 per month with out Interest or tnxoH. FJijo (or gnrdeii, borrloH or chlckons. Jnmus Howling. 20 South Peach. 313 FOIt BAIi!! HOUSKS FOIt BALK Four room houso; wood shed, chicken houso; yard fenced; blackberries, raspborrloH, straw berries, garden; wntor in houso; only $950, terms, 737 West 14th between Newtown nnd King stu., seven blocks south Washington school. 311 FOIt BALK 5 room Iioubo, nbout ouo nuro of ground, young fruit trees, threo largo poultry houses, 150 egg Inoulmtor and broodor, woodshed and shop, barn, well of flno water, etc. Flvo blocks from asphalt pavomout In very doslrnblo location; ground high, woll drained nnd an ideal location for a Hinnll poultry much. Must bo Hold nt once nnd tho prion will bo inndo accordingly. Imiuiro West llth st. Grocery. 315 FOR BALK New bungalow with six rooniti, bath and pantry; screened In back porch 10x2S; front poioh 8x28; oast front; lot 50x171 foet deep, or two lots 100x171 with alley at side, with barn on. Will give good terms. Imiuiro 317 Howard at., cast sldo. Phono 02C1. 310 FOR BALK Woll built six room house. If Interested call nnd roo same at 52 Ross emu t. 307 FOIt HA LIC LAND FOR BALK Will guuratitoo right prico and terms on 40 ucroa of al falfa land If purchnsod from owner before Ant. 1st. It'n tho bust prop, orty to havo your money Invostod In today, Addross Box 75, Routo t. Central Point." FOR BALK 200 ncroH flno nltnlfft land under ditch, as good laud (or alfalfa as con bo found In tho state. This will bo sold cheap. Tills la your opportunity long looked for. Ollvor B. Brown, -130 N. llnrtlott at. FOR SALK Eighty acres. 1 Vi inllos wost of Kaglo Point, $3200. Prico holds till March 1 only. W. T. York & Co. FDR SALK Olilokou i audi and gTir dou land Vj mllo from Mudford. W. 1L Kvorlianl, 10Q9 West m.li Phono 11071. FCnrSTrtfPSToclc irwicliiTaces; 100, -180 and 5(10 acres, nil join. ImprovouuiiitH on each place, $12,50 por aero. Has access to un limited mtiumor ran go on national forest, Sawmill goes with tho places. Will sell with or without oat Ho. AiWrosii Wright Bros., owuui'Ui Diow, Oro. 320 . r i"- f -fr " w k wr "-" w. wmmmmmK m mr r " n-T . : iwi i'wiiii imh ' ." "-' 'J " nrir'.jr -- &T s:'(rr" t '" :fwiiMV mimiv iw w rfAMrinui itHDTOTtn JrAII; TRTWINfi, VViTlVOTm, ORljOON", SATI'TWAY, MABHT 16, 1012, 1 vu UuHfrsi. ,virl r'ikS' 1 FOIl HAM-: IOUIrilV AM) KGG8 FOIl BALI-: Ithodo Island Hod orks, Jl pur Rottlm; of 1C. 210 Court St. P. O. Hox 98. 309 FOIl BALK InciibntorH nnd laying Htrnlu fnncy ukks for lintclilnR, rna Honnblo, at J. C. Bchmldt's food Hlorc. FOIl BALKllnrred Plymouth Hock, Thompson strain okkh (or hatching 2 (or (Ktucn. II. II. Paxuon, Cen tral Point, routo two. 310 FOIl BALK FKtcon crkb, express prepaid. $2. Orpingtons, Wyun dottus, Plymouth Hocks, Leghorns, Ilnntnms, etc. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto (or circular. Slinn non'ii Pheasant Farm, Corvnllls, Orogon. 33S WILL SKLL my breeding pens of S. C Wh. Leghorns nnd Crystal Whlto OrplngtoiiH, or tho entire plant, very reasonable. Co mo nnd too us. Good roasoa for selling. Third liouso north of Jacksonville depot. Mrs. K. K. Oman, Jackson ville, Oro. FOIl BALK Hatching eggs from my trnpnested Crystal Whlto Orping tons and H. I. Hods. Myrn Fuller. Siskiyou Hts. Phono 0182. 332 FOIt SALK Kggs for hntchlng, am booking orders now for tho slnglo comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff strain, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100, Plnco orders now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7302. FOR SALK Unby chlcka and hatch ing eggs from our trnp-nostcd sln glo comb Whlto Leghorns nnd Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Prices on requout. Mrs. K. K. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. FOR BALK Anconas oggs $2.50 per 15. Btoak direct from II. C. Shop pan), Aucoiia specialist, neren, Ohio. J. 1). Hooker, Mcdford. Phono Sub. 3221 or leavo orders with J. C. Schmidt's food store. 32G FOR BALK- Kggs. Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Hliodo Island llcds, Jlrown Logliotns. Seo W. 11. Kverlnml, 1009 West 9th. Phono 111171. FOR SALK Thieo Ciyslul Whlto Orpington cockeielH, Kollorslrnus strain. 529 South Grape. FOR SALK Kggs, thoioughbied Ithodo Island Hods, $1 per sotting. Res. back of 1027 Noith Centra), or add. C. A. Laird, City, 329 FOR BALK KggH for Hutching. Wo bleed B. C. Whlto Leghorns only, $1.50 por setting of 17 oggs, $5 nor 10(1, F. P. Farroll, R. 1., Medford, FOR SALK Baby Chicks. Tho Kgg Hatchory furnishes first-class baby chicks at reauouublu prices, Kggu usuil aro from hardy selected stock, bred to lay, Rhode Island Red, Darrud Rocks, and Buff Orpington ehluks, $15 per hundred; Brown Leghorn, $10 por hundred; White? Leghorn, $8 per hundred, W, L. Sales, 722 Third at., Petiiluma, Oil. 330 FOR SALK Flno Whlto Wyandotte hens. 715 W. Second. Phono 1731. 