MRttFORT) MAIL TlUTttTNTTC, MKDTOTtr), OUKriO.V. AVKDXKSDAY, MARCH in, 1012, page Tmrrcrc '" x JURY LIST FORI 91 2 NAMED FO SERVICE CIRCUIT COUR I I'iii'iiiiuk linlil I tin front pliim In III" Jiuy IIhi'I frir tho Miit'rli term or thu eh cull HMirl, ilntwn by County t'lorlt (NiIuiiiiiii Moiulny. Tli H'r:lly In r-lilofly nolli'imliln iiiiuiilK hiwynrtt ninl ilmliiiM ninl iiiorcliiinlH. In tin Jury IIhI for tlm yi'nr tint HIIimh or tlm noil ami oruliunllHlH Iwiil Mm of Jiiioih ilrnwii Tor lint Miiri'h Inriii or Hi mil court, I HI '1, to up pxiit lit 10 oVioi'k a. in.: .1. I. ItolHirtH, 1'liooiilc, fnriiiiv. I. A. Priintt. Mi'ilfonl, fiirimir: A. rii'illuiir. Mi'ilfonl. fiirmr; I'. V. Hlfurt, Tiiio, fnruiiir; Iru Hlioiuly. Aiililuiiil, iiii'ii'liiini; (li'o, II. ltiiH, Uiiiilrnl I'olul. furiiinr; T. J. O'llurni. (NMitral I'olnt. chiiUiiIImI; tli-o. il Mourn, lli'ticlit, fariiiori .loo lliowu, Mi'ilfonl, I'l-itl I'Hliiln; M. I. Minimi-, MiMironl, fiiniHM'; OIium. Owciih, Wood villi. l'mnmr; A. H. Furry, I'lmmilx, fariiii'i'; II. I). Hcliulur, Mml rot it. imillitllMt; AHliury llinll, Cimi tral Point, fiii'iin-i. .1 12. Day. Mtnl furil, iiH'clianlr; l It. Oiittiiuii. Tul lit. fnriiii'f; J. J. Ilropliy, ivyimi. fanni'r; .1. A. I'irry. Mmlfonl, rnpl tallHt; .lnK4i lloiii'k, Mi-ilfoiil, mpl tullHt; (limit .MiiIIiuwh, Drnpi'r, far mer; II. II. Toft. .Mt'iironl. ro.l imiatit; V. V. tln-Kory. Point, fiirini'r; I'rauk ('ruiup Hun i'oiii, farmer; V. II. Norn on, Ciiii tial Point. farmer: V. 13. Tlioiiipnon, Colli lllll. fanni-r; It. P. Citiuplmll, AmIiIuiiiI, fanni'r; Geo. Ilolroiuli. (lolil lllll. farmer; Elmo Ni-ll, AmIi IuiiiI. farnii'r; Henry I.. White. Anil IiiiiiI, runner; W. T. Hinllli. Talent. rnriiiir; W. A. TiknIiiiiii. Hiimin VaU liy, farmnr. Tlin jnr lint for tint yiuir 1012. lit JnrkHon roiinty. ()rKon, In at- fol Iowh: .Mrtlfonl Pn-Hurl, J. H. Day. rarpontiT. Mi'ilfonl; .1. A. Perry. rapllallMt, Mmlfonl; II. I). Huliuler. capltallHt, Metlfont; J. V TliormlyUi'. iin'cliniilc. Meilfonl; Vol ney Dixon, nii'ii'liant. Meilfonl; Kcott V. DavlH, rapltullHt. Mi'ilfenl: A. C lluulmnl. iiii'rrliant, Mi'ilfenl: A. I'rlili'Kar. former. Meilfonl; II. C Joy, farmer, Meilfonl; I). T. I.awton. iiutri'liaiit. Mi'ilfonl; II. II. TtttlU. capltalUt, Mcilfonl; ('. M. HiikIIhii. rupltallHt, Mi'ilfonl; Frank ltiut:'l. merchant. Mi'ilfonl. Win. HiiiIk". fa--iiier, Meilfonl; (It'll. 13. Carpenter, f armor. Mi'ilfonl. .lerwn llourk, re tlri'il, "Mi'ilfonl; .1. C. Stewart, capl tallHt, Miijlfonl. S. I., Illinium, far mer, MiMlfenl: W. J. Henconi, march ant. Meilfonl; W. . AlitenliUKeii, I'lork, Mi'ilfonl; A. C. Allen, farmi'r, men-hunt; Win AukIii. fariuur, Mi'il fonl; P. (.'. HlKliam, iiii'rrtiunt. Mi'il fonl; N. I). Hiopliy. farmiir, Mi'il fonl; It II. Toft, ri'al I'Ntato. Mi'il fonl; I.. II. Warner. Jr., merchant, Mi'ilfonl; (). M., KeUby, innrrliant, Mi'ilfonl; J. J. Hklitner. farmer, Mod fonl; 0. O. Illcki'y, farniDr. Mi'ilfonl; W. 13. I,iiii, iiioclinnlo, Mi'ilfonl; I,. I Lozlor, farnior, MeiUnnl: O. Mr Koovor. farinnr, Moilfntil JVM. Mo Phiii'Hon, farinor, Mi'ilfonl; M. I. Mlnoar, farinor. Mi'ilfonl; ,P. K. Nal liy, farinor. Mtxlforil; ('. II. Corny, iniiri'linnt, Mi'ilfonl; John 13. Olm Htoiul, inorcliunt, Moilfonl; P. '!. Papi, oiipltallHt. Moilfonl; C. W. DiivIm, inorrlmnt, Moilfonl; Jon llrown, roal ontnto, Moilfonl; 1. A. Pruott, farinor, Moilfonl; n W. l.nko, rarmor, Moilfonl; O. M. Mur pliy, auto lUoryuian, Moilfonl; J. I.'