I I t '", J1 &' fpw- k K Mutt Needed Exercise and Got It HCt'S 'MOT'fc U-vr. ft I'HOtA AvnT. HI f " ttl fSU. "IfltkM IMJ IMH.T WOtVl ucr rrvQ IjjT Ot "Vim "il.UWT TJRGo"r ft ? "uu ih.is aioi iK&n l),4?.. .it J- , t " - i " ! 1 W t U IW y UUS.MHI tsuw fcw tuY Wijn, ."'Ymo'N'iCswjc ftttrut. Wf WlhC TUNT KWT Mnji: ttKiMJ.UjTWciH rSjfr" NdTli'K TO NTOCKIIOMMtllti, Tint Hllliiliil Uiifi'ttliK r I lie Hlnclt luiltloin of I lie HtcrlliiK fluid (Jiiiirin '.MtiiliiK mill Milling coinimny 111 lui luiltt In IIiIh city .Miirch II ViVX I:ikI(iu of ii Itimril ( illrtu'tdi-H nml ntlior liiiioriniit ltiilii"M. II. II. I.OUIMHH. Kirruljiry LEGAL NOTICES. MITK'lt OK SAI.i: o.' .Mr.NMni'Ali no.vits. Notlnt Im licri'liy rIvcii lliMt I lie Town Council of llio Town of Unite I'hIU, In JitrKKon roiniij, Omtnoii, will ii'oolvo ixmiIimI irnioitU for tint pin chHio of 1(0.0110 of. Hut iii(HIkI)Ic cotiii)ii tioinU of nnlii town, tiunrliiK nix pur rout Minl-ttiinunl Inlnrimt. iwlil IioiuIk lioftrliiK (Into March lt, lta, duo Mnrrh lt. 132. Kuld nuiiIihI iiropoNtiln will lio ro cOIv'imI liy nml limy lio filed with thu rooontor of Mid town nt any tlmo libforo. r. p. iii. Mitrih 20th, 1912. Kiiyli iniKtwil or hid iiiiim Iio accoin imiftmi hy, u cortlfUul cluick drawn on rftiiito (tlatft or nntlonal bank Of Jnclc wn county, Oiokoii, for r. t cmt of lllit niiioiint offitrod, tho hiiiiio to ho forfuitcd to tho town In rami tlm protiojwil uindo U icc(iituil hy thu town mid thu iionwn maltliiK tho pro jkwiI iUim not iturrhaHo tho hoiidn In nri'Ordunen thvrowltli within thirty dnyH nftor heliiK notified of tho nc nlitaiilii of Dim proixHKtl nml IihIiik furnUlujil. with u truimirlit of tho irft3fiitUfiKH of (ho connrll and roo ordu of,thf town mIiowIiik that nald hntiiht nru lawfully Imuo and valid ol)llimtloH of th town. No hid for lfn than pur' and ao I'niiHl lntrtl will ho roiiMldoriHl hy tho oAtinell and thw council ronorviw thu rlftht to riJtct any and all hliU. Datod March Sth. 1!M2. lll.V Tl'NnA'Hfi. 31 1 lli'oordur Town of llutto KalU. min.Nrt5ft"'K" so. ii.Vh. An.oidlnanco'KimitlnK to tho Keil oral Tolonraph company. 11k hucco mira and mudKiin. tho rlKhl and prlvl Iuko or placliiK and malntalnliiK wlro ucroiw tlio utrtictM and alloyi of tho CIU of Modferd: Thu City or MctHord doth ordain iim follews: Horitlon I. Tho right and prlvlloRO Ik horohy Krantod to tho Perioral TolORraph company, n Citllfornlii cor poration, It h HiiccOHMorit and hhhIkiih, for u period of ten yearn to placo and maintain our and iicihh tho al loya and Htrttota In tho City of Mod ford. .Inrknon county, Orenon, It whim for tho Hiiioho of recelvliiR and IraimnilttlnK wlrolewK niemmKCH ! omniiiiitllMii uillli llu u'lritliOui telo- Biiiph Hlatlon In the nald City (If iwuiuoKl, and amo lor ino puriiono n Mtaylnn or KtiyliiK any of Uh wire and nnifltM niiilntalned In oonnoellon with wild Hlatlon, provldod, howovor, thai iiotlilni; horoln contained flhnll ho Intbrprotcd to mean that tmld coiiipany hIiiiII Iihvo tho right lo placo or maintain any polim or mtiHtH In tho Mtiool or allt'M of mild city. Hucthin 2. Tho right and prMtugo U alno fiuthor mantod to uld cor poration to maintain auv wlrca for Haiti porloi of time und pnrpono over any or tho hIiooIb and alio) a of mild city In connection with any other Klmllar Hlatlon which It may hero arior outahllHh or mnlntalu In Haiti Htfltlni,:i. The ahovo prlvllcRo l horohy nmlod iiptm t lit oxiiithh con dition that no wlrea ahull ho ho phuiod or tnalnlalnotl iiciohh altl iilruota and nlloyH nonror than fifty fuut to tho Hiirraco or tho HtrooL and that ihu hiiiiio ulinll at all tlmort ho malnliilnod In a nfo and proper man nor KullMfuclory to tho City Ktwinoor of