!! i '1 I B J i iJ 1 B ' 'I 5 W 8 PAOE'STX "t"'N' 'Jl"JIVJWt medfotcd mail tribune, medford, Oregon-, titi'today, makou h, 1012. Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS -i Geo. Perkins Bpcnt Tucsdny in Gold lltll. jT. W. Osgood, C. M. Ktdd nml Trunk Wnlt of McdCord, J. Soott of upper Hogue river mid .less Glass of Antioch were hero on business Tuesday. Onr Jiowly elected city officors will tnko idmrgo Monday evening, April 1st, 1012. Tho wireless telcgrnph company liavo purchased ten acres of the Steam tract in West Bear creek bot tom just east of this city nnd commerce- work there Tuesday niomiim. Jtcv. Aldrich with the help of i-onic jioSghboring miiaHtctVi will begin iv Keries of renvoi meetings Sunday evening, March 17th. All arc cor dinlly invited to attend these meet ings. .Clyde Apple.gato .left today to re name his duties on the bridge gang of tho Southern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Volkcr returned Tuesday from n visit to Ashland. ,.T. C. Wilson who left hero last summer for California, . and Inter moved to Arizona, lias returned to tins jjily mm will probably locate here again. A- J. Ouslcy left Monday morning for Mnrysville, .Cnl., where he ' 1ms several contract.1. iRcv. Urooks of. Grants Pnss. preached nt the Christian church hero Sunday evening. Mr. Parker and family of Seven Oaks, visited relatives in Grants Pass Suudny. At our annual city election held Monday. March lllh, J912, A. Cowley wan elected mayor , for two years, A. V. Moon and W. il. Alex ander were elected councilmen for tlirec years, and J. Q Isaacson trea surer for two years. Thero was not any excitement shown, only between B. P. Peart running for councilman on the .people's ticket and Alexander running on the citizens' ticket, Mr. V. E. Alexander coming out victor ious. Pew Crane preached at the Chris tian church in Grants Pass Sunday craning. Melio Byrloy who has been staying liqrc with his grandma, Mrs. Coffits. and attending school, left for his homo beyond Gold Jlill where he will attend school. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS A. C. llowlctt Thero is another dwelling lioiise In course of construction In our Itttto town. James Klngcr Is putting up a neat ltttlo bungalow on his lots in tho Wrick addition. I omitted to state In my last that among tho many farmers who wore In our town Saturday wero Charles Sletleld and wife of Lake Creek. iMr. Singleton and daughter, P. J. Avers and daughter, Miss Rosa, tho latter at present assisting at tho Sunuysldc. G rami ma Unckathorn started Inst Saturday for YVoodvillo to visit her daughters, Mrs. Moagley and Mrs. Slmpklns. Sunday was nulto a day at tho Sun nysidc. as thero seemed to be a kind of a concerted movement on the part of somo qf our townspeople, as there wero Mr. and Mrs. Frank Solter, one of our hardware merchants: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weber, our pharmacist: Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brown, one of our merchants, G. II. Wamsley and daughter Miss Mable, Mr. and Mrs. nolt, general manager of the Pacific & Eastern railway. Dr. Win. W. P. Holt and brother-in-law .Mr. Purdy. Mr, Wood, timekeeper for tho 1 & E. railway, besides qulto a number of strangers who just came In for a good dinner, and they all seemed to enjoy themselves very much and about all threatoned to come back again In tho near future. I tell you Mr. Editor It makes one feci that life Is worth living to sec such cheerful ness and brotherly love among neigh bors as was manifested hero last Sunday, Thero was a young man came out last Sunday to try his fortune riding Lucking- horses, but thero didn't seem to be any one who had unruly Piles Cured Jn O to 34 Days. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In C to 14 days. GOc. i horses that cared to have them ridden i In that way, so he had to take his saddle back to Mcdford again with out using it. George West and Wm. Fruit, two forest rangers, came out from Med ford Sunday evening ou the P. & E. cars, spent the night nt the Sunny side and took the Trail stago Monday morning for the big timber. Wm. Spencer came out Monday evening to look after a Job of car- .pentcr work on some ono of the new buildings, but found that ho was most too early in the season, as there will be but little doing in the line of carponter work until the first story of the big brick that is going up Is completed and then tho carpenters vlll he ready to go to work. Mr. Spencer said that by that time he rould get quite a number of Jobs, and It Is apparent that there will bo considerable work In all branches of mechanical work hero this summer. Everett Culhortson of l.nko crook took a room at the Suiinysldo Sunday ovonlng. Ho Is workliiR (or Mr. Hoak, one of our prosperous farm ers just above town. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Allen sur prised tho people of the Suunystdo last Sunday evening by putting In an appearance, although Mr. Allen has been a rogular boarder hero for some time, but he excused himself Satur day nnd went to Med ford on tho ground that ho did not have tho lum ber to do tho work that was to bo dono, so went to Mcdford and was married to Evellno Stono of Ashland In Mcdford by the Justice of the peace Mr. Taylor, and they are now plan ning to live In this section for tho summer at least. Their many friends arc tendering their congratulations. P. M. Flndsley, an Insurance agent of Mcdford, Is hero with us for a few days looking over the situation with an eye to business. Also Mr. Paul OplU, a timber specialist, of Medrord, wis a guest among us Tuesday. Elmer Sponccr nnd 11. Read of Dudley spent the night with us on their way to their homo In tho hills. Our school board met Monday night and among other things In the line of business entered Into contracts with' W. L. Suddarth and wife to act as principal and Intermediate, and Miss Mamie Wright as primary teach er in our school. Mr. and Mrs. Sud darth ar6 from Josephine county, but Miss Mamlo Wright has been a resi dent of this neighborhood for several years, and whllo I was on Elk creok I had the pleasure of visiting her school there, where she has a nice llttlo school and a host of warm friends not only In tho school room but among the patrons. Knnes creek friends regret very much his departure, Anna Hlglubotham returned homo from Gold Hill Saturday after spend ing several days with Mrs, Lttmdou, who hint been quite sick hut Is .much Improved at this time. Word has been received from Mrs. Ueese living at Alhambra, Cal., that no rain had fallen since September nnd that they would welcome a real old Oregon soaker. Mrs. Rocso was formerly a resident of Kaucs creok. Katies crook business visitors to GolU lllll this week wore Mr. and Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Taylor and daugh ter, Elmer Illglnbothatn, John Mc Chrlchle, Mr. Grcoulcaf, Al Rhotou, John Mardnn, Mrs. lloggls, Mr. and Mrs. Householder and Ulll Yuntx. Pauline Olson of Gold lltll spent Sunday nt tho Rnulou with her friend Mary lloggls. George Shump, who Is employed nt the llradeu mine, was In Jackson ville Saturday after supplies. Mello llyrloy, who has been stny ing with his grandmother In Central Point for the past year, has returned and Is attending the Dardanolls school. deep. Mr. Stnnellff Is a former Phoenix boy and has returned to tho Rogue river valley with his wife and baby to make their homo hero. A case from Ashland was brought, to Talent and tried before Justice U. II. Sherman, lien Willie against Oat King, Tor wages 'as cook In rosttui-, rant. King, It was said, had tried, to reduce WIIUoh wages from ll.nt) to t, Tho Jury decided lit favor of Willie. 111 ' ' . v " 4 It will take tho form of a Ht. Pat ricks dance, tho fact of the holiday coining on Hundny making It ncces sary for It to bo held either uuforo or after tho 17th. Thin week the lilnh Helmut nluiliinlii are enjoying the mid-term oxnmlnif tlon. 