. OIhi'D, liiinlioriuan, Moilfonl; 1,. . Portur, capltallHt, Moilfonl; I), l:. PlilppH, farinor, Moilfonl. Atilloili. Jorho (llaHH, f armor, IIdiikIo; Jolui HlKliam, farm or, Hoaulo. Appli'Kati' Pi oil nit. CliarloH llnrklraltor. farinor, Ap pli'Kato; l,oo lluirliiKton, fnnnor, An-pli-Katn; Kroil Honoillcl, farinor, Ap ploKato; John Offonliiichor, farinor, ApploKato. Aililaml Piviliii't. II. W. AinlroWH, mnvoyor, AhIi loud ; Holiort CiiHoy, rollnul, AhIi land; J, P. DoiIko, uuMcliant, AhIi laud; 0. II. Harnlilll, fanner, AhIi land; I). J, Arant, farinor, Anlilaud; J. C. Ilamaril, inorcliaut, AhIiIiukI; It. P. Caiuptioll, fariuor, AhIiIiiiuI; 0. V, Uoolur, capltallHt, AhIiIiiiuI; P. L. AHlicraft, fnrnior, AHliland; II. 13. lladKur, capKnllHt, AhIiIiiiuI; 0. V, Honodlct, farinor, AhIiIiiiuI; W. W. Dunn, farinnr, AhIiIiii)I; W. II. (low dy, dork, Ayhlund; (loo, MiUIimh, far. nuir, AHliland j Clydo A. Payno, fat nior, AHliland; W. II. Hinllli, rotlrod, AhIiIiiiuI; v. o. n. Hinltli, moiTliant, AHliland; II. J. lloyd, farinor, AhIi land; llnnry ApploHato, farnuir, AHli land; 0. W. Chattln, run I oatato. AHli land; Ilonry h, Wlilto, farinor, AhIi land; Win. MyoiH, farmor, AhIiIiiiuIj (loo, W. Owon, farinor, AHliland; Klino Noll, fariuur, AhIiIiuuIj W. !'. Ilolliort, fariuur, AHliland; Mark Trtio, farinor, AhIiIiiiuI; Jiuiich Wollo, fannor, AhIiIiiiuI; J. II. Wulkor, rur inor, AhIiIiiiuI; lru Hlioiuly, inorcliaut, AhIiIiiiuI; J, i Hoclio, roitl OHtnto, AhIiIiiiuI; J. W, l,oo, rurinor, AhIi IiiiuI; a. M, Oriilngoi', enrpontor, Ah!i laud; 0, I), M(!(iowan, inoroliant, AhIi IiiiuI; J), Pqiizzl, inoroliant, AhIiIiiiuI; A. II. Pruouti hotollcuopoi', Afdilaud; 0. 13. l-niio, inoroliant, AHliland, ' llanoii l'i'ocliict, nouviJr' Klucald, farinor, AhIiIiiiuI: 13. II, I In ri cm . fnrnior. Ilmrou. It -' Ovi'iit. fnruior, lliirion ltl llul If Pni hnl, John Cailow. iiinrohiiiil, lluitn I'lilln; J. J. Ilroplty, farinor, Poyton; JoHoph (oipoit, rariiior, lliitto I'alU, .1. I. Paiton, rarmor, Hullo I'iiIIk. CIIiiiiiv Pi i' lint. (loo. OworiH, fiiriiior, Wollou; J. U. ThouipKou, fariniT, (Uliiiax; Au di ow (Irltuioiii, Jr., farinnr, Wollim. Cinlnil Point Pri'ilnil. W. II. NorrroHH, farinnr. Cmitriil Point; T. .1. O'llarra, rapltullHt. Con tral Point; II I. Paiikoy, 111011)111111', t'ontral Point; II. ('. Jioniioy. farinor, Contral Point; Win. Kalilir, farinnr, Ci'iilral Point; I A. Moi'rlinan, far mi'r, Contral Point; I'. M. Onlm-H, riirinoi', Ci'iilial I'olnt ; 13. I,. Karri, farmor, Out ml Point; Axlilitiry lloall, rarmor, Ci-nlral Point; lloury I load, farinor, Contral Point; Jiiiiioh llrltiroo, farmor, Coin nil Point; (!io. It. HoHrt, farinor, Contral Point; Jatiu'H HIiIi'IiIm, farmor, Point; II. P. Point, lilackiimllli. Con tral Point. Ijinln Point PiisIihI. It. !. Drown, iiu'rcliaut, KaKlo Point; H. II. Ilarnlnli, llvorymaii. I'iikIo Point; Kroilorlok Po'oiiho, fai' mor, KaKlo