reiiAti hmwiiui wouit uuv Hall M Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln tonight Friday fair. Light trott following;. Dally HUth Yuar. Forty-Klml Yinr. MEDFORD, ORKOON, TIIUHMDAY, MAKCII M, 1012. No. 305. JUDGE, PROSECUTOR AND SHERIFF SLAIN IN VIRGINIA COURT BY FRIENDS OF FELON kwiiHi K v OUTBREAK FOLLOWS CONVICTION: JURY RETURNS FIRE OF MO MEMBERS OF MOB FATALLY HURT Authorities Expected Trouble But Wcro Unprepared Sheriff At tempts to Draw Revolver nml Drops Dead In Tracks. BRISTOL, Vu., .Miin-li II. I'ivi persons met ilt'iilli today in n court room tint itt llillsvillc, n,,f here, I'" I lowing tin' conviction or, Lloyd Alton on u charge of felony. The dead: I'lcnldiiig .Judge (lonlitn MiiksIc, District Attorney William Foster, Sheriff .1. K. MlmiketiHliin; Juror I.. I Webb mill one of Allen' brother Court Clcik Dexter Cloud and three Miet'liitnr uere Mounded hy stray htllli'ts. The outbreak followed the eonvie. tiou of I,lo.d Allen on it charge of felony. Trouble in the event of u conviction had heeu expected hut it found Hie iiuthtiritieH practically un prepared for the outbreak, Allen unit his relatives, it is as set ted, hiive been carrying mutter with ii high band in the courts i jjnrroll nouiity. Anticipating trouble '"hjlicrlrr; Webli'lifid numerous deputies on bund today hut the benches were packed with friend of the Allen. The firing started immediately nf ter the jury announced lU verdict, DUliicl Attorney Fouler arose to moc for immediate sentence when i hMielnlor opened fire. Foxier drop. teil ileud in his track. Ah Sheriff Webb drew a revolver he received a bullet through the heart. The next shot struck Judge .Mil mho and he crumpled up and ld to the lloor. The HiomliurM of the jury, all of whom wore heavily aimed, with sev crnl deputies then began firing iu.o the Allen crowd. .Many members, of the mob were wounded, several pro bablv fatally. Judge. Mussic was ear ried into Imh chambers where lie died a few minutes later. Latest ivmiiIh from Carroll eoiinly hay the noting coiituiiies. com miners' NOT 10 STRIKE NNW YOIUC, M roll J I. It Ih be lieved hero today Hint ilospltn the refusal by tlio operators of all do iiiiiikIh made by tlio men there will bo no Htrllut of tlio eiiHtorn nntlira clto coal minors. A committee of representatives of the minora today conferred nt tlio Victoria hotel pre paring ait aiiHWcr to tlio operators' rofiiHiit of demands. Tlio minora differ with tlio stnto meut of tlio operators that their profit Ih reduced to a minimum us tlio result of Inorouued coat of pro duction, THOUGH STRIKE IS ENDED; PRODE ISN'T WAS1NOTON, D. C, March M. Planning a proho of the entire indus try, the bonne, rules committee today is considering n trip to Lawrence, Mass., for fiirllior Investigation of Iho hrnlnl treatment by police of wo men and children there and other nialloi'H ill eoiiueotlon with Iho tex tile workers' strike, WOMEN RALLY TO COLONEL'S SUPPORT SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Muroli 11. Woiiion udhorontrt of Colonel Hoosuvolt today aro hiiHlly engaged hero planning for n moating Saturday aflornoou at tlio 1'alnco ho'tol of woiiion wlio aro attempting to further Itoonovolt'H presidential campaign In California. Govornor Johnson will bo tlio principal speaker, SOCIETY WOMAN IS ATTACKED BY NEGRO MBV dk w r WBHH V 'p "tit -ii?B f " rLi5 '" ' ' m ' wmumt I DU18. F112DE&XOK O. BEACH. Mm. Frederick O. Roach, n well known society woman of Now York, wn attacked by n negro In tlio door way of her villa nt Allien, 8. 0. Mrs. Ilciich fought with tho thug and sue ecdiMl hi freeing hcrnclf, but not be fore slur mi (Tern) n nevcrc knlfo wound in the neck The ticsro wan Kcarcd off mid iiuumged to escape. Mr. llvacli will rfOer NEIL FILES HIS COUNTY JUDGE County Judge Neil today filed his declaration as a candidate on tho deinooralic ticket for county judge subject to the will of the democratic voters to he expressed nt the prim aries in April. Judge Neil's petitions nic now in ointulalion. To date he bus no opposition at the primaries. (leorge Y. Dunn of Ashland will fight it out witli F. F.. Merrick- of this city for the republican nomina tion. II, K. llaiinu, Jr., of JaMtsonvlllo TucHilay filed his declaration for dis trict attorney nuhject to tho prlm nrlcH of the republican party. It, V. Mulkoy .Incumbent, Is expected dally to declare that "his hat la In tho ring." For tho democrats, J ml go h !:. Kolly of Medford has announced that ho will bo ti caudldato for tho offleo. At this time ho Is tho only caudldato that has announced hluiRelf from that party. Glenn O, Taylor lias announced bla candidacy, subject to the prima ilea of tlio republican party, for tho oftlco of Justice of tho peace of Medford, DECLARATION FOB MEXICAN REBEL CHIEFS IjY DEADLOCK. nnivArp.; b tup: kPMV,-I5 Tho Mexican rebel chlofa aro In doudlock, Qcno-al fyiluznr la uusplcloiu ot aeneral Oroxeo una won't outer Chihuahua without i pletluo. Meauwhllo, the udvani'o luia heou halted. Tho Army of IJberty coiitlnuv uctlvo on the louth, and humlrcda of Auioricutu have fled. TU9 robol forces uro said to b well equipped. BONIS AT SAN FRANCISCO RE WELCOME City Is Trylnrj to Break All Records for Hospitality Borne to Exposi tion Grounds In Automobiles, Es corted by Police. Reception Is Planned Tonight at Pal ace Hotel Publish a Newspaper on the Train. SAN FRANCISCO, March H. -Warmly welcomed y officials and utieiiS the "Oregon First" delega tion, nearly (l.'it) strong, today is the finest of San Francisco and the city is trying to break all record for hospitality. The Oregoninus are to select the site of the Oregon building at tlio I'aiiania-l'aeifio International Ex position in ll.. This nltcruoon an automobile procession bore the Ore gonians to the oMixition grounds. Kscorted by poller mid having with them Lieutenant Governor Wallace. Mayor Itolph ami exposition officials, the Oiegoniaiis paraded through the eitv going to the presidio where a big mililnry parade is planned in their honor mid from lliert t the exposi tion grounds' where flioy'wlll got at the "site seeing" the object of their visit. A reception, promenade and con cert for the Oregoninus will be held tonight t the I'ulnco hotel under the auspices of the woman's board of the I'miaum-I'aeifie exposition. During their journey from Port laud to San Francisco, the Oregon inns were kept in touch with tho out side world through the medium of n "really truly" newspaper, olio of thoir own making. There weie numerous editions of the ''Oregon First" per sonals being the big news of the day. A straw ote for presidential and Oregon senatorial candidates and on suffrage was taken and the results announced in mi election extra of the "Oregon First." Of the men 102 favored rresideut Tuft, -11 Roose velt, ." La Follette, 10 Clark, 10 Wil son and 8 Harmon. Of the women JO voted for President Taft, 12 for Roosevelt, 2 for I.n Follette, 2 for Chirk and -I for Wilson. Ilarinoii had no women supporters. For United States senator from Oregon, 3,r men voted for Bourne, 22 for Lane, mid 101 for Selling. Ten womon woro for llourne, 8 were for Lnue mid 24 for Selling. F.ighty-fivo men favored woman's suffrage and 84 were ngaiiist if. Thirty-five women be lieved in granlinjr thoir sex the linlht and 11 did not. The men exactly tho sumo way on tlio question "Should the women agree to continue to wear skirls if granted suffrago?" Thirty iivo women voted yes and oluveu no. Tlio program for tho eiitertaiuhont of the visitors tho remainder of tho week will bo extensive, including InueheoiiH pud receptions. LIBERTY OF THE SOUTH ' CAPTAIN AMUNDSEN CAPTAIN AMtNDSCNS HOME NEAfZ CHRISTIANS. AMUNDSEN HUT IN THE ANT 1 FIBES THREE SHITS F ROMK, rarch H.-A1I Italy is re joicing over the escape of its mon arch, King Victor Kmmanuel, whose life was attempted today by Antonio D'Alba. an admitted anarchist. The assnssin fired three shots at King Victor, all misMni; their mark. One of the ballets struck Major l.anga, one of the king's ravalry escorts and ho fell from his horse seriously wounded. D'Alba was arrested. The attempted assassination came shortly after King Victor left the palace to attend a memorial service in honor of his father, the late King Humbert, who was killed lij nn as sassin's bullet. D'Alba broke through a liqe of cheering people nml before the jMiliee could interfere had fired three shols at the king. .Major gu who was stationed on the right of the kind's carriage, dropped from his horso seriousl" wounded. His ma jesty remained calm throughout the exciting scones winch tollowed, con tinuing1 throui'h the streets and enrry injj out his part of the program as originally planned. Major Lauga was rushed to u hospital where he was Inter visited by King Victor. It developed after the excitement that Queen Helena was seated beside King Victor on the side from which the assassin fired. Her majesty saw IVAlbn level the revolver and at the first shot threw her arms about Kimr Victor's neck shielding his body witli hers. The king forced her back anil leaned forward, but the assailant had been overpowered by this time. Tho news of the queen's action spread like wildtire nml the people are delighted. Her majesty has al ways hoeu popular with her subjects and her action today served to in crease the affection in which she is held. U'REN TO HUNT FOR OUEGON CITY, Ore., March II. W. S. U'lten, father of people powor legislation In Oregon, today is rais ing funds to employ detectives to watch for violations of tho corrupt practices act In tho primary cam paign, United Statei'Senator llourno contributed SROO. MICHIGAN HOUSE IN FAVOR OF PRIMARY LANSING, Mich., Mnvoh 1 1. Tho Michigan house today adopted a etitfo wido primary hill by u vote, of lii to 11), an nj1 nfcmifcj TBi i f -IIIIIIIIm iliiiilHIII&jnStJKSf?iiflliiiiiiiiiiiKB I TBb1bbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVx 1 bIbbVL H M Vrsrvum X , M PHrJB A. I fiffKHtr . -.BMMMMMMMBMMPWWmfcMr jgft wgir- si. I 'HB T SbWbH NBBaHHBI V Sn I MWIP Br HHb v9SwxHHHHMHbHHHk -f j w .n. fgt.riBWBaccTOWBWSWtlW s2 "4 S v KtflftKr JuWShHHhE INTERIOR. OF THE TZ I-t'jX v MW WUBsASP' 'JsWftBBBaHl AMUND5EN HUT. imm t i trwiM1 ainds VICTOR EMIMEL NAUGHTY 15 READY TO SUBMIT CHARTS ON HIS EXPEDITION Z-ZZi-60L Ht. rmmmmmmamexzs&smmK.VTUEriammmm i hi a in "'" "' - ws .: FnBsKBBBHI o&Lxic. aKV'!!. ':;& bb OBBBBBBBBMBF4 StBLBBal fjffi-MWWKWBBi $Mk CAPTAIN AMUNDSEN PROBABLY wilt II DDE OREGON SYSTEM SAI.EM, Ore. March U. With the names of three republican and iwo democratic candidates for presi dential nominations ready to go on tho primary ballot for April 19) and with tlio possibility of other names being added beforo tho expiration ot the timo limit, March 29, tho if Irst Oregon presidential preference pri mary Is to have a fair teat under pro pitious circumstances. , , if cither of the two great national political parties had fn'lledto have tho names of moro than one caudl dato placed on tho ballot, there might havo been cause for tho cry of unfair advantage In favor ot the man whoso nnino was on tho ballot, as It would be but natural ho should receive moro votes than anothor can didate whoso immo was not printed on tho ballot. In such a case tho Oregon delegation to tho national convention of that party would bo In structed to support a candidate who might not be tho real choice ot tho majority of tho votors ot tho party In tho state. (Jooil Clinneo to Try Out Law. Under conditions as they .really are however, tho fnvorlto candidates of both parties hnvo qualified and vot ors will have an open field to try out tho now preference law. The rqpub llcan voters will havo a choice among Robert M. La Kolletto, Theodoro (Continued on Page Two.) PRIKCE OF SPENDERS ' Johnny"' Steele as IC 13 -tODAY-A FARM6R TO PRESIDENTS Outetl; working out his destiny on a farm near Franklin. Pa., Johu . Steele known throughout tho world as -Coal Oil Johnny," the man to whom riches' proved to bo a bane, Is regululug his self-respect mid acqulrlug a com. neluiice, after a hard tight, ... ...... After several decades of patient labor the one time oil king, now nearly sev. ,. years old. reviews his past with regret, tinged with a certain quaint nblloso ohy that somehow lessens his offences against himself and society. His extravagant exploit startled tho country several years ago, and It Is said he spout $100,000 lu ouoday and this kept up until his grwit fortune faded, MORE DECORATIONS BE HIS. LIFE OF CHINESE i REPUBLIC HANSS INTHEBALANCE PEKIN, March 14. The life of I !. oi. :.... -A..i.i: :. , -J .1.. IMC VI111IV3U Il-IUUIII" IS SL'llUUMy menaced today by n determined movement looking to the restoration of the Mnnchus to power. The osi tiou of President Yuan Shi Kai is admittedly grave. Foreign residents of Pekin are slinking; in terror today over the ap proach of an army from Knnsti aiut Shensi, commanded by General Scnjj Yun. The younger Maueliu princes who strenuously opposed abdication are behind General Sheng. Practi cally the entire third division of the republican army left here today to intercept tho rebel forces. Owing to the unrest and dissatis faction among the republican troops it is not believed that President Yuan Shi Kai can hold out long against u determined fore. The loyalty of his troops is questioned, the army for the most pnrt being composed of men who openly assert their hostility to the present administration. The na tive element welcome nnv movement thnt will restore tranquility. Loot ing, burning, killing and general un rest and dissatisfaction have prevail ed since Yuan Shi Kai assumed the reigns of government. A report from Shanghai savs that President Yuan Shi Kai paid Dr. Sun Yat Sen ifl,.')00,000 to withdraw from the presidency. Tho republicans say there is no truth in the report. REPENTS ON FARM. COAL OIL JOHHNV" .STEELE IN THE. SIXTIES. TO SOOTH POLE, i N HAS PROOFS READY Says He Will Submit Charts and In formation as to His Expedition Without Survey Society Accepts His Statement. Sir Ernest Shackleton, Comrade ef Captain Scott, Says Latter Was First at the Pole. V -if1 -".. CIIKISTIANTA', NonVnjTArar The most significant proof of tho v belief of tho people of Norway havo ia Captain Amundsen's reported dis covery is seen in the announcement that King Hunkou and Queen Mnud have consented to the use of their names on maps of the newly discov ered territory. Cnutaiu Amundsen states thnt ho will submit his charts and all infor mation ns to his expedition without delay, according to despatches from Ilobart received by a special corde spondent at Wellington, New Zea land. The Royal Geographical society accepts unqualifiedly Captain Am undsen's ussertion that ho reached tho South Polo and takes it for granted that he was the first explor er Jo reach the goal. There is a disposition in London to reserve critical comment or praise until the explorer has told the full storv. Sir Ernest Shackleton, a comrade of Cnptain Scott says that tho latter was tho iirst to arrive at the Pole. PRESIDENT CAN STOP SHIPMENTS "WASHINGTON, D. C. March 14. The house today passed the senate resolution authorizing tho president to prohibit tho shipment of arms across tho bordor from tho United Statos into Mexico. The sonato reso lution was amonded, howovor. Tho resolution as passed requires a presl dontfal proclamation to bo Issued bo foro a shipment ot war matorlala into a friendly country which faces revo lution, bocomes a crlmo. Punishment by ? 10,000 flno and two years Imprisonment is provided for violation of tho law. SPECIALTIES FEATURES OF TODAY'S MARKET NEW YOUK, March 14, Today's stock market opened with tho spe cialties prominent. International Harvester and American Sugar made ono point advances. American Smelt ing and United States Steel showed strongth, but soon bocamo heavy, soiling slightly bolow yesterday's close. A furthor rlso In Amorlcan Telo phono was credited to foreign buying, Amorlcan Tobacco movod up G4 and there wore gains of 1 to 3 points In other high prlrod Industrials. Tho market closed quiet. Uondu woro steady. tf v ' 'f M