& M I PAGE FOUR MEbroRD Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NRWRPAPKrt PUHMHHUD KVBItT AFTErtNOUN BXCCI'T HUNDAT, HT TUB MUDKOltD PRINTING CO. The Democrntlc Times, Th Modfonl Mull, Tho Mcdfonl Tritauno, Tho Bouth- trn uregonian, xue Aiiiiiana Triuuno. Offlco Moll Tribune nulldlnir. 2G-17-S9 North Fir street; plion. Main 1021; iiomo to. anonan tutnam, RJitor sni Msnr Rntercd nn sccond-dnss m&ttar At Mod ford, Oregon, under the act of kinrCIl J, 1878. Official rnticr of the City of Hertford. urncini l'npcr or Jackson county. SCBSCRXXTIOK SATM, Ono renr, by mall 15.00 ono month, by mall...... CO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medfont. Jacksonville and Cen- . trsl Point . ..... . t0 Pntimlny only, by mall, per year.. J.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 BWOJUT CIBCTOXATIOir. Dally nverngo for eleven months end ing November 30, 1911, 3751. rnll X.eiert Wire TJnlte rrM JJUpatehea. Tho Mall Tribune la on mtle at the Perry New Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel Ncxra Stand, Portland. Bowman Nown Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Waah. aosBroBD, oRzaoir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the faateaU growing etty rt Oregon. Population V. R census 110 88(0; estimated. 191110.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Riving finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streetn paved. Po8tofflc receipts for year ending November 30, 1111, show Increaa of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue Itlver Spltsenbcrg apples vron aweep stakes prize and title of 'Apple Xinr of the World" at the National Apple Show. Spokane. 1909, and a car of Newtowna won First StIm In 110 at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, B. C STEAM ROLLER HELPING TAFT if .if. WASHINGTON', March 12. Fur ther evidence of tho manner in which tho administration campaign mana gers are conducting the fight for delegates, has come to light in tho form of a circular letter which Is be ing sent to postmasters and other federal employes throughout the northwest Tho letters received by the federal employes in the northwest are very delicately worded, and abound with veiled threats and plastic praise. Boundless enthusiasm is expressed and It is declared without hesitation thai- tho sentiment In favor of the nomination of President Taft Is rap idly growing. Hints are then thrown out that tho asslstanco of all good officeholders is needed. The letters sent to postmasters In tho northwest aro as follows, one of tho originals having fallen Into the hands of one not a part of the ma chine: "I take this means of informing you that a National Dureau has been opened lu the Raleigh hotel, this city, for tho purpose of conducting n prc convention campaign in the interests of President Taft. "It Is the general belief that tin administration of President Taft has met with tho hearty approval of the American people and that his renom Inatlon at the hands of tho republi can convention Insures party success In 1012. From all parts of the coun try comes cheering news of a decided trend toward President Taft in pub lic sentiment. As tho accomplish ments of his administration aro be coming better known, his popularity Increases accordingly. He is a con servative, safe and sane leader and is unqualifiedly entitled to a second torm. After u mosi careful and thor ough Investigation of conditions in every state In the union, wo are con front that ho will havo a large ma jority of delegates in the convention and that his rcnomluatlon and elec tion are assured. "It will be tho aim of this Bureau to conduct u dignified iind energetic campaign in keeping with tho presi dent's high conception of American statesmanship. I would, therefore, thank you to render such assistance as you can, consistent with your dut ies, and would appreciate an early reply giving mo such information us in your Judgment will facilitate tho work of the Bureau. Very truly yours, (Signed) WM. B. McKINLEY, Director." COMMUNICATIONS. To tlio editor Pushing over the obvious sneer in tho editor's com ment, up to increusiiifr tho assessed yuluutiou, "Sure Mike," let me show you how it could be dono to the great ndvitntngo of the whole community; thusly: on tho west sido of tho river known us Sums valley, wo have about 10,000 acres of Innd that needs irri gation; $1,000,000 expended on u ditch would put water on the Inn J; also put ten families where there is ono non. Inoreaso the products