Point; Prod Pottonrow. farmor, ICaiilo Point; David Clucald. farmor, KukIo Point; Prank Nichols, farinor, I'iikIo Point; J. W. Orovor. farmor, KaKlo Point; TIioh. Itlliv. farmor, KiikIo Point; John Anlipolo, farinor. HiikIo Point; (Jco, II, llrowi. farmor, KukIo Point; ilormau Powoll. orclianllHt, KukIo Point. I'loiiiico Hoik Product. It. II. I.owIh, farmor, ProHpect: J. P. DlttMworth, farinor, I'limpi-cl. I'imIh Cii'rk PriM-lnct. (Jranl MathowH, farmor. Draper; 13. A. llolltiK. farmor. Draper; John T. Doui'Kau, farmer, Draper, (.'old lllll Privlnil. John A. Cook, farmor. Cold lllll; Ham IIoiIki'h, llvoryiuuu. Cold lllll; Coo. It. Pali Irk, farmor. Cold Hill; I). II. Miller, murchaut. Cold lllll; John P. Merrill, oichardUt, Cold lllll; Ceo. Ilolroiuli. fariut'i, Cold lllll; W. 13. Tliojiipniu, rarmor. Cold lllll; John P. udoii, farmor. Colo lllll. JarkMin lllo Pri'iini't. 13. 13. Oman, clerk, JackHOiivllli; Coo. l.nuiiHpaucli, farmer. Jackmin vllto; Adam Kchiuldt, rotlrod. Jack MUivllle; Clulh Koi'Kan. utorchuiu, Jncknouvlllo; F.ixix Arnold, 111I1101. JackHoiivllto; P. 13. Ilylu-o, fanner, JackHoitvlllc. IjiUo (Vii'k Precinct, HiTiuUn MyorH, farmor, Lake Crook; Jiiiiioh 1'ullicrtnnii, farmor, l.ako Crock; W. S. Chapman, fanner. I.ako Crook Charles KIIiirIo, farmer, liko Click. .MeailnuM Prwlnct. Ceo. 13. Mooru, farmer, llca'e; N I). KlroHtono, rarmor, I3oai;lo. .Mound Privlnri. I.onui. CroKory. rarmor, Central Point; D. W. Hooho, farinor. Contnl Point; o. A. Turpln. rarmor, Coittril Point; W. W. Cri'Kory, fariuor, Cii tral Point. Plioeiilx Pn'clnrt. W. V. Harniim, farinor, Phoenix; A. S. Furry, farmor, Phoenix; Ilonry hliafor, clork, Phoenix ; I.011I0 Colvor, farinor, Phoenix; T. W. WrlKht, far iuor, Phooulx; Ceo. McClaln, mo cliatilc, l-hooiilc; J. M. MiiHt, farmor, Phooulx; J. 13. Itohortn, farmor, Phonnlx; W. 13. AndorHon, farmor, Phooulx; Mark Koran, fnrnior, Phoo ulx; C. K. Ilowoll, farmor, Phooulx; J. W. Mlllor, rarmor, Phooulx. Hock Point Precinct. II. 11. Nye, fanner, Hock Point; W. W. Hlttlo, farmor, Hock Point; Win. Kllppon, farmor, Hock Point; Hams Valley Product. J. K. ltowo, farinor, SaniB Valloy; C, C. CIlchrlHt, farmor, Siuiir Valloy; Ceo. McDoiioiikIi, farmor, Siuiih Val loy; W. A. TroHliaiu, farmor, Sam Valloy. Sterling Precinct. Prank Crump, farmor, Uiincoiu; Kroil Klolnhanimor, rarmor, Hun coin. Talent Product. I,. A. Abbott, fannor, Talent; il. H, Lynch, farinor, Talent; J. It. Hub Ihoii, farinor, Talent; W. T. Bniltli, farmor, Talent; A. C. Haudall, far mer, Talent; K. H, Oattnan, farmor, Talent; Wolhoru Hoohoii, farmor, Talent; JamoH 1,, Clarvln, inorcliaut, Talent; Jiiiiioh Hrown, farmer, Tal ont; Coo. Uardiior, clorlc, Talent; Krod Happ, rarmor, Talent; Sam Murphy, rarmor, Talent. Trail Product. It. (), Duncan, rarmor, Trail; II. N. Ilolton, rarmor, Trail; W. U. J0I111H011, rarmor, Trail. Union Product. I Ionium orfouhachor, farmer, Hiich; Iloiiton Ponlo, Hucli; UoUIh ParkH, fannor, Diiucom; W. II. Von uhlo, rarmor, Hucli, WatkliiH 1-iocliict. J. P. Ilarr, farmor, Watklnaj Halmoy PhllllpH, farinor, Wutkluu. Willow Npi'liiKN Pivcliict, l' W. HlfotH, larmor, Tolo, J, P. Iloa-.tind, farmor, Tolo; Oncar Illaokford, farmor, Contral Point, Wiiiiei Product, Chorion Owoiih, rarmor, Wood- CITY LICENSE -LAW 18 PASSED The ill' ci iiucll lu'ld A meetliiK TiiomiIm) aftornonn at iho clt hall ninl dlKcuiiHiiil iiiiiuy Iioiiih of Inter ml. A llcciiioi onlliiiiiu'i wan piiHtvd, a now city hull HltlclrnclKul and tho ImiIIiIIiik for a pulillc miirkot iIIk- I'llHKOll. 