Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 16, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MBPFOTiT) MATT, TTOBTTNK, MT!nTOT?T), OnKflON, fUTTTloAY. MATtCIl 1fi, 1012.
Klinor TiiiiIih, of Hulom. Ih In Mod
foul vinliiiii: !' Kiliott mill family.
MIiimi'h Mabel mill Klhel Webb or
Tolo worn visiting .Mmlford frlitmlH
Mr. Win Itogeui, of Ashliinil, vis
ited In Mndfnid I'lhlny. lint guest of
J, IC. Woodruff mid family.
Mr. ami Mrs. (I. T. Healer c.r
YrnUii, Ciil., who have been visiting
Mi'dfoul friends, returned to tlmlr
Iioiiik Fildii) afternoon.
A. K. Milton Iiiih bemi appointed
agent Tor lli l''onl niitomohllo In
KoinuthlnK now, "(Irapo Purple,"
lit McDowell's.
Order taken for transplanted veg
etable plants, uny iiimi(Ky. I'orl
lunil A vii. (liiMtnlioitHK. lio 107, MimI
foul. I'hone K72. I'the mi '
iinmt. 1107
W. I Hlinpiton In visiting Ashland
fili'iulM for it few ilnyH.
MImh Moii In, mi Kngle Point school
teacher, visited Mcdfmd Mends I'll
day. Yon run got your halves n ml Hrls
hoih pound, niiwh filed mid st'lssorH
nhm'iK'iM'il nt Mitchell's wugouuiuklng
ulio. 'Jl! Smith ItlVTHlilf.
Tint .Medford Conservatory of Mil
sic anil languages Ih tint only mimic
school In southern Oregon with 11 full
corps or touchers. (. laiiiamucr.
director. Send for catalogue.
Attmmy II I. DeAiimmd returned
Friday evening ft oni u IhinIiiiwn visit
to Kliiimith I'd II
Mih. Hlinpldus or Central Point
wiin In Mcdfonl mid .lacltsnnvllle
I'rlilny on IhihIim-m mul visiting
fjixt A. K. Ware, room 10 Jackson
County Hunk building, for all (he
Information nhout Pacific Mutual
l.lfn or Accident Insurance. .123
(?. I. Whitney, a banker of Mnple.
ton, Iowa, Hits In Medford this week
visiting J. W. Line ami family ami
C. V. McDonald ami family, all of
whom with old-Hum Iowa acituuin
Mrs. T. 1). I'etch Ih In ItOKehurg
for a few days' lslt with her bus
hand, who In In chaw f " K',M
plant In that city.
3 lur. to I .too will likely make first
payment on nearly every Hart sold
at tin Pierre Halo Wednesday. An
easy way to get a nice Miihiirhun
holm' securing a plan to make a
living, avoiding rent, heavy city tax
nml HolvliiK In large measure tho high
1 1 v I it k problem. .'107
Hern: At (Hen I .o ma ml orchards,
on March II. IIM2. to Mi. ami Mrs.
O. II. ('.(toil, a son
Ladles, havti our nultn made hy a
tailor who knows how, Merlin, Con
tra! Point. Ti'i
J. W. Manners. I'. H. meat In
spector, relumed I'rlday morning
ft out a hiihlncHH vIhU to Portland.
Attorn1)' (' I.. Itoaimtn wan In
Woodvlllo Friday on IiuhSiii'hh.
K. I). Wonton, comimtrrlal ihotog
raplicr, miKatlvt-H inado any tliuo or
plarn hy npiiolntmunt. Phone M. 1 171
Mm. C. (Ufi'ii and hoii, MiiHti'r
nail, left Saturday moriiluK for
Thri'o IMiHw, .loni'hlm county, whero
they will upend Hmiday with frlemlH
Mr. and Mih. C. V IValcy, of
AHhlaml, iiH' In Medfoul for a few
da)H' ltdt with itdnllviw. They aro
Kiii-itlH of Mr. and Mih. O. N WIN
hon, if 70S Went I'ouilli utroot.