of thin community tenfold, something, hy the way, (jrcntly to bo desired unci indeed necessary before our taxes nro increased. Increase the nssosned valuation, not in the way tho worthy editor had in mind. W. J. SCOTT. IT IS TO VALTANTTjY olKivghiK windmills, (ho "Don Quixote of the village press is fighting u wondrously brave bat tle. The streets of Ashland resound with the clamor as he whaeks away with the same weapon Sampson used against the Philistines. Raneho Panza of Gold Hill, astride his humble steed, emulates his worthy master. This modern Don Quixote, recently iVoin Oklahoma, is not content with attempting the rescue of imprisoned maids of straw, hut seems firmly imbued with the idea that the Almighty has delegated him. not only to attack windmills, but also to run this section of the earth, and perpetually scolding and stewing and nagging, he is fast becoming the village pest. Oir Don Quixote ranks with Doc Cooke as a discov erer, and takes himself just as seriously. He has dis covered many things that exist only in his own diseased imagination. In fact, according to his explorations, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, "Than thy philosophy hath dreamt of." Everywhere devious snares and foul plots. Every where i villain lurking in the black shadows, ready to pounce upon the poor taxpayer. Only Don Quixote and Dunn, tho Royal baking powder twins, absolutely pure. Surely, the campaign waged by the Ashland Tidings is n wonder. For unconscious humor, for unintended satire for dense ignorance, for all around rawness, com bined with malicious slander and venal falsity, in brief for assininity, it is unparalellcd. It is so absurd that it is ridiculous and can only be regarded as a .joke. .It cer tainly is to laugh. A NEEDED INDUSTRY. THERE is no reason why the poultry industry should not be one of the great assets of the liogue river vallc-. Climatic conditions are more favorable than even in Petaluma. Two great markets, Portland on the north, San Francisco on the south, will take all that can be pro duced. The Commercial club reports that at least, a score of persons have embarked in the poultry business around Medford in the past few months. There are half as many inquiries regarding poultry as there are about orchards. The fact that both the Wells Fargo express and the Southern Pacific are considering reduced rates and. spe cial accommodations promises well for the future of the industry. A great business can be' built up with proper encouragement. Poultry does not require the capital that horticulture docs. It does not entail the risks of loss. It means no long period of waiting until returns come in. It merely requires industry. Its returns, while not as large, per haps, as from fruitraising, are surer. EXCURSION OFF FDR THE FAIR The Oregon special to the Panama fair passes through Mcdford nt 11.50 o'clock Tuesday night and arrives tit San Francisco at flrilO o'clock. Judge W. M. Colvig, who was delegated by the Commercial club to represent Medford, was unable to go, and Geonrc Putnam has been delegated to represent the club on the excursion and in the exercises attending the selection of tho Oregon building site. Col. P. L. Ton Velle nlso goes repre senting Medford. Ashland will be represented by Judge K. D. Uriggs. The excursion is headed by Gover nor and Mrs. West, the members of the fair commission and 2o0 citizens of the state, all sections being repre sented. Tho special consists of sev en Pullmans, dining cars, library cars, etc. An eighth enr, filled with Klamath representatives, will be add ed at Weed. San Francisco's welcome to the "Oregon First" delegation will begin with n greeting from a delegation of exposition officials at Costa Kica, two hours before arrival in the me tropolis. It will, in fnct, begin lit Shasta, where General Manager Fee of the Southern Pacific passengor traffic, will meet the special and per sonally attend it into San Francisco. Tho specinl will carry a "JO foot Oregon fir which has been secured by J. Fred Larson. It will mark the chosen site of the Oregon building. It will hear a plate with tho werds: "This Oregon tir marks tho site of the Oregon building sel ected by the Oregon first delegation, March H 1012." When the building is constructed u two foot section of tho fir mid the plate will occupy n place of honor. HOMER NEIL FINED FOR KILLING DEER Gaiiio Wardens Ilargadinc and Hubbard brought Homer Neil before Justice Hurt at Ashland Monday for killing deer out of season. The