Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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End of Featherweight Champion as a Ring Attraction Signalized by Sat
urday's Fiasco Offered Murphy $4000 to Agree to Scheme
Permitting Attell to Win In Fifth Round by n Foul.
SAN F IIANCISCO, Cal., March 1 1.
Tlio cml of Abe Attell. toriner
featherweight chnmplon, as n ring
nttractlon on Uio Pacific coasU la be
lieved certain by fight fans here to
day as the result of an alleged at
tempt by the Hebrew to induce llar
lom Tommy Murphy to "lay down"
In their 20-round fight at Daly City
Saturday afternoon. Attell, it Is
charged, offered Murphy $4000 to
ugroe to the scheme, which called for
Murphy to foul Attell along about
tho fifth round. Neither Murphy nor
his manager, Jim Iluckley, It Is said,
gao Attell a decided answer, and
Attell was made the victim of what
Is known In sporting circles as tho
Lie, Declares Attell.
With one eyo entirely closed, his
faco and body battered and bruised,
Attell lay In his bed at Millctt's
training quarters today, strenuously
denying that he had gone to defeat
after vainly trying to savo his stand
ing among the top notchers by engi
neering a crooked deal.
"It's a dirty Ho," declared Attell.
"1 defy either Murphy or Duckley to
provo that I approached either with
any such proposition. Somebody Is
going to suffer for this. It is some
more dirty work on the part of my
Despite Attell's protestations of
Innocence it is pointed out by fight
followers today that Attell stalled
along up to the fifth round, taking
a fearful lacing, evidently believing
that Murphy had consented to carry
out his part of the alleged frame-up.
(Jot Double Cross.
The fans say that after this round
Attell reallied that tho "double
cross" had been given him and from
this round on brought his wonderful
cleverness Into full play. Hut tho
beating In the earlier periods, the
experts agree, weakened tho ex-
featherweight champion, and In the
19th and 20th rounds he was simply
smothered by the New Yorker.
Jim Buckley. Murphy's matiager.
admitted today that ho had been ap
proached on three occasions by At
tell, to engineer a crooked deal.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Mar. 1 1
Abo Attell. former featherweight
champion, went down to defeat be
fore the greater weight of Harlem
Tommy Murphy today at Coffroth's
Colma arena. Tho fight wa& one of
the fastest and bloodiest ever seen
between good fighters here. Using
his extra eleveu pounds weight to ad
vantage all the time. Murphy wore
Attell down, and tho twentieth found
Abo desperately tired, covered with
blood to tho waist lino, pounding
away at Murphy's stomach whilo tho
latter tried to put sufficient steam
In his blows to Abe's jaw to put him
LAWHKXCE, Ma-., Mnroh 11
IJoth the .striking textile workers mul
the mill owners expect the bi-j strike
lo end Wednesday. A Mibtitutc com
mittee of the strikers left for Ho.-ton
today to complete finnl arrangements
today wilh Secretary Wood of the
American Wool company and oilier
officials. "
President Wood alleges that hi
latest offer the waye- of
tlio lowot paid workers twelve per
cent, pivinp: the other workers an
average increase of seven per cent.
The strikers say that a settlement
probably will be elfected on this
The iMjlicu ami strikers clashed
early today in the mill district. Pick
eting wii8 resumed around the Arling
ton mills-, nine men and women being
OYSTER DAY, Mar. 11. Colonel
Hoosovelt has about made up his
mind to tako tho stump personally
to make tho fight for the presiden
tial nomination. Ho said today he
probably would bo forced to, al
though ho was reluctant to decide
upon such a course. Slnro tho day
ho made his announcement of candi
dacy ho has been urged by support
ers In almost every state except in
tho south to mako a specchmuklug
Kalpli Hurjje-., elever n emitter
who has' played classy ball with tho
Med ford regulars for the past two
eai, Monday received a contract
from Vancouver. H. l, ami will r-j.
povl for practice soon.
