MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE. 1MTFOIIP. OttKClON, TIllTOTMY. MAROU 7, 1012, PACE TTTRE13 CLEVER BOX NG BOUTS ARE SEEN When two clover ttmitf iiii'ii rt iiiln ii rniu Willi u iImIViiso iiihI nlliiel. mi much alike llml neither Ih Hull', in 10 unnids in' u, tn lirciil; !lilolu;li lo tiuiit it I'K'iiii lilnw uilli u ki'iiiiK pti linn in II, uitil I lio itloichiiiil vouiik iiifii, U v mh hit ril iih did Kmhih (mil DI.miii at tin' Niitutoliiiui Weiliiumlnv ullil, it i lniiil In iiihUiihIiiikI vh il In Hull iM'itiiiii piuliim an- iiifk ( nlmul "l'riiuie-iit" wImmi Ihii k" hn ended in a drmv. ThU Iiiih lia''in'l twice within a month. Hut llioic aii' IImimi vvliii lime a li'tli- faith cl in the I'mliliug name, anil lielice mimic nf tin' lia.v am mpiure. In Urn hoiiU il' inn' Ian anil ho is mh' wliu Iiiih I olio wed I lio Kanin I'm' ycni - "If tliih is a tianii)-iii, then lniiiK ma only rrniiiciip lir my boxing ran'." Ilnlihlo I'.vaiiH, HxIiIwi'ikIiI olinm nmi (if the iioitliwot ami Ytiimir )i.ou nl' Kiiiimiik City, went tin hiiiiiiIh tn a draw at Ihn Natnlminin Athletic eluliV' W'riliii'Hiliix Tlin liattla w'iim imt iik I'liloiliiuitMi; pet Imps, iih tin inn1 the.v cokiikciI '". with like n'Mill, two weeks iik". Inn IIiim wan iml ilia' tn a lack nf willuu, iii'km, lint I'lii'li man hud Iciiriicil tin oIIioi'n nicthodn ami ttmk lin ehituec I tot h Dixnii ami Dviiiih hid rlnci 'I'lii'V alt' evenly aiati'liitil. la the npiiiion nl' ,M' liinalili' enle, III' wcie tryliiK all tho while. Mow nf Iit IiIimv, with a knockout kirk, at Inched, Minted lint glove "' clhow Mocked cni'li ami all l' tltiim. Then win iiinii' nl tlu "din', two, tlut'r," hti'ia, I'liiamiialy resorted to m fraiai'-np. In slim I, tin boys work nl liiinl ami tin' crowd win MitUfii'il. IMwiimIh niiiili' mi wmtiiko in e- iiiiiti'liniK tni'in. r'f Tio cvciiiiik' 'iitcrtiiimuciit stint- nl with a .xtaiiiUiip-amUtaki'-i'in setup between l.iudeincjer ami Col Iiiih. Itoth hoy weio willing ami -tin limit wan inti'iitotiiis;. Draw (ut ii' the iiaist pli'iioliiK limits of Hie evening was a "k" between Ytiunir WolKiist ami Kill Killtam1, two .'M'ai-iilils wliu weighed in at -IH ami IH l-'J pmimls. Tin' llllli' tots wt'in williim ami liail some clever, ifinurkiihle in 'mis so miiull. Thcv wont two tine-minute iouiiiN, mul so pli'iiM'd tin' crowd t lilt t a vciilulile shower ot uiokulif, (limes ami quar ter ruined umiii the rlnjf. The boy will liavi' candy for many a ilay tn COIUO. So plainly iliil Kennedy ami I'll Ki'i'ulit show t Int t they liml "1'rniucd" their fnur-iound limit that MnmiKi'i lalwaiils slopped it ill tin' tliinl i mind ami dcrliui'il it mi conti'sl. Tim while I'iI.kciiiIiI shmili'il "lint" at 1'Mwaitls Kt'imt'ilv tiii'd to slait umiu'lliiiiK' H'" Int'k.v fur Ki'iint'tl.N that Frank was koimI natnri'il. It i this class of "rinhtoiv." who thinii thi'.v ran ni't away with a stall ami Kiith tliu inmit'.v. that hurt the aanif. Not a Ian Imt who was with KtlwanU m stoppim; tla $cn. It was a iimd I'ai'il and '''laauu lldwaidM slimihl lie Imostt'il up tin laililfi li the tails ELECTRIC POWER OFFEREO FARMERS A iinmlii'i' nt lainii'is ol lowor Itniii' ri('i' vnllt'N uatlu'ii'l 'a (iuinls l'ass ami wt'it mldrt'-si'tl Ii. II. (' Stmltlaril, hiipt'imlomli'til of Ina Itniia Uivor Kh'i'tr'ui rninpniiy, In II i. Walthors, ninnai'r of i In com pnny, ami hv II. W Clark", dnuiln I'.iss inaiianr, irriKulitm lima hom' liver lioiuu t'l" Milijwt. It is priipiiHi'd hy Mia eli't'tiie imiapaiiv lo furnish powrr to tlif-c larinurh I'nr the pnrposo of pampiii1.' w'atur far llii'ir laiuls. Tho ni t i wiih of inni'li intercut to the laiiacir ami fnrlht'r wteps will lia taUoii Ijo1 iK In tli ic-i ami' APPLE BOX ELIMINATED FROM LAFEAN BILL "WitHliliiKtou, I). 