Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Haiti tonight. Colder. Mftt. m.n, Miu. in.n, Precip. .u.i A V I- SECOND EDITION lially Htxth Yi-nr Mrtv Hint Ytmr EN DEMAND VOTE OF CONGRESS Headed liy Official Board Suffranct tcs Invade Capitol ami Address Houso Judiciary Committee--Waul Act of Conness. Representative Lnffcrty Says He Wishes 50 Good Mothers Had a Placo In Senate and Houso. WASHINGTON, I). , March III. Headed by (ho official boaid of the NhIIoimI Woman's Suffrage tmwn lion 'Kill women today invaded tin capital and addressed tin) Iioiiho j it -diiiliiry committee with Chuirmnu Clayton pronhliug. Speeches were delivered liy some of llui immt liotnlilu women hiiITiii KiM in Iho country, all toward tin jMihit tlutt I lio I'imiioIiiho should Im I'X tended by Hi'l of emigre to ini-liu!' till altttcrt. Among tllimi who spoke woto lli'V. Anna SIihw, June Adam. Siphnni"lui llrcckcuriilgc, Alice Stone Mlnokwoll, Mary Dennett. Jane Ali lev, Harriet Uiiilltnv, Inez. Mulhoi IhihI iuiiI .Mr. William Kent, wife of Ihtf iiuitfrcwamnii from California. f Mi. Kent declared thai Lincoln believed in jii eminent liy tlii people ami Hint women, heinr people, were entitled lo m voioo in tin country s Hffnir. -,Itopieoiitlio Luridly of Orcumi took a liaml in I lit' ilioiiHinn deolur. iK ho wished tho lil'ty best mother of tin nation could lie in tho weiiHtw mill tho bonne anil aborting t lint the uofulno of Imtli bodies would thwioby liu KtvMtly inerunil. " "l)ariinr'thi!-firMHinn npugrouirin KiiKcr oi i aitiornia improved tlio oc casion to iiik hi Mifl'raKo liill iipxi tin' nlti'iition of tli oinniitli'i'. 8 6HANDWEH KffortH mi' lii'int; put lortli liy the luumliorM of Mud In id IoiIjjo No. H.l, I. (). O. I' to Knoiiro (In grand lodo iin'ot ititr for IIIUI for Mcdlord. 'I'Iik f;ratul lodo nn'i'linj;, or t'on voiitlon, mimiiK tin' liringiiiK to tin oily wlii'i'ii it in lii'ld at Imihl ltlilll ili'loKal(M froia otlior lodc of llu Hlato. Xol, only aro tlio Snliordinato Ki'and IoiIko ofilci'iH and mcinliiMh in hOMMioii nt Hindi tiiuot., lint tlio Kn oiiinpini'iit, llio ItiiliokaliH ami Canton IoiIom of Ilia blato aro alo in hiM xion at tint Miiino Hini'. Tho ki'iiiiiI loilpi will iiiiii'l I hi at I'l'iidlidon, in May. To tlio did that tho dolujfittew from all tho IimIoh of Monthoni Ou'fjun will o to I'on dluliin favorahht to tho IUIII int'i'liaK in Mi'dl'onl, .Nftidford lodpo Minlia a ooininittoo to imidi of I ho lodo of Miiilhorn Oinpin for Iho pnrporio of indiii'ini: t li fin to oooporato with Mod ford in M'otit'itii; Iho oonvoiition, U'ov. W. T. (lonldof ami K. W. Urainord have lii'i'n nppolliloil 0110 of lluvo ooiiimiltooH lo vixil tho IoiIko in (Irani Pa Woilnoilnv infill, a. K. llihloihriind and John l'otl will moot with tho Ahlaiid lodo Thurs day nif;lit. and other oommitloim will ho iiiiointod to vinit oilier IoiIoh of llui valloy iioxl work. A vary friondly fcolin o.iitn anions nil Hid Odd I'VIIowk IihIi'h of buiilliei'ii Oregon and thoro now hooniH no oimI roiiMin apparoiit why Ih'm mooting mIhhiM not ho hold lieie at tho tiiini Hinted. Tho t'mlhorimt Nouth in tho stnlo n whioh Iho Ki'and lodpt was ever hold whk. KoHohurj,' and that wax huviiiviI .yoars ay;o. JAIL BREAKERS STILL AT LARGE Tho moil who hroho jnll lant Friday and who wnro ropnrtml TttOHtlay lo havo hi)oii lonatud Imvo not yol hoon capturoil aoeovdiui' to tho authorltion at Jiidkbonvilh), Tho jiohho in wtlll out al'toi' thoin, 4 WOM WAHTODDFELLOW THIS WOMAN AVIATOR RETURNS TO THE AIR Ilnronrmt Itiiymoiiilc oV In Itochf. pioneer woman nvlntor of r'rnucr owl ono of tin fir! of lior n'x to miffer In tin- development of the tifw hcIoiicp. nc oonlltiK to I'urU Hport, Iian returned io I In- iilr. Inning recently made nevcm! (llulitN la n inoaoiliitio nt JuvUy. At it meeting hclil nt Itliclntit In ItUO she wnt ilrh lug her Midline irt n