MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, PSDFORD, QKIWON. KATlTUDAY -MARCH , 1M2. PAftlU FOUK -jiimwi4 i lfcJUw . ,JH" jifcii .-,- -V - ! If Medford mail Tribune AN WmClUCNDKNT NICWSPAPKIl runtiiRiiKD KVisnr aktkhnoon KXCIJI'T BUNDAT, 1T TUB MBDFOKD l'KINTINQ CO. Tho Democratic Tlmcn, Tlio M ml ford Mull, Tho Mcdront Tribune, Tha South ern Orcconlan, Tho ABhlnnd Tribune. Office Mall Trlbuno Hultdlnc. 2B-S7-28 North Kir street; phon. Main 1021; Home 75. OROItOE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager jJ2p JSntrrcd nn ncconit-clnsa matter at Medford, Orenon, undor the aot of March , 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jacknon County. aruBBOBirrxoH kateb. One year, by mall 5.00 One month, by mall SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen- tral Point .SO PAturday only, by mall, per year.. S.go Weekly, per year 1.50 UP TO THE CITY COUNCIL. T1 MUSICAL PLAY HERE TONIGHT Tho attraction to bo seen at the Medford thentro tonight will bo Jos eph M. AVebcr'a splendid production ot "Alma, Where Do You Live?" which It will bo remembered played lor a full season at Weber's thentro, Now York and was one of the most distinctive hits of tho past season. "Alma" may bo described as neither farce nor burlesque, nor yet wholly musical comedy, but something of all threo of these. Originally a French musical play by Paul Ilcrve and Jean Uriquet It was given for a long tlmo In Paris and was first seen In America In the German, hnvlng been translated into that language for use at Adolph Phillip's Now York theatre in SCth street, where It was played for nearly a season before being becured by Cias.A.Hurray iu'JJjaa, t$ere do yon. Jdw ? ' Joseph M. Weber for uso at his thea tre. Tho German adaptation receiv ed some harsh criticisms on account of tho suggestlvcuess to bo found In It; but in tho American version this has been wholly eliminated. Tho present adaptation was made by George V. Hobart, who has done his work most cleverly and has lost none of the interest and humor con tained In tho original French play. There nro fourteen numbers iu the scoro and tho music by Briquet is particularly attractive, especially tho number "Alma, Where Do You Live?" which has proved decidedly catching aud Is one of those pieces of music that sends tho audience away from tho theatre whistling tho air. The company is headed by Miss Nan netto Flack, whllo othor Important mombers of the cast aro Charlos . Murray, the well known comedian, and Aubrey Yates. A splendid sconlc production has been provided and Alma" will undoubtedly provo one of tho most attractive features of the season. DOMINION TO TAKE OVER ALBERTA PROJECT OTTAWA, Out., March !). -There is a well founded report here lliut the ddminion jvcriiiuent in contcmplnt iii)r Inking over tho ininiciibo C. I'. H. irrigation project in houthern Alberta on which the railway company lias already hpent fjil.",UUU,UUU. BOURNE PETITION FILED WITH OVER 4000 NAMES 6ALKM, Ore, March .--J. 1 Siu nott who lutb been Jieie Tor two dujb checking over the Hoiii'iie pc'liliniin, iilcd them today. They contain 1,000 names, after eliminating all doubtful ones, NOTIOH TO HTOUKHOLDKKH. Tlio annual meeting of tho stock holders of tlio Storllng Gold Quartz Mining and Milling company will bo held iu this city March 14, 1912. Election of a board of directors and othor important business, 11. II. LOIUMBIt, Secrotary. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that tho umlorslgued will apply at tho regular mooting of tho city council March 19, 1912, for a llceuso to sell mult, spirit and vIhoub liquors at tho llotol Med ford, lota 1C, 17, 18, block 78, for a porlod of six months. HAU-MOIlIt COMPANY, Dated Fob. 23, 1912. 1110 Medford Commercial club, tho Greater Medford club and tho University olub have all adopted reso lutions requesting the Southern Pacific to eloar away the shaoks, debris and buildings along the right of way be tween Sixth and Main streets, so that the grounds oan be parked and beautified. The same olubs have passed resolutions requesting the oity council to aet in tho matter! tho railroad officials hav ing stated that a resolution by the council would result hi cancelling existing leases. It is therefore up to the city council and whether or not our front door is to be beautified depends largely upon these gentlemen. If left to a vote of the people, the councilmen would be instructed by an overwhelming majority to clear the rjght of way. No hardship upon any one is contemplated. As the resolutions of the ladies of the Greater Med ford club, quoting the designer of the Minneapolis park system, Edwin II. Hewitt, assert: "Civic improvement should begin at the front door, that is. the railroad depot grounds, the most important gateway of the town." As