t y vt. ,. I ,4k v & .1 op Mutt Used HtUO, Jt-Pf", MK, 1 MUTf, "7 IMG ficT P.H)TMafl. SCHQMff To GV!T CT Of ! 3.1 ' ryy KrvitfvAi AAvsAiittG I " 1 -. II I IR I II Ilk . r-2 "tg 1 txr 50 - I . I m HI NOTHJK TO MltKKMANH. Tint MMnldliitm' lornl union No. 4 7K will intM't til tho city hull mi Kutnlity, Mariili 17. nt A nVlocIc p. in, All qfflcMH iintl inttiiilixrii mo iiri:'il l In Smwiiti iih iiiiittoiti of lntiitr(niiru will uoino iiji. W. A. KiuiirH, I'traMiMit. noi; MKIICi: TO CONTKArroilH. Ndtlctt l littroby Riven Hint pltiiii anil Hticclricallonn fur tmllilltiKH to lo iirrotod tH'itr Tnlonl, OnR(i, for thu HnutlKirn OruKuu Kxixulinoiit Mtutlou may do olilnliii'il at Hid offlco of 1. Clnrk. nri'hllci't, Mcdfonl, OruKuu, for tho loiriiuno of wiilinilUlnj: Mill. lllitH nuiHt ho ttonU'd u ml Hcnt to tho tiutlnrHlKiii'd lioforo March 21, 1012, Tho KxporlmiMit Ktatloti nuthorl tlwi rcniTVo tho rlnhl tu rojoct nuy mill nil Mil ri. K. c ui:imi:h, 3 1 1 Mcdford, OroKon. NOTlCli. Notlro In hereby Kiva thftt tho liiidiirnlRiHMl will npi'ly at tho regu lar incotliiK of tho city council March It), 1U1L',- for n IIcoiiho to iicll limit. Hplrlt and vlnoun llquom nt lot a, Mock 30, No. 12Jn orlKlr.nl town of Mud ford, for n porlod of nix months HHAW & HUKl). Dated March 0, 1912. NOTICK. . Notlco Is hereby glvon that tho midtmilKiii'd will apply nt tho regular tnorttlnft nt tho city council Mnrch 10, 1012. for a llcouno to noil malt, nplrit nnd vlnouu lliiuom at tho Hotel Mod ford, lotn 10, 17, 18, block 78, for u period of ntx monthflt Dated Fob. 23. 1013. KAU-MOim COMPANY. IM.UMIIINO IXSIMCCTOU'H XOTICK. 1 wImIi to coll tho attoutlon of tho public to tho plumbliiK ordlunuco, which Ih IioIiik violated In many wnyn. All occupied dwollliiKN or huMiKMW hotiHim miiNl havo proper newer con- Jlt'CtlOIIH. Where no unworn aro liuilntalned lit tho hi root, properly coiiHlruuted vohh poolH iihall ho iiHcd until tmch tlmo iih bowerii may ho put In. No open uiult or privy hIiiiH ho allowed on any promhuni within 200 feet of u public water nupply. i There Ih a penalty provided for all vIolatloiiH and I will proceed to on force Hiich penult Ich iih necewmry to iiloaii up tho city lioforo tho hot weather ho(h hi. r. ir. uA.hirroN, lino l'lumliliiK Innpector. rw LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICK OF BALK OF MUNICIPAL HON DM. Notlco Ih hereby glvoti that tho Town Council of tho Town or Iluttu Falls, In JackHon county, Oregon, will roeelvo Healed propomilH for tho pur chauo of $10,000 of tho negotiable coupon boiulH of mild town, bearing nix per cunt neml-aiuitial lulorottt, tialil boiulH bearing (Into March lut, 1012. duo March lHt, 1UU2. Said Healed propmialH will ho re ceived by ami may ho filed with tho rocordor of mild town ut any tlmo boforo 0 p. tu. March 20th, 1912, Kauh propoHal or hid muut bo accom panied b; a corllflod check drawn on hoiiio Htatn or national bank of Jack Hon county, Orogon, for R por cont of tho amount offered, tho naino to bo forfoltod to tho town In enso tho proposal tmado Ih accepted by tho town nnd tho ponton making tho pro poHiil dooh not purchauo tho bonds lit nccordanco thorowlth within thirty duyH aftor bolng notlflod of tho uo ceptauco of tho proposal and bolng titrulHhod with u trnnscrlpt of tho proceedings of tho council nnd roc onlfl of tho town Hhowjng Hint stild bonds nvo lawfully Usuo nnd- valid ohllgutloiiH of tho town, No bid for Iokr than par and ac crued iutoroHt will bo cniiBldorod by tho council timl tho couiioU niaorvos tho right to rojoct any nnd nil bills. nntoil MimMi Stht 1012, 1UA. TUNOATH, 31 i Kocortlor Town or HiiUq Falls, r r, , . - 7r 11. ffv 0 JKffiSm WSiv ' to Think Jeff Was His Pal YOv COMQ. bOVUTo 4 CUtl I OUU. HOUB AMQ UOU., M7 wr, vjilugo To f L" n TUG DOOR fVD WHCN SHCjj J-jJ .: t J 11 Jeb Vou, SMe'U - ! A 'IfflllH LEGAL NOTICES. MSDrORD b OKATJIR X.AX8 XAIZ roao ntcnivnRnHiv kotice, III ucpiirilutiri' Willi an onlT of Ilia JiulK" of Hi" I'lrrnll Ctiirl nf Hip Hlnlo of Orpgon, fur Jiirlimm Ciiunly. In I ho mlifr or t.i nii'lvrlili of ili Ml fern A (Vul"r I .ii Id- llnllroitil Oouipuuv. mi (1r-i:n