308 -FOR BALK WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALK Wood at country prlqoa. 10-ln. fir $2.75, 12-ln. fir $2.25, lfi-n. hardwood, $3.00, All dry wood. 019 South Riverside. Bol phono 5011. l 308' FOR HKNT MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK Early Sunrise sood po tatoes, Phono Bell -1521, Home 272-L. P, O. box 831. 313 FOR SALK Ouo brown work inuro 7 years old. also light wagon near 1) new Call nt toil lloatlv hi , Modfoul, Oro. 30 7 - ' I. ' LffcL-l Vw1 S t VUi ... J?X W"W3Ur5 -.. . . ' "i. -.' -"ii'TM.i5s- - !,'. '. J'0.vrM , . wA w-. c-i?vS .;. . i- r "tttriK- il1" 'ja'.mC'aail . 4 .,. . r I -T.M 4 -1 . C ' ' 7 - pi -TiTjihi wSiT L-3B arJ'W' n" ' """" 1. 1. - -- FOIt SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOIl SALK One 8-year-old cow, fresh. Ono 5-yonr-old maro weight 1200, drives single or double. Home phone, Rural 11-L. 309 FOIt BALK Choico seed Isaac's ranch. corny nt FOR SALK Sawing machines, sec ond hand or new pumping engines cheap; sawing done to ordor. Phono Pac. 742; Home 143x. 312 FOIt SALK Horso, buggy nnd har ness. Soo l: II. Wamor, Sr., at Warner, Wortninn & Gore's store. FOIt SALK Serviceable team of horses about 'JHOOjMn good condi tion, $125. Slnglo horso nbout 1100, also cheap. Ilox X-100, Mall Tribune. 307 FOIt SALK OR KENT FOR HKNT OR BALK -Garden and fruit tract, on pnvod street, Ad dross P. O. box 495. FOR BAiitt Oil EXCHANGE FOR BALK OR TRADK SOO ncro first quality Alberta land, trade for land In lcinlty of Medford. What have you? M. W. Thomson, 21 Gencsco st 307 FOR EXCHAXGK FOR KXCHANGK 10 to 20 acres near Kaglo Point (or Mcdford prop erty, improved or unimproved. Ex rhaugo prico snmo as cash prico. Soo Oliver II. Ilrown, 436 N. Uart lott st. IIKLF WAXTKI) MALE WANTED Good teamster, bingle man, no boozer, good Job nud good pay. Pljono Home 29G-X. 309 WANTED A rellablo Insurnnco wrltor with executive nullity. A good proposition for an expe rienced wrltor who wants to bolter hU present condition. Address with reference Addrobs Box 10, caro Mall Tribune. WANTED Timber orulsed noar Ashland, 100 acres. Florence Hawkins, Alpine, t'al. 1 309 HELP WANTCD FEMALE WANTED School girl to work In family of two for room and board. Apply 19 Ross court or phono Main 7302. an WANTKI) Woman to take care of flvo months old baby. Box It., Tribune. 207 WANT-ED SITUATIONS WANTED Small camp by oldorly woman. Experienced cook. Address Box 22. caro Mall Tribune. 307 WANTED A lady wishes work by tho hour, 25c. Fnncy ironing n spoclnlty. Phone BolL.1711. SOS WANTED Sowing by tlio day. Phono Main 7402 pr 42 J S. Pgaoh st. 307 WANTED Rollablo man nnd wlfo want plnco on much; two children. Closo to school. Stato wages. II. Williams, Gen. Del., Mudford, Oro. 307 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Light driving team with harness ami surroy. inquire of ownor at 209 W. Main. 311 WANTED- -Illinois, Iowa or Wlacou uln property In exchange for $600 ennlty In fine modern bungalow lioro, P. O. box 51. Phono 377-L. 207 WANTKDCloan ruga. at Mnll Trlb uuo office. WANTED Gontlo riding pony, Bou illnot Conner. Tel. Central Tolnt Lowor TiMo Rock, WANTED SIISCETiliANEOUS EXPERIENCED dressmaking. Call at 402 No. Oakdale. Phono 7761. WANTED You can't help but make money selling our guaranteed-tc-glvo-satlsfactlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Vnlloy Nursery Co., Top penlsb, Washington. WANTED Good team, wagon and feed furnished competent man about April first for half -what they make. Address box 75, Route 1, Contrpl Point. 307 WANTED Moving dirt and filling lots by day or contract. I. C. D., Tribune. 309 iiusrxnss DinECTonr Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 35C. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11; Home, 200C. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW -Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pn clflc, Main 33. C. L. RBAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnctt- Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Juckbon County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Laud Titlo Exnmlnor. 320 Garnctt-Coroy Bldg. Accountants D. It. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonablo flguro; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trib uno bldg.; phono CG11; rosldcuco phono 6302. Architects A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phono 6413. Johns & Tumor Architects and Builders. Offico 31-33 North Bart lctt, noar Main. Offico Phoue 1931. Assajer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU RKAU Afcbajs mado for gold, sll vor, load, copper nnd othor minor nls. Minos nud mining prospects survoyed, assayed and mining maps nnd roports mndo thereon by com potont mining nssaycrs and engi neers at roabonablo terms. Capltnl secured for developing mines and (mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to sond samplos of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, nnd Bend full de scription of tholr mining proporty. Southom Orogou Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir sts. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, CI gnrs and Soft Drluks. Upstairs, Young & Ilnll bldg. A nlco, cool place to spond tho hot afternoons, Bill PObiurs VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor, All ordors promptly flllod. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Orogon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentnls, roal estate and mines. Collections our spoclnlty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P O. Take elevator. Phono Main 2021, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Contractor and Builder CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ropair work a specialty. Win. McGavr, 504 S. Newtown. Phono 5211. 314 O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. Civil Enchicer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advlco In die totlcs, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 168-K. Cliincso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiture, turoac and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic nud nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldcnco phono Main 42. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists. 228 E. Main. Phono Mala 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gamett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offico In Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Tolophono Main 6S1. Night phono 4132. Grnnlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Rrlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offico at tholr brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers of pressed and com- 'mon brick and tlio. Get our prices and seo our brick and tlio beforo purchasing. FurnRyro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor Sth and Holly sts. Medford. Mlsslou turnlturo mado to order. Cabinet work of all kluds. A trial order solicited. Giu-bago MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. OAR BAGE HAULED. Leuvo ordors at 29 S, Bartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. Paoltto 3432. Home 107-X. Nur&erles QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree aro budded, not grafted, Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee ovorythlng put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Offico romoved to offico Hotel Nuah, In aldo ontrnuco noxt to harbor shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Grqwors of high-grade nursory stock, Offico 101 S Fir Both plioney. PAGE. 913 VEN H By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Notary Public HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mail Tribune Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho lawB of tho state of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Side S tables. Printers, and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job offico in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians nnd Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Fblpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phone 501, rcsidenco phone 612. Offico hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main C351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono G501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residonco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. . Practico limited to diseases of womou. Officos over IIuskins Drug Storo. Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldcnco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practico limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied, Offico 216 E. Mnlu st., over Mod ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Both phones, E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack sou County Bank. Offico phone M. 432; Res. phono. M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgoon; St. Marks Block. Offico phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms 5 and 6 Kentncr bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Residonco phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block! Stonogrnphlo work dono quickly and well. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 1G South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Servlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels lOo, 15c, 2Cc; trunks 25o auywhoro In tho city. Offico Val ley 8-cond Hand 8toro, 15 N, Fir ot. Phoues; Main 3072, Home 354. Messenger servlco. Frod Crocker, Prop, Undertakers JOHN A, PERL Undortakor and Embalmor. Offico 38 South Burt lott st, Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Belt 473, Home 17P-L. Calls answored night or day. Ambulauco jiofvIcb,