Haiti oily. . ,, , Houtlon I. The Bald Kedoral 'Udo Kraph coiiipniiy, llrt huccohhoi' and ua hIiih. Hhall at any tlmo mnko any provlulon to IncroiiRo tho HlnuiBtn or Hiifoty or tmld wlroa which tho City KiiKlnvor or Haiti City Hhall deem nocoHwary Mr tho puhllo Hiifety when ordered ho to do hy tho City Connc of tmld Clly. TIiIh ordlnanco Hhall I alio of foci and ho In rorco from anil after Ha phhhuko and approval. Tho vf'iKnK ordlnanco wub paHH?id - hy tho Qlty Connull of tho Glty of Mmlfonl On 111" tith day of March, 11)12. hy tho following vnte: Watt, ayo; Mitchell, aye; Hmorlck, ahBonti Ireland, ayo; Miller, ayo; Hninmorvlllo, ayo. Approved March ifilJ. AttOHt: W.H. CANON. 10. 'V. l-'OSS. Mayor, Hooonlor M road KnomvuuuHii- Horxon. Tn acoordrtiice with, an oritur of I jiniKii or in.' nivuii emu' "f,,l,l1V ill ' ori-Hon, Mi ,lail.'niii Cuuatv. in tl "' alter of r ci im ihIUp of tho Mei' ioili Crater Jmltt. Utod coin any. -r- I ki Qi.O l.'SOV Vu.L l hi v to out fop. m.vnuk Arm t'u. MUtH' YOi M" Vt(t; DUT-lMMrrf A tOUI'O r MCsJItt,. No iMUJ, , WON'T GO JITM Ml) (jnctill ' VV HNYOWb UOP4& WM.K. J k f'ACTTMtrOocron dwyAu.ov "U1J.T0 WrNUi MjtM. rvjvr ' LEGAL NOTICES. ia Omirnii coriHiruiloti, und Ir i-nuw HlHlO IK'IKlllIK, )'lllllllll llKMI' lUfW ft lit., vm Xfdfulfl s CrtT I.hH JWIInrtid roMiimay. ! Ml . Noltt ih lirrir lvrn liy iho uii'lrtr nimihmI rrtt'lvrr r Miilit roriionulon. tliM lli court or Jinli In mmIiI itnilior Ih iiUotll lo mnloi hi nntrr dOorlhuUnjc to tllP liolll.'lH Of tlll UP HIOIC 10 HHlil (Hirporuiloo. midIi fuii'l" ii rlmll rw i nnlii lifter t'1" rviiint or nil utM. nit 1 1 i-Xikow of Dip iHwhiithlp Tlirifftitr. nil tmiMtnH ohImk any rully iMll-Hi HtiH'k In "iil'l rorimrntlon. or Imvlnx mnitv Wit pnvnuiHt mikmi tlwir Nutwcririiioti. Mti- lirrpiv nnilfuMi to. on or (wrote Anil Jmt. ttl. filo tii the iilitliiriiiK'K'il t'iM-v,-r. nt lit" office In km i "Hint niocu, Mnironi. ott-oj, iitir duly 'rlflil I'liiliii. CfHmiiiHld liv tilr crrtifirHi of miKk, nhwfiir ilu llitmU I of til.' f.-rtlflmtr. to liotil orilt lllHllv iMiiirql, unit III" ttOloUtit rcrrivM It) llif rorimrntlon In jmyln. Ml tlirrrfor Tlioi Mini uri- i w limn or micli HlocK. hut tit n not nrotluc tlm jwtto. or who hitxp imlil only liurt iimm llo'lr mill Hr1ptlnH, and to wtown crtlflctrii Imvr iifvur Imh-ii IiihiiiI, iiia)' nmke llko proof !v Miirli vMtfU-ii oIhIiii Ttiii rtnliiix will, on April 3rd, mi 2, h fllwt nltli the cmiuiy clerk for Jo) tKin county, Ort'ipiM All mihoivh liuvltiK no talcrrHt la rntlil mutter, and Imvln olijrciloiiM to uny of Mupl olnlma me r liiiiMl to flli the mhiiih la wrltlns with lil iwttnity rlrrk on or lifor Atifll fllli. 1917 Proin th tlttitt xald ('IhIiikl nr no flint with iii uiiiItNiKiH'il r wlvr thi-y will X Hiihjrvt lo Iiihhc tlon liy lho dWdrltiK to nmkr ohjec IImiim liatnl nt Mrdforil, )r'K"ti, t lit n ctii tiny of Murcli, tet: s- J P. ItKDDY. lloorlvrr of MxilrYiru tc Cmtcr ItKe lUtlnMMl roiiiounj. IIUKIMCHH Ori'OKTUMTII-S A UK YOU LOOKINO FOR A HUSI NK83 8NAI? Listen to thla. Lot 2rxl00, ouo ntory hulldliiK, one, hloclc from main (ttrcct, $3000. Thin offer opon only for a few dayii. W. T. York & Co. FOR KAl.i: Uoeniliu: hoiiHu, 1G iooiiih; imyn $12K to $3R0 inonlh. Low renti l.on; loan. Nearly ovurythliu; I now. Chauro to nt a good hiiHlueHM cheap. Will taKo (Hitno canh, halnuro real onlnto, or part ciihIi, liHlaitcn monthly to suit purchtiHer. (r will mll cheap for canh. Hao other ImihIiiow that will roiiulro all my time. For par ticulars lutiulro It. A., Mall Trlh lino. 30C FOU HKNT FUKMHHKD HOOM3 FOR RUNT Modorn fiirnlhed ronniH nt tho Cottaj;, GO I West 10th Ht., two hlorlcH nottth Medford hotol. Hot mid cold water In rnouiB. . Doth phones. Mrs. II, M. Com. 310 FOR HUNT Largo Bleoplnc room, ?1. GO nml $2 pur woolc. Modoru liniiBukoopInt; nparttuontn, $15 and $10. Home phono 2GG-1C 222 South Holly. FOR HKNT -Two ulcn fnmt fur tilHhed roouiB, elect tie light, kiib, hath. 0C I'OU HKNT HOU8KS FOR HKNT B room modoru house. 