0 March 0. "Mall Tilhinia, Mt'ilfonl, Ore: "Tho wi'Hturii iltiloKiitlon mot rop riiHuiitatlveu of tho Lit Koaa bill la a Hpai'lal confonmen today, but could not at our box utloptud, ho wo forced tlio box out or tho bill ontlroly, and with other cIiiuikvh of tho hill wo will recommuml tho piihhiiko of tho bill bo foro tho commlttoo tomorrow. A bit; roirenoutatIou hi horo on tho bill, "C. 13. WlllSIdnt." Tho foroKoliiK toloBram wnn ro culvod Wodiioadiiy iiIkIiI from Mr. Whltilor, hIiowIiik that coucchhIouh woro Krmitod ropronontutlvoH of tho t;rout applo ki'owIuk dlHtrlc.tu of tho wofit, amouatliiK almout to u vlotcory whoa thoy forced tho box out of tho bill, which, It placed In uho, would lmvo mount u heavy loiw to tho rcow. t'l'ft and a profit to eantorn doaloiH. A voto on tho bill la Hchedulod boforo tllQ Iiquho uoxt week, Leading Man in Alma, Where Do You Live, to Be Seen at Medford Saturday APPOINTS WARE LOCAL AGENT II. II. Ward. Ki"'r;'l niiiriiiBiT for OrK()ii ami VabliiKtt.n, wim la Mctlford ychtorday ami Appointed A. K. Ware :if;cut here for the Pacific Mutual UN' InHurami' lompany of California. Mr. Waif hits p-nlnned tli iiKfiicy of tho New York Life iioiiipany and will loti IiIm oncrKy to tho Pacific Mutual ux ho fcelH that iwhi'ii ii bin old line company an unlit! mul well known nH thin company 'will conio Into HiIh allcy and loan I over a quarter of a million tlollarn at a tluio whi'ii mono Iiiih lieon ex- timiifly difficult to fi that tho poo. pie of Medford ami vicinity will ap preciate thin aid and oncourace the lompnny by rIvIrk their llfn Innur unco bilRlnfK to It. Mr. (J. It. John hoii. vlwt prwddent of tho Pacific Mutual, oxprciWH Kreat faith In the future proHperlty or Medford and tlilu valley ami xnltl yeterday that the company will continue to make fu ture loatiH from time to time an the liimliieiM may demand Home of the law policy holdem here are V. I. Vawter. V. K. Deuel, Dillon II III. .John Root, It. II. I'arHOiiH. A. C. I'lero, Hrott DavlH. S. T. Howard, (ico. I Klrii?. J H. Ilutlor, Y. V. IIoIIIm. M. Piirdln, (eo. A. MorHC, Oeo. H. Uudlcy. T. V Mllcn and many othem. I'llrt Cured In 0 io It Dnyn. Your druKKlut will refund money If PA'O OINTMBNT fnllH to euro any cane of ItchlnB, nilnd. IUccdlnB or ProtrudlnB Men tn fi to 14 dayt. BYitornin or tkb ahwvaz. btatxmbht or tjos FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY' OK HAN KIUN(MM:0 IN TUB HTATB OF" TAMFOHNTA On tin 31 nl )ay of l"-nnh'r 1811, nitili to Hi lnmirnce C'ommllonr of Km Hiole of OrfRon. pumuitnt to Inw OAPZTAZ. Amount of rnpltnt paM u I t,on,00.fl( nrooicB t'rrinluiiiM fcrlvA l"flni Hie ytttr In rli J5.O7.ST4.0I Intf-rcM. aivrlrnrtf. in rrntit rcccivoa aurinr me yrnr iiicune from other uttcm ri-crvn ilurlnc Ih yar Tntal Incotn . . sutauxBoissxTn . I.oimm Mil iturlnir the yrnr . ... - Ulvlilrmla pnhi tlurlriK tlir yur mi mpltl Mork 1 ('utiimlrKlonn ami lrii paltl tlurlnr th- yrar Tnxpn. llrrnaca ntl f- palil tltirlnp; thr yar , Amount of all othrr xpen'lltur Total tupcntlltur . .. I Vain, (if rrnl l-(lllr ownnl alui) of atocka and tiotxla own-l I l.oana on mortKarpa ail colltrl, etc I rih In hanka and on luml I I'rrmliiint) In rotirap of rollrrtlon and In tranamlaxlon Infrrpi ana rrnm vtr.,ru . MSS.OO 13 047.HI. U0.rt00.00 . l.S3S.;i.7 152.453.14 . m.OB'.M : 5.81,13J.01 ABSBTB ....t s,:4,;oi.:3 JS7.00,V.),1 6.1J4.149.1fi 717,4(1.15: S74.0JS.47 1.07.I3J.!1 ie4,012.1I . .t ?,45,S1.7I A rare nut It a I ir .it hat krtl hy thr lirllllauts or tlio tuiiini, aim Mpo- mit tif the i It si l run. tmiitdli : t r tla'l Um liauutluK waltz uulotly, tn litrtt n ,ih it in Sew York In In htore foi local amuMciuent liiira when Joe Welier prewnlH "Alma. Whmt) Do You Mvh7" t the Mod ford thnnter. Saturday. March