of fense was committed on tho Apple- gate slope last Friday when a line buck fell heforo n 30-110 rifle. Justice Hurt, nfter hearing tho evidence, im posed a lino of $50.20, which was promptly paid. The game wardens asked the court for permission to take the venison to the poor farm for the uso of the iu m ut os thero and the request was granted, it being in the power of the justico to dispose of tho meal, which is usually dono by burning. aiEDFOKT) rATTJ TRTBUNE, LAUGH! WIFE DESERTER ARRESTED HERE On telegraphic instructions from Cliieo, Cal., Doputy Sheriff Shearer on Monday arretted I. L. Shorwin of Cluco for wife desertion. Shcrwiu was lodged in the county jail to await arrival of an officer from Califor nia. Sherwin says he is willing to re turn to California. CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD SPECIAL SESSION A special session of the city coun cil will be held thN afternoon for the purpose of considering plans for the enlarging of the city hall and for the building which i-. to house the public market. Tho council may also consider a license ordinance providing the com mittee having the matter in hand i ready to report. POSTAL TELEGRAPH OPENS LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SKATTLK, March 12. Formal opening of the Postal Telograph com pany's Seattle-Spokane long dis tance telephone service was inaug urated yesterday by Mayor-Klect George P. Cottcrill and Mayor V. J. Hindley of Spokane, who talked with each other over the telephone for fif teen minutes. PURE FOOD WILEY TO EDIT MAGAZINE WASHINGTON, I). C, Mareli 1J. Dr. Harvey V. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry, is to resign to become editor of Good Housekeeping Magazine, according to information given out today. Make Land Filinu ItOSKBUHG, March 12. Accord ing to the records of tho Iloscbtirg United States land office, John Mc Neil of .Medford has filed upon :n acre of laud lying just outside the city limits of Mcdford under tho homestead act. In the event McNeil resides on the laud for fourteen mouths ho can purchase it for $2.50, otherwise ho will bo compelled to live on tho laud for five years in order to secure u government patent gratis, MttDFOrm ORTCflON, TUESDAY, MAKCl 12,1012,, WILL CARE FOR The Southern Pacific officials now hivvo iliu mutter of lower freight rates mid special facilities for shipping cgvs under consideration and it is expected that" sonic announcement will he fortheuiiiiit? in tlio next few weeks. In' flto iin'iintiino A. S. Ros- cnhauni, general iniuiuger of the Harriiuau lines in Medford. slates that ho will see t.i it personally that any and nil cor offered for ship ment receive prompt attention ami fast freight sbrwi-e. Sliys Mr. !( enbuiuu: ' ' It is not often eKjs&or perishable shipments are ollVrejl iw in any Humility for Pot Hand, liitl when such is tho ease, we load the shipments nud give tho car to the fn,st freight, mid have done so for year. There is no lack of eo-operatiop on the part of the Southern Pacific company. Nothing would please us more limn to hnvc sufficient tonnage offered o load some of the cars we have been sending nut of here empty tlntl you may he-assured this huinosA will be well tnken euro or. The rate bu ei;es to Portland is S2 cents per hundred pounds or a trifle over" a cent a dozen. Surely this N ft very low rate. It lM ilot Tair to compare our egg rale with the fruit rate to the cast as this rate hits been made exceptionally low to en able our fruit to get to the point of large consumption, distribution mil export, in enuielitinii with nearer points oT production. "Don't worn about getting the produce to market. Produce it firt, we will gel it to market nil light." F. T. MHe, VelU Purgo agent al Medford slates that onic time ago he took up the matter of ivduc 'd rates with his company mid that he expects a deei-ion along this line in the near lulu re. EAGLE POINT HAS A Kagle Point .Monday nt u i;wi il city election by a ote of 28 to .ill adopted a new city charter. The election was hard fought. The new oITnrtcr was proposal by the progres-ives and provided for a more progressiw form ot govern ment. EPWORTH LEAGUE HOLDS BUSINESS MEETING The regular monthly buMnc cV sion of the Kpiwirth League will be held in the church this evening it 7:'i() p. in. prompt. The business meeting will be followed with u social hour in the basement of the church. There is coiiriitlornhlc and important business to be dealt with and it is desiied that all members who ca'i, will