'Phono will 1m tho InMt of Im portance beforo the end or thu school year In May. i -. , i : p GOLD HILL ITEMS. EDEN PRECINCIT .1 In I KANES GREEK ITEMS Mrs. J. Davidson of "Garden Rone" was a recent caller on Kaues creek. Sheriff Jones passed through horo Saturday on official business. Mrs. Mardon has returned homo rom Gold Hill, after spending the week with Mrs. Olson. The attendance at the Dardanells Sunday school Sunday was good, there being 50 present. Rev. Mark i Davis preached a vary interesting sermon. , John Byrley Montana, his old Dr. Molt of EiiKle Point wns Talent Tuesday. P. 11. Oatman of North Talent was in Phoenix Tuesday evening. Hen Fautch came over from the C. E. Rowell orchard to C. Carey's ou Tuesday after seed potatoes. W. S. and Hertlo Staucllff wore at Jacksonville on Tuesday imylng taxes. Cupid has got firm hold ou the Phoenix young people and the aver age Is ono couple married each week. C. Carey of North Talent was do ing business In Phoenix Inst Wednes day morning. Mr. Win. Jacks of Cottage Grove, Ore., who came up when she hoard that her brother L. A. Rose was very 111, came out from Mcdford Tuesday aud spent the day with Mrs. A. S. Furry. Mrs. Weeks and daughter. Miss Gertie, cnnie out from Mcdford Tues day nml were calling on old-tlmo friends in Phoenix. Lutlo Staucllff came In Tuesday from Creswell. Ore. He drove through In four days In a light rig. He said the mud In many places wns a.xle I George Patrick was a visitor In Mcdford Saturday. Lawrence Card well aud Mrs. 13.' Cnrdwell and daughter wero In Cen tral Point Thursday. , Mayor Ueemnu and daughter, Vir ginia Ueemau, were Mcdford visitors Saturday. A dance will he given at dlut Gold Hill opera house next Friday night. You Won't Get Another Opportunity LiKe This Sl.udobakor carriage now last Juno, mwl $1120, will soil lor $75. Hand sowod Miglinli brass mounted harness, cost $100, will soil for $25. Bay lior.su, weight about .1200, cost $120, will null Tor $75. Oolitic saddlo mure, ago 8 yours, cost $75, will mill for $50, and saddle costing $:U will soil for $20. F. H. COWLE3 Woataway Orchard, Medford tMWMMOTHMMMMMWHMWMBaMmMnMaMmMMMa Aggressive Progressive ffizl MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOfUuJUHffotF?erUhiiM. ('aollr-ftllon. . J! '?L" ?'," rinmnrit 'iroupir., . n-minn lorurr. juu ""r"i I" loft on Saturday fori Td.i..k. iVJIBlSk .ifiKWuu Id home. His many ,,u6titulo. yv. S. ojlwstbd.u Roy. N.Y. The Line Is Busy You have heard that ho fine aud wo will venture that II made you sort of have that funny foelliiK under your collar aud say thltiKS about thu telephone company that was to say tho least uncomplimentary. Our lino was husy yesterday and we wero too tired last ulitht to Rot out anything "NlJW and so wo Just will say our same old KACTH WK AUK THI2 UUST hecauso we have lieen tho best prepared, hut In addi tion w have had tho practical experience and It Is not uoccHtpry for us to experiment with your case In tho leant. Did you uver stop to think what experience means. It mny .mean lit your case u speedy recovery or on tho other" hand It may mean that a few good words of advice may nave ultimately a grave condition. Another think we call your attention to every day Is the fart that wo work for less this as n KACT too. We chnrKO exactly the immn In nil Instances as the prices for tho same work In the Ihist and why should wo charge more? Only ono nuswor, the Trust have nald that If wo wero KoIiik to lie nice hoys and wanted to play In their yard wo would have to charge certain prices aud In event we did not do us they desired wo would he humllhiU'd by them In that they would not speak to us ou (ho street (Oh Joy, some of them don't) nor would they allow us to talk In their meetings. Dear IHHILIC. wo are not restricted to speaking once a year. You will hear from us every day. Ho with us, we're right. CONSULTATION always KUKK Drs. Saunders & Green OnrnoU-Corey Building, Mud ford, Oregon Reliable Ethical $MM X t t f T t T t t T T f T T T Y Y ' MADE IN medfoRd 1TXJLJLX XX..JL i, ' 'i Artistic Printing, Bookbinding, Looseleaf Systems, Posters, Pamphlets, Fruit Labels, Stock Certificates, any and all kinds of commercial printing at Portland prices. We have the largest and most complete plant and biggest pay roll in Southern Oregon, and are equipped to fill any order, large or. small, on short notice. Color work a specialty Exclusive agents for Old Hampshire Bend all colors the stationery of culture. Complete line or legal blanks. We invite your inquiries. Vd MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS 25-27-29 NORTH FIR SMeT f V T T f t r f t Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y f Y T- Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r SfaKteKS - ijjm&sttam wnwwaJfW-a- , " y N T