frlffffl tiUtttftil ' City KAN M Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER t'nvdbly hlinwors, Ma. 01, .Mlu. !!H. Pioclpltiillon, truce. A DMlly Mlxth Virnr "iitiy'l'lrnt Ymir MEDFORD, OklWOiV, Tlll'HSIMV, MARCH 7, 1912. No. 299. AMERICAN INTERVENTION IS DEMANDED Y v '6 J V M READY TO PUT DOWN INSURRECTION Thirty Thousand American Troops In Readiness to Move Ennland, Ger many and France Insist That Unit ed States Take Immediate Action. Minted President Will Ask Conn.rcss at Onco (or Permission to Intcr- Mndcro Aware of Conditions. WAHIIINOTON. I). C March 7.--Whothor iho United Htnton will In lorvono In Muxleo probably will bo dutoriplnoil totluy. Preparations for American Invasion are complete itml nil Uint In nocotmary now lo not 30,000 troop In motion ami ipioll Iho priwonl liiHiirri'c'tluii In lint wiulh oru republic In uutliorlrallon 'liy u Mrww. Pnwldnut Tnft mill Secretary of War HIIiiiimiii cnufnriod today In r Mind to Hid Mexican lt nation. It lit uuiloiHtood that KiiKlnnd, Germany unit Franco arc lind'tlng that Inline illutii art Inn liy tho United States ln Hilton In Mexico anil It Is hlnti'il hero Hint th" president will unI; enngrcim at onco for pi rmlititloii to Intervene. That Pronliluul Madura In aware of thi poMlhlll(y of lininiMltato Inter vention by the United Htnto lt hull imtml In t)io . jjursonnol of his new mblhol. At tin lnT.lniilnK of tlu ViiHitulHtu movement, Miuloro ponl tlvuly retimed to hear of any change In tin membership of IiIh official family. TIiIm wax one of tho ilcmamU made on Mndoio at tin' outset. CONCESSIONS TO 1 LAWRENCE. Mass. March 7. -Further eoucosslonii lo tho striking textile, workers wore granted toduy liy tho ArlltiRton MIIIh. one of tlm lnrgt conconiB In the world, when a notice wan pout ml to cmploycH In tlm combing department offering an IncroiiHO of 11 por rout If they would ruttirn to work . Moro than 1000 poisons aro oiuployeit In HiIh Jcpart iilnnt. Thin IncroiiHo, If accepted, meaiiH that tlm employes In thin depart ment, who heretofore huvo received about S7 n week, will receive any whoro from S8.7Ti lo $l. .liiHt what tho decision of tho ntrllc oih on thin now offer will bo could not ho loitrned. A mooting of tho Htrlko coinniltteo prolinlily will ho hold later lit tho day to docldo tho .nialtor. Many of tho HtrlkoiH favor holding out for tho original doinnud of a 1G por cent Increase. They point out that with tho Arlington MIIIh gradually coming to tho ord inal demand, tho other inlllfl will follow Hitlt. Tho HtrlkotH aro jubl hint, believing their fight In h good a h won. 81. M WORKERS 000 000 OR WESTERN PA FC WASHINGTON, D. C, March 7. -Extensive iinprovoinonlH, costing ulioul .$7,000,0(10, uro planned liy the Western l'noil'lu nillroiul, according lo WjiII Street ropoi'lH today. Ah hood us Iho ground IIiiiwh tlio work will Infill. Alinut $1,800,(100 will bo uhim! lo nidiiuo Iho Ki'oiln in (ho vicinity of Soldier Summit, Iho liaokhouo of tho Conliiionlnl Divide, It in thought. Unit fiuiitidiitl rolu IIoiih holwcoit members of tho Gould family huvo boon roadjtislod, mill Hint George J, (louhl niul Helen (louhl inn V mtpplv tho money wiedod for tho JllllUOVOIIlOlltd. TO . IN DEFENSE OF CAPITAL CITY Americans Volunteer to Flijlit Insur Ijcnts Madcro to Command Fed rrals In Person Five Thousand Marchlnu to Attack. Sentiment Growlnii lor Return nf Diaz Formrr Dictator's Nephew May De Made President. MKXH'O CITY, Mnreh 7. Thirty llioiiHiinil uii'ii, iui'lmliiiK Iniincil moI iliiTM. citiy.ciiH niul I'oii'iKiior, are or UHitiiinif hero Imlay to nw-l Hie rcliel I'orecH uiiiler (Icnenil I'iimuiiI Ororii who me expeclcil to nttncU the cupilnl early next week. Many AiiiorioiuiK nill niil the feilenil