inriMintllon. nml In n cmioc llicro immhIImk. iillll,l Hiliswr llnfrr rl Hi., vit. MiMlfuril.A: Crnlir Uilio llnllroail I'nmiiAiiv, el nl , Niilloe In licirliv kIvmi lir thn iimlor llilll'll I'lCClVlT I'f Willi ceiiHirulloii. UlRl thd coin t or Juilun In hiilit iimltiT In nlimil tit inn tin nn uriler illMlrllnilliPK In llin linlilrril (if I'flli til ntork in wild eortxirnilon, Hiirh fiimli nn idtnll ti iimln itflrr Urn puymriit of nil Oolita, nnd miwnftPM or llio rcnlvornhln Tlirrcforn. nil miim ownlnif miy fully imlilup iilorte in hIi1 pArHimllnn. or imvinp inu.lr jMrl iwvini'iil uikhi itirlr milixcrllitpiilK. a to licfl'V lifillfliw) tu, mi or linf.ire April Iml, I9IS, flln llh tint uiHlumlKncI riHTlvrr. ut IiIn nffc In tlm I'niin block, MiMlfunl, OrrKon, tlintr duly verlflfil cIbIiiih, AordmiinnltM by tlmlr 'rtlflcnlr of utock, etiowluir tlio iitimtxr of the crrtlflcntr, to whom orlK Innllv iMNtipil, mill tlm ninuunt rpcilv.l by tlm corimrntlon In piiynmnt llicrrfor. ThiiHfi wiiu ntn owiitn of nucli utock, but cue nut prniltic tint huimc, or who ImVf pnlil only part upon tlmlr kiiIi orltloni. nnd to whom cTllflcalu lutvn ppviir Itrnn iMMUttil. may innko Ilka pnxif by aurh verified rlnlin. Tlimo clnlnm will, on April 3rd, 1015, txt fllfil with Ihn rouiitv cfnrk for Jnok mm county, Orcuon, All pornoim hitvltiR nn Intrrmt In mi Id iimtlrr. nnd havlnc obipctloim to nny of unld clulum nrn rc ipilrrd to flln I he naino In wrltlnR with nld rniinty rlrrk on or Itcfora April nth, 1913 Krom tho limn mtld rlnlina nrn no filed with thn undrnl;nd ro crlvrr thfy will Im nutijcct to Inapoc tlou by thntio doxlrtitir to tnitkn obirr- ijn. IMtpd nt MiMirord, Orrcon, thin Ctii tiny xtt Mnrch. 1013 j. r, rtnnny. trrlvir of Mcdford & Crnti-r Loko Knllrond compnny. IlUHIMwSH 01lOHTUMTIICS AKK YOU I.OOK1NO FOil A UUSI NK88 8NAPT Mnten to thla. Lot 25x100, ouo story building, on block from main direct, $3000. Tltlu offor ojien only for a few days. V. T. York & Co. FOR BALK Rooming hoiiuo, 10 rooms; pays $120 to $350 month. Low root. Long lease. Nonrly everything Ih now. Chnnco to got a good businoHH cheap. Will tuko nomo cubIi, bnlauco real etnto, or part cash, balanco monthly to ult purchasor. Or will noil cheap for cohIi. llnvo othor biiHlnuis that will require all my tlmo. For par ticulars Inqulro I). A., Mail Trib une. 30G FOR RENT FUUNI8IIKD ROOM23 FOR RK.NT - - Furnished sleeping rooms cIoho In with light, heat, and bath. 20 1 8. Central. 310 FOR ItKNT Smith npurtmontB. 217 8o. Rlvorsldo. FOR HUNT Modern furnished rooms ut tho Cottage, 00-1 Went 10th st tw blocks south Mcdford hotel. Hot nnd cold water In rooms., lloth phonos, Mrs. II. M. Coes. 310 FOR RKNT Largo sleeping room, $1.60 nnd $2 por wook. Modorn housekeeping apnrtmonta. ?1G nnd $1(1. Home phono 2CG-IC 223 South Holly. FOR RUNT 1IOUBES FOR RKNT HoiiHit, and furniture for snlo; also iro client, lawn mow er, garden tools and utovea. In ijii Iro at 230 N. Ivy Ht. FOR RKNTFurnlHlied flvo room Iiouho, modorn. 715 W. Second. Phono M. 1731. 308 FOR RKNT Strictly modorn, fur nlHhed bungalow, $30 pur month. 008 South drape. 309 FOR RKNT Modern 0 room Iiouho with rango. Call at 101 W. 2nd Htruot. 30S FOR RKNT 5 room modem houso. 1118 North Rlvoroldo, Phono Main 71-1. FOR RKNT FurnlHhod houso two blockH from P. O. Inquire a 10 N. llartlott. FOR RKNT Furnished houso, ovory convenience 730 West 11th, FOR RKNT Uungalew: modern; Jawn nnd shndo. 730 Woat 11th. FOR RKNT Now bungalow 0 rooms and bath, nil modorn Improve miontii, vory chonp. Inqulro or Dr. Porter, FOR ItKNT OFFICES FOR RENT rOyor tho poatofflco, .with hrat aad light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR RENTw-Largo, comrortnblb of flco rooms with oiovator sorvico, steam neat, hot nnd cold vmtor. Low rntoH. Apply Medford Furul turo & Hdw. Go. FOR RKNT Two offlco rooms, host location In Medford. Taylor PlilppH building. Par.tl('ula?H A. 0 Taylor, Central Point, or O M Kldil'8 ulioo BtOio. 