I PAGE TWO !MEDFOftD MAIL TRTBTTNE. MEDFOKD, OinOOON". THURSDAY, MAHCII 7, 1012. -5 4 IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Hutchison & Amnftvn will omit tlirtr Krldtty Timt SnUmlftr mit-prlue unlo for two weeks, during their wlilto kooiIb nnd spring opening snlo. Rrtrl W. Huntley loft Tliursrtny for n brief bu8lnoss visit .yt Central Point:' ' Heal coffeo In town. Manhattan. 301 Lbuls W. Whiting:, civil engineer nnd surveyor, has moved his office from tho AdkhiH block to the Palm block. Cream wafflos at Manhattan cafe. 301 llanry It. McGm of Aahland spent Thursday In Medford. Martin L. Krlckson has returned front six wbeks In tho outlying dis tricts of tho Crator national forest. 1 "Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Ward are visit ing Medford from Hood River. Having bought a lot of cool at a low figuro we am closing It out at n price at which It Is bound to go within tho next week, inquire of liads Transfer Co. or J. V. Mitchell. Miss May Hoko of Central Point Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Lincoln In this city. Frank Corliss of Table Rock spent -"Wednesday In Medford. The Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages is the only music school In southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. Tatllandlor, director. Send for catalogue. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. II. Forney have returned east ofter a visit Nof two months here with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Burgess. Federal vacuum cleaner. Home phone 2G6-L. A. E. Mabee. 233 S. ivy street. 31S J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock Is visiting Medford. Robert V. Telfor of tho Clark & lionery Construction company left Thursday for a business trip to Eu gene. Carkln & Taylor (John l. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. ' Wes C. Green spent Thursday at Grants Pass on business. Real borne made bread at De Voe't. Ernest Webb spent Wednesday night In Medford. Henry W. Allen of Central Point spent Wednesday In this city. See It. A. Holmes. The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. J. It. Mission of Hornbrook Is spending a few days In Medferd. Meet mo at McDowell's. Arthur W. Clark left Wednesday for Sacramento for a brief business trjp. Home baking and salads. 146 North Front Phone order. Home 273-L. ' The parent-teachers' circle of the Washington school will meet Friday afternoon, Mnrch 8, The program Includes music, "Tho Rubin's Song," by tho children of, Miss Do Voe's room; n talk 'on, "Tho Detective Child" by Miss Kolter nnd Miss Wilson will give a dumbbell drill. Refreshments by tho committee In charge. Kodak finishing at 210 Laurel street. 299 Dr. Caldwell of Ashland after a visit lu Medford returned home Wednesday ufenlng. Something' now, "Grand Purplo," at McDdwoll's. ' C. 11. Watson of Ashland was u recont visitor In Medford. S. A. Newell, ladlos' tailor, 4th' floor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. While switching curs In the local yhrds Wednesday a freight train backed Into a wagon near tho Main street warehouse and smashed It con siderably. The team was frightened by the approaching train nnd backed tho wagon Into It, Fancy brick Ice cream at McDow ell's. Seo A. K. Ware, room 13 Jackson County Bank building, tor all tho information about Pacific Mutual Life or Accident Insurance. 323 Gall Borden Johnson, first vlco president of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, was In Medford Wednesday to place $35,00d on loan in tho valley. This compauy last August loaned out $225,000 so the amount Is now over a quarter of a million. Mr. Johnson expressed hlm solf as greatly pleased with the out look in the valley. Tho ladlos are cordially Invited to attend the oprlng opening of millin ery at the Pasadona shop, Central Point, Ore., Mnrch 9. 300 B. R. Elliott and sons of Grants Pass were In Medford Thursday vis iting friends. Ladies, have your suits made by a tailor who knows how. Berlin, Cen tral Point. 322 Norman D. Wilson of Sams valley spent Thursday In Medford. First spring showing of millinery at the Pasadena shop, Central Point, Ore., Saturday, March 9th. 300 I want two good salesmen for the biggest and best townslto proposition in the northwest. Good money to salesmen. Apply to A. J. Upton, Nash hotel. Medford, Ore. 299 See A. K. Ware, room 19 Jackson County Bank building, for all the Information about Pacific Mutual Life or Accident Insurance. 323 . MrsH H. JoUnBton,e of San Fran cisco is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Williamson. In this city. Charles Nickel of Jacksonville paid Medford a brief business llt Thursday. Mrs, W. H. James ami daughter. Miss lMlth, have loit for a month's visit at San Francisco. The .Medford Dyo and Cleaning Works, 120 N. Front, has changed hands and Is making n rodiietlon In prices to acquaint J'Mi with the kind of work we arc doing. will press pants for 2fi cents; suits, sponged and pressed, Ml cents; men's suits steamed or French dry cleaned, 1.2ft; ladles' skirts French dry cleaned, "ft cents up: ladles' suits, foatheis, furs, kid gloves and fancy waists cleaned tvnd leflnlshed. Men's hats cleaned, blocked and retrlnnned from ?1 to $1.2ft. Wo have an ex perienced man and all our wink Is KUaranteed. Give us i trial. Home phone 1C-K, Pacific 1701. 