troop- The ilrillunf of the furcixn rceruil hciiiK Miipi'iintcnili'il liy trntcil nlti ccit. of the Alnilcrii forei.. I'leniilcnt .Mmleiii liinnef iiruliahlv will couiiuauil the force that will ile fend .Mexico City iii'iiiiiKt the reh! attack. )t h ccrlniu that the capital will not capitulate without a terrific MtriiKKh. Three thoiiMimt federal Hohlierh lmvo lieoii lecalled from the Noutli nml onlcrcil to intercept the union of rebel force under (k'ucraU ami Znpala. Want IHnr. Hack. Sciitiiueiit is Kiewint: steadily all over tint rcpublio for l'orfin'o Diar. whn Um than n year hko wiih the inoxl unpopular man in the country. In the event of .MiiiIito'k overthrow it h liclicM'il Hint I'uli. Diax, a nephew of the former dictator, will he it enii ilulalo lor president. Felix Dinar, is popular both with tlm federals nml rchclrt. A train ImariuK young Diar. wan Ktoppoil near here by a rebol force. Sceini; the nepliow of the for mer prchident was n passenxer, the rebels hiilutod ami allowed his train to proceed. It is reported Hint many Mexicans favor the election of I'elix Pinsr. as president. If he should be elected, I'orfilio Diur. will be asked to ac cept u cabiucl position, nml nKo to net ih chief aihiser to his nephew SHIPPING TRUST TO BE PROSECUTED WASHINGTON. I). C. March 7. N'lKorous proDccutloii of tho tthlppliiK trust In In preparation by tho dopart mout of jtiHtlco today, It In he llevetl this will bo tho blKKOHt crim inal action yet undeitakon by tho Kovornmunt. As tho result of Krand Jury luves tlKalloiiH tho Kovernmout Ia In pos sobhIoii of tivldeuce, which convinced that tho officers of all oxropt two or three traus-Atautlo HteauiHlilp com panics and n majority of tho trans pacific companies, by living up to pooling iiKroomont, violated tho Shor uian nntl-truHt law, Tho naincH of .1. P, MorKnn and of rieoi'H of tho llambuiK-Amorlcau HteaiUHhlp company woro tnont'onod In a Krniicl Jury liiventlRntlan In Now York and It Is bolloved that boiuo of tho most powerful financiers of America and l'ltropo will flguro as dofondnntn In tlio action. PORTLAND, Ore., March 7. Af tor a six montliH' search through tho records, of tho Interior dopartmont nt Washington, I). P. TowiiHond, special assistant attorney gonoral of tho Unltod States, has discovered docu ments forty yeaiH old which will hnvo a troniondotiH boarlng on tho govorn tnont'H prosecution for tho recovory of 2,000,000 noros of land In south ern Orogon, now hold by tho South ern Pacific railroad. Tho laud wuh granted tlio old Oro gnn & California railroad, now n part of tho Southern Pacific, whcui tho 0 PR US III MEXICO NOW THREATEN TO INVADE R Y i ' - fc ,mMf MLJB ' ' wiL' ISJr 3F?fSi!iWiiMHwBy - - 'rnaiH T-SP hHHUW r L l9fllMlBjlNlfc 'Jfeofl 7 A -lBmfmi iE99vlllllHIIHHDP"HPPnBBllVI Tlie rebels In Mcxleu uuw tbrrnfeu to Invade Mcxk-o lily. Tlio federal troop are on the alert for such an attempt, and the situation Ls bettered to be KettlUK wure dully. Tim capture of Juarez bat aiUt-J gr-'ul atrciiKib to the Xipaln and Vusipjcz revolt th'rouKhnut the country. NO SIGNIFICANCE IN PERKINS VISIT MINF.OI.A. X. Y, March 7. -He-plying to newspaper comments on the visit to his Sagamore Mill home Inst nihl of flcorgp V. Perkins, former partner of .1. I. .Morgan, Colonel HooMovelt ileliieil today that there was any si;iiifieaiicc in Perkins' visit or that theie wen any urouiuls for the charge. Hint it was an indication of Koosovclt's ulos- connection with capital ami that lie is in reality the candidate nf "big business." "Why the newspapers concern tlienthches with unimportant things I do not know," said Roosevelt. "If anyone wants to see me, I will sec him. Perkins, Mornnu, John 0. Rockefeller, James J. Hill, John Mitchell