Home baking nml iniladM. 140
North Front. Phono order. Home
Mih. John lliowiileo was In C'mitial
Point Haturdiiy vIhUIiik frlnuilM.
Mr. nml Mih. T. A. Vhltal.or, of
I'aliflitld, Iowa, who havo Iioimi vUll-
lui; relatives In Mfdioid, loft Satiir
day for Kalmn, Ore.
Seo Ft. A. Holmes, Tim Inmiranro
Man, over Jackson County hank,
Mr. mid Mm, .1. V. Ilamlcock, of
Nttwimiu, III., arrived In Med ford
Friday evening from I.oh AiikuFoh,
where lliey havo heuu upeudliiK "i"
winter, and will vlnlt Mr boiiio time
with tlielr manddauHhter, Mih. .1. P.
tint lor and fanilly. at 71MJ Wi'Ht
Fourth Htrimt. They will alno vIhH
Mr. and Mrfl. J. V. Mclntyti', Ml
ICatilo Point.
MIhh Porn I.uo Stnoi'k li'fl Friday
nlKht for Sherwood, Ore., wheio hor
lU'i'imlfnthor Ih HcrloiiHly III, MIhh
Hniock iiaa lieen HpondluK tlm winter
lu Medford with hur mother, Mih. W.
A. fltnwart.
IIohc, D'AnJou nml llartlott jioara.
KirHt-cluHH trooH, and don't buy from
anyone, largo or Hinall ordoiH until
you noo mo and I'll hiivo you monoy,
1, II. Pattoiaon, Qiiakor nuiHory
uuui, NuhIi hotel lobby.
Dick McDowell Iiiih boon making
uovoml chniiKOH In tlio Intorlor ur
laiiKUinoiitH of IiIh confectionery nml
Sny Flion 8&71
Might Flioncsl r, W. Wek 8071
A, B. Orr, 3091
lie cream purloin, all or which Ih or
added value In Improving the utore'n
appeal ance. Mr Mclluwell Ih doing
li iiplomlld blinlneHH ami llieie In a
coiiHlanl lucrmiHe lu trade aH ho he
coiiich hotter known and the excel,
loiiey or IiIh gondM Ih being tented.
Kodak flnlnhing, the bent, nt Wen
tou'n, oppOHlte hook Htore.
I'. O (latl winkle hi at Olemlale,
Ore, vIhIUiiu IiIh moii-Iii-Ihw ami
ilaiij'hter, Mr. ami Mr. Hardy.
Federal variiuiu clmiiinr. IFomn
Jihono lifin-I.. A. 12. Million, 233 H.
Ivy atroot. 318
Mr. ami Mih. W. .1. PhllUnn, of
ICiikIo Point, were In Medrord Hntur
day. Mr. Phillips Ih lu tho employ
or the Paeiric h ICiiHteiu Klillioml
It. I.. Mellilde Is at Woodvllle for
a few dayn IooI.Iiik after IiIh alfulfa
Ou rkl ii k Taylor (John II. Carkln.
(JIciiii 0. Taylor), attorneyK-at-law,
over JacliHon County Hank building,
Mr. ami Mih John Hunting, or
Pocatello, Idaho, who hae been lu
Medrord rot tho pant week, left Hat
unlay morning for the miiiIIi They
ate acojialutauceH of J. K Campbell
and (' ('. CIiIIhoii of (he Medrord
I. ami company. Mcdfonl ami the
valley look good to these visitors
ami they will tetiiin after they have
made a trip to the southland niid
will then, In all piobahlllty. locate
Merrlvold Shop .'tuppllo Office,
II. (I Wormian left .Saturday
morning for (laell, Cal.. and will
i etui n next week with two mi loads
of fat cattle fiom the feeding ardn
of Warner. Wormian ft (!oie, near
Mr and Mm. Frank Williams, of
OrantM Pass, aro lu Med ford, visiting
rolallvcH and friends.