height of UK) feel, nflor circling tin nltl oner, when two nrropluiii'H himci1 nlmvo lirr DUcoocorlnt by tlio lirnnli of iilr from tin-in. xlii! lout conrrnl Htnt fH tvltli tier niJH'liliii' lo tlio crotiml Hit itrniH noil IoKb More hrokt'ii mill lirr wliole nit nn im i-ri'ly liruNiil. T T IS (l "HE ItconiiHo ho lioltvio dial (ioor:o Traak, a frioml, iiit'ormod tho v1""1' WHidcii IIihI ho .lilli'd a door on Yank nook ahovo 'I'hIoiiI jooontly, and that ho will Htmaro ono-half tho fina iC ho iHty it, Uootor Noil U lay ij out '2f dayn In fho oonnty jail inwli'iid of paying tho fine iionhoi1 or $r,i). Ti-Hk had not hint; to do with Iho mattor, lint Noil rofti-vx to lioliovo it, and will pond tho L'.") days in jail rathor than pay ovor tho mo. noy, which ho could do if lie wihod, as ho I aid to Imvo tho money. Noil plead K"dt.v. hut holiovo that tho uordciiH iippoaiod on tlio moiio in ro 'poiiT to laforuialioii t'ii thoin l TniHk. It M'omh that Noil killed a Ino-k Satunlny and lata that night carried it to In 1'iiliiii, That auic afternoon Trak, who i hi only uuiKlihor, kill ed a hog. A t ranker Kooiuu u pint of tho porker lionmin in a lieo near TiiihkV eahia which i near Neil's (adiuo at Ahliland and told him of ooiiiK Iho moat. Ilo dohcrihod Trak' oahin whioh i nea rNcilV. Over the toleiliouo, howovor, hiw dir ection wore hut partially tindortooil. HarKiidiao went out mid inUtokiu;; Neil' ealiiu for the ouo doHorihod ioa relied it mid found tho veni.Min. Noil came in ami plead K'lilty. Noil maintain that Trak was (ho iuforuiur and profur to spuud 'J.'i ila in jail to payiiiK hiK lino, lie rofiihOH to holiovo othorwixo mid tliinlcK Trnk info lined on him in or der to net ono-half Iho amount of Iho lino. Trask'it killing of a 1uk' lud tho of fieorri to Miiircli tho ooantry. Ily ae eidont thoy lumlilod onto Noil' oahin, and lliinkiiik' it Travk' search ed it. A potiliou in heiiii; oirciilatod ask uji tlutt Xoil he pardoned. Inaiuueh a ho admits that ho "look a ehaueo" and killed u door, it in nut hcliovod that tho pardon will ho rallied. Mat Noil is not taking any eluinivs on Trak uolliin,' any inouoy. PACKFRS'DEFENSE IS DEALT BLOW nilflAOO, March l. A kovoio hlow wan dealt. Ilu dofeuso of (ho puckers eliared wilh oomhiuatioit in rohlraiut of trado today when Fed oral JikIho Carpaiilor over-ruled tho motion of tho dofoiiHo to diMiiih.s tho I'liai'KiiH apiiiiht Kdward Morris, pro hidout of Morris and company, mid Louis II, iloyuiau, nutuiiKor of that concern. Tho motion was tmiilo on tho mroiind that thoro was a variance Iki- twoon tho proof proMiutoil mid tho charges made, in Iho iudiotiuout. Tho court ohuraotorlzod tho var iaiieo iintuatorial. Tho dofouso then )re.4ontod iiiintlior (oehnical plea fur the t'limnmtiou of eortntn ovidoiieo. H INFORMER W NOT NE MI3DF0RD, GENERAL COAL STRIKE MAY BE CALLED APR. Representatives of Operators and Miners Meet at New York In Secret Session If Strike Comes It Will Dc Widespread. Many Companies Are Now Laylnu. In a Supply of Fuel Bellevlnrj Strike Imminent. NHW YOHK, March l:l. -With the initio operator mid tho miners' rep rcHoutalivcH in moitoI xosftion and tin fact known that tho operators haw tnado n reply to tho milium, rejecting all their demand, a general xtrike of eastern anthracite eoal miners April I is helievod certain. In their reply Iho mine operator will explain why they refine tho mm er' demand. Some of them admit privately that they should grant a general want increase hut thoy do not admit this in their reply. The miners' representatives nay they are unauthorized to make con-ccH-.ii. iik without the winotiou of a eotneution of tho iiiou'and they may rofiiho to frame a reply. This would force tho operators either to renew negotiation voluntarily or face a peueral strike April 1. If (lie strike comes it will he a widespread one, probably tyititc tho