or anyone else can see inn if lie wishes. I would see one of the McNiunnrns if he were pardoned and wanted to sco me" Hoosevelt rotortcri in court again today for jury duty niul remained 15 minutes. Then, with the rest of the jury panel he was excused until to morrow. MORSE OUT EOR Ocnrge A. Morse of Talent, is a candidate for the republican nomina tion for commissioner, lie is u pro gressive and is mi ardent good roads advocate. Mr Morse is well known through out Iho county hnving lived in Med ford, Phoenix, Ashland and Talent. Ho is a heavy property owner, hold hiK at the present time over tlOO acres of laud, Mr. Morso has property near Med ford, Talent mid owns tho former F.merick tract in tho city of Ashland. He resides at present on tho famous K. K. Anderson place, near Talent. Mr. Morso promises a business ad ministration of county affairs for which ho is well fitted. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. "Hubby, I don't love you any more," said Ituth Cox. lliff! Hang! sho emphasized hor vonmrks with a straight left to tho noso and uppereut to tho jaw. ''I beliovo you," said William, and sued for divorce. E lino was first built, Tho government Is suing hero for anuullment of tho grant. Among tho documents unearthed by Towusond tho most Important ploco of ovldonco shows that In 1872, beforo moro than 200 acres of tho laud had boon disposed of, tho rail road company know that tho restric tions on tho salo of lauds was In full effect and that an attempt was made to get tho Bocretary of tho Interior to romovo thorn, This ho refused to do mid tho railroad company then contluuod Boiling tho lands In viola tion of tho grant's atlnulutlona. OEIET IMS ONR TKZ1 CITV UN C HUGE WIRELESS ES SAN FRANCISCO, Cal . March 7 Announcement win mailo today by officials of tho Federal WIreloss com pany that a. now station with a -1 00 foot tower, the hlnheit In the went, will be erectod her within four month. The toweritelll Improvo lin nunoh Uiupfaclpljs for seiuUiiK messaceH up and down the cohhI and out on the Pacific ocean. A 300-foot tower nt Medford will be completed within 30 days. Tho Federal Telegraph company, which is operating n wireless plant in this city, is planning to erect one of tho largest plants in the west near Voorhlos. It Is to bo used as a rolay station between San Francisco and PL NT 11 Portland. great race ueiween toe two expeui- Plans have been prepared for the " started, the one bended by Cap now plant and estimates and prices, ' 'H winning, only, it is believed nro IicIiir secured from local con-hv tmrrow innrgin- tractors and merchants. It Is reported that work is to start In tho near future and when com ploto tho plant will ho powerfu enough to transmit messages with case north and south. Tho location of the new plant Is I to ho near Voorhlos according to re-' ports. The geographical situation of I Medford Is said to make it an Ideal location for such a plant, Tho Fodoral Telegraph company some months ago opened a plant In this city erecting its aerials on the roof of tho Medford hotel. Iluslness Is said to bo encouraging f.rom this city. SULZER APPLE BILL WITHDRAWN PORTLAND, Ore., March 7 -Tho applo box fight has been won by Ore gon, nccordlng to special dispatches from Washington printed horo this nftornoon. Tho objoetionuulo Sulzer bill has boon withdrawn and a substitute measure, drawn by Congressman Hawloy and Oregon horticulturists, penalizing shippers who pack cull ap ples In tho middle of barrels will tako Its place. This foaturo will greatly benefit Oregon growers. Death of Thomas E. Wilhlte. On March H, 1012, there passed away in the township of Reagio, Thomas R, Wilhitc, son of Mr. and Mrs. K- 1). Wilhitc. Ho was born in Montgomery coun ty, Kansas, December 10th, liS0, and omno to Oregon in tho fall of 1800 with his parents and has resided in this valley ever since. Tho interment was held at tho Au tiooh cemetery March 5, 1012, in tho presence of many lifelong friends. The, services were very simple in ae enrdanoo with Hie expressed wishes of tho deceased. THE CIFITIE-SITOITIOH GH0WIK9 WISE. OF WEXTGO ES OF SCOTT'S POLETRlPi LONDON, March 7.