299 Attend Lottie M. Howard's millin ery opening Saturday, Mo.ch 9th. 109 North Central axonue. a0 W. W. Daly of Woodvllle spent Thursday In Medford on business. I cure dropsy. Dr. E. Brooke, 217 So. Riverside. J? ML 301 J. H, McCarthy of Elk creek Is spending u few days In the elt. 1). II. Sampson of Little Henry R. Scott of Applegnu, for merly of Mudford, Is lsltlng old friends hero, "1" Dandruff Goes 1 1 Qulckost Dandruff t'uiv Wot Id Has Ever Known If you want, to get rid of dandruff lu the nhorltmt possible (lino got a bottle of PARISIAN SAG 15 today and use It, n 'lHtli lmtiflhlng dandruff and making your scalp Immaculately i dean. V MtlHlAN SAGE Is xtinmn toed to stop fulling hair nnd Itching tcalp and Impart life and bounty to tho hair. I One of Rochester's most piomlnont' iMkrlM wrlltw; Guutlemsu: "I am a Imtbor of flf-i teen yours oxporloiiro, have used' many things fur hair but never found I anythhiK equal to PARISIAN SAGN for removing dandruff. It is nlno a tiplendld hair dressing Hud quickly toHt Itching smvlp 1 hao uxed It I for tho last three years " T. 1) Smith, Chamber of Commerce Bhlg.j Rochester, N. Y., June 27. 1911 I PARISIAN SACK Is mild bv Ohas. Butto Strang and druggists oer where roi F0HDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put In llrst uIiim slmpo? AH work fjunruntecil, Lonvu luhlicss with II, It, I'allersiut, (Junker Nuwry, Nnsli hotel, F "Why not oo i no in and .select that KODAK Von will soon want to use it. New Bungalow For Sale If oii liuo a Ditto loiwo money ll will muoly work I'm joirrlulil now If jnu npnu't'lnlo a real nii-Iiik lmi until, A dandy 'mm elulinrnlo uiul lutUllo liuiimilow luil would bo a good buy nt 9 MOO In uuupnrlMMi with oilier Modfoid mil oMato, will bo noIiI cIiIn week roc ;I7I0. Don't buy until jou look this hut, II. K. tai'UH, On hit iill Itoto Axoimio A SNAP to neroM, jslx iIIh from Mutlfonl, KUUil graded wind rum-mi tint tract, all fnw soil, ut ff.tl p-r seri. tJUlOII will handlo, y iimhu on IihIhiic. Part Is cieQk bottom IhiiiI. su'tnblo for Hlfulfn. Movotal spililKS on tho plitcn. Timber luiough to pay for Him tract. No btilldlutts. lu tlu (Irlfflu I'lOeli dlstllt't, W. T. York (& Co. Medford Book Store Millinery Opening' V it 't til M. Howard inviirs all Indie l :iMi-ih! the irsl showing ul'Spnuti Millim-ry Sat unlay Maivli !) 109 Central Avenue orek Is visiting friends In Medford. r, ',",s- r tr i X WeeRs&McGowanCo. "UNDERTAKERS Say Phono S371 SlgbX Phoni r. VT. Weeks 3071 , a. s. orr, aeaa , LADY ASSISTAKT. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RCNT OR SALE Garden and fruit tract on paved street. Ad dress P. O. box -jar.. FOR RENT Smith Apartment house 217 South Riverside. D0NT GET RUN DOWN Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, Dizziness, Neryousnoss, Pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray's AltO. .MATIC LEAF, tho pleasant herb cure. It never falls. Wo have many testimonials from grateful people who havo used this wonderful rem edy. As a regulator It has no equal Ask for Mother Gray's Aroiimtlc-Lcnf at druggists or sent by mail for GO cts. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co.. LoRoy. N. V. Visit the Style Shop and See the New Spring Wearables Every oxpross brings in more new boantios. Our show ing is now in inosr(lApai'ttnents complete The New Style Craft Suits ' The New Style Craft Long Coats The New Silk Dresses The New Lingerie Dresses The New Royal Shirt Waists .New Silk Waists New Millinery Special showing for Friday and Saturday, March S-9, in cliidiiiir the newest (Jain Tailored Hats B. T. VAN DE CAR will save you money if in tjie market for diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in Medford PHIPPS BUILDING : , BACKTOTHE . -v---.r.jti?,ii-i TTiym-v. -i- -y ."znm Jk -- uijf-x&sa m.$$pmzfismv met fMasa. ,7m FARES ySBt V.M UI V"f ba COLONSST TO u roiNi IN o(ntn tXlk MAHCH ITO AHMIL IB, 1012 souther'pTpacific CHiemo tiM T, hmj' ... ai o OMiiit .... on Kma our . io T. CAUL ... M.o MW ftTHfM eiTt llNnf4Mbf W CVlnl.U'.r.n lT-llllM..U, bui 1 ir W W..r ffl If lVlMI'l !, n r HI ()'! ! trtau r fUlltm In thai .ul fc ! lit. In "O.I lUik l.i llif I iuiii. )iwr, UiMll ikti lai mIUi tvmi ImwI un-Ht anl lilH vlll bo uUiIi4iiimi iiMiMil. Irwl UtlldH tliauu lat.lui foriau.1 In Imm Irutilmlltrf Alt4f (OM.Il.lIf h n um, ciirmt iit nnw, chus khx:xx :i:MXw:HtoovK A T T f t T f T f T T f T T t f T f Y Y Y X t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y T. r7 Two Cars of Cedar Posts on Hand and you know the answer WQQPS LIMBER ii. 1 GQMRAMY 1 in i .M$ V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y : t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A.A.A.A. - 00 tt-tttt