I". Till fane with iiiiihIc fimn the Coriiiiin-l'ieni'li Iiiih the uiilttie tliu tliictlou of ronlNtoiliiK a inot pro ntiuiiced hit In Now Ytnk City before It bait ever heen heard la Loudon It wan originally produced In Paris. Tho booK wan by Paul llorv hihI the iiiukIc h .loan llrliiuel. It icoiod no heavily that the titnuiMU rlKhtM wore ai'ciired b Atloliih Phillip, and he prcpaicd It Nir a inn In Herllu ThU wiim arcouitilUhiHl ant! then Mr Phil- Mum i 'limit IK ul toattratt altcti tlmi In a tew wccUm thoiiKauilK who did not uutlerbtantl a work of Cer umii woie flock Inn to hear the iuuhIc of .lean Ilrlipiel. It wan through thotio more exact ItiK AiuerlcaiiH that the intliienB of the German vcrtdou wan hroiiKht to the Attention of Mayor riayuor. and he canned It to be liivotlKatcd. Ills oi dirt wa practically "evil to him who evil think.." and tho farce was allow etl to pioccetl. Then Mr. Weher took over tho Total anaota admitted In OrfU?n MAHrUTXXB Gram clatma for opar unpaid Amount of unrarntd premluma on all outatandlnK rlW tins fur riimmlilon and brnkrac All other ilnlilllllf": atlmatd amount dur fur taxea arortird alao aalarltn renta nrrrilrd.rlr Karnul ijiiartrrly llvldnd to Dec 31,1911 .i 4.ti.l3l.21 1911 1 5,47.5J6.5J . 517.4:3. : . 3.714,707.97 lll.SOd.dl 103,500.00 46,000.00 American rlKhtx and determined to KlMi the lirlllliint farce and heautlful innate a protlucllmi In ICiikIIhIi at his,, tluct'il It In tieriniin tit the theater ot that nationality on tin cam ultlc, Nw York City. The ilay wu at flrnt atteiitletl h only thtiKi' who uuderHlood Then EXCELLENT SHOW AT STAR THEATRE The Slur theatre is iiic-iniiui: .in o.c client show thlr. week and a- a roMilt the popular play lum-e i eiow (led at luatuiee and exeauiK' I'nl' ii headliiier the theatle i hliiiwiiitf the uieal liifh th imin "Ar-rHli-Na-l'i.Biie". The film, iltltlli leet in It'iiutli, ii a uiaiM'l, II i pla.xcd in Ireland on the ei'. rmmtl dtverilieil. It uie a it i eat iiiMv'hl into lile in the "(Jltl tVniutry" ami epeeiall. in tcrctiiiK in the wctltliiiff scene. In addition to lliu leat ntlrjiflimi the theatre i pieentuiyr Miller mul .Mason in vaudeville. Thev ale triuv t'uniiv mid up I" the stautlanl pcuph' hae Icarue dto t'Npt'et limn tliu hmiM'. lip liroiiKhl It to America and pre-own ttieuter He eiiK'tKed (JeorRo V. Hohnti lo make the KukIIhIi hook. The latter panned up tliu Gentian ver hIoii which cniiMed tho complaint of vulgarity ami confined IiIh adaptation to the Preach hook exclusively. BOLD THIEF KILLS CHICKENS IN COOP I liii'kiii tint-it"- are iikiiiu liecmu inu ci Imlil in the city ami the mi lluiritit's are dmililm their ei'foith In iipprelieml the men fiint'il in the liUi-iiii'M. Wedne-tlay nilit thieves limke into the chicken house of Mr. Cnuil, mi the l'.al Side and after killHitf every mie nt her eliiekciis mi the pi( eniiietl lliciu away. The loss is considerable. .Many other rcpoit losses of muuII number- nf chickens in xnriuiis parts nt' I lie city. Total llabllltle Total Inatirancfi In forrr Urcrmber II. Busnrzss iw ousooir tom txs teas Total rlaka wrltcn ilurlnc ihr yrar 31 4, CIS, 407.00 Ornna pr'tiilum rcrld diirlnit tho yrar 1X4,7(1.34 I'rrmluma rrturnisl durlnc the year 14,137.47 !.oiih paid during th yar 71,139 14 I .omen Incurred dttrlnir th )ar 79,535.33 Total amount of rlaka oulatandlnr In Orfon Drcrm- brr3l. 1911 ,. ' J 5.I9.0ie,00 FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Hy I.OITI8WK1NNMANN. Secretary Statutory realdeut icntril agent and attorney fcr aervlrej CHAKLBS n. THOMPSON. i Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9 ROSE5 ROSES It's time now to jxlant rose bushes. A fine lino oi! liomc-growni stock two years old. Alwayt u Ijiiko LIimj of I'ichIi Cut Viewers on Hand Medford Greenhouse Home 237-X oMaiu 3741 923 East Main The Only Way to Help Oneself Is by Helping Others I aim to follow this teaching h my practice Lot mo holp you by properly correcting your eyes, rellevIiiR the tension of your over wrought nerves, thereby restoring your tired body. DR. RICKERT, Eye Specialist j Over Keiitiiei-'H American Electric Irons The Iron which has the Improvements ot all others embodied In one. We have Just received a largo shipment of theso Irons and Invito you to look them over before buying. Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co. it ii I. I The New Spring Styles are here. We invite your inspection BARNARD & CORNOYER Next to First National Bank Monthly Blooming and Climbing Eos83, Tree Roses, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Treea H. B. PATTERSON Office In Nash Hotel Lobby Iniltlo Entranco Next to Barber Shop SalcsyarU 110 South Fir Street Office Phono Slain 0441 Residence Phono Mala 2103 PLEASURE CARS CHALMERS, TOPE-HARTFORD, TEERLESS, HUPMOBDLE COMMERCIAL rEERLESS, CHASE, RELIANCE (From H ton to 10 tons) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. Finest Equipped Garago In Southern Oregon sss srs ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 36 Degree Test. In Steel Drums. No 'Waste. Kentucky Black Leaf Arsenate of Lead Zinc Ai'souite Alfalfa, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Vetch ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION 1 I . - -- . M-MMMMHMMMMHMaMHMMMM m HIM M M HMI m M" mmmum M Blizzard in Wyoming :t.1 HIII.OW ICItO WITH llll .MII.K WINU (Mttm: ani siikki' men sit- KKIl IIICWY LOSS (JlHoeniio, Wi. itititH two fowl, of Hiitiw mul Ht 111 iwwlnB, '"; wtmthor iiutl IiIkIi wIiiiIh. SttuiKinon uro unnhlo to j;ot feetl to their Htoek. In hiiiIIiik f 'ho lilhtxitrdH of Wyn-1 niliiK. Contruetor II. E. (luteH hiih: "I inn Kh'd tu he In this (U'HkIiUiiI , fltiniito. I llvetl In Choyonno tlvo1 you la iiutl put up and wild II f. htnihoai there. The t'lliuuto thoro Ik uluo uioutliH of winter iind three montlm of hail weather. You huvo to build Bend HtrcuiK houHt'ri In that country, flomo ot tho HkIU niiiHtruetod Iioiihou hoio would mil liml thoro tluoiiKh a Koud wind Htorm In thai eounlry. Wo are hulldlntf the hiiiiiu nuallty of Iioiihoh hero that wo put up In tho eoh! countries. Call around and lot mo explain to you tho dlfferoueo. Thoro are K7 different (IiIiikh ahout a Bood house that you should notliio hOHldeu one coat of paint outMltlo ami a flroplauo. Watuh lloso avenue Brow. Mr, A. J. Viuit'o, nianuBer Uoll Tolophouo Co., moved hero from Cheyenne. AhU Mr Vanro uliout our l)iildlim oporullom In (hut city For the benefit of those that arc thlnkinp. of Buylnrj Land in the Medford District of The Rogue River Valley It will be to your interest to consult the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. In regard to IRRIGATION PFKfSK? We have the facts and know the reason why. 60 per cent of the land in t! this valley will not pay Interest on a $20 per acre value, above cost of pro duction of crops. The Best Growing Three Months The Government record shows the average rainfall for June, July and . August for the last 26 years to be five-tenths of an inch per month. This being tho case it is Impossible to get satisfactory crops year after year without - W 7 IRRIGATION First National Bank ZST'-.U ' .OF- MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository "We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attontion. F. K. DEUEL, rilESIDKNT M. L. ALl'ORI), CASHIER ORIUS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASHIER Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded becauso of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pre. O. W. McDonald, Cashier " i: