I ! K - V "I I ! 1 I 0; PAGE SIX 'i'"iii"t jjj " n r MEDFOUD" MATG TRIBUNE. MEDFORD". OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCIT 7, 1912. MEDFORD HELPS CHOOSE FAIR SUE At tlio monthly nipotinc f the Comtneri'iiil dub held ,ilnisl!y uiftlit, npplirntions Tor membership of the following mimed persons were rend, nml on motion each ami nil wore duly elected members of the (dub, viz.': Albert P. Noth, l W. Shnploj(jb, ,1. V. Hutehuon, .John V. Lnwrenee, T. K Sunntliu, K. II. I.nni port. Medford l.nnd Co.. A. W. Wnlk 2 WEDDINGS Cube, V. M. Wilson, Koruo Uiver Vol ley Abstract Co., I. P. StrusburKei .1. Adnm, 0. A. Millar, .1. V. Mar 'ion, M. p. Mettfont at the Pair. I Judge Colvii was appointed to rep recent Medford and the elub at the 'seleetion of a site for the Oregon bunding at the Panama Pacific Im position at Sa Praneiseo. Me will join the excursion headed by (lov enior West on the Mtb. A communication from Hon. P. A. Klliott, state forester, was rend. Mat ing that during the past summer this club invited the state hoard of for estry to hold one of their meetings at Mcdfiiiii. mill tlint ni.l iiivitntiiiti er, J. II. Cooley, 0. ArnspigtM-, Med-; llt,(l boo mvC)kll, iuul ,, ,,u, ford Implement company, H. H. Me-ihoiml wouia ,.0imMl0 . .r0)frd on !thc afternoon of the irth ot Maren. i at which time there will be present Governor Wet and other officers ami gentlemen interested in the sub ject of forest protootiotr On motion the following committee w np pointed to arrange for the reception, entertainment, etc., of the benid: M. I. P.viokMtu, lMlgnr llnfer and (le. li. Davis. Piles for Ortlianllsts. K. H. Hall, an oivlumlist, advanced the idea that the club vhonld offer prizes for the best kept orchards sit uated anywhere in Itoguc river val ley, provided, however, that no prire shall be paid to any orchardist unless he is a member of the Medford Com mercial club. Alter some discussion the chair appointed u commit too of three to consider the subject: M. A. Under, .1. A. Perry and Cluy W. Con ner. The subject of the mining interest of .lackson county was introduced the members' belieing that the mines of southern Oregon are among the most valuable of its resources, and it appearing that there is located hero In Medford u Mining club, composed of men who are interested in exploit ing the mineral resources of southern Oregon and uothern California; and that it is advisable for this club to encourage the development of our mines, And it fuither apocaring that a writer has been engaged lo write up and furnish to the mining journals of the west a description of our many mines and mineral deposits, $15 a month for four mouths for the Min ing elub was appropriated' NOTK'K. Notice l hereby kIvcii t It tit tlio iiiuIothIkihhI will apply at tlio rexu lar meeting of tlio city council March 10, 11" 12, for a lleeiiiio to noil malt, nplrlt and vinous HipiorH at lot A, block 1!0, No. Kl In' original town of Modfurd, for it period or nix inontlm HIIAW & KIWI) Dated March ll, lUll!. A Great Fliiht. Wednesday night while the I'ight wiih going on at the Naliiloriuni, there was another fight on MuM street. People were fighting lo ' tickets to nee Miller and Cason, those fiiunv eomediaiiM at the Htur theater. Painless Dentistry A Misunderstanding All Around BYXTOPSXS Or THE AMSUAL STATEMENT Or THE GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION OP OMAHA. IN TIIK STAT K OK N'Klllt.XSIi.V. on the 31st lny of Peocmber. 