11 IS North Riverside. Phono Main 711. FOR HKNT Modern novon room hotiho cloiso In, ::tl North Iliilt lott nt. l'hono 2in-K, FOR HKNT Two room fitinlahod lipiiHt. largo pantry iiml closet. Klectrlo llgiitfl, rlty wator, Clean and cozy. tU7 W, Second nt. FOR HKNT FirnlHlicd Iioiibo two hlocltH from 1'. O. Also two fur- nlHhod hounekooplilg rootnB. lit- rjulro ait) N. llartlott. FOR HKNT Furnlshod hour,o, ovory convonlonco. 730 WohI 11th. FOR HKNT Hungalew: lnodorn; lawn and Hhade. 730 Wont 11th. ...... . i - . -i FOR HKNT Now hungalow (5 rooms and hath, all modern lmprovo aueutH, very cheap, luqulru of Dr. Vortor. FOR HKNT OFFICKS FOR HKNT Ovor tho pootofflco, with hoat and light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR HKNT Lnrgo, cdmrortnhlo of flco roomn with olovator norvlco, Htoam hoat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Anply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. FOR HKNT MIHCKLTiANKOUS FOR LKABK Fully oqulppoil placar and quartz mluo. Gold Ray Ronl ty Co. V FOR HKNT Largo and small ranou cJ. Oold Hay Hoalty Co. , FOR LKAfJK A producing gold Diilno oqulpped with flvo etamp nillls, concentrators, nlr oriishora mid air comproBB'ors, nil operated hy olectrlo powor. Will loaao on easy terms for poreontago of out put. Gold Hay Hoalty Co. ' FOR BALK OH HKNT FOR RKNT OR Hr,K fluidon nil trull trait, on pned Hiroit Ail llrossl V, O hox ID&, w MTOFOttD tfuMJD.'fcRTfBUKnJ. ttTJiTWtMft. .OH WON. MONDAY, MAltTIT 11, 1012. TUfsMKV Vot, ,t'M, tB THAT li ttrrs k TPM 'MLl Uc ON TUB fe;.fcs.i K0rti UNVKV 0sv, in.Tlnc, K.(iMY A.ty( IX)!lSAIiH IOTH FOR'HAtdJ LoU anil r.mnll tracts clone In. A Hlx room hungalow, now, Btrlct'y modern. Phono Pa cific 712; Home I13x. 312 FOR BALK Chnliu lotH In tho city lit JtiekHonvlllo, 250 hy 230; three houses, two wells mid one nprlng on lots. Terms JLOoO cash. A good hargaln for a homo. Mrs. LouIho 8chlffli)ii, .Tuckioiivlllo, Or egon.' FOR 8ALK An excellent lot on So Omnge 50x13 1 only S150. Clood for one week only. (Jm. ('. Cor nltlus. 219 W. Mala ht. 30f. FOU 8AL1C ACItlCAUK FOR SALE Aero and flvo aero tracts adjoining Medford on long tlmo, easy payments, or might ex change Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric hldg. FOR SALE Ten acres on main AbIi land road, small buildings, for 12750 $1000 will handle, easy terms on halanco. Flno placo for rhlckona or garden. W. T. York 6 Co. FOR SALE 10 acres bearing fruit, 7 acres 7 and 8 year old Spitz and Nowtown apples, 2 acres best var ieties 3 and I yoar old pears, 1 aero Hinall berries and grapes, with four room house, small barn, chicken houttc, etc. Within M mllo of Centrnl Point on Pacific highway. Sightly view ot Mt. Pitt and vauoy, ricn lana ana orcunra In good condition. An lueat home. Can ho had nt a hargaln for next 30 days. Apply to owner. Hox 3. S. C. George. Medford. 31'J ACREAGE Why buy n town lot when you can buy an ncro, under ditch, for $275? About b miles north of postofflco. Small payment down, hnlanro $10 per month with out lutorest or tnxv. Flno for garden, berries or chickens. JnmcH Rowling, 20 South Peach. 313 FOR SALE Nicely Improved 1C acres near Medford. Addross Hox 30. Tribune. 302 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR A LE FotTrrboiiThouso; wood shed, chicken house; yard foucod; blackberries, raspberries, straw berries, garden; water In houso; only $950, terms. 