whole eastern coal industry up. Offlrers INvNfiit. Tho milhraeito operators are rep roNonted in today' coiifereitee by the following eemmittue: J. F. Lake, president of tho. tHoarview Coal com pany; Alvin Market of Market bro ther; I'eny Maderia, of .Madoria, Milt and company; K. I!. Thomas, prt'siilonl of tho I'high Valley Kail road; W. II. Truesdalo, president of the Delaware, Lackawanna nipl Western railroad; F. I). Finlonvood, president of the Krio railroad; I.. V. liro, proideut of the Delaware and Hudson railroad; Joseph Dickson of Dickson and Kddy; (5eorro K. llaor, president of the I'hiladolphia and Itoadiag railroad and Morris, presi dent of the Kusipichnuim Coal com pany. Thi commission ban humi given full power to represent and act for all the operators of tho anthra cite district. There is a general impression nmoug industrial coiieerm that there will he, a big caul strike, possibly af fecting both tho anthracite and bi tuminous mines, and mauv companies are laying in supplies of fuel. IRE CLUSTER LIGHTS ADDED Additional cluster street lights aro being put in on West Main btroot. Six of lluiM) aro being placed along tho park side of the street and in front of the now library. Six other clus ters will bo put in in front of tho I'iokol and Vawter blocks and tho Medford Hotel block. When those aro in Main hlreot will ho lighted with elustor lights from tho Hear crook bridge to Iho Washington school, a dislaaeo of about ton blocks. Thoro aro about i.ty posts and three lights to each post, Cluster lights will also ho put in on either side of Ivy street, hot woeu Main and Sixth stroots. RAILROAD MEN ON THE RIO GRANDE MAY STRIKE DF.NVKK, Col., arnreh Ilk De claring tlio moii would striko April 1 if they wore nnswored unfavorably tho national boards of firemen, eu giuemeu, conductors, and trainmen of Iho Itio flraudo railway today form ally presented to Assistant Oonoral Manager Martin their demands. Tho men ask a seven por cent wago in crease for tlio firemen and demand that tho railroad ''live up to its work ing agreements," wilh other traiu meil'. Aviator Killed. I'AU, Franco, March lit. Lieu tenant Henry Sovillo foil 500 foot while maneuvering, nt the aviation grounds horo today and ws instant ly killed, OHIWON. WJODNKSDAY, MARCH 13, 1012. Captain Scott Who Is Said to Have Reached South Pole f.APTAIH - - CQTT ssv ' CAPTAIK 5C&ITA TEAM OF 6AMOYEEE&. mi STORM LOSS IN SOUTHERN T -ayfc - - - ' LOS ANCIKLKS. March 1:1. -Sou-thorn California i reenxornig todny from tho effect of ono of the sever est storms of the lust five yoai. Damage to more than $100.(11)0 w;s more than oftVet by tho agricultural benefit of the wins in overv county in southern California. Los AugoJe-. tro(s suffered hea iyl. Storm (Irnins wore broken and many baseuieat in thu wholesale dis trict of the city were flooded. For several hours streat oar and tele phone Ira tfic was demoralized. Three iuelio of rain foil in Yea turn in three hours and groat floods of water rushed from the hills through the buuioss section. The damage there was eiimutd at $,.r, 000. At Long ltonch ami San l'cilro small craft were cHfiiod to ea and minor damage, dune along the water front. Sunshine mid blue skies followed the storm tod.n B MADE IN GANALS The Rogue Huer Cnnal company has a largo force of men at work making iiinnciou- change in their west bide canal. The canal, that part of it known as tho Hopkins ditoh, is being en larged from the Hoar creek flume north and west to its terminus, the additional ilomaml for water alon its route 1 1 a v i i i inado this enbirv. inont iinporalive. Suvoral new lat erals arc also Ijemg put in to nccom modato now water users and tho old laterals arc being enlarged to give Iho present users more water. Tho Hopkins ditoh now covers practically all tho laud lying between Medford and Central Point. A new and much