1911, mmlc to the Insumnco tiiiiulilimir of tlte state of On?Km, pursuant to law . Amount of capital pnl'l op. As the result of a bt'le jealousy there came very near biug a great disturbance with "His Wife," in one ease and in the other the cause was due to the close resemblance of "Two Suits." Although serious and some what uncomfortable, for those con cerned, it was at the same time quite i laughable. You can see it demon strated in two thousand fiet of film at the Savoy theater tonight- He member, however, that the films an? not of the class used for the past few months but first-class, up-to-now motion pictures and they wi!i ho much b'ettur after tonight. Seeing is believing. Two clever little fellows will put on n three-round bo.xing ex hibition that is n scream, tonight, al so Friday and Saturday nights, and Saturday matinee. This will be a treat in addition to the 4000 feet ot film. Watch for the numerous changes next week. All we ask is for a portion of your patronage, a hog alone wants it all. "01 Premiums recoived during the ur lntvrt reveUed tlurliiK the jeur.. CAPITAL. INCOME. .No capital, purely mutual. Total Income J JiSi.UQ.:s DISBVKSEMEITTS. Paid for losses , Guarantee deposits returned to benertclurlex CaucellntloiiH of KnurHUtee deposit Commly.-tlons and j-olurlc- paid durliiK the ear Taxes, llccnsas and fee pM during the year. . . Amount of all other epemllture Jl.10a.0i 1.04S.00 l.iiMt.tto 95,:.S.6tS 3.3SI.37 SJ.iUS.M Total expenditure)! J A68ETS. lSd.194.47 J 19.Oi)0.0 Market value of bonds owned.. Klrttt loans on farm mortKaites 133,J50.iH Guarantee notes, not due, on membeiM In Kood M.imllni: ?3j.yii.J3 Cash In bunks and on hand :.$(0.S: Accrued Interest 7.73. t Other assets fnet). aKents balance, secured l.tftT.I! Mortuary assessments to become due to cover ixxit-liior- tern policies ir.uoo.oa Total assets admitted In OrcRon I CSO.iUl.St LIABILITIES. Total policy claims J l'.OW.W) Total liabilities 1 l:000.00 Total Insurance In force Pe 31. 1911 JS4.0lS.000.e0 BUSINESS IN OREOOIT TOK THE YEAR. Progressive Aggressive m.eoo.eo l.uio.oa 1:0,000.00 Total risk written durliiK the year t Gross premiums received durlutc the ear Total amount of risks uUtstandliiK In Oregon, Due 31. ISM GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION Pure life Insurance. Klrst class representatives wanted Statutory resident general ueent and attorney fur .service. IKA 1- R1GGS. State MKr. 10X4 Chamber of Commerre llldir. Portland. Or. (SKOROK A. l.OX'KJOV, Western Munaner Port'sud. Or V 4 ' (UK fourteen lutpilrlra that had reference, to the tyc and tho wenr- Iuk of kUikkch will furulHh material for several rather long (iiIIch. It will tie ucrottttary to bear In mind that eyes nro like Imektt, Icrh, HtomacliH and hearts In that they arc not all alike and art) not all cipial to the mime amount of work, Kyc strain Ih a condition brought about by the ubnne of the eyes, by urIiik them excessively In poor Unlit for close work; In other words by strululuK the uiufcIch of accommodation. A far hIkIUciI, near Hli;titcd or ustlKtaatlc eye will c.iiiho the syniptoius of eye strain much quicker than a normal eye. Prominent union; tlio symptoms of eye strain lit the "frontal headache" that Home one linked about, this with the periodical "sick headache" and the lens common occipital headache are the mottl common headaches due to eye Hindu. Car sickness and distress following an cvcuIuk at the moving picture hhow are hIkiim that the eyes are helm: nilsstretted, and should receive attention. The wearing of kIiimhch by yotinc people when needed to relievo eye strain mcaiiH that the next k'U oration will have bettor cjcb than the present, our eyca are an Reed or better than those of our grandparenta but we do more near work of all kinds and consequently have to have kIuhhcs If we wish to be com fortable while readlUK. Hewing, etc. Our grandchildren will have better eyes than we. There will be more tomorrow. CONSULTATION FIlHrJ. 2S 11-211 CKNT DISCOUNT FOIl A FHW DAYS MOKU. Drs. Saunders & Green Practice, limited to-KYK, KAH, NOSK nml THROAT. QARNETT-COKEY HI.DO. UKDFOM), OKEGON Ih whiU the word really menu In thin establishment. Wo practice painless extraction, and every operation wo perform In devoid of Miifferlng. lh liiK dental exports wo enjoy a high reputation for careful and thoioiigb work, and our patroun In tlio pant will gladly testify to the character of our services. Our chiirgeM are rea sonable, too. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-308 Fartnort nml FriiltKroworn llnnk Illdg., Medford, Oregon I'nclflo Phono Main GC3 Home Phono 237-h. Reliabh Ethical EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Here Is a miburban tract that can not be matched for a third more money to acres on macadam roud two miles from Medford postofflre. Pluck free mill with clay subsoil. No hard pan or rock. Flue building idle f acres are In Jonathan, New low 11 and Hpltx npplcn I H years old ft acres In nlfnlfa. Price, HG00. SISKIYOU HEIGHTS COMI'ANV PLUMBING Stoom and Hot Wator Hoating All Work (Iurlltr. Prices Itrasonatila. COFFEEN & PRICE 19 Howard Block, Sntranc on otlt HI. raolflo 3031. Horn 049. MmJ -. ll T T T T f f T T T T t f f T T f f t t T T f f f t f t T T T T T f f T T T T t t T T T f T T f f T T f t Gray e Moe Our Second White Sale Grayjjoe Laces9 Embroideries, Shirt Waists and Muslin Underwear A SALE OF NEW GOODS TO ECLIPSE ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS At this sale Embroideries will be offered in great variety of patterns and designs at very low prices. Now just in time to fit in with your plans for spring and summer comes this opportunity. Help yourself liberally at these low prices. Our second shipment of high-grade Muslin Un derwear just arrived. All those who could not get supplied at our first sale will find our line more complete than ever. All goods sold just as advertised. We mention a few belew: Laces and Embroideries Corset Cover Embroidery, pretty patterns and fast edges, will be offered at, per yard, only Values about double. 15c, 23c, 35c 27-inch Flounces For skirt and waist trimming: are these attractive flounces, unusual patterns and strong values on fine Swiss cloth, fast edges and well made with baby .Irish banding to Syd:i!:'!:.!!!."::::::lc:;::,t..!:.59c, 89c, 98c yd Up to 10c Values at 3c Narrow Nainsook and Cambric Edges and Insertion, well made, fino patterns; values to 10c, will be offered at, per yard- for only 3p Cluny Laces at 7c .1000 yards of Imported German Cluny Laces, heavy pat terns, in sets of different widths, value up lo 15c special 8c Plume Brand Muslin Underwear Princess .Slips in the newest style, splendid cut, full size for ladies and misses, made with circular necks, some with yokes, others without; trimmed with plain cm broidery or linen, lace edges and lace insertion, beading and ribbons, regular selling price marked on each gar ment, also special price for this sale 98c $1.19 $1.69 $1.98 $2.19 Night Gowns Eight new styles in Ladies' Night Clowns, made of fine quality nainsook and longclolh; Ihey have round, square and V-shapo nocks, at.- WINrHri'iHu.iU 98c $1.19 $1.69 $2.19 Corset Covers Wo match the above patterns in corset covers, style and quality 39c 69c 98c $1:79 House Dresses, Sp'l $1.39 Regular priced .$l..r)0, $2.00. The styles show a very pretty round neck also high neck or sailor collar effect with small dicky sleeves and lurn-bnck cuffs, comes in assorted colors and si.cs while they last only epJLelef Percale Shirt Waists 49 c Extraordinary value in light and dark colors, all fft sizes, regular value 75c, for TiJij Victor Shirts for Spring You will find here the celebrated Shirts for Womon, man- tailored, fast colors, and the only Hhirls that stand the A laundry test and look like new. Hold exclusively here. Y Y V t T T ? Y Y ? Y Y ? ? Y ? ? Y ? Y ? ? Y Y Y ? Y Y Y T t Y Y r Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y i ! f Y Y Y GRAY & MOE Look for Display in Our Windows Look for Display in Our Windows i I f si ' ; .K 4 1 1! -' 4.-V r - ". ' "Wl