Having bought a lot of coil at n
low figure wo are closing It out at
a price at which It la bound to go
within tho next week. Inqulro of
i:adn TrniiHfor Co. or J. V. .Mitchell
J. II. Henselman. Jr., of Portland,
arrived lu Medford Kalurduy for a
visit to IiIh pnrontn, Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Hen sol man, at 111) South Ivy
street. Mr. Henselman Ih lu the em
ploy of the Southern Pacific tax do
partition! In Portland.
Myron J. Mealer of C.oshen, Ind..
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Andrews on Orange street.
Wednemlay, Mnrch 20. great bar
guln day lu real eslute. Auction sale
of acreage In the Pierce Kubdlvlnlon.
Free transportation from the Jack
sou County hank. 307
llev (ioulder. pastor of the M. I',
church, South, will preach a sermon
tomorrow morning at 1 1 o'clock on
"Odd Fellowship." Mr. (Ioulder Ih
an euthuslfistlc Odd Fellow himself
and few ineinbeis of that order are
theio who nr better ersed lu Kh
toitchlngM than In he. All Odd Pel-
Iowh aio especially Invited to attend.
Members of Mcdford lodge No. .S3
will meet at their hall and march lu
a hody to tho church, leaving the
hall at 10:30.
Itoscs aro a specialty with it. 11.
Patterson, uiiisoryntau, Nash hotel,
Itov. II. F. Van Dyko and IiIh
mother, Mih. J. (I. Van Dyko, at
tended the funeral of )l, K. Ander
son In AHhlaml Saturday.
K. ImoHhaug and A. IC. Ilaugen of
Montevideo, Minn., were lu Mori ford
Friday looking the city over.
Fancy brick Ico cream nt McDow
i'ir. Chan Meseive was nt (lrant,s Pass
Saturday lu attendance at a meeting
of fruit groweiH and poultrymeu,
Kd HlrkhoU of Seven OakH wau lu
Meford I'rlday ou business,
Heal homo tuadu bread at De Voo't.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II, 'Nye of Gold
lllll were visiting Medford relatives
Mih. Itoiia FoIIIh and cblldion of
Alberta, (panada, arrived In Medford
Saturday. Mrs. I'ollls Is a daughter
of F, 11, Illglubothnm, of Prospect.
8. A. Newell, lndlea' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & 11. Co. bids.
J. W, UntoH expecU to leave tho
first of next week for a hnslm-Ms trip
to linker, Ore,, where ho may engage
lu bmilucsH,
'nek and Tod Cameron and N. D.
Ilrophy were lu AHhland Saturday at
tending the funeral of 10. IC. Ander
son. "I forgot" has lost many a man
IiIh life; many o thorn fortunes. Don't
forget WedncHday, March 20, Plerco
auction sale of acreage, or you will
likely regret It. 307
W. J, llennett, a Seattle mining
man, Ih hero looking over tho field
and may become Interested lu mining
In this district. Ho Ih a guest at
Hotel NiihIi.
LOS ANOKLES, Oil, --Twenty-four
minutes after they held up mid
robbed the crew of a hubiirban Htreet
ear of l-'l early toduw (wo linnditH
giving tho iiiiuicH Hoy Knowlim and
Willie Knowlos were nuchled separ
ately und coul'eshod, establishing a
Los Angeles record for criiuiiuil up-piolitnibion,
One til' I he uewesl new Ijiihhh'mh in
HtiltilioiiH in .MeiU'onl ih iln- M.iII'omI
Merenutile eoiiiiiinv which enmi in
exihlnnee iIiin week when the film ol
V. II. Meeker & Co., nflhi eil-, mil'
A. K. Kinney nml V. II. Hiowu i J'
AhIiIiiiiiI, mi otgdiiir.tioii
mul ineoioialei under Hie Hlnle
litwx with it eiiiilnli,atioii of $IO,bUO.
The ofTieor of the new ooiiiimn.v
iiie A. K. Kiniicj, iinmiiluiit. C. A.