- The public , satisfied with the authenticity of the reports from Wellington, N. Z., nf of Captain Scott's reaching the South Pole. Scott'-, wife and friend;, hero nre eagerly awaiting some vml from him. It it. rcsrteil that Scott may be busy with scientific observation nml tlist U probnlily wMI be oiifCtltn1? before ho is heard from directly. The Royal Geographical society, which is seeking verification of the report, is at a loss to iimlcr.-tmiil why Captain Amundsen, the Norwe gian explorer should cable of Scott's success and mnke no mention of what Ids own expedition accomplished. Cautnin Scott met tlio expedition headed by Captain Amundsen nt Mc Murdo Sound. From this point a i SHANGHAI FEARS SE SHANGHAI. March 7. Tho for eigners hero today are greatly alarmed over tho possibility of a mutiny of tho soldiers of Dr. Sun Ynt Sen. Tlio repetition of the sconos which marked tho uprising at Pekln. resulting In death to hundreds of persons and tho destruction of property worth $25,000,000. Dr. Sun Yat Sen's army Is rest loss oud dissatisfied because, back pay has not been forthcoming and openly threaten to mutiny. Repub licans aro making overy effort today to raise tho necessary funds, fearing that failure to do so will result In atrocities paralleling those which oc curred whon tho soldiers of Presi dent Shi Kul's army mutinied In Pekln. VANCOUVER, Wn. "I'm so hap py; I am going to buy a diamond with piivt of it and bank the vest," chor tled Edward Kraft when ho was in formed that a jury had nwuvded him one cent damages. He had not clean ed iv coat io please. Mrs. Thibodcau and had sued her for non-pavment. SEATTLE, March 7. Oeorgo V. Cottorill was elected mnyor of Seattle by a majority of 70(1. The official figures for all 281 precincts wore completed on tho mayoralty voto by tho comptroller at noon today mid show 112,083 for Cottorill and 111,287 for am. ltottirns on four complete, wards, tho first, sixth, eighth and ninth, show tho defeat of tho singlo tax amendment by Councilman Eriekson, by two to one. Tho figures for these wards are 0131 to 'U0H. Tlio sanio IN HEWS SOUTH OND MUTINY MRILl OFFICIAL MAJORITY 796 E TREATY WILL 8E VOTED ON TODAY WASHINGTON, I). C. March 7.--The enate this afternoon will vote on the British arbitration treaty en gineered by President Taft nml which has been held up for months. Senator Lodge. is urging an amend ment whwdi virtually would kill the treaty. It- clfnmmles (he provision' eniV)wering n joint commission to de cide what controversies are "justici able." The amendment aNit reserve to tho senate the power to ratify .'II treaties. A. a majority vote will amend the treaty and as it requires a two-thirds vote to pas the resolution of ratifi cation, it is not believed the chances of the latter are strong. 