show up and if possible bring a friend along with them who may not he united with any other Young Peo ple's society. A cordial invitation is extended to any young person who is interested to be with us ut the ls M. K. church, North liarilclt. PAL0USE BANKER GOES TO SERVE PRISON TERM WALLA WALLA, Wn.. March 12. Convinced that there was no escape alter his friends had failed Jo u stubborn fight for clemency, II. M. Ilooue, former president of the Stat Hank of Palouse, voluntarily appea" cd at the penitentiary and is now serving his term of from one to ten yen 18. lloone was convicted of larceny by embezzlement in connection with the failure of the State Hank of Palouse which closed ils doors .May 21, ll)0!l. Baldheads .Mo io Women Aro Iwtld Tlmn Men, Hays Authority. This Ik a gtartllng statement, but It's truo according to an artlclo pub Hulled la a standard mngussluu this year. Ono thing Is certain PAKISIAN SAGK will Biiroly prevent baldness by stopping the hair from falling, but It won't grdw hair after tho head l bald. Ladlos, look aftor your hair, de stroy tho dandruff germs with PAR ISIAN SAUH and dandruff will iil8 appcar. it stopH scalp Itch over night and Is guaranteed to bo tho most refreshing, roflncd nnd agree ablo hair dressing that can bo ob tained. Hold by ChnH, Strang and druggists all over Amorlca for CO cents. "My hair wob falling out, and I was troubled with Itching scalp. I received no benefit until I tried PARISIAN 8AClN."--MrH. aorgo Thunder, It, V, D. C, Maibhull, Mich, EGG SHIPMENTS POLITICAL CARDS (Pa Id Advertlnoniont.) County Clerk, I hereby nnnounco myself as n can dtdnto for tho doiuncratlo nomination for tho offlco of county cleric, nub Ject to tho will o( tlio voters of Hint party at tho prhunrlcR. I protuluo tlio people of JnckBon county that lu caso ot my nomination anil olecl'nii 1 will fulfill tho duties of .tho office no cording to law and tho best ot my ktunvledgo and ability. W. U. MII.LBU. Gold Hill, Ore., Fob. 1C, lOia. County Recorder. I am a caudldnto tor a rocoiuI term for tho ofttro of County Re corder ou tho Republican ticket, sub ject to tho coming primary. I have conducted tho offlro to the beat of my ability, tho hooka aro al ways open for Inspection nnd feel that I am entitled to a second term. PRIM) h, COLV1G. l.r Sheriff. I announce- myself as a candidate for sheriff, promising n contlnunnro or tho busl'iiessllko udmlnlntrnCou 1 havo given the offlco In tho piyit. W. A. JONK3. For County Iteconler. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho Republican nomination for tho offlco of County Rucordor subject to bio will ot tho vntcra of that party at tho piimarica. 1 wiih born and raised at Knglo Point, Ore. I havo for tho past two years been deputy lu tho assessor's office, and all 1 ask tho people to do Is to look up my past record he foro casting their ballot. CHAUNCHY FLOURY. For Pmsenillng Attorney. I hereby niiuoiiuco myself n a caudldnto for tho democratic nomi nation for tlio office of prosecuting attorney for tlu first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing the counties of Jackson and Jose phine, subject to tho will of the vot ers of that party at tho prlmarlos, and I pledfic tho people of Jackson and Josephine counties that lu the event of my nomlixitlon nnd election I will fearlessly, Impartially and to the best of my ability prosecute all violations of law In said tllHtrtrl and endeavor to administer tho duties of said office with tho utmost efficiency nnd economy. K. K. KELLY. For Representative. I rospectfull present my name as candidate for representative to tho republican voters at the coming pri mary. I have beon once honored by tho people of Jackson county, having been chosen to represent them lu the state assembly two years ago. If nominated and elected, I shall do In tho future as I havo In tho past: give to my constituents um honest nnd faithful service as lies within my power. I roalUo thnt there are mat ters of Importance to southern Ore gon that will come up In tho next meeting of tho loglslaturo nt Snlem, and It will bo my enrnost doslro If elected to act to the fullest satisfac tion of all the peoplo of Jackson county. J. A. WKSTEULUND. For Assessor, I boieby nnnounco my candidacy for tho offlco of nssowior Hiibjuct to the Republican primaries lu April. W. T. (fill EVE. For County ConiinlMsloncr. I hereby aniioiinro myself as can didate for the nomination or county commissioner for the four year term. Biibjoct to tho endorsement of the republican voters at tho primary election April 19, mit.'