Meeker, vice ynitideiit and iiiitiiiiuur,
mill W. II. Heche, Hecrel.iiy nml
The new company Iiiih .llisoiliml Mil
lock of '0n cnrried hy V. II
.Meeker i: Co., n' this eilv ami the
', hiisimiko will he enmliieleil by tbt new
imtuian the mimiic iih prei(niHlv ex
cept thai new line will he .tililed mid
lliOHe lim aliemly curried will be
iucie.iscil in Uiinlit,v nml ciicty.
Kome uf the nexv line in he Mil in are
hIioch I'nr both Imlicx mid yenlleincii,
iiicii'h ami Imyt' cloihitij;. (iits
iiishings, a ml Imlie' icmly to went
It is the intention of the new cotn
pmtv to make this ritoek of yoods mi
e.MetiMie u lo ipianlity ami variety
iih lo he Kceoml in mine in soulhetii
Oregon. The iniioiml of the etitin
eiipitaliiraliou will he used in Mlm-km::
this one store if it found (here h
ilemiiMil 1'nr thttt aitiouiil of gnniN,
r. II. Meeker A: ., which firm
panwiw mil nf existence iih the new
one in tiNhereil in, Iiiih been doing
Iiiis'iiii'mm in .MeiU'onl for ni'leen ot
hixl'-eit years and while they niiiy nol
have done lite largest juwiiick in the
city it i to the individual member"
credit In nay that they have conduct
el mi hmicHt bu-iness; ti Inminess
which Iiiih iilwavx stood the fair deal
ing let mnonir the people who have
been iheir ntcady custoincrH.
W. II. Mocker will hne charge of
the clothing department mid the large
Htore building it now being made over
to meet the rciuircinciits for this
lidded department.
The new spring goods are expected
In he in ri'iidineiH for a public open
ing within ii few days hut a date
Mhitiv,. cannot at this time he made.
The new company will be styleil
the "M M. Co.," using only ihe'ini
tiaU of the company's mime.
For County Judge.
I nut a candidate for the nomina
tion of county Judge of Jackson coun
ty to he determined by the will of
the oter at the primaries April 19,
IiH:'. If I am nominated nml elected
I will during my term of office, oh
soon as lawful authority of the votera
can be Kccured. bond the county and
begin the construction of a csletitlflc
system of permanent roaris. One mil
lion mid a hal dollars Ih tint too
much for HiIh purpose. Hut ti dol-
lar'H value must be had for every
dollar spent. I will oppose Increas
ing the county'H warrant Indebted
ilesH and will endeavor to reduce the
satuo ami restore the county's credit.
I will assume full responsibility for
a httHlncH administration of every
county of (Ice.
F. K. MKItltFCK.
An Excellent Entertainment.
Last evening at the J'iit M. E.
church in this city was given the
fifth euteitainment of the lecture
couise, under the niispices of (he
Medford eiileiluinmcut association.
Theie was pre-ent u small hut appro
ciative audience.
The number was the Cnfnrelli Con
cert company und was one of the best
cntetlaiiuuents in Hie entire course.
The company vvu- composed of Sig
nor Cnfniolli and his two daughters,
with violin, bells, mid harp. Each of
the company is nil urtist. Every
number rendered culled forth great
applause and each time the perform-i'1-s
icsponded with nn encore.
HKHMN One. wing of his biplane
collapsed here during a (light by Av
iator Witte ut Tot low. Wiltu was iu
Mniitly. killed.
SEATTLE, Wn. Robert Hovil, n.".,
u wiul or, won struck hy a Seattle, T
eomit interuihan train hero this mor
ulnjr MHtaining injuries thai probably
will result in his death.
Pile Cured in 0 to M Davs.
Vour druggist will rofuntl money If
I'AZO OINTMENT falla to euro any
case of Itching, Wind, Wooding or
rroiruumg flies in u to 14 days. C0c,
About tho bIzo of your shoea, It'a
sonio satisfaction to know that many
people can wear shoos n size smaller
hy shaking Allon's Foot-Easo, tho
antlBoptlo powdor, Into thotn, Just
tho thliiff for Dauolng Parties, Pat
ent Leather Shoes, and for Ureaklng
In Now Shoos. When rubbers or over.
shoos become nocessary and your
shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Easo gives
Instant roller, Sold ovorywhoro, 2Co.
Samplo FREE. Address, Alton S.
Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y, Don't ac
cent uuy substitute
At the Churches
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mcdfonl MothoriiM Kpiieopal
church, K, Olitt KMrioV. pim(r. Her
viecH Himilay iih follows- preaching
II ii. in., 7H) p. m. HuhH'elH, mor
tiitig, "Where We Uw-"; evening, "A
Puling IiivcHlmeiit." Siimlnv ncho i
O.'-iri ii. in. Junior lenjmc :i p. m.
Kpwortli League (1:110 p m. Prayer
meeting ThurHilny evening 7:.'ll)
o'clock, Ilium', "Our Suinlav School."
Kxcellent iuiihIc by I lie choir under
the direction of ('. N. Clmlesier. Spa
eial fenlnre, iluel, "The Crucifix," hy
Faure, Himg by II. M Wetzel ami
Win. Vnwter. Vou aie i-onluillv in
vited to all these flemer.
Dantlst Church.
Minn FruuccH Oajje will HM'iil: at
7::it) p. in. on the mihjcci, "Modem
MeirimiiH." MiK fJagi- m organizer
of the V. V. C. A. for the northwest
iliHlricl. Morning M-nnon by Ihe
pastor. Subject, "FiMiIng for Men."
.Special inusio nt the preaching ser
vice. Sunilay school ():,( , in.
Young People'n inectiag (i:.'(( p. ,n.
Iiinior meeting .'1:00 p. m. All me
invited to these neriee. A. A.
Holmes, pastor.
M. E. Church South
Coiner Main nml Oaklale
10 ii. in. Sumlay m-IiooI; a. in.
order of service: Vohiulnry, "Ifo
imiiice in !' Sharj'." Scliiifiiaun, Mrs
(Irnee Wilde Snyder; Violin ru.l ce;lo
rfnel, "Angeb. Sereniidi-," Ittagn, Mi.
and Mis. W. A. Kiiiik's; Scr-nm.. "()bl
KellowHbip." A musical sclcclio:! nt
close of service. II p. m. Junior
league; (I:'I0 p. m. Senior lenu'ie;
7:'I0 subject of enii'in, "Onr Need
ami (IoiI'h Thoul.t Coticerning On.
Need." A trio fu violin, cello rnd
piano, "Ciijiis Atiiman" from Stabat
Mater, by Mr. und Mrs. Karnes' nml
Mrs. Snvder .Kosnini.) Ynn ure one .
diiilly invited to utteml lliese services.
I he music is oi high order nml should
not be missed bv n-u If vnn bn'e
good r,isi do not foil to l:er these
selections. . T. Uouhler, pastor.
Zion Ev. Lutheran
At Zion Kv. Lutheran there will be
Gorman service ut 11 a. in. Evening
seniee, EngliHh, nt 7:110 o'clock. Sun
day school, English, nt 10 u. m. Con
rad Wilker, pastor.
At the Christian Church.
Subject for morning, "Our Citizen
ship." In the evenimr, "Things Pre
eminent." llible school at 10 a. in.,
mission hnnd at 3-ip.- in. C. E. at
(1:110 p. in. Prayer meeting mi Thurs
day evening. Teachers' meeting on
Monday evening. Choir practice on
Friday evening, ami welcome. D. I).
Hoyle, minister.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Sunday services aie us follows;
Holy communion 8 n. in., Sunday
school 10 n. m., service nml sermon
11 n. m., Bible studv 0:15 p. in., ser
vice and sermon 7:110 p. m.
Catholic Church.
Church is located on South Oak
dnle. First mass at 8 a. m. High
muss and sermon 10tf0 a. in. Muss
and sermon Jacksonville 10 a. in.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Sundnv moiniiig service at 11
o'clock. Subject of lesson sermon.
"Substance." Wednesduy evening
Price $1.00
Canape a la Richelieu
Celery en Brnuoho Ripe Olives
Potage, Saint Patrick
Consomme a la Royal
Broiled Black Bass, Maitre d'Hotcl
Poinmes Julienne
Sout'le Calf's Brain en Caise
Sherbet Sauterne
Roast Young Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Baked Sugar Cured 11am, "Wine Sauce
Roast Potatoes Fried figg Plant
Waldorf Salad
Apple Pie Orange Meringue Pio
Pistachio Ice, Cream Assorted Cakes
Cameinhert Cheeso Bents Crackers
Mixed Nuts Layer Raisins
Demi Tasse
All Bread and Pastry used in this Hotel are made
on the Premises
Rau-Mohr Co., Props. March 17, 1912
Tho Misses Crawford and Crowell will render beau
tiful Irish melodies in honor of St. Patrick
Whilo it is our utmost desire to pleaso, we respect
fully submit that we cannot hold reserved tables
after (:30 p. m unless otherwise especially arranged.
mecllng nt 7:30. All nre welcome to
tlietu' Hcrvlci-H. Sumlay hcIiooI at 10
o'clock; all umler the age of twenty
lire invited to the Sumliiy nehool.
Heading room heur: 'J to f p. m.
daily, except Sumlay. Church vtWfuv,
22 Ko. Onkditle.
For Kbrrlff.
1 reupcctfully present my name to
the republican voter an ntndldnte
for Hherlff of Jneknon county at the
coming primaries. I have nerved
two tc-rniH an constable of Medford
district, and If nominated and elected
I shall nerve the people In the future
an In the past.
Plumbing Inspector's
I wish to call tho attention of tho
public to the plumbing ordinance,
which Ik being violated In many wayn
All occupied dwellings or business
bonnes iniiKt have proper ewer con-n-'dloiiH,
Where no Bewcr aro maintained In
tho Htreet, properly constructed ceH
pools shall be used until ouch time
8h HewerH may bo put In.
No open vault or privy shall be
allowed on any premlsen wlthlu 200
feet of a public water supply.
There Ih a penalty provided for all
violations and I will proceed to en
force such penalties a nccenHary to
clean up the city before tho hot
weather Beta In.
30C Plumbing Inspector.
Scientist, happily married, wants
work In or near your beautiful
city of Medford. Ih a good ail.
writer and am A-l salesman, hav
ing been under a balary of $10.
000 a year. Also understands
placer mining In all Its branches.
Given a fair show will make a good
clever real estate salesman. Will
take any kind of work to start
with, Balary no object, if you can
use a man with brains, combined
with sand In his spine, who knowB
how to mind his own business, and
attend to yours, in a word the sort
of man you have often longed for,
then give me that chauce. Address
Loyalty, General Delivery, Med
ford. 106
WANTED Place on a ranch by man
and wlfo for the summer. Inquire
at 610 Heatty st. N. 309
AGENTS WANTED Money maker,
lie Independent. Own your own
mall order business. Takes less
money than other merchandising.
Would you manage agency for me?
Write for particulars. Ilyron
Williams, 1815 Magnolia uvc. Los
Angeles, Cal.
WANTED Team weight about 1200
each. Note and mortgage on G
rooru house and corner lot In Untie
months. Reliable. Adress Dox 1,
Ilntte Falls, Ore. 312
work, Hal Harrington, Jackson
ville. Ilell phone 191. 332
FOR SALE Threo days' old male
calf. 231 South Ashland street.