Owuev Patton became interested
in Knlph's work "omo tune up il
took his case up with Spokane. Ftul
imr to secure n contract there ho se
cured a contract wilh Vancouver,
lialph's friends predict a splendid fu
ture for him, following a season or
two of experience. Local fans will
be sorry to see him go.
Eddie Wilkinson, working out at
first for Oakland is receiving many
flattering press notices at ihe hands
of the Hay Citv hall seniles.
Marriage Licenses.
Willis Hall and Dell Grace Hbe.
George A. Trana and Alvina J.
New Casi'S.
C. M. Wiseman and F. L. Ton
Velio and Frank MoKeo; suit to
foreclose mortgage. Vawter & I'ur
dlu, attorneys for plalntlf.
Kstatc Omreatta Ramsdeil; order
to sell real estate.
Estate Lucrctla Wolvcrton; order
to sell real property.
Estate of John H. Grain, order al
lowing claim.
"Little Miss Fix-It" is the sugges
tive title of a comical musical gaiety
that was seleclcd by Werlia and
Leiu-eher as most happily suited lo
the fascinating English 'comedienre
Alice Lloyd for her introduction as a
slur. For the past three seasons her
songs alone have made her famous.
During the action of the play 51iv
Lloyd will sing such favorites as:
".Master Cupid," "Ship Ahoy,"
"Have Von Ever Loved Anv Other
Little Girl," 'The Hobble Promen
ade," "Excuse Me, Mr. Moon," "I'll
Huild an Eden for You" and other,
which are considered the popular
songs of the light music world. In
supiort of Miss Lloyd are such well
known artists as Lionel Walsh, the
notod English comedian, Grace Field,
late of the Lew Fields companv,
James C. Lane, Frederic Snntley, An
nie Buckley, Nellie Malcolm. Frank
Shannon, Grace Brown and many
others. The chorus has' not only
been selected for their beauty but for
their ability as melody producers us
well. Medfird theatre, Thursday,
March 11th. Scats sale at Ilaskins.
was shot out of the house through a
window ono cold night In my nightie,
and I've been sick ever since," said
Mrs. Tllllo Merwln, splng for divorce.
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At tho homo of Mrs. T. P. Trana
ou South King street, Mr. George II.
Trana and Miss Alvina J. Knauer
were united In marriage by Rev. W.
F. Shields at 7:110 p. in. Saturday,
March 9. Mr. Trana is at tlio head
of tho water department of tho city
of Medford, and Mrs. Trana camo to
our city about a year ago from Chi
cago, and her people live on a fruit
ranch east of Medford. These young
people expect to mako their homo on
South King street, where Mr. Trana
has built and furnished a house.
They have tho congratulations and
good wishes of all.
Puny Little Boy
"Now I'irtiiro of Health,"
Kutlier Sajs.
.Morris & SIiituocm, DKIo Duo
The Isis theatre started off the
wcuk hist evening wilh one of (ho
largest crowdn of tlio season and re
cords for the house bid fair to lie
lnaleii. Tho admission lo this popu
lar thealro has been reduced to JO
(fills and the htiuulurd of entertain
ment has hceu kept al tho old level.
Morris & Sherwood are as clever a
vaudcvillo team ur hn ever appeared
in Medford. Four thousand feet of
Dims, of well selected variety, rounds
out tho bill,
Tho pule, wistful faces and thin
spindling limbs of . "delicate chil
dren" toll plainly enough the story
of poorly nourished bodies. ,
Wo know Just what ought to bo
done for such children, Horo Is a
letter from Richard Rush, Columbus,
Ind , saying, "I believe I am Indebt
ed to Vlnol for tho health of my lit
tle bon. Ho hud a severe attack of
whooping cough and measles which
affected his lungs and constitution.
"Wo tried several other remedies
without any result, then commenced
using Vlnol and I take pleasure In
saying that ho Is tho plcturo of
health now, due to the uso of Vlnol."
Sickly children need the strength
ening cod liver elements and tho
tonic iron thut Vlnol contains that
is why Vlnol builds them up quickly
and gives thorn u flno healthy color.
It Is pleasant to take and wo guar
antee thut tho results will satisfy
you monoy back if they do not
Medford Pharmacy, near P. O.
Retail Prices.
Potatoes 11.50 per cwt.
Cabbage 3c.
Parsnips 2&o.
Lettuce 10c head.
Carrots 2tfc.
Beets 2c.
Onions 3c.
Celery 50c(?fl dor.
Cauliflower 10 20c head.
Radishes 5c bunch.
Onions Green, 6c bunch.
Prunes Dried, I0c lb.
Lemons 30c dozen.
Bananas 10c to 30c per dozen.
Orange 15c to 40c.
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
Butter Fresh ranch, per roll,
o5c; creamery, 8Cc
Eggs Fresh ranch, 20c; storage,
Poultry Hens, dressed, 18c; live
12c; springs, dressed, 20c.
Turkeys 20c to 25c, drescod.
Meats, Wholesale.
Beef Cows, 4&c; steers, Be.
Pork 5pGlc.c
Veal Urebscd, 8 10c.
Mutton 33c, live; lambs, G(
Hay nntl Ferd, "Wholesale.
Hay Alfalfa, $12 to $15; grain,
$12 to $H.
Grain Wheat, ?1 per bushol; oats
3G per ton; barley, rolled, $10 per
ton; barloy, whole, 36.
Revive Old West Scenes
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 11.
Tho Rodeo, a nlno days' return to
tho days of the old west, oponed to
day at Arcadia. Cowboys and cow
girls from every part of tho west are
In attendance. Thousands of dollars
In prizes huvo been offered.
You Can Smile
with Impunity when you have u fine
set of teeth. Thoy enhance tho smilo
and maku it more attractive. And,
after all, why should wo not ull have
good teeth when thero aro such
good dentists us ourselves to look
ufter them? Patting ourselves on
tho back, eh? Well, you'll praise us
too, ufter you huvo onco patroulzed
DR. BARBER, The Dentist
207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers
Bank Bide., Medford, Oregon
Pacific Phone Main 063
Home Phone 287-L,
25 Cents a Pair
We will pul on sale hero tomorrow about 15 dozen
Men's Black Silk Hose, double heel and toe, almost
equal to last season's 50c quality, any size tomor
row, 25 a pair.
Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, double heel and toe, elas
tic garter top, all sizes, pair 125
Ladies' Tan Hose, same quality as above, pr. 25
Ladies' White Silk Finish Hose, ! thread heel and
toe, all sizes, pair ?....25
Ladies' Seamless Fast, Black Benson Hose in out
sizes, and garter top, pair 25
Misses' Extra fine quality Lisle, finish J lose, black
or tan, sizes ( to 10, pair..... 25
120 doz. Ladies' Seamless Fast Black J lose, pr. 10
J0 doz. Bovs and Misses' Jersey Ribbed Seamless
.Fast Black Hose, sizes (i to J)V1. lh 1Q
A 25c Hose in most stores, here in a heavy woight
for boys and a fine gauze for girls, in size 5 to 9,
15 Cents
Men's Ladies' and Misses' Fine All Wool Cash
mere Hose, 25e and IMc a pair quality; closing out
price 19 pair, 2 pair for 35
We Want a Girl
Just like the pearl, that married our old Dad. We
are looking for, and soliciting the MOTHERS of to
day, calling their attention to the needs of their chil
dren, to the .FACT that NOW is the time to have
that backward child carefully looked after in order
to save the health and beauty in older life. A stitch
in time saves nine. A little work now may mean so
much to the future of this child. A headache in many
instances is only the forerunner of a more serious
disease that is just beginning. On the other hand it
may mean only eye strain, in which event a pair of
glasses prescribed and worn according to our direc
tions may avoid all further trouble, then again it
ina' not be glasses at all that the child needs, for
there are so many other conditions of the head that
cause headaches and which when corrected produce
the good results. Hardly a day goes by that we do
not see some child or some grown person for that
matter who has worn glasses when as a matter of
PACT thoy were not needed at all, as perhaps their
trouble has been entirely nasal trouble and when the
same has been corrected their trouble is at an end.
Why experiment? "Why not get the best of serv
ices, the most careful of examinations, and last but
not least an HONEST opinion? We have no glasses
lo sell. We make our livelihood by being honest to
the public and giving value received. No charge for
Drs. Saunders & Green
Praotlco limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT.
Garnett-Oorey Bldg. MEDFORD, OREGON
We wish to impress you with the fact that we are
Exchange Headquarters
What liavo you got, and what do you want? Through us
you can exchange what you have for what you want.
Eight acres bearing orchard within 12 Vii "''"' of Medford.
Price $8000. Terms, or will consider exchange for in
come property in Medford or California. Prefer a resi
dence. (--'0
10 room furnished house and two lots near City Park for
exchange; will consider close in acreage or California
property. Prices $(1000. (22(5)
10 acres, 1 miles from Medford. ! acres in berries. Price
$1000. Terms. C--)
27 acres '. miles from Medford. 1.1 acres set to 'J year old
peal's, 12 acres in wheat. Price $1125 per aero. This
tract will subdivide nicely. (228a)
KiO acres 18 miles north of Stratford, Cemaron county,
Texas. On survey of two proposed railroads. !" acres
in wheat. Prospects are good for this becoming a town
site proposition. Price $7000. Will accept Medford
city property in exchange. (22!))
Orchard, Ranch and Placer Mining proposition 1 18 acres
ou Pleasant ereek, 8 miles of ditch, l giants, 2000 feet of
pipe, (50 acres in cultivation, 7 acres in mixed bearing
family orchard, cabins, etc. This property is north of
Woodville. JloO acres good mining ground. Price
$10,000. Terms or would exchange for orange grove in
California. C-'M)
Saw Mill Proposition 200 acres at head of Anderson
creek. 2 good boilers, 2 engines, 2 logging machines, f
million feet saw timber. (f to 10 million feet of saw
timber can be purchased on adjoining land). Price for
land and equipment $10,000. Will exchange for other
property. (2U0)
K)1 acres 1 mile north of (Irants Pass. Cheap buildings.
This property surrounded by orchards. Price $12f0.
Will exchange for Medford property. (2110)
2 lots in Oklahoma Citv. Price $1000. To exchange for
Medford lots. (2111)
100 acre mountain ranch, f acres ready for plow, balance
wood timber. Price $2f)00; wants Medford citv prop
erty. (2IJ2)
2 room furnished house in Iinpeerial addition, cement
walk. Jersov cow and 21 chickens. Price for all $(550.
Half cash. (2:p)
Seven room modern house. Price $lo0(). -1 room modern
house $2500. Roth on good street. "Will exchange one
or both for ranch. (-30
18.M acres near Phoenix. Price $1155 per acre. Look this
up. (2U5)
J(50 acres near Trail. 10 acres in cultivation, (5 acres be
ing in alfalfa and !M in wheat, balance light timber. 2
irrigation ditches cross place; 10 room house. Price,
$12,000. Terms. (2:1(5)
('. acres in Central Point on Main St., 8 room house. Some
fruit. .It is good alfalfa land. Price $(5500.
3 room modern house on W. 1)1 It. Price .$2000. Will ex
change for ranch. (-'M)
S acre orchard home within 1-1 mile of city limits. Trees
ncarlj' all bearing. Good 5 room plastered bouse. Stock
and implements go with place. Price $7000. Medford
residence taken as part payment.. (--M)
Homestead Relinquishment 80 acres within 5 miles of
Medford. 5 acres cleared. About (50 acres tillable land
when cleared. Price $300. Small house. Spring. Act
quick on this.
Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent.
Alfalfa ranch near Corona, Cal., to exchange Jor stock
ranch, value $20,000. (m)
We have some very attractive ones, largo and small, rep
resenting different lines of business in Medford and
elsewhere. As these matters aro somewhat confiden
tial, we do not answer phono inquiries. Ask for per
sonal interview.
If you have a furnished house for rant, list with us. Wo
have customers waiting.
Benson Investment Company
Real Estate, Mines
Phones : Bell, 7991 ; Home, 234-L