. If nominated and elected I will during my term of office conduct tho business of Jackson county on a strictly business hinds, and to tho beat Interests or tho taxpayers, and without fear or favor to any party, partlos or to any particular section of tho county, W. C. LEEVER. Legal blanks at tho Mcdford Print lug company. A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres, 12 miles cast of Klainath Falls, on main road to Lakcview. About 85 noroB will ho under tho gov ernment ditch and can bo irrigated. Fine alfalfa or garden laud. An abundance of free outside ranch, Ono of tho best propositions thero is in that suction for u man who wants to engage in tho sheep business. Locat ed just right for a townsito when tho railroad is built from Klamath FuIIb to Lakcview. Price $50 por acre. Will oxchaugo for Medford cllv or country proporty. W.T.York (S. Co. wwwwwhwwwwwwwwwww f Medford Theatre, X Louis V. Werbii mid Mark A. I.ucsrhcr Pic t sent. Their (lieatctt Success ALICE LLOYD S Fnglnnd'H. Foremost Singing Coiiieillcnno X In tho Joyous .Musical Jaycty 1 "Lktle.Miss Fix-It" Supported by if Ilrllllnnt Cast, Including ! Noted English Comedian LIONEL WALSH & llcnr .'Miss l.tuvd's Famous E Mpii tint ltonl "Tiirkev Trot" X Sensation f PrlccH nile to !?''.0(l i Mall Order Received Halo Monday v . Medford Theatre TUIiSUAY, MARCH ISJTII Tho Rcdpatli Lyceum lluican Presents ' l.H imrX (IRANI OPERA CO. In Acts from "Martha" Mt) and cihrco Acs) " Trovatore" MADAME LE Illtl'X . . . . Hopnuo. .MISS LAI'R.V 11AER Contralto MR. FRIT lll'FFMAN Tenor MR. ARTIIt'lt DEANE lliiiltonc Popular pi Ices ?l T.O. J I. "fto, fillc. (let Your Meats Early at These Priors Watch Our Addition Crow Jncksou nud Summit Mcdford Realty and Improvement Company M. F. .i II. Co. Itldg. NEW THOUGHT MEETINGS Are Held in Moom' Hall every Tliur-ila at ,1 p. in. Kvcrvholv invited. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WARIIINRTON, I). O. Public Lund Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. PLUMBING Steam and Hot. Water Heating All Work aunrantned. I'rlcuM Iliuiiiulilfi. COFFEEN & PRICE 93 Howard Block, Entrunc on Cth t rolflO 3031. Soma 349. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency FOR KALC Ilomostciid relinquishment, price 500. 41 acres III acres In alfalfa, $3000 cash, balance tlino. "10 ncrcH a iiiIIoh west of Mcdford, Improved, $8000. .14 acres Improved I 'j mllon from Central Point, 20 ncreti near Jacksonville. Vlll trade, 210 acroH on tho Appletsato, only $fiC por acre. 120 acres unimproved nt fGO per aero. 2 small houses mi Instalment plan, 0 room hoiiso near tho North school, $2200. TRAIHO Id!) ncres, Port lllll, Idaho, 41 acres, will takn part trado, 1 Mi acres near Central Point. 10 acres near Central Point, 20 acres near .IiuiUhoiivUIo for proporty In Portland. 100 acrcH Improved In Wold Co., 'Colo,, for ranch. 412 uercii noar KoHohurK, will con- Hldor boiiio city property. UotiHOH to rent lu all parts ot tho city. MIHOF.LLANKOIJH J land spray pump; mnko nn offer, Liu'ko 40 Knllon iron Itottlo; nuilio uu offer. KMPLOYMICNT Olrln for Kouorul housework. Six conl mlnurn, Coal inluorH to work by tho ton, Phono In your ordors for men; no cliargos to tho employer, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono 1111; Home, 11, Thursday, March 14 i I ml LHt Wm Hern: lilt Vint Tho Dailt'O v tf 1 Mitrrh 1 1 :j WHERE TO GO j TONIGHT THEATRE Fuller Direction People' Aiihim' v incut Co, Alvvn)s In (lie Lead. II Matcldcs's l'linopt)M tl "A SISTER'S I.OVE" A lllovmplt .MHHlerplcco "NlAtSAIIA FALLS IN WINTICR' CorKooim Kculc "TIIK (Jlltl, UK I, HIT HKIIINir A Hlorj Truo to Life Tin: tiirri: kittkns" A Novelty In Pictures ALKALI I UK'S I.OVK AFFAIR" A Wontorn Comedy That's a Iliiui- umr ALSATIIKIt Hlm;liiK "I'm Jut PlnliiK for You" TIIK WnOLU'nitTIIK Mudford's favorite motion picture tiiimli'lauM Adml'Moii 10c. Matluccs Dally. ISS THEATRE TONIGHT HILLY MORRIS AND I1HRTIIA SHKRWOOD That Dixie Duo 1000 Feet of Film 1000 TDK ItliIND MINKH A Yllaitraph Feature Till! RANIHT'S MASK A ThrllllilK Drama Story of Mexi can Ilordor Romance ACCI RUNTS WILD IIAI'PKN A Rural Comedy PATIIKK'H HLl'FP A Scream 10c ALWAYS lllc Young & Jrlall Taxi Co. TOUItlN'O OARS AND TAXIOAKS Reasonable Hates In City or Country Phenes: l'mlf jioo; Home 100 Borvlco all day, all nli;ltt. Stands Modrord ami Nub Hotels. Absolutely no credit without first makliiK arnuiKOineiitu with man ager. COURT HALL Mummer nm N