'S NOT IN SIGHT LONDON, March 7. Settlement of tho great coal miners' strike was blocked today by the South Wales operators who refused to grant a minimum wago scale. They declared that such a scale would ruin them. Tho miners, though denying that tho operators would bo ruined if they granted a minimum scale, de clared today that they aro willing to compromlso If they can do so honor ably. Special prayers aro bolng offered In tho churches of England and Wales for the settlement of tho strike. DYNAMITE CAP NJURES BOY The seven-year-old son of R. II. Brndshnw of Antelope while playing with a dynamite cap Wednesday evening accidentally exploded U, severely damaging his head. The boy was brought to Medford for medical attention. Dr. E. It. Seely amputated four fingers nt midnight. ratio will apply to the remaining wards. A close voto is shown on amend ment No. 7 for tho establishment of a public welfnro department to tako charge of the, city jail and other penal iustitutiouH, and it is hard to estimate tho result. Three completo wards show that tho initiative mid referendum for sa loon licences lost by MO!) to 17111. Tho amendment to take away the mayor's veto power lost by about 1 to 1' The ameiiduiout increasing the mayor's sulary to .7,000 carried, BRITS EC STRIKE NO .QflFFRaRFTTFR RENEW RAIDS ON WINDOWS Undeterred by Severe Prison Penal ties Women Keep on Smashing Windows in Neighborhood of Buck incham Palace Defiance to Order. Novelist's Wife Sentenced to Month's Imprisonment at Hard Lahor Printers Refuse to Set Matter. LONDON, March 7. Undaunted by the Inauguration of a policy by which all persons, regardless of sex, guilty of destroying property aro to bo sentenced to seven years' Im prisonment, militant suffragettes to day renewed their window smashing campaign. Armed with hammers, bits of coal and Iron missiles, tho women conducted a raid on shops near Uucklnghnm palace, shattering heavy plate glass windows. They then moved In a body to Oxford Cir cus, y where scores of windows were smashed. Police reserves, who had been guarding the royal palace slnco tho suffragettes threatened to set fire to tho king's residence, arrested a score of women, but many others escaped. The suffragette attack today camo as a surprise to the police, as It was generally bjjj.lsy.0jl tliijUtheannounce ment by Inspector McCarthy Hint "hereafter women who break tho laws will be treated Just the same as any one elso committing crime" would have tho desired effect TO CULTIVATE VACANT LOTS Mrs. Mablo II. Parsoils, Mrs. M. L. Alford and Mrs. C. M. English, 'being a committee from tho Greator Med ford club, presented to tho commer cial club Wednosday tho matter ot "country homo Improvement" and tho teaching of the rudiments of agriculture to tho children of tho public schools. Mrs. Parsons mado a very pleasing, and at tho same time a very forcible address on tho subject, submitting tho advisability of placing somo of tho vacant lots along tho principal resldenco streets to tho disposal of the children, so that thoy may compete for prizes In the cultivation of gardons thereon, whether the sumo bo for tho produc tion of small fruits and vegetables or as flower gardens, advancing the Idea that such disposition or theso lots will not only bo of valuo to tho chil dren, but at the same tlmo will beautify tho city along said streets. Dr. J F. Roddy favored this movo Initiated by tho ladlos ot tho Greater Medford club, and promlsod to fur nish somo vacant lots for tho pur pose and to pay for tho water neces sary In Irrigating tho samo, and also to give a prize for tho best produc tions thereon, Tho Mull Trlbuno offored to do nate seeds and offer prizes to on. courage tho young gardouors. A coinniltteo of throe, ono of whom to bo a mombor ot tho city council, wns appointed to co-oporato with tho ladlos of tho Groater Mod ford club In this mattor. Tho com mittee nppolnted ls: E. C. Irolund, P. J. O'Gara nud Dr. J. F. Roddy. WILL BE APPOINTED Tho county court has decided to ubolish tho office ot county read master for this year owing to u luck of funds for road building purposes. Tho office wiih vacated In January, but It was not until this session that tho court took final action In regard to tho mutter,