737 West 11th betwoon Nowtown and King uts., novon blocks nottth Washington school. 31 ! FOR SALE C room houso, about oilo aero of ground, young fruit trees, three largo poultry houses, 150 ogg Incubator and brooder, woodshed and shop, barn, well of flno wulcr, etc. Flvo blocks from asphalt pavement In very deslrnblo locution; ground high, woll drained and an Ideal location for n small poultry ranch. Must bo sold nt once and tho prlco will bo tniido accordingly. Inqulro West 11th st. Grocery. 315 FOR SALIC Now bungalow with bIx rooms, bath and pantry; screened In hack porch 10x2S; front porch Sx2S; east front; lot 50x171 root deep, or two lots 100x171 with alley at sldo. with barn on. Will glvo good tonus, Inqulro 317 Howard st., east side. .Phono G2G1. 310 FOR BALE Sovon room liouso, 8 room bungalow, modern. Seo W. II. Kvcrhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono GG71. FOR BALKA now 5 room strictly modern hungalow, hardwood floors anil ovory modern convenience In und paid for. Only 3 blocka from Main Ht., on N. Ivy. Finished lawn. It you want a bargain look thlft up. Only $3000. Excellent terms. Geo. V. Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 303 ii i .i iii.w i -ii i r ' " FOR SALE LAND FOR BALK Will guarantee right prlco and tonnB on 40 ncros of al falfa land If purchtiBCd from owner before Apr. 1st. U'b tho beat prop, orty to havo your monoy Invoatod In today. Address llox 75, Routo 1, Central Point. FOR SALE 200 acro3 flno alfaUa laud uiulor ditch, aB good land for alfalfa as can bo' found In tho, ntnto. This will ho sold cheap. Tills Is your opportunity long lookod for, Oliver U. Brown, 43G N. Rnrtlott Ht. V FOR SALE KlgTity acroa. 1 i mllos west of Kaglo Point, $3200, Prlco holds till March 1 only. W. T. York fe Co. V P5TtALK-"- Slock ranch 3 places, 100, ISO and 500 acres, all join. Improvements on ouch place. $12.50 por aero. Hub access to un limited h ti minor range ou nntlonal forest. Sawmill goea with tho pluiT-H. Will sell with or without callle XildrcHH Wright llroa , owners, Drew, Ore, 32 U 1 v 'rj l- Mru t'LL fltU'.H A - "I . , i - - w . . . I oven. ToT(r DurcnrrtAM'a c0 WMT Von. cnuTT, - j2 Toe (! FOR HALK POULTRY AND KGH8 FOR SALIC Fancy bronze turkoy eggs 15 coats eaih. $S for 50. Also early Minnesota set corn that will grow. Roht I)utton. 303 FOR BALK Rhode liland Rod eggs, $1 per sotting of 15. 210 Court nt. P. O. Ilox OR 309 FOR SALE Iiicubatojs and laying strain fancy eggs for hatching, rea sonable, at J. C. Schmidt's feed Store. FOR SALE IJarred Plymouth Rock.j Thompson strain eggs for hatching $2 for fifteen. R. II. Paxson, Cen tral Point, route two. 310 FOR SALE Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, $2. Orpingtons, wyan dotteB, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Hnntams, etc. Alto ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. 8Imp non's Pheasant Farm, Corvallla, Oregon. 335 WILL SELL my breeding pens of S. C. Wh. Loghorns and Crystal White Orpingtons, or tho entire plant, very reasonable. .Coino and seo us. Good reason for selling. Third houso north of Jacksonville dopot. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jackson ville, Ore. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my trapnested Crystal Whlto Orping tons and R. I. Rods. Myra Fuller. 8lsklyou Hts. Phono G1S2. 332 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Crystal Whlto Orpingtons, Rhode iBlnnd Reds. Brown and White Leghorns. W. If. Evorhard, 909 W. 9th Bt. Phone GG71. FOR 8ALB Eggs for hatching, am booking orders now for tho slnglo comb Whlto Loghorn. Wyckoff strain, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Placo ordorB now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7302. FOR SALE Baby chfeks and hatch ing eggs from our trap-uosted sln glo comb Whlto Leghorns and Crystal White Orpingtons. Pricos on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. FOR SALE Settings for Barred Plymouth Rocks for sale. Heavy winter layers. 