- PA&E FOUR MEDFORD MATE aTCTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAROIT 7, 1012, z i: " " I I "' I X 4 , . I Medford Mail Tribune AN INDKPENDRNT NEWSPAPER runiitsiiRD nvnnr A!.teiwoon KXCRl'T SUNDAY, 11Y TUB MKDFOKP PRINTING CO. Tho Democratic Times, Thn Medfant Mull. Tho Med ford Tribune. Tho South ern OroRonlnn, Tho Anlilamt Tribune. Offlco Mnll Tribune BuUulnt. 2S-27-SD norm Kir street; phones nam sou; Home 75. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor nnd Manager Entered ns roconil-elnss matter nt fclodford, Owfron, under the act of Mnrch S. 1S79. Official Taper ot tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. BunsoRxraow s&zss. Ono month, by mall ,S0 ier month, delivered oy carrier in Medford. Jacksonville) and Cen tral Point ....-, .SO Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 8.00 -Weekly, per year 1.50 I COMMUNICATION. t- To tho Kdlter: William J. Scott'3 nnswor to nil criticism of tho Scott bonding and banking plan, how it would work for the benefit of tho taxpayers. Assuming that tho pre Hmlnary steps had boon taken, the county had Issued the bonds, depos ited Bamo with treasury at Washing ton, had taken out n charter for the Taxpayers' National bank of Jackson County, Oregon, organized same, and tho treasury department had is sued the, currency, taking $3,300,000 for tho amount, and 100 years for the time as a bnsls to flguro on, the bank sets aside as a road fnnd $1,300,000, loans tho remaining $2,000,000 at G per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, it would cam for the taxpayers $120,000 a year or ?10,0Q0 per month, in 20 months $200,000 oft this accrued interest could be added to tho road fund, making the $1,500,000 the county proposed to spend for good roads last Soptcmbcr. Tho bank still has tho $2,000,000 loaned at 0 per cent, earning $120,000 per year, which In 100 yoars has Increased $12,000,000, total $14,000,000 at simple Interest tho interest could bo loaned as it accrued at the rate ot $60,000 one half yearly. At tho present assessed valuation of Jackson, county, $3S,000,000. a levy of one mill on the dollar in 100 years would create a sinking fund of $3,800,000, $500,000 more than necessary to take up the bond issue of $3,300,000. The sinking fund could be kept loaned at a low rate ot interest and would pay the run ning expenses ot Jackson county in all departments. This is the writer's reason for making the assertion. Ad ministrations will rise and fall on the economic principal hero present ed. Tho plan here proposed will put the supply of money in the hands of tho whole people, and not leave thorn as now, and as they will-be to a greater extent if the proposed Ald Tich contral bank plan is put in op eration, at the mercy of a small band of unscrupulous financiers. Can you beat it? WM. J. SCOTT. (Why not loan the entire $3,300, 000 and spend only the Interest year ly, so avoid all taxation? Or better yet, increase tho assessed valuation, and tho bond issue to the extent that tho Interest received will not only pay county expenses, but glvo ovory ono a salary in addition? Editor.) CITYJOMIEE A committee oi Imimiii"-- men v!m were iintnuil to take u hand i.. tl' ihroaloned rupture between flm Imp department and (lie city official over u paid fire department, succeed d Tliurwlny morning in rutlticin ilie matter to a Imois on which it is be lieved that llio firemen ami oily will ugree. The difficulty wliieh nrone was over tin. mutter of salaries to be paid tltu men. Tiiu fireboys did not bc lievo that $85 for a chief, .$"." for un iibtsiulaut chief, ami $(.' for the men whs onoiigh for men who put in 'J4 hours eauji day. The hiininoss men favor paying u chief $100; two driv er. $85 onoh and the men $7."). They will to rocomiuoud to the city council boon. A paid department, argue the btibi ( men, will lower the rate of in surance and is a paying imcMmeut. CONClf Ml KENTNER SALE In connection with tho box sale at Kontnor's Friday afternoon thorn will bo a concert at which Miss Hazolrlgg and Fletcher Fish will appear. Miss Hazolrlgg will slug "My Hero," from tho Chocolato Soldlor, tho song which alio sang so effectively at tho lecent merchants' baunuot. 8io wll also ting "Tho Swallow." Mr. Fish will play "Tho Ragtime Vil lain" nnd "The Ragtlmo fioblln." MUspti flow ill ami Craw foul pliinH iiiul violinist, win bsM, F MEN AND ' PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. iijl? IT'S ri good thing, why not inss it along, " says County Commissioner Jamos Owens in declining to be a candidate iorve-eloetioh. "Mr. Davis and I together drew a little over $200 as salary for the past year. AVe gave so freely of time and attention that it seriously inter fered with our efforts to make a living." And about the only appreciation (he county court re ceives is abuse. Gold Hill clamored for a new bridge across the TJoguo for twenty years. ,lt got last year the best bridge in southern Oregon and vilification has been the appreciation. Tn response to popular demand, fine bridges were built over the Rogue between Eagle Point and Sams val ley, over the Rogue at the mouth of "Big Butte and across Big Butte, to give the upper river section connection with the railroad; miles of the best macadamized roads yet built were constructed:' new highways were extended in various portions all clamored for for vears in brief the past year was a record breaker for'construction and im provement that opened the way for further development and the appreciation has been vituperation and scandal. All this construction could not be accomplished with out money. In satisfying popular demand for improve ment, the income of the county was exceeded taxes were necessarily increased, hence the reactionaries, always sveking chances to howl down progress, saw opportunity to veil and are veiling. The warrant shavers and cent-per-cent sharks saw a chance to make some nionev at public and individual ex pense, so they at once manifested their usual patriotism by forcing county warrants below par that they might buv cheap. Now these same patriots are clamoring for Dunn's election, hoping by shutting off all improvements, to apply all revenues (ovarii a reduction of the indebted ness, forcing warrants to par and enabling them to reap a fancy profit. There is no reason why county warrants, a G percent securitv. should not be worth par. The flame of discontent, always smouldering in the heart Of the pessimist and the inossback whose main occu pation is setting upon a ten percent I'irg, has been assidu ously fanned by Ashland, a city that has usually played a discord in the harmony band of Jackson county progress and which ruled the county, politically, for many years which now seeks to regain its lost domination nmf restore a do-nothing regime. In 3904, Geo. AV. Dunn was elected county judge Dur ing his term. Joshua Patterson of Talent was 'eomntis sioner, so that Ashland absolutely dominated the count court and little was done for other sections of the coun ty. Tn 1C0S Judge Neil was elected, but during the vears 1909 and 3910 had little voice, Patterson running affairs with Owens' assistance still the Ashland regime In 1910, Davis was elected in Patterson's place, giving .Med ford its first representation in the county court so that for one year only has Ashland not been dictator from the howling one would think it a century of crime. The county court attempted in one year to make the improvements that should have been spread over a series of years that had been long needed and long demanded that because they were not made brought about the defeat of Dmra and Patterson. They could not all be accom plished, but a good start was made. N The issue is simply, shall Jackson county continue to progress, or shall we go backwards i Can we afford to lie down at this critical stage? "Was any country ever made or benefited by retreat.' Shall Jackson coulitv .join the class of the Willamette valley reactionaries .' The county credit must 'be restored, but there art other ways than bv the do-iiothinu- nolicw The oonnfv should and must continue road and bridge building, but it is as vain to attempt it upon a large scale upon the tax receipts alone as it would be for a city to attempt to pave the same way. The outstanding warrants should he re deemed by a bond issue the running expenses and im provements kept within the cash income, and a svstcm of highways built by the proceeds of a bond issue. ' A broad constructive policy is needed not a pinhcad policy of stagnation. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) County Clerk. I lioreby announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for the offlco of county clerk, uub Jcct to tho will of the voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho people of Jackson county that in caso of my nomination nnd olect'on I will fulfill tho duties ot tho offlco ac cording to law and tho best of my knowledgo and ability. W. II. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Fob. 1C, 1912. County Itccordcr. I am a candidate for a second term for tho offlco of County Re corder on the Republican ticket, sub ject to tho coming primary. I have conducted tho offlco to tho best of my ability, tho books aro al ways open for inspection and feel that I am entitled to a kecond term. FRED L. COLVIG. For Sheriff. I announce myself us a candldato for sheriff, promising a contlnuanco of tho businesslike udmlulstrat'oii I have given tho offlco In tho past. W. A. JONES. For Count y lecoider. I hereby announce myself as a can dldato for tho Republican nomination Tor tho offlco of County Recorder subject to tho will of tho votora of that party at tho prliuarleH I was boru mid rained nt Eagle Point, Ore. I have for tho pant two years been duputy In tho nsvosaor's office, and nil, I ask the people to do Is to look up my past record be fore casting their ballot. CHAU.N'CKV FLOREY. For I'roscculliig Attorney. . I hereby announce myself as a Lcandldato for tho demdcratlc nomi nation for tho offlco of piosccutlng attornoy for the first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing tho counties of Jackson and Joe phluo, subject to tho will of tho vot ers of that party at tho primaries, and I pledge tho people of Jackson and Josephine counties that in tho. jovent of my nomination and election I will fearlessly, Impartially and to tho best of my ability prosecute all violations of law In said district and endeavor to administer tho duties of said offlco with the utmost efficiency and economy. K, E. KELLY. Gat the Original and Cenulni HORLIGK'S : MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, Invalids.and Growing children. I PureNulrition.upbuildingtlicwhoIebody. Invigoratesthenurslngmotherandtlieaped, ! IJfch milk, malted grain, in powder form, I A quick lunch prepared in a minute. 1 Take so substitute. Ask for IIOR LICK'S. , Hot In Any Milk Trim MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Saturday, March 9th Joe Weber Presents Geo. V. Hobart's English Version of tho Grontost Musical Show of tho Sonson ALMA A Now Era in tho Annals of Musical Comocly WHERE All Last Season at Wobor's Theatre, Now York DO YOU By Paid Harvo. Music by Jean Briquet T TVF Chas. A. .Murray Nauuettu Flack Aubrey Yates and a Great Cast i PRICES $1.50, $1, 50c Seats on sale at Haskins "TIZ" Reminds Me of My Barefoot Days" ".My Feet Xewr Jet hre. Tired or Chafed .Now, llecuusf J tse MZ" "TIZ mains mt feel like a bo again. Nothing would hurt ir fe t In thoso day, een when I d ran around barefooted with Roi cvci rocks nnd pebbles and Htft I "Wh.i You ThlnUn' About Crmp7" "To be allo now to liuve rout that never ache, never got tlied, blistered, swollen or i luted, or have corns, tal lousos or )iiinlojiri Is a glorious rec ompense for ajl the oilier aches and pains one MiifVors In the winter of llfo. TIZ iimkiM tho foot fool young, and young feet make ou feel oung all over, "I've tried many things for my poor old tired foet, for thoso bunions of 20 years, and for those corns that have added wrinklou to my fac. 1'yo trlod plasters, powders and snlves and nothing has over given tho relief that TIZ has. My feet aro now strong and vigorous, thoy never get tlrod or swollen, I have no torus, cal louses or bunions any more they aro boy's feet on an old mun!" miseries. i TIZ gives Jnslant relief and euros all foot troubles. It oporntos on n new principle, draws out all the poisonous exudations that cuuso foot Don't urccpt a substitute. An el derly man especially has a mind of his own; sec that you get TIZ. TIZ, i!5 cents a box, sold every where, or M-iit direct, on receipt of prlco, by Walter Luthof Dodge fc Co., Chicago,' 111. Reconimeiided by ull Drug Htores, department aild general stores. Draperies Wo carry a vry coinnlnto Hno of drajicriuH, lane curtolits, flx turcH. ole , and to all, clusaoa of upliolutrriiiB-. A spoclal rnun to look after thin vorkoxcluslvoly and will ulvo u good worvlco lis Is tioBuilifo to oi tn even tim larKC-st r ties. WEEKS S MoGOWAH C8 fTPfl ,ax Wm i I lmmamammHmmmmmmmmaamaBmnKwnmmmmmaamKmmmmawmKi j . SONVi HITS "Alma." "Olrllwi." "Never More," "Hon lloo-Hoo." "Child, hood l)nH," "lloo- glo lion, I'lm hand of Ilenutirul Droning." "Sail Home." "KIsk M My Love," "l.ovo Mi'." Ktc. A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres, 1'J miles oast of Klamath Falls, on main road to Lakcvlow. About 8.") acres will bo under llio gov ernment ditch uinl can be irrigated. Fine alfalfa or garden laud. An ahiiudaueo of into oiiUidc raueli. One of tliu Iicrtt roortitinn4 llieru in in that Miction for u man who wnuU to engage in tho hlii'op hitsiucHH. Locat ed jiiKt right for a townsite when i lie railroad is built from Ktama'Ji Fulls to Lukevicw. l'riee $n() per hoio. Will OAfliiiiigo for Medford city or country piopcity. W, T. York Co. Medford Real Estato & Employment Agency roii sali: HomeHteud relluinlrihmeut, price $rtoo. II aeies .'!1 acres Iu alfalfa, ?;I0()0 cash, balaneo time, 10 acres - mllos west of Medford, Improved, $8000. ,'H aeroH Improved I !j miles from Central Point. 20 acres' near Jacksonville Will trade. 210 acres on llio Ajiplognto, only ion per acre. 120 acres unimproved at $50 pur acre. 2. fliiiall Iioiimob on Instalment plan, C toom hoiiso near tho North school, $2200. TKADH IfiO acres, 1'ort Hill, Idaho, 41 acres, will take part trade. 114 acres near Conhal Point, 10 acres near Central Point. 20 acres near .lacksoiivlllo ' for property In Portland, 100 acres Improved In Weld Co,, Colo,, for ranch. 112 acres near Hoseburg, will con sider iiomo city property. IimiHOH. to rent In all purta of tho city. MIHCKLLANKOU.S Hand spray pump; make an offer. Largo 10 gallon Iron kettle; maku an offor. K.MPLOYMHNT filrls for general housework. Blx coal minora. Coal minors to work by tho ton. Phono In your onlcra for men; no" charges to tho employer, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel I'liiuie 'II II; Home, 1 1, FIRE FIRE THE GREAT OHIOAGrO STOCK YARDS FIRE In a Film at tho Ugo Thoator, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ROMEO AND JULIET At Ugo Thursday, Friday and Saturday ISIS THEATRE 20C-ADMISSION- 20c VAUDKVIIiLK AND AIOTLOK JTHTHKS THE MUSICAL IRVINGS Scenic Musical and Singing Act Picture No. I-PAPA'S SWKIiTlIKAKT A Drama Picture No. 12 "MODKHN WKAI'ONS KOlt FLtJUTLNC! I'MRK lNTNKr VOUK CI.TY" .Picture No. :i-"A WOMAN'S CIUATITUDK" A Western Picture No. ! "KOU ' A Dandy Sidesplitting Comudy Special Matinoo Saturday and Sunday, 2 P. M. Evening Performance, 7:00 ..fr.fr.... $ mi M.iat STAR T H E ATRE t AND V t MASO.V X CO.MKDIANSI Undor Diroction Pooplo's Amnsomont Co. Always EXTRA SPECIALEXTRA , UOUCICAFLT'S MASTERPIECE, ARR.AH-NA-POGUE Complete in 3 Reels 3000 Feet Never In our history of I'hotopl.iv Exhibitions havo w been In position to printout such an iiuiURllfld, artltli anil meritorious achlment THE SIGNS OF 1000 Feet MILLER AND MASON Iu an ontlro chnngo - they're n scream. If 3 an DON'T want to laugh, don't hear them j$ AL SATHER In Song. WOOLWORTHS, No advaiifo in iirifo.s. Matinees Every Day t ADMISSION r" 10c J '..:..":' :: NOTICE TAUYAW NWOTH TTAUYEW INWONH Those letters form a slogan. To tho first pursou sending In u correct answer boforo March ISIbI, wo will present a valuable prize. Addiuun X, Mall Tribune. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no cmiul on earth iu yarloty of mineral wators and curing dlsoaBos that medicines will not roach, If you aro in ncod of health, como now, Wo aro open all tho yonr nnd can glvo tho host of enro and attention now aa well as In oiimnior, Stago dully from lied niuff to tho uprluga. Further par tlciilnrs nddmss E. B. WALBRIDGE tusoan srjiiNaBi caii, irp TIIK LOVK OK Mi KM ;" -.--,, tOIIII KKirr OK KIWI 2 in the Load THE 3 LABELS of Comedy THE MUSICIANS. ADMISSION J Oo .4.':",' Watch Our Addition Grow iTaiksoii mid Hiimmlt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M, !'. .M l. Co. Illdg. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I), O. Dublin Land Mnttorns Final l&pof. Donort Luuds, Coutouta and Mining Cases. Scrip, Asiioclato Work for Attornoy Valley Second Hand Store Buys nnd Soils Scconil-Haml Goods, Copiicr, Duhbor, Brass, Etc M. J. PILCKER, Prup, 15 North Fir Home nnt Don 07a t ! : I X i . t y I T I Y Y Y i4 mZTinWfitxU..' .-Z m