'Iho llii'iiHi- oiillnniiio cliiHMlfleM ileal ly every iiofenlon or ImihIiiiwh ami rlxim a Hcoiiho, If any, for the wnno. Tin object of tho ordinandi iih pHHoil Im to pioU'Cl lllo peoplo of Un fit)' n 0111 rake mili'K and hwIiiiIIo Haini'H, hIho 10 provide tho iiiiiouiiIh to ho collected from ClrcilHCH, Veil iloni and all MifnlH that may have I'ooiIh to offer to the pulillc. Tint old ordliianco wax repealed Home weekH ao. It IimIiik found that It wiih not valid In that tho flnoH that could ho Impimed upon Iho offender wiih more than II wax lawful for the council to iiicti out. In tho new or dinance tin maximum flno for any violation Ih $Io liiHtead of f.'IOO. IJceiiHOH weio fixed for draymen, itui'llono'TH. Illucri-ul iiiorchuutH that coiiiliU'lod -;irt or fire huIoh, and all peildlerH other than (Iiohi- that iIIh poned or aitrlcultiirat proiluctH. Tho ordliianco will ho effective March !!.'! ami will lake precedence over all oilier llrcnnen IhhuoiI under tho old ordluaiico. A resolution aHkln; tho council to repeal tho fire ordliianco pawned at tho ItiHt meetluK or tho council wan proiented to the council an the re null of a meeting of tho firemen held WeduoHdny night, at which time tin firemen appointed a rommlttoo to draft the renolution to Im proHontod to tho council. Tho chaiiKOH that are prayed In the roxolutlon are that tho ordluaiico place the firemen on a Kraduated ncalo and that tho chief Hhall roqolvo 100 per month, iiHHlHtant chief and driver $.sr per month and tho three firemen J7'i per mouth. Tho amoiiutH iih named In tho ordluaiico pn8ed at tho liiBi council mcotliiB wan: Chlor $85, imHlhtant )?" and firemen t'..r. The InillilliiK committee wag In rilructcd by tho louucll to coiiHldor wayH and mc-uiR for tho coiiHtructlon of the pulillc market and to present Mhero In tho llolKliJliod of $1800. The InillilliiK im (lliinned Im to ho loo by il) fool and Will Imw a roncrete floor. liiMmiuioh iih iliOro Imd ln-on mi levy made for thai purpom-. tho coun cil decided that t Ii-- would not at thin llinu ho !! 'o ""it a city hall. All tho nioilllJOrX of Mm coiiikII wero of tho opinion that iho city iieoded Hiieh 11 luiH'IlnK Hiat would furnlHli 11110(1111110 room r-.r all tho city orriclalH, but In vlow of the fad that there had been no priivlxlou made for tho erection of lb" building and not wIhIiIiik to place an ixtra burden on tho taxpayers thoy tloiiduil that tor thin year nothing nbould b ilonu. Tho matter wan not put to a vote, but It was a general uiuleiglaiidliiK that tho matter wan dropped unletm they could rind hoiiio mciiik other than thono that now prcKitited them hoIvoh ror tlm raUlii-; of the money tiei'owwiry to tho erocllon or tho btilldlm;, Whisky or Beer Habit KKI.IAIIM3 IIO.MK TIKAT.MI3Vr An wife or mother who wantK to nave her hunlinnil or hoo from "Drink" Hill bo Kind t'- know IIirI ttlii- can purchiiRo OHHINI3, tho utand ard Honor habit rernody,- that wo have nold for yearK, and If no bon--fli U obtained after a trial Mu mon ey will bo refunded, OltUINIC Ik prepared In two ferrnit: N'o. 1, Hi-erot treatment, a powder. HbHOlutely tNMtoloHM and odorleH, lvn iwcrotly In food or drink; Oll ItlNK No. 2, In pill form. Ih ror thono who donlre t take voluntary troat ment ORHINI3 twin rnly 11 a box Como In anil net a free booklet about ORUINK Loon W ll.'it-kliiK. 13 Main 9t. f' 1 y 1 4 f,trrrr-r'---- Mod ford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of Claeil Coincnt Hewer Pipe nn il Cement Drain THfl Dealora In Wimlieil Hitntl, (Jim el mill Crunhcil Itock Pro our waahod material for your concroto work, you nvo coment nnd faulty coimtructlon Drain your land wltli cement lllo. It'fl Btronceflt anfl ororlaBtlns. orflcoa , Factorya FrultRrowera Bank BUlg. JJh .' OCT OUR PIUOE3 JfortM IUvoriildd Aye, I Tihnnn f?ntiTinHnm 1 L A A AAA .a.a.AA.a.A. ..d.AAa.AA. " " AftHiH l tljlftUl Are You Hesitating? about buylnB home becaiiRo or limufrident capital7 If you are, auk to jieu tho moili rn hoimo we can Hell on a Kinitll monthly ny ineiit plan JiihI like lent HUNTLEY ft MacGLATCHIE 101 if. '. & it. Mu. It's time now to plaut rose bushes. A fine lino of home-grown stock two years old. AIunj-H n Lnro Lino of Frosli Cut Floucr.s on Hand Medford Greenhouse nomc 237-X lain 3741 923 East Main vllto; JobW) Neathamer, farmor, Woodvlllo. WoihIvIIIo PriTlnct. Oeo. C. ..arrott, butcher. Wood vlllo; Coo. Loud, minor, Woodvlllo, I). P. MiiKorlo, farmor. Woodvlllo. tho name at tho next mootliiK of tho council. ..Tho couticilnion woro nRroed that the market nhould bo nn inexponslvo affair, owIiik to lack or fiinilH for the purpoHc, hut homo members wero In favor of havliiK the IiiiIIiIIiik erected without a contract IioIiik lot, tho city .IoIiik the work by day labor. Tho amount that wiib doeiuod Btif riclont by tho coiincllmen was some- HER FRIEND'S GOOD ADVICE The Results Made This Newburg Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Kewburff, Ala. 'Tor more than a year," writea Myrtle Cothrum, of this place, "I Bufforcd with torrlblo palna In my back and head. I had a sallow comploxlon, and my faco was covered with pimples. Our family doctor only gave mo temporary relief. A frlond ot mlno advised mo to try Cardul, so I began taking It, at once, and with tho beat results, for I was cured after taking two bottles. My mother and my aunt havo also usod Cardul and were greatly boncflted. I shell nlwoys pralso Cardul to sick and suffering women." Cardul Is a purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, (onto remedy for wo men, and will benefit young and old. Its Ingredients aro mild herbs, hav ing a Kentle. tonlo effect, on tho wo manly constitution.. Cardul has helped a million women back to health nnd strength. Have you tried ItT It not, please do. It may bo just what you seed. N. 0.