75c for 15. Grey holm Farm Quality. Phono ordors to Ira J. Dodi?e. 303 FOR SALE Anrouns oggs $2 50 per 15. Stock direct from II. C. Shop pard, Ancona HpQclallst, Beroa, Ohio. .1. D. Hooker, Medford. Phono Sub. 3221 or louvo ordors with J. C. Schmidt's food store. 32G FOR SALE A new Old Trusty In cubator very reasonable. Phono 0411. 304 FOR SALIC WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood, $5 por cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE Wood nt country prices. lG-tn. fir $2 7-. 12-ln. fir $2.25. lG-ln. plno, $250; lG-In. hard wood, $2,75. All dry wood. C19 South Riverside. Bell phono 5041. 30S FOR SALIC MISGELliANKOUS FOR SALE Cholco Importod birds for Bale. 207 So. Ivy stroot. 303 FOR SALIC Sawing mnchlnes, sec ond hand or now pumping engines cheap; sawing dono to order. Phono Pnc. 742; Home 143x. 312 FOR SALIC Flno black garden soil. Inqulro W. M, Hall, 1010 West 9th at. or 401 Rlvorsldo avo. South. 302 FOR SALIC - Good toam, wnguu and toed furnished competent man nbout April fliht for half what thoy make, Address box 75, Routo 1, Central Point. 301 FOR SAIjK Good olil work toam, harness and wagon, $160. 523 N. Rlvorsldo. Puclflo G172. 3PS FOR SALIC A dnndy'tont houso 11 xlG with extra kitchen, wardrobe and cupboard hullt In. Used only G mo. Cheap. Address Box 391, Medford. Oro. 335 FOR 8ALK Iloi'bo, buggy und har jibs3. 'Seo L. H. Wuruor, Sr, at Warner, Wortmaii & Goro'a Btoro. Ji'UR SALK-Oui""browii work lit'uro 7 irs old. also light wagon near ly now. Call at 40G Realty fit.. Medford, Ore. ' 307 - FOR BALK Block). Call 10 10 W. Second. au FOR SALIC Two good adding horsoa, gentle. Phono Farinors 129, Cen tral Point, Ore 305 FOR SLK Kai'lv SuiiriflO bpo(1 po tatoes. Phono Hell 1 i21. Home 272 L, P O box 831, 313 ' " " s lwll. - I , lTMfT. VOU'WH WTllHl WJVfTiHft, SU- DV- Out t'n I Wt MffGT0 ctoe iWTiir- ron I ArfteND AT (AlONiOrtT AND IN NVSMT!to FOR SALE OJt EXCHANGE FOR BAKE OR TRADE C ncro truck farms A mllo from Medford. W. H. Evorhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono 6G71. FOR SALE OR TRADE for Portland property, lot 5 and G, block 2, Highland Park addition Medford. Price $850. II. L. Simpson. 12R t'nlon Ave., IJortland. Ore. 302 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Kaglo Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or unimproved. Ex change prlco eamo as cash price. Seo Oliver B. Brown, 43G N. Bart lett st. ' FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchange for other property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Flvo passenger automobile in good condition for real estate. Address Box 2, caro Mall Tribune. HELP WANTED FE5IALE WANTED Reliable woman for gen eral work on farm near Eagle Point. Phone Mrs. Pclouze. 304 HELP WANTED MVLE WANTED Active, energetic man to Boliclt in the city. Good compen sation and permanent position. Chance for advancement. State age. Address I. C, care Mall Tribune. 302 TRUSTWORTHY MEN or women wanted as local representatives of responsible manufacturer. High class merchandise and clean selling methods. $12 per week guaran teed on ensy conditions, with pos sibility of $30 and advance. Expe rience not necciisnry. Manufac turer, box 27S, Philadelphia. 2SC WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Home laundry. Careful work. 48 N. Oakdale ave., cor ner Gth. 30G WANTED Sewing by the day. Phono Main 7402 or 421 S. Poach st. 307 WANTED An A-l office man, ac countant and bookkeeper desires employment. Roforencos O. K. Addross Box 15, caro Mall Tribune. 