H PAlrE 37GTJR rRDFOTJD MATL TRTBUSTR MEDrORT). ORKCION, AYtiDNigsnAY. MARP1T in, 1012. W K MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN iNfoliiiaNDrcNT newspaper PUIILlHIIKD nVKIlV AFTKltNOON WXCKPT SUNDAY, lir TJ1H MEPFOItU I'itlNTINQ CO. Tho Rcmocmtie Times. Tito McJfonl Mnll. Tho Mcilford Tribune. Tho South crn OrcROiiInn, The Ashland Tribune. Office Mnll Trtbuno riulldlnp. 25-27-29 North Kir trcot; phono. Main 3021; iiomo i. QROnnn riiTJSAM. Kdltor and Manager -'-'---'' -' tj!SQ7ijSfco UtitfWd rt stebnd.rlnsa matter nt WrdfprJ. OroRon, under th ot of March I, 1879. Official Panr-r of tho City of Medford. Official Taper of Jackson County. BtmSCRIPTiaif RATES. Ono year, by mall fS.OO uno montn. nv man eo Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point ..... .150 Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 1.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 BWORST CXKCTOATIOIT. Dally nveroce for cloven month end ing MovcniDcr su, laii, s?si. Tall Xied Wire TJnlU JrrM Slipatclxs. Tho Mall Tribune Is on Bale at the Terry Newn Stand, San Frnnclaco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland Bowman News Co., Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wmn. KEDroRD, oucaoir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern Cnllrornla. and the fastest trowlnr city In Orcjron. Population U. a census 1910 SS10; estimated, 1911 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water 8yBtem completed, giving flneir nupply puro mountain crater, and 17.3 mile of utrceta paved. Poatofflce receipts for year ending Novamber 30, 1911, show lncreaM of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Itotrue Ith'or Spltenberc npples won aweep etakes prize and tltln of Apple Xtujr or tue World" at tho National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909, and n car of Ncwtowni won First Friz In 1010 at Canadian International Apple Snow, Vancouver. B. C. NEUTRALITY LAWS TO BE ENFORCED WASniN'OTON. March 13. Pres ident Tnft has arranged to confer over the situation hi Mexico with Secretary Stlmson, Senator Culber son and the Texns congressional del egation. It is understood tho presi dent and secretary or war wish to Im press Texas authorities that neutral ity laws must be enforced strictly, and that no aid to Mexican insur rectos must go from Texas. It was learned that after tho con ference the president may Issue a statement defining the attitude of the United States'toward Mexico and Riv ing assurance to tho Mexicans that tho United States has now no Inten tion of Intervening. President Taft toldi callers today he would not consider intervention unless congress authorized him to take such stops. An alarming roport came from Ambassador "Wilson today that many Americans in the western part of Mexico nrc destitute and needed help to get out of the country. Consider ation will probably bo given by the state department as tho best means to get them out by way of the west ern posts. ' NEW ENGLAND MILLS GRANT INCREASE TO TEXTILE HANDS BOSTON, March 13. Tho crest of tho high wago movement in Now Eng land textile circles reached Fall River this afternoon. The 25,000 employes of 100 print cloth mills here will re ceive u 5 per cent advance on March 215. This brings to 17G.000 tho to tal of Now Hngland textile workers' who will get bettor pay. The ad vance of 5 per cent was also an nounced In the cotton iiiIUb of Taun placus, as well as by tho Worcester woolen mills und tho IIoosIc Cotton company's mills at North Adams. It la expected other wool and cot ton mills employing 100,000 will ad vance an inoroaso shortly. In some of the Lawrence mills It is under stood the ralBo will ho at least 12 per cent for many cIusbbs of labor. It is estlniatod tho general advance of 5 to 7 per cont will cost tho 1500 tex tile operatives $5,000,000 a year, ton, Holyoke, Chlcopeo and other TAFT TELLS McKINLEY TO CLOSE HIS FACE WASHINGTON, D. C, March 13. President Taft today bluntly com tmanded Roprosontatlvo W. B. Me KInley, his campaign mnnager, to de list from all personalities with the supporters of Colonel Roosevelt. Tho president was thoroughly aroused occuubo of tho controversy entered into by. RenreBontatlvo McKInloy and Senator Dixon, campaign mauagor of Koosovolt,- P. A. Stanton, n prominent Taft (supporter of southern California, to day wired President Taft from Los Angeles that a Taft organization of jijon ami women had been formed In eouthorn California. : OITV THKABUUKK'S NOTION. Notlco Is horoby givon that there oro funds In tho city treasury for tlio redemption of Wurrant No. 103 water main improvement fund No. 2. Interest will ceaso after this date f GUS II. 8AMUKLS, City Treasurer. Dated March 11, 1912, "THEY GOTTA QUIT KICKIN' OUR DAWG AROTJNV A GENTLEMAN from Cheyenne, AVyo., wo have Ins name and address, yesterday purchased twonty-(vo aeVes of land from KnguclAnris, Inc. Ue has moved his family here in short, he has heeome one of ns. Hut had he not made a deposit with this eoinnan last fall, he would not now he here ! lie would not 1)0 here because he would have been stopped by tlun)lisiHteh't and malicious knocking of this city and valley 'by other sections and by other sections in this state ! We have every confidence in this gentleman's word. ITe is an active business man who recentlv retired from the employ of the Union Pacific railroad, after several years of active duty as their agent at Cheyenne, Wyo ming. He retired to make his home on an Oregon tract of hind. I lis long service as an agent in passing out liter ature urging a "back to the farm" policy finally induced him to come. Yesterday he invested in ;i local tract. He has seen for himself what the Hogue Hiver valley is, and is confident of the future. But he was not allowed to reach southern Oregon unmolested. Only a partial payment made last November offset the tales he was told at Portland, Salem. Eugene. Among other things he was told that: Med ford is a bubble. The Roirue River valler as a fruit growing section is a joko. Hot air alone keeps up this section. TIie roads are impassable during five months of the year. The climate is on a par with the winters- of Dakota and the summers of Arizona. Hundreds of people are forsaking this valley for other sections. The supreme court threw out our bond issue because we were taxed so heavilv we couldn't iav our debts. Farms and orchards by the score are now tenantlcss and are ragged with neglect. There are so many different kinds of soil that you would get skinned anvwav. The prize wildcat section of the state is the Rogue .River valley, and Medford is its prophet. The Southern Pacific is operating against us as the town is dead. "lou are getting one out tins section, '- concludes the gentleman. "1 am indeed surprised. I fully expected to get my deposit back, and hike." It is lamentable that the other sections of Oregon should so maliciously slander Medford and the Rogue River valley, whose only crime has1 been progress and advancement. Verily, as Hamlet said: "Rightly to be great ' Is not to stir without great argument." It is not our purpose to defend the Rogue Rfver valley nor Medford here they are, let them stand for them selves, for thej' need no defense. In a great state like Oregon it is a regret to see it torn by petty jealousies and sectional strife. The upbuilding of every district is a mat ter in which every other district should take pride. Let not one tear down another for its own advancement, for therein lies destruction. Let the best you have then if he would first see other dis tricts let him see them. Come gentlemen: "Away with discord Lest it spread, and like a two edged sWord, Seek om own end." LA FOLLETTE CLUB LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 13. The La Follctto club of Lob Angeles Is on record today with a stinging re buke to Governor Johnson for failing to reply to questions tho organiza tion, through tho press, asked the governor at the tlmo of his recent visit to Los Angeles. After declaring that Johnson al ways has been a courageous fighter when his cause was Just tho statement Issued by tho La Folletto men asks: "Do the trenchant sentences of his (Johnson's) Saturdtty speech ans wer tho questions propounded by tho La Folletto club?" Tho statement concludes with an other question to Governor Johnson, as follews: "Is it because you sought the jus tice of your case that you neglected to answer the questions that are be ing put to you wherever you appear concerning your recent attitude to and association with Senator La Folletto?" NO CLUE FOUND TO T0NG LEADER SLAYERS LOS ANGELES, March 13. Al though detectives Imvo combed Chinatown fiojn sub-cellar to roof, they havo mudo no progress in their search for tho men who garroted Wall Lee, n tong leader, compelling him to dlo with hlu guzo riveted on a pllo of gold coins, on his tuble. Officer Moyor or tho Chinatown squad, who found Wall's body, told Chief of Pol I to Sebastian today that three duys provlouB to tho in u id or Wah had Informed him that ho ex pected to dlo beforo tllo end of March, Ho refused to speak fur ther. The police officials offer tho opinion that tho murderers camo hero from Sail Francisco to kill Wah. of each fifty starting for the colonist come show him' T LIMITED TRAIN IS DITCHED: MANY HURT rorailKKEPSIK, X. Y., Muni. 13. A eori' or more piiH-cngers on the New York Central oastlnuuid Twentieth Century Limited were in jured nt Hyde Park ix mile, eiiht of here today when the four roar pu cngor cnaeliori were derailed. The officers of the company announced that there were no eiiHuultioB hut ad mitted that a number of piiHsongcrn had lioeii injured. A broken rail h doolnred to have boon the enii-u of the nccideut. SAN FUANCISCO, Cal. Enter prising burglars entered the homo of John P. Amos, and ripped up the car pets In their search for coin. They got $102. To Break Up Cold Home AdVleo That AV1II Kavo 'Nino mid Money Strong drink and quinine may ro llevo a cold, buj It usually does more harm than good, To break up a hard cold In either head or chest thousands are using this sensible treatment. First of all look after your bow els; If they need attention use any rollablo cathartic. Thou pour a scant tcaspoonful of IIYOMEI Into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl with a towel and breathe for .r or 10 minutes tho pleasant, soothing, healing vapor. Do this JiihI boforo going to bed; yopr head will fool flno and clear and you'll nwnko from a refreshing sleep mlniiH a cold In tho morning. For colds, coughs, catarrh, uttli ma, and croup IIYOMEI Is guaran teed. A fifty cent bottle Is all you need to break up u cold and this can be obtained at Chan. Strang's and drufa'glflts everywhere, III FOLLETTE 10 STUMP DAKOTA WASHINGTON. H. . Miuvh I 1. -Dolonnined to inko llu -slump u N'oitli Dakota Sonnlor HoWrl M. La KollclUs ueeoiupaitu'd oitly hy H wife, is HpoiMliuif west lodny to per sonally pt into tlit presidential pri mary fiht In' that stnto whero the Tuft, Koosevelt and l.u Folletto for ces are fiulitiuK for "first blood" in tho fljsht for the lcpublioiui pnwuloii tinl nomination. Tho YimoiHin otmtor ohnrgf flatly that lto.eult broke faith with him. Ho dcolnrvs Koosuvell sent him word by fiifford I'inoliot that in :io ohm' would ho ho a candidate, aud that lie would not participate active ly in the campaicu hut would endorse La. Folletto. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) County Clerk. I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for tho democratic nomination for tho offtco of county clerk, sub ject to tho will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho pcoplo of Jnrkson county that In caso of my nomination and elect'on I will fulfill tho duties of tho uttlco ac cording to law mid tho bust of my knowledge nnd ability. W. II. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Feb. 1C. 1913. County Kccordcr. I am n candidate for a second term for tho offlco of County Re corder on tho Republican ticket, sub ject to the coming primary. I havo conducted tho orflco to the best of my ability, tho books aro al ways open for Inspection nnd fool that I am entitled to a Hocond term. FRED L. COLVIG. For Sheriff. I announce myself aw a candidate for shcrlffr nromUlnir a contlnunnco of tho hiiBlnessllkti administration I havo Riven tho office In tho past. W. A. JONKS. For County Hecorder. I hereby announco myself ns a can didate for the Republican nomination for tho office of County ltecordcr subject to tho will of tho votora of J that part- nt tho primaries. I wbb born and rnlod at Eac,lo Point, Oro. I hnvo for tho paKt two years boon deputy In tho nsBeanor'H offlco, and all I nsk tho pooplo to do In to look up my past record bo foro casting their ballot. CIIAUNCKY FI.OUEY. For Pros'cutliiK Attorney. I hereby announco niynolr nB a enndtdato for tho democratic nomi nation for tho offlco of prosecuting attorney for tho first prosecuting at torney district of Orogon, embracing tho counties of Jackson nnd Joo phlno, subject to tho will of tho vot ers of that party nt tho primaries, and I pledge the people of Jackson and JoHophlno counties that In tho ovont of my nomination and olootlon I will fearlessly, Impartially nnd to tho best of my ability prosecute all violations of law in said district nnd endeavor to administer tho duties of said office with tho utmost efficiency and oconomy. "-K. K. KELLY. Fir ItcprcHCiitiitlve. I respectfully presont my namo as candldute for representntlvo to the republican voters nt tho coming pri mary. I have boon onco honored by the pooplo of Jackson county, having been chosen to rcprcHont them In tho stato assembly two ypars ago. If nominated and elected, I shall do lu tho futuro as I havo In tho past: glvo to my constituents as honest and faithful sorvlco an Ilea within my power. I realize that thoro aro mat tors of Importance) to southern Ore son that will como up in tho next mooting of tho legislature at Saloin, and It will bo my oarnost dotdro If elected to act to tho fullest satisfac tion of all tho peoplo of Jackson county. J. A. WESTERLUND. For AHheHSor. I hereby announco my candidacy for the offho of assessor subjoct to tho Republican primaries In April. W. T. OKI EVE. For County Commissioner. 1 horoby announce myself uh can didate for the nomination of county commissioner for tho four year term, subject to tho endorsement of the republican voters at tho primary election April ID. 1U1". If nominated and elected I will during my term of offlco conduct tho biiBlnosa of Jackson county on a strictly ijiiHlnoss' hmda, aud to tho best IntoroHts of tho taxpayoi-H, und without fear oil favor to any party, parties or to uny particular Hoetlon of tho county, W. C LEnVElt. NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Ave Hold in Mouse Hall every ThuVClny nt It p. in. Kvorylio-ly invited, Draperies Vt crtrry i vry coinplnta lln of Urniicrlo, tito eurtoliiN, fix ture, vtc, nil to nil oIhuhou of ilttnlnlrlntf A hiih'Ii1 limn to look nflor thlM xnrU nxi'luitlvnly lUHl Will KlVO II KIKIll hitvIch nil In poiHlbln to cl In ovou tho lnri;int ell I on. WEEKS S McCOWAN C9 TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no cannl on earth In variety ot mineral wnters nnd curing dtsonBON that medicines will not reach, If you aro In need ot health, como now. Wo nro open all tho year and can glvo the best ot cure and attention now as well an In tuimmor. Stngo dally from Red liluft to tho aprlugs. Further par ticulars addroHH E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPRINGS. CAIi. A SNAP r0 acres, six mllen from Medford, good graded road crosses, tho tract, all freo soil, at $50 per aero. $1000 will handle, easy, terms on balance. Part In creek bottom laud, su'tablo for alfalfa. Several springs on the place. Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings In tho Griffin creek district. W. T. York . Co. New Cottage For Sale Another one of the now, artistic 6 room bungalows nearly completed. Do you want a" nice home? Look at . It DetOrO yOU WUy. inquire o. iL. Oates' m , Nk. 23 Rofce Ave. Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson nnd .Summit Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. K. II. C. Wdtf. Yoti Can Smile with Inlpunlty when you havo a flno set of tooth. They enhnnco the smile aud make It more attractive. And, after all, why should wo not all havo good teeth when there aro Hiich good dentist us ourHolvos to look after them7 Patting ourselves on the back, oh? Well, you'll praise uh too, after you have onco patronized UH, DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Fnrmbra und Frultgrowora Hank iildg., Medford, Orcgou Pacific Phono Main CD3 Home Phono 287-L. Why not como in and select that KODAK You will soon want to use it. Medford Book Store I fI Medford Theatre, Tlmrsdciy, March 14 S LouImF. WcilmamlMailc A. LmiwIht Vvv tfOTYv X 1 xent Their tlicalcxt HiittTM MBC I ALICE LLOYD i KnglaiHl'M Fort'liioit Hinging Comedienne Q In tho dojous Mimical tiayoiy "Little Miss Fix-It" I' Supporleil by a llrlllliint Cam, Including lh ? Noted KngllMi Comedian ? LIONEL WALSH M X Hear Mini Moyd'H Fainoim Hong lilt f Sco tho Ileal "Turkey Trot" Tho IMinra 1 KciiNittlim Price 5(1(1 to $2.00 X Mall Orders Received Salo Monday Mai cli 11 ss4.4...sss.4.4.s'''', F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put In llrst elnsn liupe7 All work Ruarautooil. Leavo mldroiH with II. It. hitlorn, (juiiLcr Xttrur, N'nsli hotel, Valley Second Hand Store Buys nntl Sells Sccontl-Haml Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Fir Home nnt Roll U07D Clark Sc Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, l)i O. Public Laud Matters: Hunl Proof Doiert I.nudH, ContetU and Mlultik' Canon. Scrip. TT T Jl O I fVl f Steam and Hot Wator Heating All Work (Jiinrnnttflil. I'rlccn Itcumiunlilo. COFFEEN & PRICE Howard Block, Sntrane on (Hit St. ro!flo 3031. Hom 840. as A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE On TRADE 100 tiorc, 'J miles east of Klamath l-'nllrf, on main road to I.ukcviow. About 8." uoroK will he under "the gov ernment ditch und cnu ho Irrigated. Fine nlt'ulfn or garden land. An nlnmdailce of. frou outside much. One of the bent propositions there in in that section for u mini who wiiuIk to ongnjo in the sheep liiisinimH. Loent cd just right for u lowuxito whon tho railroad h linilt from Klninuth FhIIh to Lakoviuw. Price .1fi0 per aero. Will exchange for Medford city or country properly. W.T.York. Co. Medford Real Eatato & Employment Agency FOU HALIJ Homestead relliKiulsliiuent, price tnoo. 11 acres .'11 acres lu alfalfa, $.1000 cash, balance time, 10 ncrtm 2 iiiIIom west of Medford, Improved, ISOOO. 31 ucrtHi Improved, I Vd miles from Central Point. 20 ncros near Jacltsonvlllo. Will trade, 210 acres on tho Applegate, only Kr per aero. 120 dures unimproved at ?D0 por acre. 2 small hotiHCB on liiHtulmout plan. ft room limine near tho North school, $2200. TltADM IHO ncros, Port lllll, Idaho. 41 acres, will take part trado. 1 Vt ttcres near Contnil Point. 10 acres near Central Point, 20 acres none Jacksonville for property lu Portland. 1C0 acroB Improved In Weld Co,, Colo,, for ranch. 412 acres near Koaobiirg, will con sider uoino city property, IIoiiboh to rout lu all partu ot tho city. MIHOHLLANKOUH Hand spray pump; inako an offer. Largo 40 gallon Iron kettle; mnko an offer, NMPLOYMHNT Olrls for general liousowork, Blx coal mlnorH, ' Coal miners to work hy tho ton, Phono In your orders for inoii; no charges to tho employer, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotol Phono 11 Hi Home, it. Bo!k F ml l vie V cjjv .s II '-' bvB f 1 Bk. i A IA. I &. I M : J; 1 1 H n k I r' ml rTiH I 5 IVP ? j. !j WHERE TO GO j II TONIGHT I ISfS THEATRE TONIGHT llll.l.V .MOIIUIM AMI HF.ItTIIA Slli:itWOOI That Wxln Duo .limn iVct if l-'llni Hiu rni-: in. isi) mim:i: Vlf.iMtitph IViltllrit TDK lt.NIIT'S.MAHK A Thrllllnit Drama Btoiy of Moxl- cnu HoVdcr Itiimancn ACCIDK.VIS WILL IIAI'PKN A Itimil Comedy I'VTIIIIIt'S lll.ri'F Scream tllo- LWYS Mtc STAR THEATRE Cutler Direction People's .iimim incut Co. Alvtnys In iho Lead. ll-MntrlilcMt l'lioophi)s tl "A SISTItlt'S I.OVK" A Dlograph Mastorploco "MAMAKA FALLS IN WlVl'Kir Uoi'kooiih SoeitTo "Till: (illlL UK LF.FT IIKIIIND"1 A Story Trim It) Life "TIIK THKICK KI'ITHNrl" A Novelty In IMcturoa, "ALKALI I UK'S LOVK AFFAIII" A WoNtoru Comedy That's a Hum mer AL HATIIKU Singing "I'm Ju( Pining for You" Till) WOOLWOIITHH Medford's favorlto motion picture muiilclaiiii Admission JOe. Matinees Dally. Young & Hall Taxi Co. TOUMNfl OAKS AND TAXIOAI1S Iteasouablo Itatcs In City or Country Pinnies: PuclMu 1 100; Home 100 Sorvlco all day, all night, Stands Medford aud Null Hotels. Absolutely no credit without flrHt making urruugomontB with man ugor. COURT HALL Manager K y