the Medford Commercial club resolutions assert: "There should be an effort on the part of the public now holding leases on said right of way to look forward to a city beautiful, and that, in so far as possible, the Southern Pacific company should lend a hand toward this end. Suf ficient time should be given all parties now occupying right of way privileges, so that no hardship will be worked." v 3 " As a matter of fact, the shacks are not occupied by those originally granted the privileges, but are utilized as a source of income from shippers to whom they are rented by the owners a graft not contemplated by the railroad in granting the privileges. THE TOURIST INDUSTRY. S-NS For U. S. Senater: wheke to go A LL Oregon has neglected one of its greatest assets - tourists. AN ith the most beautiful and picturesque state in the Union, nothing has been done to attract hither the thousands of money spending tourists who annually scatter millions in Europe and southern California. Southern Oregon is particularly fortunate in scenic attractions. On every hand stretch vistas of beauty. Ver dure clad hills, rock ribbed and snowy peaks, silvery streams and tumbling cascades everywhere lure aiftl beckon. The greatest forests in America charm with their sun spotted shadows. World famed wonders abound. Crater lake with its waters of mystic blue and its precipitous sides, the great caves of Josephine county the "marble halls of Oregon" the giant redwood forests of the coast, the wild and rugged shore line, the green prairies and placid waters of the Jvlaniaths, above them all the blue skies of an Oregon summer, all attractions that not even Switzerland and its mountain splendor, nor Italy with its boasted charms, nor southern California, with its irrigated deserts, can com pete with. The great resource today of Switzerland, of France and of Italy is the tourist traffic. Thousands of Americans yearly pay dearly to see far inferior sights to those Ore gon has to offer. But Switzerland and Italy and Krauce are advertised. They have fine roads and good hotels. Every convenience is supplied the tourist. His business is the business the country caters toand it richly remu nerates the nations. Southern Oregon today boasts fine hotels., Medford, Kin math Falls, Grants Pass, all have modern', up to the minute accommodations. But there are few tourist resorts in the strict meaning of the word. There are fewer good roads. The San Francisco fair will bring many thousands of tourists. Oregon will receive her sluu'e. ' She must get rendy for them. The next few years must be our busiest. "When 1915 rolls around, Jackson county must be able to offer most, not only in scenic wonders, aiid beautiful land scapes, but in good highways. The coming yeai-s are therefore the most important. Tt is essential to make the most of our opportunitv, that we have a progressive and businesslike administration of county affairs, in what should be our most expansive period. "Nothing But PoIarineOilforMe" Daytona, I'la., April 53, 1011 Standard Oil Company! Today I lowered my world's rec ords for the kilometre nnd milet also established h world's record for two miles. Kilometre, 15.88 seconds mile, 2.5, 40 second i two miles, 51.98 seconds. Ucd To larino Oil In practice and in final trials and it helped rnn brcali tho records. Nothing but I'olarine for me from now on. -fuT I to be In as perfect condition :r." New York Times. " When examined carefully after tlio trials, the Ulilrcn lienz was found as ever. These performances again prove POLARIN1S Is the best automobile oil yet produced. You will get more power, longer wear, out of your car by using It. Writtftrlktr'tUrUt bfilrti htt, fetl-ptil Standard Oil Company i Ucorportd) PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. 1 COPFEEN & PRICE 1 35 Howard Block, rntranc on Oth Bt. , FftCltto 3031. Horn 349. I If yon nro JntcieMed. In knowing about a laundry where work Is absolutely hanltary and hyKeiilc throughout, aud where every piece of work done Iw done wlUj the utinoBt care. Wo never fall to nleaao our cuBtomern aud wo aro uuro to nlcauo you if you give iiu a trial, STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Pacific lliOl. Home (in. Mi:oFoiti, oiti;. W&BBBUBE3SSE& To Hon Olcott S. notary of State. and to the members of tho Demo cratic l.trt.N and tin doctors of the State of Oregon I. WAIl'KU ,M. IMKHCI-:. reside at Hot Lake. Union County. Oiokou, aud my nostofflco address l Hot l.ake, Oregon. I am a duly registered mem ber of tho Democratic party. If I am nominated for the office of I'nlted States Senator In Congioss at tho pri mary nominating election to bo hold In the State of Oregon on tho 19th day of April. tOU. I will accept tho nomination and will not withdraw aud If I am elected I will n.unllfy as