305 WANTED Rollablo man and wife want placo on ranch: two children. CIoso to school. State wages. H. Williams, Gen. Del., Medford. Ore. 307 W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED dressmaking. Call at 102 No. Oakdale. Phono 77G1. WOOD WANTED Ten cords dry fir wood. Hollywood Orchards. Phone Farmers MG-F-2. WANTED A residence lot; must bo cheap for cash. Stato prlco and location. Box L. B.. Tribune. WANTED Gontlo riding pony. Bou dinot Connor. Tel. Contral Point. Lowor Tablo Rock. WANTED You can't help bur mnko monoy Belling our gunranteed-tc-glvc-satlsfactlon stock; frco outfit; cash woekly: oxcluslvo territory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Washington. HUS1XKSS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kopt for n reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trib une bldg,: phono GG11; rosldonco phono G302. Abstracts ROGUK RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phonos Main 2511, Home 35G. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11; Home; 200U. Attorneys b. V. BAGSUAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pn clfle. Main 33. 07" L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bauk bulldlug, second floor. prjRTEirjTNEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-nt-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Poatcifflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnott Corey bldg. , , u MULKEY & CfHSHRY. (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 hnd 12 Juckson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Kvamlner 320 aarm-U-Corev Hldg.. SOT, DSARlB , U'.TGH i THE -i ; dnwwr VJ &rzt c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects A. D. JOHN3 11. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phone 6413. Johns & Turner Architects and Builders. Office 31-33 North Bart lctt, near Main. Office Phone 1331. Assjtyer nntl Analyst SdUTHBRN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, bII vcr, lead, copper and othor mlnor als. Mines and mining prospects rturvfvml. assayed and mining mnps and reports made" thereon by com- potent mining assayers anu engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposos, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Gth and Fir sts. Billiard rarlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WTHIT1NG Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Repair work a specialty. Wm. McGaw, 504 S. Newtown. Phone 5211. 314 O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder. Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. &. 11. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Mnin 2021. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCkWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advico In dle totics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attcudaut. Phono Home 168-K. DR. ELISABETH BROOKE Chiro practor, ncrvo specialist. Tho lat ent scientific trcatmont for chronic, nervous, blood, uric acid, function al and constitutional diseases, in cluding catarrh, asthma, heart, stomach, liver, kidney, fcraalo and many other diseases. Consultation froo. 217 So. Rlvorsldo. Sl-R. Hours, 1 to 4. 30G Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rhoumatlsm, catarrh, colds, golturc, throat and lung trouble, doafnoss, paralysis, private dlsoasos und all kinds of chronic and nervous nllmouts. Stomach troublo, constitution', Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles, See mo at 241 S. Front st Medford, Oro., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Rcsldeuco phono Main 42. Dentists J. M. KEENtf. D. D. S.; A. J, HINI KER, D. D. S. Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOCJ DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnott-Coroy bldg., Bitlto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phpnca. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offlco in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas adminlstorod for extraction of tooth. Tolophouo Main G81. Night phono 4432. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo, W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Ooo. T, O'Brien Contractors and niantii factuvora of brick; doalors In pressed brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson 3t. Phono No. 3Ct. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealers and manufacturers ot pressed and com mon brick and tljo. Get our prJcee nml see our brick and tllo beforo purchasing. i -nrisiN- i i Xt. V I T6W tirtlLPC. n ' sxisib v I J ttah I (r?v7v .lc fACIE IHTE By -ttBudtt Fisha v .TlfefibOr YoukMoW THe V)OC'aOR.0eR.S. TCM NMLc UUBINKSS DIRKCTORY FnniRvro MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sis. Medford. Mission furniture mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Gal-bago MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Lcavo orders at 29 a. Burtlfctt, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 3432. Home 107-X. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF 1'UKT LAND Incorporated and char tered under the lawB of tho state of Oregon. Insures horses and cattlo against death from fire, nccldont or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agont, Medford, Ore. Offices West Sldo Stables. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job of f Ico In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Tribune Xurscrlcs QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guaranteo everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offlco 104 S Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTINO AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phono G13. Offico hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnott-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residenco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco llmltod to dlscasoa of womeu. Offiuos ovor Iiasklpa Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 2S. Rosldonco Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 367-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physlclnn and Surgeon. Practlco llmltod to oyo, car, noso anil throat. Eyos scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 210 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phonoB. E. B. PICKEL, M. I). Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Ros. phono, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician ond Surgoon. St. Murks Block. Office phono 4901. Rosldonco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms G and G Kcntnor bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. I'lioiiQ. Bell 271. Rosldonco phono Bell 273. Home 229 X. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work dono quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 1G South Fir. Phono Bbll 3152; Homu 350-K. PrJeoa right. Servlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25c anywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val ley S cond Haud Btoro, 1G N. Fir Bt. Phones: Main 3072, Home 354, Messenger service Fred Crocker, Prop. . Uildcr tultcrH JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kmbulmer. Offico 28 South Bart lott st. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471: night, rosldonco, Bell 473, Home 179 L. Culln answered nlcht or duy. Ambulance- servlco. a i iiCr CS