- irrifo te: UlUV Aitvlwnr Dtpt., putt, nooi a M4lcln Co.. CliUnooc. Ttnn., for ijptctal Jnilructioni, an J M-pait book. Ilomt Tlcatiital fur Woaao," itul In plain wrappr, o tKU IAS IN YOUR STOMACH, BLOAT AND PRESSURE AROUND YOUR HEART itircd, Cured to Stay Cured With Banlmann's Gas Tablets. llfrtuja WUlMAXN'a flKS-TAhUTTSaw maiU Iivrlatly (or the i urn ut btuinailiOaa. llaniu (lit itoiuach .oil IwwtU U iwt lil)iftiU: m-uittn tt'a rwr Aiuantu ur ratlirr from iv ncrua, irnlabla iluuiacb, HA AlltANN'rt OAH-T.VUI.I.Tb' la lU oiJy remedy In Amcrlra uuula widlly uuJ Uutinclly tu culm a oertaui, ?( u f. "l!iV f UAIAIAS.'8 (IA8.TA1ILI.TS. Ucauuo your ktoaiach Tall n quiet Calm a ad la ncrmtl Mtion. Hcmeniber MAlMANN'd OAS-TA'-'Urr? different (rum aujlhlnj in eUtenc, ruutala bo pel tin, tx) ind. 00 iharwal, iw nenormlut, uuiilgesttvo ff any UuJj (Lay are nude (or atemuih gnonly and cure uu nkcre evcrytl'lui elie hat (jllctl. 'J'nojo icullar InliWiere mJ.I (ur POobyetryitruKUi, or tend direct to lUlDtmumi I'luriuar), U3D Sutler tjU, dju J'ruclco, THE Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WARIIING A SI'KCIAJiTV. ALL WORK GUAHAXTEKIJ Orders called for and delivered. First class work done by hand. Ladles' nnd men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and South Central Avenuo. HOTLARE. SANATORIUM X f rBlBHiBllllllBllllBLjtBflilllBLHl JnKlHsiBllIM FS RHEUMATISM CURED NATURE'SWAY LIQUOR & DRUG HABIT CURED Tho treatment though offectlvo Is not harsh. Why bo a slave to tho habit when you can bo cured? Wtllo today for booklet. You may have a loved ono which could bo restored. Wo will be pleased to send you special literature. Tho treatment Is not expensive. HOT LAKE, OKK. WALTEK SI. 1'IEItCE, VllVJS. AND SIASAGER LADIES Have You Ordered Your Spring and Summer Suits? We have 1,500 patterns to select from and carry the finest "Parisian fashions. Call and inspect the newest ideas in ladies' tailoring. If you cannot come, call and I will come. Berlin Ladies' Tailoring Co. Telephone X-l. Central Point, Ore. American Electric Irons The Iron which has the Improvements of all others embodied In ono. We have just received a largo shipment of these Irons and Invito you lb look them over beforo buying. Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co. Sprin Seed V ?$T . - 'Iv , o . "i " a - '2k 'a "--Wl S- a. 4Ti.a; SKlP iZ&ZsEmm J 4 a m xni 1 :ffimmr m oZgPrw.. C39 PLEASURE CARS CIIALSIEIIS, IOPE-HARTIX)Rn, PEERLESS, nUPSIOBILB COMMERCIAL PEERLESS, CHASE, RELIANCE (From ton to 10 tons) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. Finest Equipped Garage, lit Southern Oregon 4sr. of4 Seed Potatoes I have rct'eived a large shipment of Sunrise and Early Kose seed potatoes and am prepared to fill your orders. These aro the host varieties .for this section and aro the host seed that grows. Garden Seeds i Wo have a big stool of garden and grass seed in packages and bulk. Allen Grocery Co. First National Bank tijj OF . MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT M. L. ALFORD, CASHIER ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASUIER Nearly a quarter of a century uudor tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and libernl-troatmcnt CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vavwtor, Presidont G. R. Lindloy, Vice Prei. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier