City VlaN Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mln. :1H. Precipitation .13 Itnln tonight. Max. RS.rt, Dallyllfxlli Year. Forty-rirnt Your, MEDFORD, OltKflON. WEDXKSDAV, MAKCIt C, 1912. No. 208. SCOTT REACHES THE SOUTH POLE 'y. v BRITISH NAVY OFFICER LUCKY IN ANTARCTIC Expedition Cost Over $200,000 Money Subscribed by British Peo ple nml Government Sailed on Terra Nova Juno I, 1910. Vessel Was Larucst and Strongest of Old Scottish Whalers Discoverer n Veteran In Exploration. HHtttttHf ANTARCTIC DASHES OF THE PAST 1772 -Captain Cook, Hril. ih navy, was flrnt pcrnon lo croon Antarctic Circle; went 71 degrees, 1() minutes south- IH'JO-HollingHhniiMin, Hun. f 1 H I . (IP dcglC0, 'J lllilllllos Mllltll. LS'J.'l-.lniuoH Woddoll, Hril Mt, 71 dogieim,'lf minutes fniith. " ' 1830 Lieutenant ChiirloH Wilkctf, AiiicnViiii, explored what is now Willed Wilkc land. J. 18111- .lame ' ('link Ross, British, dixcuwicd what in now Rom i5on, 77 dcgieos tmitth. IH7I (1. H. Nitres, British, willi 1'ii l steamship lo enter Autnroliu Citolc, tho Chnllen Her, discovered Hit' fruit Hint minimi life covered the floor of t tin Polar scan. 11108-011-Ernest Shackle ton, BrilUh, HH degrees, l:i minute outh; 111 miloH from tln polo. H I4 I f f f - f ' 4 f LONDON', .March (I. -It is reported hero Hint Captain Robert P. Seolt lain reached the South I'ole, thus de feating the itMpirutiuus of Japanese and Norwegian explorers who started on similar expeditions (lie same time. The Itoynl Geographical society ndmitled thai it had lieaid the report, hut wan tumble (o vouch for its mi tlieuticity, Cnplain Scott is l'roin a faniniiH English naval family. He command cd llni "Discovery" expedition to tliu Antarctic rogioiiH InlllOU-lllOl. plant ing tin British flag al 8U degrees, 17 minutes south. Cost Over $U()l).(MI(). Captain Scott's latest polar expedi tiou Iuih cost over .fJllll.lHlO1 The moiiev wiih subscribed hy the British people mid Hid ovoiimient. lie uilcd t'roui Loudon on Hie Terra N'ovu lane 1, 1111(1, stopping at New Zealand on IiIh way to Rons Sea in Hie Antarctic regions, Tim Terra Nova in the largest and strongest ol" (he old Scottish whalers. nue wiih imiiii ai wunuoo in jnni, m 1'eel long mid Mil foot heani. Since 1II0II Hie Terra Nova has been on gnged in polar trip, hning liecn in both Hie Arctic and Aulaiclio re gions. Oilier Expeditious. Captain Rnohl AiiiuiuIhou is also conducting an o.H'ditiou with tho Soulli Polo as hit goal. Ho mailed from Buenos Ayres late in 1010 into Ross Sen, wliero ho wiih left near King Kdwurdlaud, tho Fram, h'm hout, roturiiiiiK to South Aiuurien to await the coining of auolliei' Hiiiuuior. The Fin in is NaiiHun'ri old Arcliu nliip. It Ih ILTi foot loan and 17 Tool from de(d to keel. Tho Knun uarried Jill Arollo dons, Hlods and hkiH himideH provisions for a hcvoii yearn' voynno. Notliiiij,' Iuih heen lieard from Captain Amundsen lately, and iL in hulievud Hial Inn expedition is ucuriuK Hie South Polo, LA FOLLETTE TRIES TO SECURE DIRECT PRIMARIES WAflmtfriTON, i). o March C Senator Lit Follotto'H forces, It wiih announced today, will couruntrnto their offortH to niitnln tho roiiulillciin proHldontlal iioinlnalloii in Califor nia, North Dakota and other Rtnteu where, iilreut prcalduutlul prlinarloH will bo held. REFUSE TO APOLOGIZE JOJIM MITCHELL (UMNIC.M1 If f WNftfAWM AH tMtlOUI FLATLY REFUSES TO APOLOGIZE WASHINGTON', I). ('. March (I. John .Mitchell, former president of Hie lViled Miile Workers of Amene-i, (oday wrote lo .limtiee Wright, of Hie Hiiprrme itourt. of the Dintritit of Co lumlua, decliuiui; to apoloizro for UU eriliciwin of the court's deoision in Hie oawe of I he HiKikw Stove and limine cmupauy of Si. Iaiiuh, when an injunction was granted against the American Federation of Lahor preventing the publication of Hie name oi ine hiove company in uiti 'We don't patnnii.e" lint of the Fed- erattoniMt. .Mitchell, in his letter, Haiil; 'I hIioiiM feel more couteutnu'iit if convicted of contempt of eourt be cause of my criticism, when eoiiKcioiiK of the rectitude of nv course, and Hie trullifulueHR oT my evidence, than I hhould he if acquitted on any grouudH other than the facts present ed and Hie law an enunciated hy a holier tribunal." The final hearing of the case against .Mitchell, Oompers and .Morri Mm on Hie clmige of contempt in connection with lite Hacks ease, will he held next week. NEARLY HALF INCH OF RAIN LAST NIGHT Nearly one-half of an inch of rain fell Tuesday night anil uccotding to Hie local weather bureau more rain will fall tonight. The rain has entirely driven away (lie cold spell, - i w &. B M n JIN MITCHELL " SEVEN YEARS FOR SUEERAGE1S British Government to End Reign of Will Bo Treated LONDON, March . Determined to end the reign of terror throughout Kuglund caused hy thu notion of Hie suffragettes, thu government today inaugurated a policy hy which nil thoho destroying property of any sort will ho sentenced to seven yearn im prisonment as common felons. Thin wfls nnuounced hy Police In spector McCarthy after a raid on suffragotlo headquarters. Ho said: "Ifoveafter bronking laws, tho wo men will ho treated as anyone else.-' All those arrested under the now law will ho charged with conspiracy, Stiuiuod hy Mm governmont an ilouutiemuut, the leaders of tho mili tant Hiiffrngotles, conferred today uh to whether to coutinuo their demon Btratoul when prison sentences nro WAGE LAW TO E S PROMISE! British Premier Assures 'Workmen That Government Will Pass Mini mum Wane Scale Which Will Grant Coal Mine Strikers Their Demands. Intense Suffering, Throughout Eng land and Scotland Food Famine Threatens Supplies Diminish. LONDON. March C Hellef for tho millions of poor throughout I'liKlninl ippeareij todny when an nouncement wiih made Hint the conl iiilnern' IctntcrH were BcrloiiHly con MlderliiK acreplnnco of tho govern ment's umnirnacen of ennutlng a min imum wjiK" lw and returning to work. The anxiety of tho government to end the greut Htrlko Ih evidenced to day hy the feverlBh haHto with which it Ih eiuleuvorltiK to riiHh through the minimum wuko hill. It Is believed such a JiieuHtiro will ho Introduced In the Iioiibo of commann tonight. Suffering In Intense. The Nufferlng of tho poor of Lon don already Intense, was Inercaned today. Pood supplies have dwindled rapidly and many are suffering the pangs of huiiKor. lr tho Htrlko con tinues but n few hours longer mnny will faco Kturvntlon. In the poorer districts of Loudon and other lnrgr cities, families, la dcanorntlon from the cold, aro burnliiK what little fur niture they have In an effort to keep warm. Orent pressure is being brought to henr on the leaders of tho miners by boards of other unions whoso funds nro drained, nml who aro urging tho miners to accept tho government's promises. Seek a Settlement. Premier Asqulth today Ih trying to persundo both sides to submit tho questions nt Issuo to Sir George Asqultli for settlement. Thousands of nntl-rlot Insurance policies aro being Issued today by Lloyds. At ft conference held thin after noon between Premier Asqulth und tho executive council of tho minors, Asqulth guuranteed that it tho min ers would return to work parliament would pass n minimum wngo hill, and thut tho men would gain all they demand. GLASGOW, Scotland. March C. As n result of tho great coal strike business throughout Scotland is par alyzed todny. Prices of bread soared today, and tho poor face starvation. Coastwtno shipping has entirely (cosed, and thero aro few pabsengor trains running. LOS ANOKLRS, March C Salt Lake railway headquarters report a bead-on collision between n limited and local train at Erie, Nevada. Terror hy Drastic MeasuresWomen as Common Felons. certain, witli their accompanying loss of social caste. The majority thought the end justified Hie moans. Tho government officials today arc perusing letters and documents seized in tho raid on the suffragette head quarters. Jt is reported thoy found a complete plan of campaign which Mrs. F.mmoliuo Pankhurst and other leaders had prepared, and that this will lio used as a basis for conspiracy charges. Mrs. Pankhurst is serving a term in old Bailey prison To further cripple the suffrngottos tho governmont plans to attauh tho funds of tho organization to reim burse out of thorn those persons' whoso property wiih damaged hy sui.'. fragetlo outbreaks, More, than $500,000 is available. END S POLICE DRAGNET GATHERS BANDITS IN $25,000 HOLDUP NEW YORK. -ZEDMAftP C KINSMAN """ - -- - I'm Ymnf " JBNtf' ml. J'M TCVr"Hrr 1 V.iH THE CAR; TWENTC KM (-BkB3EBK fourth sTRaeT and sixth HH MnHBBHIHBBHl I Tile Miee drapuel' In New York I now h(ivi!ii up IhrfliMiiIIlM conneclnJ with the laxleali holdup, nhrrrln :,, X)o was luLeii from ho lunk mes rfciiKers I'lvf men nrr now under ar reM. Iiuliidlns Jase Alliruzxo, who. with I'd u aril I" Klnmo. knowu as Ji:dille" Collins. Ik said to hare con fenced. linplli-iitltiKOeuo .Montiitil. the driver of the cnb itj irlik-li thp robbery was eommliied. Incidutully. a low tyi of saloun in TIk,iiiv .m-et Hr ares UK (he place 'ubrrp the gang dnldi-d the s;er. ilr UjMIs i.'uodtxln lil be a w1tat. IBB5EEIITS FlllUfK OF DUTY ALONE MIXKOLA. X. V.. March 0. De claring: that Im was drawn roluetnnt ly into the contest for the republican nomination, through a sense of duty to the people as u whole nml not through purxonul interest, Colonel Itoosevelt today replied to the Mnte- nii'iit of Secretary of War Stimson at Chicago that "(hose who had forced him into the political arena were jeo pardizing instead of helping the na tion's progress." "Stimson' btatement,'' said Col onel Hoosoxolt, "is- correct only in the sense that it would he correct to make the same statement regarding my ad vocacy of Sthnson's candidacy for governor of New York in 1010. In that oontest, ns this one, 1 wns ex tremely reluctant to he drawn into. In that contest, as in this, I acted from a sense of my duty to the peo ple ns a whole; in Hint contest I was assniled with precisely the same arg uments by a majority of those now ns-niling me. If I had considered only my preferences and interests, 1 would, of course have kept out of the 1010 campaign. ' PJNCHOT CALLS TAFT AN IHGRATE DEVILS LAKIv, N D., March 0 Spouking in behalf of Theodore Roos evelt's candidacy for tho republican presidential nomination in the bitter three-cm ueder fight on hero between Taft, Koosovolt and La Folletto fac tions, Gifford Pinchot todny round ly denounced President Taft as an in grate. "My attacks on Taft," said Pinchot "aro not tho result of my enforced resignation from the government ser--ice. My dismissal gave, conserva tion a stronger footing, and thus was a benefit. "But hy nil the iides of decency President Tn.fl should have been loyal to Colonel Hoosevell. U was tho Hoosovolt policies that elected Taft. Wo don't want any move Taft rule. It costs tho people too much." NEW YOllIx', March 0. William K. Vandorhilt, junior, was elected vice president of Now York Central Hues today It is considered certain tint wlion President Brown retires, as ho is expected to do within a compara tively short time, andurhilt will sue coed him ns liond of tho system. immllgW J Hb, ,8. .j, III JMWHLJ U i VVX. jraAMoNTAi lnlKmSSA299Hr ' - -3 AB n Til! JnIJI b DETECTI JAfES C TROJAN 'PRESS BARRED JT JURY ROOM LOS ANOELES, March (1. Spe cial Federal Proecutor Oscar Law lor and the newspapermen on duty in the federal building here are nt swords' points today, the result of Lawlor's order barring them from the corridors of the floor of the building on which Hie sessions of the federal grand jury are being held. The reporters refused to Jieed the order on the ground that Lawlor ex ceeded his- rights when it was issued. They finally consented to descend to a lower floor when United States Marshal Leo Youngworth appealed to them on grounds of personal friend ship. Lawlor left the building in n huff. Attorney John R. Harrington of Chicago, Detective Foster of Indian apolis and II. W. Pohlman of Seattle tostified yesterday before tho "rand jury which is probing Hie dvnnmito affairs. P0INDEXTER OUT FOR TEDDY FOR PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 0. Senator Miles Poindexter of Wash ington in a five thousand word state ment today lauds Roosevelt's candi dacy for the presidency. Poindextor views Theodore Roosevelt's candi dacy as a titantio struggle against forces of corruption and declares that Roosevelt stands for the eqjh mou man against tho oppression of tho grent. REBELS MOVE ON Nt cwjierfr. -- General Villa With Insufficient Force Marches to Intercept Victorious In surgentsGovernor of Chili tiahtia Flees From City. EL PASO, Texas, March 0. Rein forced by -00 men under tho com mand of Colonel Joo Delnsoto, Gen eral Francisco Villa, at tho head of 1,000 Mexican federal troops, today is marching on Chihuahua to give bat tle to tho combined rebel forces of General Pascual Orozco, Emilio Cniupa and Yiiei Salazar- This move, it is believed here, is tho result of diieot orders from Pres ident Francisco I. Madero, who hopes General Villa will bo able to check, or at least delay, tho rebel advauco on Moxico City. As tho rebel force is vastly superior to that of tho fed erals, it is believed tho revolutionary commandors will more than hold their own, and that tho march on tho cap ISABEL,., PAS.CALP ttlirvl" Pi IM1 25TAUEANT AT WEST THIRD AND THOMPSON STREETS S t TO QUIET PEKI WASHINGTON. D. C. March C. United Slates Minister William J. Calhoun nt Pekin todav cabled the American authorities at Manila to rush 700 additional troops to Pekin, according to advices received here by the war department. This action followed a conference of foreign diplomats in Pekin, who decided to ask their respective gov ernments for additional soldiers. Tho request for more troops indi cates Hint the mutinous Chinese ol diers still hold the upper hand in Pekin. TEDDY'S HAT IN RING FOR OREGON SALEM. Ore, March 0. Roose velt's hat is? in tho political ring of Oregon. Petitions to place his name on tho Oregon presidential primary were filed with tho secretary of htate hero today. Tho petition was .signed by lo28 persons. Tho ox-president's petition was the to bo filed Similar onos for Taft and La Follotto will be filed tins week. CITY OE MEXICO ital will be started tomorrow as orig inally planned. Abrani Gonzales, governor of the state of Chihuahua, who fled from Ciudnd Chihuahua after General Or ozco drovo General Villa and his forces from tho city, is with tho fed eral force and will aid Villa in tho attempt to re-take Chihuahua. Wonlthy Mexicans aro being seized daily in Juarez by rebel troops and hold for ransom. Primito Enriciz was seized as ho was nttomptiug lo cross tho border, und wns released after paying tho Vasquibtas $5,000, Frioudt, in El Paso furnished the money. Tho. rebels Imvo demolished tho trucks of tho Mexican Central nt Juarez. 0 MR T GOTTERILL IS SUCCESSFUL BY 500 MAJORITY Seattle Elects New Mayor and De feats for Second Time Efforts ef Hi Gill and Open Town Elements to Regain Possession of Town- Single Tax Amendment Defeated Plans for City Beautiful Rejected Terminal Plans Carry. SEATTLE, March 0. Seattle's election of George F. Cotterill ns nmyor, is today hailed by lending progressive citizens as a triumphant vindication of the principle of the re call. One year ngo Scuttle, revolting against the rule of the vice gang while Hiram C. Gill was rnnyor recnlled him by an overwhelming vote nt n special election. In suite of this protest ngninst 'Gillism" he again became a candi date at the regular .March election, and was supported by the same old elements. In the face of tremendous organization, of opposition, Cotterill, progressive candidate yesterday sent Gill down to his second defeat. With 'JS0 precincts out of a total of 281 reporting their votes, unoffi cial returns tins nttemoon indicate that George P.. Cotterill is elected mayor by a majority of between f00 aim ouu votes. A re-check of tho enuuty may change thafigurcs to some extent, but n majority of GOO is considered ft conservntive estimate of tho result of one of the most hotiv contested elections in the history of tins city. The single tax amendment is nn- parently defeated Qverwhelmingly. The Bogue plans for "a dty beauti ful," which were prepared at a cost of $75,000, have been rejected. All of the four socialist candidates for city offices apparently have been defeated. The terminal plans have evidently carried by a safe margin, -while tho Bogue eiic plans havo been dofeated- CHARGES FILED AGAINST FISK SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. March G. Charges proforred by two younc women against Postmaster Arthur G. Fisk, ullcging him to havo been guilty of improprieties and to have persecuted them, are believed hero today to he tho reason for the hold ing up of the postmaster's reappoint ment for four years. The complain ants aro Miss Mary Joesten and MIsb Mattio Fitzgerald, former employes of tho San Francisco postotflco, who wero dismissed from tho service for tho alleged stealing of magazines through the malls. Miss Joesten claims that Flak made impropor advances to her, and that whon sho ropulsed him ho caused her dismissal and trumped up charges against both nor and Miss Fitzgerald. Tho charges aro being Investigated by a sub-commlttoo In tho senate. KNOX TRAVELS UPON MANAOUA, Nicaragua, March C Hmiuso of representations of expa triated Colombians and othora that his visit meant furthor American domination, and tear thut theso rep resentations might can so attempts nt vlolenco or Insult, special precau tions aro bolng tiilton today to guard Secrotnry of Stato Knox. Ho tray oled hero from Corluto In a special train houvlly guarded. A pilot train prccoded tho train and anothor fol lowed it, each currying soldiers and macnino guns, HEAVILY GUARDED TRAIN