such officer. If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, ndvo cato tariff for revenue only. Govern ment economically administered. Ne cessities of life on free list. Liberal appropriations for rhvrs aud harbors. Income tax. Liberal policy of con acrwttlon. Rational into of ptibl'e do main. Hxpeudlture In Oregon of Ore gon's jut proportion of the reclama tion fund. Free tolls for American shipping at I'auama. Laws giving Americans the privilege of purchas ing foreign built ships aud sailing them uud'T our iflng. Alaskan coal fields for tho people. Liberal appro priation for agricultural develop ment. Legislation beneficially affect ing labor. Imprlnoumcut of trust of ficials controlling necessities of life. For a greator agricultural, commer cial aud manufacturing Oregon. For the Oregon System. 1 dosiro tlio follOwiuK-.vonlH placed after my name .on .the official nomi nating ballet: 1 "Kqunl opportunity for all In po-1 l!tlca! and business affairs." (MMJ$'SA (Paid Adt ) j TUMlUHl easrsritskAss, O JL J Ja THEATRE Alwnjn In tho Load. 1000 Foot of Film 1000 Kntlru Change of Program Today .MILI.HIt .V MAHOX Giving a trnvost on "II Trout tore" you II laugh, shout, bollor ami scream when .sou see this. "A IMUNt'KSS OF TIIK IIIIjUS" Thrilling Spanlsh-Callfoiula story "Tin; .lKwia-s" Powerful Kdlson drama "TIIK MTTI.i: STOWAWAY" Depleting the struggle aud vicis situdes of Dot, the little f'ouor girl "WIIKKK TIIK .MOXKY WKNT" Vltagraph Laugh-Producer Al SATIIKU, the Singer WOOIiWOUTIIS, Hie Musician Admission 10c Matinees Dally. Medford Theatre TrusiiAV, .MAitui turn The Itotlp.illt Ljccuui Iluioatt Piesents li: mux (.itAM) opiatA to. In Acts from "Martha" C'nil Act 1 aud ( Actsi "II Trovatorc" .MADAMi; LI, llltrx .. . Sopmuo MISS LAI'ltA IIAKU... Conlnilto .MIC. FICITZ lU'FFMAX Tenor .MIC. AltTlll'IC DHAXi: Iluiltono Popular prices: $1...0. $1, ?."c, 00c Get Your Scats Karly .'tt TJiese Pxlces -t NEW WALL PAPER Our bprlng slilpmuut of wall pa per In the very latest patterns ro- celved tins week,. MaKe jour selec tions early, while the line is complete. MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. Young & Hall Taxi Co. TOl'ltlNC CAIIS AXI TAXICAIIS lleioioiiable Itato In City or Country Phones: Pacific 1IOO; Home 11)0 Service all day, all night. Stands Medford and Xsh Hotels. Absolutely no credit without first making arraugctueutH with man ager. COURT HALL Manager MONEY TO LOAN In amounts of $2000 and up on first niortaes. Will pin-chase good contracts at a reasonable discount. No delay in closing. HUNTLEY fi MacCLATCHIE 101 .M. !'. k II. HIiIr. FOR SALE (iood team, wagon and harness. Also some close in property in Ashland and young orchards just coining into hearing. J louses and lots to rent. (Iood income properly. JOHN PIERSON, Box 36, Ashjand, Orq. n u i t vu a nil ii y aw Medford Tent and Awninjj Co'mpany MaiinfiicltouN of ami innliiH In IWNINOS, TEHTB, TJCYW, COVURH Or AZ.X, KINDB Ml UVIkIiIm and VIIIIim Dink Awn ing, HiilpiM, i;td WHOI.EHAI.E AND RETAIL Ml MuIihh of AwnliiKH ami I'oicli 'nrliiliiM, put up at MiiinifacliiiciM' ''rlutiM. AkoiiI fur (li KoAnok Nolelen Vontllotlnif Win dow Awnlair 109 N, rront Bt. 3oti PhencB Jledfonl, OrtBon'J FIRE FIRE . THE GREAT? CHICAGO STOCK YARDS FIRE In a Film at tho Ugo Thontor, 'JL'lnu'day, Friday and Saturday ROMEO AND JULIET At Ugo Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday ISIS THEATRE 20c ADMISSION- 20c VAUDKVILLK AND MOTION IMCTUUKS THE MUSICAL IRVINGS yceuic Musical and Singing Aet 1 "LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT" Drama 2 "THE O'NEILL" An Historical Irish Production made iu Ireland 3" A MODERN ANANIAS' A Dandy Comedy Tho Journoy of tho Wcstorn Govoruors to tho Eant Special Matinoo Saturday and Sunday, 2 P. M. Evoning Porformanco, 7:00 MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Saturday, March 9th Joe Weber Presents Geo. V. Hobart's English Version of tho Groatost Musical Show of tho Soason AJLJV1 A A Now Era in tho Annals of Musical Comedy WHERE All Last Soason at Wobor'n Thoatro, Now York DO YOU By Paul Harvo. Music by Jean Briquot T TVF SONO HITS CIiiih. A. Mm lay "Alma," "(llrllett," ,,. , ( "Never More," "lloo Nnnuutlu I'luck m,," "(Jhlhl- 1 hood DajH," "lloo .Atihroy Yatod j K )o0( n, laiiil of Hoautlful anil a I DreauiH," "Sail llomu," "KIhh Me .,.v ..v A' Ive," "Love Mo," Ktc. PRICES $1.50, $1, 50c Seats on aalo at Haskiris First National Bank oit-h tex'-r MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL StfOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undividod Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your l)itsinoss, which will recoivo our careful attention. F. K. DiaJlCr, CHICHIDICNT M. Jj, ALKOItl), OAHIIIKIl OmtlH OUAWI'OHI), ASSISTANT OASiniCIt xK i .y W - 5 .' K ' V