larcor flumo is also being put in across Dear creek, tho now flumo being 1200 feet in long! It. When the old flume, which is now being replaced by tho new and larger ouo, was put in a few yours ago it had ample carrying capacity for all tho thou seeming; demand but tho users of water have grown in number in tho last two years to such an extent and the aeoritiug benefits troni tho use of tho water have been so apparent that the company is now preparing to not only moot tho pres ent demands but is building largo enough to aceoaunodato the probable demands for a number of years to come, CALIFORNIA GH ENG THE TETZRA ----- ELKS PLAN TO GREET t t t t t t t ONLY LADY MEMBER I c it t 't Thursday night will be a gala night for the members of Medford . (). V. lilkr-, as Mi-s Alice Lloyd, who ap pears hero at the Medford theatre, in "Little Mistj-Jbls- It" is the only lady Irt Tfie ' laud who ip an honorary mouther of tho order. She holds that distinction with Hrooklyn. N. Y., lodge. It is needless to say that tho ant ler herd will give her a rous ing reception. t t t t t t t t t t KEENE'S CLARION GALL RALLIES Presided over by that uroli-tuid-patter, Dr. J. M. Keene, a mooting of Tuft ropublieaiis was hold in tho city Tuesday afternoon at whioh plans were laid for tho purpose, of organis ing tho 'fa ft republicans of Jauksou county. All of those present wore "spokes men" according to Judge Colvig, one who attended, and after a lengthy conference exhaustive plans were prepared to hog-tio Jackson oonnty and deliver it to William Howard Tatt on the nineteenth of April. Those who attended were Dr. J. M. Keene, W. M. Cohig, Hal Conrad, S. S. Smith and Hert Anderson, FUND IS RELEASED SALHM. Or., March lollover uor West yesterday appointed C. C. Chapman of Portland a inetnhor of tho statu hoard of immigration and released for expondituro tho appro priation of .f2."),000 inado by tho lust legislature for immigration purposes. Chapman recommends thut $8,009 bo expended for printing 200,000 cop ies of the Oregon state bouklet, con tinuing information as to i'o.ourccs and opportunities in every county m (Vcgmii tho information furnished for tho booklet to bo reviewed and edited by competent btato nuthov ilios; $2000 to bo expended for post ago in mailing a portion of the book lots $2500 to bo mmlo available to compilation of statistical matter con cerning the resources and opportun ities in tho slate, as provided in tho net, tho mutter to bo furnished, if possible i utiino to bo printed in tho booklet, T S 1125 DOOPVB Y ! NOVA.. MRS. SCOTT toM tme BLttoreN icmon Q1 Tut. MIAI BANDITS SLAIN IN AN ATTEMPT TO SAN ANTONIO. Texas, March 13, Two bandits who attempted to rob a westbound .Southern Pacific pas senger train mot death early today at tho hands of Samuel' Trousdcll, an oxnress mossongor. Tho robbers boarded the train at Drydcn, covered the oiiirinoor and btoppod the train. Tho mail, express and bngguge cars wore detached, and the engineer forced to take them two milo down the track. The bandits told tho en gineer they would loot the express car first and then rob the passen gers. One of the bandits covered tho engineer and tho other covered Trousdoll, ordering the messenger o open the mail sacks. Catching the bandit off guard, Mos.songor Trous dcll seized a wooden mallet and struck tho robber a terrifie blow on the head, death resulting instantly. Trousdcll then took the dead man's gun and when tho other bandit ap proached, shot him dead. Tho engine and cars wore re-attached and tho train proceeded to San Francisco with tho two dead robbors aboard. Tho oxpross ear carriod not loss than $10,000 while much valuablo registered mail was in tho mail car. TEXTILE STRIKE IS AT AN END LAWKKXChS, Maw;., March 13. Tho end of tho great strike of Law rence toxtilo workers came nt 11:30 a, m, today when tho strikors' sub committee announced they hud ac cepted the wage inereaso offered by President Wood of tho American Woolen company. It was announced that tho strikers gained practically overy jKiint for which thoy contended. AUTO SPEEDS AWAY AFTER MAN IS KILLED SAN FKANCISCO, .March 13.--Hun down by reckless autoisls, who rushed on without paying any atten tion to thoir victims, Churlos Shof trou, f0, was found in n dying condi tion in tho street today. Almost overv bono in the man's bodv was broken, Ho died without making a' statement uud no person saw the in cident. LOS ANGELES, Cul. "No wom an could live with you," declared Judge Monroe- to J. C. Kratt, who chattered ten minutes on tho witness stand in his wife's suit for divorce Monroe ranted tho decreo and shook hands wavnily with Mi's. Knitt. HBLD OPT IN No. 304. VOLCANO SAID TO THREATEN Clouds of Steam and Blue Smckc Rislnp From Newly Turned Earth in Culcbra Cut Giving Rise to Ap prehensions. Special Report of Division Engineer Lends Color to the Published Ac counts. NEW YOHK, March 13. Tho statement that a slcoptnp volcano, dormant for many centuries, is threa tening the safety of the Panama canal is made in Hpccinl roports from Colon published bore toddy. The volcano is said to underlie tho CulebraCut. The fear of volcnnic trouble, had its origin in the fact that clouds of steam and blue smoke havo been ris ing from newly turned earth. Every drill hole in the affected area is test ed with a thermometer before dyna mite h? put in to prevent a premnturo explosion. The division engineer's report of the phenomenon is in part as fol fel fol eows: "Tliree weeks ago I noticed that the locality described which con sisted of a sat ratified sedimentary rock beneath which there nppcurod some lignite of a low grade, was sending up a thick cloud of white steam or vapor. I cxnmtncd the spot and found Hint the entire mas was heated to a considerable tempera ture. "Steam was escaping from num erous small openings "and from four principal vents. The sides of tho vents were encrusted with whito ami yellow powdor material, the yellow appearing to be sulphur. "Within tho last fivo days there has been quite a change in the char acteristics. Tho temperature bus in creased and a pule blue smoke, in stead of steam is now coming from tho vonts. To givo an idea of tho temperature of tho largor vont I took a piece of whito pine and hold it for three minutes in the mouth of tho largest vent and it was completely charred." Tho canal commission's geologist declares that the steam and smoko aro duo only to tho oxidization. 1, SLAIN IN BATTLE HOME, March 13. Moro than 1,000 Turks and Arabs woro killed bv Italian troos yostorday in dosporate fighting at lloughusi, Tripoli, accord ing to official auuouncomont by tho war office here today. Tho Italian loss, tho war office says, was 20 killed and 02 wounded. The Italian commander reported that his troops captured two Turkish positions aftor hard fighting, lie declares tho Arabs and tho Turk, dofcudiug their punts, sallied forth time uud again in duspcruto charges during which thoy woro swept down by hundreds by tho concentrated tiro of tho Italian machino gnus. LEPER'S WIFE IS STOCKTON, Cal., March 13. Shunued by souiely, iinnbhi to earn a living for hursolf and Utroo small children because slio is refused em ployment,. Mrs. Edward Fiukort, tho wife- of San Joaquin's. Jepor, is today praying that utd may soon come to bur from congress. Congressman James C. Nccdhum has introduced a bill providing a pen. sion of $72 u mouth for Fickerl, who is now at the isolation ward at Fronch Camp. Tho $$(i pension whioh Fiokort as a Spanish-American war veteran receives, is thu family's only relief. Tho last time Mrs. Fickuit lost her position was when tho fore man of a local baff factory learned that bho wau tho wife of the kpr. PANAMA CANAL REP TED SHUNNED