308 MfinFonn matt, Tirmiwrc, GCA3 UiAitf n hc( CHSU SHg'v Vr OUT MONKY TO IXA.V. . .,.. i . MONKY TO LOAN 1000 Improved real oHlate, i;ooil Hceurlty. reuHOn able mlo. Apply J. It. NY., Mall 'Trio-fine. 300 KOlt BAlilv LOTH FOR HALi; Lotn and small tracta rlone In. A six room tmhgalow, now, Htrlctly modern. I'houu Pn clflp 742; Home U:ix. 312 FOU HALUCholio lots In tho city of JackHonvlllo, 250 by 230; thrco liounoH, two wells and ouo xpring on lotn, Termn $2000 cash. A goad bargain for a home, Mrs, Loulso Bchlff It'll, JncliKonvllle, Or ogon. FOR BALI-: An oxcellont lot on So. Orntigo 00x134 only $100. Good for one week only. (Jco. C. Cor nltluB. 210 V. Main L 30C FOU BALI-: 100x258 HUltnhlo for 0 lots, 2 room .houne, electric HghtH and wntcr, $1000. Inqulro of owner Hotel Mudford barber shop. 329 FOR BALK Two IoIb 00x250. on Hiuall payments. Phono 7-it., Home. 311 POIt BAL15 ACltKAOB FOR BALK Ten acres on main jVsh lnnd rond, small buildings, for $2700 $1000 will handlo, easy terms on balance FIno placo for chlckons or garden. V. T. York & Co. FOR BALK 10 ncres bearing fruit. 7 ncres 7 nnd 8 year old 8pttz nnd Nowtown apples, 2 acres best var ieties 3 nnd 4 year old pearn, 1 acre small berries and grapes, with four room house, small barn, chicken houso, etc. Within Y Millo of Contrnl Point on Pacific highway. Sightly view of Mt. Pitt anil valley, rich land nnd orchard in good condition. An ideal homo, Can bo had at a bargain for noxt 30 days. Apply to ownor. Ilox 3, S. a Gcorgo. Mcdford. 310 ACRKAGK Why buy a town lot whon you can buy nn aero, under ditch, for $2707 About IH .miles north of postofflco. Small payment down, balnnco $10 per month with out Interest or taxes. FIno for garden, borrlos or chlckc-ns. James Howling, 20 South Peach. 313 FOR BALK HOUSKS FOR BALK Four room Iiouho; wood Klied. chlckon houso; yard fenced; blackberries, raapborries, straw berrloH, garden; water In houso; only $050, tonus. 737 West 14th between Nowtown and Kins sts., seven blocka south Washington school. 311 FOR BALK G room house, about ouo aero of ground, young fruit trees, thrco Inrgo poultry houses, 100 ogg Incubator nnd broodor, woodshed nnd shop, barn, woll of flno water, etc Flvo blocka from nsphnlt pavomont in very desirable locution; ground high, woll draluoU nnd nn Ideal location for n Hiuall poultry rnnch. Must bo nold nt ouco and tho prlco will bo mndo accordingly. Inqulro West 11th 8t. Grocory. 315 FOR BALK Now buugalow with six rooms, bnth and pantry; Bcrconod In back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; oast front; lot 50x171 foot doop, or two lotn 100x171 with alloy nt sldo, with barn on. Will glvo good tonus, lnuuiro 317 Howard Bt cuat oldo. Phono 0201. ,. 310 FOR SALE Well built six room houne. If interested call and sou samo at 52 Ross court. 307 FOR SALI5 LAND FtJll BALK Tfil Kuarniitoo right prlco and tonus on 49 ncres of al falfa land If purchased from ownor boforo Apr. 1st. It'8 tlo best prop-, orty to havo your money Invested In toduy. AddrosB Box 75, Routo 1 Pniiti-nl lnln , WW. . ...... FOR BALK 200 ncres flno alfalfa land undor ditch, as good land tor alfalfa ns can bo found In tho state. This will bo sold cheap. TIiIh la your opportunity long lookod for. Ollvor B. Urown, 43t5 N. llartlott st. FOR BALE Eighty aoros, iy, miles west of Englo Point, $3200. Prlco holds till March 1 ohly. W. T. YOI'K l;o. FOR BALK Chicken ranch and gur deu land H mllo from Mcdford, W. II. Kvorhanl. 1009 West 9t.h Phono 0071, FOR SALE Stock ranch 3 places, 400, 480 mid GG0 ucroa, all join, ImproVomontH on each placo. ' $12. GO por aero, Hua uccosa to un limited sumnior rango on national forest. Sawmill goos with tho places. Will Hell with or without r-utllo. AddreHH Wright Him, owners, Drew, Oro. 32Q 41 n .( i.,,1 -1 1.1 cc vu- F$t9 if w flilium " flfi Ml 1 iifihfc - Mrcpffoup, onrcnoy, fktpav, maticti 15, 1012. -i a ftoiUNO PIN AND k YOU "MO WM)i.; TMHow(N THINGS TOU, I'LL SNGAK ftN) FOR BALK POUIrRY AND KGGB FOR BALK Rhode Island Red cggi. $1 per sotting of 15. 210 Court sU P. O. llor OH. 300 FOR BALK Incubators and lnylng strain fancy egg's Tor hnU-hlng, rea sonable, at J. C. Schmidt's feed store. FOR BALK Harrcd Plymouth Rock, Thompson strain eggs for hatching $2 Tor fifteen. U. II. Paxsori, Cen tral Point, routo two. 310 FOR BALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons, Wyan dotti'8, Plymouth Rocks. Leghorns, Rantams, etc. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Blmp son's Pheasant Farm, Corvallla, Oregon. 33E WILL BELL my breeding pens of S. C. Wh. Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, or tho entire plant, very reasonable Como and seo us. Good reason for soiling. Third houso north of Jacksonville depot. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville, Ore. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my trapnostcd Crystal Whlto Orping tons and R. I. Reds. Myra Fuller. Siskiyou Hts. Phono 5182. 332 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, am booking orders now for tho single comb Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff strain, $1.G0 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Placo orders now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7301. FOR SALE Unby chicks and hatch ing eggs from our trap-nested sin glo comb Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpfngtons. Prices on roquest. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. FOR SALE Ahconas eggs $2.50 per 10. Stock direct from II. C. Shop pard, Anconn specialist, Rcrea, Ohio. J. D. Hooker, Mcdford. Phono Sub. 3221 or lenvo orders with J. C. Schmidt's feed store. 32C FOR SALE Eggs, Crystal White Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Reds, Brown Leghorns. Beo W. H. Everhard, 1009 West 9th. Phono 6G71. FOR SALE Thrco Crystal White Orpington cockerels. Kollcrstraus strain. G20 South Grope. FOR SALE Eggs, thoroughbred Rhodo Island Reds, $1 por setting. Rea. bark of 1313 North Central, or ndd. O. A. Laird, City. 320 FOR 8 ALE 1G thoroughbred young Whlto Leghorn hens nnd 25 pul lets. 2 flno cockorols from prize utility Block. Will soil cheap. 722 W. 14th st. Pnc. phono 7443. 306 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Wo breed S. C. Whlto Leghorns only. $1.50 per sotting of 17 eggs, $5 per 100. F. P. Fnrrell, R. 1., Med ford. FOR SALE Ruby Chicks. Tho Egg Hatchery furnishes firm-class baby chicks at roiiBoniiblo prices. Eggs used aro from hardy selected stock, bred to lay. Khodo luland Red, Harrcd Rucks, ami Buff Orpington chicks, $15 per hundred; Brown Leghorn, $10 per hundred; Whlto Leghorn. $S per hundred. W. L. Sales, 722 Third St., Petalumu, Cal. 330 FOR SALE Fine Whlto Wjnndottu hens. 715 W. Second. Phono 4731. 30S FOR SALI-J WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Wood at country prices. lG-In. fir $2.75. 12-In. fir $2.25, 10-ln. hardwood. $2.75. All dry wood. C10 South Riverside. Bell phono 5041. 30S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One 3-yoar-old cow, f rush. Ono R-year-old 'maro wolglit 1200, drives single or double Home phono, Rural -U-L. 309 FOR SALE Oholco need com at Isaao's ranch. FOR SALE Sawing machines, boo ond haud or now pumping onglnos choup; sawing dono to order. Phono Pno. 742; Home 143x. 312 FOR SALE A dandy tont houso 14 xlG with oxtra kltohon, wardrobe and cupboard built-in. Used only G mo. chonp, AddreBB Box 394, Medford, Ore. c- 335 FOR SALE Horso, buggy nnd har ness. Seo L. D. Wanjor," Sr., at Warner, Wortnum & Goru's otoro. FOR SALE Ono brown worl; maro 7 yoara old, aluo light wagon near ly now. Call nt 400 Boutty at., Medford, Ore. 307 FOR SALE Early Bimvlso BPOd po tntium. Phono Noll 4521, Home a7a-L. P, O. bos 834, 313 I f?l 1: P y .v r I . If 1 An AW M $8sk J ' 9MEBB FOR BALK OR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE Garden and fruit tract, on paved street. Ad dresH P. O. box 195. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 800 -acre first quality Alberta land, trade for land In vicinity or Medford. What havo you? M. W. Thomson. 21 Oenosee st. 307 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Kngle Point for Mcdford prop erly, iranroved or unlmnrovod. Ex- 1 chungo prlco samo as cash price. Sco Oliver U. urown. 