WANTED Single man. experienced
practical farmer, wishes steady po
sition on good farm. T. Danley,
Gen. Del., Medford. 312
FOR SALE Furniture, rugs, stoves,
etc., for sale cheap, at 112 South
Laurel. Must be sold at once ac
count owner leaving city. Call eve
nings after U or Sundays. 309
WANTED Nursing. by practical
nurse. $1.50 a day. 325 S. Ivy. 312
H to 9 P. M.
Tho Granite City Training School
for Nu men (Incorporated) can ac
commodate two more applicant Im
mediately, Wage paid from date
you enter.
ThOHo winning to make application
may do no by letter or In pcrnon, at
311 AHhland, Ore.
PIK! Organlit
Teailicr of J'latifi
Oraduato of Wlnfleld Collegn of
Music, at VnfIeld, Kan.; pupil of
Mine, Mario von Unschuld nt von
Unschuld Unlvomlty of Music In
Washington, D. C; utmlent at School
of Music of KanwtH State University;
teacher In Wlnfleld College of Music;
8 yearn' experience, Leachetltzky
121 Hoosevclt St. Phone Itell 12.1:1
Dr E. Kirchgessner
Practlco limited to chronic diseases.
Wednesdays. Hours, 10 to 3.
Offlcfl Hotel Ho'laud. Doth Phones.
Resldenco phone, Farmer lGxxS.
We carry a vry complete line
of draperies, lac- curtolns, fix
tures. etc. and lo all classes of
upholstering. special man to
look after thin -rorlc -xclulve!y
and will Rive as good service as
Is possible to et In even the
largest cities.
weeks & mggowan ce
Aro Ileld in Moose Hall every
Thursday at 3 p. m. Everybody
Watch Our Addition
Jackson and Summit
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. P. & II. Co. Wdg.
Do you want j-our lawn put in
first class shape T AU work
fruarantecd. Leave address with
If. B. Pnttersn, Quaker Nursery,
Nnsh hotel.
A Klamath
1G0 acres, 12 miles east oC Klamath
Falls, on main road to Lakeview.
About 80 nores will bo under tho gov
ernment ditch and can bo irrurnted.
Fino alfalfa or enrden land. An
abundance of free outside ranch. One
of tho best propositions there is in
that section for 11 man who wants to
engago in tho sheep business. Locat
ed just right for n townsito when
tho railroad is built from Klamath
Falls to Lakeview. Prieo $50 per
aero. Will oxelmiiKO for Medford
city or country property.
W.T.York. Co.
Medford Theatre
Viola Allen's Great Play
Ily P. Marlon Crawford and
Walter Hackott
Jeanne Towler
Seats 911 sale at Hasklns',
Don't Wear Glasses
before you havo bad It proved to
your satisfaction that your troub
les will be removed by their use.
At tho present, day, too many
glasses aro sold simply for whnt
Is made out of them, without any
regard to t,ho oyes.
What you need Is a thoroughly
noiind, honest, straightforward
opinion, supported by tho neces
sary skill, experience, qualification
and reputation.
I explain plainly and fully why
your eyes need glasses, and give
you every proof of tho benefits you
will get from their use.
My 11 yearn' experience and tho
best Optical Colleges aro behind
my methods.
Dr. Rickert
Over Kontner'a
A Special
To all homescokers before buying
to take a look at my recently com
pleted modern bungalow which I
am offering at an attractive low
figure to make a quick sale. Come
out tomorrow and seo for your
self. r,'2l South Crnpo fit.
We do the rlpht kind of work
the work that shows painstaking
care and our prices are right.
It pays you to send your laundry
here. Our work is absolutely san
itary and hygienic throughout.
You run no dangers of contagion
Pacific 11201. Home (15.
Deal with the man
who does the most
business. You will
find there is a rea
son for it.
During tho past thrco years
over 300,000 trees nml vines have
been delivered to the planters of
the itogiia River valley by tho
All stock leaving this nursery is
gimranteod to PLKASK and the
N. S. Bennett
Office 1201 North Central Ave.
Box 823. Medford, Ore.
Twenty-two years' experience Jn
orchurd and nursory work iu the
Roguo River valley.