430 .x. uari lott st. IIELP WANTED 3IALE WANTED A reliable Insurance writer with executive ability. A good proposition for an expe rienced writer who wants to better his present condition. Address with reference. Address Box 10, care Mall Tribune WANTED Timber cruised near AKhland, 1G0 acres. Florence HawklnB, Alpine, Cal. 309 HELP WANTED FEMALE "WANTED Clean cut young lady or gentleman wauled to canvass for International Fair Illustrated, which has the Indorsement of the Commercial club. Good money. Sec C. S. Hamilton, Mcdford hotel, Q-8 tonight or 12 to 1:30 tomorrow. 30G WANTED School girl to work In family of two for room nnd board. Apply 10 Ross court or phone Main 7302. 311 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Small camp by elderly woman. Experienced cook. Address Box 22, care Mall Tribune. 307 WANTED General housework In small family. Phono 238-K. 30G WANTED A lady wishes work by tho hour, 25c. Fancy Ironing a specialty. Phone, Bell 3714. 30S WANTED Home laundry. Careful work. 4S N. Oakdale ave.. cor ner Gth. 306 WANTED Sewing by tho day. Phono Main 7402 or 424 S. Peach st. 307 WANTED Rellnblo man nnd wlfo want placo on ranch; two children. Closb to school, Stato wages. II. WilllamB, Gen. Del., Mcdford, Ore. 307 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED dressmnklng. Call at 402 No. Oakdale. Phono 7761. WANTED Gontle riding pony. Bou dtnot Conner. Tol. Central Point. Lowor Tablo Rock. WANTED You can't holp but mako money soiling our guaranteed-to-glvo-satlsractlon stock; frco outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valloy Nuriory Co., Top pcnlsh, Washington. WANTED Good team, wagon and feed furnished competent man nbout April first for hair what they make. Address box 75, Routo 1, Central Point. 307 WANTED Moving dirt and filling lots by day or contract. I. C. D Tribune. 309 WANTED By married man, position on u ranch; stato wages paid. A Grlmstond, box 49, Routo 2, Ccu tral Point. 300 BUSINESS 1)1 RECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco, phones Main 2511, Home 35G. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Muln 11; Home, 2006. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Atlornoy-nt-Law. Jacksonville. Oro. OHIoo; Bank bldg., second Hoor. Phone; Pa cific, Main 33, C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Olfico AlQdford National Bauk building, Wond Hoor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attoruoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Gurnott Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 aud 12 Jackson County Bauk bldg. B. F, PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 daruott-Coroy Uliln. "''l frvJI ' i I ; n vP fir mlMWSnt A , ..1... .. -, mm! I lm& -'- IS ihtr 1 1 ' . 1 a 1 1 HUSI.NKSS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books nudltcd and kept for n reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco Mcdford Mail Trlb- uno bldg.; phone GG11; residence phone G302. Architects A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phono G413. Johns Ei Turner Architects and Builders. Offlco 31-33 North Bnrt lett, near Main. Office Phono 1031. Assaycr nnd Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assaj-s made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assaycrs and engi neers at reasonable terms, uapiini secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mlno own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir sts. Bill lard Tarlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill rosters VERNE T, CANON Bill postor and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medtord, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medrord, Oregon. Contractor and Builder CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Repair work a specialty, wa McGaw, 504 S. Newtown. Phono 5211. 314 O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates frco. Box G22, Med ford. Phono Main G663. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 413 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Main 2021. Chiropractors DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago glvon; advlco in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1G8-K. Clilneso Medicines! CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, prlvnto diseases and all kinds of chronic nnd nervous ullmeuts. Stomach trouble, constlpatlou, iudlgestiou, womb and bladdor troublos. Sco mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, pre, to 4, G:30,to 7:30. Rcsldouco phojo Main 42. f r Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. IIINI KER, D. D. S. Dontista, 228 E. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W, M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontista Garnott-Coroy bldg,, sulto 310, Medford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR, ARTEMUS W. DKANE Dontlst, Orrice In Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Tolophouo Main G8.1. Night phono 4432. Granite Works MBDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo, T. O'Brien Contractors and mauu fucturors or brick; dealers In pressod brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson Bt. Phono No. 24G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Btroet, Doalors and ninnutactiirora of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Gdt our prices and sou our brick and tllo boforo pmchas.luK. AGEJOT By "Bud" Fisher r BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furaitvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly sts. Mcdford. Mission furniture mado to order. Cabinet work or all kinds. A trial order solicited. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE! CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Lcavo orders ut 20 B. Bartlctt, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. Pacific 3432. Home 107-X. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of the state of Oregon. Insures horses nnd cattlo against death from fire, accident or disease Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices West Sldo Stables. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa the best equipped Job offlco in southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc, Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantco everything put out Wo aro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance noxt to barber Bhop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers or high-grado nursery stock. Offlco 104 S Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac, 3843. Pbyslclaai and Surgeons DRB. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, resldenco phono .612. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Gar-nctt-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6361. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Ofrico Garnott-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, rosldonco 109, offlco 130. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practico limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklna Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rosldonco Phones; M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd Surgeon. Pructlco limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Ofrico 21G E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E. B. PICKKL, M. D. Orrice Jack son County Bank. Oltlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. G82. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Orflco-phono 4901. Rosldonco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION' physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 0 Kontnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. Phouo. Bell 271. Rosldenco phouo Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonograpblo work done quickly and woll. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. orrico 16 Bouth Fir. Phono Bell 3152 Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvico guuruutcud. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 20c anywhere in tho city, Offlco Val ley S-cond Hand Storo, 15 N, Fir Bt. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 354. Messenger sorvlce, Fred Crockor, Prop. Undertaker JOHN A. PAUL Undortaker und Embalraor. Office 38 Bouth Bart-, lett Bt. Tolephones: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Bell 47.1, Home 170-L. Calls answered night or day. Anibulauco norvlce, -